Cluster #29 (Go to map): Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Peter H. Schiller (Info) MIT Visual system hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Horace Barlow (Info) Cambridge Computation & Theory hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Robert Desimone (Info) MIT Systems, attention, vision hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Hans-Lukas Teuber (Info) MIT neuropsychology, double dissociation of function hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Leslie Ungerleider (Info) NIMH Vision, cognition david 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Jyoti Mishra (Info) UCSF attention, multisensory, plasticity, cognitive training drjmishra 2012‑06‑04 Sim
Larry R. Squire (Info) UCSD Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑29 Sim
Sabine Kastner (Info) Princeton hayden 2005‑01‑16 Sim
Andreas Bartels (Info) MPI Tuebingen visual system, imaging david 2005‑01‑22 Sim
Michael A. Silver (Info) UC Berkeley Visual cortex, attention david 2005‑01‑22 Sim
Edmund Rolls (Info) Oxford Systems hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Peter Dayan (Info) UCL hayden 2005‑08‑10 Sim
Charles Randy Gallistel (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Cognition, Learning, Memory hayden 2005‑02‑05 Sim
Robert Galambos (Info) UCSD wkhoe 2005‑09‑26 Sim
J Anthony Movshon (Info) NYU Vision hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Tomaso A. Poggio (Info) MIT Computation hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Charles Gross (Info) Princeton Visual system hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Margaret Livingstone (Info) Harvard Vision hayden 2005‑01‑16 Sim
James A. Mazer (Info) Yale, Montana State, MIT visual system david 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Jack L. Gallant (Info) UC Berkeley Systems david 2005‑01‑14 Sim
Jochen Braun (Info) University of Magdeburg Attention, awareness, neural computation kathleen 2005‑03‑29 Sim
Gabriel Kreiman (Info) The Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School Computational Neuroscience, Visual Object Recognition, Visual Cortex, Artificial Intelligence jgoleary 2005‑11‑02 Sim
Jeffrey Schall (Info) Vanderbilt Decision-making hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Roger W. Sperry (Info) Caltech Cerebral lateralization hayden 2005‑01‑16 Sim
Pascal Fries (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Neuronal synchronization david 2005‑03‑26 Sim
Heinrich H. Buelthoff (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Psychophysics, Cognition, Computer Vision, Robotics hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim
Trevor W. Robbins (Info) Cambridge hayden 2005‑08‑08 Sim
David Eagleman (Info) Baylor College of Medicine JLand52 2005‑01‑29 Sim
Alexandre Pouget (Info) University of Geneva hanks 2005‑10‑08 Sim
Peter König (Info) Universität Osnabrück visual system, learning, natural stimuli, sensorimotor coupling peterkonig 2006‑06‑14 Sim
Richard T. Born (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual system hanks 2005‑10‑12 Sim
Norman Geschwind (Info) Harvard Medical School Behavioral neurology, language tamily 2005‑12‑01 Sim
Larry Weiskrantz (Info) Oxford neuropsychology hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
David J. Heeger (Info) NYU Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Visual Neuroscience david 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Gabriel Horn (Info) Cambridge Neural plasticity, learning, development mark 2006‑10‑27 Sim
Donald Benjamin Lindsley (Info) UCLA neurophysiology, cortex, thalamus gheeorgbe 2005‑10‑21 Sim
Shinsuke Shimojo (Info) Caltech Psychophysics hayden 2005‑02‑20 Sim
Kenji Doya (Info) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology reinforcement learning shinji 2005‑11‑01 Sim
David C. Somers (Info) Boston University fMRI, Visual Attention, Visual Perception, Cortical Circuit Models, Oscillations somers 2006‑10‑19 Sim
Akaysha C. Tang (Info) Univ. of New Mexico stress, early life experiences msuther 2014‑12‑18 Sim
Tirin Moore (Info) Stanford hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Arnaud Delorme (Info) CNRS EEG, ICA, Meditation simon.thorpe 2008‑10‑14 Sim
Shaul Hochstein (Info) Hebrew University Visual System hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Geraint Rees (Info) UCL consciousness, visual perception, MRI, machine learning, stroke, neurodegeneration kathleen 2005‑07‑25 Sim
Adam Gazzaley (Info) UCSF Top-down modulation, visual system, aging adamgazz 2005‑09‑06 Sim
Ralph Adolphs (Info) Caltech Emotion & Social Behavior cab 2006‑04‑19 Sim
Stephen Grossberg (Info) Boston University Computation & Theory david 2005‑09‑15 Sim
Stefan Treue (Info) German Primate Center Visual System hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Samat Moldakarimov (Info) Salk Institute computational neuroscience samat 2008‑09‑20 Sim
Dan Kersten (Info) UMN Visual psychophysics david 2005‑02‑01 Sim
Paul W. Glimcher (Info) NYU Decision-making hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Noam Sobel (Info) Weizmann Institute Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑25 Sim
Lorrin Riggs (Info) Brown david 2005‑01‑27 Sim
John D. Pettigrew (Info) University of Queensland Vision hanks 2005‑10‑11 Sim
Ernst Poeppel (Info) University of Munich Visual system, time perception wittmann 2006‑03‑30 Sim
Amit Etkin (Info) Stanford djo155 2009‑12‑14 Sim
R. Christopher deCharms (Info) Omneuron fMRI, Training, Plasticity, Pain david 2005‑01‑31 Sim
Hallowell Davis (Info) Harvard hayden 2005‑02‑07 Sim
Srikantan S. Nagarajan (Info) UCSF Sensory systems, and MEG JLand52 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Christoph von der Malsburg (Info) FIAS Neurobiology, Neural Networks, self-organization lshams 2006‑03‑31 Sim
