Jennifer A. Henderson, Ph.D.

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
"Jennifer Henderson"
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Jay M. Baraban grad student 2008 Johns Hopkins
 (Tech, a RhoA GEF, regulates dendritic morphology.)
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Bethea CL, Reddy AP, Tokuyama Y, et al. (2009) Protective actions of ovarian hormones in the serotonin system of macaques. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 30: 212-38
Estévez MA, Henderson JA, Ahn D, et al. (2008) The neuronal RhoA GEF, Tech, interacts with the synaptic multi-PDZ-domain-containing protein, MUPP1. Journal of Neurochemistry. 106: 1287-97
Tabuchi A, Estevez M, Henderson JA, et al. (2005) Nuclear translocation of the SRF co-activator MAL in cortical neurons: role of RhoA signalling. Journal of Neurochemistry. 94: 169-80
Marx R, Henderson J, Wang J, et al. (2005) Tech: a RhoA GEF selectively expressed in hippocampal and cortical neurons. Journal of Neurochemistry. 92: 850-8
Sinex DG, Henderson J, Li H, et al. (2002) Responses of chinchilla inferior colliculus neurons to amplitude-modulated tones with different envelopes. Journal of the Association For Research in Otolaryngology : Jaro. 3: 390-402
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