University of Amsterdam

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Neil K. Aaronsonhealth-related quality of life
Bert AldenkampChronic Epilepsy1984 Ad Th.G. van Gennep (grad student)
Josipa Alilovic Department of Psychology2016 Heleen Slagter (grad student)
Ben J.J. AnsinkNeuroeducation1960 Arie Biemond (grad student)
Silvana da Costa Araújo
Theo Araujo2015 Peter C. Neijens (grad student), Rens Vliegenthart (grad student)
Tara Arbab2008 Francesco P. Battaglia (grad student)
Cornelius Ubbo Ariëns Kappersneuroanatomy1904 Jacob van Rees (grad student), Cornelis Winkler (research assistant)
Johannes Ariëns Kapperspineal gland1938 Martinus Willem Woerdeman (grad student)
Ryszard AuksztulewiczSomatosensory awareness20072009 H Steven Scholte (grad student), Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student), Sennay Ghebreab (grad student)
Matthijs Baas2010 Carsten K.W. de Dreu (grad student)
Guido PH BandCognitive control, aging, inhibition, cognitive enhancement, dual-task performance, ERP, performance monitoring19972000 Albert Kok (post-doc), Maurits W. van der Molen (grad student), Richard Ridderinkhof (research assistant)
Martijn Barendregt2016 H Steven Scholte (post-doc), Heleen Slagter (post-doc)
Jan Bastiaanspsychiatry, psychopathology1957 Lammert van der Horst (grad student)
Francesco P. BattagliaHippocampus, computational neuroscience, memory, systems neuroscience, neurotechnology19921994 Daniel Amit (research assistant)
Bianca Beersma2002 Carsten K.W. de Dreu (grad student)
Davide BenedettiSleep, Perception
Willem Berlinanatomy
Jaap BethlemNeurology1955 Arie Biemond (grad student)
Arie Biemondneurology1929 Bernard Brouwer (grad student)
Pieter Adrianus Bierstekerelectrophysiology1961 Jacob Theodoor Frederik Boeles (grad student)
Jan BoekeHistology embryology, forensic medicine1901 Thomas Place (grad student), Hugo de Vries (DeVries) (research assistant)
Rolf Boelensgene regulation, transcription, NMR1984 Bob F. van Gelder (grad student), Ron Wever (grad student)
Jacob Theodoor Frederik Boelesphysiology1953 Jasper ten Cate (grad student)
Ite Boeremasurgery
Johannes Gerrit BoerlijstPsychology of Aging and Work19561961 Adriaan Dingeman de Groot (research scientist)
Louis Bolkanatomy1896 Georg Ruge (research assistant)
Peter Alexander BonczComputer science2002 Martin Leopold Kersten (grad student)
Jan Booijnucleair medicine neuropsychiatrics1998 Eric Alexander van Royen (grad student)
Tom Abraham BoonUrology1986 Pieter Jacobus Klopper (grad student)
Evert Boonstra Department of Psychology2017 Heleen Slagter (grad student)
Denny Borsboom2003 G. J. Mellenbergh (grad student), Jaap van Heerden (grad student)
Jacobus G.G. BorstInternal medicine1929 Pieter Ruitinga (grad student), Willem M. de Vries (grad student)
Cornelius BorstExperimentele cardiology1979 Jacob Theodoor Frederik Boeles (grad student), Arend Jan Dunning (grad student)
Dirk Andries Boschneurosurgery
Hilbrand Boschmataxonomy and physiology of invertebrates1920 Carel Philip Sluiter (grad student)
Conrado A. Bosmanneuronal synchronization, visual attention, ECoG,LFP20112012 Francesco P. Battaglia (post-doc)
Leendert BoumanPsychiatry, histopathology1895 Jacob Rotgans (grad student)
Lennart Nicolas Boumanphysiology1965 Jacob Theodoor Frederik Boeles (grad student)
Klaas Herman Boumanpsychiatry, neurology1905 Cornelis Winkler (grad student)
Fleur L. Bouwer Department of Psychology2017 Heleen Slagter (post-doc)
Eli Brenner1987 Michael A. Corner (grad student), Dick F. Swaab (grad student)
Joost A.P.J. Breukercognitive psychology, Artificial Intelligence1981 Nico H. Frijda (grad student), Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)