Max Cynader (Info) UBC hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Brian A. Wandell (Info) Stanford Vision JLand52 2005‑01‑26 Sim
John H. Reynolds (Info) Salk Institute visual system, attention, neurophysiology, modeling hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Andreas S. Tolias (Info) hanks 2005‑10‑12 Sim
David E. Osher (Info) Ohio State dosher 2008‑02‑14 Sim
Edgar A. DeYoe (Info) Medical College of Wisconsin Visual cortex, neuroimaging methods kathleen 2005‑05‑21 Sim
Rajesh P. Rao (Info) University of Washington Computation & theory hanks 2005‑10‑12 Sim
Josef P. Rauschecker (Info) Georgetown Cortical Plasticity/ Sensory mhuntsman 2006‑01‑10 Sim
Karl R. Gegenfurtner (Info) Giessen University Visual system david 2005‑01‑27 Sim
Thomas D. Albright (Info) Salk Institute Vision hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Michael I. Jordan (Info) MIT, UC Berkeley machine learning, statistics hayden 2005‑01‑18 Sim
Antonio Damasio (Info) USC neurology, neuropsychology hayden 2005‑10‑13 Sim
Matthew J. Nelson (Info) NeuroSpin CEA, France Neurolinguistics, Biophysics and Electrophysiology Pougetp 2013‑02‑10 Sim
Gregory S. Berns (Info) Emory Neuroeconomics hayden 2006‑08‑07 Sim
Lawrence H. Snyder (Info) Washington University sensory motor neurophysiology hanks 2005‑10‑08 Sim
Cynthia A. Erickson (Info) Metropolitan State University of Denver visual object recognition and memory cyneric 2005‑02‑07 Sim
Noa Ofen (Info) Wayne State cognitive neuroscience noa 2007‑08‑10 Sim
Frank A. Beach (Info) UC Berkeley behavioral endocrinology hayden 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Edward H. Adelson (Info) MIT Computation & Theory, visual system david 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Doreen Kimura (Info) Western University sex difference, cognition thorfinn 2006‑04‑09 Sim
Anya Hurlbert (Info) Newcastle Visual Perception hayden 2005‑02‑05 Sim
David L. Sheinberg (Info) Brown hanks 2005‑10‑12 Sim
Klaus-Peter Hoffmann (Info) Ruhr University Bochum Vision bartkrekelberg 2005‑09‑23 Sim
Arnulf B.A. Graf (Info) Caltech agraf 2007‑07‑09 Sim
Carl Pfaffmann (Info) Brown, Rockefeller taste electrophysiology jhayes 2006‑08‑01 Sim
Elizabeth Buffalo (Info) Emory, University of Washington Memory david 2005‑10‑19 Sim
James J. DiCarlo (Info) MIT Visual Cortex david 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Karl Frederick Arrington (Info) Arrington Research, Inc. Eye Tracking hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Zoe Kourtzi (Info) University of Birmingham visual cognitive neuroscience nkanwisher 2006‑10‑01 Sim
Jerald D. Kralik (Info) Dartmouth neuroethologist spwise 2005‑11‑25 Sim
Charles Butter (Info) University of Michigan frontal lobe function, social cognitive neuroscience cbutter 2010‑05‑25 Sim
Daniel M. Wolpert (Info) Columbia Motor Control lselen 2007‑09‑22 Sim
Rainer Goebel (Info) Maastricht University imaging tools kathleen 2006‑05‑16 Sim
Lee M. Miller (Info) UC Davis Sensory processing, Speech recognition david 2005‑01‑22 Sim
Michael L. Platt (Info) Duke, Penn hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Barbara Zenger-Landolt (Info) Stanford Visual attention kathleen 2005‑03‑29 Sim
Giovanni Berlucchi (Info) University of Verona hayden 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Marty Sereno (Info) UCL visual cortex kathleen 2005‑03‑26 Sim
Daniel Baldauf (Info) MIT danielbaldauf 2009‑11‑30 Sim
Michael Campos (Info) Caltech Decision making, eye movements senorcampos 2007‑04‑17 Sim
Rufin VanRullen (Info) CNRS hayden 2007‑06‑21 Sim
Bijan Pesaran (Info) NYU hanks 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Grant H. Mulliken (Info) MIT Visuomotor System grant 2008‑08‑06 Sim
Morris Bender (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Neurology hayden 2005‑02‑21 Sim
Edgar E. Coons (Info) NYU Hypothalamus david 2005‑10‑18 Sim
Joy Hirsch (Info) Columbia fMRI jlg 2005‑02‑18 Sim
Stacia Friedman-Hill (Info) NIMH Visual attention kathleen 2005‑05‑21 Sim
Soyun Kim (Info) USC Learning and Memory soyunkim 2009‑11‑12 Sim
Virginia R. de Sa (Info) UCSD cab 2006‑02‑03 Sim
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (Info) UCSD Neurology kathleen 2005‑10‑30 Sim
Douglas P. Munoz (Info) Queens University hayden 2005‑02‑07 Sim
Bruno A. Olshausen (Info) UC Berkeley, UC Davis Computation & Theory david 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Choongkil Lee (Info) Seoul National University Eye movements, vision daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑06 Sim
Rufin Vogels (Info) KU Leuven hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Michael J. Wright (Info) Brunel University London Visual System, psychophysics, fMRI, EEG michaelwright 2007‑04‑04 Sim
Beverly A. Wright (Info) Northwestern Psychoacoustics cab 2006‑12‑06 Sim
Michael Graziano (Info) Princeton sensorimotor integration tirin 2005‑10‑25 Sim
Jay Hegdé (Info) Medical College of Georgia Visual cortex jay 2006‑09‑19 Sim
Sang Wan Lee (Info) KAIST Computational neuroscience, brain-inspired AI bigbean 2011‑10‑28 Sim
Marc David Hauser (Info) Harvard evolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior jgoleary 2005‑11‑03 Sim
Apostolos P. Georgopoulos (Info) UMN motor system hayden 2005‑01‑16 Sim
Pieter R. Roelfsema (Info) Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute hanks 2005‑10‑15 Sim
Victor A.F. Lamme (Info) Amsterdam Cognitive neuroscience hanks 2005‑10‑15 Sim
John F. Houde (Info) UCSF Speech perception, Speech production jfhoude 2008‑06‑18 Sim
Simon J. Thorpe (Info) CNRS Visual system, Rapid Categorisation, Neural Coding rufin 2008‑05‑26 Sim
Nava Rubin (Info) NYU Mid-Level Vision Damian 2005‑11‑23 Sim
Denis G. Pelli (Info) NYU Visual sensitivity, object recognition, crowding 2005‑09‑15 Sim
