Jeroan J Allison, MD - Publications

2008 General Internal Medicine University of Alabama Birmingham School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL, United States 
 2008- University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, United States 
Health Services Research

119 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Singh JA, Lemay CA, Nobel L, Yang W, Weissman N, Saag KG, Allison J, Franklin PD. Association of Early Postoperative Pain Trajectories With Longer-term Pain Outcome After Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty. Jama Network Open. 2: e1915105. PMID 31722026 DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.15105  0.625
2019 Cuffee YL, Hargraves L, Rosal M, Briesacher BA, Allison JJ, Hullett S. An Examination of John Henryism, Trust, and Medication Adherence Among African Americans With Hypertension. Health Education & Behavior : the Official Publication of the Society For Public Health Education. 1090198119878778. PMID 31592686 DOI: 10.1177/1090198119878778  0.362
2019 Foster PP, Cuffee Y, Alwatban N, Minton M, Lewis DW, Allison J. Physician Trust and Home Remedy Use Among Low-Income Blacks and Whites with Hypertension: Findings from the TRUST Study. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. PMID 30915684 DOI: 10.1007/S40615-019-00582-Z  0.306
2018 Danila MI, Outman RC, Rahn EJ, Mudano AS, Redden DT, Li P, Allison JJ, Anderson FA, Wyman A, Greenspan SL, LaCroix AZ, Nieves JW, Silverman SL, Siris ES, Watts NB, et al. Evaluation of a Multi-modal, Direct-to-Patient Educational Intervention Targeting Barriers to Osteoporosis: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research : the Official Journal of the American Society For Bone and Mineral Research. PMID 29377378 DOI: 10.1002/Jbmr.3395  0.361
2017 Nobel L, Jesdale WM, Tjia J, Waring ME, Parish DC, Ash AS, Kiefe CI, Allison JJ. Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status Predicts Health After Hospitalization for Acute Coronary Syndromes: Findings From TRACE-CORE (Transitions, Risks, and Actions in Coronary Events-Center for Outcomes Research and Education). Medical Care. PMID 29016395 DOI: 10.1097/Mlr.0000000000000819  0.312
2017 Setodji CM, Allison JJ. Introduction to Medical Care Statistical Workshops for Health Services Research: Practical, State-of-the Art Reviews. Medical Care. PMID 28221277 DOI: 10.1097/Mlr.0000000000000702  0.327
2017 Goldberg RJ, Gore JM, McManus DD, McManus R, Tisminetzky M, Lessard D, Gurwitz JH, Parish DC, Allison J, Hess CN, Wang T, Kiefe C. Race and place differences in patients hospitalized with an acute coronary syndrome: Is there double jeopardy? Findings from TRACE-CORE. Preventive Medicine Reports. 6: 1-8. PMID 28210536 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pmedr.2017.01.010  0.341
2016 Huang W, FitzGerald G, Goldberg RJ, Gore J, McManus RH, Awad H, Waring ME, Allison J, Saczynski JS, Kiefe CI, Fox KA, Anderson FA, McManus DD. Performance of the GRACE Risk Score 2.0 Simplified Algorithm for Predicting 1-Year Death After Hospitalization for an Acute Coronary Syndrome in a Contemporary Multiracial Cohort. The American Journal of Cardiology. PMID 27561191 DOI: 10.1016/J.Amjcard.2016.07.029  0.314
2016 Miller MJ, Weech-Maldonado R, Outman RC, Ray MN, Gary LC, Chen L, Cobaugh DJ, Allison JJ, Saag KG. Evaluating the effectiveness of a patient storytelling DVD intervention to encourage physician-patient communication about nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Patient Education and Counseling. PMID 27380647 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pec.2016.06.013  0.32
2016 Soni A, Amin A, Patel DV, Fahey N, Shah N, Phatak AG, Allison J, Nimbalkar SM. The presence of physician champions improved Kangaroo mother care in rural western India. Acta Paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992). PMID 27111097 DOI: 10.1111/Apa.13445  0.304
2016 Makam RP, Erskine N, Yarzebski J, Lessard D, Lau J, Allison J, Gore JM, Gurwitz J, McManus DD, Goldberg RJ. Decade Long Trends (2001-2011) in Duration of Pre-Hospital Delay Among Elderly Patients Hospitalized for an Acute Myocardial Infarction. Journal of the American Heart Association. 5. PMID 27101833 DOI: 10.1161/Jaha.115.002664  0.344
2015 Wiltshire JC, Elder K, Allison JJ. Differences in Problems Paying Medical Bills between African Americans and Whites from 2007 and 2009: the Underlying Role of Health Status. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. PMID 26721765 DOI: 10.1007/S40615-015-0197-5  0.326
