Johns Hopkins University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jasdeep Sabharwal Samuel M. Wu (grad student)
Rachel V Aaronemotions, pain, psychological intervention
Leire Abalde-AtristainNeurodegeneration20142019 Ted M. Dawson (grad student), Valina L. Dawson (grad student)
Paul J. AbbasAuditory physiology, cochlear implants1974 Murray B. Sachs (grad student)
Pamela A. Abshireneuromorphic engineering2002 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Soumyadipta AcharyaBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Artificial Intelligence2009 Nitish V. Thakor (grad student)
Sharon L. Achilles2001 Richard Allen Cone (grad student)
Christopher M. AckermanfMRI, working memory, attention, color perception2012 Susan M. Courtney (grad student)
S F. Acree
Paul J. AdamsVoltage-gated Calcium Channels2011 David T. Yue (post-doc)
Russell C. AddisCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2008 Andrew S. McCallion (grad student)
Heather L. AglerIon channels2005 David T. Yue (grad student)
Yuri Agrawal John Carey (grad student)
Peter C. Agrewater channels, aquaporins, aquaglyceroporins, malaria19741975 Pedro Cuatrecasas (post-doc)
Abdullah Shafique AhmadNeuroscience20052007 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Omar Ahmad John W. Krakauer (post-doc)
Sohyun Ahn2001 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Carlos D. Aizenmantadpoles, tectum, xenopus, development, vision19952000 David J. Linden (grad student)
Elias AizenmanZinc, Potassium Channels, Apoptosis, Redox, NMDA, TOPA19811985 Elise F. Stanley (grad student), George G. Bierkamper (grad student), Michael J. Kuhar (collaborator)
Shafinaz AkhterIBD, Gastroenterology, Sodium hydrogen exchange2002 Mark Donowitz (grad student)
Marilyn S. Albert
Jennifer D. Albertz
Jonathan Allen Computer Science2006 Steven Salzberg (grad student)
Cara M. AltimusHippocampus20102010 David Foster (post-doc), Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Beau Alward Gregory F. Ball (grad student)
Kyongman ANSchizophrenia2014 Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Thomas J. AnastasioComputation & Theory19861988 David A. Robinson (post-doc)
Richard A. AndersenSystems Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc)
Caitlin Anderson Biology Robert J Johnston (grad student)
Karyn L. AndersonPublic Health, Mental Health2004 Nicholas Ialongo (grad student)
Brian A. Andersonattention, cognition, cognitive neuroscience20092014 Steven Yantis (grad student)
Mary Krishin Anderson2001 Donald J. Zack (grad student)
Andreas AndreouNeuromorphic engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering1986 Charles Roger Westgate (grad student)
Orlando Andy
Zoltan Annau
Douglas C. AnthonyFunctional neuroanatomy Neuropathology, brain tumors Peripheral neuropathy, neuromuscular disease Myopathies Neurotoxicology Neurofilaments, and neuronal cytoskeleton Pathology19841987 Peter C. Burger (post-doc)
Aaron Roman AppleLanguage Processing, Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics
Alyssa Beth Apselelectronics, neuromorphic engineering2003 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Alvaro ArdilesNeuroscience Alfredo Kirkwood (grad student)
Luke Arendcomputational modeling, machine learning Mechanical Engineering20162016 Noah Cowan (research assistant)
Kristijan Armeni Psychological and Brain Sciences2020 Christopher J. Honey (post-doc)
Alissa R. Armstrong Biochemistry & Molecular Biology20052011 Rejji Kuruvilla (grad student), Daniela Drummond-Barbosa (post-doc)
Maria Ascano20052012 Rejji Kuruvilla (post-doc)
Judith Sylvia Ama Asemneurodegenerative diseases, adiposity, Alzheimer's disease, learning theories
Catherine Auger Gregory F. Ball (post-doc)
Dimitri AvramopoulosGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Joseph C. AyoobDevelopment, Axon guidance2006 Alex Kolodkin (grad student)
Julia L. Bachman2013 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Tudor C. Badea2005 Jeremy Nathans (grad student)
Byoung-Il BaeCerebral Cortical Development and Evolution20002006 Akira Sawa (collaborator), Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Gi-Yeul BaeAttention, Working memory2009 Jonathan Flombaum (grad student)
William S BaerHip joint arthroplasty, osteomyelitis, low back pain Orthopaedic Surgery18991900 Harvey Williams Cushing (post-doc)
Ling Bai20102017 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Frank H. Bakerneurophysiology
Arnold BakkerLearning and memory, neurobiology of aging2011 Michela Gallagher (grad student)
Marie Balabaninfancy, central and autonomic psychophysiology
Neeraja M. BalachanderVisual system20032012 C Edward Connor (grad student)
Gregory F. BallBehavioral Neuroendocrinology, Ethology
Sharba Bandyopadhyayauditory system Eric D. Young (grad student)
Muhammad Ali Bangash
William P. BanksPerception James Earl Deese (grad student)
Eli Bar20042009 Charles G. Eberhart (post-doc)
Jay M. Baraban George K. Aghajanian (grad student)
David E. BarananoNeurotransmitters2004 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Dennis L. BarbourSystems2003 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Philip Bard
Awinita Barpujari Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine20182020 Srinivasa N. Raja (research assistant)
Amy Jo Bastianhuman neurphysiology, motor learning William Thomas Thach (grad student), Pablo Celnik (collaborator)
Aritra Basu Tatjana Trcek (research assistant)
Kevin G. BathOlfaction & Neurotrophins20002001 Howard Francis (research assistant)
Joseph D. Baugher2012 Jonathan Pevsner (grad student)
Mark G. BaxterLearning and memory Psychology19921993 David Olton (grad student), Linda Gorman (grad student)
Alan J. Beardenbiophysics Joyce Alvin Bearden (grad student), Leon Madansky (grad student)
James T. Beckeraging, Alzheimer's, neurology19771980 David Olton (grad student)
Larence Becker2001 Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Marina Bednyeffects of experience on neurocognitive development
Buddhika Bellanamemory, spontaneous thought, narratives, fMRI Psychological & Brain Sciences Psychological & Brain Sciences20182021 Janice Chen (post-doc), Christopher J. Honey (post-doc)
Daniel A. Bendorauditory neurophysiology, memory consolidation20012008 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Jessie Benedict
George Eli Bennett Orthopaedics William S Baer (grad student)
Mosi K. BennettOlfaction2006 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
Sliman J. Bensmaiasomatosensory neuroscience and neuroprosthetics20032005 Kenneth O. Johnson (post-doc), James C. Craig (collaborator), Jeffrey M. Yau (collaborator)
George E. BentleyReproductive endocrinology19962000 Gregory F. Ball (post-doc)
Matthew A. BerezukBiological Sciences2006 Trina A. Schroer (grad student)
Joanne Berger-Sweeney Joseph T. Coyle (grad student)
Hagai Bergmanbehavioral neurophysiology Mahlon R. DeLong (post-doc)
Carol Berkower Cell Biology Susan Michaelis (grad student)
Stacey M. BermanRadiology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2011 Jeff W. M. Bultz (grad student)
C. P. BernardinAuditory Murray B. Sachs (grad student)
Rita Berndtlanguage Alfonso Caramazza (grad student)
Alice Berners-LeeHippocampus, Memory Neuroscience20142021 David Foster (grad student)
Barbara BernhardtPublic Health, Genetics, Behavioral Psychology, Oncology, Health Education
Meredith S. Berry Matthew Johnson (post-doc)
Raz BesaleliComputational Linguistics, Machine Learning, Semantic Parsing
Isabel Betances Tatjana Trcek (research assistant)
Vikas BhandawatOlfaction2005 King-Wai Yau (grad student)
Purnima Bhanot2000 Jeremy Nathans (grad student)
Nasir H. BhanpuriMotor Control20062012 Amy Jo Bastian (grad student)
Nirveek BhattacharjeeBiomedical Engineering2008 Nitish V. Thakor (grad student)
Warren K. Bickel19841985 Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
George G. Bierkamper Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Alan M. Goldberg (post-doc)
Kristin Bigospharmacology, neuroimaging, genetics, psychiatry
Staci D. BilboBehavioral Neuroendocrinology19982003 Randy J. Nelson (grad student)
Murat BilgelNeuroimaging, PET imaging, aging, Alzheimer's disease Biomedical Engineering20112016 Jerry L. Prince (grad student)
Devanik BiswasNeurodegeneration, Neuroinflammation, Single-Cell Sequencing
Byron Kiiza Yafesi Bitanihirwe Akira Sawa (grad student)
Jennifer L. BizonAging & Memory Loss Aging, Memory, Executive Function, Plasticity19982003 Michela Gallagher (post-doc)
Perry Black
Seth BlackshowNeuroscience Biology
Jennifer M Blain ChristenBiosensors, Bioelectronics, Point of Care, Implantable, Deployable Sensing Electrical and Computer Engineering19992007 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
David T. BlakeLearning and cortical plasticity19901995 Kenneth O. Johnson (grad student), Steven S. Hsiao (grad student)
Elliott Blass
Hannah J. BlockSensory-motor neurophysiology20092013 Pablo Celnik (post-doc), Amy Jo Bastian (grad student)
Joan M.C. Blom19881992 Randy J. Nelson (grad student)
Mary Blueneurodevelopment, autism, Rett Syndrome
Agata Bochynskalinguistic development, language and cognition, psycholinguistics, spatial language, visuospatial memory, spatial cognition, language and perception Department of Cognitive Science20162018 Barbara Landau (research scientist)
Daniel Bodmer20052011 Rejji Kuruvilla (grad student)
Darren BoehningApoptosis, Calcium, Neurodegeneration, Gaseous Neurotransmission20012005 Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Gretha J. Boersma Kellie L. Tamashiro (post-doc), Kellie L. Tamashiro (post-doc)
Matthew C.H. Boersma2011 Mollie K. Meffert (grad student)
Harold R BohlmanHip joint arthroplasty, vitallium Orthopaedic Surgery1923 William S Baer (post-doc)
Henry H. BohlmanSpine surgery Orthopaedics Harold R Bohlman (post-doc)
Philip Borden2007 Rejji Kuruvilla (grad student)
Christian M. BoseCerebellum, growth factors, synaptogenesis19952000 Fabio Rupp (grad student)
Elizabeth R. Boskey2000 Richard Allen Cone (grad student)
Brittney Lee BoublilBats, Psychology, Neuroscience Psychological and Brain Sciences2016 Cynthia F. Moss (grad student)
Christopher M. Bouton2002 Jonathan Pevsner (grad student)
Janice V. BowiePublic Health, Mental Health, Educational Psychology Education
Paul Brakeman Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Jason Brandtneuropsychology, memory disorders, dementia Nelson Butters (grad student), Allan F. Mirsky (grad student)
David BredtNeurotransmitters Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Florian Breitwieser Institute of Genetic Medicine20152019 Steven Salzberg (post-doc)
Henry Brem
Timothy Brennan Barry J Margulies (grad student)
Kenneth M. BrennemanNeuroscience Biology2009 Jonathan M. Links (grad student)
Julia Brillepilepsy, cortex, thalamus Neuroscience2017 David J. Linden (research scientist)
Scott L. BrincatSystems2006 C Edward Connor (grad student)
Amy Brisben Kenneth O. Johnson (grad student)
Justin Brodie-KommitipRGC Phototransduction, Retina Development, Lights effect on behavior2012 Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
David L. Brody2000 David T. Yue (grad student)
Wilfred John BrogdenAuditiory cognition, learning, comparative psychology Horsley Gannt (grad student)
Timothy T. Brownhuman brain development, human cerebral functional organization, childhood systems neuroscience, cognitive development, educational neuroscience, fMRI, MEG, PET, EEG Marie Balaban (grad student)
Solange P. Brown
Ian C. BruceAuditory system19982001 Eric D. Young (post-doc), Murray B. Sachs (post-doc)
Amy S. BuchananPublic Health2009 Nicholas Ialongo (grad student)
Gillian J. BuckleyNutrition, Public Health, Developmental Psychology2010 Laura Murray-Kolb (grad student)
Jeff Bulte
Peter C. Burgersurgical neuropathology of both neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases
Dwight A. Burkhardt19651967 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Patrick E. BurnettNeurotransmitters2000 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Neal C. BurtonToxicology, Neuroscience Biology, Public Health2009 Tomas R. Guilarte (grad student)
Rebecca D. Burwellmemory Michela Gallagher (grad student)
Stephyn Butcher Computer Science2018 John W. Sheppard (grad student)
Ben Caballero
Hugh Cahill2009 Jeremy Nathans (grad student)
Daniel Cahill2001 Bert Vogelstein (grad student)
Huabin CaiNeuroscience Biology
Huaibin CaiNeurodegenerative disease2000 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
Shanqing CaiAuditory system, speech motor system, speech pathology20052007 Eric D. Young (grad student)
Danfeng Cai Denise J. Montell (grad student)
Peter A. Calabresimultiple sclerosis
Felicity J. CallardGeography, History of Science, Clinical Psychology2002 Ruth Leys (grad student)
Eldridge Campbell
James N. Campbell
Berry Campbell1935 Herbert Spencer Jennings (grad student)
Gabriela Cantarero2007 Pablo Celnik (grad student)
Stefan Canzar Institute of Genetic Medicine20122014 Steven Salzberg (post-doc)
Lihui CaoVisual system
Kan CaoCell biology2005 Yixian Zheng (grad student)
Alfonso CaramazzaLanguage James Earl Deese (grad student)
Theresa Carbonaro
John Careyvestibular system Lloyd B. Minor (post-doc)
Giancarlo Carli Vernon Mountcastle (grad student)
Eric T. Carlsonvisual system, shape perception, retinal coding, prosthetics20022011 C Edward Connor (grad student)
Jessica D. CarmenMS, Neurinflammation, stem cells2006 Doug Kerr (grad student)
Lawrence P. CarterHuman behavioral pharmacology Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
James F. CaseBioluminescence, invertebrate physiology1951 Benjamin Harrison Willier (grad student)
Tyler D. Cash-PadgettPlasticity
Christopher R. CASHMAN
Andrew S. Cassidyneuromorphic engineering2010 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Christina B. CastelinoBehavioral Neuroscience20002006 Gregory F. Ball (grad student)
Joseph M. CastoBehavioral & Field Neuroendocrinology19912001 Gregory F. Ball (grad student)
Matilde Castro Neuroscience2020 Patricia H. Janak (grad student)
James McKeen Cattell Granville Stanley Hall (grad student)
John J. Cebra
Pablo Celnik
Kwun C. ChanHippocampus2009 Cheng Wang (grad student)
Thomas ChanDevelopmental Psychobiology & Psychology Mental Health20162018 Michelle Carlson (post-doc)
Michelle Harran Chan-CortésNeuroregeneration, SMA, Stroke, Motor Control Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering20172018 David J. Linden (research assistant), Reza Shadmehr (research assistant)
Jayanth S. ChandranNeuroscience Biology2008 Huabin Cai (grad student)
Seah ChangVisual Attention2016 Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Michael C. Chang20032011 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
Stephen E. Changamygdala, learning Psychological and Brain Sciences2013 Peter C. Holland (grad student)
Jonathan M. ChangAuditory system, language processing2009 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Allen E. ChangLearning, Memory, fMRI20112013 Michael A. Yassa (research assistant)
Chia-Jung ChangAuditory Cortex2012 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Richard L. Chappellretina1970 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Adam Charles
Steven M. ChaseBCI, motor learning, neural compuation19992007 Eric D. Young (grad student)
Sumantra Shona ChattarjiAmygdala, Stress, Synaptic Plasticity, Learning & Memory, Fragile X Syndrome Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Dipayan ChaudhuriIon channels2006 David T. Yue (grad student)
Jaime H. CheahNeurotransmitters2006 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Ming-Kai ChenRadiology, Neuroscience Biology, Toxicology2008 Tomas R. Guilarte (grad student)
Lenis P. ChenNutrition, Cognitive Psychology, Mental Health International Health2013 Laura M. Kolb (grad student)
Janice ChenMemory, Perception
Iris Chen2011 Susan H. Eshleman (grad student)
Pei-Lung Chen2009 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Jichao Chen2007 Jeremy Nathans (grad student)
Chenggang ChenSound Localization, Auditory Cortex, Marmoset, Inferior Colliculus Biomedical Engineering2018 Xiaoqin Wang (post-doc)
Willie Chen Tatjana Trcek (research assistant)
Yong ChenNeurodegeneration and Drug Abuse20082008 Norman Haughey (post-doc)
Yian ChenSchizophrenia, neural stem cells Akira Sawa (grad student)
Yulong ChenSignaling, Epigenetic Regulation, and Molecular Neuropharmacology Emil H. White (grad student)