Randy L. Buckner (Info) Harvard Human memory cab 2006‑04‑19 Sim
Jeffrey Sean Grethe (Info) UCSD neuroinformatics jgrethe 2011‑05‑02 Sim
Pawan Sinha (Info) MIT Vision remus 2006‑07‑11 Sim
Emmanuel Procyk (Info) CNRS, INSERM Cingulate Cortex hayden 2005‑10‑30 Sim
Scott Makeig (Info) UCSD Systems david 2005‑10‑21 Sim
Fumiko Hoeft (Info) Stanford dyslexia, fMRI, TMS, real-time fMRI fumiko 2006‑08‑31 Sim
Lizabeth M. Romanski (Info) Rochester neurophysiology; neuroanatomy; multisensory integration daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑11 Sim
Yang Jiang (Info) University of Kentucky College of Medicine Visual perception / Memory / Neuroimaging yjiang 2009‑08‑25 Sim
John Dylan Haynes (Info) Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience psychophysics & fmri; visual cognition kathleen 2005‑07‑25 Sim
Eero P. Simoncelli (Info) NYU Computation & Theory david 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Peter B. Delahunt (Info) Posit Science brainard 2008‑06‑22 Sim
Todd M. Preuss (Info) Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA primate and human brain evolution; organization of cerebral cortex hayden 2006‑03‑11 Sim
Eunjoo Kang (Info) Kangwon National University Neuroimaging and cognition, Neurophysiology of Learning, hippocampus and behavior mgabriel 2008‑02‑24 Sim
Geoffrey Boynton (Info) University of Washington Visual system david 2005‑09‑22 Sim
Fraser Wilson (Info) KIZ, CAS learning kathleen 2006‑07‑25 Sim
Mehrdad Jazayeri (Info) MIT perception, decision making brian 2006‑03‑29 Sim
Okihide Hikosaka (Info) NEI hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim
Wei Ji Ma (Info) NYU perception, decision-making, cognition weiji 2006‑03‑22 Sim
Bevil R. Conway (Info) Harvard Vision bevil 2006‑03‑22 Sim
Roger Tootell (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑22 Sim
Lynn Nadel (Info) University of Arizona Hippocampus, memory thorfinn 2006‑04‑09 Sim
Kai Görgen (Info) BCCN Berlin Computational Neuroscience; Systems Neuroscience kgoergen 2012‑10‑24 Sim
Annabelle Marie Belcher (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Addiction, Learning and Memory, Neuroimaging, Resting-State Functional Connectivity, NHP models, law and neuroscience abelcher 2008‑08‑25 Sim
Amir Shmuel (Info) MPI Tuebingen Visual cortex; hemodynamic signals kathleen 2005‑03‑26 Sim
Jordan A. Taylor (Info) Princeton Motor Control, Motor Learning jordan12900 2007‑07‑05 Sim
Trichur Raman Vidyasagar (Info) University of Melbourne visual system, neurophysiology, attention, psychophysics, dyslexia ametha 2006‑11‑06 Sim
Zili Liu (Info) UCLA Visual Psychophysics rokers 2005‑11‑17 Sim
John Duncan (Info) MRC-CBU raepstein 2005‑09‑06 Sim
David E. Linden (Info) Cardiff University Emotion processing, Neurofeedback psylai 2011‑04‑28 Sim
John P. Aggleton (Info) Cardiff University Behavioural Neuroscience tjb1000 2005‑11‑23 Sim
Laurent Itti (Info) USC Visual system david 2005‑12‑28 Sim
Mariano Sigman (Info) Universidad de Buenos Aires hayden 2005‑08‑08 Sim
Eric E J DeWitt (Info) Champalimaud Foundation Decision making, Reinforcement learning, Neuroeconomics brian 2006‑03‑29 Sim
Andreas K. Engel (Info) Institute of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology visual system, consciousness, binding, parkinsons disease, gamma activity, EEG, MEG peterkonig 2006‑06‑14 Sim
Konrad P. Kording (Info) Northwestern, Penn Motor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models david 2005‑03‑14 Sim
Julia Trommershäuser (Info) NYU decision-making, visuo-motor control, depth perception, 3D-space perception aseydell 2008‑06‑09 Sim
Tomas Paus (Info) McGill, Nottingham, University of Toronto, Université de Montréal population neuroscience hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim
David Rudrauf (Info) Laboratoire d'Imagerie Fonctionnelle (INSERM) Cognitive Neuroscience, Brain imaging, Lesion studies drudrauf 2009‑11‑05 Sim
Marieke Scholvinck (Info) UCL coronal 2007‑04‑30 Sim
Itamar Kahn (Info) Technion Brain Systems Organization in Health and Disease itamarkahn 2007‑10‑19 Sim
Ignacio Saez (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Decision-making, human electrophysiology isaez 2008‑01‑22 Sim
William Vinje (Info) Johns Hopkins Systems hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Andrea A. Chiba (Info) UCSD Learning and Memory chiba 2006‑10‑02 Sim
Daniel Scott Marcus (Info) Washington University neuroinformatics dmarcus 2008‑02‑21 Sim
Tamara A. Knutsen (Info) Caltech Computation and Neural Systems knutsen 2008‑04‑24 Sim
Ray (Raymond) Kesner (Info) University of Utah learning and memory monkey 2006‑04‑02 Sim
Karl John Friston (Info) UCL cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging methods, functional connectivity drpeelle 2006‑11‑05 Sim
Chess Stetson (Info) Caltech Time Estimation chessstetson 2007‑04‑25 Sim
Javid Sadr (Info) MIT jhsong 2006‑02‑02 Sim
Andre Bastos (Info) UC Davis Visual Neuroscience, Attention, Cognitive, V1, LGN, wmusrey86 2009‑06‑01 Sim
Valerie Bonnardel (Info) University of Winchester Colour Vision vb10006 2008‑09‑09 Sim
David C. Bradley (Info) Chicago Visual neurophysiology kathleen 2005‑03‑26 Sim
Solly Zuckerman (Info) Birmingham University primatology spwise 2005‑11‑25 Sim
Michael H. Herzog (Info) Swiss Institute of Technology quirl 2007‑01‑16 Sim
Nikolaos C. Aggelopoulos (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Neurophysiology na 2006‑03‑27 Sim
June-Seek Choi (Info) Korea University Neurobiology of Learning and Memory glennseo 2008‑06‑18 Sim
Andrew Parker (Info) Oxford hayden 2005‑02‑05 Sim
Molly J. Crockett (Info) UCL Serotonin, social neuroscience, neuroeconomics mc536 2008‑06‑27 Sim
Dov Sagi (Info) Weizmann Institute Visual psychophysics kathleen 2005‑03‑29 Sim
Walter L. Makous (Info) Rochester vision wmakous 2008‑05‑15 Sim
