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Howard Charles Nusbaum

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Speech, language, memory
"Howard Nusbaum"
Mean distance: 14.11 (cluster 38)
Cross-listing: LinguisTree - CSD Tree


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James R. Sawusch grad student 1976-1981 SUNY Buffalo (LinguisTree)
David B. Pisoni post-doc 1981-1986 Indiana University Bloomington


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James S. Magnuson research assistant 1990-1993 Chicago
Cassie Kozyrkov research assistant 2008-2010 Chicago
Heather Harden Mangelsdorf grad student Chicago (PsychTree)
Jeremy I. Skipper grad student Chicago
Alexander L. Francis grad student 1995-1999 Chicago
Peter Dennis Viechnicki grad student 2002 Chicago
Arika Okrent grad student 2004 Chicago
Hadas Shintel grad student 2005 Chicago
Kimberly Michelle Fenn grad student 2006 Chicago
Pascal Wallisch grad student 2007 Chicago
Nicolette (Nikki) J. Sullivan grad student 2006-2007 Chicago
Emily W. Wyatt grad student 2007-2011 Chicago
Shannon L. M. Heald grad student 2003-2012 Chicago
Uri Hasson post-doc Chicago
Alison M. Trude post-doc 2013-2015 Chicago (LinguisTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Van Hedger SC, Bongiovanni NR, Heald SLM, et al. (2023) Absolute pitch judgments of familiar melodies generalize across timbre and octave. Memory & Cognition
Heald SLM, Van Hedger SC, Veillette J, et al. (2021) Going Beyond Rote Auditory Learning: Neural Patterns of Generalized Auditory Learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-20
Brookshire G, Mangelsdorf HH, Sava-Segal C, et al. (2021) Expertise modulates neural stimulus-tracking. Eneuro
Reis KS, Heald SLM, Veillette JP, et al. (2021) Individual differences in human frequency-following response predict pitch labeling ability. Scientific Reports. 11: 14290
Magnuson JS, Nusbaum HC, Akahane-Yamada R, et al. (2021) Talker familiarity and the accommodation of talker variability. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Lehet MI, Fenn KM, Nusbaum HC. (2020) Shaping perceptual learning of synthetic speech through feedback. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Uddin S, Reis KS, Heald SLM, et al. (2019) Cortical mechanisms of talker normalization in fluent sentences. Brain and Language. 201: 104722
Van Hedger SC, Nusbaum HC, Heald SLM, et al. (2019) The Aesthetic Preference for Nature Sounds Depends on Sound Object Recognition. Cognitive Science. 43: e12734
Hasson U, Nusbaum HC. (2019) Emerging Opportunities for Advancing Cognitive Neuroscience. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Heald SL, Nusbaum HC. (2019) Recognizing speech in the context of talker variability The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 145: 1688-1688
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