Bernard Brouwerneurology1909 Cornelis Winkler (grad student)
Jacobus R.B.J. Brouwerspharmacy1981 Pieter Jacobus Klopper (grad student)
Rudolf Marinus Buijsthe hypothalamic systems that control metabolism , circulation and immune system1980 Dick F. Swaab (grad student), David de Wied (grad student)
Frederik Jacobus Johannes Buytendijkmedicine, physiology1909 Thomas Place (research assistant)
Henrique CabralEnsemble electrophysiology, spatial representation in the hippocampus2007 Francesco P. Battaglia (grad student)
Huib N. CaronPediatric oncology1995 Andries Westerveld (grad student), Paul Antoine Voûte (grad student)
Lorena Casado-Román SILS20152016 Lianne Klaver (research assistant)
Ali Taylan Cemgil20032005 Bernardus Johannes Anthonius Kröse (post-doc)
Alexis Cerván20192019 Matthijs Oude Lohuis (research assistant)
Michael X. Cohen
Han Collewijn1963 Johannes Ariëns Kappers (grad student)
Angélique Cramer Denny Borsboom (grad student)
Eveline A. Cronecognitive control and decision-making in school-aged children and adolescents2003 Maurits W. van der Molen (grad student)
Jeroen van Daatselaar Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences20192024 Conrado A. Bosman (grad student)
Jonas Dalege Denny Borsboom (grad student), Han van der Maas (grad student)
Egbert de Boercochlea, auditory nerve Mathematics and Physics1956 Leonard B.W. Jongkees (grad student)
Frank Roelof de Boer1969 Andries R. Miedema (grad student)
Hannie de Brabander1992 Harry B.M. Uylings (grad student), Dick F. Swaab (grad student)
Jacob de BruinPediatric diseases1889 Barend Joseph Stokvis (grad student)
Jan Willem de Geedecision-making, psychophysics, mathematical modelling, pupillometry, MEG, fMRI2014 Tobias H. Donner (grad student)
Adriaan Dingeman de Grootpsychology1946 Géza Révész (grad student)
Annette M. B. de GrootSecond language acquisition, mental lexicon
Robert Johannes de HaanClinical epidemiology1994 Hayo Jannes van der Helm (grad student), Neil K. Aaronson (grad student)
Edward De HaanNeuropsychology
Jean M.B.V. de JongExperimental neurology1967 Arie Biemond (grad student)
Thomas Pius Vianney Maria de JongPediatric urology
Frans Edward Rosalie Edmond Renée de Jonghepsychiatry, psychopathology1974 Pieter Cornelis Kuiper (grad student)
Cornelia Catharina de LangePediatrics1897 Hector Treub (grad student)
Franz (Franciscus Sylvius) de le Boë (Dubois)chemistry, physiology, anatomy16411658 Johann Rudolph Glauber (research scientist)
David Joël de LevitaChild Psychiatry
Irene E. de Pater2005 Carsten K.W. de Dreu (grad student), Agneta Hebelina Fischer (grad student)
Willem M. de VriesPathology and forensic medicine1935 Willem Pieter Cornelis Zeeman (grad student)
Geert J. de Vriesneuroendocrinology, sex differences, neural basis of social behavior19801985 Dick F. Swaab (grad student), Rudolf Marinus Buijs (grad student)
Sanne de Wit
Herman T. Deelmanpathological anatomy and forensic medicine1918 Willem M. de Vries (grad student)
Willem A. den Hartog JagerExperimental and clinical neurology1956 Arie Biemond (grad student)
Gerard Johan den Heeten
Jan J. Denier van der GonMotor Control1959 Arend Hagedoorn (grad student)
Martijn van der
Martijn van der
Eric Dijkema Umberto Olcese (grad student)
Jan Droogleever FortuynNeurology1938 Cornelius Ubbo Ariëns Kappers (grad student)
Eugene Duboisgeology, palaeontology1881 Max Carl Anton Fürbringer (research assistant)
Hubertus Carl Johannes Duijkerpsychology1946 Géza Révész (grad student)
Arend Jan DunningCardiology1971 Jacobus G.G. Borst (grad student)
Jan W. Duyff1942 Gérard A. van Rijnberk (grad student)
Sacha Epskamp Psychology Denny Borsboom (grad student)
Walter Th.A.M. Everaerdclinical psychology
