Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Gertrude Joan AullGestalt psychology, psychoanalysis19461954 Mary Henle (grad student), Solomon E. Asch (research assistant), Helen Block Lewis (grad student)
William B. BarrNeuropsychology, Memory, Epilepsy, Concussion, Forensic 19791988 Mary Henle (grad student)
Heather A. BerlinNeuropsychology19982000 Marcel Kinsbourne (grad student)
Janet M. BertoldiClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology2002 Nick Haslam (grad student)
Karen BlackmonNeuropsychology Marcel Kinsbourne (grad student)
Carolina Martuscelli BoriOperant behavior, visual system, conditional discrimination Psychology Tamara Dembo (grad student)
Roberto Bottini Daniel Casasanto (post-doc)
Jack W. Brehmmotivational intensity, reactance theory, cognitive dissonance, Leon Festinger (grad student)
Shlomo BreznitzClinical Psychology
Gary Brucatoattenuated psychosis, violence, criminal pathology Psychology Psychology Psychology Ali Khadivi (grad student), Marcel Kinsbourne (grad student), David Shapiro (grad student)
Marc A. BurdCognitive neuroscience, lateralization, autism2000 Marcel Kinsbourne (grad student)
Tak C. ChanCognitive neuroscience, lateralization, autism2002 Marcel Kinsbourne (grad student)
David F. CiampiCognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology Media Studies1985 Paul Levinson (grad student)
Dorothy DinnersteinPerception1951 Max Wertheimer (grad student)
Gerald Echterhoffmemory, communication, social cognition19972000 William Hirst (grad student)
Jessica Engelbrecht Psychology Joan G. Miller (grad student)
Leon Festinger
Stanley K. GassawayCognitive neuroscience, lateralization, autism2001 Marcel Kinsbourne (grad student)
Cherie L. GerstadtClinical Psychology2002 Polly Scarvalone (grad student)
Joan S. Girgusvisual perception Stanley Coren (grad student)
William H. GottdienerClinical Psychology Psychology2000 David Shapiro (grad student), Nick Haslam (grad student)
Catherine HansonCognitive Neuroscience William Hirst (grad student)
Ilan Harpaz-Rotemsocial aspects of cognition and memory2002 William Hirst (grad student)
Nick HaslamClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology
Gayna HavensClinical Psychology, Genetics2002 Nick Haslam (grad student)
Mary HenleGestalt Psychology Wolfgang Köhler (collaborator)
William Hirstsocial aspects of cognition and memory
Brendan HoganPhilosophy; pragmatism, political philosophy, philosophy of social science, critical theory Philosophy Richard J. Bernstein (grad student)
Jack HoppenstandVisual perception2002 Arien Mack (grad student)
Dana S. IyerClinical Psychology2001 Nick Haslam (grad student)
Nimali Jayasinghesocial aspects of cognition and memory2002 William Hirst (grad student)
Marcel KinsbourneCognitive neuroscience, lateralization, autism1963 Elizabeth K. Warrington (grad student)
Paul Levinson
Thomas Luckmann Alfred Schutz (grad student)
Tonja MachullaHuman Perception20032005 Arien Mack (grad student)
Joan G. Miller
Agnes NgaiClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2000 Nick Haslam (grad student)
Jane M. OsbornCognitive neuroscience, lateralization, autism2000 Marcel Kinsbourne (grad student)
Murat PakerClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2000 David Shapiro (grad student)
Kenneth ParkClinical Psychology2002 Shlomo Breznitz (grad student)
Joseph F. RathRehabilitation, neuropsychology, traumatic brain injury19871987 Vance Marc Zemon (grad student)
Irvin RockAttention1952 Hans Wallach (grad student)
Ted L. Rosenthal1976 Leon Festinger (grad student)
Robert L. Russell
Polly ScarvaloneClinical Psychology
Alfred Schutzsociology, philosophy, phenomenology
David Shapiro
Stephen R. ShirkClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology Robert L. Russell (grad student)
Michael E. Silverman Psychology Psychology2001 Arien Mack (grad student), Marcel Kinsbourne (grad student), William Hirst (grad student)
Robert M. SteinmanEye movements19581960 Hans Wallach (grad student)
Charles Beason Stonememory Psychology William Hirst (grad student)
Gen Tsudaka Psychology Joan G. Miller (grad student)
Hans Wallach
Zhenlan Wang Psychology Joan G. Miller (grad student)
Max WertheimerPerception Mary Henle (collaborator)