Pascale Marchot - Publications

Aix Marseille 2 
Acetylcholinesterase, Cellular adhesion, Biochemistry, Catalysis, Brain, Fasciculin, Inhibition, Structure-function relationship, Pharmacology

60 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Bourne Y, Sulzenbacher G, Chabaud L, Aráoz R, Radić Z, Conrod S, Taylor P, Guillou C, Molgó J, Marchot P. The Cyclic Imine Core Common to the Marine Macrocyclic Toxins Is Sufficient to Dictate Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Antagonism. Marine Drugs. 22. PMID 38667766 DOI: 10.3390/md22040149  0.338
2023 Chatonnet A, Perochon M, Velluet E, Marchot P. The ESTHER database on alpha/beta hydrolase fold proteins - An overview of recent developments. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 383: 110671. PMID 37582413 DOI: 10.1016/j.cbi.2023.110671  0.321
2020 Platsaki S, Zhou X, Pinan-Lucarré B, Delauzun V, Tu H, Mansuelle P, Fourquet P, Bourne Y, Bessereau JL, Marchot P. The Ig-like domain of Punctin/MADD-4 is the primary determinant for interaction with the ectodomain of neuroligin NLG-1. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. PMID 32928959 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.Ra120.014591  0.33
2019 Chatonnet A, Brazzolotto X, Hotelier T, Lenfant N, Marchot P, Bourne Y. An evolutionary perspective on the first disulfide bond in members of the cholinesterase-carboxylesterase (COesterase) family: Possible outcomes for cholinesterase expression in prokaryotes. Chemico-Biological Interactions. PMID 31100280 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbi.2019.05.016  0.347
2017 Bourne Y, Marchot P. Hot Spots for Protein Partnerships at the Surface of Cholinesterases and Related α/β Hydrolase Fold Proteins or Domains-A Structural Perspective. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 23. PMID 29295471 DOI: 10.3390/Molecules23010035  0.424
2017 Molgó J, Marchot P, Aráoz R, Benoit E, Iorga BI, Zakarian A, Taylor P, Bourne Y, Servent D. Cyclic imine toxins from dinoflagellates: a growing family of potent antagonists of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Journal of Neurochemistry. PMID 28326551 DOI: 10.1111/Jnc.13995  0.382
2017 Kessler P, Marchot P, Silva M, Servent D. The three-finger toxin fold: a multifunctional structural scaffold able to modulate cholinergic functions. Journal of Neurochemistry. PMID 28326549 DOI: 10.1111/Jnc.13975  0.41
2016 Lenfant N, Bourne Y, Marchot P, Chatonnet A. Relationships of human α/β hydrolase fold proteins and other organophosphate-interacting proteins. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 259: 343-351. PMID 27109753 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbi.2016.04.027  0.37
2016 Bourne Y, Sharpless KB, Taylor P, Marchot P. Steric and dynamic parameters influencing in situ cycloadditions to form triazole inhibitors with crystalline acetylcholinesterase. Journal of the American Chemical Society. PMID 26731630 DOI: 10.1021/Jacs.5B11384  0.47
2015 Bourne Y, Sulzenbacher G, Radić Z, Aráoz R, Reynaud M, Benoit E, Zakarian A, Servent D, Molgó J, Taylor P, Marchot P. Marine Macrocyclic Imines, Pinnatoxins A and G: Structural Determinants and Functional Properties to Distinguish Neuronal α7 from Muscle α1(2)βγδ nAChRs. Structure (London, England : 1993). 23: 1106-15. PMID 26004441 DOI: 10.1016/J.Str.2015.04.009  0.407
2015 Bourne Y, Renault L, Marchot P. Crystal structure of snake venom acetylcholinesterase in complex with inhibitory antibody fragment Fab410 bound at the peripheral site: evidence for open and closed states of a back door channel. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 290: 1522-35. PMID 25411244 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M114.603902  0.761