Shih-Kuo Chen20082012 Samer S. Hattar (post-doc)
James K. Chenchemical biology, developmental biology19992003 Philip A. Beachy (post-doc)
Xiaomo ChenVisual attention and decision making Veit Stuphorn (grad student)
Haiyin Chen-Harrisoculomotor control, and human neurophysiology2007 David S. Zee (collaborator), Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Yifeng Cheng Psychological & Brain Sciences20192018 Jun Wang (grad student), Jun Wang (grad student), Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Dominic T. ChengFMRI, classical conditioning John E. Desmond (post-doc)
Ning Cheng2009 King-Wai Yau (grad student)
Yu-Jen ChengHippocampus2009 Cheng Wang (grad student)
Annie R.H. ChengVisual Perception Cognitive Science Soojin J. Park (research assistant)
Frances K. CheongBiological Sciences2010 Trina A. Schroer (grad student)
Larry CheskinNutrition, Behavioral Psychology
Barry A. ChestnutNeuronal cell death2009 Lee J. Martin (grad student)
Maxime Chevee2014 Solange P. Brown (grad student)
Kylie S. Chew20082014 Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Po-Min ChiangNeuronal cell death2010 Lee J. Martin (grad student)
Cheng-Hsuan ChiangAdult Neurogenesis2010 Hongjun Song (grad student)
Austin Chiappetta Tatjana Trcek (grad student)
Silvana ChiavegattoNeuropharmacology19992001 Randy J. Nelson (post-doc)
Hsiang-Yun Sherry Chien Psychological and Brain Sciences20162021 Christopher J. Honey (grad student)
Yu-Chin ChiuVisual attention, Cognitive neurosience20082010 Steven Yantis (grad student), Carly J. Leonard (collaborator), Leon Gmeindl (collaborator)
Joong Y. ChoDevelopment, Axon guidance2012 Alex Kolodkin (grad student)
Richard W. ChoSynaptogenesis, Synaptic Plasticity2006 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
Edward Choi2009 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Julia T. Choihuman locomotion and posture2009 Amy Jo Bastian (grad student)
Se-Young ChoiPlasticity2003 Alfredo Kirkwood (post-doc)
Elliot H Choi Neurology20112012 Avindra Nath (grad student)
Judy ChoiToxicology, Neurobiology Biology, Public Health2010 Tomas R. Guilarte (grad student)
Varun Chokshi2012 Hey-Kyoung Lee (grad student)
Varun B. Chokshivisual system, mGluR5 signaling, experience dependent plasticity
Jennifer B. ChristenNeuromorphic engineering2007 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Nicolas ChristoforouCell Biology, Molecular Biology2006 John D. Gearhart (grad student)
Kelvin Fei ChuHippocampus, Auditory System20072009 Eric D. Young (grad student)
Yi-Fang Chuang Mental Health2012 Marilyn S. Albert (grad student)
Benjamas ChuaychooNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology2005 Bradley J. Undem (grad student)
Hee Jung Chung2002 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Jean-Ju L. Chungion channels, trafficking2007 Min Li (grad student)
Jessica D. Church2009 Susan H. Eshleman (grad student)
Christopher M. CiarleglioNeuroscience, Circadian rhythms, Development, Seasonality, Serotonin, Plasticity
Matthew A. Clappspinal locomotion circuits2006 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student)
John Bates Clark
Brian S. ClarkVisual System, lncRNAs
Herbert H. ClarkPsycholinguistics, pragmatics James Earl Deese (grad student)
Arthur W. Clark Donald L. Price (post-doc)
Roger L. Clemsynaptic plasticity2008 Richard L. Huganir (post-doc)
Amy Clements-StephensSpatial Cognition Psychological and Brain Sciences2013 Amy Lynne Shelton (grad student), Laurie Cutting (collaborator)
Kavan T. CliffordNeurobiology Biology2011 Ahmet Moke (grad student)
Chekesha S. Clingmanmagnetic resonance2004 Peter C.M. van Zijl (grad student)
Brian A. Coblitzion channels, trafficking2007 Min Li (grad student)
Kari-Elise Tryggestad Codispoti
Noam A. Cohen Respiratory cilia, respiratory mucosa, biofilms, Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Solitary Chemosensory Cells Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Jeremiah Y. CohenNeurophysiology, behavior, reward
Irvin S. CohenMathematics1942 Oscar A. Zariski (grad student)
Ariel M. Cohen-GoldbergPsycholinguistics, linguistics20032010 Brenda Rapp (grad student)
Carlo Colantuoni2002 Jonathan Pevsner (grad student)
Max Collardastrocytes, network dynamics, memetics Biomedical Engineering20122018 Nathan E. Crone (research assistant)
Richard Allen Conephotoreceptors, mucosal antibodies
Carey E. ConnellyOlfaction2010 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
C Edward Connorvisual system1989 Kenneth O. Johnson (grad student), Gian F. Poggio (post-doc), Michael Steinmetz (post-doc)
Christos Constantinidis Michael Steinmetz (grad student)
Zachary A. Cordner Kellie L. Tamashiro (grad student)
Charlotte A. CornilBehavioral neuroendocrinology20052007 Gregory F. Ball (post-doc)
Caitlin A Corona-LongNeuroimaging, Neurodegeneration Michela Gallagher (grad student), Arnold Bakker (grad student)
Jason CorsoMachine Perception Gregory D. Hager (grad student)
Jennifer Marie CoughlinAdult Psychiatry Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Susan M. CourtneyfMRI, working memory, attention, color perception James Haxby (post-doc), Leif H. Finkel (grad student)
Miguel Covian Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc)
Noah CowanLocomotion
Eric Cox
Richard T. CoxClassical Physics and electric eels1924 A. Hermann Pfund (grad student)
Todd Cox
Edward O. Craft2009 Ernst Niebur (grad student)
Susan Craig Pedro Cuatrecasas (post-doc), John J. Cebra (grad student)
Barbara J. Crainpatterns and mechanisms of neuronal vulnerability in different disease states
Catherine Cramer1982 Elliott Blass (grad student)
Trinity B. CrapseVisual system, cognition2010 C Edward Connor (post-doc)
Sarah E. Criscimanga-HemmingerMotor control20052010 Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Nathan E. Crone
Poppy A. CrumAuditory system2004 Xiaoqin Wang (post-doc)
Pedro Cuatrecasasdrug and hormone receptors, drug discovery
Adrian A. CuencaOlfaction Human Genetics2013 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
Eugenio Culurciello2005 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Corbin A. CunninghamVision, Cognition, Attention20122017 Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Harrison Curnutte Tatjana Trcek (research assistant)
Harvey Williams CushingNeurosurgery William Osler (grad student)
Katherine D. CygnarOlfactory Signal Transduction20022009 Haiqing Zhao (grad student)
Megan J. DaileyEnergy Metabolism and Feeding Behavior Timothy H. Moran (post-doc)
Kat Daly Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Walter E. Dandysurgery, vasculature William Stewart Halsted (post-doc), George J. Heuer (post-doc)
Walter Dandy
Louis Dang2009 Nicholas Gaiano (grad student)
Ian Darian-SmithSensory-motor system Vernon Mountcastle (grad student)
Rajan Dasgupta Neuroscience Daniel H. O'Connor (post-doc)
Christopher M. Davenport19982000 David D. Ginty (research assistant)
Natan DavidovicsVestibular, physiology2012 Charles Della Santina (grad student)
Catherine M. Davis Psychiatry20092013 Robert D. Hienz (post-doc)
Kevin A. Davis Eric D. Young (post-doc), Bradford J. May (grad student)
Karen D. DavisPain, somatosensation, imaging,fmri19881991 James N. Campbell (post-doc), Richard A. Meyer (post-doc)
James Earl Deese
Anthony DeFulioBehavior Analysis and Behavior Pharmacology Kenneth Silverman (post-doc)
Charles Della SantinaVestibular, physiology Lloyd B. Minor (post-doc), Edwin R. Lewis (grad student)
Mahlon R. DeLongbasal ganglia
Christopher D. DeppmannDevelopmental Neuroscience20032009 David D. Ginty (post-doc)
John E. Desmond
Banchiamlack Dessalegnspatial cognition, language, development2009 Barbara Landau (grad student)
Bal Mukund Dhar2011 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
James J. DiCarloVisual Cortex Kenneth O. Johnson (grad student)
John J. Didcoct1884 John Dewey (grad student)
Jörn DiedrichsenMotor Control20022005 Reza Shadmehr (post-doc)
Graham Diering Neuroscience Richard L. Huganir (post-doc)
Kevin C. DieterAttention, Vision20062008 Howard E. Egeth (research assistant), Carly J. Leonard (research assistant)
Daniel D. Dilks Cognitive Science20002005 Barbara Landau (grad student), Michael McCloskey (grad student)
Christopher DiMattinaVision Science, Computational Neuroscience2009 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student), Kechen Zhang (grad student)
Yifu DingBiomedical Engineering, Radiology Biomedical Engineering20102012 Jeffrey Siewerdsen (research assistant)
Albena T. Dinkova-KostovaPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Benjamin Dirlikov
Andrew P. DoanSynaptic plasticity2001 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
Lynn E. DobrunzShort-term plasticity, mathematical modeling David T. Yue (grad student)
Angelika DoetzlhoferInner Ear Development
Teresa DoksumPublic Health2000 Neil A. Holtzman (grad student)
Gul DolenSocial behaviors autism
Manus J. Donahuemagnetic resonance2008 Peter C.M. van Zijl (grad student)
Henry Herbert Donaldsonorganic growth1884 Granville Stanley Hall (grad student)
Opher DonchinMotor control20012005 Reza Shadmehr (post-doc)
Hualing Dong19942000 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Xinzhong Dong
Yi Dong2011 Ernst Niebur (grad student)
Mark DonowitzIBD, Gastroenterology, Sodium hydrogen exchange
R. M. Dorcas1925 U. K. Dunlap (grad student)
Sylvain DoréNeuroscience, Stroke, Alzheimer, Ischemia, Hemorrhage19971999 Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
John R. DoucetHearing19962000 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Sarah E. DoughertyHuntington's Disease Neuroscience2013 David J. Linden (post-doc)
Deborah L. Drazen19952001 Randy J. Nelson (grad student)
Céline DrieuSystems Neuroscience, Hippocampus, Learning and Memory Kishore V. Kuchibhotla (post-doc)
Yukan DuanGenetics, Neuroscience Biology2007 Edward M. Hedgecock (grad student)
Xin Duanneural development20092016 Hongjun Song (grad student), Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Mark W. Dubin1969 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Charles J. Duffyvision Vernon Mountcastle (grad student)
Deborah L. Duffyanimal behavior2001 Gregory F. Ball (grad student)
Farifteh F. DuffyMental Health, Individual and Family Studies2000 Nicholas Ialongo (grad student)
Rachel A. DumontCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2002 Peter G. Gillespie (grad student)
R. Keith DuncanAuditory system, ion channel physiology19992003 Paul A. Fuchs (post-doc)
U. K. Dunlap
Erika Dunn-Weiss Neuroscience20142020 Kristina J. Nielsen (grad student)
Stephen M. EackerProtein Synthesis, Neurological Disease, Neural Circuits
Harry Eagle Medical Clinic1926 William A. Perlzweig (research assistant)
Stephen S. Easter Jr.Fish, Visual System, Retina, Development19691969 Edward F. MacNichol (grad student), John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Judith D. EasterbrookVirology, Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Sex Differences2009 Sabra L. Klein (grad student)
Charles G. Eberhartpathology and molecular biology of pediatric brain tumors2009 Eli Bar (collaborator)
James D. EbertEmbryology, marine biology, zoology1950 Benjamin Harrison Willier (grad student)
Ford F. Ebnerdevelopment, somatosensory system19601963 Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc)
Ayse Ecer Tatjana Trcek (grad student)
Valentina Echeverria MoranNeuroscience20032005 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Jennifer L. Eckernon-image-forming visual behaviors2008 Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Howard E. Egethattention, perception, visual search Brandon Ashinoff (collaborator)
Marc Eisenauditory system
Kiara Eldred Biology20132020 Samer S. Hattar (grad student), Samer S. Hattar (grad student), Robert J Johnston (grad student)
Mounya ElhilaliAuditory system
Steven J. EliadesAuditory Neurophysiology, Sensory-motor interaction19992008 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Mikael J. EliassonNeurotransmitters2000 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Pablo A. ElnikNeuroscience Biology
Jacob G. ElseyDecision making2018 Veit Stuphorn (grad student)
Alexandriya Emondsobject and scene vision, somatosensation20152022 C Edward Connor (grad student), Kristina J. Nielsen (grad student)
Caitlin Engelhardsignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors2013 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Mel Epstein
Joshua Epstein
Michael G. Erickson2003 David T. Yue (grad student)
Joseph Erlanger18991906 William Henry Howell (research scientist)
Guillermo Esber
Bruno EstañolClinical neurophysiology, Reflex physiology, Autonomic nervous system, Neuro-ophthalmology Department of Neurology VORLAB (Vestibular and Ocular motor Research Laboratory)19831983 Guy McKhann (grad student), David S. Zee (post-doc)
Michael EstermanVisual attention, binding, synesthesia20072009 Steven Yantis (post-doc), Leon Gmeindl (collaborator)
Paul EstesoMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology2013 John D. Gearhart (grad student)
Marcel A. Estevez Montero2008 Jay M. Baraban (grad student)
Ralph Etienne-Cummingsspinal locomotion circuits
David Robert EvansChemoreception
Christopher M. Evans19962000 Allison D. Fryer (grad student)
Gabrielle Ewall2018 Hey-Kyoung Lee (grad student)
Matthew Ewend
Elizabeth Carol Eyler2011 Mollie K. Meffert (grad student)
Gordon L. FainVisual system1973 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Benjamin M. FalkNeuroethology, Echolocation Psychological and Brain Sciences20152017 Cynthia F. Moss (post-doc)
Mazyar FallahVisual Cortex, Attention Steven Yantis (research assistant)
Rebecca V FallonAddiction, Behavior, Neurocircuits
Douglas Fambroughcell biology of neurons and muscle
Chen-Ming FanNeurobiology Biology, Human Development, Cell Biology
Huaqiang Fang Neuroscience Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Mohamed Hassan FarahVision, neural development and degeneration
Jonathan A. Farrellmagnetic resonance2009 Peter C.M. van Zijl (grad student)
Kenneth Howard Fasman Biomedical Engineering Computer Science19811988 Kenneth O. Johnson (grad student), Steven Salzberg (collaborator)
Travis Faust Akira Sawa (grad student)
Mingye FengCancer Immunology2011 Rajini Rao (grad student)
Lei FengHearing Biomedical Engineering20072013 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Christopher Ferguson Haiqing Zhao (grad student)
Diego Fernandez Samer S. Hattar (post-doc)
Chris D. Ferris Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Christopher R. Fetschvision, perceptual decision making, multisensory integration
James Robert Ficke
Chase R. FigleyNeuroimaging, Structural and Functional MRI Susan M. Courtney (post-doc)
Patricia M. Finkenstadt2002 Jay M. Baraban (grad student)
James M. Finleysensorimotor control, motor learning, locomotion2010 Amy Jo Bastian (post-doc)
Chaz FirestonePerception
Simon J. Fischer-Baumlanguage2011 Brenda Rapp (grad student)
Steven K. Fisher19691971 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Robert Fisher David A. Prince (post-doc)
Marci A. Flanery Craig E. L. Stark (post-doc)
Jonathan FlombaumCognitive Psychology2010 Leon Gmeindl (collaborator), Maria Olkkonen (collaborator)
Tamara S. FlysHIV2008 Susan H. Eshleman (grad student)
Jessica M. FogelHIV2012 Susan H. Eshleman (grad student)
Jocelyn FolkCognitive Psychology Brenda Rapp (post-doc)
Fopefolu O. Folowoselespinal locomotion circuits2010 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student)
André Forjaz3d digital pathology, Deep Learning Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Denis Wirtz (grad student)
Eric S. FortuneElectrosensory system
David FosterHippocampal Replay Peter Dayan (grad student), Richard G.M. Morris (grad student)
Stephen B. Fountaincomparative cognition, animal cognition, animal models of complex learning, behavioral neuroscience of sequential learning/memory, neurobehavioral pharmacology and toxicology, computational models of cognitive systems Department of Psychology Department of Environmental Health Sciences19811984 Stewart H. Hulse (grad student), Zoltan Annau (post-doc)
Joseph T. Francis Reza Shadmehr (post-doc)
Howard FrancisOtolaryngology
Scott E. Fraserbiophysics, embryonic development, imaging1979 Richard Kevin Hunt (grad student)
Kurt M. FraserMotivation, Reward, Dopamine20152021 Patricia H. Janak (grad student)
