Pascal J. Maenhout, Ph.D.

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 Insead, Fontainebleau, Île-de-France, France 
"Pascal Maenhout"
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John Y. Campbell grad student 2000 Harvard (Econometree)
 (Essays on portfolio choice and asset pricing.)
David Laibson grad student 2000 Harvard
 (Essays on portfolio choice and asset pricing.)


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Grigory Vilkov grad student 2008 Insead
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Driessen J, Maenhout PJ. (2013) The world price of jump and volatility risk Journal of Banking and Finance. 37: 518-536
Driessen J, Maenhout PJ, Vilkov G. (2009) The price of correlation risk: Evidence from equity options Journal of Finance. 64: 1377-1406
Cremers M, Driessen J, Maenhout P, et al. (2009) Does skin in the game matter? Director incentives and governance in the mutual fund industry Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 44: 1345-1373
Cremers KJM, Driessen J, Maenhout P. (2008) Explaining the Level of Credit Spreads: Option-Implied Jump Risk Premia in a Firm Value Model Review of Financial Studies. 21: 2209-2242
Cremers M, Driessen J, Maenhout P, et al. (2008) Individual stock-option prices and credit spreads Journal of Banking and Finance. 32: 2706-2715
Driessen J, Maenhout PJ. (2007) An Empirical Portfolio Perspective on Option Pricing Anomalies Review of Finance. 11: 561-603
Maenhout PJ. (2006) Robust portfolio rules and detection-error probabilities for a mean-reverting risk premium Journal of Economic Theory. 128: 136-163
Cocco JF, Gomes FJ, Maenhout PJ. (2005) Consumption and portfolio choice over the life cycle Review of Financial Studies. 18: 491-533
Maenhout PJ. (2004) Robust portfolio rules and asset pricing Review of Financial Studies. 17: 951-983
Maenhout PJ. (2002) Discussion of “Robustness and Pricing with Uncertain Growth” Review of Financial Studies. 15: 405-412
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