2015 McManus DD, Saczynski JS, Lessard D, Waring ME, Allison J, Parish DC, Goldberg RJ, Ash A, Kiefe CI. Reliability of Predicting Early Hospital Readmission After Discharge for an Acute Coronary Syndrome Using Claims-Based Data. The American Journal of Cardiology. PMID 26718235 DOI: 10.1016/J.Amjcard.2015.11.034  0.326
2015 Person SD, Jordan CG, Allison JJ, Fink Ogawa LM, Castillo-Page L, Conrad S, Nivet MA, Plummer DL. Measuring Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Medicine: The Diversity Engagement Survey. Academic Medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. PMID 26466376 DOI: 10.1097/Acm.0000000000000921  0.354
2015 Byatt N, Levin LL, Ziedonis D, Moore Simas TA, Allison J. Enhancing Participation in Depression Care in Outpatient Perinatal Care Settings: A Systematic Review. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 126: 1048-58. PMID 26444130 DOI: 10.1097/Aog.0000000000001067  0.313
2015 Warriner AH, Outman RC, Allison JJ, Curtis JR, Markward NJ, Redden DT, Safford MM, Stanek EJ, Steinkellner AR, Saag KG. An Internet-based Controlled Trial Aimed to Improve Osteoporosis Prevention among Chronic Glucocorticoid Users. The Journal of Rheumatology. 42: 1478-83. PMID 26136484 DOI: 10.3899/Jrheum.141238  0.312
2014 Miller MJ, Allison JJ, Cobaugh DJ, Ray MN, Saag KG. A group-randomized trial of shared decision making for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug risk awareness: primary results and lessons learned. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 20: 638-48. PMID 24916786 DOI: 10.1111/Jep.12193  0.308
2014 Anatchkova MD, Barysauskas CM, Kinney RL, Kiefe CI, Ash AS, Lombardini L, Allison JJ. Psychometric evaluation of the Care Transition Measure in TRACE-CORE: do we need a better measure? Journal of the American Heart Association. 3: e001053. PMID 24901109 DOI: 10.1161/Jaha.114.001053  0.307
2014 Anatchkova MD, Saczynski JS, Allison JJ, Ash AS, Kiefe CI. Abstract 150: Psychosocial Factors Predict Patient Ratings of Care Transition Quality: Results from Transitions, Risks, and Actions in Coronary Events - Center for Outcomes Research and Education (TRACE-CORE) Circulation-Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 7. DOI: 10.13028/594E-P749  0.353
2014 Pagan JM, Joseph R, Kim Y, Allison J, Cherrington A, Durant N. FIT HARRT Plus: A Study of Participant Informed Text Messages to Promote Physical Activity in Adolescent and Young Adult African American Women Journal of Adolescent Health. 54: S45. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jadohealth.2013.10.103  0.345
2013 Sadasivam RS, Hogan TP, Volkman JE, Smith BM, Coley HL, Williams JH, Delaughter K, Ray MN, Gilbert GH, Ford DE, Allison JJ, Houston TK. Implementing point of care "e-referrals" in 137 clinics to increase access to a quit smoking internet system: the Quit-Primo and National Dental PBRN HI-QUIT Studies. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 3: 370-8. PMID 24294325 DOI: 10.1007/S13142-013-0230-3  0.327
2013 Ray MN, Allison JJ, Coley HL, Williams JH, Kohler C, Gilbert GH, Richman JS, Kiefe CI, Sadasivam RS, Houston TK. Variations in tobacco control in National Dental PBRN practices: the role of patient and practice factors. Special Care in Dentistry : Official Publication of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry For the Handicapped, and the American Society For Geriatric Dentistry. 33: 286-93. PMID 24164227 DOI: 10.1111/J.1754-4505.2012.00305.X  0.313
2013 Cuffee YL, Hargraves JL, Rosal M, Briesacher BA, Schoenthaler A, Person S, Hullett S, Allison J. Reported racial discrimination, trust in physicians, and medication adherence among inner-city African Americans with hypertension. American Journal of Public Health. 103: e55-62. PMID 24028222 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.2013.301554  0.315
2013 Kilgore ML, Outman R, Locher JL, Allison JJ, Mudano A, Kitchin B, Saag KG, Curtis JR. Multimodal intervention to improve osteoporosis care in home health settings: results from a cluster randomized trial. Osteoporosis International : a Journal Established as Result of Cooperation Between the European Foundation For Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the Usa. 24: 2555-60. PMID 23536256 DOI: 10.1007/S00198-013-2340-7  0.354
2013 Houston TK, Delaughter KL, Ray MN, Gilbert GH, Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Volkman JE. Cluster-randomized trial of a web-assisted tobacco quality improvement intervention of subsequent patient tobacco product use: a National Dental PBRN study. Bmc Oral Health. 13: 13. PMID 23438090 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6831-13-13  0.303
