Josh Wallman

City College of New York, New York, NY, United States 
"Josh Wallman"
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Maria Brincker grad student CCNY (Philosophy Tree)
David Troilo grad student 1983-1989 CCNY
Jonathan Winawer grad student 1997-2001 CCNY
James P. Herman grad student 2004-2012 CUNY
Ka Lee Sheng grad student 2013 CUNY
Michael B. Calford post-doc 1982-1983 CCNY
Mark R. Harwood post-doc 2002-2012 CCNY
Annabelle Blangero post-doc 2010-2012 CCNY


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Sally A. McFadden collaborator 1989-2012 Biology
Laurent Madelain collaborator 2001-2012 CCNY
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Khan A, McFadden SA, Harwood M, et al. (2014) Salient distractors can induce saccade adaptation. Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014: 585792
Gray MJ, Blangero A, Herman JP, et al. (2014) Adaptation of naturally paced saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology. 111: 2343-54
Sheng C, Zhu X, Wallman J. (2013) In vitro effects of insulin and RPE on choroidal and scleral components of eye growth in chicks. Experimental Eye Research. 116: 439-48
Nickla DL, Zhu X, Wallman J. (2013) Effects of muscarinic agents on chick choroids in intact eyes and eyecups: evidence for a muscarinic mechanism in choroidal thinning. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics : the Journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists). 33: 245-56
Hammond DS, Wallman J, Wildsoet CF. (2013) Dynamics of active emmetropisation in young chicks--influence of sign and magnitude of imposed defocus. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics : the Journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists). 33: 215-26
Herman JP, Cloud CP, Wallman J. (2013) End-point variability is not noise in saccade adaptation. Plos One. 8: e59731
Zhu X, McBrien NA, Smith EL, et al. (2013) Eyes in various species can shorten to compensate for myopic defocus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 54: 2634-44
Belyusar D, Snyder AC, Frey HP, et al. (2013) Oscillatory alpha-band suppression mechanisms during the rapid attentional shifts required to perform an anti-saccade task. Neuroimage. 65: 395-407
Rucker FJ, Wallman J. (2012) Chicks use changes in luminance and chromatic contrast as indicators of the sign of defocus. Journal of Vision. 12
Collins T, Wallman J. (2012) The relative importance of retinal error and prediction in saccadic adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107: 3342-8
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