Arizona State University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Paulette V. AasenGuidance and Counseling Education2003 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Dina Abdul-KarimUrban and Regional Planning City & Regional Planning Jesus J. Lara (grad student)
Lynn A. AbeitaClinical Psychology, Public Health, Behavioral Psychology2003 Felipe G. Castro (grad student)
Esther S. AcostaLearning and cognition2001 Raymond W. Kulhavy (grad student)
Amanda M. Acunaaddiction, psychostimulants, neuroimmune, behavior20212021 M. Foster Olive (grad student), Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Karen AguilarSleep, Stress, and Culture Psychology Rick A. Cruz (grad student)
Leana AikenSocial Psychology
William AikensMusic, Music Education Music2014 Martin Schuring (grad student)
Metin AkayBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology
David AkkurtBiomedical Engineering2009 Metin Akay (grad student), Yasemin M. Akay (grad student)
Janet K. AlbertsSpeech Communication, Social Psychology
Jay L. AlbertsMotor control2000 G E. Stelmach (grad student)
Brandon L. Alderman2004 Daniel M. Landers (grad student)
Andrea T. Alleweireldt2004 Janet L. Neisewander (grad student)
Carlos J. AlsuaManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2002 Johnny Rungtusanatham (grad student)
Lauren M. AmaroSpeech Communication, Gerontology Communication2014 Janet K. Alberts (grad student)
Eric AmazeenAction and Perception, Ecological Psychology
Polemnia G. AmazeenPhysiological Psychology, Recreation
Joseph C AndersonBioengineering, Pulmonary Physiology Chemical Engineering1995 James Beckman (research assistant)
Danya N. Anouti2008 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Gregory A. ApkerMotor Control, bioengineering Bioengineering2012 Christopher A. Buneo (grad student)
Bradley M. AppelhansPhysiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2006 Linda Luecken (grad student)
Miguel ArciniegaPersonality Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Shawn M. Arent2002 Daniel M. Landers (grad student)
Diego AriasMotor learning, neuromodulation, memory20182023 Christopher A. Buneo (grad student)
Charles E. Armstrong20072009 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Niyazi O ArslanCochlear Implants Speech and Hearing Science2020 Xin Luo (grad student)
Tamiko AzumaCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Speech Pathology
Sid P. BaconPsychoacoustics William Albert Yost (collaborator)
David A. Baker Janet L. Neisewander (grad student)
Sivakumar BalasubramanianNeurorehabilitation, Neuromechanics, Movement Analysis20052009 Jiping He (grad student)
Nathan A. BaldwinMotor Control Bioengineering2014 Stephen I. Tillery (grad student)
Ian C. Ballardmotivated memory Psychology Samuel M. McClure (grad student)
Heather M. BaltodanoReading Education, Criminology and Penology, Special Education2006 Robert B. Rutherford (grad student)
Cheyne L. Bamford2000 Edward Sadalla (grad student)
Mona BapatBehavioral Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Women's Studies Counseling Psychology2011 Terence Tracey (grad student)
Sarah E. Baranclinical neurophysiology20012008 Cheryl D. Conrad (grad student)
Anthony S. BarnhartLanguage, Memory, Attention Psychology2013 Stephen D. Goldinger (grad student)
Andres BaronaEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology
Alicia BarrSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black History2000 Delia S. Saenz (grad student)
T. M. BarrattMental Health Counseling Psychology2014 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Manuel BarreraClinical Psychology
Victor BaumgartenSocial Work, Mental Health, Industrial Psychology2004 Ann E. MacEachron (grad student)
Alejandro Parga Becarra Neuroscience20072014 Ronald P. Hammer (grad student)
Timothy A. Beckersystems electrophysiology, electrodes2001 Daryl Kipke (grad student)
Rudy BellaniBrain asymmetry, memory, stress,20022005 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant), Jonathan K. Kleen (collaborator)
Dominique BellonMusic, Clinical Psychology, Music Education, Physical Education2006 Martin Schuring (grad student)
Iris Beltran Gonzalez Psychology2013 Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Aaron R. Belz2002 Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Melissa Bergeman2018 Ian Barclay Hogue (grad student)
Sandra BergerMathematical Biology Neuroscience2014 Sharon Crook (grad student)
Bianca BernsteinCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Multilingual Education
Frank BevacquaEthics, Counseling Psychology, Medical Ethics Counseling Psychology2011 Sharon Robinson-Kurpius (grad student)
Vimala N. Bharadwaj Biomedical Engineering Sarah E. Stabenfeldt (grad student)
Manoshi Bhowmik-StokerMotor Control, bioengineering2009 Christopher A. Buneo (grad student)
Michael Bierl
Heather A. Bimonte-Nelson2008 Cheryl D. Conrad (collaborator)
Justas Birgiolas School of Life Sciences2014 Sharon Crook (grad student)
Jennifer M Blain ChristenBiosensors, Bioelectronics, Point of Care, Implantable, Deployable Sensing
Stephanie L. BlaisdellGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Women's Studies, Higher Education2000 Bianca Bernstein (grad student)
Austin Blakeadolescent development, developmental psychopathology, substance use disorders Psychology20182024 Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Lisa R. Bobich20042010 Marco Santello (grad student)
Karen Lynn Bollermann2006 Robert A. Bjork (grad student)
Pamela R. Bosch2003 Kathleen S. Matt (grad student)
Jennifer A. BoyceSocial Psychology2001 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Gina R. BoyerClinical Psychology2005 Richard Lanyon (grad student)
Ryan Joseph BrackneyBehaviorism, Neuroscience, Learning2009 Federico Sanabria (grad student)
B. Blair BradenBehavioral Endocrinology Psychology2012 Heather A. Bimonte-Nelson (grad student), Mark Prendergast (research assistant)
Russell J. BranaghanCognitive Psychology
Neta I. BranskyDevelopmental Psychology2004 Herb Zimiles (grad student)
Sanford BraverClinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology
Sandford L. BraverClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Creagh W. Breuner Miles Orchinik (post-doc)
Andrea M. BrownClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, General Religion2006 Charles D. Claiborn (grad student)
Aaron Joseph BrownsteinBehavioral theories and applications, rule-governed behavior, schedules of reinforcement
Tim M. BrunsNeuroprostheses, Bladder dysfunction, Functional electrical stimulation, Sensory neural interfaces20002001 James D. Sweeney (grad student)
Alysha BundyClinical Psychology2004 Jeff McWhirter (grad student)
Christopher A. BuneoMotor Control, bioengineering John F. Soechting (grad student), Martha Flanders (grad student), Veronica J. Santos (collaborator)
Heather M. BurkeClinical Psychology, Rehabilitation and Therapy2003 Alex J. Zautra (grad student)
John Michael Burke2003 Frank C. Hoppensteadt (grad student)
Mary H. Burleson
Alyssa Campbell2010 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Daniel CanarySpeech Communication, Mass Communications, Social Psychology
Christian Candlervisual plasticity, amblyopia, thalamic bursting School of Life Sciences2021 Timothy S. Balmer (grad student)