Karyn M. FrickNeuroendocrinology of memory, sex differences, aging, Alzheimer's Psychology19911996 David Olton (grad student)
David R. Friedland20012003 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Chenglai FuCirculatory system2013 Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Albert F. FuchsOculomotor system1966 David A. Robinson (grad student)
Paul A. FuchsIon channels, auditory neuroscience
Christina T. Fuentes20052010 Amy Jo Bastian (grad student)
John Fuller
Orion Furmanski
Tomoyuki Furuyashiki20042008 Michela Gallagher (post-doc)
Sachin Gadani Nueorlogy Peter A. Calabresi (post-doc)
Fred H. (Rusty) GagePlasticity David Olton (grad student)
Nicholas Gaiano
Nicolas GaianoNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Human Development
Swati Gaikwad Tatjana Trcek (post-doc)
Ezequiel M. Galarceamygdala, learning2009 Peter C. Holland (grad student)
Joe Galea2007 Pablo Celnik (post-doc)
Timothy Aaron Galfin20122013 Hey-Kyoung Lee (grad student)
Michela GallagherLearning and memory, neurobiology of aging Craig E. L. Stark (collaborator)
Stephen C. GammieBehavioral Neuroendocrinology, Maternal Aggression19982001 Randy J. Nelson (post-doc)
Nao Jennifer Gamo2012 Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Sriram Ganapathyautomatic speech recognition2012 Hynek Hermansky (grad student)
Horsley Gannt Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (grad student)
James GaoVisual system20062008 Susan M. Courtney (research assistant)
Su Gao2008 Timothy H. Moran (grad student)
Sri V. Garimellaautomatic speech recognition2012 Hynek Hermansky (grad student)
Wendell R (Tex) GarnerPsychology
Eric Garr Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Devin GaryBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology
Patricia Gassó Astorga Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Troy S. Gates1995 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
John D. GearhartCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Julian L GendreauMedical Device Development, Data Science
Roman GenovComputer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology2002 Gert Cauwenberghs (grad student)
Timothy Q. Gentnerauditory systems neuroscience Gregory F. Ball (grad student)
Dan Georgescu
Apostolos P. Georgopoulosmotor system Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc)
Isidore Gersch
Barry GertzNeuronal cell death2011 Lee J. Martin (grad student)
Stephan GeuterPlacebos, Pain, fMRI, Expectations, Visual Attention Department of Biostatistics2016 Martin A. Lindquist (post-doc)
Tara R GhaziWorking Memory, Attention, Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG, Sex Differences, Human Participant Research Psychological & Brain Sciences2017 Susan M. Courtney (grad student)
Ali GhazizadehDecision Making, Basal ganglia20032005 Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Thomas Ghirardelli Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Ralph Kalb Ghormley Orthopaedics William S Baer (grad student)
Bradley S. Gibsonvisual attention, perception19921994 Steven Yantis (post-doc)
Dominic James GibsonCognitive Development20102011 Lisa Feigenson (research assistant)
Peter G. GillespieCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Marion Boyd Gillespie1997 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Daniel Coit Gilman
Grover Cleveland GilmoreVisual Perception Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Daniel GiovinazzoFragile X social reward autism Neuroscience20142017 Gul Dolen (grad student), Ted M. Dawson (grad student), Gul Dolen (grad student)
Ben Givens David Olton (post-doc)
Charles Glatt Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Natalia O. Glebovasignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors2007 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Lucas R. Gloveremotion, behavior2021 Michela Gallagher (post-doc)
Elisabeth Glowatzki20022001 Paul A. Fuchs (post-doc), Paul A. Fuchs (collaborator)
Leon GmeindlCognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience2005 Steven Yantis (post-doc), Susan M. Courtney (post-doc)
Nicholas W. Goffeneymagnetic resonance2003 Peter C.M. van Zijl (grad student)
Alan M. Goldberg
David Howard Goldberg2004 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Erin J. GoldenInner Ear Development
Hana Goldschmidt Neuroscience Biological Chemistry Richard L. Huganir (post-doc), Daniel M. Raben (grad student)
Denise GonzalezHearing19911993 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Benjamin GoodmanCell biology2011 Yixian Zheng (grad student)
C. R. GoodwinNeuroscience Biology2010 John Laterra (grad student)
Linda Gorman
Benjamin Land GormanHiv, hand, microglia, mental health, behavior Todd Cox (research assistant)
edmund gouldAuditory System, Animal Communication
Austin R. GravesElectrophysiology and in vivo imaging Neuroscience2017 Richard L. Huganir (post-doc)
Tashina L Gravesvisual attention2010 Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Adam S. GreenbergCognitive Neuroscience, Visual/Auditory Attention, Perceptual Organization20062009 Steven Yantis (grad student), Todd A. Kelley (collaborator), Leon Gmeindl (collaborator)
Paul Greengardneurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs1953 Haldan Keffer Hartline (research assistant), Sidney P. Colowick (grad student), Frank Brink Jr. (grad student)
Emma GregoryCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2010 Michael McCloskey (grad student)
Ksenija Grgacmagnetic resonance2011 Peter C.M. van Zijl (grad student)
Elizabeth A. GriceGenetics2007 Andrew S. McCallion (grad student)
Roland GriffithsBehavioral Pharmacology
Viktor Gruevspinal locomotion circuits2005 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student)
Yi Gu2012 Richard L. Huganir (grad student), David W. Tank (post-doc)
Chenxiao GuanCognitive Psychology Chaz Firestone (grad student)
Hugo Guerrero-CazaresNeural development and brain cancer Neurosurgery20072011 Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa (post-doc)
Tomas R. GuilarteToxicology, Public Health, Neuroscience Biology
Ali Deniz GulerTRPVs, hypothalamic control20052008 Samer S. Hattar (post-doc), Michael J. Caterina (grad student)
Ruwanthi N. GunawardaneCell biology2002 Yixian Zheng (grad student)
Andrew L Gundlach Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Ting GuoDevelopment2011 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Li GuoVisual system; neuroimaging Psychological and Brain Sciences2015 Jason T. Fischer (grad student)
Yueqi GuoAuditory system Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Junjie GuoEpigenetics, Neural Plasticity20062011 Hongjun Song (grad student)
Nini Guo2005 Jeremy Nathans (grad student)
Ozge Gurcanlispatial cognition, language, development Cognitive Science2013 Barbara Landau (grad student)
Maria I. Gutierrez M.Mental Health2003 Nicholas Ialongo (grad student)
Brian Guy Biology Robert J Johnston (grad student)
Eleazar Sebastian Guzman Barron Leonor Michaelis (grad student)
Anniesha HackYeast biology, Ion transport, Fungicides Cellular and Molecular Medicine2013 Rajini Rao (grad student)
Sarah E Hadyniak Biology20152022 Robert J Johnston (grad student)
Charles Andres Haenggeli
Thomas P. Hahn Gregory F. Ball (post-doc)
Adrian M. Haith20092012 John W. Krakauer (post-doc), Reza Shadmehr (post-doc)
Justin P. HalberdaConceptual Development
Granville Stanley HallEducational psychology
Warren G. (Ted) HallDevelopmental psychobiology, motivation Elliott Blass (grad student)
Garrett Hamilton2015 Gul Dolen (research assistant)
Daniel HandwerkerHemodynamic signals, aging Steven Yantis (research assistant)
Christian Hansel19972000 David J. Linden (post-doc)
Donna E. Hanselgenitourinary pathology2001 Gabriele Ronnett (grad student)
Makoto R. HaraSignal transduction, GPCR20012006 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Sami Harik Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Gordon J. Harris Jonathan M. Links (grad student)
Andre V. Harrisonvision modeling, image processing Electrical and Computer Engineering2013 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student)
Ross Granville Harrison1894 William Keith Brooks (grad student)
Haldan Keffer HartlineLimulus, visual system, biophysics19271929 A. Hermann Pfund (post-doc)
Adam L. HartmanEpilepsy
Amber Hartman20032009 Jonathan A. Eisen (grad student)
H Criss HartzellIon Channels, Cell Signaling, Electrophysioloogy19681973 Douglas Fambrough (grad student)
John (Woody) Woodland Hastingscircadian clock controls19511953 William D. McElroy (post-doc)
Samer S. Hattarnon-image-forming visual behaviors2004 King-Wai Yau (post-doc)
Norman HaugheySphingolipids and Neurodegeneration
Akiko Hayashi-TakagiPsychiatry Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Lindsay Hayes Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Mehdi S. Hazari2006 Allen C. Myers (grad student)
Kai He
Kaiwen HeNeural plasticity, sleep function2011 Alfredo Kirkwood (post-doc)
Sachin Hebbar
Edward M. HedgecockNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Michael G. HeinzAuditory system1999 Eric D. Young (post-doc), Ian C. Bruce (collaborator)
Katherine A. HelmLearning and memory, neurobiology of aging2004 Michela Gallagher (grad student)
Jennifer A. Henderson2008 Jay M. Baraban (grad student)
Edith D. Hendley Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Stewart HC Hendryneuroanatomy
Nancy Henley Psychology James Earl Deese (grad student)
Elwood Henneman Philip Bard (grad student)
Jack E. Henningfield19781980 Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
Hynek Hermanskyautomatic speech recognition
Chester A. Herrick1925 William Walter Cort (grad student)
David J. HerzfeldMotor control, Motor Learning Biomedical Engineering20112016 Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
George J. Heuer William Stewart Halsted (post-doc)
Robert D. Hienzauditory system behavior19751996 Murray B. Sachs (collaborator), Murray B. Sachs (research scientist)
Stephen T. Higgins19831985 Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
Takatoshi HikidaPathophysiology of schizophrenia, regulatory mechanism of basal ganglia circuit Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Argye Hillis
Anne P. Hillstrom19891994 Steven Yantis (grad student)
Kevin D. HimbergerCognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience Psychological and Brain Sciences20162021 Christopher J. Honey (grad student)
David A. HinkleVisual system2004 C Edward Connor (grad student)
Gary P. HoNeurotransmitters Cellular and Molecualr Medicine2013 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Kwo Wei David HoPain Psychiatry James Potash (grad student)
Edward S. HodgsonChemoreception Vincent G. Dethier (grad student)
Kristi A. HohensteinGenetics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2009 John D. Gearhart (grad student)
Peter C. Hollandamygdala, learning
Barbara A D Holt Psychological Brain Sciences2018 Shreesh P. Mysore (grad student)
Neil A. HoltzmanGenetics, General Psychology, Immunology, Pathology
Christopher J. Honeybrain networks, temporal integration, narrative cognition, memory
Caroline Hookway20052007 Akira Sawa (grad student)
Timothy K. HoriuchiSensory systems19971999 Ernst Niebur (post-doc)
Paul HorowiczPhysiology1955 Martin G. Larrabee (grad student)
Leonard M. Horowitz James Earl Deese (grad student)
Derek M Houstoninfant speech perception, language acquisition, cochlear implants, hearing loss19962000 Peter W. Jusczyk (grad student)
William Henry HowellPhysiology1884 Henry Newell Martin (grad student)
Steven S. HsiaoSomatosensory2005 Kenneth O. Johnson (grad student), Sliman J. Bensmaia (collaborator), James C. Craig (collaborator)
Brian H. HuVisual system, attention, computer vision20122017 Ernst Niebur (grad student)
Shu-Ching Hu2001 Anirvan Ghosh (grad student)
Jun Huamagnetic resonance2009 Peter C.M. van Zijl (grad student)
Chiung-Yu HuangHippocampus2002 Cheng Wang (grad student)
Alex A. HuangNeurotransmitters2008 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Yu-Wen Alvin Huang20062012 Mollie K. Meffert (grad student)
Vincent S. Huangmotor learning and robot-assisted rehabilitation2008 Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Guo N. HuangDevelopment and regeneration20022007 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
A. Y. Huangauditory system behavior Bradford J. May (grad student)
Yanhua H. HuangGlutamate transporter function20002005 Dwight Bergles (grad student)
Shiyong HuangAutism, Brain plasticity, Inhibitory circuits Alfredo Kirkwood (post-doc), Alfredo Kirkwood (research scientist)
David Huberdeau John W. Krakauer (grad student)
David M. Huchton1994 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
William H. HugginsElectrical Engineering Doris R. Entwisle (collaborator)
Stewart H. HulseLearning, Comparative Cognition, Acoustic Communication
Chia-Chun (Alden) HungVisual system, marmoset, ventral pathway, face process20052011 C Edward Connor (grad student)
Piper R. Hunt2003 Jonathan Pevsner (grad student)
David G Hunter
K. J. HurtNeurotransmitters2009 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Kasia Hussey Biology Robert J Johnston (grad student)
Long H. Huynhcell biology of neurons and muscle2001 Douglas Fambrough (grad student)
Ben C. Hwangcell biology of neurons and muscle2001 Douglas Fambrough (grad student)
Jaewon HwangFrontal functions, Decision making20122014 Veit Stuphorn (post-doc)
Eun Jung J. Hwang2005 Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Paul M Hwang Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Juhani HyvärinenNeurophysiology of primate parietal cortex Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc)
Diego Iacono
Nicholas IalongoBehavioral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Elementary Education, Clinical Psychology
Chidinma A. IbePublic Health2011 Janice V. Bowie (grad student)
Martin Iguchi19861988 Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
Akiko Ikkai2011 Susan M. Courtney (post-doc)
Hee Yeon Im Psychological and Brain Sciences Justin P. Halberda (grad student)
Elizabeth Jiwon ImVision, Development, Cognition Cognitive Science Leyla Isik (research assistant)
Gulayse Ince Dunnthe specification of connections in the developing cerebral cortex2007 Anirvan Ghosh (grad student)
Rochelle IngramTeacher Training Education, Educational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology
Marjorie A. InnocentPublic Health, Mental Health, Educational Psychology Education2005 Janice V. Bowie (grad student)
Chris Inra
Koko IshizukaNeuropsychiatric diseases and brain development Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Mark M Iskaroussensory feedback; neuromorphic encoding; neural prostheses; neuroengineering; sensorimotor BCI; Biomedical Engineering20172024 Nitish V. Thakor (grad student)
Elias B. Issaobject recognition, sleep, audition, physiology fMRI2008 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Shrivats Mohan Iyer
Onur Iyilikci2010 Gregory F. Ball (grad student)
Hanna Jaaro-Peled Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Samie R. Jaffrey Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Maria M. JamesHIV Cellular and Molecular Medicine2012 Susan H. Eshleman (grad student)
Cynthia A. JamesGenetics, General Psychology, Immunology, Pathology2003 Neil A. Holtzman (grad student)
Patricia H. JanakNeural basis of Addiction
Joseph Jastrow1886 Granville Stanley Hall (grad student), Charles Sanders Peirce (grad student)
Jonathan A. JavitchG-protein coupled receptors and neurotransmitter transporters1984 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Gowri Jayaramhuman neurphysiology, motor learning Biomedical Engineering2013 Amy Jo Bastian (grad student)
Daniel M JeckVisual system, attention, neural networks Mind/Brain Insitute20122018 Ernst Niebur (grad student)
Herbert Spencer Jennings
Su Keun JeongVisual cognition Psychological and Brain Sciences20162016 Jason T. Fischer (post-doc)
Yun Ha JeongAlzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Thomas C. JhouRMTg, motivated behavior, dopamine20052008 Peter C. Holland (post-doc)
Qingguang JiangNeuroscience, axon guidance, neurological disorders2008 David D. Ginty (post-doc)
Yuchen JiaoSensory biology, TRP channels2009 Craig Montell (grad student)
Erin Jimenez
Dennisse V. Jimenez
