Ted Abel | synaptic plasticity, memory, epigenetics, sleep, neurodevelopment disorders, mouse models | | 1987 | 1993 | Tom Maniatis (grad student) |
Yoav Adam | | | | | |
Reg Adams | | | | | Nalini Ambady (post-doc) |
Ryan P. Adams | point process models | | | | |
Jason William Adaska | | | | 2007 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
D Michelle Addington | Architecture, Neuroscience Biology, Design and Decorative Arts | | | | |
Donna Rose Addis | human memory, hippocampus, fMRI | | 2005 | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Arash (Seyed Reza) Afraz | Visual System | | | | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student) |
Vineeta Agarwala | human genetic variation and its application to disease | Biophysics | | 2013 | David Altshuler (grad student) |
Seyed Mehdi Aghdaee | | Psychology | | 2013 | John A. Assad (grad student) |
Mehdi Aghdaee | vision | | | | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Margaret Livingstone (grad student) |
Ankur Agrawal | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering | | | 2010 | Gu-yeon Wei (grad student) |
Massimo De Agrò | Visual System, Spider, Psychophysics, Animal Cognition | | 2020 | 2021 | Paul Shamble (post-doc) |
Margarida L. Agrochao | Visual system | | | | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Misha B. Ahrens | | | | | Florian Alois Engert (post-doc) |
Alfred Ajami | | Biology | 1968 | 1972 | Lynn M. Riddiford (grad student) |
Scott A. Akalis | Experimental Psychology | | | 2007 | Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (grad student) |
F. Xavier Alario | | | | | Alfonso Caramazza (post-doc) |
Dinu Florin Albeanu | Olfaction, Optogenetics | | | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student) |
Marc Albert | | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Katherine Albrecht | Adult and Continuing Education, Marketing Business Administration, Information Science | | | 2006 | Terrence Tivnan (grad student) |
Francis J. Alenghat | General Biophysics, Cell Biology, Medical Biophysics | | | 2005 | Donald E. Ingber (grad student) |
Binshtok Alexander | Pain, nociception, TRP channles, Na channles | | 2006 | 2010 | Clifford Woolf (post-doc) |
Farhan Ali | | | | | Bence P. Olveczky (grad student) |
Benjamin L Allen | Hedgehog Signaling in Development and Disease | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2004 | 2009 | Andrew P. McMahon (post-doc) |
Joel Asaph Allen | Ornithology, Mammalogy, Evolution, Natural Selection | Museum of Comparative Zoology | 1862 | 1865 | Louis Agassiz (research assistant) |
Kenneth J.D. Allen | cognitive control; response inhibition; emotional regulation; nonsuicidal self-injury; suicide | Psychology | 2011 | 2018 | Jill Hooley (grad student) |
Richard D Allen | | | | | Keith R. Porter (grad student) |
Graham Allison | | | | | |
Gordon W. Allport | Personality and social psychology | | | 1922 | Herbert Langfeld (grad student), Floyd Henry Allport (collaborator), Floyd Henry Allport (research assistant), Herbert Sidney Langfield (grad student) |
Floyd Henry Allport | political psychology, social psychology | | | 1919 | Edwin Bissell Holt (grad student), Hugo Münsterberg (grad student), Herbert Langfeld (grad student) |
Brenda A. Allwardt | | | | 1999 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Jorge Almeida | Semantic Memory, Dorsal/Ventral Pathways, Object recognition | | 2007 | | Ken Nakayama (grad student), Alfonso Caramazza (grad student), Petra E. Pajtas (collaborator) |
Thelma Alper | | | | | Edwin G. Boring (grad student) |
Richard Ram Das Alpert | | | | | |
Jessica S. Alston | human genetic variation and its application to disease | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | David Altshuler (grad student) |
Frederick W. Alt | DNA repair, immunology, lymphoma | | | | |
Bruce M. Altevogt | | | | 2004 | David L. Paul (grad student) |
Pablo I. Altieri, II, M.D. | Psychoanalysis, Neuroscience, Psychiatry | | | | Edwin G. Boring (grad student) |
David Altshuler | human genetic variation and its application to disease | | | | Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
George A. Alvarez | Vision, attention, memory | | 2000 | 2005 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student) |
Kenneth Alyass | American history | History | | | Elizabeth K. Hinton (grad student) |
Marie Amalric | mathematical cognition | Psychology | 2020 | 2022 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (post-doc) |
Victor Ambros | miRNA, C. elegans development | | | | |
Seth A. Ament | behavioral & physiological genomics | | 2001 | 2003 | Hans A. Hofmann (research assistant) |
Elissa Aminoff | High level vision (scene perception) & long term memory | | 2003 | 2008 | Moshe Bar (grad student), Daniel Schacter (grad student), Moshe Bar (research assistant) |
Ryunosuke Amo | Dopamine, Reinforcement learning | | | | Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida (post-doc) |
Mark Lawrence Andermann | visual system, mouse behavior | | | 2006 | Christopher I. Moore (grad student) |
Barton L. Anderson | vision | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Uli von Andrian | | | 1992 | 1994 | Eugene Butcher (post-doc) |
Milena M. Andzelm | Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2014 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Jason M. Angel | | Psychology | | 2012 | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Peter A Angeli | | Psychology | 2017 | 2023 | Randy L. Buckner (grad student) |
Elaine L. Angelino | point process models | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2014 | Ryan P. Adams (grad student) |
James Rowland Angell | | | | 1892 | William James (grad student) |
Douglas Anger | Behavior Analysis | | | | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student) |
Sam English Anthony | Face perception, computer vision, visual system | | | | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Rockwell R Anyoha | Behavior | Organismic and Evolutionary Biology | 2017 | | Hopi E. Hoekstra (grad student) |
Stefano Anzellotti | fMRI of person identity and person knowledge, machine learning analyses and dynamical systems modelling | | | | Alfonso Caramazza (grad student), Bradford Z. Mahon (research assistant) |
Coren L. Apicella | evolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior | | | 2009 | Marc David Hauser (grad student) |
Laura P. Appell-Warren | Cultural Anthropology, General Psychology | | | 2007 | Mica Pollock (grad student) |
Jessica Lynn Appler | auditory system, circuit assembly, development | | 2005 | 2010 | Lisa V. Goodrich (grad student) |
Jacob W. Aptekar | Visual System, Drosophila | | 2010 | 2014 | Mark A. Frye (grad student) |
Joseph Fitzgerald Arboleda-Velasquez | | | | 2009 | Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (grad student) |
Betul Arda | speech processing | | | | |
Michael Ariel | Visual System, Cerebellum, Retina, Vestibular, Anoxia | | 1981 | 1984 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Rudolf Arnheim | Gestalt Psychology, Art and Perception | | | | |
Rosa I. Arriaga-Vempala | | | | 2001 | Jerome Kagan (grad student) |
Hiroki Asari | visual system | | | | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Nava Ashraf | Economics | | | 2005 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Meenakshi M Asokan | Neuroscience, plasticity, hearing research | | | | |
Edwin B. Astwood | endocrinology, hyperthyroidism | | 1937 | 1939 | Frederick Lee Hisaw (grad student) |
Alexander B Atanasov | Representation Learning, High Dimensional Statistics, Deep Learning, Infinite Width Limits | Applied Mathematics | 2021 | 2024 | Cengiz Pehlevan (grad student) |
Pradeep P. Atluri | Synaptic Plasticity, Neuropsychoanalysis | | 1993 | 2000 | Wade G. Regehr (grad student) |
S. Atwood | | Psychology Department | 2015 | 2019 | Samuel A Mehr (research assistant) |
Nadia Aubin-Horth | Behavioral and evolutionary genomics, behavioral endocrinology | | 2002 | 2006 | Hans A. Hofmann (post-doc) |
Christopher P. Austin | development of a toolbox of reagents and technologies to translate genome sequence into functional insights | | | | Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
Anita E. Autry | parenting, depression, galanin, stress | | 2011 | 2018 | Catherine Dulac (post-doc) |
Jill Avery | Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology | | | 2007 | John A. Deighton (grad student) |
Louis N. Awad | FES, locomotion, stroke, robotics, rehabilitation engineering | School of Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences | 2014 | 2016 | Conor J. Walsh (post-doc) |
Catharine Ayoub | Developmental Psychology, Social Sciences Education, Early Childhood Education, Women's Studies | | | | |
Hamed Azami | Biomedical signal processing, machine learning | | | | |
Hamed Azami | Biomedical signal processing, machine learning | | | | |
Demba Ba | | | | | |
Bénédicte M Babayan | navigation, decision making, reinforcement learning | | | | |
Stephen Baccus | Retina | | | | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Renee Baillargeon | infant cognition | | | | Elizabeth S. Spelke (post-doc) |
Constance M. Bainbridge | | | 2018 | 2020 | Samuel A Mehr (research assistant) |
Abigail A. Baird | Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience | | 1997 | 2001 | Jerome Kagan (grad student) |
Allison E. Baker | Neural Circuits, Physiology, Behavior | | | | |
P Balram | | | | 1973 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Darrick T. Balu | Psychopharmacology | | | | |
Dhananjay Bambah-Mukku | Social Behavior, Genetics, Neural Circuits | | 2013 | | Catherine Dulac (post-doc) |
Mahzarin Rustum Banaji | Experimental Psychology | | | | |
Moshe Bar | High Level Vision, Cognitive Neuroscience, Object Recognition, Contextual Processing, first impressions, preference formation and attitudes | | 1998 | 2000 | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Dániel Barabási | | MCB | | | Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
Theodore X. Barber | | | | | Clyde Kluckhohn (post-doc), William A. Caudill (post-doc) |
Thomas Barbour | Herpetology | | 1908 | 1910 | Edward Laurens Mark (grad student) |
Philip Bard | | | | 1927 | Walter Bradford Cannon (grad student) |
Morgan D. Barense | behavioral neuroscience, memory | | 2000 | 2002 | Mark G. Baxter (research assistant) |
Florence M. Bareyre | | | | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Tania Rinaldi Barkat | Auditory system | | 2008 | 2013 | Takao K. Hensch (post-doc) |
Brianne R Barker | Immunology, Virology | Immunology | 2002 | 2009 | Norman Letvin (grad student) |
David L. Barker | | | | | Edward Kravitz (post-doc) |
Horace Barlow | Computation & Theory | | | | Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc) |
David A. Barner | Language Development, Conceptual Development | | 2002 | 2006 | Jesse Snedeker (grad student) |
Andrew S. Baron | Conceptual Development | | | 2010 | Susan Carey (grad student) |
Peter Barrett | Neurogenetics, neuropeptides, nociception | | 1993 | 1999 | Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student), Gary Ruvkun (grad student) |
Hilary Barth | cognitive development; numerical cognition | | | | Elizabeth S. Spelke (post-doc) |
Christian Barthel | mesoscopic physics | | | 2010 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Igor Bascandziev | Developmental Psychology | | | 2011 | Paul Harris (grad student) |
Alo C. Basu | stress, NMDA, psychiatric disease | | 1997 | 2004 | Edward Kravitz (grad student) |
Uttiya Basu | | | | | Frederick W. Alt (post-doc) |
W. Mark Bates | Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy | | | 2009 | Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student) |
Corinna M. Bauer | neuroophthalmology, cortical visual impairment, diffusion imaging, functional MRI, structural MRI, neuroimaging | | | | Lotfi Merabet (post-doc) |
Sara D. Beach | neuroscience, learning | | | | |
Frank A. Beach | behavioral endocrinology | | | | Karl Spencer Lashley (post-doc) |
Elizabeth H. Beam | Cognitive Neuroscience | | 2013 | 2015 | Randy L. Buckner (research assistant) |
Daniel M. Bear | | | 2010 | 2016 | Michael E. Greenberg (research assistant), Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student) |
Jonathan P. Beauchamp | Economics | | | 2011 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Anita J. Bechtholt | Behavioral Neuroscience, Psychiatric Disorders | | 2007 | 2008 | William A. Carlezon (collaborator), Bruce M. Cohen (post-doc), John Wright (research assistant) |
Ori Beck | Philosophy | Philosophy | | | Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student) |
Carrie Becker | | Psychobiology | 1982 | 1984 | Dale Corbett (grad student) |
Esther B E Becker | Cerebellum, Development, Ataxia, Autism | | 2000 | 2005 | Azad Bonni (grad student) |
John Gilbert Beebe-Center | | | | 1926 | Edwin G. Boring (grad student) |
Marjorie Beeghly | Developmental Science (Psychology) | Psychology | | | Dante Cicchetti (post-doc) |
Jonathan Sage Beier | Social cognitive development, Cognitive development, Infancy | | 2003 | 2008 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student), Daniel Schacter (research assistant), Susan Carey (grad student) |
Mohamed-Ali Belabbas | | | | 2006 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
A Belhout | S10 Supergravity, GUT's | | | | |
John W. Belliveau | brain mapping | | | | |
Nicholas Bellono | | Molecular and Cell Biology | | | Anita L. Zimmerman (grad student) |
Ursula Bellugi | cognitive neuroscience, deafness, music | | | 1967 | Roger Brown (grad student) |
Daniel J. Benjamin | Economics | | | 2006 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Barry L. Bentley | | | | | |
Leo Beranek | Acoustics | | | 1940 | Frederick Vinton Hunt (grad student) |
James Berg | | | | 2008 | Gary Yellen (grad student) |
Angela M. Berg | locomotion | | | 2010 | Andrew A. Biewener (grad student) |
Joseph F. Bergan | Auditory, Olfaction | | 2007 | | Catherine Dulac (post-doc) |
Daniel R. Berger | Visual Perception, Electron Microscopy, Connectomics, Mammalian Cortex | | 2014 | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Lisa H. Berghorst | | Psychology | | 2012 | Diego Pizzagalli (grad student) |
Alice Berglund | Hearing Research | | 1984 | 1990 | David K. Ryugo (grad student) |
Josh Berke | basal ganglia; learning/memory; motivation; addiction | | 1994 | 1998 | Steven E. Hyman (grad student) |
Allan Berlind | Pattern generation by a rhythmic neural system | | | | Ian M. Cooke (grad student) |
Alice Berners-Lee | Hippocampus, Memory | Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2021 | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc) |
Regan Bernhard | | Psychology Psychology | 2017 | 2021 | Joshua D. Greene (grad student), Fiery A. Cushman (post-doc) |
Michael J. Berry | Retina | Physics | | 1996 | Robert M. Westervelt (grad student) |
Eliot Berson | Retina | | | | |
John L. Beshears | Economics | | | 2009 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Aaron R. Best | Synaptic physiology | | | | Wade G. Regehr (post-doc) |
Vassilios J. Bezzerides | TRP Channels | | 2002 | 2004 | David E. Clapham (grad student) |
Jamshed Bharucha | music cognition | | | | William K. Estes (grad student) |
Cheshta Bhatia | systems and computational neuroscience | organismic and evolutionary biology | | | Bence P. Olveczky (grad student) |
Martha R.C. Bhattacharya | neuroscience | | 1996 | 2000 | Douglas A. Melton (research assistant) |
Rahul Bhui | | | | | Sam J. Gershman (post-doc), Andrei Shleifer (post-doc) |
Yanchao Bi | language | | | 2006 | Alfonso Caramazza (grad student) |
Michael J. Bianchetta | nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors | | | 2004 | Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student) |
Isaac H. Bianco | Zebrafish, sensorimotors, visual system, optic tectum | | 2008 | 2013 | Florian Alois Engert (post-doc) |
Sudha Biddinger | | | | | |
Michael J. Biercuk | mesoscopic physics | | | 2005 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Andrew A. Biewener | locomotion | | | | C. Richard Taylor (grad student) |
Henry Jacob Bigelow | surgery | | 1838 | 1841 | Jacob Bigelow (grad student) |
Jay B. Bikoff | Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse | | | 2007 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Parizad Maheyar Bilimoria | | | | 2010 | Azad Bonni (grad student) |
Nathan A. Billings | | | | 2011 | Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
Anne Billot | Neuroplasticity, neuromodulation, stroke recovery, aphasia rehabilitation, depression | Psychology | 2023 | | Randy L. Buckner (post-doc) |
Dalbir Bindra | Motivation | | | 1948 | Joseph C. R. Licklider (grad student) |
David G. Birch | | | 1979 | 1982 | Eliot Berson (post-doc) |
Edward A. Birge | Zoology | | 1873 | 1878 | Louis Agassiz (research assistant), Nathaniel Southgate Shaler (grad student), John McCrady (research assistant) |
Nathaniel T. Blair | Neuronal excitability, ion channels | | 1999 | 2004 | Bruce P. Bean (grad student) |
Helen M. Blau | Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology | | 1969 | 1975 | Fotis Kafatos (grad student) |
Jared L. Bleak | Higher Education, Administration Education, Management Business Administration, Technology of Education | | | 2003 | Richard P. Chait (grad student) |
John Blenis | Cell biology | | | | Raymond L. Erikson (post-doc) |
Konrad Bloch | Biological Synthesis of Cholesterol | | | | |
Ned Block | philosophy of mind | | | | Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student) |
Anne J. Blood | Emotion, Dystonia, Music | | | | |