Vincent P. Clark (Info) University of New Mexico, The MIND Institute Attention, addiction, schizophrenia, fMRI, ERP, MEG vpclark 2007‑10‑01 Sim
Audie Leventhal (Info) University of Utah Visual system david 2005‑08‑25 Sim
Adam R. Aron (Info) UCSD Cognitive Neuroscience, frontal cortex/basal-ganglia adamaron 2006‑08‑25 Sim
Kourosh Saberi (Info) UC Irvine Auditory System, Neuroscience ksaberi 2011‑03‑12 Sim
Reza Shadmehr (Info) Johns Hopkins Motor Control david 2005‑01‑25 Sim
Joseph L. Hardy (Info) Lumos Labs Cognitive Training joehardy 2010‑06‑29 Sim
Justin L. Gardner (Info) Stanford MRI vision attention decision motion inference selection david 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Terry Caelli (Info) Queensland Research Laboratory Computer Vision, Machine Learning rubencoen 2009‑07‑12 Sim
Mitsuo Kawato (Info) ATR shinji 2005‑11‑01 Sim
Julia A. Mossbridge (Info) Northwestern cross-modal perception, temporal processing, working memory, perceptual learning cab 2006‑12‑06 Sim
Garth Thomas (Info) Rochester hayden 2005‑10‑30 Sim
Mehdi Aghdaee (Info) Harvard vision Verstraten 2005‑12‑12 Sim
Alexander Grunewald (Info) UW Madison Visual motion perception, Binocular disparity lexyxy 2007‑08‑03 Sim
Lars Muckli (Info) University of Glasgow Visual System - functional Brain Imaging Muckli 2007‑07‑24 Sim
Patrick Wilken (Info) Cell Press consciousness, vision, visual short term memory patrickw 2007‑04‑09 Sim
Craig E. L. Stark (Info) UC Irvine Memory, medial temporal lobes celstark 2006‑09‑25 Sim
Andrew Kayser (Info) UC Berkeley cab 2005‑12‑11 Sim
Yael Niv (Info) Princeton brian 2007‑06‑27 Sim
Stephen L. Foote (Info) UCSD norepinephrine, EEG, locus coeruleus mtaffe 2007‑09‑18 Sim
Fergus W. Campbell (Info) Cambridge Visual psychophysics willmore 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Leonardo Chelazzi (Info) University of Verona Attention hayden 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Jonathan (JoJo) J. Nassi (Info) Salk Institute Visual system, functional anatomy, optogenetics Kellman 2008‑08‑31 Sim
Herman Teitelbaum (Info) Johns Hopkins Hippocampus, opiates amickley 2006‑10‑27 Sim
Kathleen A. Hansen (Info) NIMH hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Hauke R. Heekeren (Info) MPI Human Development Decision Making, Neuroimaging raymundo 2006‑04‑01 Sim
Naotsugu Tsuchiya (Info) Monash University Visual awareness, consciousness, attention, intracranial recording, decoding, category theory naotsu 2007‑11‑21 Sim
Roozbeh Kiani (Info) NYU Neural mechanisms of decision making david 2005‑09‑08 Sim
Jason Connolly (Info) Newcastle University brian 2006‑04‑04 Sim
Thomas Kleindienst (Info) unknown Neurobiology clhahn 2007‑08‑17 Sim
Amy L. Griffin (Info) University of Delaware Hippocampal/Prefrontal cortical interactions amygriff 2007‑06‑11 Sim
Narcisse Bichot (Info) NIMH hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Wilfred John Brogden (Info) UW Madison Auditiory cognition, learning, comparative psychology rivogel 2005‑11‑01 Sim
Driss Boussaoud (Info) CNRS behavioral neurophysiology spwise 2005‑11‑21 Sim
Zhuang Song (Info) VA Medical Center, University of California, San Francisco human memory zhuangsong 2011‑05‑02 Sim
Brian D. Corneil (Info) Western University Oculomotor neurophysiology bcorneil 2006‑04‑18 Sim
Sean Marrett (Info) NIMH vision, neuroimaging kathleen 2006‑08‑24 Sim
Kyoung-Min Lee (Info) Seoul National University hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Daeyeol Lee (Info) Yale School of Medicine neurophysiology hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim
Ronald McKell Carter (Info) Caltech, Duke, CU Boulder decision making, computation & theory hayden 2006‑04‑07 Sim
Karthik Srinivasan (Info) Boston University, MIT Systems, attention, vision; Computation & Theory pq 2015‑11‑24 Sim
Bartlett D. Moore IV (Info) Rice University cognitive neuroscience DrYoda 2006‑03‑14 Sim
Jonathan Harel (Info) Caltech vision, face processing harel 2011‑05‑27 Sim
Alan E. Fisher (Info) University of Pittsburgh mholahan 2010‑03‑04 Sim
Apoorva Bhandari (Info) MRC-CBU Spatial cognition apaxon 2008‑04‑03 Sim
Johannes A. Haushofer (Info) Harvard vision, reward haushofer 2006‑10‑27 Sim
Jonathan Wolpaw (Info) New York State Department of Health, Emory, Wadsworth Center, Nysdoh/health Research, Inc. Nervous system disease, spinal cord david 2005‑03‑26 Sim
Vincent Walsh (Info) UCL cohenkadosh 2006‑10‑28 Sim
Warren Slocum (Info) MIT hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Fritz Koerner (Info) hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Jacob Richter (Info) hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Karl Zipser (Info) hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Paul Haenny (Info) hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Marilee Ogren (Info) Boston College hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Anne B. Sereno (Info) UT Houston Vision maunsell 2006‑09‑06 Sim
Bela Julesz (Info) Bell Labs vision movshon 2005‑09‑15 Sim
Giacomo Rizzolatti (Info) University of Parma hayden 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Piers DL Howe (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital Visual system hanks 2006‑05‑03 Sim
Mark A. Pinsk (Info) Princeton visual system, MRI mpinsk 2006‑03‑14 Sim
Shih-Wei Wu (Info) National Yang-Ming University decision making, neuroeconomics, fMRI, computational neuroscience ltmaloney 2011‑10‑09 Sim
Arash Yazdanbakhsh (Info) Harvard Visual system hanks 2006‑05‑03 Sim
Danique Jeurissen (Info) Columbia Visual perception, decision making DaniqueJeurissen 2010‑10‑18 Sim
Leif H. Finkel (Info) Penn Visual System, Modeling kumbhani 2006‑11‑27 Sim
Frank Bremmer (Info) Universität Marburg Vision, Multisensory, Self-Motion, Primates bartkrekelberg 2005‑09‑23 Sim
Eun Jung J. Hwang (Info) Caltech neurovhuang 2007‑11‑09 Sim