Luke A. Johnsonparkinson's disease Biomedical Engineering2013 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Craig T. Johnsonbrain trauma, memory Psychology David Olton (grad student)
Tory Johnson Barry J Margulies (grad student)
Kenneth O. JohnsonSomatosensory system Vernon Mountcastle (grad student)
Elizabeth K. JohnsonInfant Studies, Language Acquisition, Speech Perception, Developmental Psycholinguistics, Word Recognition Peter W. Jusczyk (grad student)
Robert J JohnstonNeuronal subtype specification; stochastic fate specification; eye development; human retinal organoids
Wilsaan M. Joineroculomotor, vestibular, dynamical models2007 Mark Shelhamer (grad student)
Te K Jones Psychological and Brain Sciences2018 Cynthia F. Moss (grad student)
Lisa P. JonesIon channels2000 David T. Yue (grad student)
Shailendra P. Joshimechanics of materials; crystal plasticity; failure of materials; solid mechanics Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering20052008 Kaliat T. Ramesh (post-doc), Kaliat T. Ramesh (collaborator)
Edward J. Joude19951997 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Krishna R. JuluriNeurotransmitters2008 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Heechul JunIn vivo electrophysiology, Learning and Memory, Alzheimer's Disease
Hee-Soon JuonPublic Health, Mental Health, Developmental Psychology
Peter W. Jusczykspeech perception, language acquisition
Kevin JustusCognitive Neuroscience, Systems Neuroscience, Executive functions, Cognitive control, Attention, Decision making, Working Memory, Abstract reasoning, Monitoring, Conflict resolution Mind/Brain Institute Psychological and Brain Sciences20162018 Veit Stuphorn (research scientist), Susan M. Courtney (research scientist)
Vijay Mohan K NamboodiriVisual System, Reinforcement learning2008 Marshall Hussain Shuler (grad student)
Siddhartha C. Kadia2001 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Zaven Kevork Kalayjian2000 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Vinutha KallemLocomotion2009 Noah Cowan (grad student)
Atsushi Kamiya Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20022007 Akira Sawa (post-doc), Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Megan S. Kanes.cerevisiae, membrane biology, ABC transporters, protein degradation mechanisms Human Genetics and Molecualr Biology2013 Susan Michaelis (grad student)
Shin H. KangGliogenesis, progenitor cell behavior, ALS2004 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
Eunchai KangAdult Neurogenesis2012 Hongjun Song (grad student)
Bingnan N. KangNeurotransmitters2009 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Seok Kyu Kang Neuroscience20142015 Shilpa D. Kadam (grad student)
Shipra Kanjlia Psychological and Brain Sciences Marina Bedny (grad student)
Shinichi Kano Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Patrick O. KanoldAuditory system, Visual system, Development19951999 Eric D. Young (grad student), Paul B. Manis (grad student)
Rebecca Kanter2011 Ben Caballero (grad student)
David B. KantorDevelopment, Axon guidance2005 Alex Kolodkin (grad student)
Faisal KarmaliSensory integration, sensorimotor adaptation, vestibular system20002008 David S. Zee (collaborator), Mark Shelhamer (grad student)
Amir H. Kashanithe specification of connections in the developing cerebral cortex2006 Anirvan Ghosh (grad student)
Alyssa M. Katzenelson2011 John E. Desmond (grad student)
Walter Kaufmannneurobiologic basis of mental retardation Donald L. Price (research scientist)
Justus M Kebschulltool development, circuit evolution, connectomics
Kevin Keenahan Bioengineering20102010 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
William Keenan2011 Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Christine KeinerHistory of Science, United States History2001 Sharon E. Kingsland (grad student)
Aysha Keislerskill learning Reza Shadmehr (post-doc)
Edward L. Keller1971 David A. Robinson (grad student)
Todd A. KelleyVision and Attention20022007 Steven Yantis (grad student)
Kellie B. Kelms.cerevisiae, membrane biology, ABC transporters, protein degradation mechanisms2003 Susan Michaelis (grad student)
Kamila N. Kemenyfy-Rojas20212021 Mollie K. Meffert (research assistant)
Mary B. KennedyMolecular structure and function of central nervous system synapses1975 William J. Lennarz (grad student)
Doug KerrMS, Neurinflammation, stem cells Jeffrey D. Rothstein (collaborator)
Shivani C. Kharod Krieger School of Arts and Sciences - Center of Biotechnology20162018 Shilpa D. Kadam (grad student)
Amir Kheradmandocular motor function, spatial orientation Neurology David S. Zee (post-doc)
Natalia KhodayariCognitive Neuroscience, Attention, Working Memory, Individual Differences Psychological and Brain Sciences Psychological and Brain Sciences20202025 Susan M. Courtney (grad student), Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Grahame J. Kidd Neurology and Neurosurgery19891994 Bruce Trapp (post-doc)
Andrew Y. Kim2009 Xinzhong Dong (grad student)
Paul M. KimNeurotransmitters2005 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Yu S. KimCellular electrophysiology2010 David J. Linden (grad student)
Juhyun Kim Neuroscience2011 Solange P. Brown (post-doc)
Judy Sein Kim
Daehwan Kim Institute of Genetic Medicine20132017 Steven Salzberg (post-doc)
Yehyun Kim Amanda M. Lauer (grad student)
Ye-Hyun Kim20162020 Elisabeth Glowatzki (post-doc), Amanda M. Lauer (post-doc)
Aram KimDecision making, Locomotor learning Biomedical Engineering2021 Vikram S. Chib (post-doc)
Hyosik Kim Tatjana Trcek (research assistant)
Sang Jeong Kim20012004 David J. Linden (post-doc)
Sangwon F. KimNeurodegeneration, obesity20022007 Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Seyun KimCell signaling Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Yun-Sook KimNeuroscience20022005 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Minji Kim Shahrdad Lotfipour (research assistant)
Jean Kim1992 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Jee Hae Kim2001 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Sung Soo Kim2011 Steven S. Hsiao (grad student)
Charles B. KimmelMorphogenesis and evolution of the skull1966 James D. Ebert (grad student)
Sharon E. KingslandHistory of Science, Psychobiology Psychology, United States History
Sharon E. KingslandHistory of Science, Psychobiology Psychology, United States History
Kimberly P. Kinzigobesity, eating disorders Timothy H. Moran (post-doc)
Alfredo KirkwoodPlasticity
Heidi E. Kirschneurophysiology, social cognition, epilepsy Nathan E. Crone (post-doc)
Thomas KirschMental Health, Clinical Psychology
Stuart B. Kirschnervisual system, multiple sclerosis, neuroimaging
C. Brock KirwanHuman Memory, Amnesia20022007 Craig E. L. Stark (grad student)
Sabra L. KleinVirology, Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Sex Differences19951999 Randy J. Nelson (grad student)
Matthew R. Kleinman Neuroscience2015 David Foster (post-doc)
Alexandra M. KlevytskaMouse models of neurodegenerative disease2008 David R. Borchelt (grad student)
Jim KnierimHippocampus
Seth D. KoehlerAuditory system, Tinnitus, Plasticity Xiaoqin Wang (post-doc)
Ming Teng T. KohLearning and Memory, Neurobiology of Aging2004 Michela Gallagher (post-doc)
Helga Kolbretina19661971 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Laura M. KolbNutrition, Cognitive Psychology, Mental Health
Michael A. KoldobskiyNeurotransmitters2011 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Vassilis Koliatsos cell death in polysynaptic cortical pathways in vivo, based on an animal model Donald L. Price (collaborator)
Kaven T Kondasynaptic plasticity, VIP interneurons CMDB2022 Hey-Kyoung Lee (grad student)
Jee-Hyun Kong2009 Paul A. Fuchs (grad student)
Michael KornbergNeurotransmitters2011 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Hans H. KornhuberNeurologie, Neurophysiologie Vernon Mountcastle (grad student)
Christine W. KothMental Health, Educational Psychology Education2006 Phillip Leaf (grad student)
Ninad B. KothariNeuroscience, bats, echolocation, superior colliculus, electrophysiology, sensorimotor integration2018 Shreesh P. Mysore (post-doc)
John W. KrakauerMotor Control, Stroke Rehabilitation
Peter KramerVisual perception19921997 Steven Yantis (grad student)
Julia KrausePhilosophy, Epistemology2012 Michael McCloskey (grad student)
Erika KretzmerHearing20022006 David K. Ryugo (grad student)
Lance J. KriegsfeldNeuroendocrinology, circadian biology19941999 Randy J. Nelson (grad student)
Kishore V. Kuchibhotla
Michael J. KuharNeuropharmacology, Drug Abuse Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Heather Kulaga Molecular Biology and Genetics2000 Randall R. Reed (research assistant)
Rejji KuruvillaNeurotrophins, axonal targeting and survival David D. Ginty (post-doc)
Young Kwon20022008 Craig Montell (grad student)
Sung E. KwonCortical Circuits
Craig E. L. StarkCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology
Catherine LaCourseNeurovirology; behavior; toxoplasmosis Robert Yolken (grad student)
Ellen E. LadenheimFood intake, obesity Timothy H. Moran (post-doc)
Michael Min-Shyue Lai2001 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Laura M. Lakustaspatial cognition, language, development2006 Barbara Landau (grad student)
Neha Lal Paul F. Worley (grad student)
Trisha Lala
Yves Lamarreneurophysiology Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc)
R J. Lamb Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
Bruce T. LambAlzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury, neurodegeneration, animal models, drug discovery
Dominique Lamy Howard E. Egeth (post-doc)
Barbara Landauspatial cognition, language, development
Andrew P. Lane
Eric J. LangCerebellum19821985 David Olton (research assistant)
Thomas Langfitt
Ben Langmead
Martin G. LarrabeeCellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Karl Spencer LashleyLearning and memory19141916 John B. Watson (post-doc), Herbert Spencer Jennings (grad student)
Heather C. Lasseteraddiction, relapse, cocaine, learning and memory Peter C. Holland (research assistant)
John LaterraNeuroscience Biology
Amanda M. Lauerhearing science2006 Bradford J. May (post-doc), David K. Ryugo (research scientist)
Patryk A. LaurentLearning, Attention, Neural Networks2009 Steven Yantis (post-doc)
Carolyn B. Lauzonmagnetic resonance2010 Peter C.M. van Zijl (grad student)
Edward Laws
Lorenzo Lazzerini-Ospri Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Guy Whitman LeadbetterFemoral neck fractures Orthopaedic Surgery19211923 William S Baer (post-doc)
Phillip LeafMental Health, Educational Psychology Education
Phillip LeafMental Health, Educational Psychology Education
Stephanie L. Leal
Eve A. LeBartonGesture, developmental psycholinguistics2012 Rebecca J. Landa (post-doc)
Andrew B. Leber19982003 Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Kerry LedouxCognitive Neuroscience: Language
Seung Lee19931994 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Daniel J. Leeauditory system, prosthetics20012003 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Hey-Kyoung LeeSynaptic plasticity, Visual cortex, AMPA receptor, Hippocampus Shiyong Huang (collaborator)
General LeeComputational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, motor control, traumatic brain injury
Jong-Seok LeePharmacy20042005 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Seunghwan Lee Paul A. Fuchs (post-doc)
Seung-Chan Lee Solange P. Brown (post-doc)
Hongmi Leememory2018 Janice Chen (post-doc)
Jong Hoon LeeAuditory neurophysiology
Yoonjung LeeCognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience Psychological and Brain Sciences Janice Chen (grad student)
Seung-Jae Lee19982003 Craig Montell (grad student)
Hyosang Lee2006 Michael J. Caterina (grad student)
Jusuk LeeLocomotion2009 Noah Cowan (grad student)
Kihwan LeeAlzheimer's Disease; Pain Neuroscience20142018 Solange P. Brown (post-doc)
Hongjoo Joanne Lee Michela Gallagher (post-doc), Peter C. Holland (post-doc)
Michael K. Leepathogenic mechanisms occurring in human neurodegenerative diseases
Julie R. Leegwater-Kim19942002 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Tara A. LeGates20072013 Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
I. Robert LehmanDNA replication19541955 Roger M. Herriott (grad student), Alvin Nason (post-doc)
Lyal Leibrock
Augusto A. LempelVisual motion processing, development of visual motion, form integration, functional architecture Neuroscience20132019 Kristina J. Nielsen (grad student)
Raymond E. Lenhard Orthopaedics William S Baer (grad student)
Carly J. LeonardAttention, visual perception, eye movements, schizophrenia20032009 Howard E. Egeth (grad student), Leon Gmeindl (collaborator), Melanie Palomares (collaborator)
Alisa (Weng I) LeongDecision making and self-control2022 Veit Stuphorn (research scientist)
Christoph LepperCell Biology, General Biology2010 Chen-Ming Fan (grad student)
Alysa L. LesemannOlfaction2004 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
Miciej Lesniak
Cheuk T. LeungOlfaction2007 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
Joshua P. LevensHistory of Science, Psychobiology Psychology, United States History2006 Sharon E. Kingsland (grad student)
Adam Scott Levin
Seamus R. Levine-WilkinsonBiological Sciences2010 Trina A. Schroer (grad student)
Michael LevyNeuromyelitis Optica J. David Sweatt (grad student)
Joseph W. LewcockOlfaction2004 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
Eastman Lewis2015 Gul Dolen (post-doc)
Matt R. LewisOlfaction, neuromodulation, decision making Neuroscience Jeremiah Y. Cohen (post-doc)
Ruth LeysGeography, History of Science, Clinical Psychology
Shanshan LiHippocampus Biostatistics2013 Cheng Wang (grad student)
Lishi Lisignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors Neuroscience2013 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Tuo Peter LiPostsynaptic density, membrane protein organization, fracture healing, joint replacement, nerve regeneration, neuroregeneration, neuroprotection Orthopaedics Orthopaedics Orthopaedics Orthopaedics Orthopaedics Orthopaedics2018 Carol Diane Morris (post-doc), Adam Scott Levin (post-doc), James Robert Ficke (post-doc), Greg Michael Osgood (post-doc), Thomas L. Clemens (post-doc), Lee Hunter Riley III (post-doc)
Ruixiang LiBCI, EEG, cognition
Xian Li Psychological and Brain Sciences2020 Christopher J. Honey (grad student)
Rung-chi Li20052009 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Min Liion channels, trafficking
Xiaojie Li2010 Ted M. Dawson (grad student)
Nu-Chu LiangFeeding behavior & regulation2009 Timothy H. Moran (post-doc)
Jeffrey Liao Tatjana Trcek (grad student)
Hsi-Wen Rock LiaoNeuroscience, CNS, synaptogenesis, visual system20012007 King-Wai Yau (grad student)
TinaMarie LieuPhysiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2011 Bradley J. Undem (grad student)
Issel A. Limmagnetic resonance2012 Peter C.M. van Zijl (grad student)
Jing-Xuan Limbrain states, sensorimotor transformations
Issel Anne L. LimNeuroengineering, MRI, quantitative susceptibility mapping
Charles J. LimbMusic and the Brain19971999 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Chi Ying Lin2013 Akira Sawa (grad student)
Sophie Z. Linmolecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases Pathobiology2013 Philip C. Wong (grad student)
Shih-Chun LinGlutamate transport, Glia2005 Dwight Bergles (grad student)
David J. LindenCellular electrophysiology
Jonathan P. LingNeurodegeneration, Bioinformatics, RNA Splicing Computer Science Ben Langmead (post-doc)
Tiffany LinkTRPV channels2012 Michael J. Caterina (grad student)
Jonathan M. LinksNeuroscience Biology
Maria Lioudyno Paul A. Fuchs (post-doc)
Dennean Lippner Haiqing Zhao (grad student)
Brian LittEpilepsy, Bioengineering, Network Neuroscience, Implantable Devices, Seizure Detection, Seizure Prediction, Brain Stimulation19861988 Robert Fisher (post-doc)
Shimin LiuNeuroscience20072008 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Xiaodong LIUCellular Channels20062010 David T. Yue (post-doc)
Taosheng Liu20012003 Steven Yantis (post-doc)
Shuxi Liusynaptic plasticity20102012 Nicholas Gaiano (post-doc)
Sha LiuSleep20102017 Mark Wu (post-doc)
BIAN LIUMemory and Learning Neuroscience Richard L. Huganir (post-doc)
Xiao Ping LiuAuditory System
Shari Liucognitive development; infants; social cognition