Elizabeth D. Capaldi PhillipsExperimental Psychology
Michael R. CarhartMovement Biomechanics2000 Gary T Yamaguchi (grad student)
Sharon L. Carlislesteroidogenesis Matthew Grober (grad student)
Karen J. CarneySpecial Education, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education2002 Robert B. Rutherford (grad student)
Rhonda S. CasillasCounseling Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Sociology of Education, Educational Psychology Education, Hispanic American Studies, Elementary Education2010 John Horan (grad student)
Edward CastanedaExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Marissa Castellana Department of Psychology Viridiana L. Benitez (grad student)
Carlos Castillo-ChavezEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security
Felipe G. CastroClinical Psychology, GLBT Studies
Linda C. Caterinochild psychopathology, gifted, autism, adhd, school psychology
Christopher Ceranski19991999 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Candace B. CessnaEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education, Tests and Measurements Education2000 Maryann S. de Barona (grad student)
Hei N. ChamPsychometrics Psychology Psychology2013 Jenn-Yun Tein (grad student)
Pen-Chiang ChaoSpecial Education2005 Robert B. Rutherford (grad student)
Laurie Chassin
Hailan ChenEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2005 Wihelmina Savenye (grad student)
Chih-Chia ChenRecreation Kinesiology2013 Shannon D. R. Ringenbach (grad student)
Lee A. ChiversMusic2010 Martin Schuring (grad student)
Amanda L. ChristensenManagement Business Administration, General Business Administration Business Administration2014 Angelo J. Kinicki (grad student)
Breanne Christie Bradley Greger (grad student)
Kuo-Yi ChungPhysiological Psychology, Spirituality Counseling Psychology2010 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Robert B. CialdineSocial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Lucia CiciollaClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2014 Keith A. Crnic (grad student), Suniya Luthar (post-doc)
Charles ClaibomClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Charles D. ClaibornPsychometrics Psychology, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology
Colleen E. ClemencyClinical Psychology, Oncology2009 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Ryan S. Clementmedical devices, neural engineering, cochlear implants, auditory system Bioengineering19962002 Daryl Kipke (grad student)
Adam B CohenPsychology
Candace CollinsAdministration Education, Teacher Training Education2006 Samuel A. DiGangi (grad student)
Natalie Conboy20092011 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Cheryl D. ConradNeurobiology of Chronic Stress
Jose L. Contreras-VidalMotor control G E. Stelmach (post-doc)
Nancy J. Cooketeam cognition, remotely piloted aircraft systems, cyber security, imagery analysis
Ricardo J. Cordero-SotoEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences2011 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student)
Christine M. Covas-SmithBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2011 Nancy J. Cooke (grad student)
David J Coxbehavior analysis, behavioral economics, quantitative analyses of behavior, machine learning, behavioral pharmacology, choice
Caryn CreamerMusic, Biography Music2011 Martin Schuring (grad student)
Keith A. CrnicClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Sharon CrookMathematical Biology2015 Richard C. Gerkin (collaborator)
Kristine R. CsavinaBioengineering2003 Jiping He (grad student)
Patrick J. CurranPsychometrics Psychology, Developmental Psychology Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Flavio J. da SilvaPerception and Action Psychology2013 Michael K. McBeath (grad student)
Ayoub Dalirispeech motor control, stuttering, sensorimotor adaptation20092014 Ludo Max (grad student)
Maria U. DarcySocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Women's Studies2003 Charles D. Claiborn (grad student)
Andrew DarianInstructional Design Education, Early Childhood Education Curriculum and Instruction2012 Elaine Surbeck (grad student)
Paul W. DarstCurriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education, Physical Education
Nikhil Dave Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center20152018 Ramon Velazquez (research assistant)
Scott DaviesBehavioral Neuroendocrinology Biology2014 Pierre Deviche (grad student)
Bruce James Davis2002 Robert A. Bjork (grad student)
Spring R. Dawson-McClureClinical Psychology2005 Sharlene A. Wolchick (grad student)
Maria E. De AndaClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Guidance and Counseling Education2001 Manuel Barrera (grad student)
Maryann S. de BaronaEducational Psychology Education, Secondary Education
Michael De GregorioHuman hand, low back, scoliosis, orthopaedics, sport biomechanics, injury biomechanics SEMTE Veronica J. Santos (grad student)
Raymond S. DeanNeuropsychology1978 Raymond W. Kulhavy (grad student)
Christian DeLucia2003 Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Shiying DengDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Mark W. Roosa (grad student)
Pierre DevicheBehavioral Neuroendocrinology
Mukesh DhamalaNeurophysics, Neuroimaging, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Nonlinear Dynamics Electrical Engineering Ying-Cheng Lai (grad student)
Sherry L. Di JorioMovement Biomechanics2006 Gary T Yamaguchi (grad student)
Priscila DiazSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Hispanic American Studies Psychology2011 Delia S. Saenz (grad student)
Edgar Diaz HerreraEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security2010 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student)
Samuel A. DiGangiEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education
Renee Dille20082009 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Seth E. DobrinGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Pathology2004 Dietrich Stephan (grad student)
Igor DolgovHuman Factors, Human-Computer Interaction, Cognition, Perception, Video Games Psychology Arts, Media, & Engineering20062009 Michael K. McBeath (grad student), Ellen Campana (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Donarum2005 Miles Orchinik (grad student)
Krystal Dorathy20082009 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Michael F. DormanBehavioral Psychology, Audiology
Anne D. DorreGuidance and Counseling Education, Modern Language, Clinical Psychology2002 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Shelli Dubbs20052006 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Carsten J. DuchNeuroscience Biology, Genetics
Margaret R. DuffBioengineering Bioengineering2012 Jiping He (grad student)
Nicholas Duran
Mary-Kathryn DuranteClinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Criminology and Penology2002 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Nancy EisenbergClinical Psychology
Mariam El-Ashmawy20062009 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Blake L ElliottEpisodic Memory, Reward, Motivation, MRI, EEG Psychology Psychology20162021 Samuel M. McClure (grad student), Gene A. Brewer (grad student)
Elizabeth B Engler-ChiurazziNeuroimmunology Psychology20072013 Heather A. Bimonte-Nelson (grad student)
