Florida Atlantic Uiversity

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Meltem BallanERPs
John J Buchanancoordination, observational learning, tDCS, TMS Psychology J. A.S. Kelso (grad student)
David A. Cinalli Jr
Paula Gajewski2017 Randy D. Blakely (post-doc)
Laura GustSocial Psychology Psychology2023 Andrjez Nowak (grad student)
Sang Wook W. Hongvision Randolph Blake (post-doc)
Martha J Hubertz Psychology David Bjorklund (grad student)
Erik Johanson
J. A. Scott KelsoThe problem of coordination in living things; connecting levels of brain and behavior through theory and experiment; principles and mechanisms of coordination dynamics (e.g. in sensorimotor integration, learning, perception, language, and development) usi
Michael ManninoComputational Neuroscience Center for Complex systems and brain sciences20132018 Steven L. Bressler (grad student)
Felix Mayer
Shweta Singh Biological sciences John Robert Nambu (grad student)
Shweta Singh
Mengsen ZhangComputational Neuroscience, Complex Systems, Synchronization Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences20132018 Emmanuelle Tognoli (grad student)