Sophie H LiuNeuroscience, Neurosurgery, Public Health
Sofia B. Lizarraga2003 Yixian Zheng (grad student)
Rafael Hugh LlinasStroje
Rita Loiotile Psychological and Brain Sciences20142019 Marina Bedny (grad student)
Tulley LongHistory of Science, United States History, Endocrinology Biology2012 Sharon E. Kingsland (grad student)
Donlin Long
Bonnie E. Lonzesignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors2005 David D. Ginty (grad student)
T. P. LopezGeneral Biology, Human Development, Genetics Biology2012 Chen-Ming Fan (grad student)
Hanzhang Lumagnetic resonance2004 Peter C.M. van Zijl (grad student)
Shou-En LuHippocampus2001 Cheng Wang (grad student)
Thomas Entse Lu2002 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Scott E. LukasBehavioral Pharmacology, Medications Development, Addiction research Psychiatry19791982 Roland Griffiths (post-doc), Robert D. Hienz (post-doc)
Xianghua LuoHippocampus2006 Cheng Wang (grad student)
Wenqin LuoTouch19992005 Jeremy Nathans (grad student)
Ruibang Laurent Luo Computer Science20162017 Steven Salzberg (post-doc)
Maria LyAlzheimer disease, aging, resilience Psychological and Brain Sciences Michael A. Yassa (research assistant)
David R. LynchNeuroscience Biology Neuroscience1988 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Kathleen S. LynchNeurethology
Jeff W. M.
Jeff W. M.
Jeff W. M.
Jeff W. M. BultzRadiology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Dengke K. MaNDMSA2009 Hongjun Song (grad student)
Guojun Ma Donald L. Price (grad student)
Wei-Li Diana MaAuditory systems physiology Eric D. Young (post-doc)
Zheng MaVisual perception, attention2011 Jonathan Flombaum (grad student)
Scott A MacDougall-ShackletonBirdsong, Seasonality, Stress19921997 Gregory F. Ball (grad student), Stewart H. Hulse (grad student)
Silvio Maciasbats, echolocation, auditory system Psychology and Brain Sciences20162018 Cynthia F. Moss (post-doc)
Katherine A. MacLeanattention, meditation, attention training Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
Edward F. MacNichol Haldan Keffer Hartline (grad student)
Jean-Marie N. Madduxappetitive learning, Pavlovian conditioning, operant conditioning, prefrontal cortex20022009 Peter C. Holland (grad student)
Manu S Madhavspatial navigation, neural circuits, systems neuroscience, biomemetics Mechanical Engineering20102014 Noah Cowan (grad student)
Farrah N. MadisonBehavioral Neuroendocrinology Psychological and Brain Sciences20092011 Gregory F. Ball (post-doc)
Robin MagnardAlcohol, Dopamine, Parkinsons, Impulsivity2019 Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Nagaraj R Mahajan
Yuichi Makino2011 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Lauren Makuch2012 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Laura A. Malone20072011 Amy Jo Bastian (grad student)
Misti L. MaloneBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology2012 Devin Gary (grad student)
Joseph G. Malpeli Frank H. Baker (grad student)
Andrew L. Mammen19932000 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Pravat Mandal
Donna L. Maneybehavioral neuroendocrinology19992002 Gregory F. Ball (post-doc)
Lifang Mao19992005 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Rong Mao20012005 Jonathan Pevsner (grad student)
Nicholas MaragakisALS, stem cells Jeffrey D. Rothstein (post-doc)
Steven A. MarchetteSpatial cognition20062011 Amy Lynne Shelton (grad student)
Thomas H. Maren Eli Kennerly Marshall (grad student)
Russell L. Margolis19901992 Robert Post (post-doc), De-Maw Chuang (grad student)
Barry J MarguliesVirology Wade Gibson (grad student)
Morgan A. MarksVirology, Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Sex Differences2009 Sabra L. Klein (grad student)
Wade Marshall Philip Bard (post-doc)
Eli Kennerly Marshall S F. Acree (grad student)
Randi Martin Alfonso Caramazza (grad student)
Lee J. MartinNeuronal cell death Donald L. Price (research scientist)
Henry Newell MartinPhysiology1876 Daniel Coit Gilman (research scientist)
Mark Noel Martin2000 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Ian Martinparkinson's disease Ted M. Dawson (post-doc)
Anne Baldwin MartinVisual system, Attention Neuroscience20062013 Rudiger Von Der Heydt (grad student)
Tara MartinezNeuroscience Biology2012 Charlotte Sumner (grad student)
Miriam A. MarwickNeuromorphic engineering2009 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Deborah L. Masons.cerevisiae, membrane biology, ABC transporters, protein degradation mechanisms2002 Susan Michaelis (grad student)
Haemy Lee Masson Hans Op de Beeck (post-doc)
Surjeet S. MastwalNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2004 Edward M. Hedgecock (grad student)
Vanessa Matos-Cruz Biology20062012 Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Ryota L. Matsuoka2011 Alex Kolodkin (grad student)
Tonya M. Matthews2006 Paul A. Fuchs (grad student)
Matthew J. Maurers.cerevisiae, membrane biology, ABC transporters, protein degradation mechanisms2012 Susan Michaelis (grad student)
Micah J. MaxwellNeurotransmitters2012 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Bradford J. May19992001 Murray B. Sachs (post-doc), Kevin G. Bath (collaborator)
Yunis Mayasi Department of Neurology Nils Henninger (grad student)
Jeff D. MayseAging & Systems Neuroscience2009 Michela Gallagher (grad student)
Andrew S. McCallionCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Robert McClearyIngestive behaviors
Michael McCloskey
Michael A. McDannald2009 Peter C. Holland (grad student)
Katie McDoleCell biology Cellular, Molecular, Developmental Biology and Biophysics2013 Yixian Zheng (grad student)
Joseph McDonald
David McGaugheyGenetics, Molecular Biology2010 Andrew S. McCallion (grad student)
Julie Schafer McGurkeducation2009 Guo-Li Ming (grad student)
Paul R. McHugh
Jeffrey Forrester McKelvy Biology1968 Yuan Chuan Lee (grad student)
Guy McKhann
Emalie McMahoncognitive neuroscience Cognitive Science Cognitive Science2019 Leyla Isik (grad student), Michael F. Bonner (grad student)
Stephaine A. McNeil
David S. McNeill20042010 Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Christina McNerney Biology Robert J Johnston (grad student)
Alastair McNiven Paul A. Fuchs (post-doc)
Emily A. McVeyVirology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2007 Christine Zink (grad student)
Robert Mealer Thomas E. Hughes (grad student)
Jared MedinaBody schema, neuropsychology, somatosensation, neglect, TMS20002007 Brenda Rapp (grad student)
Andrea Megill20092014 Hey-Kyoung Lee (grad student)
Swati Mehtaspinal locomotion circuits2007 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student)
Niraj R. MehtaNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Pharmacology2008 Ronald Schnaar (grad student)
DeForest Jr. MellonOlfactory system, near field receptors19571961 David Robert Evans (grad student)
Noah E. Meltzer
Christian MenardPublic Health, Social Psychology2004 Nicholas Ialongo (grad student)
Steven E. Meredith20122014 Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
Janna Mertesignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors2009 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Michael M. MerzenichAuditory system, plasticity1968 Vernon Mountcastle (grad student)
Nima MesgaraniAuditory system20082013 Hynek Hermansky (post-doc)
Lukas Mesik2018 Hey-Kyoung Lee (post-doc)
Meredith B. Metzgers.cerevisiae, membrane biology, ABC transporters, protein degradation mechanisms2009 Susan Michaelis (grad student)
Kelly A. MeulendykeZoology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2011 Christine Zink (grad student)
Richard A. Meyer
Susan Michaeliss.cerevisiae, membrane biology, ABC transporters, protein degradation mechanisms
G. Andrew MickleyLearning, memory, brain development, NMDA receptors and behavior Herman Teitelbaum (post-doc)
Stefan Mihalascomputational neuroscience Ernst Niebur (post-doc)
Shawn Mikulamapping whole-brain connectivity19982005 Ernst Niebur (grad student), Stewart HC Hendry (grad student)
Sharon Milgram Richard Mains (post-doc)
Zayra Millan Psychological and Brain Sciences2012 Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Robert F. Millerretina19681970 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Cory T. Millerprimate auditory system, neurobiology and behavior20032009 Xiaoqin Wang (post-doc), Sabyasachi Roy (collaborator)
Joel M. MillerExtraocular biomechanics David A. Robinson (post-doc)
Dana L. Miller2004 Joel F. Schildbach (grad student)
Sarah MilletPublic Health2010 Janice V. Bowie (grad student)
Bill Millington George G. Bierkamper (post-doc)
Daniel J. MillmanComputation, Olfactory Circuits20072009 Alfredo Kirkwood (research assistant), Ernst Niebur (research assistant)
Guo-Li Ming
Guoli MingNeuroscience Biology
Lloyd B. MinorVestibular physiology
George Richards Minothematology19131915 William Henry Howell (post-doc)
Miriam Z. MintzerBehavioral pharmacology, cognition19951998 Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
Yevgeniya Mironovaoligodendrocyte precursor cells, extracellular matrix
Matthew Miskimon2010 Jay M. Baraban (grad student)
Benjamin Mitchell Computer Science2017 John W. Sheppard (grad student)
Alex MitkoVision Science Psych and Brain Sciences Jason T. Fischer (grad student)
Andrea H. MitolaNutrition, Behavioral Psychology2008 Larry Cheskin (grad student)
Ilana S. MittmanPublic Health2005 Janice V. Bowie (grad student)
Ilan MizrahiConciousness, TMS, Plasticity, Visuospatial Memory20052006 Michael P. Saddoris (research assistant)
Christopher A. MoffattBehavioral Neuroendocrinology19901984 Randy J. Nelson (grad student)
Sachin MohanIBD, Gastroenterology, Sodium hydrogen exchange2010 Mark Donowitz (grad student)
Jeff S. MoherVisual attention, visual perception20062011 Howard E. Egeth (grad student), Brandon Ashinoff (collaborator)
Mariko Moherspatial cognition, language, development2011 Barbara Landau (grad student)
Ahmet MokeNeurobiology Biology
Mohsen MollazadehBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2011 Nitish V. Thakor (grad student)
Mark MolliverNeurotoxicity, serotonin Joseph T. Coyle (post-doc)
Joseph D. MonacoComputational neuroscience20132022 Kechen Zhang (post-doc), Jim Knierim (post-doc), Hugh Tad Blair (collaborator)
Kevin Monk20142020 Marshall Hussain Shuler (grad student)
Caroline A. Montojo2012 John E. Desmond (grad student)
Joon-Young Moon Psychological and Brain Sciences2017 Christopher J. Honey (research scientist)
Seok Jun J. Moon20032008 Craig Montell (grad student)
Catherine F. MooreNeuroscience, Pharmacology, Addiction, Eating Disorders, Binge eating, Compulsive eating
Henry L. Moore1896 Simon Newcomb (grad student), John Bates Clark (grad student)
Chester G. MoorePatent Law19982004 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
Cathleen M. Moore19941996 Howard E. Egeth (post-doc), Steven Yantis (post-doc)
Timothy H. Moran Paul R. McHugh (post-doc), Elliott Blass (grad student)
J Toby MordkoffAttention19861991 Steven Yantis (grad student), Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Liliana Moreno VinascoPharmacology, Public Health2004 Allison D. Fryer (grad student)
Carol Diane Morris
Cynthia F. MossAuditory system, neuroethology
Lisa W. MossElectric organs Richard L. Huganir (research assistant)
Jean-Pierre MothetD-serine and NMDA receptors, Synaptic plasticity19961999 Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Brad Mottervisual system,attention Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc), Gian F. Poggio (post-doc)
Vernon MountcastleSomatosensory system Philip Bard (post-doc), Jerzy E. Rose (collaborator)
Andrea MountneyPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2010 Ronald Schnaar (grad student)
Sabina Muend
Naser MujaNeural Cell Migration, Differentiation, and Plasticity
Steven D. MungerChemosensation Randall R. Reed (post-doc)
Michael A. MuniakAuditory Neuroanatomy and Physiology2011 David K. Ryugo (grad student)
Ignacio Munoz-Sanjuan2000 Jeremy Nathans (grad student)
Kartikeya MurariBiomedical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Radiology2010 Nitish V. Thakor (grad student)
Timothy H. MurphyStroke, Vascular System, Dendritic Plasticity, Oxidative Stress Jay M. Baraban (grad student)
Laura Murray-KolbNutrition, Public Health, Developmental Psychology
Charles Murrin Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Sreerama K. Murthy Computer Science1995 Steven Salzberg (grad student)
Kathrin Müsch Psychological and Brain Sciences20162018 Christopher J. Honey (post-doc)
Asif K. MustafaNeurotransmitters2010 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Lisa Musz2017 Janice Chen (post-doc)
Caroline F Myersvisual perception, attention, psychophysics Psychological and Brain Sciences Psychological and Brain Sciences Chaz Firestone (grad student), Justin P. Halberda (grad student)
Melanie F. MyersPublic Health, Genetics, Behavioral Psychology, Oncology, Health Education2000 Barbara Bernhardt (grad student)
Allen C. Myers19811983 George G. Bierkamper (research assistant), Richard Mains (research assistant), Betty Eipper (research assistant)
Shreesh P. MysoreNeural circuits for attention and decision making
Youn Na
William Nachlas Orthopaedics William S Baer (grad student)
Howard Naffziger
Sakkubai Naidu
Takehiko NakamaVision, Touch, Mathematical Models19962003 Steven Yantis (grad student)
Kei NakataniNeurophysiology, Sensory physiology King-Wai Yau (post-doc)
Kalyani Narasimhan19921997 David J. Linden (grad student)
Romain Nardousocial behaviors, autism2015 Gul Dolen (post-doc)
Makaela Nartker Psychological & Brain Sciences2019 Chaz Firestone (grad student)
Samuel A. NastaseCognitive neuroscience, computational neuroscience Cognitive Science20072010 Michael McCloskey (research assistant)
Jeremy Nathans
Ndeye Marieme Ndiaye2015 Gul Dolen (research assistant)
Lauren J. NealSomatosensory2008 Steven S. Hsiao (grad student)
April P. NealToxicology, Neurobiology Biology, Public Health2009 Tomas R. Guilarte (grad student)
Michele L. Nealen2004 Michael J. Caterina (grad student)
Israel NelkenAuditory system Eric D. Young (post-doc)
Benjamin D Nelligan20112016 Amy Lynne Shelton (grad student)
Hayley Kleitz Nelson20052010 Gregory F. Ball (grad student)
Ashley Nelson Barry J Margulies (grad student)
Ralph Nelsonretina1972 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Sridhar K. NemalaAuditory system Electrical & Computer Engineering2012 Mounya Elhilali (grad student)
Alexandra Neuhaus-Follini Biology Robert J Johnston (post-doc)
Thai Nguyen
Ernest NieburNeuroscience Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Ernst NieburComputation & Theory
Kristina J. NielsenVisual system
Jing NingHippocampus2008 Cheng Wang (grad student)
Mutsuo Nuriya20012005 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Richard O'Brien
Daniel H. O'Connor
Kevin J. O'DonovanAxon growth
Deirdre E. O'Hanlon2010 Richard Allen Cone (grad student)
Philip J. O'Herron2009 Rudiger Von Der Heydt (grad student)
Jahn O'Neillauditory system David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Hana M. OdehGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Audiology Michael Matunis (grad student)
Kyunggeune OhMotor control Neuroscience2019 Amy Jo Bastian (post-doc)
Sang June Ohdecision making, prefrontal cortex Reza Shadmehr (post-doc)
Yoko OkadoFalse memory20012006 Craig E. L. Stark (grad student)
Ikenna Okafor2015 Gul Dolen (research assistant)
Yuko Oku Neuroscience2013 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Stuart S. Olmsted2001 Richard Allen Cone (grad student)
David OltonHippocampus
Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivrymotor control, computational neuroscience, smooth pursuit, saccade, reaching20082010 Reza Shadmehr (post-doc)
Garrick M. OrchardVision20072012 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student), Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student)
Elena Lopez Ortega Neuroscience Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Jennifer L. Orthmann-MurphyPeripheral nerve Dwight Bergles (post-doc)
Luke E Osbornsensory feedback, tactile sensing
Greg Michael Osgood
David J Ottenheimer20162020 Patricia H. Janak (grad student)
Ahmad OzairNeuro-Oncology, Global Neurosurgery, Medical Education, Evidence Synthesis, Surgical Outcomes
Yuji Ozeki Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Recep Ozgun2013 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Tory P.