Jose V. Pardo (Info) MN VA Medical Center joshuabuckholtz 2010‑03‑11 Sim
Reza Rajimehr (Info) MIT Vision kathleen 2005‑12‑16 Sim
Richard K. Nakamura (Info) NIMH Cognitive Neuroscience rnakamur 2007‑10‑06 Sim
Daniel R. Weinberger (Info) NIMH/NIH Schizophrenia, Imaging, Genetics ntreeuser 2006‑12‑20 Sim
Natasha Sigala (Info) Oxford Visual perception, categorization, attention david 2008‑06‑24 Sim
Ian GM Cameron (Info) Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Behaviour Saccades, basal ganglia, fMRI, TMS, Parkinson's disease IanGMCameron 2007‑07‑12 Sim
Morton Wiener (Info) Clark University subliminal perception jandh 2014‑03‑10 Sim
Bosco S. Tjan (Info) USC zililiu 2006‑10‑04 Sim
Guy Orban (Info) KU Leuven hanks 2005‑10‑08 Sim
Ehud Zohary (Info) Hebrew University Visual system bnewsome 2005‑11‑16 Sim
Hans Op de Beeck (Info) KU Leuven visual and cognitive neuroscience nkanwisher 2006‑10‑01 Sim
Daniel A. Levy (Info) Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya memory, consciousness daniel 2006‑11‑29 Sim
John Darrell Van Horn (Info) Dartmouth, UCLA, USC, UVA, UVA neuroimaging of brain form, function, and connectivity; systems neuroscience; the brain as a data science john.d.van.horn 2007‑08‑17 Sim
Juan Carlos Mendez (Info) Institute of Neurobiology UNAM, McGovern Instittute for Brain Research, MIT, Oxford hugomerchant 2009‑02‑06 Sim
Thilo Womelsdorf (Info) Vanderbilt Visual System, Attentional Control Stefan 2006‑02‑26 Sim
Ulrich Kirk (Info) Baylor College of Medicine 2007‑12‑27 Sim
Jeroen J.A. Van Boxtel (Info) Monash University Visual psyschophysics, attention, consciousness, biological motion janbrascamp 2008‑05‑29 Sim
Melissa T. Saenz (Info) Caltech vision greghorwitz 2005‑10‑04 Sim
Stephen J. Gotts (Info) NIMH vision, attention, semantic memory alexmartin 2007‑06‑05 Sim
Hagar Gelbard-Sagiv (Info) Caltech Visual awareness, Memory hagar 2011‑04‑20 Sim
Dalbir Bindra (Info) McGill Motivation Thorfinn 2006‑10‑17 Sim
Ariel Rokem (Info) University of Washington MRI, Vision, Data Science kathleen 2006‑05‑04 Sim
Nicole C. Rust (Info) Penn Visual Cortex david 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Rafael Malach (Info) Weizmann Institute Visual cortex kathleen 2005‑02‑14 Sim
Heather A. Berlin (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Neuropsychology heberlin 2008‑10‑21 Sim
Matthew Leon (Info) hanks 2005‑10‑08 Sim
James R. Lackner (Info) Brandeis Spatial Orientation and Motor Control Ayanna 2006‑04‑26 Sim
Adele Diamond (Info) UBC cab 2009‑10‑02 Sim
Herbert G. Vaughan, Jnr. (Info) Albert Einstein Event-Related Potentials foxey 2008‑06‑22 Sim
John E. Desmond (Info) Johns Hopkins cmarvel 2008‑11‑19 Sim
Alumit Ishai (Info) Universität Zürich Ventral stream and cognition kathleen 2005‑02‑14 Sim
Alexander Maier (Info) Vanderbilt Visual Perception avmaier 2005‑10‑22 Sim
Dave I Perrett (Info) University of St. Andrews hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Zeb L. Kurth-Nelson (Info) UCL Addiction, Impulsivity, Discounting, Reinforcement learning, Computational neuroscience zeblk 2007‑08‑29 Sim
Hansjörg Scherberger (Info) Zurich University Hospital, Caltech, ETH Zürich | University of Zürich, University of Göttingen | German Primate Center motor system, BMI scherber 2008‑07‑21 Sim
Robert C. Wilson (Info) Princeton reinforcement learning, decision making, neural networks rcw2 2012‑10‑19 Sim
James R. Cavanaugh (Info) NEI vision movshon 2005‑09‑15 Sim
Najib J. Majaj (Info) NYU vision movshon 2005‑09‑15 Sim
Dahlia Sharon (Info) Stanford didi 2009‑09‑09 Sim
Nathan Faivre (Info) EPFL Consciousness jandh 2012‑03‑12 Sim
Willy Wong (Info) University of Toronto Sensory and neural engineering, theory lux2aeterna 2011‑04‑14 Sim
Alex C. Huk (Info) UT Austin visual motion perception, perceptual decision making david 2005‑09‑08 Sim
Rogier Landman (Info) NIMH hanks 2005‑10‑15 Sim
David H. Brainard (Info) Penn Vision hanks 2005‑10‑27 Sim
Robert L. White (Info) UC Berkeley whiter 2006‑12‑20 Sim
Axel Kohler (Info) Max Planck Institute for Brain Research Visual system, fMRI, TMS kohlman 2007‑07‑26 Sim
Adar Pelah (Info) University of York Visual system, motor systems, medical devices apelah 2011‑12‑05 Sim
Brian N. Pasley (Info) UC Berkeley brain stimulation, speech processing, neurovascular coupling kathleen 2005‑09‑08 Sim
Daniel S. Levine (Info) University of Texas at Arlington Neural Networks, Decision-Making alwinch 2011‑02‑24 Sim
Angela J. Yu (Info) UCSD Computational neuroscience brian 2006‑04‑04 Sim
Robert W. Van Boven (Info) Central Texas VA Health Care System Somatosensory, Brain plasticity and recovery vanboven 2006‑02‑04 Sim
Sara M. Szczepanski (Info) Princeton Visual attention sszczepa 2009‑07‑21 Sim
Virginie van Wassenhove (Info) CEA, DRF/Joliot, INSERM time, cognition, multisensory, perception, auditory-visual speech david 2005‑08‑29 Sim
Manfred Fahle (Info) University of Bremen Form vision kathleen 2005‑03‑29 Sim
David L. Molfese (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Memory, Histones, Behavior molfese 2008‑04‑14 Sim
Ayelet Landau (Info) UC Berkeley visual attention, face perception jlbrooks 2006‑08‑17 Sim
Marcus J. Naumer (Info) Goethe-Universität Frankfurt multisensory, sensorimotor, crossmodal integration, fMRI naumer 2008‑04‑07 Sim
Jocelyne Bachevalier (Info) Emory hayden 2005‑10‑29 Sim
Jean-Philippe Lachaux (Info) INSERM, Lyon Neuroscience brovelli 2006‑05‑17 Sim
Benjamin Y. Hayden (Info) UMN Cognitive Neuroscience david 2005‑01‑14 Sim
Benjamin de Haas (Info) UCL visual perception, multisensory perception, attention, individual differences Ben 2010‑11‑22 Sim
Andrew Harrison Bell (Info) NIMH Face processing, Monkey fMRI, Superior-Colliculus Physiology vinje 2005‑11‑07 Sim
Denis Schluppeck (Info) Nottingham Visual system, parietal cortex, functional MRI kathleen 2005‑03‑28 Sim