2013 Shimada SL, Hogan TP, Rao SR, Allison JJ, Quill AL, Feng H, Phillips BD, Nazi KM, Haidary ST, Houston TK. Patient-provider secure messaging in VA: variations in adoption and association with urgent care utilization. Medical Care. 51: S21-8. PMID 23407007 DOI: 10.1097/Mlr.0B013E3182780917  0.326
2012 Waring ME, McManus RH, Saczynski JS, Anatchkova MD, McManus DD, Devereaux RS, Goldberg RJ, Allison JJ, Kiefe CI. Transitions, Risks, and Actions in Coronary Events--Center for Outcomes Research and Education (TRACE-CORE): design and rationale. Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 5: e44-50. PMID 22991349 DOI: 10.1161/Circoutcomes.112.965418  0.301
2012 Billue KL, Safford MM, Salanitro AH, Houston TK, Curry W, Kim Y, Allison JJ, Estrada CA. Medication intensification in diabetes in rural primary care: a cluster-randomised effectiveness trial. Bmj Open. 2. PMID 22991217 DOI: 10.1136/Bmjopen-2012-000959  0.327
2012 Elder K, Ramamonjiarivelo Z, Wiltshire J, Piper C, Horn WS, Gilbert KL, Hullett S, Allison J. Trust, medication adherence, and hypertension control in Southern African American men. American Journal of Public Health. 102: 2242-5. PMID 22698017 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.2012.300777  0.309
2012 Outman RC, Curtis JR, Locher JL, Allison JJ, Saag KG, Kilgore ML. Improving osteoporosis care in high-risk home health patients through a high-intensity intervention. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 33: 206-12. PMID 22005175 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cct.2011.09.020  0.336
2012 Byatt N, Biebel K, Lundquist RS, Moore Simas TA, Debordes-Jackson G, Allison J, Ziedonis D. Patient, provider, and system-level barriers and facilitators to addressing perinatal depression Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 30: 436-449. DOI: 10.1080/02646838.2012.743000  0.313
2012 Cuffee YL, Angner E, Oliver N, Plummer D, Kiefe C, Hullett S, Allison J. Does Happiness Predict Medication Adherence among African Americans with Hypertension? Applied Research in Quality of Life. 7: 403-412. DOI: 10.1007/S11482-012-9170-1  0.355
2011 Wiltshire JC, Person SD, Allison J. Exploring differences in trust in doctors among African American men and women. Journal of the National Medical Association. 103: 845-51. PMID 22364052 DOI: 10.1016/S0027-9684(15)30439-9  0.317
2011 Levine DA, Funkhouser EM, Houston TK, Gerald JK, Johnson-Roe N, Allison JJ, Richman J, Kiefe CI. Improving care after myocardial infarction using a 2-year internet-delivered intervention: the Department of Veterans Affairs myocardial infarction-plus cluster-randomized trial. Archives of Internal Medicine. 171: 1910-7. PMID 22123798 DOI: 10.1001/Archinternmed.2011.498  0.315
2011 Funkhouser E, Levine DA, Gerald JK, Houston TK, Johnson NK, Allison JJ, Kiefe CI. Recruitment activities for a nationwide, population-based, group-randomized trial: the VA MI-Plus study. Implementation Science : Is. 6: 105. PMID 21906278 DOI: 10.1186/1748-5908-6-105  0.338
2011 Salanitro AH, Safford MM, Houston TK, Williams JH, Ovalle F, Payne-Foster P, Allison JJ, Estrada CA. Patient complexity and diabetes quality of care in rural settings. Journal of the National Medical Association. 103: 234-40. PMID 21671526 DOI: 10.1016/S0027-9684(15)30297-2  0.318
2011 Seal PS, Jackson DA, Chamot E, Willig JH, Nevin CR, Allison JJ, Raper JL, Kempf MC, Schumacher JE, Saag MS, Mugavero MJ. Temporal trends in presentation for outpatient HIV medical care 2000-2010: implications for short-term mortality. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 26: 745-50. PMID 21465301 DOI: 10.1007/S11606-011-1693-X  0.309
2011 Kiefe C, Allison J. Health, market forces, and debate in medical care: room for controversy. Medical Care. 49: 231. PMID 21317754 DOI: 10.1097/Mlr.0B013E31820B0B6F  0.342
2011 Funkhouser E, Houston TK, Levine DA, Richman J, Allison JJ, Kiefe CI. Physician and patient influences on provider performance: β-blockers in postmyocardial infarction management in the MI-Plus study. Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 4: 99-106. PMID 21139090 DOI: 10.1161/Circoutcomes.110.942318  0.36
2011 Levine DA, Neidecker MV, Kiefe CI, Karve S, Williams LS, Allison JJ. Racial/ethnic disparities in access to physician care and medications among US stroke survivors. Neurology. 76: 53-61. PMID 21084692 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0B013E318203E952  0.322
2011 Williams JH, Green MC, Kohler C, Allison JJ, Houston TK. Stories to communicate risks about tobacco: Development of a brief scale to measure transportation into a video story-The ACCE Project Health Education Journal. 70: 184-191. DOI: 10.1177/0017896910373171  0.315