Mindy J. ErchullSocial Psychology2005 Leana Aiken (grad student)
Fernando EstradaMultilingual Education Counseling Psychology2012 Terence Tracey (grad student)
Jennifer L. Etnier1995 Daniel M. Landers (grad student)
Natalie S. FabertCounseling Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Social Psychology Counseling Psychology2014 Bianca Bernstein (grad student)
Fairlee C. Fabrett AntunezClinical Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Developmental Psychology2010 Nancy A. Gonzales (grad student)
Amanda Fairchild Psychology2008 David P. MacKinnon (grad student)
Sarah Farrokh2011 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Ryan FergusonPsychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2014 Donald Homa (grad student)
Burt G. FeuersteinNeuroscience Biology, Oncology, Radiology
Michele L. FialaMusic2004 Martin Schuring (grad student)
Briana FieldsClinical Psychology Psychology2010 Manuel Barrera (grad student)
Patrick H. FinanClinical Psychology, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology Psychology2011 Alex J. Zautra (grad student)
Justin M. FineMotor control, Psychology
Sheila M. FlemingNeurobiology of Chronic Stress2001 Cheryl D. Conrad (grad student)
Samuel P. FletcherMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2005 Tsafrir S. Mor (grad student)
Tania S. FlinkMotor control2009 G E. Stelmach (grad student)
Yadira FloresEducational Psychology Education, Policy Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Behavioral Psychology2010 Maryann S. de Barona (grad student)
H Bobby FokidisNeuroendocrinology, behavior, stress School of Life Sciences2010 Miles Orchinik (collaborator), Pierre Deviche (grad student)
Haralambos B. FokidisPhysiology Biology, Endocrinology Biology, Conservation Biology Biology2010 Pierre Deviche (grad student)
Megan Foley NicponClinical Psychology2003 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Cianan Foltz20032005 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Tiffany L. ForbisEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology2004 Andres Barona (grad student)
Diana FormosoClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2002 Nancy A. Gonzales (grad student)
Lachlan L. FranquemontBrain-Computer Interface20052007 Stephen I. Tillery (research assistant)
Pamela Frazier-AndersonEducational Psychology Education2005 Stafford Hood (grad student)
Susannah S. French2006 Michael C. Moore (grad student)
Qiushi Fusensorimotor system Bioengineering20082013 Marco Santello (grad student)
Rita A. FuchsAddiction2000 Janet L. Neisewander (grad student)
Mel FugateManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2001 Angelo J. Kinicki (grad student)
Terence J. G. TraceyCounseling Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Bridget M. GaertnerIndividual and Family Studies Family and Human Development2012 Tracy L. Spinrad (grad student)
Annapurna GaneshElementary Education, Tests and Measurements Education2004 Elaine Surbeck (grad student)
Lisa S. GarbrechtEducational Psychology Education2004 Kathy Nakagawa (grad student)
Alicia A. GarciaSocial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Speech Communication2001 Sharon Robinson-Kurpius (grad student)
Jessie L. GarciaDevelopmental Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2002 Sharon Robinson-Kurpius (grad student)
Sheila Garos1997 Gail Hackett (grad student)
Paul J. Gasserstress and monoamines2005 Miles Orchinik (grad student)
Tiffany Gearhart20052006 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Joseph F. GeorgesOlfaction Neuroscience2014 Brian H. Smith (grad student)
Elizabet C. GerberMusic, South African Studies2010 Martin Schuring (grad student)
Richard C. GerkinOlfactory physiology, Neuroinformatics
Emily D. GersteinClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2012 Keith A. Crnic (grad student)
George Gifford20002001 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Sean GilboyCognitive Psychology2005 Jeff McWhirter (grad student)
Jenna GoeslingBehavioral Psychology Psychology2011 Manuel Barrera (grad student)
Stephen D. GoldingerLanguage, Memory, Attention1992 David B. Pisoni (grad student)
Aaron Golub
Juan L. Gomez20032006 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Nancy A. GonzalesClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Asian American Studies
Bradley GregerNeural Engineering
Jenna L. Gress SmithClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Hispanic American Studies, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2014 Linda Luecken (grad student)
Nicolas GrimaultHearing Sid P. Bacon (post-doc)
Kevin J. Grimm
Itamar GrunfeldElectrophysiology Psychology20092011 Heather A. Bimonte-Nelson (research assistant)
Samantha J Gustafsonauditory system; development; audiology; hearing loss; pediatrics Speech & Hearing Sciences20062011 Andrea Pittman (research assistant)
Johnston I. Gwynne2009 Michael C. Moore (grad student)
Gail HackettClinical Psychology, Women's Studies1978 John Horan (grad student)
Melissa HaganClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology Psychology2013 Linda Luecken (grad student)
Rachel A. HaineClinical Psychology2004 Sharlene Wolchik (grad student)
Caitlyn Anne HallEnvironmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering Bruce E. Rittmann (grad student)
Moira Haller Psychology2014 Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Gillian F. Hamilton20032007 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Elizabeth D. Handley Psychology2012 Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Christine HanishGuidance and Counseling Education, Psychometrics Psychology2000 John Horan (grad student)
Jeffery J. Hanna2007 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Whitney A. HansenLanguage, Memory, Attention Psychology2011 Stephen D. Goldinger (grad student)
Stephen Jose HansonCognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroimaging Peter R. Killeen (grad student)
John Harlow School of Sustainability School of Nutrition and Health Promotion20122015 Aaron Golub (grad student), Eric B. Hekler (grad student)
Chad HartnellManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Industrial Psychology Business Administration2012 Angelo J. Kinicki (grad student)
Silva HassertCounseling Psychology, Obstetrics and Gynecology Psychology2014 Sharon R. Kurpius (grad student)
David HauserCounseling Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Aging Counseling Psychology2013 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Vergil R. HaynesDynamical systems School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences2016 Sharon Crook (grad student)
Caleb R HaynesSocial neuroscience Speech and Hearing Psychology Psychology20182019 B. Blair Braden (research assistant), Michael E. Varnum (research assistant), Steven L. Neuberg (research assistant)
Jiping HeBioengineering
Donna F. HensonSpeech Communication2003 Daniel Canary (grad student)
David R. HerringSocial Neuroscience Mary H. Burleson (research scientist)
Meghan Herron19981999 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Eric E. HesslerPhysiological Psychology, Recreation Psychology2010 Polemnia G. Amazeen (grad student)
Kristin J. HeumannRecreation, Nutrition, Public Health Physical Activity, Nutrition and Wellness2011 Pamela Swan (grad student)
