Chung-Ang University, Korea

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Joo-Seok Hyunvisual attention, memory, ERPs
Chan Woo LeeAddiction, Narcissism Personality, Impulsivity, Anxiety
Chan Woo LeeAddiction, Narcissism Personality, Impulsivity, Anxiety
Yunji ParkDevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, educational psychology Psychology20122014 Soohyun Cho (grad student)
Giyeon KimAging; Mental Health Disparities; Minority Aging; Geographic Disparities;Measurement Equivalence; Clinical Geropsychology
Suhyun Bae Department of Psychology2018 Giyeon Kim (grad student)
Myung Jin Choi Department of Psychology2019 Giyeon Kim (grad student)
Uimi Jang Department of Psychology2019 Giyeon Kim (grad student)
Donghee Shin Psychology20202022 Giyeon Kim (grad student)
Juhyeong Lee Psychology20212023 Giyeon Kim (grad student)
Junyub Lim Psychology20212023 Giyeon Kim (grad student)
Yeoju Liwoo Kim Psychology20212023 Giyeon Kim (grad student)
Suha You Psychology20212024 Giyeon Kim (grad student)
Yeonsoo Shin Psychology20222024 Giyeon Kim (grad student)
Gaeun Han Psychology2022 Giyeon Kim (grad student)