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Ian Alexander Walmsley

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
Quantum Information, Quantum Optics, Quantum Control and Ultrafast Science
"Ian Walmsley"

Mean distance: 15.61 (cluster 50)
Cross-listing: Physics Tree


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Michael Gordon Raymer grad student 1986 Rochester (Physics Tree)
 (The Quantum Statistics of Many-Photon Stimulated Raman Scattering.)


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Luis E. de Araujo grad student 2001 Rochester
Reinhard K. Erdmann grad student 2004 Rochester
Ellen M. Kosik grad student 2004 Rochester
Alfred B. U'Ren grad student 2004 Rochester
Benjamin L. Brown grad student 2005 Rochester
Pablo S. Londero grad student 2006 Rochester
Manuel de la Cruz Gutierrez grad student 2000-2007 Rochester
Aleksandr S. Radunsky grad student 2013 Rochester
Jeffrey S. Lundeen post-doc Oxford (Physics Tree)


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Constantin Brif collaborator 2000-2010 Princeton (Physics Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Thomas SE, Wagner L, Joos R, et al. (2024) Deterministic storage and retrieval of telecom light from a quantum dot single-photon source interfaced with an atomic quantum memory. Science Advances. 10: eadi7346
Smith BJ, Killett E, Raymer MG, et al. (2021) Measurement of the transverse spatial quantum state of light at the single-photon level: publisher's note. Optics Letters. 46: 2151
Drahi D, Sychev DV, Pirov KK, et al. (2021) Entangled resource for interfacing single- and dual-rail optical qubits Quantum. 5: 416
Thekkadath GS, Sempere-Llagostera S, Bell BA, et al. (2021) Single-shot discrimination of coherent states beyond the standard quantum limit Optics Letters. 46: 2565
Bell BA, Triginer Garces G, Walmsley IA. (2020) Diagnosing phase correlations in the joint spectrum of parametric downconversion using multi-photon emission. Optics Express. 28: 34246-34254
Jones AE, Menssen AJ, Chrzanowski HM, et al. (2020) Multiparticle Interference of Pairwise Distinguishable Photons. Physical Review Letters. 125: 123603
Menssen AJ, Guan J, Felce D, et al. (2020) Photonic Topological Mode Bound to a Vortex. Physical Review Letters. 125: 117401
Bulmer JFF, Jones JA, Walmsley IA. (2020) Drive-noise tolerant optical switching inspired by composite pulses. Optics Express. 28: 8646-8657
Lugani J, Francis-Jones RJA, Boutari J, et al. (2020) Spectrally pure single photons at telecommunications wavelengths using commercial birefringent optical fiber. Optics Express. 28: 5147-5163
Pang XL, Yang AL, Dou JP, et al. (2020) A hybrid quantum memory-enabled network at room temperature. Science Advances. 6: eaax1425
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