Guido C. Faascalcium binding proteins, calcium kinetics, ion signalling19911997 Wytse J. Wadman (grad student)
Johannes Jacobus FahrenfortVision, Consciousness, Attention, Object Categorization, Phenomenology, Perceptual Organization20082009 Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student), Richard Ridderinkhof (post-doc), Frans Adrianus Antonius Maria van Winden (post-doc), H Steven Scholte (grad student)
Richard A FlavellImmunology19701972 Piet Borst (post-doc)
Eric Fliersneuro-endocrinology1985 Dick F. Swaab (grad student), Hans van Crevel (grad student)
Nico H. FrijdaEmotions1956 Hubertus Carl Johannes Duijker (grad student)
Johan Hendrik Gaarenstroompharmacology1938 Ernst Laqueur (grad student)
Efstratios Gavves
Berthold Paul Rudolf Gersonspsychiatry, psychopathology1977 Pieter Cornelis Kuiper (grad student), Arie Querido (grad student)
Sennay Ghebreabbrain, cognition and information processing
Joris Gillet2012 Arthur Schram (grad student)
Pieter Michiel Goltstein Center for Neuroscience20072012 Cyriel M.A. Pennartz (grad student)
Ernestine Gordijn1998 Carsten K.W. de Dreu (grad student), Anthony S.R. (Tony) Manstead (grad student)
Jan A. Gorterepilepsy, EEG1992 Michael A. Corner (grad student), Fernando H. Lopes da Silva (grad student)
Paul Greengardneurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs1955 Edward Charles Slater (post-doc)
Cornelis Grimmelikhuijzen Department of Biochemistry19701975 Edward Charles Slater (grad student)
Iris Groenvisual neuroscience20092013 Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student), H Steven Scholte (grad student), Morgan D. Barense (grad student)
Willem Marius Gunningophthalmology
Willem B. GunningChild and adolescent psychiatry
Arend Hagedoornophthalmology1930 Willem Pieter Cornelis Zeeman (grad student)
Fieke Harinck2001 Carsten K.W. de Dreu (grad student)
Theodoor Hart de RuyterChild Psychiatry1934 Gerard C. Heringa (grad student)
Gerard C. HeringaHistology
Jim D. Herring Department of Psychology2017 Heleen Slagter (post-doc)
Albert HijdraNeurology1986 Jan van Gijn (grad student), Hans van Crevel (grad student)
Menno Hogeboom Cees van Leeuwen (grad student)
Noureldien HusseinComputer Vision, Applied Machine Learning Informatics Institute Informatics Institute Informatics Institute20202020 Arnold Semulders (grad student), Efstratios Gavves (grad student), Mert Kilickaya (collaborator)
Lisanne Huurdeman2013 Martin Adrianus Vinck (research assistant)
Jadin Cole JacksonBehavioral Neuroscience
Steve M. J. Janssenautobiographical memory
Janneke F.M. JeheeVisual System20002005 Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student)
Jacob Jolijvisual awareness, social neuroscience, TMS20012006 Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student), Henk Spekreijse (research assistant)
Leonard B.W. Jongkeesotorhinolaryngology
Andries KalsbeekExperimenteal neuroendocrinology1989 Dick F. Swaab (grad student)
Maarten KamermansOuter retina19851989 Henk Spekreijse (grad student)
Otto W.M. Kamstrapsychology1971 Nico H. Frijda (grad student), Adriaan Dingeman de Groot (grad student)
Martin Leopold Kersten
Mert Kilickaya
Merel KindtClinical psychology1996 Walter Th.A.M. Everaerd (grad student), Jos F. Brosschot (grad student)
Lianne KlaverInhibitory circuits in hippocampus SILS-CNS2014 Cyriel M.A. Pennartz (grad student), Conrado A. Bosman (grad student)
Jakobus KloekForensic psychiatry1941 Cornelius Ubbo Ariëns Kappers (grad student)
Fabian Kloostermanmemory, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex19982003 Fernando H. Lopes da Silva (grad student)