Diana Hews19911995 Michael C. Moore (post-doc)
Emily A. HildebrandCognitive Psychology Psychology2014 Russell J. Branaghan (grad student)
Brooke E. HjelmMolecular Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology2013 Norma J. Wilson-Rawls (grad student)
Rebecca Hobbs19982002 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Claire M. HoferDevelopmental Psychology2006 Nancy Eisenberg (grad student)
Ann N. Hoffman Psychology20082013 Cheryl D. Conrad (grad student)
Steven A. HoffmanImmunology, Neuroscience Biology
Ian Barclay HoguePeripherial Nervous System
Ian Barclay HogueVirology, Neurosciene
Bert Hölldobler
Steven R. HollowayCognitive Neuroscience, Visual systems20072011 Michael K. McBeath (grad student), Jose E. Nanez Sr. (grad student)
Donald HomaGeneral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Stafford HoodEducational Psychology Education
Frank C. HoppensteadtNeuromorphic computing
John HoranIndustrial Psychology
John J. HorayClinical Psychology
Pamela A. HornerGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology2006 Charles D. Claiborn (grad student)
Michael C. HoutLanguage, Memory, Attention Psychology2013 Stephen D. Goldinger (grad student)
Kay H. HowardEducational Psychology Education, History of Education, Administration Education
Wendy HultsmanRecreation, Behavioral Psychology
Laura L. HuserHealth Education2002 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Thu N. Huynh20072010 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Murray ItzkowitzZoology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Zoology1967 Wendell Lee Minckley (grad student)
Roopa V. IyerEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology2006 Nancy Eisenberg (grad student)
Elsie G. J. MooreEarly Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Zdzislaw JackiewiczMathematics, Neuroscience Biology
Jamie L. Jackson20002003 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Harman S. James20022006 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Russell Jarvis School of Life Sciences2016 Sharon Crook (grad student)
David Jennings19962002 Michael C. Moore (post-doc)
Mark Jesunathadas Marco Santello (post-doc)
Janni Jocelyn20062007 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Lisa JohnsonAphasia; Language; Neuroimaging; Sign Language; Speech and Hearing Science20142017 Corianne Rogalsky (research assistant)
Caitlin Johnston
Jeffrey N. JoyceNeuroscience Biology
Jessica M. Judd
Christina Julian19992000 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
David KabelikBehavioral Neuroendocrinology19992006 Michael C. Moore (grad student)
Ann Kammer
Ruth KanferIndustrial Psychology Psychology19761981 Antoinette Zeiss (grad student)
Tao KangBioengineering2006 Jiping He (grad student)
Irina KarevaEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences2012 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student)
Paul KarolyClinical Psychology
Christos Katsanos
Joshua G. KellisonClinical Psychology, GLBT Studies Psychology2014 Keith A. Crnic (grad student)
Jerry L. KernesClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Philosophy, Industrial Psychology2001 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Caroline J. KetchamMotor control2003 G E. Stelmach (grad student)
Suzanne KhalilPsychology and Art2005 Michael K. McBeath (grad student)
Prabal KhanalMedical Decision Making Biomedical Informatics2014 Vimla L. Patel (grad student)
Peter R. KilleenExperimental Psychology20052006 Cheryl D. Conrad (collaborator)
Jeffrey S. KinderdietzClinical Psychology, General Psychology Psychology2012 Alex J. Zautra (grad student)
Angelo J. KinickiManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Richard KinnierCounseling Psychology, Technology of Education, Bioinformatics Biology, Mental Health
Michelle J. KirtonHigher Education, Educational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2000 Sharon R. Kurpuis (grad student)
Jonathan K. Kleenepilepsy, memory, in vivo electrophysiology20012005 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Heather M. KleiderMemory and Cognition2001 Stephen D. Goldinger (grad student)
Heidi Kloos Psychology Eric Amazeen (grad student)
Rosemary Knappbehavioral endocrinology19901996 Michael C. Moore (grad student)
Kendra KnightSpeech Communication, Individual and Family Studies, Social Psychology Communication2012 Janet K. Alberts (grad student)
Albert M. KopakCriminology and Penology, Behavioral Psychology, Hispanic American Studies2010 Felipe G. Castro (grad student)
Kurt W. Kornatz Marco Santello (post-doc)
Theresa M. KovalskiEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Technology of Education2002 Terence Tracey (grad student)
Amy J. KraftClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2010 Linda Luecken (grad student)
Katon Kras School of Life Sciences Christos Katsanos (grad student)
Amanda Krigbaum2009 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Richard C Krynen2018 Michael K. McBeath (grad student)
Kendy KuczkaRecreation, Social Psychology2005 Darwyn E. Linder (grad student)
Peter R. KufahlNeuropharmacology2011 M. Foster Olive (post-doc)
Raymond W. KulhavyLearning and cognition
Sudhir KumarBioinformatics, Genetics
Trudy Y. Kuo
Emily KupitzMusic Music2013 Martin Schuring (grad student)
Sharon R. KurpiusBehavioral Psychology, Military Studies
Sharon R. KurpuisHigher Education, Educational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education
Yael Kusne Neuroscience2014 Janet L. Neisewander (grad student)
Christina L. KwapichAnimal behavior, Entomology, Ecology School of life sciences2019 Bert Hölldobler (post-doc)
Anthony F. Lacagnina School of Life Sciences20082009 Miles Orchinik (research assistant)
Michael Lacagnina
Amber Lacrosse2010 M. Foster Olive (grad student)
Eva L. Lacy2001 Michael C. Moore (grad student)
Tiffany R. Lago Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Matthew E. LancasterGeneral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2013 Donald Homa (grad student)
Micah Landeengineering education, design research, making
Daniel M. Landers
Thelma L. LandrumIndustrial Psychology, Developmental Psychology2000 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Emily J. LanganSpeech Communication, Social Psychology2001 Melanie R. Trost (grad student)
Dawn A. LanteroDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2005 Shannon D. R. Ringenbach (grad student)
Richard LanyonPsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Susan E. LedlowSocial Psychology2005 Darwyn E. Linder (grad student)
Matthew R. Lee Psychology2013 Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Lynn Leibe20002001 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Candace Lewis2011 M. Foster Olive (grad student)
Monica LiOlfaction Biology2012 Brian H. Smith (grad student)
Ye Li Department of Psychology Viridiana L. Benitez (grad student)
T. M. LiddellCounseling Psychology, Physical Education, Recreation Counseling Psychology2013 Charles D. Claiborn (grad student)
Juergen LiebigBehavioral Sciences Psychology
Jeffrey LiewDevelopmental Science, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology, Learning Sciences Psychology2005 Nancy Eisenberg (grad student)