Brenda L. Bloodgood | | | 2002 | 2006 | Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student) |
Paul Bloom | Cognitive Development | | | | Steven Pinker (grad student) |
Maria L. Bloom | Olfaction, Circuits | | 2012 | 2011 | Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student), Sandeep Robert Datta (research assistant) |
Stewart A. Bloomfield | retina | | 1981 | 1983 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Jeremy A. Blumenthal | Social Cognition | | | 2002 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Robert A. Boakes | Learning processes | | | | Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student) |
Cristian Boboila | Olfaction, Cognition, Learning | | 2005 | 2011 | Frederick W. Alt (grad student) |
Davi D. Bock | Neural circuits, electron microscopy | | 2004 | 2011 | R Clay Reid (grad student) |
Todd E. Bodner | Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Personality Psychology | | | 2000 | Ellen J. Langer (grad student) |
Dana L. Boebinger | auditory cognitive neuroscience | | | | |
Luis E. Boero | | MCB | 2021 | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc) |
Aaron Daniel Boes | Cognitive neuroscience, non-invasive brain stimulation | | | | Daniel Tranel (grad student), Josef Parvizi (research assistant), Alvaro Pascual-Leone (post-doc), Steven Wayne Anderson (grad student), Verne S. Caviness, Jr. (grad student), Kevin Staley (grad student) |
Ryan H. Bogdan | | | 2003 | 2010 | Diego Pizzagalli (grad student) |
Urs Lucas Böhm | | | | | Adam E. Cohen (post-doc) |
James P Bohnslav | Computer vision, cortex, neural coding | Neurobiology | 2016 | | Christopher Harvey (grad student) |
Veronica M. Boix Mansilla | | | | 2001 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Johann H. Bollmann | | | | | Florian Alois Engert (post-doc) |
Ali-reza Boloori | Spatiotemporal coding, population coding, estimation, somatosensory | | | 2007 | Garrett B. Stanley (grad student) |
Andrew D. Bolton | NMDA receptors, Superior Colliculus, Zebrafish Behavior | Center for Brain Science | | | Florian Alois Engert (post-doc) |
Azad Bonni | Development, Morphogenesis, Signal Transduction, Apoptosis | | | | |
Edwin G. Boring | Sensation and perception | | | | |
Ivelina I. Borisova | | | | 2009 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Rachel A. Bortnick | drosophila neurodevelopment | | | | |
Bill Bossert | | | | | |
Benjamin Bouck | | Biological Sciences | | | Daniel P. Kiehart (grad student) |
Jonathan Boulanger-Weill | Neuroscience | MCB | 2017 | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Gabriella L. Boulting | Stem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases | | | 2011 | Kevin C. Eggan (grad student) |
Pierre Bourdillon | Intracranial EEG | | | | |
Arturo Bouzas | Behavior Analysis | | | | William Baum (grad student) |
Henry Pickering Bowditch | Physiology | | | 1868 | Jeffries Wyman (grad student) |
Melissa Bowerman | Child language acquisition, language and thought | Psychology | 1965 | 1971 | Roger Brown (grad student) |
Jeffrey S Bowers | memory | | | | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Deric Bownds | photoreceptor transduction, rhodopsin | | | 1967 | George Wald (grad student) |
Richard E. Boyatzis | personality, motivation | | | | David Clarence McClelland (grad student) |
Matthew B. Boyle | philosophy of mind, Kant, and German Idealism | | | | |
Barbara Braams | | | | | |
Abigail L. Bracha | Cell Biology | | | 2010 | Donald E. Ingber (grad student) |
Daniel M. Brady | | | 2007 | 2012 | Takao K. Hensch (grad student) |
Daniel Mahefasoa Brady | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | John HR Maunsell (grad student) |
Rodrigo M Braga | Cognitive Neuroscience | | | | |
Andrea H. Brand | Drosophila nervous system development | | | | Norbert Perrimon (post-doc), Mark Ptashne (post-doc) |
David H Brann | innate behavior, olfaction | | 2016 | | Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student) |
Daniel Branton | biophysics | | | | |
Jordan B. Brayanov | Motor control | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2013 | Maurice A. Smith (grad student) |
T. Berry Brazelton | | | | | |
Kristen J. Brennand | Psychiatric genomics, human induced pluripotent stem cells, CRISPR | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2002 | 2007 | Douglas A. Melton (grad student) |
Stephan D. Brenowitz | synaptic transmission | | | | Wade G. Regehr (post-doc) |
Trenton Bricken | | Systems Biology | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Perry A. Brittis | | | | 2004 | John Flanagan (grad student) |
Iman Brivanlou | | | 1994 | 1999 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Ali Brivanlou | neural development | Developmental Biology | 1991 | 1994 | Douglas A. Melton (post-doc) |
Amy Brock | Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics | | | 2004 | Donald E. Ingber (grad student) |
Susan E. Brockerhoff | retina | | 1994 | 1996 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Roger W. Brockett | robotics | | | | |
Benedikt Brommer | | | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Jeffrey W. Brown | Sensory neurophysiology, decision neuroethology, thalamus, computational neuroscience | | 2006 | 2007 | Aravinthan Samuel (research assistant) |
Juliana R. Brown | Development | | | 2005 | Douglas A. Melton (grad student) |
Emery Brown | | | | | Peter Jost Huber (grad student) |
Solange P. Brown | | | | | Wade G. Regehr (post-doc) |
Roger Brown | Linguistic Development | | | | |
Charles Thomas Brues | entomology | | | | |
Jerome Seymour Bruner | Psychology | | | 1941 | Gordon W. Allport (grad student) |
Axel Brunger | crystallography, synaptic neurotransmission | | 1982 | 1983 | Martin Karplus (post-doc), Gregory A. Petsko (post-doc) |
Merle S. Bruno | Visual comparative physiology | | 1969 | 1971 | George Wald (grad student) |
Joshua J. Buchman | mechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning | | | 2009 | Li-Huei Tsai (grad student) |
Randy L. Buckner | Human memory | | | | Donna Rose Addis (collaborator) |
Andrew E. Budson | Episodic memory; Alzheimer's disease | | | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Yoram Burak | Theoretical neuroscience | | | | |
Juan Burrone | | | | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc) |
James K. Bursley | offline processing, fMRI | | 2013 | | Randy L. Buckner (grad student) |
Serena Butcher | Vision Science | | 2001 | | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student) |
Maurice D. Butler | miRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan | | | 2008 | Gary Ruvkun (grad student) |
Daniel A. Butts | Information theory, coding, estimation, vision | | | | Garrett B. Stanley (post-doc) |
Dongsheng Cai | NF-kB IN HYPOTHALAMIC DYSREGULATION OF ENERGY BALANCE, Aging | | | | Steven E. Shoelson (post-doc) |
Mary W Calkins | | Psychology | 1890 | 1890 | William James (grad student) |
Jasmin Camacho | development, evolution | | | | |
Jasmin Camacho | Evolution and development | | | | |
D. Joshua J. Cameron | Retinal degenerations, Eye Development, Genetics | | 2007 | 2010 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Jeffrey M. Camhi | neurobiology and behavior | | | 1967 | Ian M. Cooke (grad student) |
Malcolm G. Campbell | | Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology | | | Naoshige Uchida (post-doc) |
Steven F. Candela | Schizophrenia | | | 2004 | Brendan Maher (grad student) |
Rosa Cao | | Philosophy | | | Peter Godfrey-Smith (grad student) |
Mario R. Capecchi | | | | 1967 | James D. Watson (grad student) |
Alfonso Caramazza | Language | | | | |
Djuradj Caranovic | Behavioral Science | | | | |
Mary N. Caravella | Marketing Business Administration | | | 2007 | John A. Deighton (grad student) |
Megan R. Carey | | | | | Wade G. Regehr (post-doc) |
Susan Carey | Conceptual Development | | | | Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student), Roger Brown (grad student) |
Willaim A. Carlezon | Neuroscience Biology | | | | |
William A. Carlezon | | | | | |
Thomas A. Carlson | Cognitive Neuroscience | | 2004 | 2008 | Frans AJ Verstraten (post-doc) |
Leonard Carmichael | Neuroethology, child psychology | | | | Walter F. Dearborn (grad student) |
Rachel N. Carmody | Anthropology | Human Evolutionary Biology | | 2012 | Richard Wrangham (grad student), Peter J. Turnbaugh (post-doc) |
Dana Carney | | | | | Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (post-doc) |
Amy Carolus | | | 2020 | 2023 | Rachel Romeo (research assistant) |
Frederic W. Carpenter | | | | 1904 | Edward Laurens Mark (grad student) |
Shelley H. Carson | | | | 2001 | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Adam G. Carter | | | 1997 | 2002 | Wade G. Regehr (grad student) |
Olivia L. Carter | vision and attention | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc), John D. Pettigrew (grad student) |
Ashley R. Carter | Drosophila sensory behavior, Optical Tweezers, DNA folding, Cellular Microrheology | | 2009 | | Aravinthan Samuel (post-doc) |
Alexandre Carter | | | | | |
Eugene M. Caruso | Social Cognition | | | 2007 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Alessio Caruso | chemistry, biochemistry, enzymology, structural biology | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2021 | | Daniel E. Kahne (post-doc) |
Stephen Casper | | CS | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Maja C. Cassidy | mesoscopic physics | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2012 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Jorge M. Castelo Branco de Albuquerque Almeida | Vision | | | 2010 | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Lisa A. Catapano | | | 1997 | 2003 | Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student) |
Marco Catipovic | | | | | |
William A. Caudill | | | | | |
Patrick Cavanagh | Perception, attention, art | | | | Weilun Chou (collaborator) |
Courtney B. Cazden | | | | | Roger Brown (grad student) |
Constance L. Cepko | development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness | | | | Richard Mulligan (post-doc) |
Sandra E. Cha | Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology | | | 2004 | Amy C. Edmondson (grad student) |
Christine Cha | | | | | Matthew K. Nock (grad student) |
Teresa Hongmi Chae | | | | 2004 | Chris A. Walsh (grad student) |
Richard P. Chait | Higher Education, Administration Education, Social Psychology | | | | |
Ramakrishna Chakravarthi | Visual Attention | | 2002 | 2007 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student) |
Martin Chalfie | C. elegans | | 1968 | 1977 | Robert L. Perlman (grad student), Klaus K. Weber (research assistant) |
Chester Chamberlain | sonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system | | | 2007 | Andrew P. McMahon (grad student) |
Anna Chambers | | | | | |
Alexander M. Chan | Language, Neuroprosthetics, Intracranial EEG | Engineering and Applied Sciences | 2007 | 2012 | Sydney S. Cash (grad student) |
Celene H. Chang | | Biological Sciences in Public Health | | 2013 | Ju Lu (grad student) |
Ernie C. Chang | Olfaction | | | 2002 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Bernard P Chang | | | | | |
Amelia Chang | | | | | |
Hannah H. Chang | General Biophysics, Cell Biology | | | 2008 | Donald E. Ingber (grad student) |
Aaron N. Chang | Genetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology | | | 2002 | Stuart H. Orkin (grad student) |
Alex Chaparro | Human Factors, visual perception, visual attention, color vision, aging, human computer interaction | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Patrick Charnay | | | | | Tom Maniatis (post-doc) |
Elena Chartoff | | | | | |
Cynthia Chataway | | Psychology | | | Herbert C. Kelman (grad student) |
Garga Chatterjee | Visual perception , visual cognition , Face processing , Visual phantoms | | 2006 | 2011 | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Xiuye Chen | | | | | Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
James K. Chen | chemical biology, developmental biology | | 1991 | 1998 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student), George M. Whitesides (research assistant) |
Chinfei Chen | synaptic physiology, visual system development | | | | |
Yue Chen | | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Christopher H. Chen | | Neurobiology | 2016 | | Wade G. Regehr (post-doc) |
Joseph Chen | | | 1195 | 2001 | Jonathan R. Beckwith (grad student) |
Xudong Chen | | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2014 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Hsiuchen Chen | | | | 2000 | Philip Leder (grad student) |
Yao Chen | | | | 2009 | John Flanagan (grad student) |
Emy L. Chen | | | | 2005 | Sam Kunes (grad student) |
Allen C. Chen | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 | | | 2009 | Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student) |
Yi-Chia Chen | Vision | Psychology | 2017 | 2020 | George A. Alvarez (post-doc) |
Bo Chen | | | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Timothy J. Cherry | Retinal Development | | 2002 | 2009 | Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
Eunice Lap Cheung | | | | 2003 | David P. Corey (grad student) |
Joan Y. Chiao | cultural neuroscience; social/affective neuroscience | | | 2006 | Nalini Ambady (grad student), Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Athar Chishti | Pharmacology, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology | Biology | | | Daniel Branton (post-doc) |
Chung-Yiu P. Chiu | Clinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology | | | | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Isaac Chiu | Pain, Neuro-immune interactions | Molecular and Cell Biology | 1998 | 2002 | Jack L. Strominger (research assistant) |
Dmitri "Mitya" Chklovskii | Theoretical Neuroscience, Connectomics | | 1994 | 1997 | Bertrand I. Halperin (post-doc) |
Yeang H. Chng | Visual system, visual cortex | | 2001 | 2007 | R Clay Reid (grad student) |
Edwin Chng | | Education | 2018 | 2024 | Bertrand Schneider (grad student) |
Jae Chun Choe | Behavioral Ecology, Evolutionary Biology | | | 1990 | Edward Osborne Wilson (grad student) |
Susan Choi | | | | | Nalini Ambady (grad student) |
Ja Young Choi | | Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology | 2016 | 2022 | Tyler K. Perrachione (grad student) |
James J. Choi | Economics | | | 2005 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Yoojin J. Choi | Retrograde signaling, cerebellar development, cancer biology | | | 2006 | Rosalind A. Segal (grad student) |
Philip S. Choi | Olfaction | | | 2007 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Eun Young Choi | Cortical Networks, Striatum, Human Functional Connectivity, Monkey Anatomy, Neurophysiology, Clinical Trials | Neurobiology | | 2013 | Randy L. Buckner (grad student) |
Kao Liang Chow | Neurology | | | | Karl Spencer Lashley (grad student) |
Adam Paul Christensen | | | | 2009 | David P. Corey (grad student) |
Fotini Christia | | | | | Roger Petersen (grad student) |
Monica W. Chu | | | 2007 | 2010 | Joshua R. Sanes (research assistant) |
Charleen T. Chu | Neuropathology, Parkinson's disease, mitochondria, autophagy | | | | Karel Frederik Liem (research assistant) |
Yunxiang Chu | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | 2009 | 2014 | Wade G. Regehr (grad student) |
Judy Y. Chu | Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education | | | 2000 | Carol Gilligan (grad student) |
Katrin F. Chua | mRNA nuclear export, splicing | | | 2001 | Robin Reed (grad student) |
Elizabeth F. Chua | memory, metamemory | | 2003 | 2008 | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Marvin M. Chun | vision | | | | Patrick Cavanagh (post-doc) |
Denise K. Chun | Cell Biology of the Neuron | | | 2008 | Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student) |
Julia E. Chung | Stem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2013 | Kevin C. Eggan (grad student) |
Eunju Chung | Drosophila Kinesins and Synaptogenesis | | 2008 | 2008 | Lee Rubin (post-doc), Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student) |
Hayun C. Chung | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2009 | Gu-yeon Wei (grad student) |
SueYeon Chung | Computation & Theory | Applied Physics, Center for Brain Science | 2010 | 2017 | Haim Sompolinsky (grad student) |
Sooyoung Chung | | | | | R Clay Reid (post-doc) |
Russell M. Church | Animal behavior | | | | Richard Lester Solomon (grad student) |
Hugh O. Churchill | mesoscopic physics | Physics | | 2012 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Jay H. Chyung | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 | | | 2004 | Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student) |
Mina Cikara | | | | | |
Aylin Cimenser | | | | | |
Susan A. Clancy | | | | 2001 | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Damon A. Clark | | | 2003 | 2007 | Aravinthan Samuel (grad student) |
Joanne Clark | Neurodegeneration, Aging, Parkinson's Disease, Oxidative Stress | | 2006 | | David Keith Simon (post-doc) |
Kelsey Clausing | | | 2019 | 2018 | Mazen A. Kheirbek (research assistant), Lauren Orefice (grad student) |
Vicki L. Coffin | Adenosine, dopamine, dopamine D1 receptors, NK1 antagonist, muscarinic M2 antagonist, caffeine, adenosine antagonist | | 1983 | 1986 | Roger D. Spealman (post-doc) |
Sonia Cohen | Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse | | | 2011 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
David Harris Cohen | | | | 1960 | Frederick Mosteller (research assistant) |
I. Bernard Cohen | | | | | |