Niels Kloostermandecision-making, neuroimaging, psychophysics 2010 Tobias H. Donner (grad student), Hauke R. Heekeren (research assistant), Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student), Johannes Jacobus Fahrenfort (research assistant)
G. Jan KloostermanObstetrics, gynecology
Pieter Jacobus Kloppersurgery1954 Jasper ten Cate (grad student)
Jacob H.F. Kohlbruggecultural antropology/social science1890 Max Wilhelm Carl Weber (research assistant)
Philipp Abraham Kohnstammphysics, education1901 Johannes Diderik van der Waals (grad student)
Albert KokNon-Spatial Attention, inhibition, aging
Sander L Koole
Jeroen Krijgsveld1999 Jacob Dankert (grad student)
Willem Abraham Kuenentropical medicine
Caspar Hendrik KuhnForensic medicine, pathological anatomy
Pieter Cornelis Kuiperpsychopathology, psychiatry
Guy LabanHuman-Robot interaction, Social Robotics, Affective Computing, Conversational Agents20172019 Theo Araujo (research assistant)
George A. LadeePsychiatry1961 Lammert van der Horst (grad student)
Victor A.F. LammeCognitive neuroscience1992 Henk Spekreijse (grad student)
Rogier Landman Victor A.F. Lamme (post-doc)
Jacob Willem Langelaanphysiology1900 Cornelis Winkler (research assistant), Thomas Place (grad student)
Martinus Jan Langeveldeducation1934 Philipp Abraham Kohnstamm (grad student)
Alan Languspsycholinguistics20042006 Jos van Berkum (grad student)
Ernst Laqueurpharmacology, sex hormones (testosterone)
Kwangjun LeeComputational neuroscience2019 Cyriel M.A. Pennartz (grad student), Jorge F. Mejias (grad student)
Gert-Jan Lelieveld Gerben A. van Kleef (grad student)
Martijn vd Lienden Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Martien Limburgmedical mathematics, medical statistics1992 Hans van Crevel (grad student), Eric Alexander van Royen (grad student), Albert Hijdra (grad student)
Donald Henri Linszenpsychiatry, psychopathology1993 Berthold Paul Rudolf Gersons (grad student)
Rong-Yu LiuGeriatrics2001 Dick F. Swaab (grad student)
Fernando H. Lopes da Silvatemporal lobe, memory, epilepsy
Paul J. LucassenNeurogenesis, stress, depression, Alzheimer
Charles B.L.M. MajoieNeuroradiology1998 Jaap Valk (grad student), Dirk Andries Bosch (grad student)
Cornelis L.H. Majoor1942 Barend C.P. Jansen (grad student), Jacobus G.G. Borst (research assistant)
Michael MarlattAlzheimer disease
Martijn Meeter Jaap M. J. Murre (grad student)
Thomas Meindertsmavision, decision-making, psychophysics, neuroimaging2012 Tobias H. Donner (grad student)
Jorge F. MejiasComputational neuroscience
G. J. Mellenbergh Adriaan Dingeman de Groot (grad student)
Paul E.C. MertensMultisensory Integration20122016 Cyriel M.A. Pennartz (research assistant)
Willem A. Mijsberganatomy, embryology1923 Louis Bolk (grad student)
Luca Montelisciani Umberto Olcese (grad student)
Jorrit Steven Montijnvisual neuroscience, population coding, calcium imaging, mouse, stimulus detection
Antoine W.M. Mooij Forensic psychiatry1975 Pieter Cornelis Kuiper (grad student), Adriaan Theodoor B. Peperzak (grad student), David Joël de Levita (grad student)
Dirk van Morselaar Department of Psychology2017 Heleen Slagter (post-doc)
Mariel Muller Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences20182022 Conrado A. Bosman (grad student), Umberto Olcese (grad student)
Niklas MüllerNeuroscience, Computer Vision, Visual Cognition
Jaap M. J. Murre
Sander Nieuwenhuis2001 Albert Kok (grad student), Maurits W. van der Molen (grad student)
Rudolf Nieuwenhuyscomparative neuroanatomy1960 Siegfried T. Bok (grad student)
Mante Sjouke Nieuwlandcognitive neuroscience of language, psycholinguistics20042007 Jos van Berkum (grad student)
Michael D Nunezdecision-making, epilepsy, EEG, ERPs, SSVEPs, hierarchical Bayesian methods