2010 Houston TK, Coley HL, Sadasivam RS, Ray MN, Williams JH, Allison JJ, Gilbert GH, Kiefe CI, Kohler C. Impact of content-specific email reminders on provider participation in an online intervention: a dental PBRN study. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 160: 801-5. PMID 20841796 DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-588-4-801  0.301
2010 Crenshaw K, Curry W, Salanitro AH, Safford MM, Houston TK, Allison JJ, Estrada CA. Is physician engagement with Web-based CME associated with patients' baseline hemoglobin A1c levels? The Rural Diabetes Online Care study. Academic Medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 85: 1511-7. PMID 20736679 DOI: 10.1097/Acm.0B013E3181Eac036  0.331
2010 Raper JL, Willig JH, Lin HY, Allison JJ, Broner MB, Mugavero MJ, Saag MS. Uncompensated medical provider costs associated with prior authorization for prescription medications in an HIV clinic. Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 51: 718-24. PMID 20695800 DOI: 10.1086/655890  0.323
2010 Miller MJ, Allison JJ, Schmitt MR, Ray MN, Funkhouser EM, Cobaugh DJ, Saag KG, LaCivita C. Using single-item health literacy screening questions to identify patients who read written nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine information provided at pharmacies. Journal of Health Communication. 15: 413-27. PMID 20574879 DOI: 10.1080/10810731003753091  0.343
2010 Peña A, Virk SS, Shewchuk RM, Allison JJ, Williams OD, Kiefe CI. Validity versus feasibility for quality of care indicators: expert panel results from the MI-Plus study. International Journal For Quality in Health Care : Journal of the International Society For Quality in Health Care / Isqua. 22: 201-9. PMID 20382663 DOI: 10.1093/Intqhc/Mzq018  0.323
2010 Foster PP, Williams JH, Estrada CA, Higginbotham JC, Voltz ML, Safford MM, Allison J. Recruitment of rural physicians in a diabetes internet intervention study: overcoming challenges and barriers. Journal of the National Medical Association. 102: 101-7. PMID 20191922 DOI: 10.1016/S0027-9684(15)30497-1  0.327
2010 Roblin DW, Shewchuk RM, Allison JJ, Varghese R, Baker S, Kiefe CI. PS1-28: Optimizing Health Informatics Interventions From the Patient’s Perspective: Focus Group on Improving Safe NSAID Use Clinical Medicine & Research. 8: 55-55. DOI: 10.3121/Cmr.8.1.55-C  0.384
2010 Angner E, Miller MJ, Ray MN, Saag KG, Allison JJ. Health literacy and happiness: A community-based study Social Indicators Research. 95: 325-338. DOI: 10.1007/S11205-009-9462-5  0.307
2009 Schoen MJ, Tipton EF, Houston TK, Funkhouser E, Levine DA, Estrada CA, Allison JJ, Williams OD, Kiefe CI. Characteristics that predict physician participation in a Web-based CME activity: the MI-Plus study. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 29: 246-53. PMID 19998447 DOI: 10.1002/Chp.20043  0.373
2009 Sales AE, Tipton EF, Levine DA, Houston TK, Kim Y, Allison J, Kiefe CI. Are co-morbidities associated with guideline adherence? The MI-Plus study of Medicare patients. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 24: 1205-10. PMID 19727967 DOI: 10.1007/S11606-009-1096-4  0.32
2009 Wiltshire JC, Person SD, Kiefe CI, Allison JJ. Disentangling the influence of socioeconomic status on differences between African American and white women in unmet medical needs. American Journal of Public Health. 99: 1659-65. PMID 19608942 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.2008.154088  0.34
2009 Cobaugh DJ, Allison JJ. Understanding research principles: giving our patients the care they deserve. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy : Ajhp : Official Journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. 66: 1265. PMID 19574600 DOI: 10.2146/Ajhp090253  0.331
2009 Roblin DW, Houston TK, Allison JJ, Joski PJ, Becker ER. Disparities in use of a personal health record in a managed care organization. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : Jamia. 16: 683-9. PMID 19567790 DOI: 10.1197/Jamia.M3169  0.357
2009 Yu FB, Menachemi N, Berner ES, Allison JJ, Weissman NW, Houston TK. Full implementation of computerized physician order entry and medication-related quality outcomes: a study of 3364 hospitals. American Journal of Medical Quality : the Official Journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 24: 278-86. PMID 19502568 DOI: 10.1177/1062860609333626  0.699
