Nicole E. Werner, Ph.D. - US grants

2000 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Developmental Psychology

We are testing a new system for linking grants to scientists.

The funding information displayed below comes from the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools and the NSF Award Database.
The grant data on this page is limited to grants awarded in the United States and is thus partial. It can nonetheless be used to understand how funding patterns influence mentorship networks and vice-versa, which has deep implications on how research is done.
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High-probability grants

According to our matching algorithm, Nicole E. Werner is the likely recipient of the following grants.
Years Recipients Code Title / Keywords Matching
2009 — 2010 Werner, Nicole E
R03Activity Code Description:
To provide research support specifically limited in time and amount for studies in categorical program areas. Small grants provide flexibility for initiating studies which are generally for preliminary short-term projects and are non-renewable.

Parent Influences On Young Children's Relational Aggression

@ Washington State University

2020 — 2021 Werner, Nicole E
R41Activity Code Description:
To support cooperative R&D projects between small business concerns and research institutions, limited in time and amount, to establish the technical merit and feasibility of ideas that have potential for commercialization. Awards are made to small business concerns only.

Development of a Caregiver Application and Ai-Enabled Intelligent Assistant to Support Families and Formal Care Providers in Caring For Persons With Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias

@ Whiplash Technology, Inc.

2021 Elliott, Christian
Werner, Nicole E
R44Activity Code Description:
To support in - depth development of R&D ideas whose feasibility has been established in Phase I and which are likely to result in commercial products or services. SBIR Phase II are considered 'Fast-Track' and do not require National Council Review.

Design, Development, and Validation of An Ai-Enabled Legal Planning and Ficial Management Training Solution For Adrd Caregivers

@ Whiplash Technology, Inc.

2021 Smith, Maureen A (co-PI) [⬀]
Werner, Nicole E
R18Activity Code Description:
To provide support designed to develop, test, and evaluate health service activities, and to foster the application of existing knowledge for the control of categorical diseases.

Engineering Safe Care Journeys For Vulnerable Older Adults

@ University of Wisconsin-Madison

2021 Holden, Richard J (co-PI) [⬀]
Werner, Nicole E
R21Activity Code Description:
To encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. (Support generally is restricted in level of support and in time.)

Helping the Helpers: User-Centered Technology to Aid Caregiver Management of Medications For People With Adrd

@ University of Wisconsin-Madison
