Anna Manelis, Ph.D. - Publications

2009 Graduate School - Newark Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - Newark, United States 
Cognitive Psychology

34 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Manelis A, Halchenko YO, Bonar L, Stiffler RS, Satz S, Miceli R, Ladouceur CD, Bebko G, Iyengar S, Swartz HA, Phillips ML. Working memory updating in individuals with bipolar and unipolar depression: fMRI study. Translational Psychiatry. 12: 441. PMID 36220840 DOI: 10.1038/s41398-022-02211-6  0.683
2022 Miceli R, Satz S, Swartz HA, Manelis A. Behavioral and neuroimaging evidence prodromal to major depressive disorder onset in a young adult without personal or family history of psychiatric disorder: Case report. Psychiatry Research Case Reports. 1. PMID 36068787 DOI: 10.1016/j.psycr.2022.100014  0.302
2022 Satz S, Halchenko YO, Ragozzino R, Lucero MM, Phillips ML, Swartz HA, Manelis A. The Relationship Between Default Mode and Dorsal Attention Networks Is Associated With Depressive Disorder Diagnosis and the Strength of Memory Representations Acquired Prior to the Resting State Scan. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16: 749767. PMID 35264938 DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.749767  0.636
2021 Baranger DAA, Halchenko YO, Satz S, Ragozzino R, Iyengar S, Swartz HA, Manelis A. Protocol for a machine learning algorithm predicting depressive disorders using the T1w/T2w ratio. Methodsx. 8: 101595. PMID 35004227 DOI: 10.1016/j.mex.2021.101595  0.615
2021 Baranger DAA, Halchenko YO, Satz S, Ragozzino R, Iyengar S, Swartz HA, Manelis A. Aberrant levels of cortical myelin distinguish individuals with depressive disorders from healthy controls. Neuroimage. Clinical. 32: 102790. PMID 34455188 DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102790  0.645
2021 Manelis A, Soehner A, Halchenko YO, Satz S, Ragozzino R, Lucero M, Swartz HA, Phillips ML, Versace A. White matter abnormalities in adults with bipolar disorder type-II and unipolar depression. Scientific Reports. 11: 7541. PMID 33824408 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-87069-2  0.61
2020 Manelis A, Iyengar S, Swartz HA, Phillips ML. Prefrontal cortical activation during working memory task anticipation contributes to discrimination between bipolar and unipolar depression. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. PMID 32069475 DOI: 10.1038/S41386-020-0638-7  0.517
2019 Hanford LC, Eckstrand K, Manelis A, Hafeman DM, Merranko J, Ladouceur CD, Graur S, McCaffrey A, Monk K, Bonar LK, Hickey MB, Goldstein TR, Goldstein BI, Axelson D, Bebko G, et al. The impact of familial risk and early life adversity on emotion and reward processing networks in youth at-risk for bipolar disorder. Plos One. 14: e0226135. PMID 31830059 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0226135  0.366
2019 Manelis A, Huppert TJ, Rodgers E, Swartz HA, Phillips ML. The role of the right prefrontal cortex in recognition of facial emotional expressions in depressed individuals: fNIRS study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 258: 151-158. PMID 31404763 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2019.08.006  0.377
2019 Acuff HE, Versace A, Bertocci MA, Ladouceur CD, Hanford LC, Manelis A, Monk K, Bonar L, McCaffrey A, Goldstein BI, Goldstein TR, Sakolsky D, Axelson D, Birmaher B, Phillips ML. Baseline and follow-up activity and functional connectivity in reward neural circuitries in offspring at risk for bipolar disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. PMID 30755725 DOI: 10.1038/S41386-019-0339-2  0.428
2019 Soehner A, Bertocci M, Manelis A, Bebko G, Ladouceur C, Graur S, Monk K, Bonar L, Hickey MB, Axelson D, Goldstein B, Goldstein T, Birmaher B, Phillips M. 95. Identifying Sensitive Periods for the Impact of Insufficient Sleep on Reward-Related Brain Function and Future Depression Among At-Risk Youth Biological Psychiatry. 85: S39-S40. DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2019.03.109  0.335