Elizabeth N. Lightner20022004 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Lan LinBioengineering2006 Jiping He (grad student)
Brent W. LindbergCounseling Psychology2010 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Darwyn E. LinderPhysiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Physical Education
Freda F. LiuClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Asian American Studies Psychology2011 Nancy A. Gonzales (grad student)
Mitchell G. Longstaff Psychology2003 George E. Stelmach (post-doc)
Dianne LortonImmunology, Neuroscience Biology
Sarah E. LoweryGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Women's Studies2004 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Cheri L. LubahnImmunology, Neuroscience Biology2001 Dianne Lorton (grad student)
Linda LueckenClinical Psychology
Jamie R. Lukosbehavioral neuroscience, reaching and grasping20052010 Marco Santello (grad student)
Dori LuliMathematical Biology Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences2013 Sharon Crook (grad student)
Robert A. LutfiCognitive Psychology, Audiology, Experimental Psychology Speech and Hearing19751980 William Albert Yost (grad student)
Barbara Lyon19992000 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Barbara J. MaceEducational Psychology Education, History of Education, Administration Education2001 Kay H. Howard (grad student)
Ann E. MacEachronSocial Work, Mental Health, Industrial Psychology
Donald D. MacMillan, II20002001 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Jon K. ManerSocial Psychology2003 Douglas T. Kenrick (grad student)
Ryan Manis Mechanical Engineer20102014 Veronica J. Santos (grad student)
Amanda Maple Psychology20072013 Ronald P. Hammer (grad student)
Katerina Marcoulides Kevin J. Grimm (grad student)
Catherine A. MarlerBehavioral neuroendocrinology1990 Michael C. Moore (grad student)
Jennifer L. MarmoSpeech Communication, Public Health Communication2012 Anthony J. Roberto (grad student)
Catherine MarreiroClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Linda Luecken (grad student)
Michael P. Marshal2002 Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Jody M. MarshallEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education, Behavioral Psychology, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2000 Maura L. Roberts (grad student)
Brian W. MathiesonGuidance and Counseling Education, Administration Education2005 Stafford Hood (grad student)
Barbara M. MaxwellClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Recreation2000 Richard Lanyon (grad student)
Natasha A. Maynard-ReidGuidance and Counseling Education2005 Terence Tracey (grad student)
Regan MayoPersonality Psychology, Social Psychology2009 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Gabriel J. MazurExperimental psychology, animal learning, impulse control, timing Psychology2014 Federico Sanabria (grad student)
Michael K. McBeathPerception and Action
Deborah B. McCabeBusiness Education, Behavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology2001 Stephen M. Nowlis (grad student)
Paula J. McCallGuidance and Counseling Education, Counseling Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology2010 Maryann S. de Barona (grad student)
Adam E. McCrayClinical Psychology2005 Linda Luecken (grad student)
Megan M. McGlynnSpecial Education, Criminology and Penology2003 Robert B. Rutherford (grad student)
Tara L. McIsaacMovement disorders, Motor control & learning20072008 Marco Santello (post-doc)
Frances M. McKee RyanManagement Business Administration2002 Angelo J. Kinicki (grad student)
Katie "Mac" McLaughlinStress, Estrogen, Learning and Memory20022007 Cheryl D. Conrad (grad student)
Danielle S. McNamara
Jeff McWhirterEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Behavioral Psychology
Araceli MejiaCounseling Psychology Counseling Psychology2013 Sharon R. Kurpius (grad student)
Troy A. MelendezClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2002 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
David M. MellerSensory systems, perception20042010 Stephen I. Tillery (grad student)
Lee Meyerson
Teissy MezaGuidance and Counseling Education, Women's Studies, Individual and Family Studies2003 Sharon Robinson-Kurpius (grad student)
Marc A. Mifflin Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center20172020 Ramon Velazquez (grad student)
Agnieszka Mika2009 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Jason A. MirandaNeuroethology, Auditory system,Memory19972001 Matthew Grober (research assistant)
Brooke MolinaDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology1993 Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Andrew Monaghan20162018 Brett W. Fling (grad student)
Detra Y. MontoyaMarketing Business Administration2006 Stephen M. Nowlis (grad student)
Jordan W Moonsocial psychology Psychology20162022 Adam B Cohen (grad student)
Anshan T. MooreClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2005 Charles Claibom (grad student)
Dani MooreBehavioral Sciences Psychology Biology2012 Juergen Liebig (grad student)
Ignacio T. Moore Michael C. Moore (research assistant)
Danyel A. MoosmannDevelopmental Psychology, Hispanic American Studies Family and Human Development2014 Mark W. Roosa (grad student)
Tsafrir S. MorMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology Itzhak Ohad (grad student)
Emmanuel J. Morale ButlerEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences2014 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student)
Daniel W. Moranmotor neurophysiology and neuroprosthetics Gary T Yamaguchi (grad student)
Miguel Morenno Takeo Watanabe (grad student)
Miguel A. MorenoCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2002 Guy C. VanOrden (grad student)
Shannon E. Morgan2004 Michael K. McBeath (grad student)
Benjamin MorinEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences2012 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student)
Mary C. MorrSpeech Communication, Individual and Family Studies2002 Daniel Canary (grad student)
Elizabeth M. MurpheyRecreation, Behavioral Psychology Community Resources and Development2014 Wendy Hultsman (grad student)
Bridget Murphy-KelseyDevelopmental Psychology Nancy Eisenberg (grad student)
Joel MyersonAnimal Learning and Behavior Peter R. Killeen (grad student)
Archana Shashidhar MysoreCognitive control, Motor control, Neural engineering School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering2019 Marco Santello (grad student), Christopher Blais (grad student)
Kathy NakagawaEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education
Mark D NambaNeurobiology of drug addiction School of Life Sciences Janet L. Neisewander (grad student)
Jose E. Nanez Sr.Visual System
Atsushi NaraGeography, Geodesy, Behavioral Psychology Geography2011 Paul M. Torrens (grad student)
Janet L. Neisewander
Edward A. NelsenEducational Psychology Education
Collin B. Nelson20082009 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Carol J. NemeroffClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Geeta K. NemmersSpeech Communication, Individual and Family Studies Communication Studies2012 Janet K. Alberts (grad student)
Rebecca P. NewlandClinical Psychology Psychology2014 Keith A. Crnic (grad student)
Matt Newman
