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Ann M. Skoczenski

Shriver Center, Oxford, OH, United States 
vision, development
"Ann Skoczenski"
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Skoczenski AM. (2010) Infant vernier acuity improves at low luminance Journal of Vision. 6: 289-289
Skoczenski AM, Good WV. (2004) Vernier acuity is selectively affected in infants and children with cortical visual impairment. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 46: 526-32
Skoczenski AM, Norcia AM. (2002) Late maturation of visual hyperacuity. Psychological Science. 13: 537-41
Skoczenski AM, Soffer A. (2002) Orientation tuning of vernier acuity in human infants and adults Journal of Vision. 2: 195a
Candy TR, Skoczenski AM, Norcia AM. (2001) Normalization models applied to orientation masking in the human infant. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 21: 4530-41
Good WV, Jan JE, Burden SK, et al. (2001) Recent advances in cortical visual impairment Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 43: 56-60
Skoczenski AM, Nelson AD, Surti HS. (2001) Crowding in infants' VEP vernier responses Journal of Vision. 1: 451a
Skoczenski AM, Norcia AM. (1999) Development of VEP Vernier acuity and grating acuity in human infants. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 40: 2411-7
Skoczenski AM, Norcia AM. (1998) Neural noise limitations on infant visual sensitivity. Nature. 391: 697-700
Movshon JA, Kiorpes L, Hawken MJ, et al. (1997) Sensitivity of lgn neurons in infant macaque monkeys Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 38: S498
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