Robert G. PachellaCognitive, perception, human factors Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Melanie PalomaresVisual perception,normal and abnormal development, VEPs, psychophysics20032007 Howard E. Egeth (grad student), Barbara Landau (grad student)
Sambit Pandamachine learning, data science, statistics, neuroscience, cancer genomics Biomedical Engineering20182024 Joshua Tzvi Vogelstein (grad student)
Kevin CH PangTiming, Learning & Memory19881993 David Olton (post-doc)
Heather PanicVestibular system, Navigation Neurology20242025 David S. Zee (post-doc)
Alison A. PapadakisClinical Psychology, Mental Health
Dominick Papandrea David S. Zee (post-doc)
Maria C. Paradaautomatic speech recognition2011 Hynek Hermansky (grad student)
Carlos Pardo-VillamizarHIV Neuropathology and Neuroimmunopathology
Angele Parent19931997 David J. Linden (post-doc)
Carole A Parent Peter Devreotes (grad student)
Jeanine Parisi
Soojin J. Park
Yongjin ParkComputational Biology
Jin-Hyouk ParkCell biology2004 Yixian Zheng (grad student), Kyle Cunningham (grad student)
Sarah A. ParkIon channels2012 David T. Yue (grad student)
Min-Yoon Park2020 Daeyeol Lee (post-doc)
Seong-Beom ParkLearning and Memory Mind/Brain Institute2021 Jim Knierim (post-doc)
Una ParkTRPV channels2008 Michael J. Caterina (grad student)
Sungjin Park2007 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
Jeongho Park Cognitive Science20132018 Soojin J. Park (grad student)
Derrick Jay Parkhurst2002 Ernst Niebur (grad student)
Samuel Parkins2019 Hey-Kyoung Lee (grad student)
Rennie Pasquinellicognitive development, language acquisition, atypical development Cognitive Science2018 Barbara Landau (grad student)
Anitha PasupathyVisual system2001 C Edward Connor (grad student)
Kush N. Patel2011 Xinzhong Dong (grad student)
Pavan R PatelParkinson's Disease; Alzheimer's Disease; health economics Carey School of Business2019 Kevin D. Frick (research assistant)
Ethan S. PattersonGenetics, Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2006 John D. Gearhart (grad student)
Martin Paukertneuromodulation, astroglia, microglia, cerebellum, vigilance, arousal, locus coeruleus Neuroscience20042013 Dwight Bergles (post-doc)
Jeanne L. PaynterTeacher Training Education, Educational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology2004 Rochelle Ingram (grad student)
Yu-Cheng Peisomatosensory neuroscience20052009 Sliman J. Bensmaia (grad student), Steven S. Hsiao (grad student)
Nicolas PerezVestibular system Neurology19961996 David S. Zee (post-doc)
Candace Pert Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Candace PertNeuroscience Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience19721974 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Mihaela PerteaComputer Science Computer Science2001 Steven Salzberg (grad student)
B. Lee PeterlinNeurology, migraine
Emily PetrusCross-modal plasticity
Emily Petruscircuit plasticity Neuroscience20092014 Hey-Kyoung Lee (grad student)
Brad E. PfeifferHippocampal Function Neuroscience20082015 David Foster (post-doc)
Ralf M. Philippspinal locomotion circuits2008 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student)
Gavin R PhilipsBrain-computer interfaces, assistive technology, smart wheelchairs, shared control Radiology and Radiological Science20162018 Jeff Bulte (post-doc)
Charles L. PickensAddiction, Fear, Appetitive Learning20012008 Peter C. Holland (grad student)
Andrew A. Pieper Neuroscience19902001 David D. Ginty (grad student), Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Tarran J. Pierfelice2011 Nicholas Gaiano (grad student)
Gian F. PoggioStereo vision Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc)
Jacob M Pogsonthe vestibular system, eye movements
Franck PolleuxDevelopmental Neuroscience Anirvan Ghosh (post-doc)
Mu-Ming PooDevelopment19701974 Richard Allen Cone (grad student)
Carlos Portera-Cailliaudevelopment, dendritic spine, two-photon, calcium imaging, somatosensory cortex, visual cortex, perceptual learning, fragile X syndrome, fmr119931997 Donald L. Price (grad student), Lee J. Martin (grad student)
Sotiris Posporelis Akira Sawa (post-doc)
James Potash
Gregory B. PotterImmuno-oncology19962002 Catherine C. Thompson (grad student)
Megana PrasadGenetics, Neurobiology Biology2011 Andrew S. McCallion (grad student)
Brinda C. PrasadOlfaction2001 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
Thomas J. Preziosi
Heather J PributBehavioral neuroscience, learning and memory, decision making, attention, reward, addiction20142016 Todd D. Gould (research assistant)
Donald L. Price
Rui B. ProencaCell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology2003 Edward M. Hedgecock (grad student)
Michael J. Proulxcrossmodal perception, attention, visual search, categorization20002005 Howard E. Egeth (grad student)
Amy E. Purcell2002 Jonathan Pevsner (grad student)
Aliexi Pustavoitauanesthesiology critical care
Xiaozhong Qiansignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors2001 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Anqi QiuAuditory Midbrain Physiology
Zhaozhu QiuMolecular biology of retrovirus replication; tyrosine kinases and signal transduction pathways
Nicholas J. QuintyneBiological Sciences2002 Trina A. Schroer (grad student)
Imran H. QuraishiEpilepsy, Neurophysiology, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Ion Channels David G Hunter (research assistant)
Tara Raam Kishore V. Kuchibhotla (post-doc)
Christina M. Raganmaternal behavior, anxiety, serotonin Robert Yolken (research scientist)
Simil L. Raghavan2008 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Touran Shima Rahimi-Moghaddam Psychological and Brain Sciences20182022 Christopher J. Honey (grad student)
Srinivasa N. Raja
Ramnarayan Ramachandran19932000 Bradford J. May (grad student)
Krishnan Ramanathan2000 Paul A. Fuchs (grad student)
Sudarshan G. RamenahalliComputational Neuroscience, Computer Vision Ernst Niebur (grad student)
Pradeep Y. Ramulu2002 Jeremy Nathans (grad student)
Ash Rao Reza Shadmehr (post-doc)
Rajini RaoYeast biology, Ion transport, Fungicides
Brenda Rapplanguage Alfonso Caramazza (grad student)
Peter R. Rappmemory, aging, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex19811985 Michela Gallagher (grad student)
Karen M. RappaportPublic Health, Health Care Management2002 Neil A. Holtzman (grad student)
Russell J. RasquinhaVisual System20072009 C Edward Connor (grad student), Kechen Zhang (grad student)
Floyd Ratliff Haldan Keffer Hartline (post-doc)
J. Tilak Ratnanathercomputational anatomy of subcortical, cortical, white matter and cellular structures; mathematical models of cochlear outer hair cell William E. Brownell (post-doc)
Robert RauschenbergerVisual Perception19962001 Steven Yantis (grad student)
Supratim RayGamma Oscillations, Attention, Vision, Somatosensory, 20012008 Ernst Niebur (grad student), Kenneth O. Johnson (grad student), Steven S. Hsiao (grad student), Nathan E. Crone (grad student)
Carelton Ray
Elizabeth E. Redd19982000 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Radhika C. ReddySynaptic plasticity2005 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
Randall R. ReedOlfaction
Renee C. ReesHippocampus2001 Cheng Wang (grad student)
Jean B. RegardSynaptic plasticity2002 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
Abhishek RegeBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Radiology2011 Nitish V. Thakor (grad student)
Daniel S. Reichvisual system, multiple sclerosis, neuroimaging20042009 Peter A. Calabresi (post-doc)
Fritz Reichert
Johannes ReisertOlfaction King-Wai Yau (post-doc)
Lina A. ReissAuditory system, cochlear implants19972005 Eric D. Young (grad student)
Chad J. Reissig Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
Evan Remington Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Thomas ReppertDecision making, motor control Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering20102016 Reza Shadmehr (grad student), Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Adam ResnickInositol2006 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Rebecca E. Rhodes
Olena Riabininainsect neurophysiology and neuroethology, olfaction, hearing, vision, navigation School of Medicine20122016 Christopher J. Potter (post-doc)
Jocelyn M. Richardmotivation, ventral pallidum, alcohol abuse Psychological and Brain Sciences2015 Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Curt Richtermotivated behavior
George A. Ricuarte
Gregory RigginsOncology, Pathology, Neuroscience Biology
Jenna Riis
Lee Hunter Riley IIICervical spine disorder; Vertebroplasty; Metastatic disease; Disc degeneration Orthopaedics19861992 Robert Alexander Robinson (post-doc)
Lauren V. Riters Gregory F. Ball (post-doc)
Hugo Rizzoli
Emma B. Roach Neuroscience2013 Marshall Hussain Shuler (grad student)
Elisha D. Roberson2009 Jonathan Pevsner (grad student)
Natalie Roberts Biology Robert J Johnston (post-doc)
Jared M. RobertsLearning and Memory, CA3/DG Michael A. Yassa (grad student)
David A. Robinson William H. Huggins (grad student)
Miqin Robinson19931994 David K. Ryugo (grad student)
Dionne P. RobinsonVirology, Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Sex Differences Molecular and Microbiology and Immunology2013 Sabra L. Klein (grad student)
Robert Alexander Robinsonelectron microscopy, bone strucutre, anterior decompression and cervical spine fusion, total joint replacement, medical maggots
Yang A. RobyOlfaction2012 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
Gabriela Rodriguez2012 Hey-Kyoung Lee (grad student)
Alexa B. RoggeveenVisual attention, perception Steven Yantis (research assistant)
Kevin N. Rohmannneuroscience, auditory physiology, hair cells, ion channels
K. Brian Romaneschi1993 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Julia D. Romanos.cerevisiae, membrane biology, ABC transporters, protein degradation mechanisms2000 Susan Michaelis (grad student)
Ranulfo RomoSomatosensation Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc)
Gabriele RonnettNeuroscience Biology
Matthew J. RoosAuditory neurophysiology Neuroscience20062013 Bradford J. May (grad student)
Rebecca D. RosenbergDevelopmental Psychology2008 Lisa Feigenson (post-doc)
Jason M. Rosenzweigpotassium channels, ion channels
Adam T. Ross19971998 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Jennifer K. Rothworking memory20002006 Susan M. Courtney (grad student)
Eatai RothLocomotion2012 Noah Cowan (grad student)
Richard Roth Neuroscience Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
David L. Roth
Jeffrey D. RothsteinTransporter, ALS
Melvin L. Rouse, Jr.Neuroendocrinology20072014 Gregory F. Ball (grad student)
Joel B. Rovnervisual system, multiple sclerosis, neuroimaging
Erica G. Rowe Urquhartsignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors2000 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Arup RoyNeuroscience Biology, Biomedical Engineering2007 Ernest Niebur (grad student)
Robert H. Roy
Abhijit Roy Amanda M. Lauer (grad student)
Sabyasachi RoyBiomedical Engineering, Neurophysiology2012 Ross Snider (grad student), Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Alicia M. RuggieroTransporter, ALS2005 Jeffrey D. Rothstein (grad student)
Claudia Ruiz-GarzonAutism Social behavior2015 Gul Dolen (post-doc)
Fabio Rupp
Alan C. Rupp2009 Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Heather L Rusch Jessica Gill (grad student)
Alexander F. Russell2012 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student)
Michael Rutlinsignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors2011 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Yun Kyoung K. Ryu Cellular, Molecular, Developmental Biology and Biophysics20072013 Rejji Kuruvilla (grad student)
David K. Ryugoauditory system
Murray B. SachsAuditory System, speech
Srivatsun Sadagopanauditory system, auditory cortex, vocalizations20012008 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Vijay SadashivaiahArtificial Intelligence, Computational Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering20152017 Sridevi V Sarma (grad student)
Michael P. Saddoris2009 Michela Gallagher (grad student)
Soroush G. SadeghiVestibular system, compensation, labyrinthectomy
Yana Safonovabioinformatics
Amar SahayHippocampus and memory, Adult hippocampal Neurogenesis19982004 David D. Ginty (grad student), Alex Kolodkin (grad student)
Kurt A. SailorAdult Neurogenesis2012 Hongjun Song (grad student)
Harleen SainiNeuroimmunology2009 Michael Levy (research assistant)
Yoshihito SakataNeurosurgery20042006 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Joseph B. Salaspatial cognition, language, development2004 Barbara Landau (grad student)
Sofiyan SaleemNeuroscience20032009 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Jared Meyer SaletinSleep, Cognitive Neuroscience, Memory20062008 Michael T. Smith (research assistant)
Anthony W. SaliVisual attention20102014 Steven Yantis (grad student)
Angeles SallesAuditory Communication2017 Cynthia F. Moss (post-doc)
Steven Salzberg
JoAnn B. SandersSocial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2005 Janice V. Bowie (grad student)
Edmund Clark Sanford1888 Granville Stanley Hall (grad student)
Jay Santamariacognitive science
Manny Sargen Tatjana Trcek (research assistant)
Sridevi V Sarma
Jennifer J. Sartor2004 Gregory F. Ball (grad student)
Dennis SasikumarOculomotor system2012 Veit Stuphorn (grad student)
Rita Sattler
Francesco Savelli Jim Knierim (post-doc)