Umberto OlceseMultisensory integration, Sleep, Consciousness Cyriel M.A. Pennartz (research scientist)
Nomi Olsthoorn
Johannes Arnold Oosterhuis1960 Arend Hagedoorn (grad student)
Hendricus J.G.H. OosterhuisNeurology1963 Arie Biemond (grad student)
Marlies OostlandNeuronal mechanisms underlying behaviour2013 Wytse J. Wadman (grad student)
Matthijs Oude LohuisSystems Neuroscience Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience20172021 Cyriel M.A. Pennartz (grad student), Umberto Olcese (collaborator), Umberto Olcese (grad student)
Marianne Overberg - de VisserNeuromuscular diseases1981 Jaap Bethlem (grad student)
Pelin Özsezer Psychological Methods Programme Group Psychological Methods Programme Group20232027 Han van der Maas (grad student), Michael D Nunez (grad student)
Joao Patriota Umberto Olcese (grad student)
Cyriel M.A. Pennartzcognitive neurobiology1992 Fernando H. Lopes da Silva (grad student), Henk J. Groenewegen (grad student)
Sharon Peperkamp Marina Nespor (grad student)
Paul PevetBiological rhythms, Neurosciences1976 Johannes Ariëns Kappers (grad student)
Thomas Pfeffer2011 Tobias H. Donner (grad student)
Hans PhilipsenMedical sociology1968 Arie N.J. den Hollander (grad student)
Jean Pie Umberto Olcese (grad student)
Thomas Placephysiology
Peter PortegiesNeurology1993 Hans van Crevel (grad student), Jaap Goudsmit (grad student)
Sjef PrickNeurology and psychiatry1938 Bernard Brouwer (grad student)
Arie Queridosocial medicine, psychiatry19271931 Gérard A. van Rijnberk (grad student), Gerbrandus Jelgersma (research scientist)
Jeroen G.W. RaaijmakersMemory modelling
Michiel Remmeneural computation, dendritic integration20012006 Wytse J. Wadman (grad student)
Paul Renaud1989 Frans Adrianus Antonius Maria van Winden (grad student)
Liesbeth Reneman2001 Gerard Johan den Heeten (grad student)
Leon C. Reteig Department of Psychology2014 Heleen Slagter (grad student)
Géza Révészpsychology
Richard Ridderinkhof1993 Maurits W. van der Molen (grad student)
Bernard Rimé Nico H. Frijda (post-doc)
Pieter R. Roelfsema1995 Wolf Singer (grad student), Fernando H. Lopes da Silva (grad student)
Jacob Rotganssurgery1886 Max Carl Anton Fürbringer (grad student)
Katya RubiaCognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, developmental cognitive neuroscience, ADHD, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, conduct disorder, child psychiatry, fMRI, MRI Joseph A. Sergeant (post-doc)
Pieter RuitingaInternal medicine1901 Caspar Hendrik Kuhn (grad student)
Ahmad SalehiAlzheimer's disease, Down syndrome, NGF, Axonal transport1996 Dick F. Swaab (grad student)
Eliala Alice SalvadoriEmotions, Child Development, Pedagogy, Psychometry20122024 Frans Oort (grad student), Ingmar Visser (collaborator)
Disa Sauter
Nicole SchmitzCognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, developmental cognitive neuroscience, ADHD, child psychiatry
H Steven Scholtevisual system, individual differences19982003 Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student), Pieter R. Roelfsema (research assistant), Fernando H. Lopes da Silva (research assistant), Anouk M. van Loon (collaborator)
Annemarie Zand Scholten Denny Borsboom (grad student), Adriaan Dingeman de Groot (grad student)
Arthur Schram1989 Frans Adrianus Antonius Maria van Winden (grad student)
Noor SeijdelVisual System, Scene Segmentation
Arnold Semulders
Tom Sikkens Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences20152020 Conrado A. Bosman (grad student), Umberto Olcese (grad student)
Robert Max Silbermannpsychiatry, psychopathology1970 Pieter Cornelis Kuiper (grad student)
Heleen SlagterCognitive Neuroscience
