University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jonathan S. AbramowitzClinical Psychology
Nii A. Addy20072010 R. Mark Wightman (post-doc)
Caroline B. Adelmanclinical psychology, peer relations Psychology2012 Mitchell J. Prinstein (grad student)
Abigail AgogliaBehavioral neuroscience, Alcohol Pharmacology20172011 C.J. Malanga (grad student), Clyde W. Hodge (grad student), Melissa A. Herman (post-doc)
Anna V. AgranovichClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Psychology2009 A T. Panter (grad student)
Cendra AgulhonGlia20052012 Ken D. McCarthy (post-doc)
Nathan S. AhlgrimHippocampus, Memory Neuroscience20102014 Glenn K. Matsushima (research assistant)
Sangtae AhnNeuroscience, Artificial Intelligence2016 Flavio Frohlich (post-doc)
Sankaraleengam AlagapanECoG, Brain Stimulation20142018 Flavio Frohlich (post-doc)
William A. Aldridge IIClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2008 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Morgan L Alexander Psychiatry2016 Flavio Frohlich (research assistant)
Sara Algoegratitude Barbara L. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Cleber Alhobiodiversity conservation1977 R. Haven Wiley, Jr. (grad student)
Bonnie D. Allen Computer Science19992007 Gregory Welch (grad student)
Richard Kyle Alley Jonathan A. Marshall (grad student)
Antoine G. Almontehippocampus, amygdala, synaptic plasticity, protease-activated receptor, astrocyte-neuron interactions, alcohol, addiction20112014 Ken D. McCarthy (post-doc)
Oscar AlzateAlzheimer's disease, Neuroproteomics
Alice S. AmmermanNutrition, Public Health, Psychobiology Psychology
Lauren G. AndersonStroke, Alzheimer's disease, neurodegeneration Neurobiology2008 David Y. Huang (grad student)
Sarah F. Andres Cell and Molecular Physiology2014 Kay Lund (grad student)
Eva Anton
Lisa M. AntoszewskiCell cycle Biology2007 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Holly A. AppanaitisEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education, Special Education2003 Robin A. McWilliam (grad student)
Brandon J. AragonaAddiction, neuroendocrinology, electrochemistry Regina M. Carelli (post-doc)
Diane Armao Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Erin G. ArmerClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Andrea Hussong (grad student)
Jason D. ArndtCognitive Psychology2000 Elliot Hirschman (grad student)
Daniel K. ArnemanCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology Cell & Molecular Physiology2007 Carol A. Otey (grad student)
Heather A. ArnettNeuroinflammation, multiple sclerosis19972002 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Janelle C. ArthurNeuroinflammation Microbiology & Immunology2009 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Charles AskewSensory Neuroscience2015 Richard J. Samulski (post-doc)
Larisa I. Avens2003 Kenneth J. Lohmann (grad student)
Aya Avishai-YitshakMindfulness, Positive Psychology
Leslie BabinskiTeacher Training Education
Erika J. BagleyDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2011 Martha Cox (grad student)
Terri A. BaileyMass Communications Journalism & Mass Communication2008 Rhonda Gibson (grad student)
Jessica H. BakerClinical Psychology
Ruth E. BaldasaroPsychometrics Psychology, Statistics Psychology2013 Daniel J. Bauer (grad student)
Andrea Pelletier Baldelli Psychology & Neuroscience2021 Margaret A. Sheridan (post-doc)
Curtis Balmer2004 Anthony LaMantia (grad student)
Rebecca E. BalterDrugs of abuse, depression Clyde W. Hodge (grad student)
Michael J. BaltzleySensory systems19992006 Kenneth J. Lohmann (grad student)
Gillian A Barkellbehavioral neuroscience Psychology & Neuroscience2019 Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
Brianne R BarkerImmunology, Virology20092011 Jenny P-Y Ting (post-doc)
Anthony Paul BarnesNeural development20042008 Franck Polleux (post-doc), Sharon Milgram (post-doc), Jason J Yi (collaborator)
Stanley BaroneToxicology, Neuroscience Biology
Andrew C. Barrett2003 Mitchell J. Picker (grad student)
Ann L. BarrickClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Black Studies, Gerontology
Sean C. Barronligand-gated ion channels, synaptic transmission Neurobiology20052010 Robert L. Rosenberg (grad student)
Samantha W. BarryEducational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology, Special Education2003 Deborah Hatton (grad student)
Chris BartlettToxicology, Genetics2006 Bernard E. Weissman (grad student)
Marcus Basiri20142012 Tomer Avidor-Reiss (research assistant), Garret D. Stuber (grad student)
Irene M. Baskerville-Abraham Toxicology2009 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
Gregory BasuraAuditory Cortex, Serotonin20052010 Paul B. Manis (post-doc)
Dee Ann Batten Psychology Mark I. Appelbaum (grad student)
Jillian Battista Psychology & Neuroscience2020 Charlotte A. Boettiger (grad student)
Donald BaucomClinical Psychology, Nutrition Psychology William Grant Dahlstrom (grad student)
Daniel J. Bauer2000 Jean-Louis Gariepy (grad student)
Alan BaumeisterHistory of neuroscience19821984 George R. Breese (post-doc)
Mark G. BaxterLearning and memory19931997 Michela Gallagher (grad student)
Madigan L BedardBNST, Opioid Use Disorder, Neural Circuitry, Electrophysiology
Aysenil BelgerCognitive Neuroscience - Neuroimaging, working memory, schizophrenia
Anna Marie Belle Chemistry2013 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Julie Bennett Ray Dingledine (grad student)
LeeMarie A. BenshoffEarly Childhood Education, Individual and Family Studies Education2014 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Sliman J. Bensmaiasomatosensory neuroscience and neuroprosthetics19962003 Mark Hollins (grad student)
Ilana Berman Psychology & Neuroscience20202022 Margaret A. Sheridan (post-doc)
Noah C. BermanClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Jonathan S. Abramowitz (grad student)
Randi S. BerryReading Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Early Childhood Education2001 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Joyce BesheerBehavioral Neuroscience of Addiction20022006 Clyde W. Hodge (post-doc)
Miri BeskenCognitive Psychology, General Psychology Psychology2011 Neil W. Mulligan (grad student)
Bryan L. BetzMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2002 Bernard E. Weissman (grad student)
Manna Beyene Neurobiology2009 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Kanokporn Bhalangpain2003 William Maixner (grad student)
David Bjorklund Psychology Peter Ornstein (grad student)
Dick BlackburnManagement Business Administration, Black Studies, Industrial Psychology
Kimberly D. Blake2001 Dianne L. Chambless (grad student)
Hart BlantonSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Kevin R. BlauthImmunology Neurobiology2012 Silva Markovic-Plese (grad student)
Andrew R. BlightNeuroscience Biology
Elmarie Bodes2004 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
James W. BodfishAutism
Jim W. Bodfish
Giorgia Boero Psychiatry2018 A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
Charlotte A. BoettigerAddiction, Executive function
John Peyton Bohnsack Pharmacology20132017 A Leslie Morrow (grad student)
Adrienne S. Bonar
Julia Bondareva Psychology and Neuroscience20212022 Benjamin Land Gorman (research assistant)
Daniel E. Bonderastrocyte Neurobiology2014 Ken D. McCarthy (grad student)
Angela Y. Boninodevelopment of hearing Speech & Hearing Sciences: Doctoral2012 Lori J. Leibold (grad student)
Harriet A. BooneSpecial Education, Early Childhood Education, Clinical Psychology
Narisa Bordeerat Environmental Sciences & Engineering2011 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
Dante S. BortoneDevelopmental Neuroscience Neurobiology Neurobiology20032008 Paul B. Manis (grad student), Franck Polleux (grad student)
Thomas W. Bouldindiagnostic neuropathology, experimental neurotoxicology, human and experimental peripheral neuropathies, and diagnostic ophthalmic pathology
Natasha K. BowenSocial Work, Educational Psychology Education
Kevin N. BoydAlcohol, GABA, neurosteroids Toxicology2009 A Leslie Morrow (grad student)
Michael Richard Boylebrain stimulation, computational neuroscience, visual system2013 Flavio Frohlich (grad student)
Ryan J. Bradyevolution of multiple memory systems Psychology20122014 Kelly S. Giovanello (research assistant)
D. Cristopher BraggNeuroscience19942000 Rick B. Meeker (grad student)
Tershona BranchAdolescent Alcohol Misuse, Endothelial Cell Biology, Peer Relations Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience20212022 Charlotte A. Boettiger (research assistant), Madeline Robertson (research assistant)
Ann E. BrandClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Paul M. Brinich (grad student)
John C. BrantleyGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology
Katherine R. BredehoeftPersonality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2000 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
George R. BreeseNeuropharmacology, dopamine, alcohol
Hayes Brenner Mark D. Shen (grad student)
Noel T. BrewerMedical decision making
Honoree W BrewtonBehavioral Neuroscience, Psychology, Alcohol Use Disorders Psychology and Neuroscience20172023 Todd E. Thiele (grad student)
Paul M. BrinichClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Margaret A. Broadwater Donita L. Robinson (post-doc)
Teon L. Brookspsycholinguistics, word recognition, MEG methods20082011 Peter C. Gordon (research assistant)
Jeffrey A. Brookssocial perception, social categorization, emotion, social neuroscience Psychology20132015 Kristen A. Lindquist (research assistant)
Justin T. Browndopamine neuropharmacology Pharmacology2008 Richard B. Mailman (grad student)
Robin Dara Brown
Nina Browner
David J. Buccilearning, memory, acetylcholine, attention19941998 Michela Gallagher (grad student), Peter C. Holland (grad student)
Jennifer Y. BucciNeuroscience Biology2001 Andrew R. Blight (grad student)
Elizabeth Showalter Bucher Chemistry2014 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Francois Budin20072007 Sylvain Bouix (grad student)
Evgeny A. Budygin R. Mark Wightman (post-doc)
Cynthia M. Bulikeating disorders
kyle s. burgerEating Behavior, Obesity
Ricky BurgessTeams
Ricky BurgessTeams
Melissa BurkleySocial Psychology2006 Hart Blanton (grad student)
Sabrina S. Burmeisterneuroethology, animal communication, behavioral endocrinology
Alison R. BurnsClinical Psychology Psychology2014 Andrea Hussong (grad student)
Frank H. BurtonPharmacology, Mental Health, Behavioral Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Microbiology & Immunology19801986 Clyde A. Hutchison (grad student)
Emily Busspsychoacoustics2001 Joseph Hall (post-doc)
Lauren V. Butler20222024 Margaret A. Sheridan (research assistant)
Virginia M. BuysseDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education
Daniel M. CableManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Tom W. CadwalladerBehavioral development, probabilistic epigenesis2000 Gilbert Gottlieb (grad student)
Li CaiQuantitative Psychology20032008 Robert C. MacCallum (grad student), David M. Thissen (grad student)
Shaun D. CainNeuroethology, magnetoreception, Tritonia research2001 Kenneth J. Lohmann (grad student)
Leigh F. CallahanBehavioral Psychology, Public Health, Physiological Psychology
Courtney M. Cameron Psychology2014 Regina M. Carelli (grad student)
Marie Camerota
Luke CampagnolaAuditory system, electrophysiology Neurobiology2013 Paul B. Manis (grad student)
Marci K. CampbellPublic Health, Behavioral Sciences Psychology
W. Keith Campbell
L. Grant Canipe, IIIDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Reginald D. CannadyGlutamate and addiction Neurobiology20092013 Joyce Besheer (grad student), Clyde W. Hodge (grad student)
Kelly Elizabeth Caravellafragile x syndrome, autism spectrum disorders Karen M. Grewen (post-doc)
Salvatore T. Carbonettodevelopment of synapses Motoy Kuno (grad student), Neal Weakly (grad student)
Regina M. Carelli R. Mark Wightman (collaborator)
Robert A. CarelsClinical Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology Donald Baucom (grad student)
Stephen L. Carlson20102015 A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
Kimberly LH Carpenterneuroimaging, pediatric disorders Neurobiology20062011 Julian R. Keith (research assistant), Joseph Piven (grad student), Aysenil Belger (grad student)
Francesca D. CarpentierMass Communications, Cognitive Psychology, Marketing Business Administration
Madeline M. CarrigPsychometrics Psychology, Statistics2005 Patrick J. Curran (grad student)
Kelly A. CarriganPsychoneuroimmunology2002 Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
John B. Carroll
Richard B. Carterbehavioral pharmacology, drug discovery, drug development19771983 Linda A. Dykstra (grad student), J. David Leander (grad student)
Charles W. Carter
Seth E. CarterSocial Psychology2006 Lawrence J. Sanna (grad student)
C. Sue Carterlove, sexual behavior, monogamy
Carissa J. CascioSomatosensory system, autism, fMRI, DTI20032007 Joseph Piven (post-doc)
Alexandra B. Castle KrollDevelopmental Psychology, Women's Studies, Higher Education2004 Martha Cox (grad student)
David N. CavalloPublic Health Nutrition2012 Alice S. Ammerman (grad student)
Pelin M. Cayirliogluolfactory system19972003 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Jingjing ChaiCell Biology, Oncology2005 Bernard E. Weissman (grad student)
Sheau Ching Chai Psychology & Neuroscience20112013 Carol L. Cheatham (post-doc)