2015 Bourne Y, Sulzenbacher G, Radic Z, Araoz R, Reynaud M, Benoit E, Zakarian A, Servent D, Molgo J, Taylor P, Marchot P. Marine Macrocyclic Imines, Pinnatoxins A and G: Structural Determinants and Functional Properties to Distinguish Neuronal alpha 7 from Muscle alpha 12 beta gamma delta nAChRs. Structure. 23: 1106-1115. DOI: 10.2210/Pdb4Xhe/Pdb  0.341
2014 Bourne Y, Marchot P. The neuroligins and their ligands: from structure to function at the synapse. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience : Mn. 53: 387-96. PMID 24497299 DOI: 10.1007/S12031-014-0234-6  0.418
2014 Bourne Y, Sulzenbacher G, Radić Z, Aráoz R, Reynaud M, Benoit E, Talley T, Zakarian A, Taylor P, Servent D, Molgó J, Marchot P. 18. Diversity in the binding interactions of marine toxins to AChBP, the soluble nAChR surrogate Toxicon. 91: 171-172. DOI: 10.1016/J.Toxicon.2014.08.026  0.369
2013 Bourne Y, Renault L, Essono S, Mondielli G, Lamourette P, Boquet D, Grassi J, Marchot P. Molecular characterization of monoclonal antibodies that inhibit acetylcholinesterase by targeting the peripheral site and backdoor region. Plos One. 8: e77226. PMID 24146971 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0077226  0.689
2013 Lenfant N, Hotelier T, Velluet E, Bourne Y, Marchot P, Chatonnet A. ESTHER, the database of the α/β-hydrolase fold superfamily of proteins: tools to explore diversity of functions. Nucleic Acids Research. 41: D423-9. PMID 23193256 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/Gks1154  0.347
2013 Lenfant N, Hotelier T, Bourne Y, Marchot P, Chatonnet A. Proteins with an alpha/beta hydrolase fold: Relationships between subfamilies in an ever-growing superfamily. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 203: 266-8. PMID 23010363 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbi.2012.09.003  0.416
2012 Fabrichny IP, Mondielli G, Conrod S, Martin-Eauclaire MF, Bourne Y, Marchot P. Structural insights into antibody sequestering and neutralizing of Na+ channel α-type modulator from old world scorpion venom. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287: 14136-48. PMID 22371498 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M111.315382  0.728
2012 Marchot P, Chatonnet A. Enzymatic activity and protein interactions in alpha/beta hydrolase fold proteins: moonlighting versus promiscuity. Protein and Peptide Letters. 19: 132-43. PMID 21933125 DOI: 10.2174/092986612799080284  0.384
2012 Marchot P, Chatonnet A. Hydrolase versus other functions of members of the alpha/beta-hydrolase fold superfamily of proteins. Protein and Peptide Letters. 19: 130-1. PMID 21933117 DOI: 10.2174/092986612799080239  0.369
2010 Bourne Y, Radić Z, Taylor P, Marchot P. Conformational remodeling of femtomolar inhibitor-acetylcholinesterase complexes in the crystalline state. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132: 18292-300. PMID 21090615 DOI: 10.1021/Ja106820E  0.445
2010 Leone P, Comoletti D, Ferracci G, Conrod S, Garcia SU, Taylor P, Bourne Y, Marchot P. Structural insights into the exquisite selectivity of neurexin/neuroligin synaptic interactions. The Embo Journal. 29: 2461-71. PMID 20543817 DOI: 10.1038/Emboj.2010.123  0.422
2010 Bourne Y, Radic Z, Aráoz R, Talley TT, Benoit E, Servent D, Taylor P, Molgó J, Marchot P. Structural determinants in phycotoxins and AChBP conferring high affinity binding and nicotinic AChR antagonism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 6076-81. PMID 20224036 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0912372107  0.439
2010 Leone P, Comoletti D, Taylor P, Bourne Y, Marchot P. Structure-function relationships of the alpha/beta-hydrolase fold domain of neuroligin: a comparison with acetylcholinesterase. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 187: 49-55. PMID 20100470 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbi.2010.01.030  0.445
