Aude Belin-Rauscent, PhD - Publications

U1084- LNEC INSERM, Poitiers 
Psychobiology of compulsive disorders

24 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Jones JA, Belin-Rauscent A, Jupp B, Fouyssac M, Sawiak SJ, Zuhlsdorff K, Zhukovsky P, Hebdon L, Velazquez Sanchez C, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ, Belin D, Dalley JW. Neurobehavioral Precursors of Compulsive Cocaine Seeking in Dual Frontostriatal Circuits. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science. 4: 194-202. PMID 38298793 DOI: 10.1016/j.bpsgos.2023.06.001  0.823
2021 Marti-Prats L, Belin-Rauscent A, Fouyssac M, Puaud M, Cocker PJ, Everitt BJ, Belin D. Baclofen decreases compulsive alcohol drinking in rats characterized by reduced levels of GAT-3 in the central amygdala. Addiction Biology. e13011. PMID 33527681 DOI: 10.1111/adb.13011  0.715
2020 Fouyssac M, Puaud M, Ducret E, Marti-Prats L, Vanhille N, Ansquer S, Zhang X, Belin-Rauscent A, Giuliano C, Houeto JL, Everitt BJ, Belin D. Environment-dependent behavioral traits and experiential factors shape addiction vulnerability. The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 33332672 DOI: 10.1111/ejn.15087  0.726
2020 Joshi DD, Puaud M, Fouyssac M, Belin-Rauscent A, Everitt B, Belin D. The anterior insular cortex in the rat exerts an inhibitory influence over the loss of control of heroin intake and subsequent propensity to relapse. The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 32619042 DOI: 10.1111/Ejn.14889  0.788
2019 Cocker PJ, Rotge JY, Daniel ML, Belin-Rauscent A, Belin D. Impaired decision making following escalation of cocaine self-administration predicts vulnerability to relapse in rats. Addiction Biology. PMID 30848014 DOI: 10.1111/Adb.12738  0.817
2018 Belin-Rauscent A, Lacoste J, Hermine O, Moussy A, Everitt BJ, Belin D. Decrease of cocaine, but not heroin, self-administration and relapse by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor masitinib in male Sprague Dawley rats. Psychopharmacology. PMID 29520592 DOI: 10.1007/S00213-018-4865-0  0.741
2017 Daniel ML, Cocker PJ, Lacoste J, Mar AC, Houeto JL, Belin-Rauscent A, Belin D. The anterior insula bidirectionally modulates cost-benefit decision making on a rodent gambling task. The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 28887899 DOI: 10.1111/Ejn.13689  0.742
2017 Rotge JY, Cocker PJ, Daniel ML, Belin-Rauscent A, Everitt BJ, Belin D. Bidirectional regulation over the development and expression of loss of control over cocaine intake by the anterior insula. Psychopharmacology. PMID 28378203 DOI: 10.1007/S00213-017-4593-X  0.801
2016 Belin-Rauscent A, Daniel ML, Puaud M, Jupp B, Sawiak S, Howett D, McKenzie C, Caprioli D, Besson M, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ, Dalley JW, Belin D. Impulsivity is predicted by the thinness of the insular cortex in rats. Molecular Psychiatry. 21: 445. PMID 26996229 DOI: 10.1038/mp.2016.32  0.696
2015 Murray JE, Belin-Rauscent A, Simon M, Giuliano C, Benoit-Marand M, Everitt BJ, Belin D. Basolateral and central amygdala differentially recruit and maintain dorsolateral striatum-dependent cocaine-seeking habits. Nature Communications. 6: 10088. PMID 26657320 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms10088  0.819
2015 Ducret E, Puaud M, Lacoste J, Belin-Rauscent A, Fouyssac M, Dugast E, Murray JE, Everitt BJ, Houeto JL, Belin D. N-Acetylcysteine Facilitates Self-Imposed Abstinence After Escalation of Cocaine Intake. Biological Psychiatry. PMID 26592462 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2015.09.019  0.793