Mukta Chakrabortyneuroethology, animal communication, behavioral endocrinology Biology2010 Sabrina S. Burmeister (grad student)
Kylie R Chandlerclose relationships
Madison C. Chandler20212023 Johna K. Register-Mihalik (post-doc)
Yen-Ping Chang Psychology and Neuroscience20132018 Sara Algoe (grad student)
Vicki West Chanon2007 Charlotte A. Boettiger (post-doc), Joseph B. Hopfinger (grad student)
Carol L. CheathamDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Marco Siyuan ChenQuantitative Psychology2018 Daniel J. Bauer (grad student)
Jianyong Chennicotinic receptors, Na channels, neural regeneration2001 Robert L. Rosenberg (grad student)
Lihong Chen2000 Sharon Milgram (grad student)
Fan ChenBehavioral pharmacology, autism, alcohol2006 J. Elliott Robinson (grad student)
Youjun Chen Cell & Molecular Physiology2010 William Snider (grad student)
Cory K. ChenClinical Psychology, Gerontology Psychology2007 Marilyn Hartman (grad student)
Hong Chen Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Meng ChenStriatal physiology and plasticity20122014 C.J. Malanga (post-doc)
Hung-Yu Chen
Andrea A. ChibaLearning and Memory19931997 Michela Gallagher (post-doc)
Debra M. Childress Psychology2008 J. Steven Reznick (grad student)
Amy ChildressEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education Education: School Psychology2011 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Joannellyn ChiuSomatosensory Cortex, Autism2006 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Wonil Choilanguage Psychology2013 Peter C. Gordon (grad student)
Daniel Jospeh ChristoffelReward, Feeding, Stress, Depression, Neuronal Plasticity
James J. ChrobakHippocampus Memory19841988 Thomas J. Walsh (grad student)
Pei-Hsuan Chu Pharmacology2013 Klaus Michael Hahn (grad student)
Jonathan CiencewickiToxicology Toxicology2007 Ilona Jaspers (grad student)
Brittney Ciszek Oral Biology20122016 Andrea G. Nackley (grad student)
Meredith D. ClarkMass Communications, Journalism, Web Studies, Black Studies, African American Studies Journalism (Mass Communication)2014 Rhonda Gibson (grad student)
Angela T. ClarkeClinical Psychology2002 Beth Kurtz-Costes (grad student)
Matthew G ClaytonClinical Psychology Psychology and Neurosciencw Mitchell J. Prinstein (grad student)
Katherine M. ClearyCognitive Neuroscience - Neuroimaging, working memory, schizophrenia Neurobiology2013 Aysenil Belger (grad student)
Casey M. ClementsNeuroinflammation Microbilogy & Immunology2007 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Amanda R. ClincyGeneral Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, African American Studies, Women's Studies Psychology2012 Martha Cox (grad student)
Meghan W. CodyAnxiety disorders, cognitive processing20022005 Thomas L. Rodebaugh (research assistant), Steffany J. Fredman (collaborator), James C. Garbutt (research assistant)
Kimberly A. Coffeypositive emotions Psychology2009 Barbara L. Fredrickson (grad student)
Jennifer L. Coffman2005 Peter Ornstein (grad student)
Donna L. Coffman2005 Robert C. MacCallum (grad student)
Taya R. Cohen Psychology2008 Chester Insko (grad student)
Amelia Cohen Physics & Astronomy2011 Paul Tiesinga (grad student)
Jessica R. CohenFunctional Connectivity, Graph Theory, Executive Control, Developmental Disorders
Leon G. ColemanAlcoholism Neurobiology2010 Fulton T. Crews (grad student)
Cameron K. CollinsSocial Sciences Education, Clinical Psychology, Special Education2006 Stephen R. Hooper (grad student)
Brian J. ContiNeuroinflammation2005 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Jason B. CookAlcohol, GABA, neurosteroids Neurobiology2013 A Leslie Morrow (grad student)
Lynnette M. CookSocial Psychology2003 Lawrence J. Sanna (grad student)
Charles D. Cook2000 Mitchell J. Picker (grad student)
Jeffrey W. Cooney
Kristine E. CoppingDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Psychology2011 Beth Kurtz-Costes (grad student)
Rebekah Corlewnicotinic receptors, Na channels, neural regeneration Neurobiology2009 Robert L. Rosenberg (grad student)
Douglas A. CotancheAuditory system1983 Kathleen K. Sulik (grad student)
Jerry CottPsychopharmacology1975 George R. Breese (grad student)
Jaeda Coutinho-BuddDevelopmental Neuroscience, Cell Biology, Glial Biology Neurobiology20072012 Franck Polleux (grad student)
Elizabeth T. CoxBehavioral pharmacology, neuroteratology, neuroimaging, maternal behavior Neurobiology2012 Josephine M. Johns (grad student)
Martha CoxClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Rebecca M. Craftsex differences in drug effects Linda A. Dykstra (grad student)
Carlton D. CraigSocial Work, Psychometrics Psychology2005 Lawrence B. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Linda W. Craigheaddepression, eating disorders, obesity
Fulton T. CrewsAlcoholism2006 George R. Breese (collaborator), Clyde W. Hodge (collaborator)
Stephen T. CrewsNeurobiology Biology
Kevin M. CroftonToxicology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Elizabeth J CroftonAddiction biology Pharmacology Psychiatry, Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies20172020 Melissa A. Herman (post-doc), A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
Jennifer L. CroninSpeech Communication, Individual and Family Studies, Cognitive Psychology Communication Studies2014 Lawrence B. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Carmen M. CrosbySocial Work, Public Health, Criminology and Penology Social Work2014 Natasha K. Bowen (grad student)
Nicole (Capik) Crowleyex vivo electrophysiology, systems neuroscience and behavioral health2015 Thomas Louis Kash (grad student)
James J. CrowleyGenetics, antipsychotics
Kaitlin Kawehionapua CummingsAutism, Neurodevelopment, Reward, sensory processing, sex differences Psychiatry2021 Gabriel S. Dichter (grad student)
Patrick J. CurranPsychometrics Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Vincent R. Curtis Applied Physical Sciences Applied Physical Sciences Jose Rodriguez-Romaguera (grad student), Nicolas Pegard (grad student)
Onur DagliyanCell Signaling Department of Pharmacology Biochemistry and Biophysics Klaus Michael Hahn (grad student), Nikolay Dokholyan (grad student)
Salam Daher
Anne M DankertPsychology and neuroscience Psychology and neuroscience2021 Todd E. Thiele (grad student)
Elyse Dankoskiserotonin20092014 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Carol Anne Dannenhofferbehavioral neuroscience Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies2018 Donita L. Robinson (post-doc)
John F. Dashiell
Jean M. DavidsonCell cycle Biology2012 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Renee DavisAdministration Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2005 John C. Brantley (grad student)
Megan Davis Psychology & Neuroscience2021 Margaret A. Sheridan (post-doc)
Jeremy J. DayLearning, Addiction, Epigenetics Psychology2009 Regina M. Carelli (grad student)
Eran Dayanbrain connectivity, network neuroscience, motor systems, neuromodulation
Felipe De BrigardMemory, Imagination Philosophy20072011 Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student), Jesse Prinz (grad student)
Emma R. DearAnxiety, Measurement, Dissemination and Implementation Science
Heather Decot Garret D. Stuber (grad student)
Jessica T. DeFrankMedical decision making Health Behavior & Education2010 Noel T. Brewer (grad student)
Jessica N. DelBovePathology, Genetics Pathology2007 Bernard E. Weissman (grad student)
Jocilyn Delluva Psychology & Neuroscience20082009 Carol L. Cheatham (post-doc)
Min DengDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2008 Jean-Louis Gariepy (grad student)
Jennifer L. Dent2002 Chester Insko (grad student)
Melissa E. DeRosierDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Carlos Patino Descovichcytoskeleton, crosslinkers, spindle, differentiation Pathology Scott E. Williams (grad student), Amy Shaub Maddox (grad student)
Mohanish Deshmukhapoptosis
Laura A. deSouzabirdsong20112012 Peter C. Gordon (research assistant)
Leslie L. DevaudNeuropharmacology of substance abuse Psychiatry19931996 A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
Ilana Dew Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student)
Mathew E. DiamondSomatosensory system Barry Whitsel (grad student)
Luda DiatchenkoMolecular Genetics of Pain Perception William Maixner (research scientist)
Jeffrey F. DiBerto20152015 C.J. Malanga (research assistant), Thomas Louis Kash (research assistant)
Gabriel S. DichterfMRI, Autism, Depression20042006 Joseph Piven (post-doc), James W. Bodfish (collaborator)
Lindsay L. Dickneurobiology, mosquito host seeking20062009 Jason Lieb (research assistant)
Cheryl L. DickterSocial Psychology, Black Studies Psycholovy20012006 Lawrence J. Sanna (grad student), Bruce D. Bartholow (grad student)
Feyza Nur DikCognitive psychology
Nina DiPrimioVirology Biology Pharmacology2009 Richard J. Samulski (grad student)
Biljana Djukicastrocyte2006 Ken D. McCarthy (grad student)
Kathy T Do Psychology and Neuroscience20152021 Eva H. Telzer (grad student)
Ping DongNeurobiology Pharmacology2023 Juan Song (post-doc)
Franc DonkersCognitive Neuroscience, NeuroPsychiatry20062009 Aysenil Belger (post-doc)
Trafton DrewVisual attention Peter C. Gordon (research assistant)
Tehya M.L. Drummond Psychology and Neuroscience2022 Jessica R. Cohen (research assistant)
Mary Druse-ManteuffelAlcohol, Neurodevelopment1972 Edward L. Hogan (grad student)
Darrell R. DuBosePharmacology, Cell Biology Pharmacology2013 Robert A. Nicholas (grad student)
Kelly Duffy Kathleen M Gates (research assistant)
Julie A. DumasCognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology2002 Marilyn Hartman (grad student)
Margaret E. DuncanPharmacology, Cell Biology Pharmacology2012 Robert A. Nicholas (grad student)
Gary Earl Duncan
William C. DuntyEmbryology, teratology, fetal alcohol syndrome2003 Kathleen K. Sulik (grad student)
Jeffrey L. Dupreeoligodendrocytes, myelin, galactolipids19952000 Brian Popko (post-doc)
Peter J. DuquetteCognitive Psychology Education: School Psychology2007 Stephen R. Hooper (grad student)
Robert J. DuronioCell cycle
Terry V. DykeGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology
Linda A. DykstraPsychopharmacology & Addiction Donald E. McMillan (post-doc)
Angie L. DysonTeacher Training Education Education: School Psychology2007 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Diane EarlySpecial Education, Early Childhood Education
David Eckerman
David Eddins Joseph Hall (grad student)
Donnie Eddins19972004 Robert L. Rosenberg (grad student)
Howard Eichenbaumhippocampus
Tory Eisenlohr-Moulmenstrual cycle, premenstrual dysphoric disorder Psychiatry Psychiatry Susan S. Girdler (post-doc), David Rubinow (post-doc)
Cihat Eldeniz Biomedical Engineering2014 Weili Lin (grad student)
Holger B. Elischberger2004 Peter Ornstein (grad student)
Jed T. Elisondevelopmental cognitive neuroscience Psychology2011 J. Steven Reznick (grad student)
Jay C. ElliottPsychoneuroimmunology2005 Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
Grace Elliott Psychology & Neuroscience2021 Charlotte A. Boettiger (grad student)
Emily A. ElstadMedical decision making Health Behavior2014 Noel T. Brewer (grad student)
Amanda L. Elton Charlotte A. Boettiger (post-doc), Wei Gao (post-doc)
Courtney S. Endres Biology2013 Kenneth J. Lohmann (grad student)
Heather W. ErbaSpecial Education, Early Childhood Education, Clinical Psychology2000 Harriet A. Boone (grad student)
Sevinc ErcanC.elegans, dosage compensation, DCC
Yuritza Y. Escalanteemotion, affect, neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience2024 Kristen A. Lindquist (grad student)
David B. EstellDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociology of Education2001 Jean-Louis Gariepy (grad student)
So-Young EunNeuroinflammation Microbiology & Immunology2009 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Dwight L. EvansBiological Psychiatry Morris A. Lipton (post-doc)
Eric T Everettcraniofacial genetics, animal models, bone homeostasis, fluoride
Andrew G. EwingBioanalytical Chemistry19831984 Royce W. Murray (post-doc)
Sara P. FaccidomoAlcohol abuse and alcoholism2007 Clyde W. Hodge (post-doc)
Nikki G Facklerreading, language
Dina Faddah Biology Todd J. Vision (research assistant)
Rebecca R. Fanelli Donita L. Robinson (grad student)
Charlotte M. Farebiochemistry, biophysics, neurodegeneration Charlotte A. Boettiger (research assistant)
Martilias Farrell Pharmacology Pharmacology2013 Bryan L. Roth (grad student), David P. Siderovski (grad student)
Monica Faulkner20122018 Charlotte A. Boettiger (grad student)
Jon R. Fee2007 Todd E. Thiele (grad student)
Sheri E. FehnelPsychometrics Psychology, Mental Health2001 A T. Panter (grad student)
Beth A. FeldmanEducational Psychology Education, Reading Education Education: School Psychology2011 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Elizabeth Roy FelixPain2000 Mark Hollins (grad student)
Joelle C. FerronSocial Work, Clinical Psychology Social Work: Doctoral (residential)2007 Kim Strom-Gottfried (grad student)
Todd A. FiaccoAstrocytes GPCR plasticity Ken D. McCarthy (post-doc)
Jenny Fiedlerepisodic memory, prospective memory Psychology20222027 Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student)
Bradford D. Fischer Psychology2008 Linda A. Dykstra (grad student)
Eric W. FishBehavioral pharmacology20132013 C.J. Malanga (post-doc), Kathleen K. Sulik (research scientist)
Zachary F Fisher Kathleen M Gates (grad student)