Craig J. NewtonClinical Psychology2001 Paul Karoly (grad student)
Joseph Nguyen20032004 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Max Allen Nickerson1968 Eldridge Melvin Bertke (grad student)
Mary C. NiemczykEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education2002 Wilhelmina Sayenye (grad student)
Danielle C. Niren20072008 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Hisae NishikuraEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2000 Samuel A. DiGangi (grad student)
Lakisha J. NosovEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2010 Maryann S. de Barona (grad student)
Stephen M. NowlisBusiness Education, Behavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Sara S. NozadiCinema, Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Family and Human Development2014 Tracy L. Spinrad (grad student)
Laura E. O'DellAddiction, nicotine, adolescence1997 Janet L. Neisewander (grad student)
Megan O'DonnellBehavioral Psychology, Mental Health, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Latin American Studies Family and Human Development2014 Mark W. Roosa (grad student)
Chrystal D. Oberle2005 Michael K. McBeath (grad student)
Matthew W OevermannLearning, Memory, Cognition, Hormones
Barbara J. OhlundSpecial Education, Technology of Education, Behavioral Psychology2000 Samuel A. DiGangi (grad student)
Jonathon OilerMEMS School of Earth and Space Exploration Hongyu Yu (grad student)
Kiersten N. OkineClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2000 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Morris OkunDevelopmental Psychology, Physical Education
Heather A. OkvatBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Aging Psychology2011 Alex J. Zautra (grad student)
M. Foster OliveAddiction, glutamate, neuropeptides
Byron P. OlsonBioengineering2004 Jiping He (grad student)
Miles Orchinik
John Bryce Ortiz2011 Cheryl D. Conrad (grad student)
Angela R. Ortiz NievesEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security2010 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student)
J. Grayson Osborne Lee Meyerson (grad student)
Kevin John OttoNeuroengineering19972003 Daryl Kipke (grad student), Leonidas Iasemidis (grad student)
Cynthia K. Overstreet Bioengineering20082013 Stephen I. Tillery (grad student)
Subash PadmanabanNeural engineering School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering20132017 Bradley Greger (grad student)
Melanie C. PagePersonality Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Mass Communications Psychology1998 David P. MacKinnon (grad student)
Danika L. Painter2001 Michael C. Moore (grad student)
Kellie PalazzoloSpeech Communication, Public Health, Women's Studies, Social Psychology
Megan H. PapeshLanguage, Memory, Attention Psychology2012 Stephen D. Goldinger (grad student)
Melanie A. PaquetteExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2005 Edward Castaneda (grad student)
Alejandro Parga Becerra Neuroscience2014 Janet L. Neisewander (grad student)
Vimla L. PatelMedical Decision Making
Kristopher Jake PattenAuditory Neuroscience2010 Michael K. McBeath (grad student)
Oscar Patterson LombaEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences2014 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student)
Dylan N. PeayPsychology, Behavioral Neuroscience Psychology2017 Cheryl D. Conrad (grad student)
Lisa R. PeckEducational Psychology Education2005 Edward A. Nelsen (grad student)
Anita Pedersen y ArbonaClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2011 Keith A. Crnic (grad student)
Clint PenickSocial evolution, ecology, behavior20062012 Juergen Liebig (grad student)
Cathleen B. PenkoffCurriculum and Instruction Education, Criminology and Penology, Women's Studies2006 Robert B. Rutherford (grad student)
Veronique PepinRecreation, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Gerontology2003 Pamela Swan (grad student)
Elaine F. PereaSocial Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Gender Studies, Physiological Psychology, Experimental Psychology2010 Michelle Shloto (grad student)
Steven J. Petruzzello1991 Daniel M. Landers (grad student)
Hannah J Phalen2016 Jessica M. Salerno (grad student)
Tuyen T. PhamPsychometrics Psychology, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology Counseling Psychology2010 Charles D. Claiborn (grad student)
Robert O PihlSusceptibility/Etiology of Drug Abuse Joel Greenspoon (grad student)
Thomas J. PirtleNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2003 Richard Satterlie (grad student)
Andrea Pittman
Jamie Plishka19992000 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Lara Ann PockrosNeuroscience, Drug Addiction Psychology20082013 Janet L. Neisewander (grad student)
Elizabeth PoloskovCounseling Psychology Counseling Psychology2013 Terence Tracey (grad student)
Rick W. PongratzPsychometrics Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Charles D. Claiborn (grad student)
Melissa M. Pope Psychology20152017 Mary H. Burleson (grad student)
Diana Posadas-Sanchez2004 Peter R. Killeen (grad student)
Brach J. Poston Marco Santello (post-doc)
Steven P. PresgravesNeuroscience Biology2004 Jeffrey N. Joyce (grad student)
Clark C. PressonDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Rae J. ProescholdbellClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Social Psychology2003 Carol J. Nemeroff (grad student)
Justin H. ProstDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2001 Clark C. Presson (grad student)
Danielle ProtasOlfaction Neuroscience2014 Brian H. Smith (grad student)
Keven A. PrusakCurriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education, Physical Education2000 Paul W. Darst (grad student)
John PuglieseDevelopmental Psychology, Physical Education Psychology2011 Barbara J. Tinsley (grad student)
Mini Puthayathu KurianMathematical Biology2010 Sharon Crook (grad student)
Connie S. PyburnEducational Psychology Education2000 Maryann S. de Barona (grad student)
Allen L. QuieEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education2003 Kathy Nakagawa (grad student)
Shannon D. R. RingenbachDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Michael K. RabbySpeech Communication, Mass Communications, Social Psychology2001 Daniel Canary (grad student)
Prashanth RajivanCognitive Psychology, Computer Science Applied Psychology2014 Nancy J. Cooke (grad student)
Jayachandran Ravichandran School of Life Sciences Christos Katsanos (grad student)
Tathagata Ray Cody Youngbull (grad student)
Gianna Rea-Sandinbehavior genetics; developmental psychology; self-regulation; executive function Psychology20162022 Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant (grad student)
Robert L. RennakerNeural Engineering2002 Daryl Kipke (grad student)
Christopher M. Reynolds20152017 Nicole A. Roberts (grad student)
Marybeth Rigali-OilerCounseling Psychology, Multilingual Education Counseling Psychology2013 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Deborah A. RiggsMedicine and Surgery, Mental Health, Cognitive Psychology2005 Pamela Swan (grad student)
Liliana Rincon Gonzalezoptogenetics and neuroprosthesis Bioengineering2012 William James Tyler (grad student), Stephen I. Tillery (grad student)
Rebeca RiosClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Demography2010 Alex J. Zautra (grad student)