2018 Bertocci MA, Hanford L, Manelis A, Iyengar S, Youngstrom EA, Gill MK, Monk K, Versace A, Bonar L, Bebko G, Ladouceur CD, Perlman SB, Diler R, Horwitz SM, Arnold LE, et al. Clinical, cortical thickness and neural activity predictors of future affective lability in youth at risk for bipolar disorder: initial discovery and independent sample replication. Molecular Psychiatry. PMID 31628415 DOI: 10.1038/S41380-018-0273-4  0.467
2018 Manelis A, Stiffler R, Lockovich JC, Almeida JRC, Aslam HA, Phillips ML. Longitudinal changes in brain activation during anticipation of monetary loss in bipolar disorder. Psychological Medicine. 1-8. PMID 30572969 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291718003847  0.395
2018 Hafeman DM, Chase HW, Monk K, Bonar L, Hickey MB, McCaffrey A, Graur S, Manelis A, Ladouceur CD, Merranko J, Axelson DA, Goldstein BI, Goldstein TR, Birmaher B, Phillips ML. Intrinsic functional connectivity correlates of person-level risk for bipolar disorder in offspring of affected parents. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. PMID 30410014 DOI: 10.1038/S41386-018-0264-9  0.396
2018 Acuff HE, Versace A, Bertocci MA, Hanford LC, Ladouceur CD, Manelis A, Monk K, Bonar L, McCaffrey A, Goldstein BI, Goldstein TR, Sakolsky D, Axelson D, Birmaher B, et al. White matter - emotion processing activity relationships in youth offspring of bipolar parents. Journal of Affective Disorders. 243: 153-164. PMID 30243195 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2018.09.010  0.389
2018 Acuff HE, Versace A, Bertocci MA, Ladouceur CD, Hanford LC, Manelis A, Monk K, Bonar L, McCaffrey A, Goldstein BI, Goldstein TR, Sakolsky D, Axelson D, Birmaher B, Phillips ML, et al. Association of Neuroimaging Measures of Emotion Processing and Regulation Neural Circuitries With Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Offspring at Risk for Bipolar Disorder. Jama Psychiatry. PMID 30193355 DOI: 10.1001/Jamapsychiatry.2018.2318  0.411
2018 Manelis A, Rodgers E, Swartz H, Phillips M. T171. The Effect of Syndromal and Subthreshold Symptoms of Depression and Mania on Prefrontal and Occipital Cortical Activation During Anticipation of Fear and Neutral Emotional Faces Biological Psychiatry. 83: S194. DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2018.02.508  0.353
2017 Manelis A, Popov V, Paynter C, Walsh M, Wheeler ME, Vogt KM, Reder LM. Cortical Networks Involved in Memory for Temporal Order. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-14. PMID 28294716 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn_A_01123  0.405
2016 Soehner AM, Bertocci MA, Manelis A, Bebko G, Ladouceur CD, Graur S, Monk K, Bonar LK, Hickey MB, Axelson D, Goldstein BI, Goldstein TR, Birmaher B, Phillips ML. Preliminary investigation of the relationships between sleep duration, reward circuitry function, and mood dysregulation in youth offspring of parents with bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders. 205: 144-153. PMID 27442458 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2016.03.074  0.349
2016 Manelis A, Almeida JR, Stiffler R, Lockovich JC, Aslam HA, Phillips ML. Anticipation-related brain connectivity in bipolar and unipolar depression: a graph theory approach. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. PMID 27368345 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/Aww157  0.509
2015 Manelis A, Ladouceur CD, Graur S, Monk K, Bonar LK, Hickey MB, Dwojak AC, Axelson D, Goldstein BI, Goldstein TR, Bebko G, Bertocci MA, Gill MK, Birmaher B, Phillips ML. Altered functioning of reward circuitry in youth offspring of parents with bipolar disorder. Psychological Medicine. 1-12. PMID 26373895 DOI: 10.1017/S003329171500166X  0.372