2009 Curtis JR, Arora T, Xi J, Silver A, Allison JJ, Chen L, Saag KG, Schenck A, Westfall AO, Colón-Emeric C. Do physicians within the same practice setting manage osteoporosis patients similarly? Implications for implementation research. Osteoporosis International : a Journal Established as Result of Cooperation Between the European Foundation For Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the Usa. 20: 1921-7. PMID 19319619 DOI: 10.1007/S00198-009-0900-7  0.337
2009 Ulett KB, Willig JH, Lin HY, Routman JS, Abroms S, Allison J, Chatham A, Raper JL, Saag MS, Mugavero MJ. The therapeutic implications of timely linkage and early retention in HIV care. Aids Patient Care and Stds. 23: 41-9. PMID 19055408 DOI: 10.1089/Apc.2008.0132  0.314
2008 Cobaugh DJ, Angner E, Kiefe CI, Ray MN, Lacivita CL, Weissman NW, Saag KG, Allison JJ. Effect of racial differences on ability to afford prescription medications. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy : Ajhp : Official Journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. 65: 2137-43. PMID 18997143 DOI: 10.2146/Ajhp080062  0.699
2008 Westfall JM, Kiefe CI, Weissman NW, Goudie A, Centor RM, Williams OD, Allison JJ. Does interhospital transfer improve outcome of acute myocardial infarction? A propensity score analysis from the Cardiovascular Cooperative Project. Bmc Cardiovascular Disorders. 8: 22. PMID 18782452 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2261-8-22  0.688
2008 Allison JJ, Weissman NW, Silvey AB, Chapin CA, Kiefe CI. Identifying top-performing hospitals by algorithm: results from a demonstration project. Joint Commission Journal On Quality and Patient Safety. 34: 309-17. PMID 18595376 DOI: 10.1016/S1553-7250(08)34039-2  0.671
2008 Saag KG, Teng GG, Patkar NM, Anuntiyo J, Finney C, Curtis JR, Paulus HE, Mudano A, Pisu M, Elkins-Melton M, Outman R, Allison JJ, Suarez Almazor M, Bridges SL, Chatham WW, et al. American College of Rheumatology 2008 recommendations for the use of nonbiologic and biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 59: 762-84. PMID 18512708 DOI: 10.1002/Art.23721  0.341
2008 Houston TK, Richman JS, Coley HL, Ray MN, Allison JJ, Gilbert GH, Gordon JS, Kiefe CI. Does delayed measurement affect patient reports of provider performance? Implications for performance measurement of medical assistance with tobacco cessation: a Dental PBRN study. Bmc Health Services Research. 8: 100. PMID 18466617 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-8-100  0.301
2008 Kovac SH, Saag KG, Curtis JR, Allison J. Association of health-related quality of life with dual use of prescription and over-the-counter nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 59: 227-33. PMID 18240185 DOI: 10.1002/Art.23336  0.34
2007 Fry RB, Ray MN, Cobaugh DJ, Weissman NW, Kiefe CI, Shewchuk RM, Saag KG, Curtis JR, Allison JJ. Racial/ethnic disparities in patient-reported nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) risk awareness, patient-doctor NSAID risk communication, and NSAID risk behavior. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 57: 1539-45. PMID 18050227 DOI: 10.1002/Art.23084  0.676
2007 Safford MM, Shewchuk R, Qu H, Williams JH, Estrada CA, Ovalle F, Allison JJ. Reasons for not intensifying medications: differentiating "clinical inertia" from appropriate care. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 22: 1648-55. PMID 17957346 DOI: 10.1007/S11606-007-0433-8  0.341
2007 Colon-Emeric CS, Lyles KW, House P, Levine DA, Schenck AP, Allison JJ, Gorospe J, Fermazin M, Oliver K, Curtis JR, Weissman NW, Xie A, Saag KG. Randomized Trial to Improve Fracture Prevention in Nursing Home Residents The American Journal of Medicine. 120: 886-892. PMID 17904460 DOI: 10.1016/J.Amjmed.2007.04.020  0.693
2007 Halanych JH, Safford MM, Keys WC, Person SD, Shikany JM, Kim YI, Centor RM, Allison JJ. Burden of comorbid medical conditions and quality of diabetes care. Diabetes Care. 30: 2999-3004. PMID 17717287 DOI: 10.2337/Dc06-1836  0.331
2007 Sanderson BK, Mirza S, Fry RB, Allison JJ, Bittner V. Secondary prevention outcomes among black and white cardiac rehabilitation patients. American Heart Journal. 153: 980-986. PMID 17540199 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ahj.2007.03.020  0.307
2007 Levine DA, Kiefe CI, Howard G, Howard VJ, Williams OD, Allison JJ. Reduced medication access: A marker for vulnerability in US stroke survivors Stroke. 38: 1557-1564. PMID 17395861 DOI: 10.1161/Strokeaha.106.478545  0.319
2007 Curtis JR, Patkar NM, Xie A, Martin CK, Allison JJ, Saag MS, Shatin D, Saag KG. Risk of serious bacterial infections among rheumatoid arthritis patients exposed to tumor necrosis factor alpha antagonists. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 56: 1125-1133. PMID 17393394 DOI: 10.1002/Art.22504  0.307