Jeremiah Y. Cohen | Neurophysiology, behavior, reward | | | | Naoshige Uchida (post-doc) |
Jonathan B. Cohen | nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors | | | 1972 | Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student) |
Bruce M. Cohen | | | | | |
Michael A. Cohen | visual cognition, visual awareness, attention | Psychology Psychology | 2009 | 2014 | Jeremy M. Wolfe (research assistant), Ken Nakayama (grad student), George A. Alvarez (grad student) |
Bertram Cohler | Developmental Psychology, General Religion, Cultural Anthropology, General | Social Relations | | 1967 | Beatrice Blyth Whiting (grad student) |
Mariana Colacelli | Economics | | | 2005 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Matthew F Collie | somatosensation, motor cpgs | | | | |
Kenneth J. Colodner | | | | 2008 | Mel B. Feany (grad student) |
Kirsten Condry | Infant cognition and perception | | | | |
Richard Allen Cone | photoreceptors, mucosal antibodies | | | | George Wald (research assistant), John E. Dowling (research assistant) |
Lauren M. Conoscenti | | | | 2007 | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Juan Manuel Contreras | | Psychology Psychology | | 2013 | Jason Mitchell (grad student), Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (grad student) |
Bevil R. Conway | Vision | | 2001 | 2007 | David Hubel (post-doc), Margaret Livingstone (grad student) |
Erik P. Cook | Neurophysiology, visual perception | | | | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Ian M. Cooke | Neurosecretion | | | | John H. Welsh, Jr. (grad student) |
Ellis Cooper | neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors | | | | Edwin Furshpan (post-doc), David Potter (post-doc) |
Walter R. Cooper | General, Military Studies, Military History | Government | | 2013 | Stephen P. Rosen (grad student) |
Dale Corbett | Stroke, Stroke Recovery, Stroke Rehabilitation, Neuroplasticity | | | | |
Claire Cordella | | Speech and Hearing Bioscience & Technology | 2014 | | Jordan R. Green (grad student) |
Leda Cosmides | Evolutionary psychology | | | | Irven DeVore (research assistant), Robert L. Trivers (research assistant), Richard J. Herrnstein (research assistant), Steven Pinker (grad student) |
Paul T. Costa | personality | | | | David Clarence McClelland (grad student) |
Albert Costa | language, bilingualism | | | | Alfonso Caramazza (post-doc) |
Darce M. Costello | Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies | | | 2004 | Terrence Tivnan (grad student) |
Michael E. Coulter | neurobiology | | | | |
Stephanie L. Courchesne | Retrograde signaling, cerebellar development, cancer biology | | | 2009 | Rosalind A. Segal (grad student) |
Erika Marie Cowman Schetter | Reward processing, dopamine | | | | Diego Pizzagalli (research assistant), Petra E. Pajtas (collaborator) |
Daniel Crevier | Programming | | 1993 | 1997 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
William John Crozier | Physiology | | | 1915 | Jacques Loeb (grad student) |
Jody C. Culham | Visual system, brain imaging, perception and action | | 1995 | 1997 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Nancy Kanwisher (grad student) |
Katherine B. Curhan | | | | 2009 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Tim Curran | erp, memory | | 1993 | 1995 | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Sophie Christine Currier | | | | 2004 | Chris A. Walsh (grad student) |
Kevin M. Cury | | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2006 | 2011 | Naoshige Uchida (grad student) |
Fiery A. Cushman | Conceptual Development | | | 2008 | Susan Carey (grad student) |
Luciano Custo Greig | Development | | 2009 | 2013 | Mollie Woodworth (collaborator) |
Monica A. Daley | locomotion, biomechanics, muscle physiology, neuromechanics | | | 2006 | Andrew A. Biewener (grad student) |
Joseph R. Daniele | | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2012 | Sam Kunes (grad student) |
Helene R. Dassule | sonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system | | | 2000 | Andrew P. McMahon (grad student) |
Mohammad Dastjerdi | auditory system | | | | |
Sandeep Robert Datta | circuits, innate responses, olfaction | | 1995 | 2004 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Akash Datwani | CNS development, plasticity & degeneration | | | | |
Stephen V. David | auditory system, attention | | 1994 | 1996 | Roger W. Brockett (research assistant) |
Juliet Y. Davidow | learning, memory, hippocampus, basal ganglia, midbrain, development | | | | Leah H. Somerville (grad student) |
Thomas J. Davidson | Hippocampus, optogenetics, EMG | | 1999 | 2000 | Margaret Livingstone (research assistant) |
Richard J. Davidson | | | | | David Clarence McClelland (post-doc) |
Hallowell Davis | | | | | |
Katharine E. Davis | | | | 2011 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Nigel W. Daw | visual system, development, | | | | David Hubel (post-doc), Torsten Wiesel (post-doc) |
Adrian Daw | | | | 2000 | Peter L. Smith (grad student) |
Elizabeth Dawes Duraisingh | | Educational Policy, Leadership and Instructional Practice | | 2012 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
William E. Dawson | | | | 1968 | Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student) |
Michelle Day | | | | 2000 | Steven E. Hyman (grad student) |
Benjamin L. de Bivort | | | | 2007 | Sam Kunes (grad student) |
Irina De la Huerta | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Joshua R. Sanes (grad student) |
Eve De Rosa | Basal forebrain, acetylcholine, memory | | 1998 | 2000 | Mark G. Baxter (grad student), Michael E. Hasselmo (grad student) |
Saskia de Vries | | | 2001 | 2006 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Terrence W. Deacon | Brain evolution, language, emergence | | | | Irven DeVore (grad student) |
Michael R. Deans | retina, development | | | 2002 | David L. Paul (grad student) |
Walter F. Dearborn | | | | | |
Pratik Deb | | | | | Garga Chatterjee (research assistant) |
Stephanie N. DeCross | Clinical affective neuroscience; Clinical psychology; Threat mechanisms | | | | Katie A. McLaughlin (grad student) |
John A. Deighton | Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology | | | | |
John Paul Dekker | | | | 2006 | Gary Yellen (grad student) |
Gaelle Desbordes | | | 2006 | 2009 | Garrett B. Stanley (post-doc), Jose-Manuel Alonso (post-doc) |
Vincent G. Dethier | Insect chemoreception | | | 1939 | Charles Thomas Brues (grad student) |
Thomas Andrew Deuel | | | | 2004 | Chris A. Walsh (grad student) |
Christen M. Deveney | | | | 2008 | Diego Pizzagalli (grad student) |
Arturo Deza | Vision Science, Computer Vision, Robotics | Department of Psychology | 2019 | | Talia Konkle (post-doc) |
Rani Dhavan | mechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning | | | 2002 | Li-Huei Tsai (grad student) |
Ashesh K. Dhawale | Motor Systems, Learning | OEB | 2012 | 2021 | Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc) |
Leonardo Di Carlo | mesoscopic physics | | | 2008 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Adele Diamond | | | | | Jerome Kagan (grad student) |
Dion K. Dickman | Synaptic homeostasis | | | 2005 | Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student) |
Erin E Diel | Auditory system | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2012 | 2018 | Takao K. Hensch (grad student) |
Shelby B. Dietz | information processing by neural circuits | | | 2005 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student) |
Daniel G. Dillon | Emotion Regulation | | | | |
Moira R. Dillon | | | | | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Ming-Chieh Ding | systems | | | 2008 | Garrett B. Stanley (grad student) |
Jeremy Samuel Dittman | Molecules of Synaptic Transmission | | | 2000 | Wade G. Regehr (grad student) |
Laura Dittmann | | | | 1967 | Jacob Goering (grad student) |
Michael Tri H. Do | vision, neurophysiology | | 1998 | 2004 | Bruce P. Bean (grad student) |
Ian Dobbins | memory, neuroscience, prefrontal cortex | | | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Jane Dodd | | | | | Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc) |
David Dodell-Feder | fMRI, Schizophrenia, Psychosis-Risk | | | | |
Chad Dodson | | Psychology | | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Fiona Doetsch | Adult stem cells | | 2001 | 2003 | Catherine Dulac (research scientist) |
Leah J. Domb | Anthropology | | | 2000 | Richard Wrangham (grad student) |
Julie M. Donohue | self-fulfilling prophecy; nonverbal communication; interpresonal expectation | | | 2004 | Robert Rosenthal (grad student) |
Hayley M. Dorfman | | | | | |
Fenil Doshi | Visual System, Mid-level vision, Spatial organization in the visual cortex, Intuitive physics | Psychology Psychology Psychology | 2021 | 2021 | George A. Alvarez (research assistant), George A. Alvarez (grad student), Talia Konkle (grad student) |
Allison Doupe | Birdsong | | | | Paul H. Patterson (grad student) |
Antonia L. Dow | | | | | William A. Carlezon (post-doc) |
John E. Dowling | | | 1993 | 1961 | George Wald (grad student), Alan R. Adolph (collaborator) |
Adele Doyle | | | | | Sharad Ramanathan (post-doc) |
Ryan Draft | | | 2005 | 2010 | Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student) |
Hubert Dreyfus | | | | | Dagfinn Føllesdal (grad student) |
Gideon Dreyfuss | Spinal Muscular Atrophy, RNA binding proteins, Splicing, High-Throughput Screening | | | 1978 | Elkan Rogers Blout (grad student) |
Erin E. Driver-Linn | Social Cognition | | | 2001 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Bo Duan | Development and function of sensory circuitry | | 2010 | | Qiufu Ma (post-doc) |
Brian M. DuBoff | In our laboratory we have created fruit fly models of human neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and a number of less common disorders | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Mel B. Feany (grad student) |
Ronald R. Dubreuil | Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology | | | | Daniel Branton (post-doc), Lawrence SB Goldstein (post-doc), James Marrs (collaborator) |
Brad C. Duchaine | | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc), Garga Chatterjee (collaborator) |
Darryll D. Dudley | DNA repair, immunology, lymphoma | | | 2003 | Frederick W. Alt (grad student) |
Kevin Duffy | Visual System | | 2001 | 2003 | David Hubel (post-doc) |
Kobina N. Dufu | mRNA nuclear export, splicing | | | 2010 | Robin Reed (grad student) |
Suzanne E. Duke | Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology | | | 2007 | Paul Harris (grad student) |
Catherine Dulac | Olfaction | | | | |
Acheson Duncan | | | | | Frank Dunstone Graham (grad student) |
Karen M. Dunham-Sootheran | Technology of Education, Instructional Design Education, Higher Education | | | 2014 | Terrence Tivnan (grad student) |
Knight Dunlap | | | | | Hugo Münsterberg (grad student) |
Tim Dunn | | | | | Florian Alois Engert (post-doc) |
Marc Duque Ramirez | larval zebrafish, astrocytes, behavior | PiN | 2020 | | Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
Omer Durak | Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience | Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology | 2016 | | Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc) |
Sunny Dutra | Mood Disorders, Reward Processing | | 2008 | 2010 | Diego Pizzagalli (research assistant) |
Raaz Dwivedi | Statistical Machine Learning, Monte Carlo Methods | CS | 2021 | | Susan A. Murphy (post-doc) |
Robert H. Dworkin | | | | | |
Ruth Anne Eatock | sensory neurobiology, auditory, vestibular | | | | |
Julia T. Ebert | Bioinspired Robotics, Motor Learning | Computer Science | 2016 | | Radhika Nagpal (grad student) |
Cesar Echavarria | visual neuroscience | Neurobiology | 2015 | | David Cox (grad student) |
Jay A. Edelman | Eye movements | | 1999 | 2002 | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Uri T. Eden | | | | 2005 | Emery Brown (grad student) |
Amy C. Edmondson | Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology | | | | J. Richard Hackman (grad student) |
John Tileston Edsall | Protein Physical Chemistry | | 1926 | 1927 | Edwin Joseph Cohn (grad student), Alfred Clarence Redfield (research assistant) |
Eleanore B. Edson | | | | 2006 | Chinfei Chen (grad student) |
Ward Edwards | Decision-making | | | 1952 | Frederick Mosteller (grad student), John Gilbert Beebe-Center (grad student) |
James P. Egan | | | | | Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student) |
Kevin C. Eggan | Stem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases | | 2003 | 2004 | Douglas A. Melton (research scientist) |
S.E. Roian Egnor | | | | | Anthony Leonardo (collaborator), Marc David Hauser (post-doc) |
David Eisenberg | protein interactions | | | | John Tileston Edsall (research assistant) |
Thomas Eisner | chemical ecology | | | 1956 | William Louis Brown, Jr. (grad student) |
Hillary A. Elfenbein | | | | 2001 | Nalini Ambady (grad student) |
David R. Elmaleh | | | | | |
Ilan Elson-Schwab | In our laboratory we have created fruit fly models of human neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and a number of less common disorders | | | 2007 | Mel B. Feany (grad student) |
Carolyn Elya | behavioral parasitology | OEB | 2018 | | Benjamin L. de Bivort (post-doc) |
Mark M. Emerson | Development, axon guidance, synaptogenesis | | | 2005 | David Van Vactor (grad student) |
Ansgar Endress | | | 2007 | 2009 | Marc David Hauser (post-doc) |
Lewis Libman Engel | Steroid Hormones | | | | |
Florian Alois Engert | zebrafish, optic tectum, behavior, vision, imaging | | | | |
Michaela M Ennis | Computational Psychiatry | Psychiatry | 2017 | 2022 | Justin T. Baker (grad student) |
Russell Epstein | Cognitive Neuroscience | | 1991 | 1996 | Alan Yuille (grad student) |
Keith M. Ericson | Economics | | | 2011 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Erik Erikson | Psychoanalysis | | | | Stanley Cobb (post-doc) |
Rhea T. Eskew | vision, color science | | 1986 | 1990 | Charles Stromeyer (research scientist) |
William K. Estes | Learning & memory | | | | |
Michael Donald Evans | psychology, cognition | Psychology | | | Elizabeth A. Phelps (research scientist) |
Gilad David Evrony | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2013 | Chris A. Walsh (grad student) |
James M. Fadool | retinal development | | 1994 | 1997 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Margie Fain | | Biology | 1970 | 1975 | Lynn M. Riddiford (grad student) |
John L. Falk | Ingestive behavior | | | | Jean Mayer (post-doc) |
Ryann Fame | | | | | |
Haoxue Fan | Decision-making, Emotion, Anxiety | | | | |
Antoniu L. Fantana | Motor systems, language, bird song | | 2007 | 2006 | Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc), Bert Sakmann (research assistant), Markus Meister (grad student) |
Martha J. Farah | | | | 1983 | R Duncan Luce (grad student), Stephen Kosslyn (grad student) |
David H. Farb | Molecular physiology of benzodiazepines and other ion channel modulators; GABA(A) receptor structure-function; NMDA receptor structure and function; neuroactive steroids | | 1975 | 1979 | Gerald Fischbach (post-doc) |
Claire T. Farley | Locomotion | | 1987 | 1991 | Thomas A. McMahon (grad student), C. Richard Taylor (grad student) |
John Farrar | | | | 1803 | Samuel Webber (grad student) |
Deirdre Farrell | | | | | |
Jeffrey A Farrell | developmental biology, zebrafish | Molecular & Cellular Biology | 2013 | 2019 | Alexander Schier (post-doc) |
Faisal Fecto | Genetics, Neurodegeneration, ALS, Dementia, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Systems Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Disease | | 2002 | 2002 | Daniel Hoch (research assistant) |
Lydia Federico | | Psychology | | | Donald J. Robinaugh (research assistant) |
Wallace O. Fenn | Muscle physiology | | | 1919 | Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (grad student) |
Lief E Fenno | | | 2005 | 2007 | Douglas A. Melton (research assistant) |
David M. Ferrero | Olfactory system | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | 2007 | 2012 | Stephen D. Liberles (grad student) |
Stephen Ferrigno | | Psychology | | | Susan Carey (post-doc) |
David Ferster | Visual system | | 1975 | 1980 | Torsten Wiesel (grad student), David Hubel (grad student), Simon LeVay (grad student) |
Charles B. Ferster | Behavior | | | | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (post-doc) |
Ila R. Fiete | Computation, theory, coding, dynamics | | | 2004 | Daniel S. Fisher (grad student) |
Matthew S. Finkbeiner | lexical access, masked priming, bilingual speech production | | | | Alfonso Caramazza (post-doc) |
Zachary O. First | Higher Education, Administration Education, Social Psychology | | | 2007 | Richard P. Chait (grad student) |
Kenneth H. Fischbeck | | | | | U. J. McMahan (research assistant) |
Mehmet Fisek | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2014 | Rachel I. Wilson (grad student) |
Jamie K. Fitzgerald | | | | 2011 | John A. Assad (grad student) |
Steven W. Flavell | Neural Circuits & Behavior | | 2002 | 2009 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Norman A Fleck | | | | | Bernard Budiansky (post-doc) |
John C. Flournoy | Developmental Cognitive Neurosicence | Psychology Psychology | 2020 | | Katie A. McLaughlin (research scientist), Leah H. Somerville (research scientist) |
Alexander Forbes | | | 1904 | 1905 | George H. Parker (research assistant) |
Kenneth W. Foster | Photoreceptors | | | | Howard C. Berg (post-doc) |
Kelly A. Foster | | | 1999 | 2004 | Wade G. Regehr (grad student) |