O'Dhaniel A. Mullette-Gillman (Info) National University of Singapore Decision Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Decision Making, Executive Functions, Value-to-Utility Transformation, Moral Judgments oamg 2005‑11‑11 Sim
David A. Ziegler (Info) MIT systems neuroscience ziggles 2005‑10‑29 Sim
Alvaro Pascual-Leone (Info) Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Human Cortical Physiology, Plasticity, Neuromodulation apleone 2006‑10‑19 Sim
Srimant Tripathy (Info) University of Bradford Visual perception and cognition ychen 2007‑09‑23 Sim
Xiaosi Gu (Info) UCL, Mount Sinai School of Medicine computational psychiatry, decision making, social neuroscience xgu 2010‑04‑30 Sim
M Philip Bryden (Info) University of Waterloo Laterality gina.grimshaw 2008‑06‑03 Sim
Norman Maier (Info) University of Michigan hayden 2006‑03‑10 Sim
Woodburn Heron (Info) McMaster University david 2008‑08‑28 Sim
Mark Rosenzweig (Info) UC Berkeley Learning and memory david 2005‑02‑05 Sim
Antoine Bechara (Info) USC decision hayden 2005‑10‑13 Sim
Zijiang J. He (Info) University of Louisville visual system ken 2006‑02‑25 Sim
Randall R. Rule (Info) Innerscope Research Cognitive Neuroscience ruler 2011‑07‑28 Sim
Sarang S. Dalal (Info) Aarhus University, University of Konstanz sarang 2005‑06‑29 Sim
Diane Whitmer (Info) UT Austin and NeuroTexas Institute at St. David's Healthcare Cognitive deficits in neurodegenerative disorders dwhitmer 2010‑01‑17 Sim
Onur Güntürkün (Info) Ruhr-Universität Bochum rosjo336 2008‑10‑21 Sim
Andrew Monjan (Info) NIA visual neurophysiology, aging culham 2006‑04‑06 Sim
Chiang-Shan Ray Li (Info) Yale yctseng 2009‑12‑02 Sim
Jeri S. Janowsky (Info) OHSU Cognitive neuroscience of aging blf2 2007‑08‑24 Sim
Tom J. van Grootel (Info) Max Planck Institute for Biolological Cybernetics, New York University, Center for Neural Science, Radboud University, Donders Centre for Neuroscience, Nijmegen. Visual system, Visual development, Auditory system, Gaze control, Oculomotor system johnvo 2009‑11‑17 Sim
Ying Shi (Info) Caltech Neuprosthetics shiying80 2014‑02‑12 Sim
Tracy M. Centanni (Info) Texas Christian University Language disorders, Speech processing, Genetics kilgard 2009‑08‑10 Sim
Jay A. Edelman (Info) CCNY Eye movements jacob111 2006‑01‑21 Sim
Ladan Shams (Info) UCLA visual and multisensory perception weiji 2006‑03‑22 Sim
Alexander Gail (Info) German Primate Center Stefan 2007‑07‑07 Sim
Fuat Balci (Info) Princeton Interval Timing, Decision-Making, Animal Learning fuatbalci 2009‑06‑04 Sim
Hossein Esteky (Info) IPM Neural Bases of Visual Cognition alimoeeny 2005‑12‑17 Sim
Robert John Schafer (Info) MIT Attention, vision, oculomotor functions bschafer 2007‑10‑02 Sim
Ian S. Boardman (Info) Boston University, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory memory, serial order learning, biophysical models, language identification iboardman 2010‑08‑17 Sim
Jo Anne Tracy (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Neuroscience rivogel 2005‑11‑01 Sim
Dietrich Samuel Schwarzkopf (Info) UCL 2009‑09‑26 Sim
Vikram S. Chib (Info) Johns Hopkins University; Kennedy Krieger Institute Motor, Decision Making vchib 2007‑05‑11 Sim
John Krauskopf (Info) NYU Color vision david 2005‑01‑27 Sim
Fred Hamker (Info) Munster University Vision, Attention mlappe 2008‑02‑12 Sim
Julien Dubois (Info) Cerco JDrewes 2011‑07‑21 Sim
Talia Konkle (Info) Harvard tkonkle 2009‑10‑11 Sim
Chandramouli Chandrasekaran (Info) Stanford Auditory Cortex, Coherence chandram 2006‑09‑19 Sim
Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham (Info) Carnegie Mellon Psychoacoustics, Auditory Neuroscience david 2005‑08‑09 Sim
Cliodhna Quigley (Info) German Primate Center Visual attention cvq 2012‑11‑11 Sim
Dana H. Ballard (Info) UT Austin, Rochester visual system,computational neuroscience david 2005‑07‑08 Sim
Jennifer M. Groh (Info) Duke Sensory systems, vision, hearing, multisensory david 2005‑02‑26 Sim
Priya Velu (Info) UCSD elight 2010‑09‑15 Sim
Charles F. Cadieu (Info) MIT visual system cadieu 2005‑11‑18 Sim
Guido Hesselmann (Info) Weizmann Institute akleins 2009‑12‑11 Sim
Peter Foldiak (Info) University of St Andrews Computation & Theory david 2005‑11‑28 Sim
Donald I. A. MacLeod (Info) UCSD Vision dmacleod 2005‑10‑05 Sim
Luke E. Hallum (Info) NYU vision lukehallum 2009‑09‑30 Sim
Jeremy Freeman (Info) Janelia Farm, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Vision freeman 2010‑12‑28 Sim
Peter F. MacNeilage (Info) UT Austin Speech, Language, Motor Systems lfernandino 2009‑12‑04 Sim
Kristin N. Mauldin (Info) UCSD Category learning hoffmalc 2009‑06‑20 Sim
David Presti (Info) UC Berkeley hayden 2005‑02‑05 Sim
Volker H. Franz (Info) University of Tübingen, Germany quirl 2007‑01‑16 Sim
Robert M. McPeek (Info) SUNY Optometry mcpeek 2005‑10‑18 Sim
John J. Foxe (Info) Albert Einstein Schizophrenia, Attention, Multisensory Integration, Object Recognition, Executive Function, Autism Spectrum Disorders redearth329 2007‑11‑01 Sim
Bruce Pappas (Info) Carleton University behavioral neuroscience wbrake 2006‑04‑10 Sim
Theresa M. Desrochers (Info) Brown, Brown, Brown Sequences of tasks, habits rust 2008‑11‑22 Sim
Robert Martyn Bracewell (Info) Bangor University vision, motor control, neurology bracewell 2008‑09‑05 Sim
Diego Mendoza-Halliday (Info) MIT, McGill Cognitive Neuroscience, Visual Systems, Neurophysiology diegomendoz 2009‑02‑02 Sim
Boris Revechkis (Info) Caltech Neural Prosthetics, Learning & Memory Boris 2010‑04‑28 Sim
Sheila Gillard Crewther (Info) La Trobe University visual pathways peckc 2007‑08‑09 Sim
Elliot A. Stein (Info) NIDA Addiction, Neuroimaging cab 2007‑04‑19 Sim
Daniel K. Wood (Info) Northwestern visual control of eye and limb movements danielkentwood 2012‑04‑05 Sim