Akira SawaMental Health Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Seema SayalafMRI, working memory, attention, color perception2008 Susan M. Courtney (grad student)
Katherine W. ScangosOculomotor system2012 Veit Stuphorn (grad student)
Thomas B. Schalkauditory system Murray B. Sachs (grad student)
Felipe L. SchiffinoLearning Theory, Brain2010 Peter C. Holland (grad student)
Martin J. SchmidtMolecular Basis of Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Animal Models20042008 Michela Gallagher (research assistant)
Tiffany M. SchmidtVisual System, Retina, melanopsin, ipRGCs20112014 Samer S. Hattar (post-doc)
Ronald SchnaarPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Geoffrey Schoenbaumdecision, reward19952003 Michela Gallagher (post-doc), Peter C. Holland (post-doc)
Hendrik Peter Nicolas Scholl
Karisa Colleen Schreck2012 Nicholas Gaiano (grad student)
David J. SchretlenNeuropsychology, methods of inference
Katrina M. Schrodeauditory system, animal communication, hearing2014 Amanda M. Lauer (post-doc)
Trina A. SchroerBiological Sciences
Hannah May Schryverattention, selection, optic tectum, superior colliculus Psychological and Brain Sciences2016 Shreesh P. Mysore (grad student)
Teresa M. Schubertreading, cognitive neuropsychology, spelling Cognitive Science Cognitive Science20092015 Brenda Rapp (grad student), Michael McCloskey (grad student)
Mark W. SchurginVisual Cognition and Memory Psychological & Brain Sciences20122017 Jonathan Flombaum (grad student)
Charles R. SchusterHuman pharmacology of drug abuse Joseph V. Brady (grad student)
Gary J. Schwartzingestive behavior, obesity, dibetes, neuroendocrinology19881990 Timothy H. Moran (post-doc)
Jens SchwarzbachVision, Attention, fMRI19992001 Steven Yantis (post-doc), Michael Steinmetz (post-doc)
Brett R. ScipioniBiological Sciences Biology2013 Trina A. Schroer (grad student)
Katherine C. Scottvisual system, shape perception20032013 C Edward Connor (grad student)
Joan A. ScottGenetic Counseling, Health Policy
Laurel Screven Amanda M. Lauer (grad student)
Frances L. SeilerMental Health, Public Health2006 Nicholas Ialongo (grad student)
Meghan J. SeltzerOncology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology2011 Gregory Riggins (grad student)
Hans SelyeStress physiology1931 Elmer V. McCollum (post-doc)
Samantha Semenkow Barry J Margulies (research assistant)
Ralph Semmes
John SerencesAttention, Memory, Perception, Decision Making, 20022006 Steven Yantis (grad student), Todd A. Kelley (collaborator)
Saurav R. Seshadri2011 Akira Sawa (grad student)
Barry Setlowlearning and memory, addiction, decision-making19982003 Michela Gallagher (post-doc)
Reza ShadmehrMotor Control David S. Zee (collaborator)
Zahoor ShahNeuroscience20032007 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Garima Shah Psychological and Brain Sciences Shreesh P. Mysore (grad student)
Neelam Shahani Modulators of neurodegenerative disease relevant biochemical pathways. Akira Sawa (post-doc)
Aasef G. ShaikhVestibular, Eye movements, head movements, tremor, dystonia, DBS20052009 David S. Zee (post-doc)
Shruti ShankarNeuroscience
Matthew Shapirohippocampus memory David Olton (grad student)
Catherine J. Sheely20042011 Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Mark Shelhameroculomotor, vestibular, dynamical models19901992 David A. Robinson (post-doc), David S. Zee (collaborator)
Amy Lynne SheltonSpatial cognition, memory, individual differences2010 John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc), Leon Gmeindl (collaborator)
Ying Shen20002005 David J. Linden (post-doc)
Lei Shen19962001 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Emily Shen Tatjana Trcek (grad student)
Wei L. Shenneural biology
Jason D. ShepherdAMPA receptor trafficking, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, experience-dependent plasticity, Arc, Autism20032008 Paul F. Worley (grad student), Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
John W. SheppardMachine learning, probabilistic graphical models, evolutionary algorithms, prognostics and health management Computer Science1997 Steven Salzberg (grad student)
Perry B. Shieh2000 Anirvan Ghosh (grad student)
Hideaki ShimazakiStatistical analysis of neuronal data20002003 Ernst Niebur (grad student)
Matthew D. Shirley2013 Jonathan Pevsner (grad student)
Sarah ShomsteinAttention19982003 Steven Yantis (grad student)
Marshall Hussain Shuler
Gek Ming Sia
Gek Ming Sia2007 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Mahmud A. SiddiqiCell Biology2002 John D. Gearhart (grad student)
Delia Silvalearning and memory, plasticity
Kenneth SilvermanBehavior Analysis and Behavior Pharmacology19891991 Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
Melissa Simmonds Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Saurabh Sinha
Joan M. Sinnottauditory system behavior Murray B. Sachs (post-doc)
Sangram Sign Sisodia Donald L. Price (research scientist)
Katherine M. SixtNeurotransmitters2009 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Lucas Sjulsonneurophysiology of drug addiction and decision making, translational neuromodulation19981999 Michael Steinmetz (research assistant)
Alexander A. SkavenskiEye movements David A. Robinson (post-doc)
Sean J. SleeAuditory Neuroscience Eric D. Young (post-doc)
Scott D. SlotnickVisual Memory20002002 Steven Yantis (post-doc)
Paul E. SmaldinoBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Social Structure and Development, Evolution and Development Biology Center for Advanced Modeling in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences20112014 Joshua Epstein (post-doc)
Gwenn S Smith
Dani Smith
Jennifer Susan Smith Kenrad E. Nelson (grad student)
Seth A. Smithmagnetic resonance2006 Peter C.M. van Zijl (grad student)
Maurice A. SmithMotor control19952002 Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Zachary M. SmithAuditory system2006 Eric D. Young (post-doc)
Yoland Smith Mahlon R. DeLong (post-doc)
Alexis S Smith-Flores Psychological and Brain Sciences20182020 Lisa Feigenson (research scientist)
Ross SniderAuditory and Visual Neuroscience19971999 Xiaoqin Wang (post-doc)
Charles David SnyderPhysiology19071908 William Henry Howell (post-doc)
Saul Snyder
Solomon H. SnyderNeurotransmitters
NaYoung SoNeurobiology, Biology, Systems Neuroscience, Physiological Psychology2011 Veit Stuphorn (grad student)
Melanie Soderstromspatial cognition, language, development2003 Barbara Landau (grad student)
Sach Sokolvision20122015 C Edward Connor (post-doc)
David SolomonVestibular, Ocular motor, Hydrocephalus19941996 David S. Zee (post-doc)
R. Brian SommervilleNeuromuscular disease20012002 John W. Krakauer (research assistant)
Insuk Song19972001 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Mi-Ryoung SongDevelopment2003 Anirvan Ghosh (grad student)
Ruijiang SongImmunology, Pharmacology2004 Ronald Schnaar (grad student)
Jingwei SongNeuroscience; Chemogenetics; Gene Therapy
Arun SPvisual cortex, object recognition, somatosensory system19992006 Kenneth O. Johnson (grad student)
Debra Spear Psychiatry19891991 Robert D. Hienz (post-doc)
Lewis Cass SpencerCrippled children, public health, tropical medicine Orthopaedic19111915 William S Baer (post-doc)
Amy M. SpiegelBiological Psychology, Aging, Learning and Memory2007 Michela Gallagher (grad student), Peter R. Rapp (post-doc)
George A. SpirouSensory Neuroscience Audition19901990 Eric D. Young (post-doc), David K. Ryugo (collaborator)
Paul D Sponsellerscoliosis, hip dysplasia, bladder exstrophy, foot and ankle deformity
Amber Sprenger
Ramanujan Srinath3D vision, attention, computation Mind/Brain Institute Mind/Brain Institute20132019 C Edward Connor (grad student), Kristina J. Nielsen (grad student)
Sathya R. Sriram2006 Ted M. Dawson (grad student)
Coryse St. Hillairesignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors2010 David D. Ginty (grad student)
carl e. stafstromepilepsy
Sofia StamatakiInner Ear
Jeannette Nicole Stankowski
Kirstie H. StansfieldAdolescence, Drug Addiction, Cocaine, Dopamine, Novelty seeking
Patric K. StantonNeurophysiology Terrence J. Sejnowski (post-doc)
Jordan P. Steinberg2007 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Martin Steinegger Biomedical Engineering2018 Steven Salzberg (post-doc)
Peter N. SteinmetzComputation & Theory19911997 Kenneth O. Johnson (post-doc), Ernst Niebur (post-doc), Raimond L. Winslow (grad student)
Michael Steinmetz Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc)
Eliot Stellar
Aaron Benjamin StephanOlfactory Signal Transduction20052011 Haiqing Zhao (grad student), Kyle Cunningham (grad student)
Jared L. SterneckertGenetics2005 John D. Gearhart (grad student)
Eric L. Stevens2013 Jonathan Pevsner (grad student)
Robert D. StevensConsciousness disorders
Tyler J. Stevenson20062011 Gregory F. Ball (grad student)
Zachary E. StineGenetics, Molecular Biology2011 Andrew S. McCallion (grad student)
Maxine StitzerBehavioral Pharmacology James H. Woods (grad student)
Alexis M. StranahanNeuroendocrinology, Synaptic Plasticity20082010 Michela Gallagher (post-doc)
George Malcolm Strattonvisual perception, visuo-motor coordination, sociology, international relations
Nicole L. Stricker19992002 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Richelle C. Stromvisual system development, genetics
Veit StuphornOculomotor system
Viet StuphornNeurobiology Biology, Physiological Psychology
Chryssanthi Stylianopoulos2006 Ben Caballero (grad student)
Chih-Ying Su2006 King-Wai Yau (grad student)
Tadashi SugiharaSystems neuroscience Rudiger Von Der Heydt (post-doc)
Amber C. SummersNutrition, Public Health, Theory and Methods Health, Behavior and Society2013 Janice V. Bowie (grad student)
Charlotte SumnerNeuroscience Biology
Xin SunNeurodegenerative diseases Rossella Falcone (grad student)
Changyu SunOlfactory system, neural circuit20182020 Seth Blackshaw (grad student)
Sandeepa SurRett syndrome
Elissa Sutlief
John P. SwensenLocomotion2011 Noah Cowan (grad student)
Ben G. SzaroNeurofilaments, CNS Regeneration19761982 Richard Kevin Hunt (grad student)
Sara M. SzczepanskiVisual attention20012004 Kenneth O. Johnson (research assistant)
Megan Szymanski PierceGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2011 Dimitri Avramopoulos (grad student)
Masashi TabuchiNeurophysiology, Sleep, Neural coding, Synaptic plasticity Department of Neurology20132019 Mark Wu (post-doc)
Abigail L. TadenevOlfaction2011 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
Michael R. Tadross20032009 David T. Yue (grad student)
AKiko Takagi-HayashiSchizophrenia
Kanji Takahashi19941999 David J. Linden (grad student)
Anna K. TalagaOlfactory signal transduction2010 Haiqing Zhao (grad student)
Amy Tams.cerevisiae, membrane biology, ABC transporters, protein degradation mechanisms2000 Susan Michaelis (grad student)
Kellie L. Tamashironeuroendocrinology, stress, ingestive behavior Timothy H. Moran (post-doc)
Benjamin Jacob Tamber-Rosenauattention, visual attention, working memory, cognitive control, fMRI20052010 Steven Yantis (grad student), Steven Yantis (research assistant)
Michael M. TamkunIon Channels Douglas Fambrough (post-doc)
Han Tan
Miho TanakaPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology, Social Psychology, Asian American Studies2012 Hee-Soon Juon (grad student)
Stephanie Tankou Akira Sawa (grad student)
Darya Taskolfaction Biology2021 Andrew G. Gordus (post-doc)
LaiHock TayIon channels2008 David T. Yue (grad student)
Ellie K. Taylor Psychological & Brain Sciences20192020 Jeffrey Bowen (research assistant)
Martin Teicher Psychology19731977 Elliott Blass (grad student)
Philip Teitelbaummovement1954 Eliot Stellar (grad student)
Herman TeitelbaumHippocampus, opiates
Francisco Tejada2007 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Francesco V. Tenorespinal locomotion circuits2008 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student), Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Nitish V. ThakorBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Optics Physics
Pramodsingh H. ThakurSomatosensory2009 Steven S. Hsiao (grad student)
Gareth Thomas
Samuel Thomasautomatic speech recognition Electrical and Computer Engineering2012 Hynek Hermansky (grad student)
Reid Thompson
Michael Thomsen2014 Samer S. Hattar (grad student)
Kurt A. ThoroughmanMotor control19952000 Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Fang TianHippocampus2012 Cheng Wang (grad student)
Siran Tian Tatjana Trcek (grad student)
Ruth J. TincoffEarly language development, word comprehension19962001 Peter W. Jusczyk (grad student)
Natasha Noel TirkoNeuroscience, Biomedical Engineering Otolaryngology20072009 David K. Ryugo (grad student)
Alyssa Toda
Alexis Andrie ToliverNeurobiology Neuroscience20132016 Amy Jo Bastian (research assistant)
Van-Khue T. TonYeast biology, Ion transport, Fungicides2005 Rajini Rao (grad student)
Gelsy Torres-OviedoMotor adaptation, locomotion, balance control, motor control2007 Amy Jo Bastian (post-doc)
Christopher D. ToscanoToxicology, Public Health, Neuroscience Biology2005 Tomas R. Guilarte (grad student)
Luis B Tovar-y-RomoNeurodegeneration Neurology20102013 Norman Haughey (post-doc)
Tammy T. Tranmemory, fmri, hippocampus Arnold Bakker (grad student), Michela Gallagher (grad student)
Tatjana TrcekRNA biology, germ cell development, single molecule microscopy
Yada Treesukosol Timothy H. Moran (post-doc)
Carlos Tristan Akira Sawa (grad student)
Nicolas X. TritschBasal Ganglia, Synaptic Physiology, Motor Control20042010 Dwight Bergles (grad student)
Susan C. TrowMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Virology Biology2009 Christine Zink (grad student)