Haleh Fotowat | | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2016 | | Florian Alois Engert (post-doc) |
Don Fowles | Psychophysiology | | | 1967 | Norman F. Watt (grad student), Brendan Maher (grad student) |
Michael A. Fox | Synaptic targeting and formation | | 2004 | 2007 | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Nathan A. Fox | Temperament; Development of emotion and emotion regulation; Developmental psychophysiology, infant cognitive/social development. | | | | Jerome Kagan (grad student) |
Steven L. Franconeri | | | | 2004 | Daniel J. Simons (grad student) |
Christopher L. Frank | mechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning | | | 2008 | Li-Huei Tsai (grad student) |
Loren Frank | Learning, Memory, Hippocampus, Decision making | | | | Emery Brown (post-doc) |
Steven Frankland | | Psychology | 2009 | | Joshua D. Greene (grad student) |
Nicholas T Franklin | Learning, Decision Making | | | | |
Peter J. Franz | clinical psychology, emotion, self-injury | Psychology | 2015 | | Matthew K. Nock (grad student) |
Eleanor J. Fraser | Sexually dimorphic behaviors, lymphoma, multiple myeloma | | 2004 | 2005 | Hans A. Hofmann (research assistant) |
Frederick M. Freundlich | Organizational, Industrial Psychology, Industrial Education | | | 2009 | Terrence Tivnan (grad student) |
Avi Friedlich | Alzheimer disease | | | | |
Stacia Friedman-Hill | Visual attention | | | | Jeremy M. Wolfe (research assistant) |
Carl Fulwiler | | | | 1994 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Edwin Furshpan | | | | | Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc) |
Andreas M. Fuster | Economics | | | 2011 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Harrison W. Gabel | miRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan | | | 2008 | Gary Ruvkun (grad student) |
John D.E. Gabrieli | Cognitive neuroscience | | | | Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc) |
Brendan Gaesser | imagination, memory, future thinking, social decision-making, morality | Psychology | | 2014 | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Joanna Gainski | | | | | |
D. Carleton Gajdusek | Prion | | | 1946 | John Tileston Edsall (grad student) |
Robert Galambos | | | | | Hallowell Davis (grad student), Donald R. Griffin (collaborator) |
Maria J. Galazo | | | 2007 | | Francisco Clascá Cabré (grad student), Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc) |
Catherine Gallori | neurobiology | | | | |
Kanchana K. Gamage | Developmental Neuroscience | Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology | 2017 | | Kevin C. Eggan (post-doc) |
Vijay S. Ganesh | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Chris A. Walsh (grad student) |
Giorgio Ganis | Visual cognition, Cognitive control, Deception | | | | Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc) |
Jesus Adrian Garcia | | | | 2001 | David P. Corey (grad student) |
Howard Gardner | | | | | Norman Geschwind (post-doc), Erik Erikson (research assistant), Roger Brown (grad student), Nelson Goodman (post-doc) |
Howard Garner | Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Experimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Artificial Intelligence | | | | |
Lucia Garrido | | | 2010 | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Quentin Gaudry | neuroscience | | | | Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc) |
Steven J.C. Gaulin | Integrative Anthropological Sciences, evolutionary psychology, cognitive adaptations, the human voice, sexual selection, evolution of sex differences, lipid metabolism, brain evolution | | | | Irven DeVore (grad student) |
Susan S. Gaylor | Higher Education, Administration Education | | | 2003 | Richard P. Chait (grad student) |
Hui Ge | Genetics | | | 2004 | Marc Vidal (grad student) |
Xuecai Ge | Neural development, Cell signaling, neuro-endocrinology | | | 2009 | Li-Huei Tsai (grad student) |
Maria Neimark Geffen | sensory systems | | 2001 | 2006 | Christopher I. Moore (grad student), Markus Meister (grad student) |
Masha V. Gelfand | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | 2006 | 2012 | Chenghua Gu (grad student) |
Amy C. Geojo | Linguistic and conceptual development | | 2007 | | Susan Carey (grad student), Jesse Snedeker (grad student) |
Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen | | Economics | 1934 | 1936 | Joseph Schumpeter (post-doc) |
Megan Gerber | | Public Health | | | Laura Ann McCloskey (post-doc) |
Joy C. Geren | Language development, language comprehension | | | 2010 | Jesse Snedeker (grad student) |
Sherif Gerges | | | | | |
Katrin Daniela Gerlach | | Psychology | | 2013 | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Rebecca German | physiology, neuroscience, biomechanics, mechanics of swallowing | | | 1983 | Stephen J. Gould (grad student) |
Laura T. Germine | social perception, psychopathology, web-based experiments | Psychology | | 2012 | Ken Nakayama (grad student), Brad C. Duchaine (research assistant), Robert T. Knight (research assistant), Christine I. Hooker (grad student) |
John Hiram Gerould | heredity, adaptation and physiology of insects | | | 1895 | Charles Benedict Davenport (grad student) |
Sam J. Gershman | Cognitive & computational neuroscience | Psychology | 2009 | 2013 | Yael Niv (grad student) |
Marc H. Gershow | | | 2008 | 2013 | Aravinthan Samuel (post-doc), Jene A. Golovchenko (grad student) |
Nader Ghasemlou | chronic & inflammatory pain, spinal cord Injury, neuroimmunology, circadian rhythms | | | | Clifford Woolf (post-doc) |
Debraj Ghose | cell biology, systems biology, biomathematics, computational biology | | | | |
Avniel Singh Ghuman | MEG, connectivity, face perception, autism | | 2001 | 2007 | Bruce Rosen (grad student), Moshe Bar (grad student) |
Richard Giadone | stem cell biology; neurodegeneration; aging | | | | |
James Jerome Gibson | Ecological Psychology | | | | Herbert Sidney Langfield (grad student) |
Laura A. Gibson | Vision | | | 2006 | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Andrew J. Giessel | synaptic physiology, neuromodulation | | 2011 | 2010 | Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student), Sandeep Robert Datta (post-doc) |
Casey Gifford | General Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2013 | Alexander Meissner (grad student) |
Ricardo Gil-da-Costa | Cognitive Neurosciences (Evolution of Conceptual Representation and Vocal Communication/Language) | | | | Marc David Hauser (grad student) |
Daniel T. Gilbert | Social Cognition | | | | |
Joan Gildemeister | | | | 1972 | Laura Dittmann (grad student) |
Emma Giles | | | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Grace Gill | molecular mechanisms that regulate transcription | | 1983 | 1989 | Mark Ptashne (grad student) |
Carol Gilligan | Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology | | | 1964 | Walter Mischel (grad student) |
Winthrop F Gillis | Behavior, Learning, Action Sequencing, Internal State, Olfaction | Neurobiology Biology | 2017 | 2016 | Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student), Timothy J. Gardner (research assistant) |
Jacinthe Gingras | | | 2004 | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Edward Giniger | | | | | Mark Ptashne (grad student) |
Kelly S. Giovanello | | | 2005 | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc), Donna Rose Addis (collaborator) |
Darren Gitelman | Aging, Neurodegeneration, AD, Aphasia, Attention, Neuroimaging | Psychology | 1993 | 1994 | Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc) |
Paola Giusti | mechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning | | | 2011 | Li-Huei Tsai (grad student) |
Aaron N. Glassenberg | Organizational | Business Studies (Organizational Behavior) | | 2012 | Amy C. Edmondson (grad student) |
Elizabeth Glater | Drosophila Mitochondria | | 2001 | 2006 | Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student) |
Joseph G. Gleeson | | Neurology | | | Joseph J. Volpe (research scientist) |
Randolph D. Glickman | | | 1977 | 1979 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Mark Gluck | | | | | Stephen Kosslyn (research assistant), William K. Estes (research assistant) |
Sharon M.H. Gobes | birdsong, memory | | 2009 | 2011 | Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc) |
Carson Alexis Goddard | | | | 2006 | Carla J. Shatz (grad student) |
C Alex Goddard | Attention, cholinergic innervation in the CNS | | 2000 | 2006 | Carla J. Shatz (grad student), Kristen M. Harris (research assistant) |
Jacob Goering | | | | 1959 | Daniel Prescott (grad student) |
Nadine Gogolla | Neurobiology | | | | Pico Caroni (grad student), Takao K. Hensch (post-doc) |
Geoffrey H. Gold | olfaction and retina | | | 1977 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Mark S. Goldman | computation & theory | | | 2000 | Larry F. Abbott (grad student), Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Timothy H. Goldsmith | Vision | | | 1958 | George Wald (grad student) |
Ann Goldstein | Drosophila Kinesins | | 2005 | 2012 | Thomas L. Schwarz (post-doc) |
Ehab A. Goldstein | systems | | | 2003 | Garrett B. Stanley (grad student) |
Raymond L. Goldsworthy | Auditory Perception | | | | Donald K. Eddington (grad student) |
Daniel Goleman | | | | | David Clarence McClelland (grad student) |
Tim Gollisch | Retina | | 2004 | 2007 | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Lewis R. Gollub | | | | | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student) |
Sarit A. Golub | | | | 2004 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Heinrich S. Gompf | Sleep, circadian | | | | Clifford B. Saper (post-doc) |
Luis N. Gonzalez Castro | Motor control | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2012 | Maurice A. Smith (grad student) |
Melody S. Goodman | Public Health, Biostatistics Biology | | | 2006 | Yi Li (grad student) |
Lisa V. Goodrich | auditory system | | | | John E. Dowling (research assistant) |
Nicolas A. Gort Freitas | systems biology | | | | |
June Goto | cortical development, TSC, hydrocephalus | | | | |
J. Eric Gouaux | molecular mechanisms for the function of receptors and transporters at chemical synapses | | | 1989 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student) |
Martin Goulet | | | | | Bertha Madras (post-doc) |
Nathan W. Gouwens | | | | 2009 | Rachel I. Wilson (grad student) |
Franziska Graf | Nanotechnology, General Biophysics, Biochemistry, Cell Biology | Biological Sciences in Public Health | | 2012 | Donald E. Ingber (grad student) |
Abhinav S. Grama | Visual System, Zebrafish, Rats | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2016 | 2015 | Florian Alois Engert (grad student), David Cox (post-doc) |
Tadzia J. GrandPre | | | | | Carla J. Shatz (post-doc) |
George B. Grant | Retina Bioinformatics Genotyping Genetics | | 1992 | 1995 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Yvette Graveline | Cognitive-Neuroscience, Memory, Mental Imagery, Dreams, Mind-Wandering | Psychology | 2013 | 2014 | Robert Stickgold (research assistant) |
Heather M. Gray | | | | 2006 | Nalini Ambady (grad student) |
Kurt J. Gray | Mental control | | | 2010 | Daniel Wegner (grad student) |
Micheal R. Green | | | | 1984 | Tom Maniatis (post-doc) |
David Marvin Green | Signal Detection Theory, Auditory psychophysics | | | | |
Michael J. Greenberg | molluscan physiology | | | 1958 | John H. Welsh, Jr. (grad student) |
Joshua D. Greene | Moral judgment/decision-making, cognitive neuroscience | | | | |
Daniel A Greenfield | Biomedical photonics, machine learning, quantitative biology | | | | |
Anthony Greenwald | | | | 1963 | Gordon W. Allport (grad student) |
Amy L. Greenwood | | | | | Douglas A. Melton (post-doc) |
Joel S. F. Greenwood | Neurotechnology | | | | |
Isaac Greenwood | | | | | |
Roy O. Greep | Anatomy / Endocrinology | | | | |
Paul L. Greer | Neurobiology | | 2002 | 2008 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Diane B. Gregorio | Social Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Organizational | | | 2009 | Amy C. Edmondson (grad student) |
Anna Greka | Ion channels and calcium signaling | | | 2004 | David E. Clapham (grad student) |
Amy L. Gresser | Olfaction | | | 2006 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Robert S. Griffin | | | | 2006 | Clifford Woolf (grad student) |
Donald R. Griffin | Echolocation | | | | Karl Spencer Lashley (grad student), Stanley Smith Stevens (post-doc), George Wald (post-doc) |
Richard Griffin | | | | | Howard Gardner (grad student), Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student) |
Alan D. Grinnell | | | | | Donald R. Griffin (grad student) |
Jeffrey M. Gross | eye development | | 2002 | 2005 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Joshua B. Gross | evolution, development | | | | |
John J. Guinan, Jr. | | | | | |
Kathleen Guinee | | | | 2007 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Fabia Gumbau-Brisa | Economics | | | 2004 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Chong Guo | Systems Neuroscience | | 2010 | 2012 | Bence P. Olveczky (research assistant), Wade G. Regehr (grad student) |
Amitabh Gupta | mechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning | | | 2004 | Li-Huei Tsai (grad student) |
Gerald S. Guralnik | Theoretical Particle Physics | Physics | | 1964 | Walter Gilbert (grad student) |
Meron Gurkiewicz | Visual System Development, Cellular Neurophysiology, Sodium Channels, Kinetic Models | | 2011 | 2011 | Chinfei Chen (post-doc) |
Norman Guttman | behavior | | | | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student) |
Sarah Gutz | | Speech and Hearing Biosciences and Technology Program | 2017 | | Jordan R. Green (grad student) |
Julie S. Haas | Synaptic plasticity, dynamics | | | | Carole E. Landisman (post-doc) |
Jason M. Haberman | vision, ensembles, summary statistics | | 2010 | | George A. Alvarez (post-doc) |
Rafi Haddad | Olfaction | | 2010 | 2014 | Naoshige Uchida (post-doc) |
Sara A Haddad | Systems Neuroscience, Retina, Retinal Physiology, Vision Research | Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular and Cell Biology | | | Joshua R. Sanes (research assistant), Jeff W. Lichtman (research assistant) |
Alkis M. Hadjiosif | Motor learning | | | | |
Daniel Haehn | biomedical imaging, machine perception, connectomics, scientific visualization | | | | |
Sebastian Haesler | | | | | Naoshige Uchida (post-doc) |
Brian P. Hafler | oligodendrocyte, glioblastoma | | | 2007 | David H. Rowitch (grad student) |
Mohammad Haft-Javaherian | Biomedical Image Analysis | | 2019 | | Brett E. Bouma (post-doc) |
Melvin E. Haggarty | | | | | Robert Mearns Yerkes (grad student) |
Stephen J. Haggarty | neuroplasticity, chromatin, neural stem cells | | | 2003 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Melvin E. Haggerty | Education | | | 1909 | Robert Mearns Yerkes (grad student) |
Jack P. Hailman | ethology, animal behavior | | | 1959 | Edward Osborne Wilson (research assistant) |
Richard Hakim | Systems Neuroscience | Neuroscience | 2017 | | Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student) |
Granville Stanley Hall | Educational psychology | | | 1878 | William James (grad student), Henry Pickering Bowditch (grad student) |
Zach W. Hall | | | | | Edward Kravitz (grad student) |
Gao Xiang Ham | Claustrum, Circuits, Synchrony, Development, Social, Parent-offspring, Critical periods | | 2024 | | Takao K. Hensch (post-doc) |
Dean H. Hamer | behavioral genetics, HIV | | | 1977 | Charles A. Thomas (grad student) |
Matthias Hammerschmidt | | | 1994 | 1995 | Andrew P. McMahon (post-doc) |
Juliette M. Han | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Beth Stevens (grad student) |
Douglas Hanahan | Genetics, Cell Biology, Oncology | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1978 | 1983 | Paul Mead Doty (grad student), Matthew S. Meselson (research assistant) |
Kenneth E. Hancock | auditory system, dorsal cochlear nucleus | | | | |
Melissa L. Hancock | translation in axons | | | | |
Eugenia Hanfmann | | | | | |
Yuqi Hang | psychology of arts; educational neuroscience; neuroscience of speech and language | | | | |
Saad Hannan | Trafficking, Confocal Microscopy, electrophysiology | | | | |
Michael J. Hansen | | | | 2003 | John Flanagan (grad student) |
Jin Hao | | | 2017 | | Kevin C. Eggan (grad student) |
Jin Hao | Neurodegeneration | Department of Stem Cells and Regenerative Biology | 2017 | 2022 | Kevin C. Eggan (grad student) |
Judith M. Harackiewicz | Social Psychology, Achievement Goals, Intrinsic Motivation | | | 1980 | John F. Kihlstrom (grad student) |
Brian Hare | biological anthropology, comparative psychology | | | | Richard Wrangham (grad student) |
Alexandros Haridis | Architecture, Computer Science, Computational Design, Machine Learning, Shape Grammars | | | | |
Ed Harlow | Cancer Biology | | | | |
Sanjiv Harpavat | development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness | | | 2005 | Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
Dana B. Harrar | Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse | | | 2007 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Alison M. Harris | face perception, MEG | | 2000 | 2005 | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Gareth Harris | | | | | Yun Zhang (post-doc) |
William A. Harris | neural development | | 1976 | 1980 | David Hubel (post-doc) |
Daniel K. Hartline | | | | | Ian M. Cooke (post-doc), John H. Welsh, Jr. (grad student) |
Kenichi N. Hartman | synaptic plasticity | | 2000 | 2006 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student) |