Volker Henn (Info) Universität Zürich hanks 2006‑04‑28 Sim
Dara Ghahremani (Info) UCLA Memory Systems darag 2006‑08‑28 Sim
David G. Lavond (Info) USC Learning and Memory, Cerebellum, Classical Conditioning, Recovery of Function dlavond 2011‑03‑10 Sim
Byron Campbell (Info) Princeton DVMadison 2006‑12‑05 Sim
Russell L. De Valois (Info) UC Berkeley Vision hayden 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Conrado A. Bosman (Info) Amsterdam neuronal synchronization, visual attention, ECoG,LFP cbosman 2006‑10‑06 Sim
David Marr (Info) MIT hayden 2005‑02‑05 Sim
C. Brock Kirwan (Info) BYU Human Memory, Amnesia brockkirwan 2007‑03‑12 Sim
Eric Halgren (Info) UCSD sahin 2006‑11‑03 Sim
James B. Brewer (Info) UCSD Human Memory brewer 2006‑10‑12 Sim
Till S. Hartmann (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual system bartkrekelberg 2005‑09‑23 Sim
Olivia L. Carter (Info) Harvard vision and attention oliviacarter 2006‑02‑19 Sim
Agatha Lenartowicz (Info) UCLA system-interactions in attention-control alenarto 2009‑04‑06 Sim
Camille Gomez-Laberge (Info) Harvard Medical School visual system rborn 2014‑05‑06 Sim
Sach Sokol (Info) Johns Hopkins vision brian 2006‑03‑29 Sim
Sidney Weinstein (Info) New York Medical College Sensation, Neuropsychology drgersh 2009‑03‑11 Sim
Daniel J. Tollin (Info) University of Colorado School of Medicine auditory physiology, psychophysics djtollin 2008‑07‑23 Sim
Hugh R. Wilson (Info) York University Visual system jgoleary 2005‑11‑03 Sim
Ning Liu (Info) Institute of Biophysics, CAS tifei 2007‑10‑20 Sim
Peter Kalocsai (Info) Pelco Co. Face recognition zililiu 2006‑10‑04 Sim
Cameron Jeter (Info) The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) biomarkers cameronjeter 2016‑02‑26 Sim
Prashant Joshi (Info) FIAS felipe 2009‑06‑09 Sim
Karen Dobkins (Info) UCSD vision boynton 2005‑10‑04 Sim
Janine D. Mendola (Info) McGill fMRI of visual system jmendola 2006‑03‑15 Sim
Avishai Henik (Info) Ben Gurion University cohenkadosh 2006‑10‑28 Sim
Mark S. Cohen (Info) UCLA Rapid Methods of MR Imaging, Fusion of Electrophysiology and fMRI, Advanced approaches to MR data analysis, Mental Imagery jbramen 2006‑08‑27 Sim
R. Chris Miall (Info) University of Birmingham nbalbert 2007‑01‑15 Sim
Ikuya Murakami (Info) University of Tokyo htakemur 2013‑07‑31 Sim
Laurence R. Harris (Info) York University Multisensory psychophysics laurence.r.harris 2008‑06‑22 Sim
Heather Sternshein (Info) Harvard electrophysiology, vision sternshein 2008‑11‑18 Sim
Garga Chatterjee (Info) Harvard Visual perception , visual cognition , Face processing , Visual phantoms drgarga 2006‑02‑19 Sim
Stefan Everling (Info) Western University Eye Movements Everling 2006‑04‑03 Sim
Wesley C. Clapp (Info) UCSF Top-down modulation, visual system, aging, LTP, auditory system, plasticity adamgazz 2007‑09‑28 Sim
Charles James Smith (Info) SUNY Buffalo emhull 2008‑09‑09 Sim
Robert S. Ross (Info) UNH Memory thakralp 2007‑03‑16 Sim
Michael S. Beauchamp (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Multisensory Integration, Visual Motion kathleen 2005‑03‑29 Sim
Preeti Verghese (Info) Smith Kettlewell hanks 2005‑10‑27 Sim
Thom Carney (Info) Neurometrics Institute hanks 2005‑10‑27 Sim
Peter Lennie (Info) NYU Visual Cortex david 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Kendrick Norris Kay (Info) Washington University, UMN visual system, fMRI, computational methods, neural network models david 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Li Zhaoping (Info) UCL vision, olfaction, motor, etc. zhaoping 2005‑12‑06 Sim
Francisco Aboitiz (Info) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Comparative neuroanatomy, cognitive neuroscience lfernandino 2006‑08‑27 Sim
Elnaz Nouri (Info) USC Computational NeuroScience elno 2009‑05‑08 Sim
Christian Garcia Siagian (Info) Caltech Visual Systems siagian 2010‑05‑14 Sim
Fadila Hadj-Bouziane (Info) NIMH Visuomotor learning kathleen 2005‑05‑21 Sim
Vidhya Navalpakkam (Info) Caltech visual perception weiji 2008‑01‑09 Sim
Agustin Petroni (Info) Universidad de Buenos Aires Cognitive Neuroscience apetroni 2008‑04‑19 Sim
Gerald Westheimer (Info) UC Berkeley Visual psychophysics willmore 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Uma R. Karmarkar (Info) Harvard Business School, UCSD Learning, Memory, Timing, Decision-Making david 2005‑03‑12 Sim
John W. Moore (Info) University of Massachusetts Learning and Memory, Rabbit eyeblink, Computational Modeling DBrunzell 2006‑04‑11 Sim
Arash Fazl (Info) Boston University Visual attention, computational modeling rsekuler 2007‑06‑08 Sim
Philippe N. Tobler (Info) Cambridge Physiology of Reward raymundo 2007‑06‑12 Sim
Bram-Ernst Verhoef (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual system, attention, shape, disparity maunsell 2012‑06‑26 Sim
Allen B. Poirson (Info) vision movshon 2005‑09‑15 Sim
Yue Chen (Info) Harvard ychen 2007‑09‑23 Sim
Matthew F. Rushworth (Info) Oxford rushworth 2005‑09‑07 Sim
Julio Martinez-Trujillo (Info) McGill hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Greg V. Simpson (Info) UCSF attention, multi-modal imaging cdale8 2007‑09‑22 Sim
Hugo Critchley (Info) UCL hayden 2006‑04‑19 Sim
Jan Drewes (Info) University of Trento Visual System JDrewes 2008‑06‑09 Sim
Sean P. MacEvoy (Info) Duke Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑20 Sim
Peter A. Bandettini (Info) NIMH MR signal; neuroimaging methods kathleen 2005‑05‑21 Sim
Felix A. Wichmann (Info) Universität Tübingen Psychophysics, Vision, Statistics, Computational Modelling fj 2007‑01‑16 Sim
Alan A. Stocker (Info) Penn computational perception, computational neuroscience as197b 2005‑07‑04 Sim
Nasir H. Naqvi (Info) Columbia Cognitive neuroscience of emotion and addiction naqvin 2007‑04‑21 Sim
Ehren L. Newman (Info) Indiana University Bloomington, Boston University, Princeton, Brandeis Learning & Memory and Neural Circuits enewman 2006‑10‑23 Sim