2015 Manelis A, Ladouceur CD, Graur S, Monk K, Bonar LK, Hickey MB, Dwojak AC, Axelson D, Goldstein BI, Goldstein TR, Bebko G, Bertocci MA, Hafeman DM, Gill MK, Birmaher B, et al. Altered amygdala-prefrontal response to facial emotion in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. PMID 26112339 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/Awv176  0.438
2015 Manelis A, Reder LM. He who is well prepared has half won the battle: an FMRI study of task preparation. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 25: 726-35. PMID 24092642 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bht262  0.373
2015 Graur S, Ladouceur CD, Manelis A, Monk K, Bonar LK, Bebko G, Bertocci MA, Birmaher B, Phillips ML. Age-Related Effects on Response Inhibition in Youth at Familial Risk for Bipolar Disorder F1000research. 6. DOI: 10.7490/F1000Research.1098312.1  0.394
2015 Manelis A, Chase HW, Greenberg T, Stiffler R, Lockovich JC, Aslam H, Phillips ML. Inter-regional connectivity within the win/loss anticipation network in depressed individuals with bipolar disorder, in depressed individuals with major depressive disorder and healthy controls F1000research. 6. DOI: 10.7490/F1000Research.1098070.1  0.466
2014 Manelis A, Reder LM. Effective connectivity among the working memory regions during preparation for and during performance of the n-back task. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8: 593. PMID 25140143 DOI: 10.3389/Fnhum.2014.00593  0.389
2014 Graur S, Ladouceur CD, Manelis A, Monk K, Bonar LK, Bebko G, Bertocci MA, Birmaher B, Phillips ML. Early impulsivity in youth at familial risk of bipolar disorder F1000research. 5. DOI: 10.7490/F1000Research.1095538.1  0.385
2013 Reder LM, Victoria LW, Manelis A, Oates JM, Dutcher JM, Bates JT, Cook S, Aizenstein HJ, Quinlan J, Gyulai F. Why it's easier to remember seeing a face we already know than one we don't: preexisting memory representations facilitate memory formation. Psychological Science. 24: 363-72. PMID 23395827 DOI: 10.1177/0956797612457396  0.32
2013 Manelis A, Paynter CA, Wheeler ME, Reder LM. Repetition related changes in activation and functional connectivity in hippocampus predict subsequent memory. Hippocampus. 23: 53-65. PMID 22807169 DOI: 10.1002/Hipo.22053  0.418
2012 Manelis A, Reder LM. Procedural learning and associative memory mechanisms contribute to contextual cueing: Evidence from fMRI and eye-tracking. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 19: 527-34. PMID 23073642 DOI: 10.1101/Lm.025973.112  0.373
2012 Liang P, Manelis A, Liu X, Aizenstein HJ, Gyulai F, Quinlan JJ, Reder LM. Using arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI to explore how midazolam produces anterograde amnesia. Neuroscience Letters. 522: 113-7. PMID 22710004 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2012.06.019  0.411
2012 Manelis A, Reder LM, Hanson SJ. Dynamic changes in the medial temporal lobe during incidental learning of object-location associations. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 22: 828-37. PMID 21709179 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhr151  0.595
2011 Manelis A, Wheeler ME, Paynter CA, Storey L, Reder LM. Opposing patterns of neural priming in same-exemplar vs. different-exemplar repetition predict subsequent memory. Neuroimage. 55: 763-72. PMID 21168518 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2010.12.034  0.381
2011 Manelis A, Hanson C, Hanson SJ. Implicit memory for object locations depends on reactivation of encoding-related brain regions. Human Brain Mapping. 32: 32-50. PMID 21157878 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.20992  0.599
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