2010 Hotelier T, Nègre V, Marchot P, Chatonnet A. Insecticide resistance through mutations in cholinesterases or carboxylesterases: data mining in the ESTHER database Journal of Pesticide Science. 35: 315-320. DOI: 10.1584/Jpestics.R10-10  0.303
2009 Hibbs RE, Sulzenbacher G, Shi J, Talley TT, Conrod S, Kem WR, Taylor P, Marchot P, Bourne Y. Structural determinants for interaction of partial agonists with acetylcholine binding protein and neuronal alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. The Embo Journal. 28: 3040-51. PMID 19696737 DOI: 10.1038/Emboj.2009.227  0.41
2007 Fabrichny IP, Leone P, Sulzenbacher G, Comoletti D, Miller MT, Taylor P, Bourne Y, Marchot P. Structural analysis of the synaptic protein neuroligin and its beta-neurexin complex: determinants for folding and cell adhesion. Neuron. 56: 979-91. PMID 18093521 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2007.11.013  0.42
2006 Bourne Y, Hansen SB, Sulzenbacher G, Talley TT, Huxford T, Taylor P, Marchot P. Structural comparison of three crystalline complexes of a peptidic toxin with a synaptic acetylcholine recognition protein. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience : Mn. 30: 103-4. PMID 17192648 DOI: 10.1385/Jmn:30:1:103  0.4
2006 Hansen SB, Sulzenbacher G, Huxford T, Marchot P, Bourne Y, Taylor P. Structural characterization of agonist and antagonist-bound acetylcholine-binding protein from Aplysia californica. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience : Mn. 30: 101-2. PMID 17192647 DOI: 10.1385/Jmn:30:1:101  0.426
2006 Bourne Y, Radic Z, Sulzenbacher G, Kim E, Taylor P, Marchot P. Substrate and product trafficking through the active center gorge of acetylcholinesterase analyzed by crystallography and equilibrium binding. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281: 29256-67. PMID 16837465 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M603018200  0.474
2005 Renault L, Essono S, Juin M, Boquet D, Grassi J, Bourne Y, Marchot P. (28) Structural insights into AChE inhibition by monoclonal antibodies Chemico-Biological Interactions. 157: 397-400. PMID 16429535 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbi.2005.10.073  0.747
2005 Bourne Y, Hasper AA, Chahinian H, Renault L, Juin M, de Graaff LH, Marchot P. A. niger protein "EstA", perhaps a new electrotactin, defines a new class of fungal esterases within the alpha/beta hydrolase fold superfamily. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 157: 395-6. PMID 16429533 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbi.2005.10.072  0.694
2005 Renault L, Nègre V, Hotelier T, Cousin X, Marchot P, Chatonnet A. New friendly tools for users of ESTHER, the database of the alpha/beta-hydrolase fold superfamily of proteins. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 157: 339-43. PMID 16297901 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbi.2005.10.100  0.718
2005 Bourne Y, Radi? Z, Kolb HC, Sharpless KB, Taylor P, Marchot P. Structural insights into conformational flexibility at the peripheral site and within the active center gorge of AChE. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 157: 159-65. PMID 16259971 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbi.2005.10.018  0.495
2005 Hansen SB, Sulzenbacher G, Huxford T, Marchot P, Taylor P, Bourne Y. Structures of Aplysia AChBP complexes with nicotinic agonists and antagonists reveal distinctive binding interfaces and conformations. The Embo Journal. 24: 3635-46. PMID 16193063 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Emboj.7600828  0.424
