University of Newcastle, Australia

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Charlotte Alley School of Environmental and Life Sciences20202023 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)
Philip S. BoltonSpinal cord,
Cassandra Bugir School of Environmental and Life Sciences20182021 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)
Nadia Christina BUNICUndergrad Student, 4th year psychology,general
Kathleen Bushell
Carrol Chan School of Environmental and Life Sciences20202023 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)
Elliott Dooley
Siosina Katoa School of Environmental and Life Sciences20202023 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)
Leah KrubitzerNeuroanatomy, brain evolution19801984 Michael B. Calford (post-doc)
Satem Longchar School of Environmental and Life Sciences20192024 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)
Lynne Matthews School of Environmental and Life Sciences20212024 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)
Samantha Sanders
Sarah Stock School of Environmental and Life Sciences20192022 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)
Samantha Wallace School of Environmental and Life Sciences20192022 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)
William Young School of Environmental and Life Sciences20202023 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)