Catherine Hartmann | Buddhist Studies, Tibetan Buddhism | Committee on the Study of Religion Committee on the Study of Religion Committee on the Study of Religion South Asian Studies | | | Janet Gyatso (grad student), Charles Hallisey (grad student), Anne E. Monius (grad student), Leonard W. J. van (grad student) |
Joshua K. Hartshorne | psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, social cognition | Psychology | 2008 | 2012 | Yuhong Jiang (research assistant), Amanda Pogue (collaborator), Jesse Snedeker (grad student) |
Erika Hartwieg | | | | | Jeff W. Lichtman (research scientist) |
Erika A. Hartwieg | electronmicroscopy | | | | |
Willliam R. Harvey | Membrane Physiology | | | 1957 | Carroll M. Williams (grad student) |
Helen E. Haste | Human Development, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Gender Studies, Women's Studies | | | | |
John (Woody) Woodland Hastings | circadian clock controls | | | | |
Mary E. Hatten | cerebellar development | | | | Richard L. Sidman (post-doc) |
Oliver P. Hauser | | | | | David G. Rand (grad student) |
Jessica Lauren Hauser | Molecular Neuroscience | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | 2010 | 2014 | Chinfei Chen (grad student) |
Marc David Hauser | evolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior | | | | |
Johannes A. Haushofer | vision, reward | | 2003 | 2008 | Nancy Kanwisher (grad student), Margaret Livingstone (grad student) |
Edward Hawrot | Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, General Biophysics | Biological Chemistry | | | Eugene Patrick Kennedy (grad student) |
Kenneth C Hayes | | | | | |
Patrick J. Hayes | | | | 2000 | Margaret A. Baron (grad student) |
Gabriel D. Hayes | miRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan | | | 2006 | Gary Ruvkun (grad student) |
H'Sien Hayward | Clinical Psychology | Psychology | | 2013 | George E. Vaillant (grad student) |
Eliot Hazeltine | Motor control, executive control, dual-task | | 1989 | 1990 | Stephen Kosslyn (grad student) |
Zijiang J. He | visual system | | 1990 | 1993 | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Zhigang He | Axon regeneration | | | | Marc Tessier-Lavigne (post-doc) |
Bin Z He | Gene regulatory evolution, stress response, pathogenic fungi | | | | |
Miao He | | | 2017 | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Xuelian He | | | 2017 | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Jiping He | Bioengineering | | | | Thomas A. McMahon (post-doc) |
James Heaton | | | | | Steven Brauth (grad student) |
Donald Olding Hebb | learning & memory, systems | | | 1936 | Karl Spencer Lashley (grad student) |
Andrea S. Heberlein | social neuroscience | | 2006 | 2011 | Daniel Wegner (post-doc), Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (post-doc) |
Selig Hecht | Sensory biophysics | | | 1917 | George H. Parker (grad student) |
Erin E. Hecht | evolution of social cognition | | 2019 | | Yannick Becker (collaborator) |
Willard L. Hedden | | | | 1975 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Matthias Hediger | | | | | |
Tyson L. Hedrick | locomotion | | | 2004 | Andrew A. Biewener (grad student) |
Alexandre Heeren | Anxiety; Executive Control; Experimental Psychopathology; Attentional bias; Network analysis | Department of Psychology | 2015 | 2017 | Richard J. McNally (post-doc) |
Heather M. Heerssen | Retrograde signaling, cerebellar development, cancer biology | | | 2004 | Rosalind A. Segal (grad student) |
Shane Hegarty | | | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Steve F. Heinemann | Neurotransmitter Receptors | | 1962 | 1967 | Matthew S. Meselson (grad student) |
Larisa A. Heiphetz | development, cognition | Psychology | | 2013 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Richard M. Held | Visual perception | Psychology Psychology | | | Georg von Bekesy (grad student), Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student) |
Harry Helson | perception | | | 1924 | Edwin G. Boring (grad student) |
Matthew L. Hemming | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 | | | 2007 | Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student) |
Michael Hendricks | | | 2008 | 2013 | Yun Zhang (post-doc) |
Jay A. Hennig | computational neuroscience | | 2021 | 2024 | Samuel Gershman (post-doc) |
Takao K. Hensch | critical period, visual cortex, GABA, sleep | | | | |
Allison M. Hermann | cognitive psychology | Psychology | 1986 | 1987 | Stephen Kosslyn (research assistant) |
Susan F. Hermes | | | | 2007 | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Kristian Herrera | neural correlates of memory | | | | Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
Todd Herrington | Parietal cortex, Attention | | 2002 | 2007 | John A. Assad (grad student) |
Dustin Herrmann | Neuroscience, Visual system, Optics, Holography, Imaging, All-optical, Feedback, Retina, BCI | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2016 | 2017 | Joshua R. Sanes (research scientist) |
Richard J. Herrnstein | | | | | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student) |
Natalie Hershlag | | | | 2003 | Stephen Kosslyn (research assistant) |
Lois Hetland | | | | 2000 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Gregory S Hickok | Language, Aphasia | | | | Steven Pinker (post-doc) |
Misao Higashi | Drosophila Synaptogenesis | | 2002 | | Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student) |
misao higashi kovtun | drosophila nmj | | | | |
Daniel Michael Higgins | | | | 2009 | Jordan Peterson (grad student) |
David Grant Colburn Hildebrand | | Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2010 | 2015 | Florian Alois Engert (grad student), Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student), R Clay Reid (collaborator), Alexander Schier (collaborator) |
John G. Hildebrand | neurobiology, neurophysiology, olfaction, insect neuroethology | | 1962 | 1964 | John H. Law (research assistant) |
Sarah James Hill | | Biology: Medical Sciences | | 2014 | David M. Livingston (grad student) |
Philip N. Hineline | | | | | Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student) |
Hajime Hirasawa | | | | | |
Frederick Lee Hisaw | endocrinology, relaxin | | | | |
Henry Thadeus Hiz | | | | | Willard Van Orman Quine (grad student) |
Arnold K. Ho | | | | 2011 | James Sidanius (grad student) |
New Fei Ho | | | | | |
Kathryn Virginia Hobbs | | Psychology | | 2014 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Daniel Hoch | | | | | |
Jean-Remy Hochmann | Language Acquisition, Conceptual Development | | 2011 | | Susan Carey (post-doc) |
Bart G. Hoebel | Motivation, Reward | | | | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (research assistant) |
Flip (Philippus) J. Hoedemaeker | | | 1968 | 1969 | Don Wayne Fawcett (post-doc) |
Jerry A. Hogan | ethology | | | 1961 | E.B. Newman (grad student) |
Hinze Hogendoorn | Cognitive Neuroscience | | 2006 | | Thomas A. Carlson (grad student) |
James Hoggle | Neuroscience Biology | | | | |
Alexander O. Holcombe | visual perception, attention | | 1995 | 2000 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Nancy Kanwisher (grad student) |
Avram J. Holmes | | | 2009 | 2012 | Randy L. Buckner (post-doc), Diego Pizzagalli (grad student) |
Frederic L. Holmes | History of Physiology | | | | Everett Mendelsohn (grad student) |
Edwin Bissell Holt | | | 1901 | 1905 | William James (grad student), Hugo Münsterberg (post-doc) |
Jeffrey R. Holt | sensory hair cells | | | | |
Stephen L. Holtz | | | | | Rachel I. Wilson (grad student) |
Timothy E. Holy | Chemical senses, optics and microscopy | | 1997 | 2001 | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Sabrina Hom | Cell Biology of the Neuron | | | 2011 | Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student) |
Kyle Honegger | olfaction, individual variation, evolution of behavior | | | | |
Soyon Y. Hong | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student) |
Filbert H. Hong | nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors | | | 2004 | Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student) |
Youn-Young K. Hong | | | | 2010 | Joshua R. Sanes (grad student) |
Elizabeth J. Hong | Synaptic and circuit mechanisms of olfaction | | | 2009 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Y. Kate Hong | Synaptic specificity and development | | 2004 | 2010 | Joshua R. Sanes (grad student) |
Christine I. Hooker | | | | | |
Bryan M. Hooks | synaptic physiology, visual system development | | 2002 | 2007 | Chinfei Chen (grad student) |
Jill Hooley | | | | | |
Jill M. Hooley, | | | | | |
Michael C. Horowitz | | | | 2007 | Stephen P. Rosen (grad student), Alastair Iain Johnston (grad student) |
Lisa F. Horowitz | Olfaction | | | 2000 | Linda B. Buck (grad student) |
Jonathan Horton | Visual System | | 1978 | 1983 | David Hubel (grad student), Torsten Wiesel (grad student) |
H. Robert Horvitz | ALS | | | 1974 | James D. Watson (grad student), Walter Gilbert (grad student) |
Jeremy G. Hosking | | | | | |
Toshihiko Hosoya | Retina | | 2001 | 2004 | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Helen Xun Hou | | | | | Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student) |
Andrew A. Houck | Applied Physics,Photonics,Quantum Information | | | 2005 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student), Isaac L. Chuang (grad student) |
Rhea M. Howard | | Psychology | | | Max M. Krasnow (grad student) |
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy | | | | | Irven DeVore (grad student) |
Sinisa Hrvatin | Development | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2013 | Douglas A. Melton (grad student) |
Shi-Tong T. Hsieh | locomotion | | | 2005 | Andrew A. Biewener (grad student) |
Jeanne L. Hsu | mRNA nuclear export, splicing | | | 2008 | Robin Reed (grad student) |
Caroline K. Hu | | Biology, Organismic and Evolutionary | 2015 | | Hopi E. Hoekstra (post-doc) |
Hong-Ye Hu | Quantum Information, and Computation | Physics Physics | 2022 | | Susanne F. Yelin (post-doc), Mikhail D. Lukin (post-doc) |
Yi-Chieh Huang | microcircuit, memory, learning | | | | |
Kuo-Hua Huang | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
David Hubel | Vision | | | | Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc) |
A. James Hudspeth | Audition | | 1967 | 1974 | David Hubel (grad student), Torsten Wiesel (grad student) |
Dongsung Huh | Motor System, Neural Network | | 2006 | 2008 | Haim Sompolinsky (grad student) |
Yin Pun Hung | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Gary Yellen (grad student) |
William A. Hunt | | | 1931 | 1986 | Edwin G. Boring (grad student) |
John Nicholas Hunter | Vision | | | 2009 | Richard T. Born (grad student) |
Lindsay E. Hunter | | | | | Samuel Gershman (research assistant) |
Dong Hur | | Neuroscience | 2018 | 2020 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (research assistant) |
Leo Hurvich | | Psychology | | 1914 | Edwin G. Boring (grad student) |
Karen M. Hussar | Early Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology, Nutrition | | | 2007 | Paul Harris (grad student) |
Mai Anh Huynh | | | | 2010 | Azad Bonni (grad student) |
Daniel C. Hyde | Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience | | 2005 | 2011 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Steven E. Hyman | | | | | |
Yessenia M. Ibarra | Ion channels and calcium signaling | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2013 | David E. Clapham (grad student) |
Amanda Y. Ie | Mental control | Psychology | | 2014 | Daniel Wegner (grad student) |
Catherine Insel | development, affect, motivation, fMRI | | 2013 | 2018 | Leah H. Somerville (grad student) |
James Matthew Intriligator | Visual system | | 1990 | 1997 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Rizwana Islam | | | | 2011 | Sam Kunes (grad student) |
Kazbek Ismailov | | | | | |
Leslie Iversen | | | | | Edward Kravitz (post-doc) |
Allen Ivey | | | | | David V. Tiedeman (grad student) |
Hirohide Iwasaki | neural circuit formation | | 2007 | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Veronique Izard | Numerical Cognition | | 2005 | | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Orville Jackson | | | | 2003 | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Alexander C. Jackson | Neuroscience, neurophysiology | | 2001 | 2006 | Bruce P. Bean (grad student) |
Anne Jacobi | | | 2017 | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Ashutosh P. Jadhav | development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness | | | 2005 | Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
Arezu Jahani Asl | Neurobiology | | | | Azad Bonni (post-doc) |
Roman Osipovich Jakobson | Linguistics | | | | |
Matthew E. Jakubik | Somatic pairing of chromatids, epigenetics | | | | |
William James | Psychology | | | | Louis Agassiz (post-doc), Jeffries Wyman (grad student) |
Lily Y. Jan | Channel Physiology | | 1977 | 1979 | Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc) |
Yuh Nung Jan | Dendrite development, Potassium channel | | 1977 | 1979 | Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc) |
Daniel Janini | | Psychology | 2017 | | Talia Konkle (grad student) |
Irene B. Janis | | | | 2011 | Matthew K. Nock (grad student) |
Paul A.J. Janssen | Psychiatry, neurology, GI, anti-infectives, anti-virals | Chemistry | | 1948 | Edwin Joseph Cohn (research assistant) |
Niels Janssen | | | | 2005 | Alfonso Caramazza (grad student) |
Murray Jarvik | Smoking and addiction | | 1951 | 1952 | Karl Spencer Lashley (post-doc) |
Maya Jay | Systems Neuroscience | | | | |
Siddharth Jayakumar | Olfaction, Nutrient sensing | | | | |
Robert L. Jeanne | Zoology Biology, General Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology | Biology | | 1971 | Edward Osborne Wilson (grad student) |
John B. Jemmott III | AIDS prevention | | | | David Clarence McClelland (grad student) |
William P. Jencks | Catalysis, Enzyme Mechanisms | | 1956 | 1957 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc), George Wald (research assistant) |
Adrianna C. Jenkins | social cognition, cognitive neuroscience | Psychology Psychology | | 2012 | Daniel Wegner (grad student), Jason Mitchell (grad student) |
Jane E. Jenkins | Social Cognition | | | 2000 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Robert A. Jenks | systems | | | 2007 | Garrett B. Stanley (grad student) |
Herbert Spencer Jennings | | | | 1896 | Edward Laurens Mark (grad student) |
Juhee Jeong | sonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system | | | 2004 | Andrew P. McMahon (grad student) |
Su Keun Jeong | Visual cognition | Psychology | 2009 | 2014 | Yaoda Xu (grad student) |
Walt Jesteadt | Auditory perception, Psychoacoustics, psychophysics | | | | David Marvin Green (post-doc) |
Thomas C. Jhou | RMTg, motivated behavior, dopamine | | | | Clifford B. Saper (grad student) |
Yuhong Jiang | attention, visual system | | | | |
Nick Jikomes | Neuroethology, sensory processing, motivated behavior | | 2012 | | Mark Lawrence Andermann (grad student) |
Matthew Bonser Johnson | cortical development | | 2010 | | Chris A. Walsh (post-doc) |
David C. Johnson | | | 2008 | 2010 | Jason Mitchell (research assistant) |
Matthew D. Johnson | Basal ganglia electrophysiology | | | | Garrett B. Stanley (research assistant) |
Wilsaan M. Joiner | oculomotor, vestibular, dynamical models | School of Engineering and Applied Sciences & Center for Brain Science | | | Maurice A. Smith (post-doc) |
Pierre Jolicoeur | | | | | Stephen Kosslyn (grad student) |
Eshin Jolly | cognitive neuroscience, social cognition | | | | Jason Mitchell (research assistant), Joe M. Moran (collaborator) |
Zachariah Jonasson | | | | 2003 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student) |
Edward E. Jones | | | | 1953 | Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student) |
David Starr Jordan | Icthyology, Evolution | | 1873 | 1873 | Louis Agassiz (research assistant) |
Thomas A. Jordan | | | | 1998 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Mehdi Jorfi | Neurobiological Engineering, Alzheimer's disease | | | | |
Emilie Josephs | | Psychology | 2015 | | Talia Konkle (grad student) |
David H. Jung | DNA repair, immunology, lymphoma | | | 2006 | Frederick W. Alt (grad student) |
Jan Stefan Kaczmarek | TRP channels | | | 2011 | David E. Clapham (grad student) |
Jerome Kagan | | | | | |
Jerome Kagan | | | | | |
Konstantinos Kagias | Neuroscience | OEB | 2014 | | Yun Zhang (post-doc) |
Michael Jacob Kahana | Cognitive neuroscience, human memory | | | | William K. Estes (post-doc) |
Sonya M. Kahlenberg | Anthropology | | | 2006 | Richard Wrangham (grad student) |
Itamar Kahn | Brain Systems Organization in Health and Disease | | 2005 | | Randy L. Buckner (post-doc) |
Ursula B. Kaiser | Neuroendocrine, reproduction | | | | William W Chin (post-doc) |
Radha Kalluri | Inner Ear Biophysics, Otoacoustic Emissions | | | | Christopher A Shera (grad student) |
Emir Kamenica | Economics | | | 2006 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Leon J. Kamin | | | | 1954 | Richard Lester Solomon (grad student) |
Adam Raymond Kampff | | | | 2008 | Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc), Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
Eric R. Kandel | Learning and Memory | | 1960 | 1962 | Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc) |
Elizabeth A. Kane | navigational strategies of drosophila larva | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Aravinthan Samuel (grad student) |
Hyuno Kang | | | 2004 | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Sona Kang | Type II diabetes | | | | Evan D. Rosen (post-doc) |