Rachael Paige FisherAlcohol use disorder, Alzheimer's disease, neuroimmune induction
Sylvia Fitting
Doug C. Fitzpatrick Emily Buss (collaborator)
Rebekah FlemingSynaptic Transmission and ethanol20022005 Paul B. Manis (grad student)
David B. FloraPsychometrics Psychology2002 Patrick J. Curran (grad student)
Jaclyn Ford Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student)
Samuel P. Forry2003 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Theresa M. ForsheySomatosensory Cortex, Autism Biomedical Engineering (Joint)2013 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Chris M. Foster Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience2016 Karen M. Rodrigue (post-doc), Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student)
Julie A. Fotheringhamvirology, cancer
Stacey B. FotiNeuroscience Biology, Virology Biology Neurobiology2008 Thomas McCown (grad student)
Justin C. Fowlerdopamine neuropharmacology2006 Richard B. Mailman (grad student)
Kara A. FoxAdolescent psychopathology, social media use Department of Psychology and Neuroscience2020 Mitchell J. Prinstein (grad student)
Eric FranciscoSomatosensory Cortex, Autism Biomedical Engineering2014 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Joseph C. Franklinclinical psychology, peer relations Psychology2013 Mitchell J. Prinstein (grad student)
Peter C. Frederickbiodiversity conservation1985 R. Haven Wiley, Jr. (grad student)
Steffany J. Fredman Dianne L. Chambless (grad student)
Barbara L. Fredricksonpositive emotions Karen M. Grewen (collaborator)
John H. Freemaneyeblink conditioning Mark Stanton (grad student)
Megan J. Freemandevelopmental psychopathology; emotion; bipolar disorder Psychology2012 Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
Andrew J. Freemandevelopmental psychopathology; emotion; bipolar disorder Psychology2013 Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
Emily Freeman-Daniels Charlotte A. Boettiger (grad student)
Stephanie M. FreerGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Human Development Genetics & Molecular Biology2011 Stephen T. Crews (grad student)
Kathleen A. French Ann E. Stuart (post-doc)
Peggy J. FreundEarly Childhood Education2004 Harriet A. Boone (grad student)
Joe FriedmanClinical Psychology
Flavio Frohlich
Rita A. FuchsAddiction
Emily B. FurgangSpecial Education, Occupational Therapy, Higher Education Occupational Science2013 Ruth Humphry (grad student)
Stacie A. FurstManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2004 Daniel M. Cable (grad student)
Robert E. Fyffespinal cord, motoneurons, interneurons Aldo Rustioni (post-doc)
Eric N. GadolClinical Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2007 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Christopher A. GallowayClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health2006 Andrea Hussong (grad student)
Manuel J. Galvan Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience2019 B. Keith Payne (grad student), Keely Muscatell (grad student)
Wei Gao Biomedical Engineering (Joint)2010 Weili Lin (grad student)
Lina Gao Environmental Sciences & Engineering2011 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
James C. GarbuttPharmacological treatment of alcoholism
Dea Garic Mark D. Shen (post-doc)
Jean-Louis GariepyDevelopmental Psychology
Paul A. Garris R. Mark Wightman (post-doc)
Shaina Leigh Garrison Rothcognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, memory, aging Psychology & Neuroscience2015 Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student)
Kathleen M Gates
Kristin W. GatouxClinical Psychology2007 Rune J.Simeonsson (grad student)
Monica M Gaudier-Diaz
Stephen T. Gee Cell & Developmental Biology2011 Sharon Milgram (grad student)
Raymond F. Genovese Linda A. Dykstra (grad student)
Ronny N. GentryMotivation, Value, FSCV, Electrophysiology, DA20072009 R. Mark Wightman (research assistant)
Kaylee M. Gentrycancer neuroscience
Matan GeronPain, Opioids
Jeannie Giacchino Ray Dingledine (post-doc)
Jennifer GibsonCognitive Development & Autism Psychology2012 J. Steven Reznick (grad student)
Rhonda GibsonMass Communications, Journalism, Cognitive Psychology
Felicia A. GibsonGeneral Psychology, Evaluation Education Education School Psychology2013 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Elaine S. Gilmore2001 Sharon Milgram (grad student)
John H. GilmoreNeuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Radiology
Kelly S. Giovanello
Jessica B GiraultCognitive Developmental Neuroscience Psychiatry20182018 John H. Gilmore (grad student), Joseph Piven (post-doc)
Susan S. GirdlerPhysiological Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Paul G. GiresiSpecificity and Function in Protein-Genome Interactions Biology2011 Jason Lieb (grad student)
Carol GiulianiGerontology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Developmental Psychology
Carol GiulianiGerontology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Developmental Psychology
Ben Givens George R. Breese (grad student)
Dionne R. GlastPharmacology, Cell Biology Pharmacology2009 Robert A. Nicholas (grad student)
Ashley C. GodfreyCell cycle Biology2009 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Elizabeth A. GodinEmbryology, teratology, fetal alcohol syndrome Toxicology2010 Kathleen K. Sulik (grad student)
Stephen J. Godin Toxicology2007 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
Robert GoldenBiological Psychiatry Morris A. Lipton (post-doc)
Alan J. Goldstein
Lindsay A Gomes
Fred Goodwin Morris A. Lipton (post-doc)
Deepak Gopalakrishna Genetics & Molecular Biology2010 Anthony LaMantia (grad student)
Cameron L. GordonClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Peter C. Gordonlanguage
Jennifer L. GordonPsychoneuroendocrinology, Women's Health, Psychology Psychiatry Susan S. Girdler (post-doc)
Benjamin Land GormanHiv, hand, microglia, mental health, behavior Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies20202022 Sylvia Fitting (research assistant), Barkha Yadav (research assistant), Ian Jacobs (research assistant), Alexis League (research assistant), Melissa A. Herman (research assistant)
Andrea J. GossettSpecificity and Function in Protein-Genome Interactions Biology2011 Jason Lieb (grad student)
Nisha C. GottfredsonPsychometrics Psychology Psychology2011 Daniel J. Bauer (grad student)
Gilbert GottliebBehavioral development, probabilistic epigenesis Theodore C. Schneirla (grad student)
Laura F. GouldDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Andrea Hussong (grad student)
Elijah C grablin
Jennie K. Grammer Psychology2010 Peter Ornstein (grad student)
Shana L. GrattonDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education2001 Virginia M. Buysse (grad student)
Christina L Gravessynthetic biology, immunology, neuroimmunology, epithelial cell biology Biology2018 Celia Shiau (post-doc)
Steven J. Gray20062008 Jude Samulski (post-doc)
Bernadette Gray-LittleClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Kristen M. GreeneEarly Childhood Education, Special Education, Teacher Training Education2004 Virginia M. Buysse (grad student)
Joel D. GreenspanPain, somesthesis19801984 Edward R. Perl (post-doc), Charles J. Vierck, Jr. (post-doc)
Rebecca Greiner Psychology & Neuroscience20092010 Carol L. Cheatham (post-doc)
Karen M. Grewensocial affiliation, stress, neuroendocrine systems,oxytocin, cortisol
Joshua C. GriegerMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology2005 Richard J. Samulski (grad student)
A Chistina Grobin Psychiatry19962001 A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
John H. Grosepsychoacoustics Emily Buss (collaborator)
Erin Matty Gross2001 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Julia L. Gross Mark D. Shen (research assistant)
Meredith Gruhn Margaret A. Sheridan (post-doc)
Tonya A. GscheidleClinical Psychology, Secondary Education, Educational Psychology Education Education: School of Psychology2007 Janey S. McMillen (grad student)
Oscar I. Guerra NunezMass Communications, Technology of Education, Hispanic American Studies, Elementary Education, Web Studies Journalism (Mass Communication)2014 Rhonda Gibson (grad student)
Sabrice G. GuerrierRole of membrane deforming proteins in cell motility Pharmacology20042009 Franck Polleux (grad student)
John D. Guerryclinical psychology, peer relations Psychology2012 Mitchell J. Prinstein (grad student)
Thomas S. Guillot20092010 Donita L. Robinson (post-doc), R. Mark Wightman (post-doc)
Vinay Shiam Gupta Jonathan A. Marshall (grad student)
Stephanie L. GuptonActin Dynamics, neural development, axon guidance
Alison GustafsonNutrition, Public Health Nutrition2010 Alice S. Ammerman (grad student)
Samantha J Gustafsonauditory system; development; audiology; hearing loss; pediatrics Otolaryngology Otolaryngology2018 John H. Grose (post-doc), Emily Buss (post-doc)
Hanna C. GustafssonGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2013 Martha Cox (grad student)
Rebecca A. HabermanNeuroscience Biology, Genetics2001 Thomas McCown (grad student)
Klaus Michael Hahn
Amanda Haik Andrea Hussong (grad student)
Joseph Hall
Atiyah J. Hamilton-BarlowQuantitative Psychology Psychology & Neuroscience2019 Daniel J. Bauer (grad student)
Julie A. HammerClinical Psychology Education: School Psychology2008 Deborah Hatton (grad student)
Maha A. Hana Jonathan A. Marshall (post-doc)
Timothy D. HancockClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2000 A T. Panter (grad student)
Randal A. HandDevelopmental Neuroscience Pharmacology20032009 Franck Polleux (grad student)
Zoe A HansenNonverbal behavior, emotions Psychology & Neuroscience2022 Sara Algoe (grad student)
Adam W. HantmanSensory transmission, spinal cord19992005 Edward R. Perl (grad student)
Cecily R. HardawayDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2009 Vonnie C. McLoyd (grad student)
James Andrew Hardaway2014 Thomas Louis Kash (post-doc)
Deletha P. Hardin2000 Chester Insko (grad student)
Daniel E. HarperPain, Psychophysics, Neuroimaging Psychology2014 Mark Hollins (grad student)
Waverly R. HarrellNeuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology, Medicine and Surgery Education: School Psychology2010 Stephen R. Hooper (grad student)
Joshua A. HarrillToxicology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology Toxicology2008 Kevin M. Crofton (grad student)
R. Adron HarrisNeuropharmacology1973 Louis S. Harris (grad student)
Patrick R. Harrison
Gaylia J. HarryToxicology, Neuroscience Biology
Doina P. Harsanyi2001 M. Brewster Smith (grad student)
Sarah J. HartCognitive Neuroscience - Neuroimaging, working memory, schizophrenia2007 Aysenil Belger (grad student)
Sarah J. HartPrefrontal cortex, fMRI, Neurodevelopmental disorders, Executive function2007 Aysenil Belger (post-doc), Franc Donkers (collaborator)
Kristina S. HarterClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2002 Martha Cox (grad student)
Marilyn HartmanClinical Psychology, Gerontology
Jane E. HartungNeurodegeneration, molecular neurobiology Neurobiology20112016 Andrea G. Nackley (grad student)
Hannah R. Harwooddevelopmental psychopathology; emotion; bipolar disorder Education: School Psychology2012 Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
Gloria T. Haskell2004 Anthony LaMantia (grad student)
Deborah HattonClinical Psychology
Connor M Haughey
Dayna M. Hayes Psychology2009 Todd E. Thiele (grad student)
Shenghui HeStem cells Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center20132017 Norman E. Sharpless (post-doc)
Margaret L. Healey Linda A. Dykstra (grad student)
Whitney E. HeavnerHuman Development, Genetics Genetics and Molecular Biology2013 Larysa H. Pevny (grad student)
Christine Marie Hebling Chemistry2010 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Joseph Heffner Psychology Psychology B. Keith Payne (research assistant), Kurt J. Gray (research assistant)
Michael L. Heien2005 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Samantha N. Hellberg Psychology Jonathan S. Abramowitz (grad student)
Jennifer S. HendricksonEarly Childhood Education, Women's Studies, Developmental Psychology2003 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Fredrick (Trace) Henry Linda A. Dykstra (research assistant)
Teague R. Henry Psychology and Neuroscience20172020 Kathleen M Gates (grad student), Katie Gates (grad student), Jessica R. Cohen (post-doc)
Maile Hensonsynaptic plasticity and development Benjamin D. Philpot (grad student)
John Raymond HeplerG protein signaling, RGS proteins, GPCR1988 T. Kendall Harden (grad student)
Kenneth C. Herbst2002 Chester Insko (grad student)
Andre Hermans Chemistry2007 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Christopher Leland Herold2002 Robert A. Nicholas (grad student)
Suzannah HerrmannAdministration Education2004 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Matthew A. HershClinical Psychology, Public Health Psychology2008 Andrea Hussong (grad student)
F. C. HewittMolecular Biology, Virology Biology, Public Health Genetics & Molecular Biology2009 Richard J. Samulski (grad student)
Jon Hibshman
Richard E. HicksClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Andrea Hussong (grad student)
Robert D. Hienzauditory system behavior Psychology19681971 David Eckerman (grad student)
Yasuto Higashi Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Cheryl D. HillPsychometrics Psychology2006 David M. Thissen (grad student)
Andrea Hillock-DunnAuditory Development, Multisensory Processing
Elliot HirschmanCognitive Psychology
