University of Hawaii

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Morton E. Bittermanlearning, comparative psychology
Gary L. BradshawCognitive Psychology Psychology Louis M. Herman (post-doc)
Sun Cheung19891994 Ronald P. Hammer (grad student)
Ian M. CookeNeurosecretion
Bruce S. Cushing Ernst S. Reese (post-doc)
Adam K. Dewanneurobiology of social behavior
Robert GrafNeurosecretion, Calcium Signaling19871993 Ian M. Cooke (grad student)
Aaron J Hamersymbolic connectionism, knowledge representation, language acquisition Linguistics Katie Drager (grad student)
John M. Hardman
Daniel K. Hartline
Yun-Wei A. HsuCircadian rhythm, crustacean, cell/molecular biology, habenula20002003 Ian M. Cooke (research assistant)
Yoav Litvin
Katherine LivinsAnalogy, relational reasoning, high-level vision Psychology20102015 Alex Doumas (grad student)
Jody Margulies19871992 Ronald P. Hammer (grad student)
Akihiko MasudaClinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology Steven C. Hayes (grad student)
Lane T. McIntoshcomputation/theory, information theory20102012 Susanne Still (grad student)
Neva P. Meyer
Aaron NakamuraNeuroscience, Developmental/Social/Clinical Psychology, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), fMRI, Ethnic Identity, Diversity Psychology2024 Jonas Vibell (grad student)
Robert A. NicholsAlzheimer's disease19771982 Eric M. Shooter (grad student)
Mauricio R. PapiniComparative Psychology Morton E. Bitterman (post-doc)
Nathan S. Pentkowski D C. Blanchard (grad student)
Martin RaynerVoltage-gated ion channels
Peter C. RubenSodium channels19871995 Ian M. Cooke (post-doc), Martin Rayner (collaborator), John Starkus (collaborator)
John StarkusVoltage-gated ion channels
Susanne StillInformation Theory, Machine Learning
Edward L. StuenkelNeuroscience Ian M. Cooke (grad student)
Timothy C. TricasSensory biology and behavior of fishes
Jonas VibellBrainimaging, attention, perception, multisensory integration