Anthony J. RobertoSpeech Communication, Psychometrics Psychology, Health Education
Maura L. RobertsEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education, Behavioral Psychology, Bilingual and Multicultural Education
Christopher M. Roberts Anthropology2013 Robert A. Bjork (grad student)
Sharon E. Robinson KurpiusPhysiological Psychology, Spirituality
Sharon Robinson-KurpiusEthics, Counseling Psychology, Medical Ethics
Tracie J. Rogers2003 Daniel M. Landers (grad student)
Jessica E. RohlfingCounseling Psychology Counseling Psychology2013 Terence Tracey (grad student)
Diana H. RomeroMotor control2003 G E. Stelmach (grad student)
Mark W. RoosaClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Social Psychology
Danielle S. RoubinovClinical Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2014 Linda Luecken (grad student)
Megan Rudolph Neuroscience2016 Ronald P. Hammer (grad student)
Johnny RungtusanathamManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Robert B. RutherfordClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Edward Sadalla
Delia S. SaenzSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Hispanic American Studies
Roxana Y. SamaniegoClinical Psychology2000 Richard Lanyon (grad student)
Federico SanabriaExperimental psychology, animal learning, impulse control, timing20082008 Peter R. Killeen (post-doc), Janet L. Neisewander (post-doc)
Nader SanaiNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology
Darleen A. Sandoval2000 Kathleen S. Matt (grad student)
Marco SantelloKinesiology John F. Soechting (post-doc), Veronica J. Santos (collaborator)
Arti SarmaCounseling Psychology, South Asian Studies, Educational Psychology Education Counseling Psychology2014 Sharon Robinson-Kurpius (grad student)
Melissa SassamanMusic Music2014 Martin Schuring (grad student)
Rachel SatterCounseling Psychology, Technology of Education, Bioinformatics Biology, Mental Health Counseling Psychology2012 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Richard SatterlieNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Matthew SavageSpeech Communication, Psychometrics Psychology, Health Education Communication2012 Anthony J. Roberto (grad student)
Wihelmina SavenyeEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education
Lara R. SavilleMusic, Biography2004 Martin Schuring (grad student)
Wilhelmina SayenyeEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education
Angelique A. ScharineAuditory Scene Analysis19982002 Michael K. McBeath (grad student)
Corey M. ScheideggerClinical Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2006 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Alexandra Schilling20082009 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Stephan J. SchoechBehavioral endocrinology19881990 Michael C. Moore (grad student), Kathleen S. Matt (grad student)
Amy S. SchultzClinical Psychology, Public Health, Gerontology2003 Alex J. Zautra (grad student)
Martin SchuringMusic, Clinical Psychology, Music Education, Physical Education
Roger SchvaneveldtCognitive Science Robert Calfee (grad student), Michael I. Posner (grad student), Lyle E. Bourne (grad student)
Richard E. SheehyEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education, Law2000 John Horan (grad student)
Ying ShiNeuprosthetics Bioengineering20062011 Steven J. Aiken (grad student), Christopher A. Buneo (grad student)
Daisuke ShibataKinesiology Kinesiology2014 Marco Santello (grad student)
Zach ShipsteadCognition
Michelle ShlotoSocial Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Gender Studies, Physiological Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Benjamin A. Sibley20002004 Jennifer L. Etnier (grad student)
Irina T. SinakevitchNeuroanatomy, Neuroscience
Donal G. SinexNeuroscience Biology, Audiology, Physiological Psychology
Amalia A. SirolliClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Nancy A. Gonzales (grad student)
Tad SkinnerGuidance and Counseling Education, General Religion2001 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Laura SmalarzEyewitness identification, police interrogation, criminal confession, wrongful conviction
Brian H. SmithOlfaction Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Edme L. SohoEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences School of Human Evolution and Social Change2011 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student), Stephen Wirkus (grad student)
Karina R SokolDevelopmental Psychology Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant (grad student)
Susan SomervilleDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Jeffrey Sosa-CalvoEntomology, Evolution
Anthony J. SpahrAudiology2004 Michael F. Dorman (grad student)
Michelle Sparks20062008 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Tracy L. SpinradDevelopmental Psychology
Rebecca J. StahlmanEarly Childhood Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2003 Elaine Surbeck (grad student)
Sarah K. StaleyCounseling Psychology Counseling Psychology2011 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
G E. StelmachMotor control
George E. StelmachNeuroscience Biology
Dietrich StephanGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Pathology
Nancy J. Stephensmarketing, communications, services
Eric Sticeeating disorders, obesity, prevention, dietary restraint, reward, intervention Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Jennifer M. StrangGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2002 John Horan (grad student)
Thomas Z. StrybelCross-modal Perception, Motion Perception, Auditory Localizaiton, Human Factors, Human Computer Interaction William H. Ittelson (grad student)
Michael J. SulikDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2013 Nancy Eisenberg (grad student)
Elaine SurbeckElementary Education, Educational Psychology Education
Sandra Sutton AndrewsTechnology of Education, Art Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2003 Samuel A. DiGangi (grad student)
Pamela SwanMedicine and Surgery, Mental Health, Cognitive Psychology
Joshua Siegfried TalboomBehavioral Endocrinology and Neuroscience Psychology2011 Heather A. Bimonte-Nelson (grad student)
Savannah L Tallino
Justin TannerSomatosensation, Perception, Neuromodulation, Sensory Feedback SBHSE20102017 Stephen I. Tillery (grad student)
Hugo A. TapiaGuidance and Counseling Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies, General2004 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Adriana TarazonEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Behavioral Psychology2003 Jeff McWhirter (grad student)
Jennifer A. TarboxEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Clinical Psychology2009 Maryann S. de Barona (grad student)
Sara TaylorAddiciton, stress2012 M. Foster Olive (post-doc)
Dawn M. Taylor2002 Andrew Schwartz (grad student)
Jenn-Yun TeinPsychometrics Psychology
David Tello-BravoMathematical Biology Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences2012 Sharon Crook (grad student)
Benjamin Adam Teplitzky20092011 Stephen I. Tillery (research assistant), Veronica J. Santos (research assistant)
Stephanie Naufel ThackerNeuroprosthetics Stephen I. Tillery (grad student), Veronica J. Santos (grad student)
Kenneth James Thiel2010 Janet L. Neisewander (grad student)