Sean HoComputer Science, Mental Health, Radiology, Biomedical Engineering2004 Guido Gerig (grad student)
Clyde W. HodgeBehavioral neuroscience, alcohol, glutamate, protein kinases
Caleb A. Hodson2005 Sharon Milgram (grad student)
Carly K. HoffendGeneral Psychology, Native American Studies Psychology2013 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Elizabeth R. Hoffmaneating disorders Nutrition2011 Cynthia M. Bulik (grad student)
Jessica L HoffmanAlcohol, neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, developmental addiction2018 Clyde W. Hodge (post-doc)
Sarah Ruth Hoffmanepidemiology; pharmacoepidemiology Epidemiology20122019 Jennifer Susan Smith (grad student)
Jameson HoldenSomatosensory Cortex, Autism Biomedical Engineering2013 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Eduarta HollNeuroinflammation Microbiology & Immunology2010 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Jonathan Hollander2006 Regina M. Carelli (grad student)
Heidi L. HollingsworthEarly Childhood Education, Special Education2006 Virginia M. Buysse (grad student)
Mark HollinsSomatosensory systems
Lynette M. HolmanMass Communications, Journalism, Cognitive Psychology Journalism & Mass Communication2010 Rhonda Gibson (grad student)
Steven J. HolochwostDevelopmental Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology Psychology2013 Martha Cox (grad student)
Sarah E. Holsteindrug sensitivity, neurobiology of addiction2008 Clyde W. Hodge (post-doc)
Gregg E. HomanicsTransgenic mice19911993 Oliver Smithies (post-doc)
Olivia Hon Neuroscience2018 Thomas Louis Kash (grad student)
Christopher N. Hondasomatic sensory system, pain19791984 Edward R. Perl (grad student)
Patricia L. HookerClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Black Studies, Gerontology2002 Ann L. Barrick (grad student)
Stephen R. HooperCognitive Psychology
Joseph B. Hopfinger
Katherine M. HorvathToxicology, Immunology Toxicology2011 Ilona Jaspers (grad student)
James F. Howardneuromuscular junction, myasthenia gravis, complement inhibition
Elaina C. HowardEthanol-evoked dopamine release20092011 C.J. Malanga (post-doc)
Michael Howell2004 Sharon Milgram (grad student)
Chia-Wen Hsu Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Klaus Michael Hahn (grad student)
Yolanda Y. Huangapoptosis Cell & Developmental Biology2009 Mohanish Deshmukh (grad student)
Max T. HuangNeuroinflammation Oral Biology2010 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Wei Angel HuangNeuroscience, oscillation, attention
David Y. HuangStroke, Alzheimer's disease, neurodegeneration
Robert S. Hubbard Jonathan A. Marshall (grad student)
Jasmine HudepohlGeneral Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2012 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Tanee M. HudgensDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, African American Studies Psychology2012 Beth Kurtz-Costes (grad student)
Benjamin Hughes Psychiatry2016 A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
Brian T. HummerMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Oncology2000 Bernard E. Weissman (grad student)
Ruth HumphryIndustrial Psychology, Web Studies, Information Science
Andrea HussongClinical Psychology, Public Health, Individual and Family Studies
Lee HutsonPsychoneuroimmunology, Behavioral Neuroscience Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
Scott R. HuttonNeuroscience Biology, Genetics Neurobiology2009 Larysa H. Pevny (grad student)
Lara S. HwaPsychopharmacology of alcohol dependence Thomas Louis Kash (post-doc)
Jeremy D. Hyman2001 R. Haven Wiley, Jr. (grad student)
Megan Rose HyndTMS, PET/MR, neuroimaging, mood disorders
Scott B. IckesNutrition, Sub Saharan Africa Studies Nutrition2010 Alice S. Ammerman (grad student)
Dumitru A. Ilie Computer Science20002010 Gregory Welch (grad student)
Aslihan İmamoğluMemory, Emotion Regulation Psychology Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student)
Chester Insko M. Brewster Smith (grad student)
Mika Irino Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Terra IronsToxicology, Pharmacology, Neuroscience Biology Toxicology2011 Ilona Jaspers (grad student)
R. B. IrvinClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
Rune J.SimeonssonClinical Psychology
Amanda L. Jacobneuroanatomy, neurochemistry Neurobiology2012 Richard J. Weinberg (grad student)
Ian Jacobs
Mancilla JaimeAuditory system2005 Paul B. Manis (post-doc)
Daniel Janies
Anel A Jaramillo Joyce Besheer (grad student)
Thomas M. JarrettBehavioral pharmacology, neuroteratology, neuroendocrinology Neurobiology20092013 C.J. Malanga (research assistant), Josephine M. Johns (grad student)
Ilona JaspersToxicology, Pharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Amy K. Jassendopamine neuropharmacology2003 Richard B. Mailman (grad student)
Melissa M. Jenkinsdevelopmental psychopathology; emotion; bipolar disorder Psychology2013 Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
Joshua H. Jennings Neurobiology2014 Garret D. Stuber (grad student)
Yo-Chan Jeong2005 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
Sushmita Jha Cell & Molecular Physiology Cell and Molecular Physiology2009 Kay Lund (grad student), Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Stephanie B. JilcottNutrition, Public Health2006 Alice S. Ammerman (grad student)
Josephine M. JohnsMaternal behavior, neuroteratology, drug and alcohol abuse2006 Linda P. Spear (collaborator), Sheryl Moy (collaborator)
Josphine M. JohnsNeuroscience Biology
Corey S. JohnsonEmbryology, teratology, fetal alcohol syndrome2006 Kathleen K. Sulik (grad student)
Michael A. JohnsonElectrochemistry, Neuroscience20022005 R. Mark Wightman (post-doc)
Tatum JolinkClose relationships, attraction, relationship initiation Psychology and Neuroscience2017 Sara Algoe (grad student)
Meghan E. Jones Psychology & Neuroscience20122017 Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
Deborah Jean Jones
Sara R. Jones R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Joshua L. Jones Psychology2010 Regina M. Carelli (grad student)
Eulena M. JonssonSocial Psychology Psychology2007 Lawrence J. Sanna (grad student)
Joshua Daniel Joseph2000 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Amol M. Joshistrategy, innovation, entrepreneurship Kenan-Flagler Business School20072011 Atul Nerkar (grad student)
Besheer JoyceNeuroscience Biology, Behavioral Psychology, Pharmacology
Emily Juel Clinical Psychology2023 Jonathan S. Abramowitz (grad student)
George J. KalarickalNeural computation, neural network models visual perception, visual neuroscience Jonathan A. Marshall (grad student)
Peter W. KalivasDrug addiction19801982 Arthur J. Prange, Jr. (post-doc)
Carolyn KanagyClinical Psychology Psychology2008 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
Kelly L. KandraBehavioral Psychology, Public Health, Marketing Business Administration, Health Education Psychology2007 A T. Panter (grad student)
Stacey Goebel KaneAuditory Development Otolaryngology2018 Emily Buss (grad student)
Louisa F KaneClinical psychology, behavioral neuroscience, addiction, translation Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience Stacey B. Daughters (grad student), Regina M. Carelli (grad student)
Danielle A. KaplanClinical Psychology, Higher Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2000 Bernadette Gray-Little (grad student)
Kyra KapsaskisSocial psychology, morality, mind perception
Thomas Louis KashAddiction, Anxiety2009 Clyde W. Hodge (collaborator)
Michael Kasten Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgeryn2016 Paul B. Manis (post-doc)
Hiroyuki K Kato
Kazuo Kawasaki Pharmacology19871989 Ray Dingledine (post-doc)
Ariane K. KawataPsychometrics Psychology, Gerontology, Social Psychology2005 A T. Panter (grad student)
Heather Keenan Pediatrics Desmond Runyan (grad student)
Richard Brandon Keithley Chemistry2011 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Mary Katherine Kelm Pharmacology2009 Charlotte A. Boettiger (post-doc), George R. Breese (grad student)
Lindsay A. KennedyBehavioral Psychology, Health Education Psychology2011 Lawrence J. Sanna (grad student)
Kathleen D. Kennelly,neuromuscular disorders, myasthenia gravis
Jacob B. Ketter2005 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Julianne H Keyvision, attention, distraction, cognitive flexibility Cognitive Psychology20202025 Joseph B. Hopfinger (grad student)
Derek S. Keyser Classics2011 M. Brewster Smith (grad student)
Asma Khanpain, cytokines, clinical trials
Viktor N. KharaziaHistology and microscopy; neurological and psychatric conditions, drug abuse Richard J. Weinberg (post-doc), Aldo Rustioni (research scientist)
Brian M. KileUltramicroelectrodes, Electrochemistry, Neurochemistry Chemistry2009 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Michaux Renata Kilpatrick2000 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Clinton KiltsFunctional brain imaging19791981 George R. Breese (post-doc)
So-Yeon Kim Psychology20052010 Joseph B. Hopfinger (grad student), Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student)
Richard A. King Psychology Gregory Kimble (grad student)
Becky Kinkead Charles B. Nemeroff (grad student)
Clifton R. KinlawDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2004 Beth Kurtz-Costes (grad student)
Jennifer S. KirbyClinical Psychology2004 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Jeffrey L. Kirchner2005 Chester Insko (grad student)
Justin Michael Kita Chemistry2008 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Rachel S. KitsonClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Education: School Psychology2013 Stephen R. Hooper (grad student)
Aaron Kitzmiller19911998 Robert L. Rosenberg (grad student)
John (Steven) Kizer
Rebecca R. KlatzkinPsychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2009 Susan S. Girdler (grad student)
Amber M. Klineauditory system Neuroscience Center2017 Hiroyuki K Kato (grad student)
Darin J. KnappNeuropsychopharmacology, alcohol19921994 George R. Breese (post-doc)
Tracy Kneisler Ray Dingledine (grad student)
Rebecca Knickmeyer
Elizabeth R. Knightapoptosis Neurobiology2013 Mohanish Deshmukh (grad student)
Meagan M. KnowlesElementary Education, Behavioral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Education (School Psychology)2014 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Sean B. KnuthTests and Measurements Education, Educational Psychology Education, Evaluation Education Education: School Psychology2011 Stephen R. Hooper (grad student)
Adam Kohnvision2000 Barry Whitsel (grad student)
Bethany E. Kokpositive emotions, psychophysiology, vagal tone, social engagement Psychology20062012 Michael A. Cohn (collaborator), Barbara L. Fredrickson (grad student)
Adam J. Koleapoptosis Cell & Developmental Biology2011 Mohanish Deshmukh (grad student)
Ryzard Kole
Atsushi Komiyama Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Yutaro Komuro
Akira Kondo Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Patricia Koplas19881995 Robert L. Rosenberg (grad student)
Stephen J. KornDirector of Training and Career Development Ray Dingledine (grad student)
Sanvi Korsapathy
Jennifer KowalewskiJournalism, Mass Communications Journalism & Mass Communication2009 Francesca D. Carpentier (grad student)
Jason E. KralicAlcohol, GABA, neurosteroids Pharmacology19982002 A Leslie Morrow (grad student)
Megan KratzAuditory Cortex, synaptic plasticity2009 Paul B. Manis (grad student)
Michael C. Krouse20102013 C.J. Malanga (research assistant)
Akihiko Kubota Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Claudia C. Kubowicz MalhotraMarketing Business Administration2006 Rebecca K. Ratner (grad student)
Barbara Kukielczak Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Patricia L. Kultgen2002 Sharon Milgram (grad student)
Motoy Kuno
Jeremy M. KupscoCell cycle Biology2007 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Beth Kurtz-CostesDevelopmental Psychology, Black Studies
Kichang Kwak Eran Dayan (post-doc)
Grace I. L. CaskieClinical Psychology Quantitative Psychology19931998 A T. Panter (grad student)
Robert Lachlan Maria R. Servedio (post-doc)
Anthony LaMantia
Michelle LandstromSongbird development, Songbird communication, Vocal learning Biology20042006 David Pfennig (research assistant)
Stephanie Langella Psychology & Neuroscience2016 Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student), Eran Dayan (grad student)
Lee F. LangerEmbryology, teratology, fetal alcohol syndrome Neurobiology2013 Kathleen K. Sulik (grad student)
Michelle M. LangerPsychometrics Psychology Psychology2008 David M. Thissen (grad student)
Hillary A. Langley Psychology2013 Peter Ornstein (grad student)
Ryan K. LanierPsychoneuroimmunology2005 Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
David J. LanzottiCell cycle2003 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Rylan S. LarsenPresynaptic NMDA Receptors Cell and Molecular Physiology20072013 Benjamin D. Philpot (grad student)
Antoinette Laskey Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program Desmond Runyan (post-doc)
Heather C. Lasseteraddiction, relapse, cocaine, learning and memory Psychology2011 Rita A. Fuchs (grad student)
Tommie L. LassiterToxicology, Pathology, Neuroscience Biology2002 Hugh Tilson (grad student)
Bibb Latanesocial impact to account for regional differentiation and temporal characteristic of linguistic, religious, behavioral, and other elements of culture.