Elisabeth F. Kanner | Social Sciences Education, Secondary Education | | | 2005 | Mica Pollock (grad student) |
Jess Kanwal | | Neuroscience | 2013 | | Aravinthan Samuel (grad student) |
Yun-Ching Kao | Memory Neuroscience | | 2007 | | Randy L. Buckner (post-doc) |
Robert M. Kao | sonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2012 | Andrew P. McMahon (grad student) |
Vikrant Kapoor | | | | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc) |
Harry J. Karavolas | Neurosteroids | | | 1968 | Lewis Libman Engel (post-doc) |
Rolf O. Karlstrom | Development | | 1996 | 1999 | Alexander Schier (post-doc) |
Manfred Karnofsky | | | | | |
Manfred Karnovsky | | | | | |
Jamie Kass | Cell Biology of the Neuron | | | 2000 | Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student) |
Karim S. Kassam | | | 2004 | 2010 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Bobby Kasthuri | Development synapse elimination | | 2009 | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc), Juan Carlos Tapia (collaborator), Daniel R. Berger (collaborator) |
Curren Katz | functional imaging, connectivity, cerebellum, numerical cognition, panic, suicide, depression, face viewing, attachment | | | | Elizabeth S. Spelke (research assistant) |
Charles Kore Kaufman | | | 2008 | 2016 | Leonard I. Zon (post-doc) |
Nancy Kaufmann | Development, axon guidance, synaptogenesis | | | 2001 | David Van Vactor (grad student) |
Risa Kawai | | | 2009 | 2008 | Bence P. Olveczky (grad student), Aravinthan Samuel (research assistant) |
Jeremy N. Kay | | | | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Justin Keat | | | 1995 | 2000 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Clyde E. Keeler | Genetics, Vision | | 1923 | | Samuel R. Detwiler (grad student) |
Mia O. Keinanen | | | | 2003 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Fred Simmons Keller | | | | 1931 | Edwin G. Boring (grad student), Walter S. Hunter (grad student) |
Jonathan Patrick Kelley | statistics,behavior,bioacoustics | | 1998 | 2001 | Donald R. Griffin (research assistant) |
Stephen P. Kelner | motivation, personality | | | | David Clarence McClelland (grad student) |
Alexandre Kempf | sensory system | Brain science | 2014 | 2014 | Bence P. Olveczky (grad student) |
Donald Kennedy | Synapses | | | 1956 | Donald R. Griffin (grad student) |
Mary B. Kennedy | Molecular structure and function of central nervous system synapses | | 1975 | 1978 | Edward Kravitz (post-doc) |
Elizabeth Kensinger | cognitive neuroscience | | | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc), Donna Rose Addis (collaborator) |
Karla S. Kent | | | | | John G. Hildebrand (grad student) |
Grace Helen Kent | | | | | Hugo Münsterberg (grad student) |
Aaron M. Kerlin | | | 2004 | 2011 | R Clay Reid (grad student) |
Judd B. Kessler | Economics | | | 2011 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Manizeh Khan | psycholinguistics | Psychology | 2007 | 2013 | Jesse Snedeker (grad student) |
Navin Khaneja | | | | 2000 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Vikram Khurana | Neurodegeneration (Drosophila, Yeast, Stem Cell) | | | 2006 | Mel B. Feany (grad student) |
Brett Kia-Keating | Developmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Public Health | | | 2006 | Terrence Tivnan (grad student) |
Nico H. Kienzl | Architecture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy | | | 2002 | D Michelle Addington (grad student) |
Antonina K. Kilian | cognitive neuroscience, neural networks, brain mapping, neurodegeneration, developmental | Psychology | 2024 | 2026 | Randy L. Buckner (research assistant) |
Peter R. Killeen | Experimental Psychology | | 1966 | 1968 | Howard Rachlin (grad student) |
Steve M. Kim | | | 2000 | 2003 | Mark G. Baxter (research assistant) |
Sonia Nan Kim | Neurodegeneration, genomics, genetics, cerebral cortex, neurodevelopment | | | | |
Jungsoo Kim | | | | | Drew Robson (research assistant), Jennifer Li (research assistant) |
John J. Kim | | | | | Steven Pinker (grad student) |
Natalie Kim | | | | | Lee Rubin (grad student) |
HyungGoo R. Kim | Vision, Reward | | 2014 | | Naoshige Uchida (post-doc) |
Daniel J. Kim | Testing New NMDA channels | | | | |
William T. Kimberly | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 | | | 2004 | Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student) |
Tali Kimchi | VNO | | | | Catherine Dulac (post-doc) |
Katherine D. Kinzler | | | | 2008 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Yevgeniy Kirpichevsky | International Law and Relations | | | 2009 | Stephen P. Rosen (grad student) |
Evangelos Kiskinis | Cell Biology, Molecular Neuroscience, Motor Control, Neurobiology of Disease | | | 2014 | Kevin C. Eggan (post-doc) |
Tanya Kisler | | | | | |
Evan M. Kleiman | Psychology | Psychology | 2014 | 2019 | Matthew K. Nock (post-doc) |
Mason Klein | Drosophila Larvae, optogenetics, C. elegans | | 2009 | 2009 | Aravinthan Samuel (post-doc), Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student) |
Joshua P. Klein | neuroscience | | | | Martin A. Samuels (post-doc), Allan H. Ropper (post-doc) |
Jochen Kleinschmidt | | | | 1974 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
John A. Klingensmith | Developmental Biology, Craniofacial, Neurobiology, Mouse, Zebrafish | | 1986 | 1993 | Norbert Perrimon (grad student) |
Mark D. Knobel | Language | | | 2009 | Alfonso Caramazza (grad student) |
Ernst Knobil | Neuroendocrinology | | 1951 | 1953 | Roy O. Greep (post-doc) |
Allison Knoll | | | | | |
Raymond Ko | | | 2010 | | Bence P. Olveczky (grad student) |
Jane C. Ko | mechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning | | | 2004 | Li-Huei Tsai (grad student) |
Richard Koestner | motivation | | | | David Clarence McClelland (post-doc) |
Charles A. Kofoid | parsitology | | 1891 | 1894 | Edward Laurens Mark (grad student) |
Johannes Kohl | | | | | Catherine Dulac (post-doc) |
Daisuke Kojima | Vision | | 2001 | 2004 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Talia Konkle | | | | | |
Melvin Konner | Biological Anthropology | | | | Irven DeVore (grad student) |
Genevieve Konopka | language, evolution, autism | | 2000 | 2004 | Azad Bonni (grad student) |
Eirene Kontopoulos | In our laboratory we have created fruit fly models of human neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and a number of less common disorders | | | 2007 | Mel B. Feany (grad student) |
Wouter Kool | Cognitive control and decision making | Psychology Psychology | 2015 | 2019 | Fiery A. Cushman (post-doc), Sam J. Gershman (post-doc) |
Vuk Koprivica | Axon regeneration | | | 2006 | Zhigang He (grad student) |
Sheldon J. Korchin | clinical psychology | | | 1946 | Gordon W. Allport (grad student) |
Christopher A. Korey | Palmitoylation, Neurodegenerative disease | | | 2001 | David Van Vactor (grad student) |
Van D. Koroleva | | Applied Mathematics | | 2013 | Navin Khaneja (grad student) |
Heather L Kosakowski | developmental cognitive neuroscience | LDS Psychology | 2022 | 2015 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (research assistant), Randy L. Buckner (post-doc) |
Stephen Kosslyn | | | | | Scott D. Slotnick (collaborator), Laura-Ann Petitto (collaborator) |
Dimitar Kostadinov | Neuroscience | | | | Joshua R. Sanes (grad student) |
Pallav Kosuri | Molecular biophysics | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2013 | | Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc) |
Zoe Kourtzi | visual cognitive neuroscience | | 1998 | 2000 | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Mounir Ahmad Koussa | TBD | | | | |
Wilma Koutstaal | Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, General Psychology | | | 1996 | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Misao E. Kovtun | Drosophila Neurobiology | | | 2009 | Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student) |
Megan N. Kozak | Mental control | | | 2005 | Daniel Wegner (grad student) |
Adrian R. Krainer | mRNA splicing | | | | Tom Maniatis (grad student) |
Jerald D. Kralik | neuroethologist | | | | Marc David Hauser (grad student), Michael E. Hasselmo (grad student), Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student) |
Max M. Krasnow | | | | | |
Raul Krauss | Myelination, Axo-glial communication, Axonal protection | Neurobiology | | | Gerald Fischbach (grad student) |
Anatol C. Kreitzer | Synaptic plasticity | | 1998 | 2002 | Wade G. Regehr (grad student) |
Brenna Krieger | Visual system | | 2009 | | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Fenna Krienen | fMRI, human connectome, connectivity, cerebellum, prefrontal cortex | | 2007 | | Randy L. Buckner (grad student), Chet C. Sherwood (post-doc) |
P. S. Krishnaprasad | Control theory, robotics | | | 1977 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Arjun Krishnaswamy | retinal circuit development | | | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Arni Kristjansson | Vision | | 1997 | 2002 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Richard Kuang | | Otolaryngology | | | David H. Jung (research assistant) |
Jennifer T. Kubota | Social Neuroscience | | 2010 | | Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (post-doc) |
Kishore V. Kuchibhotla | | | 2003 | 2009 | Brian J. Bacskai (grad student) |
Edwin Kuh | | Economics Economics | | 1955 | Guy Orcutt (grad student), James Stemble Duesenberry (grad student) |
Manuel Kuhn | affective processes and disorders, defensive responding, fear, anxiety, stress | Department of Psychiatry | 2020 | | Diego Pizzagalli (post-doc) |
Scott R. Kuindersma | Reinforcement Learning | | | | |
Sharon G. Kujawa | hearing loss, aging | | | | |
M Ganesh Kumar | Computational neuroscience, Reinforcement learning | School of Engineering and Applied Sciences School of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 2023 | | Cengiz Pehlevan (post-doc), Demba Ba (post-doc) |
Maya E. Kumar | Development | | | 2003 | Douglas A. Melton (grad student) |
Samuel Kunes | Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology | | | | |
Sam Kunes | | | | | Hermann Steller (post-doc) |
Benedek Kurdi | Social cognition | | 2014 | | Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (grad student) |
Peri Kurshan | Drosophila Synaptogenesis and Ion Channels | | 2005 | | Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student) |
Kelvin Y. Kwan | Neuroscience, Stem Cells, Auditory System | | | 2002 | James C. Wang (grad student) |
Adrian S. Kwek | Philosophy, Philosophy of Science | Philosophy | | 2012 | Matthew B. Boyle (grad student) |
Kenneth K. Kwong | functional MRI | | | | |
Kristen A. La Mont | Development of Numerical Cognition | | | 2008 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Debbie La Plante | | | | | Nalini Ambady (grad student) |
Bruno Laeng | psychology, neuroscience | Psychology | | | Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc) |
Sara M. Lafkas | Human Development, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Gender Studies, Women's Studies | Human Development and Psychology | | 2012 | Helen E. Haste (grad student) |
Lucy Lai | cognitive and computational neuroscience | | | | |
David Laibson | Economics | | | | |
Edward A. Laird | mesoscopic physics | | | 2010 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Alice D. Lam | | | | | |
Aaron M Lambert | | Molecular and Cellular Biology | | | Florian Alois Engert (post-doc) |
Carole E. Landisman | | | 1997 | 2004 | Barry W. Connors (post-doc) |
Harlan Lane | Audiology, Speech Science | | | | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student) |
Jacob Willem Langelaan | physiology | | | 1901 | Henry Pickering Bowditch (post-doc) |
Ellen R. Langer | | | | | |
Ellen J. Langer | | | | | |
Herbert Sidney Langfield | | | | | Floyd Henry Allport (grad student) |
Peter T. Lansbury, Jr. | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=78 | | | 1985 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Sylvain Lapan | | | | | |
Ariya D. Lapan | myogenesis | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Andrew Lassar (grad student) |
Debi A. LaPlante | thin slices, nonverbal communication, dialect theory | | | 2001 | Nalini Ambady (grad student) |
Eric M. Lasater | retina | | 1980 | 1985 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Elizabeth Lasater-Guttmann | Philosophy of Neuroscience, Mind, Medicine | Philosophy | | | Alison Simmons (grad student) |
Karl Spencer Lashley | Learning and memory | | | | |
Andrew Lassar | myogenesis | | | | |
Tatiana Lau | | | | | |
C. Geoffrey G. Lau | Synaptic plasticity, inhibitory/GABAergic transmission, olfaction | | 2008 | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc) |
George Varick Lauder | | | | 1979 | Karel Frederik Liem (grad student) |
Gibilisco Lauren | motor systems | | | | Antoniu L. Fantana (grad student) |
Henry Laurens | | | | 1911 | Edward Laurens Mark (grad student) |
Benjamin Simon Leader | | Genetics | | 2003 | Philip Leder (grad student) |
Sang Ah Lee | | | | 2009 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Irwin Hubert Lee | | | | 2003 | John A. Assad (grad student) |
Tai Sing Lee | Visual system | | | | David Mumford (grad student) |
Wei-Chung Allen Lee | Neuroscience | | 2007 | | R Clay Reid (post-doc) |
Jaeeon Lee | Action selection, topography, circuit | MCB | 2022 | | Naoshige Uchida (post-doc) |
GaYoung Lee | | | | | |
Ming-Sum Lee | Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology | | | 2002 | Li-Huei Tsou (grad student) |
Daniel J. Lee | auditory system, prosthetics | | | | |
James J. Lee | | | | 2011 | Steven Pinker (grad student) |
Geunwook Lee | General, International Law and Relations, European History | | | 2002 | Stephen P. Rosen (grad student) |
Julie L. Lefebvre | | | | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Joseph Leffler | Visual System, Retina, LGN | | 2012 | 2014 | Chinfei Chen (research assistant) |
Brendan Peltonen Lehnert | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Rachel I. Wilson (grad student) |
Maria Kristiina Lehtinen | | | | 2006 | Azad Bonni (grad student) |
Michelle D. Leichtman | Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology | | | | |
Andrew M. Leifer | C. elegans, Neural dynamics, Behavior, Optogenetics | | 2009 | 2011 | Aravinthan Samuel (grad student) |
Mark F. Lenzenweger | Clinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology | | | | |
Anthony Leonardo | neuroscience | | | | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Nicholas A. Lesica | Adaptation, estimation, detection, natural scenes, vision | | | | Garrett B. Stanley (grad student), Garrett B. Stanley (post-doc) |
Yuk Fai Leung | Visual system | | | | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Ronald Levant | Psychometrics Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology | Clinical Psychology and Public Practice | 1970 | 1973 | John Shlien (grad student) |
Jeremy R Levine | Sociology | Sociology | | 2016 | William Julius Wilson (grad student) |
Sara Lewis | | | | | Bill Bossert (grad student) |
Linyu Li | Ion channels and calcium signaling | | | 2010 | David E. Clapham (grad student) |
Yi Li | | | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Meng Li | Brain Deocding | | | | |
Chenguang Li | | | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Jennifer Li | | | | | Florian Alois Engert (grad student), Alexander Schier (grad student) |
Hongyu Li | | | | | Yoshito Kishi (post-doc) |
Shun Li | Learning, synaptic plasticity, BMI, motor systems | | | | Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student) |
Hongyi Li | | | | 2004 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Jr-Shin Li | | | | 2006 | Navin Khaneja (grad student) |
Qian Li | Olfactory system | | 2010 | | Stephen D. Liberles (post-doc) |
Ying Li | Pheromone system | | 2013 | 2012 | Jiulin Du (grad student), Catherine Dulac (post-doc) |
Xiaodong Li | circadian rhythm | | | | Clifford B. Saper (post-doc) |
Jianxue Li | | | | | |
Lei Li | retina and olfaction | | 1995 | 1999 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Yong Li | Neuronal circuitry | | 2007 | | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Zhengzheng Sophia Liang | Genomics and Behavior | Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2017 | | Catherine Dulac (post-doc), Xiaowei Zhuang (collaborator) |
James (Jimmy) Chienan Liao | locomotion, lateral line | | 1999 | 2004 | George Varick Lauder (grad student) |
Camilo Libedinsky | | | | 2009 | Margaret Livingstone (grad student) |
Stephen D. Liberles | Olfaction and pheromone signaling, Vagus nerve | | | 1999 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Deborah M. Licht | | | | 2001 | Jill Hooley (grad student) |
Erika Lichter | | Public Health | 1999 | 2003 | Laura Ann McCloskey (grad student) |
Jeff W. Lichtman | | | | | |
Joseph C. R. Licklider | Psychoacoustics, information processing | | | | Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student) |
Matthew Dylan Lieberman | social cognitive neuroscience | | 1993 | 1999 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Brendan N. Lilley | Neural development | | | | |
Michael Z. Lin | Protein engineering applied to visualizing and controlling signal transduction | | 1996 | 2002 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Jerry Wynie Lin | | | | 2002 | Morgan Sheng (grad student) |
James J. Lin | | | | 2010 | Navin Khaneja (grad student) |
Donald Benjamin Lindsley | neurophysiology, cortex, thalamus | | 1933 | 1935 | Hallowell Davis (post-doc), Alexander Forbes (post-doc) |
Gardner Lindzey | | | | | Gordon W. Allport (grad student) |
