Ildiko Vajda
Affiliations: | University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
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Vajda I, Borghuis BG, van de Grind WA, et al. (2006) Temporal interactions in direction-selective complex cells of area 18 and the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian cortex (PMLS) of the cat. Visual Neuroscience. 23: 233-46 |
Vajda I, Lankheet MJ, van de Grind WA. (2005) Spatio-temporal requirements for direction selectivity in area 18 and PMLS complex cells. Vision Research. 45: 1769-79 |
Vajda I, Lankheet MJ, Borghuis BG, et al. (2004) Dynamics of directional selectivity in area 18 and PMLS of the cat. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 14: 759-67 |
Borghuis BG, Perge JA, Vajda I, et al. (2003) The motion reverse correlation (MRC) method: a linear systems approach in the motion domain. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 123: 153-66 |
Vajda I, Lankheet MJ, van Leeuwen TM, et al. (2002) On the velocity tuning of area 18 complex cell responses to moving textures. Visual Neuroscience. 19: 651-9 |