Daniel C. LauGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology Biology2009 Stephen T. Crews (grad student)
Kathleen A LawlerPhysiological Psychology, Mental Health1974 Paul A. Obrist (grad student)
Alexis League
Christina LebonvilleConditioning, Addiction Psychology & Neuroscience Biology Biology20132019 Donald T. Lysle (grad student), Sabrina S. Burmeister (research assistant), Karin Pfennig (research assistant)
Kerry LedouxCognitive Neuroscience: Language2003 Peter C. Gordon (grad student)
Hyun O. LeeCell cycle Genetics & Molecular Biology2010 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Seungjin Lee Psychology2011 Peter Ornstein (grad student)
Yueh Z. Lee2004 Weili Lin (grad student)
Jung-Sook LeeSocial Work, Educational Psychology Education Social Work: Doctoral (residential)2008 Natasha K. Bowen (grad student)
Tae-Ho LeeAffective neuroscience and Development Psychology and Neuroscience20162018 Eva H. Telzer (post-doc)
Jaekwang LeeSomatosensory Cortex, Neuro-Glia interaction20072010 Barry Whitsel (grad student)
Courtney R. Lee
Yu Lei Oral Biology2011 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Lori J. Leibolddevelopment of hearing Emily Buss (collaborator)
Jeremy LeipzigBioinformatics Psychiatry19972000 Gary Earl Duncan (research assistant)
Sarah K. Leonarddopamine neuropharmacology2004 Richard B. Mailman (grad student)
Lucia A. LeonePublic Health, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Nutrition2010 Marci K. Campbell (grad student)
Joseph Leshin Kristen A. Lindquist (grad student)
May M. LeungNutrition, Health Education, Speech Communication, Middle School Education Nutrition2010 Alice S. Ammerman (grad student)
William H. Levinecognitive psychology Peter C. Gordon (post-doc)
Steven W. LevisonNeuroscience Pharmacology, Physiology and Neuroscience19841990 Ken D. McCarthy (grad student)
Suzanne A. LevyClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2004 Andrea Hussong (grad student)
Jada LewisAging & Memory Loss,Neurodegeneration,Modeling & Therapeutic Trials for Neurodegenerative Diseases,Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, Frontotemporal Dementia,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Genetics Pharmacology Genetics19961998 Oliver Smithies (grad student), Ryzard Kole (post-doc), Nobuyo Maeda (grad student)
Yongbiao LiSomatosensory Cortex, Autism2003 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Yuhui Li20142018 Flavio Frohlich (post-doc)
Chia Lidrug abuse Neurobiology20102013 Thomas Louis Kash (grad student)
Guoshi LiComputational Neuroscience2014 Flavio Frohlich (post-doc)
Colin R. LickwarSpecificity and Function in Protein-Genome Interactions Genetics & Molecular Biology2012 Jason Lieb (grad student)
Jason LiebSpecificity and Function in Protein-Genome Interactions
Rachel A. Lieberman Chemistry2009 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Alan R. Light Edward R. Perl (post-doc)
Lee Limbird1973 Karl Hermann Friedrich Blau (grad student)
Weili Lin
Peter Lincoln Computer Science20062017 Gregory Welch (grad student)
Kristen A. Lindquistemotion, affect, social neuroscience
Yan Ling2000 Kay Lund (grad student)
Michael LinhoffSynapse Formation, Gene Regulation Jenny P-Y Ting (research scientist)
Morris A. Lipton
Kenneth J. Lohmann
Lisa M. Lomas Psychology2007 Mitchell J. Picker (grad student)
Anna C. LongGeneral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Education: School Psychology2009 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Alberto Jose LopezAddiction, epigenetics, neural circuits Thomas Louis Kash (research assistant)
Margaret Lostetter Psychology and Neuroscience20212022 Benjamin Land Gorman (research assistant)
Dennis F LovelockInteroception, alcohol, neuroimmune system Joyce Besheer (grad student)
Matthew W. Lowderlanguage, psycholinguistics, sentence processing Psychology20092014 Peter C. Gordon (grad student)
Lisa M. LowensteinNutrition Nutrition2011 Alice S. Ammerman (grad student)
Emily G. Lowery Psychology2011 Thomas Louis Kash (post-doc), Todd E. Thiele (grad student)
Joseph C. LowmanClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology
Jeffrey P. LozitoCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2007 Neil W. Mulligan (grad student)
Deborah A. LubinMaternal behavior, neuroteratology, drug and alcohol abuse2001 Josephine M. Johns (grad student)
Courtney E. LugoClinical Trials Flavio Frohlich (research assistant)
Kay Lund
Oana I. Lungu Biochemistry & Biophysics2012 Klaus Michael Hahn (grad student)
Lan Luo
Lucy LurieClinical Psychology, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology and Neurosceince2020 Margaret A. Sheridan (grad student)
Caroline Madeleine LustenbergerBrain network dynamics during sleep, memory Flavio Frohlich (post-doc)
Brennon R. Luster
Amanda E. LyallNeuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Radiology Neurobiology2014 John H. Gilmore (grad student)
Lisa Lyford19912003 Robert L. Rosenberg (grad student)
Angela M. LyonsNeurobiology of Alcoholism, NPY system
Monica G Lyonsneuroimaging, fMRI, graph theory, atypical development Psychology and Neuroscience2022 Jessica R. Cohen (grad student)
Donald T. LyslePsychoneuroimmunology
Ilwoo LyuMedical Image Analysis Computer Science20112016 Martin A. Styner (grad student)
Robert C. MacCallumQuantitative Psychology
Jennifer K. MacCormackemotion, interoception, metabolism, psychophysiology, affective neuroscience, aging Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience20162020 Kristen A. Lindquist (grad student), Keely Muscatell (grad student)
Laura Machlin Psychology20152021 Margaret A. Sheridan (grad student)
Jeffrey P. MacKeiganNeuroinflammation2002 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Aric C. MadayagAstrocytes, Addiction2012 Ken D. McCarthy (post-doc), Donita L. Robinson (post-doc)
Sela MagerNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Robert Maile
Richard B. Mailmandopamine neuropharmacology
William Maixnerpain2003 Joel D. Greenspan (collaborator)
Aditi Majumder19962003 Gregory Welch (grad student)
C.J. MalangaMotivation, reward, addiction, autism, neuroteratology, drug discovery, drug development UNC Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies20142015 Sheryl Moy (collaborator), Josephine M. Johns (collaborator), Kathleen K. Sulik (collaborator), Benjamin D. Philpot (collaborator), Clyde W. Hodge (collaborator), Luda Diatchenko (collaborator), R. Mark Wightman (collaborator), Spencer L. Smith (collaborator), Fulton T. Crews (collaborator), Garret D. Stuber (collaborator), Thomas Louis Kash (collaborator)
Antoniette Michelle Maldonado-DevincciAdolescence, Drug Addiction, Alcohol, Neuroactive Steroids20112015 A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
Eva G. MamakEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education Education: School Psychology2007 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Sara K. Mamopsychoacoustics Speech and Hearing Sciences2014 John H. Grose (grad student)
Patricia F. ManessAxon guidance
Lisa A. Mangiameleneuroethology, animal communication, behavioral endocrinology Biology2010 Sabrina S. Burmeister (grad student)
Paul B. ManisAuditory System, Ion channels, synaptic transmission, cochlear nucleus, auditory cortex
Jean B. MankowskiGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2007 Deborah Hatton (grad student)
Jill R. MarcusNeuroscience Biology2001 Brian Popko (grad student)
Sara R. MarcusDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Melissa E. DeRosier (grad student)
Lee Marcus
Arlane MargolisClinical Psychology
Silva Markovic-PleseImmunology
Julie T. MarksPublic Health, Recreation, Health Education2004 Marci K. Campbell (grad student)
S. Alex Marshallalcohol and microglia Psychology20132016 Todd E. Thiele (post-doc)
Julie MartinClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology2001 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
Billy R. MartinBehavioral Pharmacology of Cannabinoids19721974 William L. Dewey (grad student)
Parthena Martin Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Christine Marx Psychiatry19992001 A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
Alex Mason Garret D. Stuber (post-doc)
Takanori Matsubara
Douglas B. MatthewsExperimental Psychology, Pharmacology, Neuroscience Biology BCAS19961999 A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
Rebecca E. MatthewsDevelopmental Psychology, Counseling Psychology Education: School Psychology2010 Janey S. McMillen (grad student)
Russell Glenn Maus2002 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Chris McBainsynaptic transmission19881992 Ray Dingledine (post-doc)
Margarett S McBrideDevelopmental Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience20182023 Shauna M. Cooper (grad student)
Nora M. McCall Pharmacology20112013 Thomas Louis Kash (research assistant)
William Mackle McCallumSensorimotor control of limbs, Spinal cord circuits, Pain, Opioids Cell Biology and Physiology20172019 Grégory Scherrer (research assistant)
Ken D. McCarthyastrocyte
Thomas McCownNeuroscience Biology, Virology Biology
Karen L. McCullochRehabilitation and Therapy, Gerontology2004 Carol Giuliani (grad student)
R. Layton McCurdy Morris A. Lipton (post-doc)
Kevin S. McDorman2002 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
Zoe A. McElligottnorepinephrine, synaptic plasticity2009 R. Mark Wightman (post-doc)
Erin McElvania TeKippeNeuroinflammation Microbiology & Immunology2010 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
James S. McGinleyPsychometrics Psychology Psychology2014 Patrick J. Curran (grad student)
Megan [MacFarland] McGuigan20072010 C.J. Malanga (research assistant)
Jenna A. McHenry Psychiatry20142018 David Rubinow (post-doc), Garret D. Stuber (post-doc)
Ellen M. McHughNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2004 Sela Mager (grad student)
Daniel J. McKayTranscription Biology Jason Lieb (post-doc)
Lauren Allen McKibbenstress, neurobiology, epigenetics, psychiatric disorders, pain
Theresa McKim Charlotte A. Boettiger (grad student), Stephen J. Wilson (research assistant)
William T. McKinney Morris A. Lipton (post-doc)
James T. McLaughlin20012009 Robert L. Rosenberg (research scientist)
Andrea E. McLaughlinClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education Psychology2007 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Vonnie C. McLoydDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Janey S. McMillenClinical Psychology, Secondary Education, Educational Psychology Education
Allison B. McMullenastrocyte, hydrocephalus, subventricular zone
Matthew Stephen McMurrayBehavioral pharmacology, neuroteratology, in vivo electrophysiology Psychology20032011 Josephine M. Johns (grad student)
Richard S. McNally Microbiology & Immunology2010 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
J. M. McNielClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology Psychology2006 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
Trevor Supan McPhersonOscillations
Michael T. McRaeClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Psychology2009 Vonnie C. McLoyd (grad student)
Annie-Laurie McReeMedical decision making Maternal & Child Health: Doctoral2011 Noel T. Brewer (grad student)
Robin A. McWilliamEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education, Special Education
Mary B. MechlinPhysiological Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2009 Susan S. Girdler (grad student)
Fernanda Mediano-Stoltze Media and Journalism2017 Francesca D. Carpentier (grad student)
Rick B. Meeker Jaak Panksepp (grad student)
Muneshwar MehraAuditory system; Plasticity; Development; Learning and memory in hippocampus PSYCHIATRY2014 Hiroyuki K Kato (post-doc)
Juliann MellinClinical Trials Flavio Frohlich (research assistant)
Derek MerckComputer Science, Radiology Computer Science2010 Stephen M. Pizer (grad student)
Rachel D. MerseyJournalism, Mass Communications Journalism & Mass Communication2007 Rhonda Gibson (grad student)
Kristen Meyer Psychology & Neuroscience20152021 Margaret A. Sheridan (grad student)
Darren John Michael2000 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Carmen Z. Michaylira2005 Kay Lund (grad student)
Margaret K. Michel2001 Peter Ornstein (grad student)
Petrise Runnels Miles2001 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
David B. MillerAnimal Behavior19731980 Gilbert Gottlieb (post-doc)
Laurence L. Miller Psychology2010 Linda A. Dykstra (grad student)
Charles E. Miller Chemistry2008 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
C. Ryan Millerneuropathology, GBM, mouse models, genomics
Megan E. Miller2002 Kay Lund (grad student)
William R. Mills-KoonceDevelopmental Psychology2005 Jean-Louis Gariepy (grad student)
Akira S MinConnectome, Dynamics, Mood Chemistry20152017 R. Mark Wightman (research assistant)
Rosa E. MinoDrosophila, microtubules, axon, development Physiology20092012 Manzoor Bhat (grad student)
Suzanne K. Mintonpain Pharmacology2013 William Maixner (grad student)
Penny MirrettEducational Psychology Education, Reading Education, Special Education
Mackenzie E Mitchell2019 Jessica R. Cohen (grad student)
Hayley B. MitchellEarly Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Black Studies, African American Studies Education: School Psychology2012 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Peter J. Mohler2000 Sharon Milgram (grad student)
Ikuko Mohri Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
R. M. Montoya2004 Chester Insko (grad student)
Monique MooreClinical Psychology, General Psychology Psychology2009 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
Ginger A. MooreFacial Expression of Emotion, Depression Martha Cox (post-doc)
Hannah L MorganCognitive, Neuroscience, Psychology Cognitive2018 Joseph B. Hopfinger (grad student)
Jennifer R. Morgan Ann E. Stuart (research assistant)
