Richard E. Albrecht, Ph.D.

2007 Florida International University, Miami, FL, United States 
Developmental Psychology
"Richard Albrecht"
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William Kurtines grad student 2007 Florida International
 (A model of self -transformative identity development in troubled adolescent youth.)
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Rinaldi RL, Meca A, Eichas K, et al. (2012) The Development of a Qualitative Extension for the Personally Expressive Activities Questionnaire (PEAQ-QE): A Construct Validation Study Identity. 12: 320-344
Eichas K, Albrecht RE, Garcia AJ, et al. (2010) Mediators of Positive Youth Development Intervention Change: Promoting Change in Positive and Problem Outcomes? Child and Youth Care Forum. 39: 211-237
Kurtines WM, Montgomery MJ, Arango LL, et al. (2008) Promoting positive youth development: Relational Data Analysis (RDA) Journal of Adolescent Research. 23: 291-309
Kurtines WM, Ferrer-Wreder L, Berman SL, et al. (2008) Promoting positive youth development: The Miami Youth Development Project (YDP) Journal of Adolescent Research. 23: 256-267
Kurtines WM, Montgomery MJ, Eichas K, et al. (2008) Promoting positive identity development in troubled youth: A developmental intervention science outreach research approach Identity. 8: 125-138
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