Christoph S. Herrmann (Info) Oldenburg University Psychology, EEG, gamma oscillations csherrmann 2009‑07‑06 Sim
Nicholas A. Del Grosso (Info) Universität Tübingen . ndelgrosso 2009‑08‑10 Sim
Antje Ihlefeld (Info) NJIT Psychoacoustics, Cochlear Implants, computational modeling david 2005‑08‑09 Sim
Brooks King-Casas (Info) georgechris 2016‑01‑19 Sim
Heywood M. Petry (Info) University of Louisville Visual system woodypetry 2008‑06‑22 Sim
Mario Fiorani (Info) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Sergio 2007‑03‑27 Sim
Kazuhisa Shibata (Info) takeo 2009‑07‑27 Sim
Yuri B. Saalmann (Info) UW Madison Neuroscience nramnani 2008‑01‑02 Sim
Gregoriou Georgia (Info) MIT Visual Attention vinje 2005‑11‑07 Sim
Kirk G. Thompson (Info) NEI Visual system david 2005‑08‑25 Sim
Peggy J. Jennings (Info) pjjennings 2011‑09‑12 Sim
Markus Siegel (Info) Universität Tübingen Systems Neuroscience msiegel 2007‑04‑19 Sim
Roberto Caminiti (Info) Sapienza Università di Roma behavioral neurophysiology spwise 2005‑11‑23 Sim
Luc PJ Selen (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour lselen 2007‑09‑22 Sim
Sirawaj Itthipuripat (Info) UCSD Attention, Perception, Decision making, Reward, and Cognitive Control SIUCSD 2012‑11‑06 Sim
Charles M. Higgins (Info) University of Arizona Neuromorphic engineering, biomimetics, brain-machine interfacing, visual navigation, neuroscience, sleep cmhiggins1 2015‑12‑21 Sim
Henk Spekreijse (Info) Amsterdam electrophysiology, vision science hanks 2005‑10‑15 Sim
R Becket Ebitz (Info) Université de Montréal attention, decision-making, internal states rebitz 2008‑02‑19 Sim
Henry Kennedy (Info) Stem-cell and Brain Research Institute, INSERM function and repair of neuronal circuits involved in cognition, motor control and biological rhythms larnal29 2008‑12‑19 Sim
Uri Hasson (Info) Princeton Cognitive neuroscience david 2006‑03‑26 Sim
Elliot A. Ludvig (Info) University of Warwick Animal Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making ludz13 2007‑10‑10 Sim
Matthias Bethge (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Early Vision phb 2006‑05‑18 Sim
Aaron R. Seitz (Info) UC Riverside Sensory Systems, Perceptual Learning aseitz 2006‑10‑03 Sim
Brian J. White (Info) Queens University Visuomotor Neuroscience brianwhite 2009‑11‑11 Sim
Robbe L.T. Goris (Info) UT Austin visual system, computation & theory felixwichmann 2008‑07‑11 Sim
Bradford C. Dickerson (Info) MGH Memory, Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, magnetic resonance imaging bdicke1 2007‑07‑05 Sim
Frank Benson (Info) UCLA School of Medicine Behavioral Neurology dfloden 2007‑11‑14 Sim
Yuelu Liu (Info) Center for Mind and Brain Visual Attention, Top-down Control, Affective Processing vladimirliu 2014‑04‑22 Sim
Donald J. Hagler (Info) UCSD vision, attention, working memory kathleen 2006‑02‑23 Sim
Thomas Kammer (Info) University of Ulm Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation fj 2007‑01‑16 Sim
Bruce Cumming (Info) NIH Visual cortex david 2005‑08‑25 Sim
Nathan B. Gross (Info) Kresge Hearing Research Institute rivogel 2005‑11‑01 Sim
Drew Marticorena (Info) Duke Audition, Reward dmarticorena 2009‑10‑18 Sim
Robert A. Rescorla (Info) Yale, Penn Behavior sayeth 2005‑11‑17 Sim
frederic chavane (Info) CNRS visual system, motion integration chavane 2007‑07‑19 Sim
Antigona Martinez (Info) rjnudo 2007‑08‑26 Sim
John G. Robson (Info) Cambridge Early vision willmore 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Merav Ahissar (Info) Hebrew University Psychophysics arokem 2006‑05‑16 Sim
Erich E. Sutter (Info) Smith-Kettlewell Vision kathleen 2007‑01‑24 Sim
Mingbo Cai (Info) Peking University, Baylor College of Medicine, Princeton, University of Tokyo, University of Miam Spontaneous thoughts, Brain imaging, Decision making, Learning, Time Perception, Machine learning lcnature 2009‑09‑22 Sim
Martin Pare (Info) Queens University hanks 2005‑10‑11 Sim
Junghyun Park (Info) Caltech jpark 2005‑10‑06 Sim
Christina S. Konen (Info) Princeton Posterior Parietal Cortex ckonen 2006‑03‑15 Sim
Emanuel Todorov (Info) UCSD Neural control of movement brian 2006‑04‑04 Sim
Abigail L. Noyce (Info) Carnegie Mellon, Boston University cognitive neuroscience, attention, short-term memory, prediction anoyce 2014‑06‑05 Sim
Justin L. Vincent (Info) Harvard Medical School Cognitive Neuroscience jlvincent 2013‑10‑19 Sim
Thomas Naselaris (Info) MUSC, UMN hayden 2005‑01‑16 Sim
Gerald S. Wasserman (Info) Purdue Behavioral Neuroscience david 2010‑09‑15 Sim
Tom Twitchell (Info) Tufts Medical School neurologist and expert on motor development in infants callietyner 2010‑02‑09 Sim
Hanspeter A. Mallot (Info) Universität Tübingen Comptational Vision, Spatial Cognition HAMallot 2012‑12‑07 Sim
Tom N. Cornsweet (Info) UC Irvine hanks 2005‑10‑13 Sim
Jerome S. Schwartzbaum (Info) Rochester Limbic system, Gustatory pathways hsinnamon 2007‑05‑25 Sim
Marcello G. Rosa (Info) Monash University, Melbourne, Australia cerebral cortex, visual pathways mrosa 2007‑10‑18 Sim
Cory T. Miller (Info) UCSD primate auditory system, neurobiology and behavior corymiller 2007‑09‑17 Sim
James E. Skinner (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Cortical and Thalamic Physiology cmgray 2006‑12‑20 Sim
Bernhard Schölkopf (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Machine Learning fj 2007‑01‑16 Sim
J Douglas Crawford (Info) York University vision, oculomotor, motor control hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Zhisen J. Urgolites (Info) UCSD memory Zurgolites 2013‑07‑24 Sim
Tracy Jill Doty (Info) Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Cognitive Neuroscience, Affective Neuroscience tracyjill 2005‑11‑15 Sim
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