Meghan Morgan-SmithNeuroscience, Cortical development, Neuronal Migration20072014 William Snider (grad student)
Eric J. Morinello2001 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
A Leslie MorrowAlcohol, GABA, neurosteroids20132015 George R. Breese (collaborator), Clyde W. Hodge (collaborator), C.J. Malanga (collaborator)
Travis M. Moschak Psychology Joshua S. Rodefer (research assistant)
Jack T. MosherNeuroscience Biology2001 Stephen T. Crews (grad student)
Sheryl MoyMouse behavior, autism, alcohol George R. Breese (grad student)
Helmut C. Mueller
R. Grant MullerBehavioral Neuroscience20112013 C.J. Malanga (research assistant)
Neil W. MulliganCognitive Psychology
Michelle Lee Mundorf2001 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
William MundyToxicology, Neuroscience Biology
Paul L. Munsonneuroendocrinology
Shigeo Murayama Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Nicolas MurgueitioPsychology Psychology and Neuroscience Margaret A. Sheridan (grad student)
Nicholas Myers Jonathan S. Abramowitz (grad student)
Andrea G. NackleyPain Neurobiology and Genetics20032006 William Maixner (post-doc), Luda Diatchenko (post-doc)
Sahana Nagabhushan Kalburgi Jude Samulski (research scientist)
Celeste Napier19821985 George R. Breese (post-doc)
Natasha S. Naujoks History2011 M. Brewster Smith (grad student)
Mary E. NebelSomatosensory Cortex, Autism Biomedical Engineering (Joint)2010 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Ehsan Negahbanislice electrophysiology, computational neuroscience, transcranial electric stimulation, dynamical systems psychiatry2016 Flavio Frohlich (research scientist)
Derrick L. NehrenbergPsychobiology Psychology, Clinical Psychology2004 Jean-Louis Gariepy (grad student), William C. Wetsel (grad student)
Karen L. Neitzeldopamine neuropharmacology2004 Richard B. Mailman (grad student)
Jennifer C. NeitzelSpecial Education, Early Childhood Education2004 Virginia M. Buysse (grad student)
Lauren M. NelsonPsychometrics Psychology2005 David M. Thissen (grad student)
Christina J. NelsonPsychoneuroimmunology2001 Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
Charles B. NemeroffBiological Psychiatry, Depression Garth Bissette (collaborator), Morris A. Lipton (post-doc), Arthur J. Prange, Jr. (grad student), John (Steven) Kizer (post-doc)
Kayleigh J Nemethlanguage Psychology and Neuroscience2018 Peter C. Gordon (grad student)
Atul Nerkar
Albert Newsomeaddiction Heather C. Lasseter (research assistant), Audrey M. Wells (research assistant)
Victoria A. Newton Cell & Molecular Physiology2010 Kay Lund (grad student)
Richard H. NguyenSomatosensory Cortex, Autism Biomedical Engineering2014 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Robert A. NicholasPharmacology, Cell Biology
Mihai D. Niculescu2005 Steve Zeisel (grad student)
C. Taylor Nipp2014 Mark J. Zylka (grad student)
Kimberly Nixonneural stem cells, adult neurogenesis, alcohol, neurodegeneration, microglia, neuroimmune20002005 Fulton T. Crews (post-doc)
Hiroshi Nomura Garret D. Stuber (post-doc)
Temple NorthupMass Communications, Cognitive Psychology, Marketing Business Administration Journalism & Mass Communication2011 Francesca D. Carpentier (grad student)
Arnita F. NorwoodNutrition Nutrition2013 Carmen D. Samuel-Hodge (grad student)
Maher A. NoureddineCell cycle2002 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Linda NugentSpecial Education, Early Childhood Education Education: School Psychology2007 Diane Early (grad student)
Spencer Nystrom Biology Daniel J. McKay (grad student)
Tara O'Connell Psychology & Neuroscience Christina Lebonville (research assistant)
William O'Connor2004 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Shonagh K. O'Leary Moore20112013 C.J. Malanga (collaborator)
Veronica J. OatesPublic Health, Nutrition2005 Marci K. Campbell (grad student)
Jennifer A. Obernier2001 Fulton T. Crews (grad student)
Ipek OguzMedical Image Analysis Computer Science2009 Martin A. Styner (grad student)
Masaki Ohno Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Aysenur OkanClinical Psychology
Ndidi A. OkekeDevelopmental Psychology, Black Studies Psychology2009 Beth Kurtz-Costes (grad student)
Folabomi A. OladosuOpioids, Mu Opioid Receptor, Alternative Splice Variants, Pain Signaling Neurobiology20102016 Andrea G. Nackley (grad student)
Lynne A. OlandNeuron-glia interactions19791985 Ann E. Stuart (grad student)
Melanie OleskyPharmacology, Cell Biology2002 Robert A. Nicholas (grad student)
Alison Oliveto Linda A. Dykstra (grad student)
Scott H. Oloffdopamine neuropharmacology2005 Richard B. Mailman (grad student)
Reid H.J. Olsenneuroscience, learning and memory, aging, addiction, neurogenesis, GPCR, G-protein coupled receptors, pharmacology, opiates, DREADDs Pharmacology Pharmacology20152015 Juan Song (grad student), Bryan L. Roth (grad student)
Peter Ornstein
Yannick J. OrthodoxouEducational Psychology Education, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies Education2014 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Maria M. Ortiz-Juza Neuroscience Curriculum Applied Physical Sciences Jose Rodriguez-Romaguera (grad student), Nicolas Pegard (grad student)
Julia Osman History2010 M. Brewster Smith (grad student)
Carol A. OteyCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology
James M. OtisNeural circuits of reward seeking behaviors. Psychiatry2014 Garret D. Stuber (post-doc)
Sarah Owens Psychology Psychology Tory Eisenlohr-Moul (grad student), Mitchell J. Prinstein (grad student)
Catarina Owesson-Whiteelectrochemistry, drug abuse, reward R. Mark Wightman (post-doc), Regina M. Carelli (post-doc)
Yasushi Oya Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Esteban Adrian OyarzabalParkinson's disease, Neurotoxicology, Monoaminergic neurons2010 Jau-Shyong Hong (grad student)
Erol J. Ozmeralpsychoacoustics, speech and hearing, aging, cognition Psychology20082013 Joseph Hall (grad student)
Brian F. Pachkowski Environmental Sciences & Engineering2008 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
Carleton A. PalmerClinical Psychology2003 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Jacqueline E. Paniccia Psychology & Neuroscience2015 Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
A T. PanterBehavioral Psychology, Public Health, Marketing Business Administration, Health Education
Abigail T. PanterClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
A.T PanterGeneral Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Black Studies
Alison A. PapadakisClinical Psychology, Mental Health Psychology19992000 Patrick J. Curran (research assistant)
Sophia T. Papadeas2006 George R. Breese (grad student)
Jhana Parikhneurostimulation, tACS, schizophrenia, ANS
Arum Park Classics2009 M. Brewster Smith (grad student)
Patricia G. Parker Biology Helmut C. Mueller (grad student)
Emily L. Parks Psychology2011 Joseph B. Hopfinger (grad student)
Damani K. ParranToxicology, Neuroscience Biology2002 William Mundy (grad student)
Michael H. Parrishsocial neuroscience, social psychology20122015 Charlotte A. Boettiger (research assistant), Kristen A. Lindquist (research assistant)
Scott ParrottMass Communications, Social Psychology Journalism & Mass Communication2013 Rhonda Gibson (grad student)
Carrie L. Partchmolecular clocks2006 Aziz Sancar (grad student)
Ruchi Patel
Dipanwita PatiStress circuits, whole-cell electrophysiology2016 Thomas Louis Kash (post-doc)
Ian A. Paulantidepressants, glutamate, NMDA receptors, development, serotonin19831989 George R. Breese (grad student), Gary Earl Duncan (collaborator)
Katie B. PaulToxicology, Endocrinology Biology Toxicology2011 Kevin M. Crofton (grad student)
B. Keith Paynesocial cognition, weapon identification
Jolynn PekQuantitative Psychology20062012 Robert C. MacCallum (grad student)
Kevin A. PelphreyCognitive Neuroscience2001 J. Steven Reznick (grad student)
Shannon N. PenlandAlcohol, GABA, neurosteroids2005 A Leslie Morrow (grad student)
David L Penn
David L Penn
Rachel E. Penton
Edward R. Perl Neural Processing of Somatic Sensation Sally Lawson (collaborator), Vernon Mountcastle (post-doc), Jerzy E. Rose (grad student), Clinton Woolsey (grad student)
Michael A. PetermanClinical Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2006 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Jeremy C. PetraviczAstrocytes, glutamate transporters, calcium signaling Neurobiology2010 Ken D. McCarthy (grad student)
Rachel PetrieClinical Psychology
Jelena Petrovic Chemistry2009 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Larysa H. PevnyNeuroscience Biology, Genetics
Rabea Kathryn Pfaffneuroscience, alcohol-use disorders, reward pathway, orexin, hypocretin Neuroscience Neuroscience20222023 Todd E. Thiele (research assistant), Anne M Dankert (research assistant)
Karin Pfennig
Yen B. Pham Biochemistry & Biophysics2010 Charles W. Carter (grad student)
Paul E. M. PhillipsDopamine19992004 R. Mark Wightman (post-doc), Regina M. Carelli (collaborator)
Rachel D PhillipsNeuroimaging, Depression Psychiatry2019 Gabriel S. Dichter (grad student)
Benjamin D. PhilpotVisual system, Plasticity
Mitchell J. Picker
Joseph P. Pierceneuophysiology, anatomy19811986 Aldo Rustioni (grad student)
Melanie M. PinaNeural circuits, electrophysiology, neuroplasticity, motivated behavior Pharmacology20162021 Thomas Louis Kash (post-doc)
Amy Pinkhamsocial cognition, schizophrenia, cognitive neuroscience David L Penn (grad student)
Thomas B. Pinter2002 Chester Insko (grad student)
Emily M. Pisetskyeating disorders Psychology2013 Cynthia M. Bulik (grad student)
Joseph PivenPathogenesis of autism2000 Aysenil Belger (collaborator)
Sheila R. PlantNeuroinflammation2005 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Valerie Polad2021 Patrick J. Curran (grad student)
Olivia Pollak Mitchell J. Prinstein (grad student)
Brian PopkoNeuroscience Biology
Patrizia Porcu Psychiatry20042009 A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
Guy G. PotterClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Gerontology2001 Marilyn Hartman (grad student)
Jacqueline de Powell Neurobiology2010 Paul B. Manis (grad student)
Ashton Winfield PowellDevelopmental Neurobiology, Science Policy, Ethics, & Law Neurobiology20022007 Franck Polleux (grad student)
Joelle D. PowersSocial Work2005 Natasha K. Bowen (grad student)
J. Annaliisa PowersCognitive Psychology
Arthur J. Prange, Jr.
Marcelinus PrastawaComputer Science2007 Guido Gerig (grad student)
Abigail S. PresselClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2007 Martha Cox (grad student)
LeShawndra N. Price2001 J. Steven Reznick (grad student)
John V. Priestley sensory neurons, immunohistochemistry Kay Lund (post-doc)
Mitchell J. Prinsteinclinical psychology, peer relations
Anastas PropratiloffSpinal Cord, Injury, repair Aldo Rustioni (post-doc)
Walter B. PryzwanskyEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education, Special Education
Nicole D. Pukay-MartinClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, General Psychology2010 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Susan E. PurcellClinical Psychology, Public Health, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2007 Andrea Hussong (grad student)
Kelly M. PurtellDevelopmental Psychology, Public and Social Welfare Psychology2010 Vonnie C. McLoyd (grad student)
Nathan F. Putman Biology2011 Kenneth J. Lohmann (grad student)
Orla PutnamAutism Spectrum Disorder
Sema G QuadirAlcohol, Addiction, Pain, Methamphetamine, Stress, Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies2020 Melissa A. Herman (post-doc)
Lisa M. QuintilianiNutrition, Oncology, Public Health2006 Marci K. Campbell (grad student)
Lynelle M. RaglandClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Black Studies, Individual and Family Studies2002 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Sathish K. RajaNeurobiology Tyson L. Hedrick (research scientist)
Donna R. RamirezNeural Basis of Cocaine-seeking Behavior20062010 Rita A. Fuchs (post-doc)
Nicole M. Ramocki Cell & Molecular Physiology2008 Kay Lund (grad student)
Amy Ramsey1998 Beverly H. Koller (grad student)
Diana M. Rancourtclinical psychology, peer relations Psychology2012 Mitchell J. Prinstein (grad student)
Patrick A. RandallAlcohol, Nicotine, Stress, Decision-Making
Matthew L. RaneyClinical Psychology, Mental Health2003 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
Bhargavi RaoSpecificity and Function in Protein-Genome Interactions 2007 Jason Lieb (grad student)
Deepti RaoNeurophysiology Cell & Molecular Physiology20072011 Paul B. Manis (grad student)
Ramesh RaskarComputational Photography19952000 Gregory Welch (grad student)
Rebecca K. RatnerSocial Psychology
Allison B. Ratto Psychology2013 J. Steven Reznick (grad student)
Caroline Rauffenbart20122014 C.J. Malanga (research assistant)
Andrew J. Rea Psychology2009 Chester Insko (grad student)
Lauren E. Reba-Harrelsoneating disorders Psychology2008 Cynthia M. Bulik (grad student)
William H Redd1966 Charles D. Noblin (grad student)
Bryce B. ReevePsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology2000 A T. Panter (grad student)
Sumita RegeIndustrial Psychology, Web Studies, Information Science Occupational Science2013 Ruth Humphry (grad student)
Debra B. ReinhartsenEarly Childhood Education, Special Education2003 Robin A. McWilliam (grad student)
Kathryn Reissneraddiction, synaptic plasticity
Andrew ReittingerAddiction Audrey M. Wells (research assistant), Heather C. Lasseter (research assistant), Rita A. Fuchs (grad student)
Keith D. RenshawAnxiety, PTSD, Couples19972003 Dianne L. Chambless (grad student)
Patrick J. ReynoldsCell cycle Biology2008 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Steve ReznickClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Steven J. ReznickClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
