Mauricio R. Papini

Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, United States 
Comparative Psychology
"Mauricio Papini"
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Fernández RC, Puddington MM, Kliger R, et al. (2024) Instrumental successive negative contrast in rats: Trial distribution, reward magnitude, and prefrontal cortex activation. Physiology & Behavior. 278: 114511
Hagen C, Ogallar PM, Papini MR. (2023) Open field activity is linked to, but is not affected by, the rate of recovery from reward downshift in female Wistar rats. Behavioural Processes. 213: 104966
Muzio RN, Yohena A, Papini MR. (2022) Evidence of successive negative contrast in terrestrial toads (Rhinella arenarum): central or peripheral effect? Animal Cognition
Thompson JB, Daniel AM, Rushing BG, et al. (2020) Recovery profiles from reward downshift are correlated with operant licking maintained by alcohol, but not with genetic variation in the mu opioid receptor. Physiology & Behavior. 113192
Fuentes-Verdugo E, Pellón R, Papini MR, et al. (2020) Effects of partial reinforcement on autoshaping in inbred Roman high- and low-avoidance rats. Physiology & Behavior. 225: 113111
Donaire R, Papini MR, Torres C. (2020) Effects of alcohol consumption induced by reward loss on behavior in the hole-board test. Behavioural Processes. 176: 104135
Guarino S, Conrad SE, Papini MR. (2020) Frustrative nonreward: Chemogenetic inactivation of the central amygdala abolishes the effect of reward downshift without affecting alcohol intake. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 107173
Conrad SE, Guarino S, Papini MR. (2020) Surprising nonreward and response effort: Extinction after progressive-ratio training in rats and pigeons Learning and Motivation. 72: 101676
Ruiz-Salas JC, de la Casa LG, Papini MR. (2020) Dimensions of sucrose solutions in the successive negative contrast effect Learning and Motivation. 69: 101615
Thompson JB, Conrad SE, Torres C, et al. (2020) Inescapable exposure to the Barnes maze increases preference for alcohol over water in rats: Implications for depression and anxiety Learning and Motivation. 69: 101602
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