Jon R. Fee, Ph.D.

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
"Jon Fee"
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Todd E. Thiele grad student 2007 UNC Chapel Hill
 (The role of protein kinase A and stress in ethanol -induced locomotor sensitization.)
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Hayes DM, Fee JR, McCown TJ, et al. (2012) Neuropeptide Y signaling modulates the expression of ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization in mice. Addiction Biology. 17: 338-50
Sparta DR, Ferraro FM, Fee JR, et al. (2009) The alcohol deprivation effect in C57BL/6J mice is observed using operant self-administration procedures and is modulated by CRF-1 receptor signaling. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 33: 31-42
Sparta DR, Sparrow AM, Lowery EG, et al. (2008) Blockade of the corticotropin releasing factor type 1 receptor attenuates elevated ethanol drinking associated with drinking in the dark procedures. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 32: 259-65
Fee JR, Sparta DR, Picker MJ, et al. (2007) Corticotropin releasing factor-1 receptor antagonist, CP-154,526, blocks the expression of ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization in DBA/2J mice. Neuroscience. 150: 14-21
Sparta DR, Fee JR, Knapp DJ, et al. (2007) Elevated anxiety-like behavior following ethanol exposure in mutant mice lacking neuropeptide Y (NPY). Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 90: 297-300
Fee JR, Knapp DJ, Sparta DR, et al. (2006) Involvement of protein kinase A in ethanol-induced locomotor activity and sensitization. Neuroscience. 140: 21-31
Grisel JE, Allen S, Nemmani KV, et al. (2005) The influence of dextromethorphan on morphine analgesia in Swiss Webster mice is sex-specific. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 81: 131-8
Fee JR, Sparta DR, Knapp DJ, et al. (2004) Predictors of high ethanol consumption in RIIbeta knock-out mice: assessment of anxiety and ethanol-induced sedation. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 28: 1459-68
Sparta DR, Fee JR, Hayes DM, et al. (2004) Peripheral and central administration of a selective neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor antagonist suppresses ethanol intake by C57BL/6J mice. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 28: 1324-30
Thiele TE, Sparta DR, Hayes DM, et al. (2004) A role for neuropeptide Y in neurobiological responses to ethanol and drugs of abuse. Neuropeptides. 38: 235-43
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