J. Steven ReznickCognitive development, working memory
Holly G. RhodesSpecial Education, Social Psychology2002 Virginia M. Buysse (grad student)
Alex W. RichCochlear nucleus, hearing loss20082009 Paul B. Manis (grad student)
Eric Rich
Douglas Richardsacoustics1978 R. Haven Wiley, Jr. (grad student)
Kayla Richardson2023 Daniel Jospeh Christoffel (grad student)
John Anthony Richey Gabriel S. Dichter (post-doc), Jim W. Bodfish (post-doc)
Thorfinn T. RidayNeuroscience20072013 C.J. Malanga (research assistant), Benjamin D. Philpot (grad student)
Justin Riddle Psychiatry2018 Flavio Frohlich (post-doc)
Anthony J. RiesVisual Attention20012007 Joseph B. Hopfinger (grad student)
Jennifer A. RinkerBehavioral Neuroscience, Neuropsychopharmacology2011 Todd E. Thiele (post-doc)
Melva N. Rios Blanco2000 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
Madeline Robertson Psychology & Neuroscience Charlotte A. Boettiger (grad student), Margaret A. Sheridan (grad student)
Stacey Robinson Psychology2015 Todd E. Thiele (post-doc)
Belfin Robinson Eran Dayan (post-doc)
Donita L. Robinson2009 R. Mark Wightman (post-doc), Regina M. Carelli (research scientist), Clyde W. Hodge (collaborator)
J. Elliott RobinsonBehavioral pharmacology, autism, alcohol20092014 C.J. Malanga (grad student)
Joseph RocheAuditory Cortex, hearing loss, serotonin20082010 Paul B. Manis (post-doc)
Thomas L. Rodebaugh2003 Dianne L. Chambless (grad student)
Joshua S. RodeferBehavioral Pharmacology Linda A. Dykstra (post-doc)
Micaela Rodriguez Psychology & Neuroscience2022 Margaret A. Sheridan (grad student)
Jose Rodriguez-RomagueraBehavioral Neuroscience
Anais Rodriguez-Thompson Psychology and Neuroscience2017 Margaret A. Sheridan (grad student)
Ramona M. RodriguizPsychobiology Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2001 Jean-Louis Gariepy (grad student)
Sarah C. RoganPsychopharmacology, 5-HT2A receptors, hallucinogens Pharmacology2011 Bryan L. Roth (grad student)
Mitch F. Roitman2002 Regina M. Carelli (post-doc)
Johannes R. Rojahnintellectual disabilities, challenging behavior, mental illness
Kelly E. RoneyNeuroinflammation Microbiology & Immunology2010 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Tessa-Jonne Ropp Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery2015 Paul B. Manis (post-doc)
Checo J. RorieToxicology, Oncology, Molecular Biology2004 Bernard E. Weissman (grad student)
Kathleen R. RosaPsychometrics Psychology, Medicine and Surgery2000 A T. Panter (grad student)
Lawrence B. RosenfeldSocial Work, Psychometrics Psychology
Michael Ross John W. Thibaut (grad student)
William D. Ross Jonathan A. Marshall (post-doc)
Bryan L. RothPsychopharmacology, 5-HT2A receptors, hallucinogens2013 C.J. Malanga (collaborator)
Célia Rousseau Biomedical Research Imaging Center20172018 Eran Dayan (post-doc)
Simantika RoyPsychology and Neuroscience, Linguistics Psychology and Neuroscience20222027 Jennifer E. Arnold (grad student)
David Rubinow
Marc D. Rudolphdevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, fMRI, functional connectivity, resting state Psychiatry Psychology & Neuroscience2017 John H. Gilmore (collaborator), Jessica R. Cohen (grad student)
Desmond RunyanPublic Health, Social Work, General Psychology
Aldo RustioniGutamate receptors
Jessica P. Rymandopamine neuropharmacology2004 Richard B. Mailman (grad student)
Antoinette SabatinofMRI, Autism, Depression Psychology2013 Gabriel S. Dichter (grad student)
Matthew B. SacksClinical Psychology2006 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
Muhammad Usman Sadiq Eran Dayan (post-doc)
Jennifer R. SadlerNutrition, eating behavior, obesity Nutrition Nutrition2016 kyle s. burger (grad student), Grace E. Shearrer (collaborator)
Yuko Saito Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Brea C. SalibClinical Psychology, Gerontology Psychology2008 Marilyn Hartman (grad student)
Michael C. Salling20072011 Clyde W. Hodge (grad student)
Harmony R. SalzlerCell cycle Genetics & Molecular Biology Biology20182011 Robert J. Duronio (grad student), A. Gregory Matera (research scientist)
William S. SampsonClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2001 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
Carmen D. Samuel-HodgeNutrition, Public Health, Psychobiology Psychology2000 Alice S. Ammerman (grad student)
Richard J. SamulskiNeuroscience Biology, Virology Biology
Priscilla San Souci Psychology2009 Peter Ornstein (grad student)
Rachel SandercockAutism, early development, adult outcomes2015 Laura G. Klinger (grad student)
Sharlini SankaranSomatosensory Cortex, Autism2007 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Lawrence J. SannaSocial Psychology
Takayuki SassaNeurobiology - Genetics20052009 Franck Polleux (post-doc)
Noah J. SassonDevelopmental Psychology2005 J. Steven Reznick (grad student)
Viji SathyPsychometrics Psychology, General2003 A T. Panter (grad student)
Junichi Satoh Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Timothy B. Saurer Psychology2007 Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
Ralf-Steffen SchmidAxon guidance2000 Patricia F. Maness (grad student)
Peter Schmidt David Rubinow (post-doc)
Stephen L. SchmidtNetworks , Pharmacology, 2012 Flavio Frohlich (research assistant)
Charles P. SchmittNeural computation, neural network models of visual perception Jonathan A. Marshall (grad student)
Monika SchneiderNeuroinflammation Microbiology & Immunology2011 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Geoffrey Schoenbaumdecision, reward19891994 Howard Eichenbaum (grad student)
John SchoplerSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Lori A. SchrodtGerontology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Developmental Psychology2006 Carol Giuliani (grad student)
Jason P. Schroeder20022006 Clyde W. Hodge (post-doc)
Donna Schroeder1980 R. Haven Wiley, Jr. (grad student)
Scott L. SchwartzClinical Psychology2002 Arlane Margolis (grad student)
Samantha K. SegallMolecular Genetics of Pain Perception Genetics & Molecular Biology2010 Luda Diatchenko (grad student)
Nicole Seider Charlotte A. Boettiger (research assistant)
Roland Seim
Andrew Seipel Chemistry2007 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Kristin K. Sellers20112016 Flavio Frohlich (grad student)
Tanya K. Semcesen2005 J. Steven Reznick (grad student)
Min Sung Seomemory and aging Department of Psychology and Neuroscience2020 Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student)
Daniel SerranoPsychometrics Psychology, Statistics Psychology2010 Patrick J. Curran (grad student)
Julia M. ShadurClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Andrea Hussong (grad student)
Janae A Shaheed
Amanda C. Sharko Pharmacology20012008 Clyde W. Hodge (grad student)
Paul B Sharpcognitive and affective neuroscience of psychopathology; computational neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience2016 Eva H. Telzer (grad student)
Grace E. ShearrerfMRI, Nutrition Nutrition2016 kyle s. burger (post-doc)
Ed Sheesly Pathology19841994 Oliver Smithies (grad student)
Alec Graham SheffieldComputational Neuroscience Psychiatry20172017 Flavio Frohlich (research assistant)
Mark D. Shenautism spectrum disorders, brain development20142017 Joseph Piven (post-doc)
Kelly Will Sheppard
Tamara G. SherClinical Psychology, Oncology Psychology1989 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Margaret A. SheridanADHD
Celia Shiau
Shusaku ShibutaniCell cycle Biology2008 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Chia-Hao Shih20172019 Eran Dayan (post-doc)
Kuriko Shimono-Kagitani Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Paul Shinkman
Michelle Shipkovaemotion, social affective neuroscience, development Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience20222027 Kristen A. Lindquist (grad student), Kristen A. Lindquist (grad student)
Tatiana A. Shnitko Donita L. Robinson (post-doc)
Tiffany E. ShubertGerontology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Clinical Psychology Human Movement Science: Doctoral2007 Carol Giuliani (grad student)
Charles Shyng Gene Therapy Center Neuroscience20172018 Steven J. Gray (post-doc), Benjamin D. Philpot (post-doc)
John SiderisPsychometrics Psychology2006 A T. Panter (grad student)
Michael S. Sidorov2014 Benjamin D. Philpot (post-doc)
Ilene Siegler
Rhiana C. SimonNeuroscience Psychiatry and Cell and Molecular Physiology2017 Garret D. Stuber (grad student)
Stephen B. SimonsSomatosensory Cortex, Autism Biomedical Engineering Joint Program2007 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Amanda SingerClinical Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2006 Bernadette Gray-Little (grad student)
Dani R. Smith2000 Kay Lund (grad student)
Michelle I. Smithapoptosis Cell & Developmental Biology2008 Mohanish Deshmukh (grad student)
Lindsay K. Smithapoptosis Toxicology2010 Mohanish Deshmukh (grad student)
F. D. Smith2000 Sharon Milgram (grad student)
Katherine J. Smith Donita L. Robinson (grad student)
Jennifer Susan Smith
Shad B. SmithPain genetics2006 William Maixner (post-doc), Luda Diatchenko (post-doc)
Rebekah E. Smith Ute J. Bayen (post-doc)
Spencer L. SmithCortical Development, Synaptic Integration
Christopher T. Smith Neurobiology2014 Charlotte A. Boettiger (grad student)
Oliver Smithiesgenetics
Paul R. SmokowskiSocial Work, Hispanic American Studies, Clinical Psychology
William Snider Motoy Kuno (grad student), Dale Purves (research scientist)
Gaby Soden2023 Daniel Jospeh Christoffel (grad student)
Leslie A. SombersElectroanalytical Chemistry, Neuroscience20042008 R. Mark Wightman (post-doc)
Jiannan Song2005 Steve Zeisel (grad student)
Nathaniel A. SowaPain Neurobiology2010 Mark J. Zylka (grad student)
Julia Spaniol2003 Ute J. Bayen (grad student)
Marina Spanos Neurobiology20062010 Clyde W. Hodge (grad student)
Angela M. Sparrow Psychology2011 Todd E. Thiele (grad student)
Dennis R. Sparta Psychology2007 Garret D. Stuber (post-doc), Todd E. Thiele (grad student)
Ashlyn Spring Biology20162019 A. Gregory Matera (post-doc)
Gretchen M. SprowNeurobiology of Alcoholism, Behavioral Sensitization Psychology20082013 Kent C. Berridge (research assistant), Julie Broadbent (research assistant), Todd E. Thiele (grad student)
Viswanath Srikanth Jonathan A. Marshall (grad student)
Stephanie B. StaggNeurobiology Biology Neurobiology2010 Stephen T. Crews (grad student)
Sara Ann Stahlimplementation science, autism TEACCH20202022 Laura G. Klinger (research assistant)
Alice Stamatakis Neurobiology20102014 Garret D. Stuber (grad student), C.J. Malanga (grad student)
Amelia Stanco Neurobiology2008 Eva Anton (grad student)
William Stanford Eran Dayan (grad student)
Susan E. StantonClinical Psychology, Nutrition psychology2007 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Maurryce StarksSocial neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, psychology Keely Muscatell (grad student)
Jaclyn E. StarrittDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Education: School Psychology2009 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Gabriela L. SteinClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Public Health Psychology2007 Andrea Hussong (grad student)
Kurt K. StellwagenClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2006 John C. Brantley (grad student)
Rebecca L. StephensCognitive development, attention, executive function, autism2016 J. Steven Reznick (grad student)
Sonya K. SterbaPsychometrics Psychology Psychology2010 Daniel J. Bauer (grad student)
Rebekah A. Stevenson Neurobiology20022008 Clyde W. Hodge (grad student)
Jennie R. Stevenson Neurobiology20032008 Clyde W. Hodge (grad student)
Marcus M. StewartManagement Business Administration, Black Studies, Industrial Psychology2000 Dick Blackburn (grad student)
William Wren StineVision, Mathematical Models, Statistics, Psychology, Experimental Psychology19831984 Paul Shinkman (post-doc)
Shevaun L. StockerSocial Psychology2006 Lawrence J. Sanna (grad student)
Daniel StokolsSocial Psychology, Public Health1973 John W. Thibaut (grad student)
Orrin J StoneBiochemistry Pharmacology20122018 Klaus Michael Hahn (grad student)
Matthew D. Stout2006 James A. Swenberg (grad student)
Krystle D. StrandNeuroscience Biology2006 Brian Popko (grad student)
Patricia A. StranevaPsychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Pharmacology, Mental Health2001 Susan S. Girdler (grad student)
Chris StraussQuantitative Psychology Quantitative Psychology2017 Patrick J. Curran (grad student)
Sarah E. StreetAuditory System20032007 Paul B. Manis (grad student)
Sierra J. StringfieldAddiction20122012 C.J. Malanga (grad student), Rita A. Fuchs (grad student), Donita L. Robinson (grad student)
Kim Strom-GottfriedSocial Work, Clinical Psychology
Ann E. StuartEducational software in neurophysiology
Garret D. Stuberneural circuits that underlies neuropsychiatric disorders20002005 R. Mark Wightman (grad student), Regina M. Carelli (grad student)
Brian D. StuckyPsychometrics Psychology Psychology2011 David M. Thissen (grad student)
Martin A. StynerMedical Image Analysis19982001 Guido Gerig (grad student)
Heberto Suarez-Rocapain William Maixner (grad student)
Jonathan A. Sugam Psychology2013 Thomas Louis Kash (post-doc), Regina M. Carelli (grad student)
Kathleen K. SulikEmbryology, teratology, fetal alcohol syndrome Anatomy20071978 Clyde W. Hodge (collaborator), Malcolm C Johnston (post-doc)
Laura J. SullivanClinical Psychology2005 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
Natalia SurzenkoNeurobiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology Neurobiology2010 Larysa H. Pevny (grad student)
Lisa A. SutherlandNutrition, Public Health, Health Education2002 Marci K. Campbell (grad student)
Kelly A. SuttonDevelopmental Psychology2006 Martha Cox (grad student)
Kinuko Suzuki
Meghan R. SwansonAutism spectrum disorder, brain development2012 Joseph Piven (post-doc)
