Pamela R. Bosch, Ph.D.

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
"Pamela Bosch"
Mean distance: 19.82 (cluster 45)


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Kathleen S. Matt grad student 2003 Arizona State
 (Stress responsiveness and adaptations of the neuroendocrine system in women with rheumatoid arthritis.)
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Schaffer SD, Holzapfel SD, Fulk G, et al. (2017) Step count accuracy and reliability of two activity tracking devices in people after stroke. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 33: 788-796
Ringenbach SDR, Holzapfel SD, Bosch PR, et al. (2017) Physical Activity and Body Composition Relate to Cardiorespiratory Fitness Independently in Young Adults with Down Syndrome Journal of Sports Sciences. 5
Bosch P, Fritz S. (2017) Long-Bout High-Intensity Interval Training is Feasible After a Stroke Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 98: e8
Bosch PR, Holzapfel S, Traustadottir T. (2015) Feasibility of Measuring Ventilatory Threshold in Adults With Stroke-Induced Hemiparesis: Implications for Exercise Prescription. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Bosch PR. (2014) MEASURING AND WALKING AT VENTILATORY THRESHOLD AFTER STROKE. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal. 25: 114-115
Noel McCluney SSW, Bosch PR. (2013) Heart Rate Response to Vinyasa Yoga in Healthy Adults Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy. 3
Bosch PR, Fischer K, Smith KA. (2013) MEASURING VENTILATORY THRESHOLD IN ADULTS WITH STROKE-INDUCED HEMIPARESIS Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal. 24: 45
Bosch PR, Poloni J, Thornton A, et al. (2012) The heart rate response to nintendo wii boxing in young adults. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal. 23: 13-29
Wing K, Lynskey JV, Bosch PR. (2012) Walking speed in stroke survivors: Considerations for clinical practice Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. 28: 113-121
Bosch P, Wing MK, Lynskey J. (2010) Poster 68: Feasibility and Effectiveness of Whole-Body Intensive Neurorehabilitation in Individuals With Chronic Stroke: A Pilot Study Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 91: e25
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