2007 Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison J, Becker A, Melton ME, Freeman A, Kiefe CI, MacArthur M, Ockershausen T, Stewart E, Weissman N, Saag KG. Challenges in improving the quality of osteoporosis care for long-term glucocorticoid users: a prospective randomized trial. Archives of Internal Medicine. 167: 591-6. PMID 17389291 DOI: 10.1001/Archinte.167.6.591  0.726
2007 Centor RM, Allison JJ, Cohen SJ. Pharyngitis management: defining the controversy. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 22: 127-30. PMID 17351852 DOI: 10.1007/S11606-006-0020-4  0.304
2007 Levine DA, Kiefe CI, Houston TK, Allison JJ, McCarthy EP, Ayanian JZ. Younger Stroke Survivors Have Reduced Access to Physician Care and Medications: National Health Interview Survey From Years 1998 to 2002 Jama Neurology. 64: 37-42. PMID 17101819 DOI: 10.1001/Archneur.64.1.Noc60002  0.326
2007 Ashton CM, Allison JJ, Kiefe CI. Announcing a New Occasional Feature of Medical Care: the Annals of Health Services Research Medical Care. 45: 697-698. DOI: 10.1097/Mlr.0B013E318074Cebd  0.311
2007 Allison JJ, Kiefe CI. A Message from the New Medical Care Co-Editors-in-Chief: Building upon a Legacy of Scholarship and Impact Medical Care. 45: 1-2. DOI: 10.1097/01.Mlr.0000252489.45308.66  0.33
2007 Sellers AL, Shewchuk R, Safford M, Houston T, Allison J, Kiefe C, Centor R. Clinician Medication Preferences In A Complex Patient.: 393 Journal of Investigative Medicine. 55. DOI: 10.1097/00042871-200701010-00907  0.309
2007 Estrada CA, Shewchuk RM, Staton LJ, Bigby J, Houston TK, Allison J. 364 What Should We Include In A Cultural Competence Curriculum? A Formative Evaluation. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 55. DOI: 10.1097/00042871-200701010-00878  0.326
2006 Curtis JR, Kim Y, Bryant T, Allison J, Scott D, Saag KG. Osteoporosis in the home health care setting: A window of opportunity? Arthritis and Rheumatism. 55: 971-5. PMID 17139645 DOI: 10.1002/Art.22349  0.304
2006 Pamboukian SV, Funkhouser E, Child IG, Allison JJ, Weissman NW, Kiefe CI. Disparities by insurance status in quality of care for elderly patients with unstable angina. Ethnicity & Disease. 16: 799-807. PMID 17061730 DOI: 10.13016/8Rja-9Hhx  0.702
2006 Chaiamnuay S, Allison JJ, Curtis JR. Risks versus benefits of cyclooxygenase-2-selective nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 63: 1837-1851. PMID 16990630 DOI: 10.2146/Ajhp050519  0.317
2006 Houston TK, Wall T, Allison JJ, Palonen K, Willett LL, Keife CI, Massie FS, Benton EC, Heudebert GR. Implementing achievable benchmarks in preventive health: a controlled trial in residency education. Academic Medicine. 81: 608-616. PMID 16799281 DOI: 10.1097/01.Acm.0000232410.97399.8F  0.324
2006 Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison JJ, Freeman A, Saag KG. Channeling and adherence with alendronate and risedronate among chronic glucocorticoid users Osteoporosis International. 17: 1268-1274. PMID 16724286 DOI: 10.1007/S00198-006-0136-8  0.308
2006 Abdolrasulnia M, Weichold N, Shewchuk R, Saag K, Cobaugh DJ, LaCivita C, Weissman N, Allison J. Agreement between medical record documentation and patient-reported use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy : Ajhp : Official Journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. 63: 744-7. PMID 16595815 DOI: 10.2146/Ajhp050409  0.688
2006 Palonen KP, Allison JJ, Heudebert GR, Willett LL, Kiefe CI, Wall TC, Houston TK. Measuring resident physicians' performance of preventive care. Comparing chart review with patient survey. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 21: 226-230. PMID 16499544 DOI: 10.1111/J.1525-1497.2006.00338.X  0.371
2006 Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison J, Freeman A, Kovac SH, Saag KG. Agreement and validity of pharmacy data versus self-report for use of osteoporosis medications among chronic glucocorticoid users. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 15: 710-8. PMID 16498575 DOI: 10.1002/Pds.1226  0.326
2005 Wall TC, Mian MA, Ray MN, Casebeer L, Collins BC, Kiefe CI, Weissman N, Allison JJ. Improving physician performance through Internet-based interventions: who will participate? Journal of Medical Internet Research. 7: e48. PMID 16236700 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.7.4.E48  0.715
2005 Newsome BB, Warnock DG, Kiefe CI, Weissman NW, Houston TK, Centor RM, Person SD, McClellan WM, Allison JJ. Delay in time to receipt of thrombolytic medication among Medicare patients with kidney disease. American Journal of Kidney Diseases : the Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation. 46: 595-602. PMID 16183413 DOI: 10.1053/J.Ajkd.2005.06.008  0.693