Elizabeth J. Swegerastrocyte Pharmacology2009 Ken D. McCarthy (grad student)
James A. Swenberg
Ursula M. Swiney2004 Dianne L. Chambless (grad student)
Akilah D. SwintonDevelopmental Psychology, African American Studies Psychology2011 Beth Kurtz-Costes (grad student)
Jennifer L. SzczytkowskiPsychoneuroimmunology Neurobiology2009 Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
Yoshio TakanePsychometrics Psychology1977 Forrest W. Young (grad student), Elliot Myron Cramer (grad student)
Shoichi Takikita Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Pavel TakmakovDopamine, Voltammetry20062011 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Masako Taniike Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Vinay TannanSomatosensory Cortex, Autism Biomedical Engineering Joint Program2007 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Olena V. TaranovaNeuroscience Biology, Genetics2006 Larysa H. Pevny (grad student)
Lisa M. TarantinoBehavior, genetics
Adrien TassouPain and opioids Neuroscience20202022 Grégory Scherrer (grad student)
Cameron G Tatesocial psychology Psychology and Neuroscience20222027 B. Keith Payne (grad student)
Bonnie Margaret Taylor-BlakePain, Somatic Sensation19762014 Edward R. Perl (research assistant)
Ya-Wen Teng Nutrition2011 Steve Zeisel (grad student)
Ashley Y TeohPsychology, Clinical Autism/ADHD Research
Jolan A. Terner2005 Mitchell J. Picker (grad student)
Timothy B. TerriberryComputer Science2006 Guido Gerig (grad student)
Arianne L. Theiss2005 Kay Lund (grad student)
William R. Thelin2006 Sharon Milgram (grad student)
Todd E. Thiele2009 Clyde W. Hodge (collaborator)
Matthew S. ThimganEducational software in neurophysiology2005 Ann E. Stuart (grad student)
David M. ThissenPsychometrics Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education
Venetia D. ThomasMolecular Biology, Oncology, Neuroscience Biology2000 Bernard E. Weissman (grad student)
Keith T. Thornley Chemistry2009 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Paul Tiesinga
Hugh TilsonToxicology, Neuroscience Biology
Jenny P-Y TingNeuroinflammation
Mark TommerdahlSomatosensory Cortex, Autism Barry Whitsel (grad student)
Jonathan V. Toups Physics & Astronomy2009 Paul Tiesinga (grad student)
Claire TownsendDrug Development, ion channels19891995 Robert L. Rosenberg (grad student)
Stephanie A. Traina Rita A. Fuchs (grad student)
Stephen F. TraynelisNMDA receptors, Rare Mutations, Epilepsy, Stroke19841988 Ray Dingledine (grad student)
Dimitri Trembath
Kevin Paul Troyer2002 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Douglas TsaoMolecular Genetics of Pain Perception Chemistry Chemistry2011 Luda Diatchenko (grad student), Nikolay Dokholyan (grad student)
Hiroaki TsukanoAuditory Cortex, Auditory Processing, Imaging, Mouse Hiroyuki K Kato (post-doc)
Autumn E Tuckerneuropharmacology, pharmacology, neurobiology, alcoholism
Eric S. TuckerForebrain Development, Cerebral Cortex, Interneuron Migration 20022010 Anthony LaMantia (post-doc)
Katherine M. Tumlinsonglioblastoma Epidemiology2014 Brian W. Pence (grad student)
Gabrielle M. Turner-McGrievyNutrition, Public Health Nutrition2009 Marci K. Campbell (grad student)
Caroline S. Tyler2003 Peter Ornstein (grad student)
Eric S. UbilPhysiology Biology, Cell Biology Cell & Molecular Physiology2013 Carol A. Otey (grad student)
Rachel D. UptonGeneral Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Black Studies Psychology2012 A T. Panter (grad student)
Jonathan D. Urbandopamine neuropharmacology2006 Richard B. Mailman (grad student)
Daniel J. UrbanPsychopharmacology, 5-HT2A receptors, hallucinogens Pharmacology2013 Bryan L. Roth (grad student)
Christopher J UrbanTime series analysis; psychometrics Quantitative Psychology20172022 Kathleen M Gates (grad student)
Christopher Uyehara Biology Daniel J. McKay (grad student)
Kunjumon VadakkanNeuroscience20072008 Mark J. Zylka (post-doc)
Rita J. ValentinoStress Neurobiology Ray Dingledine (post-doc)
Anna Van Der Horst20082010 Larry R. Squire (research assistant)
Tina Van Itallie
Anna R. Van Meterdevelopmental psychopathology; emotion; bipolar disorder Psychology2013 Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
Miranda A.L. (Maria Adriana Louisa) van TilburgClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
David F. VanataPublic Health, Black Studies2001 Alice S. Ammerman (grad student)
Nathan A. VandergriftPsychometrics Psychology2004 Patrick J. Curran (grad student)
Margaret J. VanDorenAlcohol, GABA, neurosteroids19972001 A Leslie Morrow (grad student)
Eleanna Varangis Psychology & Neuroscience Exercise and Sport Science20122017 Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student), Kevin M. Guskiewicz (grad student)
Leslie Vaughan Psychology2008 Kelly S. Giovanello (grad student)
Allyson E. Vaughnapoptosis Cell & Developmental Biology2007 Mohanish Deshmukh (grad student)
Gerónimo Velázquez-Hernández Psychiatry Jose Rodriguez-Romaguera (post-doc)
B Jill Ventonanalytical techniques to measure neurochemical changes2003 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Audrey R. Verde Neurobiology Neurobiology2014 Charlotte A. Boettiger (grad student), Martin A. Styner (grad student)
Todd A. Verdoornpain19841988 Ray Dingledine (grad student)
Elena Vidrascu Charlotte A. Boettiger (grad student)
Morgan Viers Psychology and Neuroscience Patrick R. Harrison (research assistant)
Melissa Villanueva2006 R. Mark Wightman (grad student)
Eric A. Vitriol Cell & Developmental Biology2009 Klaus Michael Hahn (grad student)
Andrew James VonaschMorality, Rationality, Free Will, Self-Regulation Psychology and Neuroscience20162018 Kurt J. Gray (post-doc)
Heather Waage-BaudetNeurogenetics, mitochondria, dysmorphology20052007 C.J. Malanga (grad student), Kathleen K. Sulik (grad student)
Alison F. Wagner Psychology2010 Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
Michael L Wallacesynapses, basal ganglia, motivated behavior Cell Biology and Physiology20082014 Benjamin D. Philpot (grad student)
Mark Waller
Thomas J. WalshBehavioral Neuroscience19801986 Richard B. Mailman (post-doc)
Adam K. WalshSocial Work, Clinical Psychology Social Work: Doctoral (residential)2011 Kim Strom-Gottfried (grad student)
Feihong WangDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2011 Martha Cox (grad student)
Yong WangAuditory system2001 Paul B. Manis (post-doc)
Wei-Chun Wangmemory, priming, concepts20062008 Kelly S. Giovanello (research assistant)
Jing WangElectrophysiology20082009 C.J. Malanga (post-doc)
Lynde Wangler Psychology Christina Lebonville (research assistant)
Sara Jane WardReinforcement, Addiction, Cannabinoids, Feeding20042005 Linda A. Dykstra (post-doc)
Jeridith D. WarrenGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology2002 John C. Brantley (grad student)
Lauren H. WarrenClinical Psychology, Gerontology2007 Marilyn Hartman (grad student)
Lauren K WashClinical Psychology Psychology & Neuroscience2021 Anna M. Bardone-Cone (grad student)
Barbara H. WasikClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education
Tiffany Watts-EnglishClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2004 John C. Brantley (grad student)
Neal Weakly
Kristina C. WebberSocial Work, Educational Psychology Education Social Work2014 Natasha K. Bowen (grad student)
Kate M. WegmannSocial Work, Social Psychology Social Work2014 Natasha K. Bowen (grad student)
Darmood WeiToxicology Toxicology2014 Bernard E. Weissman (grad student)
Richard J. Weinbergneuroanatomy, neurochemistry Aldo Rustioni (post-doc)
Bernard E. WeissmanMolecular Biology, Oncology, Neuroscience Biology
Christopher M. Welch Pharmacology2011 Klaus Michael Hahn (grad student)
Gregory Welch Gary Bishop (grad student)
Audrey M. WellsMemory, Addiction, Depression, Sleep Psychology2013 Kathleen Kantak (research assistant), Rita A. Fuchs (grad student)
David F. Werner20072010 A Leslie Morrow (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. West Regina M. Carelli (post-doc)
Taylor N West psychology and neuroscience2019 Barbara L. Fredrickson (grad student)
Edward B. Westermannneuroanatomy, neurochemistry2000 Richard J. Weinberg (grad student)
Crista E. WetheringtonClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Stephen R. Hooper (grad student)
Michael G. WheatonClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Jonathan S. Abramowitz (grad student)
Anne E. WhiteCell cycle Biology2010 Robert J. Duronio (grad student)
Charise M. WhiteNeuroinflammation2000 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Sarah T. Whitleyastrocyte Neurobiology2012 Ken D. McCarthy (grad student)
Buddy A. WhitmanAlcohol, Stress Neurobiology20092012 C.J. Malanga (grad student), Darin J. Knapp (grad student), George R. Breese (grad student)
Barry Whitsel
Christina M. WhittleSpecificity and Function in Protein-Genome Interactions Genetics & Molecular Biology2009 Jason Lieb (grad student)
Peter C. Whybrow Morris A. Lipton (post-doc)
Naomi L. WiesenthalClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Donald Baucom (grad student)
R. Mark WightmanUltramicroelectrodes, Electrochemistry, Neurochemistry1974 Royce W. Murray (grad student)
Tim Wildschut
Scott E. Williams
Sarah K. WilliamsBehavioral pharmacology, neuroteratology, neuroendocrinology, maternal behavior Josephine M. Johns (grad student)
Kristen L. Williams2001 Kay Lund (grad student)
Stephen WillinghamNeuroinflammation Genetics & Molecular Biology2007 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Micah Willis
Michael T. WilloughbyDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology2002 Patrick J. Curran (grad student)
Tiffany A. Wills Neurobiology2009 George R. Breese (grad student)
Kimberly A. Wilson2002 Dianne L. Chambless (grad student)
Cortney C. WinkleActin Dynamics, neural development, axon guidance Stephanie L. Gupton (grad student)
Robert J. WirthPsychometrics Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2008 Patrick J. Curran (grad student)
Jeffrey M. Witkin Linda A. Dykstra (grad student), J. David Leander (post-doc)
Jennifer M. WojciechowskiDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Clinical Psychology Psychology2008 Barbara H. Wasik (grad student)
Alexandra K WojdaCouples Psychology2017 Donald Baucom (grad student)
Scott T. Wolf2007 Chester Insko (grad student)
Samuel C. WolffPharmacology, Cell Biology Neurobiology2007 Robert A. Nicholas (grad student)
Joyce H. Wondolowski20012003 Regina M. Carelli (research assistant)
Athena W. WongNeuroinflammation2003 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Dana WoodDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Black Studies Psychology2009 Beth Kurtz-Costes (grad student)
Mackenzie Allan WoodburnDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology & Neuroscience2017 Jessica R. Cohen (grad student)
Taniesha A. WoodsDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies2006 Beth Kurtz-Costes (grad student)
Kevin M. WrightNeural development, genetics2006 Mohanish Deshmukh (grad student)
Amanda G. WrightAxon guidance Biochemistry and Biophysics2007 Patricia F. Maness (grad student)
Ying Wu2003 William Maixner (grad student)
Yun-Ping Wu Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Jing Wu Neuro-oncology, Cancer Pain
Amanda C. WylieDevelopmental Psychology
Scarlet L. WynnsMass Communications, Speech Communication2003 Lawrence B. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Ping-Jie XiaoMicrobiology Biology, Pharmacology Cell & Developmental Biology2013 Richard J. Samulski (grad student)
Ruili XieAuditory system2006 Paul B. Manis (post-doc)
Xiaohu XieAddiction, Cocaine, Neuropharmacology, Neurochemistry20072007 Jeffery Dennis Steketee (grad student), Rita A. Fuchs (post-doc)
Lei XingCortex William Snider (post-doc)
Peng Xu Psychology and Neuroscience Department Amanda L. Elton (research assistant)
Min XuSomatosensory Cortex, Autism2003 Mark Tommerdahl (grad student)
Barkha Yadav
Sarah K. Yaghoubi Psychology & Neuroscience Christina Lebonville (research assistant)
Takashi Yagi Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Hua Yang Computer Science20012007 Gregory Welch (grad student)
Koji YashiroVisual system, Plasticity Cell & Molecular Physiology2008 Benjamin D. Philpot (grad student)
Zhengmao YeNeuroinflammation Microbiology & Immunology2007 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Ming-Chin YehNutrition2000 Alice S. Ammerman (grad student)
Chi-Liang E. Yen2000 Steve Zeisel (grad student)
Jason J Yi2011 Mark J. Zylka (post-doc), Klaus Michael Hahn (post-doc)
Yukako Yokota Cell & Molecular Physiology2007 Eva Anton (grad student)
Forrest W. Young
Eric A. Youngstromdevelopmental psychopathology; emotion; bipolar disorder
Cassidy J. Zammit Donald T. Lysle (grad student)
Steve Zeisel
Guihua Zhai Biomedical Engineering Joint Program2007 Weili Lin (grad student)
Jinghe Zhang Computer Science20092013 Gregory Welch (grad student)
Daoqiang ZhangMedical Imaging
Lu Zhang Dentistry (Oral Biology)2014 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Feng Zheng Computer Science20102015 Gregory Welch (grad student)
Fengquan Zhouaxon growth and regeneration20012005 William Snider (post-doc)
Zhe Zhouvisual perception, decision making, attention2014 Flavio Frohlich (grad student)
Xinsheng ZhuNeuroinflammation2001 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Xiaonan Zhu2004 Steve Zeisel (grad student)
Eleni ZikaNeuroinflammation2004 Jenny P-Y Ting (grad student)
Sandra D. ZinnClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2000 Joseph C. Lowman (grad student)
Dawnya L. Zitzman Donita L. Robinson (research assistant)
Jennifer L. ZuercherNutrition Nutrition2009 Marci K. Campbell (grad student)
Bharathi J. ZvaraBehavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Demography, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2014 Martha Cox (grad student)
Mark J. ZylkaPain