Ilja SligteConsciousness, Attention, Visual short-term memory, Retinotopic mapping20042009 Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student), H Steven Scholte (grad student)
Everhard Johannes SlijperZoology
Carel Philip Sluiterzoology
Silvan F.A. Smulders Psychology20022017 Maurits W. van der Molen (grad student)
Lukas SnoekPrediction, Emotion
Gordon B. Snowotorhinolaryngology1966 Leonard B.W. Jongkees (grad student)
russell spears
Henk Spekreijseelectrophysiology, vision science
Charles H.H. Spronckserology1886 Caspar Hendrik Kuhn (grad student)
Jan StamNeurology1987 Paul E. Voorhoeve (grad student), Hans van Crevel (grad student)
Eftychia Stamkou Gerben A. van Kleef (grad student)
Wolfgang Steinel2004 Carsten K.W. de Dreu (grad student)
John F. Stins19921993 Cees van Leeuwen (grad student)
Manuel Straubophthalmology Caspar Hendrik Kuhn (research scientist)
Mieke L. StruikNeuroscience
Rui Sunsocial psychology Psychology2017 Disa Sauter (post-doc)
Dick F. SwaabNeuropsychiatric Diseases1970 Johannes Ariëns Kappers (grad student)
Johannes Andreas Swinkelspsychiatry1994 Frans Edward Rosalie Edmond Renée de Jonghe (grad student)
Durk TalsmaMultisensory Integration, Attention19962001 Albert Kok (grad student)
Lotte J. Talsma Department of Psychology2018 Heleen Slagter (grad student)
Jasper ten Catecomparitive physiology
Jacob Martien ten CateDentistry, Chemistry
Tjwan Hauw TheImmunology1967 Joghem J. van Loghem (grad student)
Jan Willem Reinier Tilanussurgery
Else A. TolnerDevelopment, EEG, neonatal epilepsy19992005 Jan A. Gorter (grad student)
Mattie Tops
Pieter E. TreffersObstetrics, gynecology1965 G. Jan Kloosterman (grad student)
Hector TreubObstetrics, gynecology
Dirk TroostNeuropathology1992 Dick F. Swaab (grad student), Jean M.B.V. de Jong (grad student)
Rosanne Tuip Jayeeta Basu (research scientist)
Marcelo Tyszler2013 Arthur Schram (grad student)
Aljaz Ule2005 Arthur Schram (grad student)
Harry B.M. Uylingsquantitative morphology1977 Abraham van der Stelt (grad student)
Ildiko VajdaNeuroscience
Jaap Valk neuroradiology and pediatric neuroradiology1971 Bernard George Ziedses des Plantes (grad student)
Hans van Crevelneurology
Simon van CreveldPediatrics1918 Barend C.P. Jansen (research assistant)
Diederik van de BeekNeuroinfectious diseases2004 Rien Vermeulen (grad student)
Jo Van den BrandPhysics1988 Coenraad de Vries (grad student), Peter Karl Arnold de Witt Huberts (grad student)
Ruud Lucas van den BrinkCognitive Neuroscience Brain and Cognition Department20102012 Heleen Slagter (research assistant)
Arnoldus Johannes Petrus van den Broekanatomy, anthropology1905 Louis Bolk (grad student)
Eva van den Broek2014 Arthur Schram (grad student)
Hayo Jannes van der Helmneurochemistry
Han van der Maas1993 Maurits W. van der Molen (grad student)
Melle J.W. van der MolenPsychophysiology, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychopathology Developmental Psychology20072011 Richard Ridderinkhof (grad student)
Maurits W. van der Molenexecutive function
Joris A.M. van der PostObstetrics, gynecology, pregnancy hypertenstion1997 Dick F. Swaab (grad student), Pieter E. Treffers (grad student)
Willem M. van der ScheerPsychiatry, neurology1912 Cornelis Winkler (grad student)
Abraham van der SteltZoology1968 Everhard Johannes Slijper (grad student)
Henk van der TweelVisual system, the heart1956 Arend Hagedoorn (grad student), Jacob Clay (research assistant)
Luuk van der Velden2018 Wytse J. Wadman (grad student), Taco R. Werkman (grad student)
Rosanne van Diepen
Coenraad van Emde Boaspsychoanalysis, sexuology1951 Lammert van der Horst (grad student)
Simon van Gaal20092012 Johannes Jacobus Fahrenfort (collaborator), Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student), Richard Ridderinkhof (grad student), Anouk M. van Loon (collaborator)