Brian A. Link | retinal development | | 1998 | 2001 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Christiane Linster | Olfaction | | 1994 | 1997 | Michael E. Hasselmo (post-doc) |
Jean Lipman-Blumen | Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology | Social Relations Social Relations | | 1970 | Talcott Parsons (grad student), Florence Kluckhohn (grad student) |
Stuart A. Lipton | Neurodegenerative Disease | | | 1977 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Jennifer Suzanne Lipton | development, cognition | | | 2005 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Adriana Lira-Oliver | Architecture, Neuroscience Biology, Design and Decorative Arts | | | 2006 | D Michelle Addington (grad student) |
John Lisman | hippocampus, neurophysiology | | 1972 | 1974 | George Wald (post-doc) |
James A. Lister | | | | | Margaret A. Baron (grad student) |
Alan Michael Litke | Particle physics, Neuroscience Biology | | | 1970 | Richard Wilson (grad student) |
Nadia Kathryn Litterman | Cerebellar granule neuron development | | 2005 | 2011 | Azad Bonni (grad student) |
Wendy Wing-Heng Liu | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2014 | Rachel I. Wilson (grad student) |
Xiao Ping Liu | Auditory System | | | | Jeffrey R. Holt (post-doc) |
Judy Shih-Hwa Liu | neuronal differentiation, doublecortin, polarity, epilepsy, circadian rhythms | | 2004 | 2009 | Chris A. Walsh (post-doc) |
Jinyue Liu | | | | | Joshua R. Sanes (grad student), William A. Harris (research assistant) |
Cambrian Y. Liu | olfaction, enteric nervous system | | 2002 | 2005 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (research assistant) |
Sophia Liu | | Harvard Biophysics | 2018 | | Fei Chen (grad student) |
Jia Liu | | | | | |
Jian Liu | Visual neuroscience, GABA receptors | | 2009 | 2010 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
He Liu | | | | | Yun Zhang (post-doc) |
Ding Liu | social behaviors | | | | |
Shari Liu | cognitive development; infants; social cognition | Psychology | 2014 | | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Jean Livet | | | | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Margaret Livingstone | Vision | | | | David Hubel (post-doc), Edward Kravitz (grad student) |
Jennifer A. Loconto | Olfaction | | | 2002 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Simona Lodato | | | | | Paola Arlotta (post-doc) |
Kyle Loh | | Harvard Stem Cell Institute Harvard Stem Cell Institute | 2008 | 2009 | Douglas A. Melton (research assistant), Kevin C. Eggan (research assistant) |
Kelly M. Lohr | VMAT2, dopamine, Parkinson's disease | | | | |
Eric O. Loken | | | | 2001 | Jerome Kagan (grad student) |
Tania Lombrozo | Concepts, causation | | 2002 | 2006 | Susan Carey (grad student) |
Bria L. Long | visual cognition, development, language and thought | | | | Talia Konkle (grad student) |
Bill Lotter | | | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Karl O. Lovblad | Magnetic resonance Imaging | | 1996 | 1997 | Steven Warach (research scientist) |
Chris J. Lowe | | | | | Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc) |
Adam S Lowet | reinforcement learning, decision-making | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2018 | 2024 | Naoshige Uchida (grad student) |
Carlos Manuel Loya | Neurobiology, microRNA, synapses, actin | | 2006 | 2011 | David Van Vactor (grad student) |
Cindy Chi-wen Lu | Developmental biology, neurobiology | | | | |
Ju Lu | | | 2004 | 2008 | Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student) |
R Duncan Luce | mathematics, psychology | | | | |
Gigi Luk | | | | | |
Helge Lundholm | | | | | |
Thomas Zhihao Luo | | Department of Neurobiology | 2012 | 2016 | John HR Maunsell (grad student) |
Linjiao Luo | C. elgans, behavior, drosophila | | | 2009 | Aravinthan Samuel (grad student) |
Olesya Luraschi | | | | | |
Alice Ly | | | | | |
Krissy A. Lyon | Neuroscience, serotonin | | | | |
Peijun Ma | Infectious Diseases | | 2015 | | Deborah T. Hung (post-doc) |
Qiufu Ma | Development and function of sensory circuitry | | | | |
Donald Wallace MacKinnon | | | | | Henry A. Murray (grad student) |
Paul Ryan MacNeilage | Visual-vestibular interaction | | 1994 | 1996 | Marc David Hauser (research assistant) |
Lucy H. MacPhail | Health Care Management, Organizational | | | 2010 | Amy C. Edmondson (grad student) |
Spandan Madan | Vision | | | | |
Kevin P. Madore | Memory, imagination, specificity induction, goals | | 2011 | | Daniel Schacter (grad student), Stephanie A. Gagnon (collaborator) |
Pascal J. Maenhout | Economics | | | 2000 | David Laibson (grad student), John Y. Campbell (grad student) |
Laura M. Magnotti | nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors | | | 2010 | Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student) |
Caterina Magri | Object perception, Conceptual knowledge | | 2013 | | Alfonso Caramazza (grad student), Talia Konkle (grad student) |
Brendan Maher | Schizophrenia | | | | |
Bradford Z. Mahon | cognitive neuropsychology | | | 2009 | Alfonso Caramazza (grad student) |
Kate Mahoney | | | 2004 | 2006 | Jeff W. Lichtman (research assistant) |
David Maillet | | | | | |
Gaby Maimon | | | 1999 | 2005 | John A. Assad (grad student) |
James Malcolm | | | | | Robert L. Trivers (grad student) |
Amy Malick | Development, visual system | | | 2000 | Carla J. Shatz (grad student) |
Athar N. Malik | Neural Circuits, Neuronal Transcription, Genomics, Neurosurgery | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2018 | 2020 | Naoshige Uchida (post-doc) |
Vera Maljkovic | | | 1990 | 1994 | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
William T. Mallon | Higher Education, Administration Education | | | 2000 | Richard P. Chait (grad student) |
Frank B. Mallory | | | | | |
Bettina Malnic | Olfaction | | | | Linda B. Buck (post-doc) |
Ryan T. Maloney | Vision | Organismic and Evolutionary Biology | 2020 | | Benjamin L. de Bivort (post-doc) |
Nitasha Manchanda | Genetics, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology | | | 2005 | Vijaya Ramesh (grad student) |
Jean Matter Mandler | | Department of Social Relations | | 1956 | Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student) |
Stuart C. Mangel | retina | | 1981 | 1984 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Tom Maniatis | Regulation of RNA Transcription and Splicing, The Role of Neuroinflammation in ALS, Neurobiology of Disease, Synapses and Circuits, Stem Cell Biology, ALS Disease Mechanisms, Genetic Basis of Neurological Diseases | | | | Mark Ptashne (post-doc) |
Andrew Maniotis | | | | | |
David V Mankus | Electron Microscopy, neuroscience, cell biology, nanomaterials | Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology | | 2016 | Joshua R. Sanes (research scientist), Jeff W. Lichtman (research scientist) |
Dara S. Manoach | Schizophrenia | Psychology Psychology | | | Brendan Maher (grad student), Philip S. Holzman (grad student) |
Abdol-Reza Mansouri | | | | 2004 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Joseph A. Marcus | Anthropology | | | 2003 | Richard Wrangham (grad student) |
Charles Masamed Marcus | mesoscopic physics | | | 1990 | Robert M. Westervelt (grad student) |
Alan R. Mardinly | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | 2007 | 2013 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Tim Y. Mariano | neuromodulation, tDCS, neural engineering, prefrontal cortical function, neural engineering, functional electrical stimulation (FES) | | 2001 | 2003 | Garrett B. Stanley (research assistant) |
Anat Maril | | | | 2003 | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Timothy Markman | Neuromodulation | | | | Antoniu L. Fantana (research assistant), Bence P. Olveczky (research assistant) |
Jeffrey E. Markowitz | Basal ganglia, biosensors, motor control, machine learning | Cognitive & Neural Systems GRS | | 2014 | Timothy J. Gardner (grad student) |
Lawrence Eduard Marks | Multisensory Integration | | 1962 | 1965 | George A. Miller (grad student) |
James Marrs | | | | | |
Abigail A. Marsh | | | | 2004 | Nalini Ambady (grad student) |
Nicholas Marsh-Armstrong | | | | 1994 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
David W. Marshak | retina | | 1982 | 1984 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Jesse D. Marshall | Motor Systems, Striatum, Technology Development | Organismic and Evolutionary Biology | 2016 | | Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc) |
Christine Marshall-Walker | Guided research, bioethics | | | | Chris A. Walsh (post-doc) |
Chad J. Marsolek | | | 1990 | 1992 | Stephen Kosslyn (grad student), Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Paolo Martini | Vision | | 1998 | 2006 | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Javier Alejandro Masis | Cognition | Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2014 | 2020 | David Cox (grad student), David Cox (grad student) |
Francis Kei Masuda | | | 2012 | 2015 | Sandeep Robert Datta (research assistant) |
Alexander Mathis | | | | | |
Mackenzie Weygandt Mathis | | | 2013 | 2017 | Naoshige Uchida (grad student) |
Sara Matias | Systems Neuroscience, Learning, Behavior, Serotonin, Dopamine | Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology | | | Naoshige Uchida (post-doc) |
Jonathan I. Matsui | Visual system, auditory system, zebrafish | | 2003 | 2006 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Humberto Maturana | Visual System, Cybernetics | | | 1959 | George B. Chapman (grad student) |
Ernst Mayr | Evolutionary Biology | | | | |
Camille Mazo | Olfaction, Visual Cortex | | | | |
Ofer Mazor | | | | | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Soumyajit Mazumder | Political Science | Government Government Government Economics Government | 2015 | 2020 | Daniel Carpenter (grad student), Ryan Enos (grad student), Jennifer Hochschild (grad student), Nathan Nunn (grad student), Matthew L. Blackwell (grad student) |
James E. Mazur | | | | | Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student) |
Dan P. McAdams | identity, personality | | | | David Clarence McClelland (grad student) |
Robert B. McCall | Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies | | | | Jerome Kagan (post-doc) |
Hannah G. McCalmon | olfaction, chemical senses, perception | | | | |
Corey M. McCann | Synaptic stability | | | | Joshua R. Sanes (grad student) |
Martha K. McClintock | Olfaction, endocrinology, cancer | | | 1971 | Edward Osborne Wilson (research assistant) |
Douglas T. McClure | mesoscopic physics | Physics | | 2012 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Susan K. McConnell | | | | 1987 | Simon LeVay (grad student) |
Meghan C. McCord | | | | | |
Dana C. McCoy | Behavioral Psychology, Public and Social Welfare, Developmental Psychology | Sociology | | 2013 | Patrick T. Sharkey (grad student) |
William McDougall | psychology | | | | |
Michael Brian McElroy | | | | 2005 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Deborah L. McEwan | | | | 2010 | Sam Kunes (grad student) |
Jason Marcus McEwen | | | | 2007 | Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student) |
Matthew Robert McGill | Audition, Hearing Loss | | | | |
Craig P. McGowan | locomotion | | | 2006 | Andrew A. Biewener (grad student) |
Claire Elizabeth McKellar | | | | 2006 | Carla J. Shatz (grad student) |
Ian McLachlan | | | 2011 | 2016 | Maxwell Heiman (grad student) |
Andrew P. McMahon | sonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system | | | | |
Douglas G. McMahon | retina and circadian rhythms | | 1985 | 1990 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Ryan McMillan | biophysics | | | | |
Richard J. McNally | | | | | |
Robert Forbes McNaughton, Jr. | | | | 1951 | Willard Van Orman Quine (grad student) |
David McNeill | Gesture, language | | | | Roger Brown (grad student) |
Robert M. McPeek | | | 1992 | 1997 | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Malinda J. McPherson | Auditory Neuroscience, Auditory Psychophysics, Creativity | | | | |
James R. Medford | mesoscopic physics | Physics | | 2013 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Sara C. Mednick | sleep memory learning | | | 2003 | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Sean G. Megason | sonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system | | | 2001 | Andrew P. McMahon (grad student) |
Jacques Mehler | | | 1962 | 1964 | George A. Miller (grad student) |
Samuel A Mehr | cognitive science, music | | | | |
Yaron Meirovitch | Motor System, Connectomics | | | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Steven Lee Meisler | Cognitive Neuroscience, fMRI, DWI, Development, Reading, Dyslexia | | | | |
Alexander Meissner | Genetics, Neuroscience Biology | | | | |
Luis Antonio Mejia | | Neurobiology | | 2013 | Azad Bonni (grad student) |
Shila Mekhoubad | Stem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases | | | 2011 | Kevin C. Eggan (grad student) |
Nancy K. Mello | drug addiction | | | | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (post-doc) |
Craig Cameron Mello | Regulation of gene expression | | | 1990 | Dan Stinchcomb (grad student), Victor Ambros (grad student) |
Edward G. Meloni | | | | | William A. Carlezon (research scientist) |
Douglas A. Melton | Development | | | | |
William S. Menegas | Decision Making | | 2013 | | Naoshige Uchida (grad student) |
Jeff Mentch | | | | | |
Robert K. Merton | Social theory, deviance, sociology of science | Sociology Sociology History Sociology | 1931 | 1938 | Talcott Parsons (grad student), Pitirim Sorokin (research assistant), George Sarton (grad student), Lawrence Joseph Henderson (grad student) |
Marsel Mesulam | | | | | Norman Geschwind (post-doc) |
Barbara J. Meyer | Genetics | | | 1979 | Mark Ptashne (grad student) |
Michaela Meyer | Neuroethology, Audition, Mechanosensory systems | | | | |
Cynthia A. Meyersburg | | | | 2010 | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Imtisaal Mian | sleep disorders, immune based therapies | | | | |
Mimi D. Michaelson | | | | 2002 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Stanley Milgram | | | | | |
Gregory Ross Miller | Diabetes | | | | |
Cory T. Miller | primate auditory system, neurobiology and behavior | | 1999 | 2003 | Marc David Hauser (grad student) |
Daniel J. Millman | Computation, Olfactory Circuits | | 2011 | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student) |
Alex Millner | | | | | |
Charles D. Mills | | | | | |
A.W. Mills | | Psychology | | | Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student) |
Matthias Minderer | | | | | |
Michele Miozzo | | | | 2000 | Alfonso Caramazza (grad student) |
Alfred E. Mirsky | Molecular biology | | | | Lawrence Joseph Henderson (grad student) |
Thomas Misgeld | | | 2000 | 2006 | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Pranav Misra | | | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Jason Mitchell | | | | 2003 | Daniel Schacter (grad student), Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (post-doc) |
Partha Pratim Mitra | | Physics | | 1993 | Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student) |
Stephen R. Mitroff | | | | 2002 | Daniel J. Simons (grad student) |
Karolina Mizeracka | development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
Kevin Mizes | biophysics, neuroscience of behavior | | | | |
Haruo Mizutani | Neural circuits, Synaptic connectivity, 3D imaging | | | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Sebastian Moguilner | | | | | |
Siddharth Mohandas | International Relations | Government | | 2012 | Stephen P. Rosen (grad student) |
Johanna B. Mollerstrom | Economics | Economics | | 2013 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Bradley J. Molyneaux | | | 2011 | 2006 | Paola Arlotta (post-doc), Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student) |
Sadie C. Monaghan | | Psychology | | 2014 | Jill Hooley (grad student) |
Aboozar Monavarfeshani | Visual system | Center for Brain science | 2018 | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Dileep D. Monie | Systems Immunology, Regenerative Bioengineering, Neuro-Oncology | Biomedical Engineering Wyss Institute | | | Sujata K. Bhatia (research assistant), Peng Yin (research assistant) |
Robert Jon Monroe | | | | 2001 | Philip Leder (grad student) |
Tessa G Montague | The neural basis of cuttlefish camouflage | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2011 | 2018 | Alexander Schier (grad student) |
Jean-Pierre Montmayeur | Taste | | | | Linda B. Buck (post-doc) |
Wilbert E. Moore | | Sociology | | 1940 | Talcott Parsons (grad student) |
Jeffrey D. Moore | | | 2015 | 2022 | Catherine Dulac (post-doc) |
Magdalene M. Moran | | | | 2003 | David E. Clapham (grad student) |
Stewart T. Moran | Immunology | | | 2005 | Shiv Pillai (grad student) |
Seana Moran | | | | 2006 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Joe M. Moran | cognitive neuroscience, social cognition, autism, mentalizing | | | | |
Ari S. Morcos | Deep Learning, Decision Making, Systems Neuroscience, Neural Circuitry | | | | |
J. Ryan Morehead | Motor Learning, Motor Control, Decision-Making, | School of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 2015 | 2019 | Maurice A. Smith (post-doc) |
Kirsten Morehouse | | | | | |
Carlos A. Moreno | locomotion | | | 2010 | Andrew A. Biewener (grad student) |
Carey K. Morewedge | Social Cognition | | | 2006 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Joshua L. Morgan | | | 2009 | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Richard I. Morimoto | | | 1978 | 1982 | Matthew S. Meselson (post-doc) |
James Gunnar Morin | | | | 1970 | Ian M. Cooke (grad student), John (Woody) Woodland Hastings (grad student) |