2005 Willett LL, Palonen KP, Allison JJ, Heudebert GR, Kiefe CI, Massie FS, Wall TC, Houston TK. Differences in preventive health quality by residency year. Is seniority better Journal of General Internal Medicine. 20: 825-829. PMID 16117750 DOI: 10.1111/J.1525-1497.2005.0158.X  0.305
2005 Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison JJ, Becker A, Casebeer L, Freeman A, Spettell CM, Weissman NW, Wilke S, Saag KG. Longitudinal patterns in the prevention of osteoporosis in glucocorticoid-treated patients Arthritis and Rheumatism. 52: 2485-2494. PMID 16052570 DOI: 10.1002/Art.21194  0.71
2005 Menachemi N, Shewchuk RM, O'Connor SJ, Berner ES, Allison JJ. Perceptions of medical errors by internal medicine residents: development and validation of a new scale. Quality Management in Health Care. 14: 144-54. PMID 16027592 DOI: 10.1097/00019514-200507000-00003  0.305
2005 Ho V, Wirthlin D, Yun H, Allison J. Physician supply, treatment, and amputation rates for peripheral arterial disease. Journal of Vascular Surgery. 42: 81-7. PMID 16012456 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jvs.2005.03.023  0.304
2005 Ray MN, Wall T, Casebeer L, Weissman N, Spettell C, Abdolrasulnia M, Mian MA, Collins B, Kiefe CI, Allison JJ. Chlamydia screening of at-risk young women in managed health care: characteristics of top-performing primary care offices. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 32: 382-6. PMID 15912086 DOI: 10.1097/01.Olq.0000162367.39209.01  0.717
2005 Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Wall T, Casebeer L, Ray MN, Spettell CM, Hook EW, Oh MK, Person SD, Weissman NW. Multicomponent Internet continuing medical education to promote chlamydia screening. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 28: 285-90. PMID 15766617 DOI: 10.1016/J.Amepre.2004.12.013  0.695
2005 Newsome BB, McClellan WM, Allison JJ, Warnock DG. 427 Racial Differences In Survival After Acute Myocardial Infarction According To Kidney Function Journal of Investigative Medicine. 53. DOI: 10.2310/6650.2005.00006.426  0.306
2004 Abdolrasulnia M, Collins BC, Casebeer L, Wall T, Spettell C, Ray MN, Weissman NW, Allison JJ. Using email reminders to engage physicians in an Internet-based CME intervention. Bmc Medical Education. 4: 17. PMID 15453911 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6920-4-17  0.714
2004 Saag KG, Olivieri JJ, Patino F, Mikuls TR, Allison JJ, MacLean CH. Measuring quality in arthritis care: The Arthritis Foundation's quality indicator set for analgesics Arthritis Care and Research. 51: 337-349. PMID 15188317 DOI: 10.1002/Art.20422  0.336
2004 Mikuls TR, MacLean CH, Olivieri J, Patino F, Allison JJ, Farrar JT, Bilker WB, Saag KG. Quality of Care Indicators for Gout Management Arthritis and Rheumatism. 50: 937-943. PMID 15022337 DOI: 10.1002/Art.20102  0.321
2004 Person SD, Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Weaver MT, Williams OD, Centor RM, Weissman NW. Nurse staffing and mortality for Medicare patients with acute myocardial infarction. Medical Care. 42: 4-12. PMID 14713734 DOI: 10.1097/01.Mlr.0000102369.67404.B0  0.684
2003 Centor RM, Allison JJ, Weissman NW, Canto J, Heudebert G, Juarez L, Kiefe CI. Diffusion of troponin testing in unstable angina patients: adoption prior to guideline release. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 56: 1236-43. PMID 14680675 DOI: 10.1016/S0895-4356(03)00200-2  0.677
2003 Casebeer LL, Strasser SM, Spettell CM, Wall TC, Weissman NW, Ray MN, Allison JJ. Designing tailored Web-based instruction to improve practicing physicians' preventive practices. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 5. PMID 14517111 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.5.3.E20  0.724
2003 Mudano AS, Casebeer L, Patino F, Allison JJ, Weissman NW, Kiefe CI, Person S, Gilbert D, Saag KG. Racial disparities in osteoporosis prevention in a managed care population. Southern Medical Journal. 96: 445-51. PMID 12911182 DOI: 10.1097/01.Smj.0000053918.93363.B0  0.684
2003 Patino FG, Allison J, Olivieri J, Mudano A, Juarez L, Person S, Mikuls TR, Moreland L, Kovac SH, Saag KG. The effects of physician specialty and patient comorbidities on the use and discontinuation of coxibs. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 49: 293-9. PMID 12794782 DOI: 10.1002/Art.11117  0.318
2003 Berner ES, Baker CS, Funkhouser E, Heudebert GR, Allison JJ, Fargason CA, Li Q, Person SD, Kiefe CI. Do local opinion leaders augment hospital quality improvement efforts? A randomized trial to promote adherence to unstable angina guidelines. Medical Care. 41: 420-31. PMID 12618645 DOI: 10.1097/01.Mlr.0000052977.24246.38  0.334