Willem Andries van Gooldementia1987 Dick F. Swaab (grad student), Hans van Crevel (grad student)
Anthonie Van Harreveldneurophysiology1929 Gérard A. van Rijnberk (grad student)
Jaap van Heerden1982 Nico H. Frijda (grad student)
Gerben A. van Kleef2004 Carsten K.W. de Dreu (grad student)
Cees van Leeuwenperceptual dynamics, evolving neural networks, consciousness, attention, creativity
Joghem J. van LoghemImmunopathology1943 Herman T. Deelman (grad student)
Anouk M. van Loonvisual awareness, masking, pharmacology2008 Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student), H Steven Scholte (grad student)
Carien M. van Reekumemotion, affective neuroscience Nico H. Frijda (research assistant)
Jacob van Reeshistology
Hedderik van Rijninterval timing, memory, computer & mathematical models2003 Bob J. Wielinga (grad student), Maarten W. van Someren (grad student), Bert Bredeweg (grad student)
Gérard A. van Rijnberk
Mark C. van Rossumcomputational neuroscience1995 Aad M. M. Pruisken (grad student), Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Eric Alexander van RoyenNuclear medicine1974 Johan Vreeken (grad student)
Martine R. van SchouwenburgCognitive Control2015 Heleen Slagter (post-doc)
Eus J.W. van Somerensleep, insomnia1997 Dick F. Swaab (grad student)
Ben van Velthoven1988 Frans Adrianus Antonius Maria van Winden (grad student)
Ingrid van WelieCerebellum, behavior, neurophysiology19992004 Wytse J. Wadman (grad student)
Marijn van Wingerdenanimal cognition, decision making20042013 Cyriel M.A. Pennartz (grad student)
Joachim Vandekerckhove Psychological Methods20102012 Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (post-doc)
Annelinde R.E. VandenbrouckeConsciousness, Attention, Phenomenology20092013 Johannes Jacobus Fahrenfort (grad student), Victor A.F. Lamme (grad student), Ilja Sligte (grad student)
Harry Verbon1988 Frans Adrianus Antonius Maria van Winden (grad student)
Rien VermeulenNeurology
A. Bert (Alettus Albertinus) Verveen1961 Siegfried T. Bok (grad student)
Jan Verweij Maarten Kamermans (grad student), Henk Spekreijse (grad student)
Martin Adrianus Vinckneural coding, vision, hippocampus, computation, behavioral state, functional connectivity, cell types, oscillations, synchronization, machine learning, predictive coding20082013 Cyriel M.A. Pennartz (grad student)
Koen VisscherRegulation of Gene-Expression by Mechanical Force, RNA structure, Optical Tweezers1993 G. J. Brakenhoff (grad student), J. T. M. Walraven (grad student)
Marlies E. Vissers Department of Psychology2018 Heleen Slagter (grad student)
Michael Vliek social psychology20032008 Colin W. Leach (grad student)
Paul E. VoorhoeveNeurophysiology
Paul Antoine VoûtePediatric oncology
Johan VreekenInternal medicine1957 Simon van Creveld (grad student)
Wytse J. Wadman
Eric-Jan Wagenmakers
Taco R. Werkman
Henricus Jacobus Marie Weve1924 Willem Pieter Cornelis Zeeman (grad student)
Martinus Willem Woerdemananatomy1921 Jacob van Rees (grad student)
Martijn E. Wokke H Steven Scholte (grad student)
Lidya YurdumNon-verbal vocalisations, emotions and music2024 Disa Sauter (grad student)
Egija Zaura Dentistry Jacob Martien ten Cate (grad student)
Willem Pieter Cornelis Zeemanophthalmology1905 Thomas Place (grad student)
Jiangning ZhouNeurodegenerative Diesease1996 Dick F. Swaab (grad student)
Bernard George Ziedses des Plantesneuroradiology
Till Zimmer Onder Albayram (research assistant)
martijn van zomeren20032007 Colin W. Leach (grad student)
Hendrik Zwaardemakerpsychophysics1883 Thomas Place (research assistant), Caspar Hendrik Kuhn (grad student)