Paul O. P. Ts'obiophysics
Yien C. TsaiBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Pathology2003 Nitish V. Thakor (grad student)
Takashi Tsunenari Akimichi Kaneko (research scientist)
Stina M. TuckerMouse models of neurodegenerative disease2008 David R. Borchelt (grad student)
Kathleen Turanospace perception, low vision
Xander Twombly Kenneth O. Johnson (grad student)
Bradley J. UndemNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
Carol UnderwoodPublic Health, Developmental Psychology
Shanmukha Aditya UpadhyayulaVisual system, Attention, Memory Psychological and Brain Sciences20162020 Jonathan Flombaum (grad student)
Elizabeth Urban Biology Robert J Johnston (grad student)
Robert W. Van BovenSomatosensory, Brain plasticity and recovery19871990 Kenneth O. Johnson (post-doc)
Peter C.M. van Zijlmagnetic resonance
youna Vandaeledrug addiction, habit, decision-making, dorsal striatum psychological and brain sciences2016 Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Erin VasudevanMotor control, motor learning, locomotion, rehabilitation20072010 Amy Jo Bastian (post-doc)
Pavan A. VaswaniMotor control20112014 Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Barry D. VaughanVisual perception19931997 Steven Yantis (grad student)
Siavash Vaziri C Edward Connor (post-doc)
Francisco Vega-Bermudez Kenneth O. Johnson (grad student)
Francisco VelascoFunctional Neurosurgery19641969 Arthur Earl Walker (grad student)
Ajay VermaCell signalling Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Sergio Vicencio-Jimenez Amanda M. Lauer (grad student)
Kayla Viets Biology Robert J Johnston (grad student)
Arjun VijaykumarTissue Engineering Shinuo Weng (grad student)
Andrea VillantiPublic Health2010 Janice V. Bowie (grad student)
Manuel M. VindiolaNeuroscience Biology, Applied Mathematics, Cognitive Psychology Cognitive Science2013 Michael McCloskey (grad student)
William VinjeSystems2010 C Edward Connor (research scientist)
Rachel VisteinGPCRs, visual system, inhibitory neurons Neuroscience20212024 Kristina J. Nielsen (post-doc)
Mayuri Viswanathan Mladen-Roko Rasin (grad student), Mladen-Roko Rasin (grad student)
Miguel Vivar-Lazo Neuroscience20182024 Christopher R. Fetsch (grad student)
R. J. Vogelsteinspinal locomotion circuits2007 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student)
Joshua Tzvi Vogelsteincomputational, circuit inference, fluorescence imaging2009 Eric D. Young (grad student)
Susan VoglmaierNeurotransmitters Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Herbert F. Voigtauditory system, dorsal cochlear nucleus19771979 Eric D. Young (grad student)
Lenora Volk
Rudiger Von Der Heydt
Lukas Voortman Biology Robert J Johnston (grad student)
Kathryn Wagner
Karl J. Wahlin Neuroscience20072009 Donald J. Zack (grad student)
Earl WalkerNeurosurgery
Arthur Earl WalkerNeurosurgery
Crystal Wall Haiqing Zhao (grad student)
Mark WalshDevelopment synapse elimination
Megan Kay WalshCognitive Neuroscience2009 Susan M. Courtney (grad student), Amy Lynne Shelton (grad student)
Charlie Walters
Mingxuan Wangsensory processing and learning Biomedical Engineering2021 Patrick O. Kanold (grad student)
Qi Wang Tatjana Trcek (grad student)
Xiaoqin WangAuditory cortex Murray B. Sachs (grad student), Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Jian WangNeuroscience20042006 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Cheng WangHippocampus2011 Jim Knierim (post-doc)
Zhiyou Wang
Yunyan Wang
Jiou Wang2002 David R. Borchelt (grad student)
Qingliang Wang2003 Donald J. Zack (grad student)
Song S. WangOlfaction2002 Randall R. Reed (grad student)
Tao Wang20002006 Craig Montell (grad student)
Bryan Kevin WardVestibular, physiology20112018 John Carey (post-doc), Charles Della Santina (post-doc)
Michaela WarneckeBiosonar and Systems Neuroscience2013 Cynthia F. Moss (grad student)
Douglas Wartzok Carelton Ray (grad student)
Crystal C. WatkinsAdult Psychiatry2003 Akira Sawa (post-doc), Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Erin E. Watkins2013 Russell L. Margolis (grad student)
John B. WatsonBehaviorism
Ray L. WattersonEmbryology
Michael R. Weed Psychiatry19992001 Robert D. Hienz (post-doc)
Diana D. WeedmanAuditory System19921996 David K. Ryugo (grad student)
Elise WeertsAddiction Research
Xueying Wei2002 Ted M. Dawson (grad student)
Letitia A. WeigandPhysiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Immunology2012 Bradley J. Undem (grad student)
Herbert Weingartner James Earl Deese (grad student)
Alexander R. WeissBrain machine interfacing, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, cognitive neurophysiology Department of Neurology2018 Nathan E. Crone (post-doc)
Catherine Jeanne Chalenski Weiszauditory system, spiral ganglion neuron, synaptic transmission, olivocochlear efferents20072011 Paul A. Fuchs (grad student)
Robert Welsh Physics19851992 Leon Madansky (grad student)
Shinuo WengTissue Morphogenesis
Frank S. WerblinRetina1968 John E. Dowling (grad student)
J. K. WernerNeurotransmitters2012 Solomon H. Snyder (grad student)
Michael WertheimerPerception, Cognition, Psycholinguistics, History of Psychology Psychology1949 Wendell R (Tex) Garner (grad student)
John A. WhiteNeuronal Dynamics19841990 Eric D. Young (grad student), Paul B. Manis (grad student)
Kristin L. Whitfordthe specification of connections in the developing cerebral cortex2004 Anirvan Ghosh (grad student)
Sasrutha R. Wickramasinghesignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors2009 David D. Ginty (grad student)
John Eric WidloskiSpatial Navigation and Memory David Foster (post-doc)
Tyler WiedIon channels, biophysics, glutamate receptors, molecular dynamics simulation, x-ray crystallography Albert Lau (grad student)
Robert W WileyWritten language, visual perception, spelling, aphasia, dysgraphia Cognitive Science Cognitive Science20122018 Brenda Rapp (grad student), Soojin J. Park (grad student)
Christina WilliamsBehavioral Neuroscience, Neuroendocrinology Elliott Blass (post-doc)
Benjamin Harrison WillierDevelopment, endocrine systems
Ashley M. Wilson Psychiatry Akira Sawa (research assistant)
Daryl E. WilsonVisual Attention20032006 Steven Yantis (post-doc)
Raimond L. Winslow Murray B. Sachs (grad student)
Amy WisniewskiSex differences
Michael Wolfgang Xin-Yuan Fu (post-doc)
Michael WolmetzSpeech, Language, Attention, Auditory Scene Analysis, Neuropsychology, Neuroimaging, Psychacoustics20052011 Brenda Rapp (grad student)
Philip C. Wongmolecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases Donald L. Price (research scientist)
Aaron L. Wongmotor control, motor learning20062012 Mark Shelhamer (grad student)
Jae Hyung WooComputational Neuroscience, decision-making Psychological & Brain Sciences20182019 Christopher J. Honey (research assistant)
Barnes Woodhall
Nigel Woolfauditory system, anatomy, neuroscience, molecular biology, development, immunology Neurobiology19711974 Murray B. Sachs (post-doc), Murray B. Sachs (post-doc), edmund gould (grad student)
Tom Woolf
Clinton Woolsey Philip Bard (grad student)
Clifford Ian WorkmanMorality, Aesthetics, Psychiatry Neuropsychiatry2008 Gwenn S Smith (research assistant)
Christopher D. Workman Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering2021 Justus M Kebschull (grad student), Patrick O. Kanold (grad student)
Paul F. WorleySynaptic plasticity Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc), Daniel Nathans (post-doc), Armin Schneider (collaborator)
Debora D. WrightAuditory System
Morgan Wright Jin Bo (grad student)
Zhuhao Wu2011 Alex Kolodkin (grad student)
Melissa Wu19931994 David K. Ryugo (post-doc)
Hao Wumouse genetics, neurological disorders
Zhuhao Wu2011 Guo-Li Ming (grad student)
Yen-Ching Wu2011 Jay M. Baraban (grad student)
Jun Xia19972001 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Qiaojie Xiongion channels, trafficking2008 Min Li (grad student)
Sheng Xu2009 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Guilian Xutransgenic mice, Alzheimer's disease, ALS,19992001 David R. Borchelt (grad student)
Jing XuMotor Control John W. Krakauer (post-doc)
Kitty Z. XuCognitive and executive control of behavior Veit Stuphorn (grad student), Steven Yantis (grad student), Tirin Moore (research assistant), Jay A. Edelman (research assistant)
Xian-Zhong Xu19962000 Craig Montell (grad student)
Hong Xu19982004 Craig Montell (grad student)
Minnan XuMotor Control2010 Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Wenxin W. Xu cell biology20182018 Susan Michaelis (research assistant)
Minnan Xu-WilsonMotor control20052010 Reza Shadmehr (grad student)
Naohide YamamotoSpatial Cognition, Navigation20022007 Amy Lynne Shelton (grad student)
Yukako YamaneObject vision C Edward Connor (post-doc)
Feitong YangVision Science, Decision Making2013 Jonathan Flombaum (grad student)
You-Ping YangSystems neuroscience, Decision-making Veit Stuphorn (grad student)
Zhuonan Yangmemory, learning Neuroscience20162018 Ingie Hong (research assistant)
Philemon S. YangIon channels2013 David T. Yue (grad student)
Lin Lin YangSpinal Cord, Notch Signalling2005 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
Hongdian Yang20122016 Daniel H. O'Connor (post-doc)
Stephen YantisCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Steven YantisAttention, Cognitive Control, fMRI
Julia Yarmolinskayalanguage2010 Brenda Rapp (grad student)
David Yaronvisual system, attention, neuroimaging20052007 Steven Yantis (research assistant), Adam S. Greenberg (research assistant)
Jeffrey M. Yausensory systems, touch, multisensory processing, body representations Steven S. Hsiao (grad student), C Edward Connor (grad student), John E. Desmond (post-doc)
King-Wai Yauvision, olfaction
Kingwai YauNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics
Haihong Yesignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors2004 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Bing YeNeuroscience, Cell biology, Genetics, Drosophila, Mammal19962001 Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Zengyou YeNeural Computation of Motor Function
Ziqing Yi Tatjana Trcek (research assistant)
Mingyao Ying
Kathleen M. Yoderbehavioral neuroscience, birdsong Gregory F. Ball (post-doc)
Robert YolkenNeurovirology
Adeline Yong Neuroscience Richard L. Huganir (grad student)
Takashi YoshiokaSomatosensory Research20052005 Kenneth O. Johnson (research scientist), Steven S. Hsiao (collaborator), James C. Craig (collaborator), Junhao Huang (collaborator)
Wen-Kai You2014 Shreesh P. Mysore (grad student)
Eric D. YoungAuditory system19701973 Murray B. Sachs (grad student)
Kelly A. YoungBehavioral Neuroendocrinology19962000 Randy J. Nelson (grad student)
W Scott Youngoxytocin, vasopressin, behavior19771980 Michael J. Kuhar (grad student), Saul Roseman (research assistant)
Huimin Yu2010 Jeremy Nathans (grad student)
Chao Yuspatial navigation, hippocampus
Jonathan W. Yumolecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases2010 Philip C. Wong (grad student)
Hung-Hsiang YuDevelopment, Axon guidance2001 Alex Kolodkin (grad student)
Zhou Yu
Jane J. YuBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology2004 Eric D. Young (grad student)
Joseph P. YuanSynaptic plasticity2003 Paul F. Worley (grad student)
David T. YueIon channels
Ward Yuhas Paul A. Fuchs (grad student)
Donald J. ZackVisual system, rhodopsin, gene expression Molecular Biology and Genetics19881991 Jeremy Nathans (post-doc)
Joanna M. Zarach2004 Catherine C. Thompson (grad student)
Troy Zarcone Psychiatry19941996 Robert D. Hienz (post-doc)
Oscar A. ZariskiMathematics
David S. ZeeVestibular system, Oculomotor system, Cerebellum David A. Robinson (collaborator)
Mariela Zeledon Akira Sawa (grad student)
Tia L. ZenoPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology, Theory and Methods Health, Behavior and Society2012 Janice V. Bowie (grad student)
Xiping ZhanSynaptic integration, neurotoxicity, neurodegeneration, hearing, IPSCs induced neurons Neurology, Kennedy Krieger Institute20142008 David K. Ryugo (post-doc), David J. Linden (post-doc), Mingyao Ying (collaborator)
Yali V. ZhangSensory biology, TRP channels2013 Craig Montell (grad student)
Zhaonian ZhangNeuromorphic engineering2009 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Jie (Jack) Zhangcomputational neuroscience, image sensor, instrumentation20102016 Ralph Etienne-Cummings (grad student)
Hong Zhang Jennifer H. Elisseeff (grad student)
Jingliang Simon Zhang Biology Department20202025 Robert J Johnston (grad student)
Hong ZhangPain and addiction
Yanjun Zhang
Kechen Zhang
Ke ZhangNeurodegenaerative disease
Lingyun ZhaoPrimate Vocalization, Motor-auditory interactions2010 Xiaoqin Wang (grad student)
Haiqing ZhaoMamalian Olfaction, olfactory signal transduction
Sika Zheng2007 Catherine C. Thompson (grad student)
Yixian ZhengCell biology
Haining Zhong2002 King-Wai Yau (grad student)
Yong-Di Zhou
Feng ZhouVision, Brain imaging
Fengquan Zhouaxon growth and regeneration
Yi ZhouAuditory system
Haolang Zhou2011 Andreas Andreou (grad student)
Yi ZhouAuditory system20052012 Xiaoqin Wang (post-doc)
Qianwen Zhu Neuroscience Richard L. Huganir (post-doc)
Meng Zhu Marketing Carey K. Morewedge (grad student)
Hean ZhuangClinical Trials 20022006 Sylvain Doré (post-doc)
Christine ZinkZoology Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Jennifer L. ZiskinNeuro-glial synapses20032009 Dwight Bergles (grad student)
Jennifer M. Zoshspatial cognition, language, development2009 Barbara Landau (grad student)
John Zubek1950 Eliot Stellar (grad student)
Larry Zweifel2006 David D. Ginty (grad student)