John K. Kruschke
Affiliations: | Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States |
attention in learning, connectionist models, bayesian statisticsWebsite:
"John Kruschke"Mean distance: 14.99 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: MathTree
Sign in to add traineeEmily S. Kappenman | research assistant | UC Davis | |
Ronaldo Vigo | grad student | Indiana University Bloomington | |
Michael A. Erickson | grad student | 1992-1997 | Indiana University Bloomington |
Teresa A. Treat | grad student | 2000 | Indiana University Bloomington |
Nathaniel J. Blair | grad student | 2001 | Indiana University Bloomington |
Mark K. Johansen | grad student | 2002 | Indiana University Bloomington |
Stephen E. Denton | grad student | 2009 | Indiana University Bloomington |
Richard A. Hullinger | grad student | 2011 | Indiana University Bloomington |
Michael L. Kalish | post-doc | 1993-1995 | Indiana University Bloomington |
Sign in to add collaboratorAnthony J. Bishara | collaborator | ||
David N. George | collaborator | Indiana University Bloomington |
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Hullinger RA, Kruschke JK, Todd PM. (2014) An Evolutionary Analysis of Learned Attention. Cognitive Science |
Ahn WY, Vasilev G, Lee SH, et al. (2014) Decision-making in stimulant and opiate addicts in protracted abstinence: evidence from computational modeling with pure users. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 849 |
Kruschke JK. (2013) Posterior predictive checks can and should be Bayesian: comment on Gelman and Shalizi, 'Philosophy and the practice of Bayesian statistics'. The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. 66: 45-56 |
Kieffaber PD, Kruschke JK, Cho RY, et al. (2013) Dissociating stimulus-set and response-set in the context of task-set switching. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 39: 700-19 |
George DN, Kruschke JK. (2012) Contextual modulation of attention in human category learning. Learning & Behavior. 40: 530-41 |
Jacobs RA, Kruschke JK. (2011) Bayesian learning theory applied to human cognition. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science. 2: 8-21 |
Collins EC, Percy EJ, Smith ER, et al. (2011) Integrating advice and experience: learning and decision making with social and nonsocial cues. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 100: 967-82 |
Treat TA, Kruschke JK, Viken RJ, et al. (2011) Application of Associative Learning Paradigms to Clinically Relevant Individual Differences in Cognitive Processing Associative Learning and Conditioning Theory: Human and Non-Human Applications |
Jacobs RA, Kruschke JK. (2011) Bayesian learning theory applied to human cognition Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science. 2: 8-21 |
Treat TA, Viken RJ, Kruschke JK, et al. (2011) Men's memory for women's sexual-interest and rejection cues Applied Cognitive Psychology. 25: 802-810 |