2005 Bourne Y, Talley TT, Hansen SB, Taylor P, Marchot P. Crystal structure of a Cbtx-AChBP complex reveals essential interactions between snake alpha-neurotoxins and nicotinic receptors. The Embo Journal. 24: 1512-22. PMID 15791209 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Emboj.7600620  0.473
2005 Legros C, Céard B, Vacher H, Marchot P, Bougis PE, Martin-Eauclaire MF. Expression of the standard scorpion alpha-toxin AaH II and AaH II mutants leading to the identification of some key bioactive elements. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1723: 91-9. PMID 15725394 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbagen.2005.01.008  0.394
2004 Bourne Y, Hasper AA, Chahinian H, Juin M, De Graaff LH, Marchot P. Aspergillus niger protein EstA defines a new class of fungal esterases within the alpha/beta hydrolase fold superfamily of proteins. Structure (London, England : 1993). 12: 677-87. PMID 15062090 DOI: 10.1016/J.Str.2004.03.005  0.461
2004 Bourne Y, Kolb HC, Radi? Z, Sharpless KB, Taylor P, Marchot P. Freeze-frame inhibitor captures acetylcholinesterase in a unique conformation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101: 1449-54. PMID 14757816 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0308206100  0.453
2004 Hotelier T, Renault L, Cousin X, Negre V, Marchot P, Chatonnet A. ESTHER, the database of the alpha/beta-hydrolase fold superfamily of proteins. Nucleic Acids Research. 32: D145-7. PMID 14681380 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/Gkh141  0.716
2003 Bourne Y, Taylor P, Radić Z, Marchot P. Structural insights into ligand interactions at the acetylcholinesterase peripheral anionic site. The Embo Journal. 22: 1-12. PMID 12505979 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/Cdg005  0.486
2002 Tai K, Shen T, Henchman RH, Bourne Y, Marchot P, McCammon JA. Mechanism of acetylcholinesterase inhibition by fasciculin: a 5-ns molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124: 6153-61. PMID 12022850 DOI: 10.1021/Ja017310H  0.401
2002 Geib S, Sandoz G, Mabrouk K, Matavel A, Marchot P, Hoshi T, Villaz M, Ronjat M, Miquelis R, Lévêque C, de Waard M. Use of a purified and functional recombinant calcium-channel beta4 subunit in surface-plasmon resonance studies. The Biochemical Journal. 364: 285-92. PMID 11988102 DOI: 10.1042/Bj3640285  0.366
2000 Tricaud N, Marchot P, Martin-Eauclaire MF. On the kaliotoxin and dendrotoxin binding sites on rat brain synaptosomes. Toxicon : Official Journal of the International Society On Toxinology. 38: 1749-58. PMID 10858514 DOI: 10.1016/S0041-0101(00)00104-5  0.407
1999 Sentjurc M, Pecar S, Stojan J, Marchot P, Radić Z, Grubic Z. Electron paramagnetic resonance reveals altered topography of the active center gorge of acetylcholinesterase after binding of fasciculin to the peripheral site. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1430: 349-58. PMID 10082962 DOI: 10.1016/S0167-4838(99)00018-7  0.427
1999 Bourne Y, Taylor P, Bougis PE, Marchot P. Crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase. A peripheral site-occluding loop in a tetrameric assembly. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274: 2963-70. PMID 9915834 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.274.5.2963  0.486
1998 Marchot P, Bourne Y, Prowse CN, Bougis PE, Taylor P. Inhibition of mouse acetylcholinesterase by fasciculin: crystal structure of the complex and mutagenesis of fasciculin. Toxicon : Official Journal of the International Society On Toxinology. 36: 1613-22. PMID 9792178 DOI: 10.1016/S0041-0101(98)00154-8  0.52
1998 Taylor P, Osaka H, Molles BE, Sugiyama N, Marchot P, Ackermann EJ, Malany S, McArdle JJ, Sine SM, Tsigelny I. Toxins selective for subunit interfaces as probes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor structure. Journal of Physiology, Paris. 92: 79-83. PMID 9782448 DOI: 10.1016/S0928-4257(98)80142-3  0.408