Jerry R. Thomas
Angelique Thomas-Ferayorni20002001 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Chun-Xiang TianBioengineering2009 Jiping He (grad student)
Wesley Morgan TierneyPeripherial Nervous System Neuroscience2018 Ian Barclay Hogue (grad student)
Stephen I. TilleryMotor Control
Barbara J. TinsleyDevelopmental Psychology, Physical Education
Seven E. Tomekaddiction, behavioral neuroscience, opiates, empathy20162019 M. Foster Olive (grad student)
Amy B. Tompkins BjorkmanClinical Psychology2002 John J. Horay (grad student)
Matthew B. Toomey School of Life Sciences20052011 Kevin J. McGraw (grad student)
Paul M. TorrensGeography, Geodesy, Behavioral Psychology
Griselle Torres GarciaEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences2012 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student)
Terence TraceyGeneral Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
An Tran Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center20152017 Ramon Velazquez (research assistant)
Tinna Traustadottir2003 Kathleen S. Matt (grad student)
Darren TreasureRecreation, Social Psychology
Nancy E. TribbenseeClinical Psychology, Higher Education, Educational Psychology Education2003 John Horan (grad student)
Gregory A. TroneCurriculum and Instruction Education, Physical Education2005 Pamela Swan (grad student)
Melanie R. TrostSpeech Communication, Social Psychology
Sergey Tsekhanov20012004 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Philip TsengPerception, visual memory, consciousness, deception20052006 Eric Amazeen (grad student)
Yusuf Z. Tufail Biology2011 William James Tyler (grad student)
Joshua M. TyburEvolutionary Psychology20032004 Steven L. Neuberg (research assistant), Douglas T. Kenrick (research assistant)
William James Tyler
Monica D. UlibarriClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies, Public Health2005 Carol J. Nemeroff (grad student)
Nate Upham Biology20142015 Ben J Evans (post-doc)
Alicia UrdapilletaEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences2011 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student)
William R. UttalVision, Philosophy of Science
Andre Valdez2009 Eric Amazeen (grad student)
Sonja T. Van LaarClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Health Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2000 John Horan (grad student)
Christina M. Van PuymbroeckClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology2001 Richard Kinnier (grad student)
Mithra VankipuramMedical Decision Making Biomedical Informatics2012 Vimla L. Patel (grad student)
Guy C. VanOrdenCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Jose M. Vega-GuzmanEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences2013 Carlos Castillo-Chavez (grad student)
Ramon VelazquezNeurodegeneration
Clorinda E. VelezClinical Psychology Psychology2010 Sharlene Wolchik (grad student)
Thom VerhaveBehavior Analysis Joel Greenspoon (collaborator)
Stephanie R Villa-Niemczyk Psychology20092010 Heather A. Bimonte-Nelson (research assistant)
Julie A. VogelLearning and cognition2003 Raymond W. Kulhavy (grad student)
Fernando J. VonhoffNeuroscience Biology, Genetics Neuroscience2012 Carsten J. Duch (grad student)
Melodee L. VothSpeech Communication, Social Psychology2005 Janet K. Alberts (grad student)
Remy WahnounNeuroprosthetics Jiping He (grad student), Stephen I. Tillery (grad student), Christopher A. Buneo (grad student), Marco Santello (grad student)
Jenelle R. WalkerPublic Health, Health Education Exercise and Wellness2012 Pamela Swan (grad student)
Junshi Wang Neuroscience20082013 Ronald P. Hammer (grad student)
Jinsung WangMotor control2000 G E. Stelmach (grad student)
Bradley WarrPublic Health, Medicine and Surgery, Military Studies Exercise and Wellness2011 Pamela Swan (grad student)
Lucas WattersonAddiction2011 M. Foster Olive (grad student)
Douglas J. Webermotor control, neural prosthetics, robotics19952001 Andrew Schwartz (grad student), Jiping He (grad student)
Dana J. WeberBehavioral Psychology, Military Studies Counseling Psychology2012 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Wanda L. WeberClinical Psychology, Women's Studies2000 Gail Hackett (grad student)
Stacy Weiss20002005 Michael C. Moore (post-doc)
Jennifer A. Weller2000 Laurie Chassin (grad student)
Rebecca E. WershbaClinical Psychology, Biostatistics Biology Psychology2013 Richard Lanyon (grad student)
Sarah J. WherryRecreation, Nutrition Exercise and Wellness2014 Pamela Swan (grad student)
Lindsay A. WieczorekEndocrinology and Stress20022004 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Kathryn L. WilcoxClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2000 Sharlene Wolchik (grad student)
Lynn M. WilkieExperimental Psychology Psychology2014 Elizabeth D. Capaldi Phillips (grad student)
Justin C. Williams2002 Daryl Kipke (grad student)
Jessica O. Wilson20062007 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Norma J. Wilson-RawlsMolecular Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Jay A. WimsattCognition, Concept Learning and Categorization, Perception
Sara A. Wingesmotor control, hand2005 Marco Santello (grad student)
Lisa Wise20002002 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Russell S. WitteUltrasound Imaging, Neural Engineering2002 Daryl Kipke (grad student)
Sharlene A. WolchickClinical Psychology
Sharlene WolchikClinical Psychology
Sarah Woodley1999 Michael C. Moore (grad student), Kathleen S. Matt (grad student)
Ryan L. Wright20012007 Cheryl D. Conrad (grad student)
Brandon YabkoClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Guidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education Counseling Psychology2013 Terence Tracey (grad student)
Gary T YamaguchiMovement Biomechanics Felix E. Zajac (grad student)
Yezhou YangComputer Vision; Robotic Vision;
Claire Yee Michelle N. Shiota (grad student)
Kayoko YokoyamaClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2003 Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (grad student)
Albert YonasInfant Visual Perception
Jade YonehiroCognition, Social cognition, Inhibition, Working Memory, Attention Control Psychology Psychology20162018 Nicholas Duran (grad student), Zachary M. Shipstead (research assistant)
Stephen M. YoshimuraSpeech Communication, Social Psychology2002 Melanie R. Trost (grad student)
Matthew B. YoungBehavioral Pharmacology (MDMA)20062008 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Kristel Zachow20022003 Cheryl D. Conrad (research assistant)
Angela L. ZapataCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Multilingual Education Counseling Psychology2010 Bianca Bernstein (grad student)
Alex J. ZautraBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Aging
Arturo R Zavala Janet L. Neisewander (grad student)
Katharine H. ZeidersIndividual and Family Studies, Mental Health, Hispanic American Studies, Environmental Health Family and Human Development2011 Mark W. Roosa (grad student)
Antoinette Zeiss
Wei Zhanghand, motor control
Yi ZhouAuditory system
Haixin ZhuBioengineering2006 Jiping He (grad student)
Herb ZimilesDevelopmental Psychology
Alex J. ZoutraClinical Psychology
Sharon D. ZygowiczGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology2006 Charles D. Claiborn (grad student)