Kimberly Michelle Fenn
Affiliations: | 2006 | University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
"Kimberly Fenn"Mean distance: 16.47 (cluster 38)
Sign in to add mentorHoward Charles Nusbaum | grad student | 2006 | Chicago | |
(Waking up to the impact of sleep: Consolidation of generalized skill learning and declarative memory formation.) |
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Wernette EMD, Fenn KM. (2024) Factors influencing sleep-dependent consolidation: Sleep strengths memory based on encoding depth but not repetition. Journal of Sleep Research. e14091 |
Wernette EMD, Fenn KM. (2023) Consolidation without intention: Sleep strengthens veridical and gist representations of information after incidental encoding. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Chandler MC, Ellison OK, McGowan AL, et al. (2022) Physical activity and sleep moderate the relationship between stress and screen time in college-aged adults. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 1-11 |
Aldugom M, Fenn K, Cook SW. (2020) Gesture during math instruction specifically benefits learners with high visuospatial working memory capacity. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 5: 27 |
Lehet MI, Fenn KM, Nusbaum HC. (2020) Shaping perceptual learning of synthetic speech through feedback. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Johnson DJ, Stepan ME, Cesario J, et al. (2020) Sleep Deprivation and Racial Bias in the Decision to Shoot: A Diffusion Model Analysis: Social Psychological and Personality Science. 194855062093272 |
Stepan ME, Altmann EM, Fenn KM. (2020) 0266 A Brief Nap During a Period of Sleep Deprivation Does Not Mitigate Cognitive Deficits Sleep. 43: A101-A102 |
Day AJ, Fenn KM. (2020) 0116 Opposing Effects of Sleep on The Misinformation Effect: Sleep Promotes and Prevents Memory Distortion Sleep. 43: A46-A46 |
Wernette EM, Fenn KM. (2020) 0084 Sleep Consolidates Incidentally Encoded Information After Deep but Not Shallow Encoding Sleep. 43: A34-A34 |
Stepan ME, Altmann EM, Fenn KM. (2019) Effects of total sleep deprivation on procedural placekeeping: More than just lapses of attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General |