1998 Sugiyama N, Marchot P, Kawanishi C, Osaka H, Molles B, Sine SM, Taylor P. Residues at the subunit interfaces of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor that contribute to alpha-conotoxin M1 binding. Molecular Pharmacology. 53: 787-94. PMID 9547372 DOI: 10.1124/Mol.53.4.787  0.388
1998 Marchot P, Taylor P, Kanter J, Bougis P, Bourne Y. Tetrameric assembly and peripheral site-occluding loop of mouse acetylcholinesterase Journal of Physiology-Paris. 92: 465. DOI: 10.1016/S0928-4257(99)80081-3  0.353
1997 Marchot P, Prowse CN, Kanter J, Camp S, Ackermann EJ, Radić Z, Bougis PE, Taylor P. Expression and activity of mutants of fasciculin, a peptidic acetylcholinesterase inhibitor from mamba venom. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272: 3502-10. PMID 9013597 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.272.6.3502  0.4
1996 Marchot P, Ravelli RBG, Raves ML, Bourne Y, Vellom DC, Kanter J, Camp S, Sussman JL, Taylor P. Soluble monomeric acetylcholinesterase from mouse: Expression, purification, and crystallization in complex with fasciculin Protein Science. 5: 672-679. PMID 8845756 DOI: 10.1002/Pro.5560050411  0.345
1996 Taylor P, Radic Z, Hosea NA, Camp S, Marchot P, Berman HA. Structural bases for the specificity of cholinesterase catalysis and inhibition. Toxicology Letters. 453-8. PMID 8597093 DOI: 10.1016/0378-4274(95)03575-3  0.481
1996 Laraba-Djebari F, Martin-Eauclaire MF, Mauco G, Marchot P. Afaâcytin, an alpha beta-fibrinogenase from Cerastes cerastes (horned viper) venom, activates purified factor X and induces serotonin release from human blood platelets. European Journal of Biochemistry. 233: 756-65. PMID 8521839 DOI: 10.1111/J.1432-1033.1995.756_3.X  0.389
1996 Bourne Y, Taylor P, Marchot P. Acetylcholinesterase inhibition by fasciculin: crystal structure of the complex. Cell. 83: 503-12. PMID 8521480 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(95)90128-0  0.457
1995 van den Born HK, Radić Z, Marchot P, Taylor P, Tsigelny I. Theoretical analysis of the structure of the peptide fasciculin and its docking to acetylcholinesterase. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society. 4: 703-15. PMID 7613468 DOI: 10.1002/Pro.5560040410  0.447
1993 Laraba-Djebari F, Martin-Eauclaire MF, Marchot P. A fibrinogen-clotting serine proteinase from Cerastes cerastes (horned viper) venom with arginine-esterase and amidase activities. Purification, characterization and kinetic parameter determination. Toxicon : Official Journal of the International Society On Toxinology. 30: 1399-410. PMID 1485336 DOI: 10.1016/0041-0101(92)90515-7  0.35
1988 Marchot P, Frachon P, Bougis PE. Selective distinction at equilibrium between the two alpha-neurotoxin binding sites of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor by microtitration. European Journal of Biochemistry. 174: 537-42. PMID 3391171 DOI: 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1988.tb14132.x  0.315
1988 Zeghloul S, Marchot P, Bougis PE, Ronin C. Selective loss of binding sites for the iodinated alpha-neurotoxin I from Naja mossambica mossambica venom upon enzymatic deglycosylation of Torpedo electric organ membranes. European Journal of Biochemistry. 174: 543-50. PMID 3134197 DOI: 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1988.tb14133.x  0.316
1987 Bougis PE, Marchot P, Rochat H. Characterization of elapidae snake venom components using optimized reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic conditions and screening assays for alpha-neurotoxin and phospholipase A2 activities. Biochemistry. 25: 7235-43. PMID 3801413 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00370A070  0.342
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