Leon D. Islas

UNAM, Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico 
Ion channels, biophysics,
"Leon Islas"
Mean distance: 14.41 (cluster 11)
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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Fred J. Sigworth grad student 2000 Yale
 (Studies of the voltage sensor of voltage-gated potassium channels.)
William N. Zagotta post-doc University of Washington
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Hernández-Vega AM, Llorente I, Sánchez-Hernández R, et al. (2024) Identification and properties of TRPV4 mutant channels present in polycystic kidney disease patients. Function (Oxford, England)
García-Ávila M, Tello-Marmolejo J, Rosenbaum T, et al. (2023) Permeant cations modulate pore dynamics and gating of TRPV1 ion channels. The Journal of General Physiology. 156
Rosenbaum T, Islas LD. (2023) Molecular Physiology of TRPV Channels: Controversies and Future Challenges. Annual Review of Physiology. 85: 293-316
Suárez-Delgado E, Orozco-Contreras M, Rangel-Yescas GE, et al. (2023) Activation-pathway transitions in human voltage-gated proton channels revealed by a non-canonical fluorescent amino acid. Elife. 12
Benítez-Angeles M, Romero AEL, Llorente I, et al. (2023) Modes of action of lysophospholipids as endogenous activators of the TRPV4 ion channel. The Journal of Physiology
Benítez-Angeles M, Juárez-González E, Vergara-Jaque A, et al. (2022) Unconventional interactions of the TRPV4 ion channel with beta-adrenergic receptor ligands. Life Science Alliance. 6
Rosenbaum T, Morales-Lázaro SL, Islas LD. (2022) TRP channels: a journey towards a molecular understanding of pain. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience
Islas LD. (2021) Closing in on the heat-activation mechanisms of TRPV channels. The Journal of Physiology. 599: 4733-4734
Rangel-Yescas G, Cervantes C, Cervantes-Rocha MA, et al. (2021) Discovery and characterization of H1-type proton channels in reef-building corals. Elife. 10
Suárez-Delgado E, Rangel-Sandín TG, Ishida IG, et al. (2020) KV1.2 channels inactivate through a mechanism similar to C-type inactivation. The Journal of General Physiology. 152
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