Mary C. Glascock, Ph.D.

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 
Bio-inorganic, bio-physical, and bio-organic chemistry; spectroscopy and mechanisms of action of dioxygen- and peroxide-activating heme iron enzymes and model systems; cytochrome P-450; magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy
"Mary Glascock"
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John H. Dawson grad student 2003 University of South Carolina
 (Part I: Kinetics and spectral characterization of the reactions of oxyferrous cytochrome P450-CAM with reduced putidaredoxin. Part II: Delineation of the coordination structures of the heme iron in urea-denatured ferric and ferrous horse heart cytochrome)
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Glascock MC, Ballou DP, Dawson JH. (2005) Direct observation of a novel perturbed oxyferrous catalytic intermediate during reduced putidaredoxin-initiated turnover of cytochrome P-450-CAM: probing the effector role of putidaredoxin in catalysis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280: 42134-41
Fedurco M, Augustynski J, Indiani C, et al. (2005) Electrochemistry of unfolded cytochrome c in neutral and acidic urea solutions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127: 7638-46
Fedurco M, Augustynski J, Indiani C, et al. (2004) The heme iron coordination of unfolded ferric and ferrous cytochrome c in neutral and acidic urea solutions. Spectroscopic and electrochemical studies. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1703: 31-41
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