2015 Belin D, Belin-Rauscent A, Everitt BJ, Dalley JW. In search of predictive endophenotypes in addiction: insights from preclinical research. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. PMID 26482647 DOI: 10.1111/gbb.12265  0.705
2015 Belin-Rauscent A, Daniel ML, Puaud M, Jupp B, Sawiak S, Howett D, McKenzie C, Caprioli D, Besson M, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ, Dalley JW, Belin D. From impulses to maladaptive actions: the insula is a neurobiological gate for the development of compulsive behavior. Molecular Psychiatry. PMID 26370145 DOI: 10.1038/Mp.2015.140  0.748
2015 Belin-Rauscent A, Fouyssac M, Bonci A, Belin D. How Preclinical Models Evolved to Resemble the Diagnostic Criteria of Drug Addiction. Biological Psychiatry. PMID 25747744 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2015.01.004  0.809
2015 Vanhille N, Belin-Rauscent A, Mar AC, Ducret E, Belin D. High locomotor reactivity to novelty is associated with an increased propensity to choose saccharin over cocaine: new insights into the vulnerability to addiction. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 40: 577-89. PMID 25120076 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2014.204  0.824
2015 Murray J, Belin-Rauscent A, Everitt B, Belin D. S.03.02 Dynamic limbic inputs regulate striatal control of drug-seeking behaviour European Neuropsychopharmacology. 25: S113. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-977X(15)30026-2  0.546
2014 Ansquer S, Belin-Rauscent A, Dugast E, Duran T, Benatru I, Mar AC, Houeto JL, Belin D. Atomoxetine decreases vulnerability to develop compulsivity in high impulsive rats. Biological Psychiatry. 75: 825-32. PMID 24252357 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2013.09.031  0.755
2013 Besson M, Pelloux Y, Dilleen R, Theobald DE, Lyon A, Belin-Rauscent A, Robbins TW, Dalley JW, Everitt BJ, Belin D. Cocaine modulation of frontostriatal expression of Zif268, D2, and 5-HT2c receptors in high and low impulsive rats. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 38: 1963-73. PMID 23632436 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2013.95  0.735
2013 Belin D, Belin-Rauscent A, Murray JE, Everitt BJ. Addiction: failure of control over maladaptive incentive habits. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 23: 564-72. PMID 23452942 DOI: 10.1016/J.Conb.2013.01.025  0.721
2013 Belin-Rauscent A, Simon M, Everitt BJ, Benoit-Marand M, Belin D. NS.1.4 - CORTICOSTRIATAL INTERACTION SUBSERVING INCENTIVE HABITS Behavioural Pharmacology. 24: e18. DOI: 10.1097/01.Fbp.0000434749.20345.7F  0.695
2012 Belin-Rauscent A, Everitt BJ, Belin D. Intrastriatal shifts mediate the transition from drug-seeking actions to habits. Biological Psychiatry. 72: 343-5. PMID 22872011 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2012.07.001  0.706
2012 Clemens S, Belin-Rauscent A, Simmers J, Combes D. Opposing modulatory effects of D1- and D2-like receptor activation on a spinal central pattern generator. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107: 2250-9. PMID 22262823 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.00366.2011  0.683
2012 Belin-Rauscent A, Belin D. Neurobiology of bad habits | Neurobiologie des mauvaises habitudes Biofutur. 39-42.  0.441
2011 Belin D, Daniel ML, Lacoste J, Belin-Rauscent A, Bacconnier M, Jaafari N. Insight: New vistas into an aetiological and phenomenological role in the psychopathology of obsessive compulsive disorders | Insight: perspectives étiologiques et phénoménologiques dans la psychopathologie des désordres obsessionnels compulsifs Annales Medico-Psychologiques. 169: 420-425. DOI: 10.1016/J.Amp.2011.06.003  0.67
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