2002 Houston TK, Allison JJ. Users of Internet health information: differences by health status Journal of Medical Internet Research. 4. PMID 12554554 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.4.2.E7  0.306
2002 Casebeer LL, Allison JJ, Spettell CM. Designing tailored Web-based instruction to improve practicing physicians' chlamydial screening rates Academic Medicine. 77: 929. PMID 12228099 DOI: 10.1097/00001888-200209000-00032  0.37
2002 Canto JG, Fincher C, Kiefe CI, Allison JJ, Li Q, Funkhouser E, Centor RM, Selker HP, Weissman NW. Atypical presentations among Medicare beneficiaries with unstable angina pectoris. The American Journal of Cardiology. 90: 248-53. PMID 12127612 DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9149(02)02463-3  0.7
2001 Kiefe CI, Allison JJ, Williams OD, Person SD, Weaver MT, Weissman NW. Improving Quality Improvement Using Achievable Benchmarks For Physician Feedback: A Randomized Controlled Trial Jama. 285: 2871-2879. PMID 11401608 DOI: 10.1001/Jama.285.22.2871  0.724
2001 Kiefe CI, Allison JJ, Williams OD, Person SD, Weaver MT, Weissman NW. Improving quality improvement using achievable benchmarks for physician feedback. A randomized controlled trial American Journal of Ophthalmology. 132: 808. DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9394(01)01225-9  0.69
2000 Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Weissman NW, Person SD, Rousculp M, Canto JG, Bae S, Williams OD, Farmer R, Centor RM. Relationship of hospital teaching status with quality of care and mortality for Medicare patients with acute MI. Jama. 284: 1256-62. PMID 10979112 DOI: 10.1001/Jama.284.10.1256  0.715
2000 Canto JG, Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Fincher C, Farmer R, Sekar P, Person SD, Weissman NW. Relation of race and sex to the use of reperfusion therapy in Medicare beneficiaries with acute myocardial infarction. The New England Journal of Medicine. 342: 1094-1100. PMID 10760310 DOI: 10.1056/Nejm200004133421505  0.684
2000 Allison JJ, Wall TC, Spettell CM, Calhoun J, Fargason CA, Kobylinski RW, Farmer R, Kiefe C. The art and science of chart review. The Joint Commission Journal On Quality Improvement. 26: 115-36. PMID 10709146 DOI: 10.1016/S1070-3241(00)26009-4  0.321
1999 Weissman NW, Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Farmer RM, Weaver MT, Williams OD, Child IG, Pemberton JH, Brown KC, Baker CS. Achievable benchmarks of care: the ABCs of benchmarking. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 5: 269-81. PMID 10461579 DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-2753.1999.00203.X  0.704
1999 Kell SH, Allison JJ, Brown KC, Weissman NW, Farmer R, Kiefe C. Measurement of mammography rates for quality improvement. Quality Management in Health Care. 7: 11-19. PMID 10346458 DOI: 10.1097/00019514-199907020-00002  0.692
1999 Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Weissman NW. Can data-driven benchmarks be used to set the goals of healthy people 2010? American Journal of Public Health. 89: 61-65. PMID 9987466 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.89.1.61  0.701
1999 Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Weissman NW, Carter J, Centor RM. The art and science of searching MEDLINE to answer clinical questions. Finding the right number of articles. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 15: 281-296. DOI: 10.1017/S0266462399015214  0.68
1998 Kiefe C, Weissman N, Allison J, Farmer R, Weaver M, Williams O. Identifying achievable benchmarks of care: concepts and methodology. International Journal For Quality in Health Care. 10: 443-447. PMID 9828034 DOI: 10.1093/Intqhc/10.5.443  0.704
1998 Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Cook EF, Gerrity MS, Orav EJ, Centor R. The association of physician attitudes about uncertainty and risk taking with resource use in a Medicare HMO Medical Decision Making. 18: 320-329. PMID 9679997 DOI: 10.1177/0272989X9801800310  0.364
1996 Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Centor RM, Box JB, Farmer RM. Racial differences in the medical treatment of elderly Medicare patients with acute myocardial infarction. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 11: 736-43. PMID 9016420 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02598987  0.325
1996 Allison J. Risk adjustment for measuring health care outcomes Annals of Epidemiology. 6: 365-366. DOI: 10.1016/S1047-2797(96)90011-3  0.301
Show low-probability matches.