István A. Mórocz | neuroimaging | | | | Balázs Gulyás (grad student) |
Charles Morris | | Psychology | | | George H. Mead (grad student) |
Frederick James Morrison | | | | 1971 | Marshall Myron Haith (grad student) |
Camille Morvan | decision making, eye movements | | 2010 | 2012 | Patrick Cavanagh (post-doc) |
Tim Mosca | Nuclear Import and Drosophila Synapse Development | | 2004 | 2009 | Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student) |
Timothy James Mosca | | | | 2009 | Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student) |
Cody J. Moser | | Psychology | 2018 | 2022 | Samuel A Mehr (grad student) |
Steven B. Most | Attention, perception, emotion, individual differences | | 1997 | 2002 | Daniel J. Simons (grad student) |
Mohammed A Mostajo-Radji | Developmental neuroscience | Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology | | | Paola Arlotta (grad student) |
Samuel Taylor Moulton | | | | 2008 | Stephen Kosslyn (grad student) |
Navid Mousavi | | Neurology | 2023 | | Michael Tri H. Do (grad student) |
Martin H. Moynihan | Animal Behavior, Ethology, Systematics, Gulls (Laridae), Cephalopods, | | 1955 | 1957 | Ernst Mayr (post-doc) |
Sahil Moza | Learning and Memory, systems neuroscience, computational neuroscience | Organismal and Evolutionary Biology | 2022 | | Yun Zhang (post-doc) |
Paul J. Muentener | Conceptual Development | | | 2009 | Susan Carey (grad student) |
Joshua W. Mugford | sonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system | | | 2008 | Andrew P. McMahon (grad student) |
Fanuel Muindi | | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2008 | 2013 | Craig Heller (grad student) |
Cora Mukerji | | | 2013 | | Charles A. Nelson (grad student) |
Eric M. Mulhall | | | | | |
David Mumford | Computer vision | | | 1961 | Oscar A. Zariski (grad student) |
Hugo Münsterberg | Psychology | | | | |
Ikuya Murakami | | | | | Patrick Cavanagh (post-doc) |
Alexander J. Murphy | cortical development | | | | |
Emily R. Murphy | Behavioral neuroscience, neuroethics | | 2001 | 2003 | Mark G. Baxter (research assistant) |
Henry A. Murray | Motivation, TAT, psychoanalysis | | 1923 | | Carl Gustav Jung (post-doc), Alfred North Whitehead (post-doc) |
Lewis C. Murtaugh | myogenesis | | | 2000 | Andrew Lassar (grad student) |
Venkatesh N. Murthy | information processing by neural circuits | | | | |
Rajamanickam Murugan | | | 2007 | 2008 | Gabriel Kreiman (post-doc) |
Richard Morris Myers | | | 1982 | 1985 | Tom Maniatis (post-doc) |
Michael H. Myoga | Neurophysiology | | | 2011 | Wade G. Regehr (grad student) |
Jacob Nachmias | | Psychology | | 1955 | William John Crozier (grad student) |
Mireya F. Nadal-Vicens | Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse | | | 2003 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Katherine I. Nagel | | | 2008 | 2014 | Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc) |
Scott Raymon Naisbitt | | | | 2001 | Morgan Sheng (grad student) |
Sadia Najmi | Mental control | | | 2008 | Daniel Wegner (grad student) |
Ken Nakayama | Vision | | | | |
Peter E. Nathan | | | | 1962 | Saul Rosenzweig (grad student) |
Saul S. Nava | visual ecolgy, behavioral ecology, evolution, visual system | | | | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Martha Raluca Neagu | brain tumors | | | | |
Jason Bennett Neal | | | | 2010 | Chris A. Walsh (grad student) |
Leigh A. Needleman | synapse development and plasticity | | 2011 | | Catherine Dulac (research scientist) |
Ulric Neisser | retired | | | 1956 | Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student), George A. Miller (research assistant) |
Peter T. Nelson | neurodegenerative disease, neuropathology | | | | Clifford B. Saper (grad student) |
Ingrid M. Nembhard | Health Care Management, Management Business Administration | | | 2007 | Amy C. Edmondson (grad student) |
Jason Nemirow | | Psychology Psychology Psychology | 2018 | 2022 | Steven Pinker (grad student), Max M. Krasnow (collaborator), Fiery A. Cushman (collaborator) |
Nicole L. Neubarth | Somatosensory system, mechanosensation, spinal cord physiology | | 2013 | 2013 | David D. Ginty (grad student), Ruth Anne Eatock (grad student) |
Allen Neuringer | Animal Behavior, Variability, Randomness | | 1962 | 1967 | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student) |
Nora S. Newcombe | Spatial Cognition, Cognitive Development | | 1972 | 1976 | Jerome Kagan (grad student), Giorgio Ganis (collaborator) |
Brandi J. Newell | Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, fMRI | | 2010 | 2015 | Jason Mitchell (grad student), Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (grad student) |
E.B. Newman | | | | | Edwin G. Boring (grad student) |
A. Jamila Newton | synaptic plasticity | | 2003 | 2007 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student) |
Amy M. Ni | Perception | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | John HR Maunsell (grad student) |
John G. Nicholls | Regeneration, synaptic physiology | | | | Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc) |
T Richard Nichols | | | | | James C. Houk (grad student) |
Harry S. Nick | Traumatic Injury,Gene Regulation, Inflammatory Response, Free Radicals, | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1982 | 1985 | Walter Gilbert (post-doc) |
Muriel Niederle | BEHAVIORAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS | | | 2002 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Jared A. Nielsen | functional connectivity | | 2014 | | Randy L. Buckner (post-doc) |
Laura Niemi | | Psychology | | | Steven Pinker (post-doc) |
Elizabeth A. Nigh | Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse | | | 2003 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Mary McAllister Nijhout | | Biology | 1970 | 1975 | Lynn M. Riddiford (grad student) |
Yuliya Nikolova | Emotion processing, Genetics | | 2006 | 2009 | Diego Pizzagalli (research assistant) |
Sheila Nirenberg | Retina | | 1993 | 1998 | Markus Meister (post-doc), Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
Gladwyn Kingsley Noble | | | 1916 | 1918 | Thomas Barbour (research assistant) |
Matthew K. Nock | | | | | |
Erik Christopher Nook | Emotion, Clinical Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Development | Psychology Psychology | 2015 | 2015 | Christine I. Hooker (grad student), Leah H. Somerville (grad student) |
Kenneth A. Norman | Human memory & learning | | | | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Valentin André Normand | Neuroscience | Neuroscience | | | Bence P. Olveczky (research assistant) |
Brian J. Norris | | | | | Ronald L. Calabrese (grad student) |
Michael Norsworthy | | | 2012 | 2017 | Zhigang He (grad student) |
Rebecca J. Norwick | Social Cognition | | | 2005 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Alvin Novick | | | | | Donald R. Griffin (post-doc) |
Bennett Novitch | neural development, spinal cord, cortex, neurogenesis, organoids, neural stem cell, circuit formation, neurodevelopmental disorders, disease modeling | | | | Andrew Lassar (grad student) |
Richard S. Nowakowski | | | | | Pasko Rakic (grad student) |
Dan W. Nowakowski | | | | 2010 | John Flanagan (grad student) |
Colin A. Nurse | carotid body, hypoxia | | | | Edwin Furshpan (grad student) |
Lauren A. O'Connell | Behavioral neuroendocrinology | | | | |
Alan C. O'Connor | | | | 2011 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Timothy J. O'Donnell | Language development, language comprehension | | | 2011 | Jesse Snedeker (grad student) |
Kevin Nicholas Ochsner | Social Cognition, Emotion, fMRI | | | | Daniel Schacter (grad student), Stephen Kosslyn (grad student), Daniel T. Gilbert (post-doc) |
Isaac Oderberg | | | | | |
Judith Mosinger Ogilvie | retinal development and degeneration | | | 1983 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Yoko Okado | False memory | | | | |
Ian A. Oldenburg | Neuroscience | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | 2009 | 2014 | Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student) |
James Olds | Brain self-stimulation | | 1947 | 1952 | Richard Lester Solomon (grad student) |
Shawn R. Olsen | Visual system, Cortical circuits | | 2004 | 2009 | Rachel I. Wilson (grad student) |
Bence P. Olveczky | vocal learning in the songbird, Motor sequence learning in rodents | | | 2003 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Adam Omary | brain development, puberty, hormones | | 2022 | | Leah H. Somerville (grad student) |
Alexei Onatski | Economics | | | 2001 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Sara Onvani | brain tumor molecular biology, neural circuitry | | 2011 | 2011 | Sandeep Robert Datta (research scientist) |
Dalila G. Ordonez | synaptic plasticity, neurodegeneration | | | | |
Lauren Orefice | | | 2008 | 2013 | Baoji Xu (grad student) |
Michael B. Orger | | | | | Florian Alois Engert (post-doc) |
Stuart H. Orkin | Genetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology | | | | |
Lianna R. Orlando | metabotropic glutamate receptors | | | 2001 | Anne B. Young (grad student) |
Jonathan Garst Orozco | | | 2009 | | Bence P. Olveczky (grad student) |
Marlene Oscar-Berman | | | 1968 | 1970 | Charles Gross (post-doc) |
Miriam E. Osterfield | | | | 2006 | John Flanagan (grad student) |
Jessica A. Osterhout | Neural basis of immune-driven behaviors | | 2016 | | Catherine Dulac (post-doc) |
Timothy Otchy | | | 2008 | 2011 | Bence P. Olveczky (research scientist) |
Megan K. Othus | Statistics | | | 2009 | Yi Li (grad student) |
Long Ouyang | semantic cognition | | 2009 | 2010 | Yuhong Jiang (research assistant), Susan Carey (research assistant), Ken Nakayama (research assistant), Steven Pinker (research assistant) |
Philip D. Owrutsky | | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2012 | Navin Khaneja (grad student) |
Betül Özçimen | | Department of Psychology | 2016 | 2017 | Ellen J. Langer (research assistant) |
Kadir Ozkan | Regenerative Neuroscience, Induced Neurogenesis | | | | |
Hari Padmanabhan | Developmental Neurobiology | | | | |
Jessica Page | | | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Tracie Paine | | | | | William A. Carlezon (post-doc) |
Michio Wendell Painter | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2014 | Larry I. Benowitz (grad student) |
Petra E. Pajtas | Language processing, Verbs, Reward Processing, Social Stress | | 2007 | 2008 | Diego Pizzagalli (research assistant), Alfonso Caramazza (research assistant) |
Sumon K. Pal | | | | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc) |
German Palafox Palafox | Visual cognition | Psychology | 1989 | 1994 | Ken Nakayama (grad student), Philip S. Holzman (grad student) |
Alberto R. Palleroni | | | | | |
Richard DeForest Palmiter | neuropeptide signaling, receptor biology | | | | Fotis Kafatos (post-doc) |
Yuchin Albert Pan | Stress, development, imaging, brain mapping | | 2006 | | Alexander Schier (post-doc) |
Alexia Panayiotou | Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology | | | 2001 | Carol Gilligan (grad student) |
Greta C. Panova | Algebraic and enumerative combinatorics, aspects of and applications to algebra, representation theory, probability and statistical mechanics, biology | | | 2011 | Richard Stanley (grad student) |
Erica L. Pantages | Olfaction | | | 2002 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Christos Papadelis | | | | | |
Fabio Papes | Olfactory system | | 2001 | 2003 | Catherine Dulac (post-doc) |
Natasha Parikh | Emotion | Psychology | | | Leah H. Somerville (post-doc) |
Sungwoo Park | Exoskeleton, Locomotor adaptation, Neurorehabilitation, Motor Learning | | | | |
Sohee Park | Memory, Schizophrenia, Self Disorders, Creativity, Social Neuroscience | | 1985 | 1991 | Philip S. Holzman (grad student), Stephen Kosslyn (grad student) |
Kevin Park | | | | | |
Jeongho Park | | Psychology | 2018 | | Talia Konkle (post-doc) |
Holly A. Parker | | | | 2004 | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Yvonne Parsons | | OEB | | 2000 | Kerry L Shaw (post-doc) |
Marco D. Paserman | Economics | | | 2000 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Stan Pashkovski | circuits, olfaction, imaging, innate responses | | 2010 | | Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student), Leslie C. Griffith (research assistant) |
Jeremiah Paskus | glia | | | | |
Elisabeth S. Pasquini | Developmental Psychology | | | 2006 | Paul Harris (grad student) |
Leonard Magruder Passano, III | | | | 1948 | John H. Welsh, Jr. (research assistant) |
Paola Patella | | | | | |
Gentry N. Patrick | Ubiquitin Proteasome System, Neurodegenerative Disease | | | 2000 | Li-Huei Tsai (grad student) |
Edward H. Patzelt | computational psychiatry, reinforcement learning | | | | |
Bruna S. Paulsen | Pluripotent Stem Cells | HSCI | 2017 | | Paola Arlotta (post-doc) |
Nathan A. Paxton | General, International Relations | | | 2010 | Stephen P. Rosen (grad student) |
Joseph M. Paxton | Moral judgment/decision-making, cognitive neuroscience | Psychology | | 2014 | Joshua D. Greene (grad student) |
Hannah L. Payne | | | 2009 | 2010 | Chinfei Chen (research assistant) |
Jessica Payne | | | | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Andrew Preston Peabody | | | 1826 | 1833 | John Farrar (grad student) |
Jonah E Pearl | | Neurobiology | 2020 | 2026 | Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student) |
Alan L. Pearlman | visual system, development, | | | | David Hubel (post-doc), Torsten Wiesel (post-doc) |
Marius V. Peelen | Perception, Attention, Vision, Emotion, fMRI, Social Neuroscience | | 2009 | | Alfonso Caramazza (post-doc) |
Cengiz Pehlevan | | | 2011 | 2013 | Haim Sompolinsky (post-doc) |
Benjamin R. Peirce | | | | 2006 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Yi-Rong Peng | Neuroscience | | 2012 | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Irene M. Pepperberg | Learning and cognition in birds | | | 1976 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student) |
David R. Pepperberg | | | 1973 | 1976 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Ross V. Perak | Olfaction | | | 2006 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Ernest G. Peralta | Neuroscience Biology | | | | |
Ana Isabel Pereira | Fear, Auditory Neuroscience, RNAi, AAV vectors | OEB | 2015 | 2019 | Yun Zhang (post-doc) |
Brian D. Perkins | retinal development | | 2000 | 2004 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Norbert Perrimon | | | | | |
Raniero L. Peru | | | | | Sam Kunes (post-doc) |
Andrew J. Peters | Systems | | 2008 | 2008 | Daniel C. Hyde (research assistant) |
Maureen A. Peters | development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness | | | 2002 | Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
Dennis G. Peters | | Chemistry | 1959 | 1962 | James J. Lingane (grad student) |
Phillip E. Peterson | | | | 2004 | Jerome Kagan (grad student) |
Laura-Ann Petitto | Language & Development | | | | Roger Brown (grad student) |
Creola Petrescu | | | | | |
Carol R. Philips | | | | 2000 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Ariel I. A. Phillips | | | | | |
Naree Phinyawatana | Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Civil Engineering | | | 2006 | D Michelle Addington (grad student) |
Gerald Pho | Systems Neuroscience | Organismic & Evolutionary Biology | 2017 | | Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc) |
Valerie I. Photos | | | | 2010 | Matthew K. Nock (grad student) |
Shiv Pillai | Immunology | | | | |
Steven Pinker | Language | | 1976 | 1979 | Stephen Kosslyn (grad student), Laura-Ann Petitto (collaborator), Roger Brown (grad student) |
Xaq Pitkow | | | | 2006 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Diego Pizzagalli | | | | | |
Dillon Plunkett | cognitive neuroscience, high-level reasoning, conscious cognition | Psychology | 2015 | | Joshua D. Greene (grad student) |
Rajesh Poddar | | | 2009 | | Bence P. Olveczky (grad student) |
Amanda Pogue | Developmental Psychology, Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition, Cognitive Development, Conceptual Development | | 2008 | 2008 | Jesse Snedeker (research assistant) |
Karen R. Polenske | Input-output economics | | 1961 | 1966 | Wassily Wassilyovitch Leontief (grad student) |
Seth David Pollak | early experience, emotion | Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience | 1990 | 1992 | Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant) |
Alexander A. Pollen | brain evolution & genetics | | 2003 | 2005 | Hans A. Hofmann (research assistant) |
Mica Pollock | Educational Psychology Education, Public and Social Welfare | | | | |
Thomas Anthony Pologruto | cortical circuits | | | 2005 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Sonia Poltoratski | visual system, cognitive neuroscience | | 2009 | 2011 | Yaoda Xu (research scientist) |
Jeffrey Polzer | Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration | | | | |
Carlos Ramon Ponce | Visual system, motion processing | | 2003 | 2009 | Richard T. Born (grad student) |
Lorena Pont-Lezica | VNO | | 2001 | 2008 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Franchino S. Porciuncula | Motor control, motor learning, robotics, stroke, movement disorders, Huntington's disease, vestibular disorders | | 2017 | | Conor J. Walsh (post-doc) |
Elena B. Porro | mechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning | | | 2000 | Li-Huei Tsai (grad student) |
Keith R. Porter | EM, organelles | | | 1938 | Leigh Hoadley (grad student) |
Katie Porter | Vision | | | | |
Ruben Portugues | | | 2006 | 2014 | Florian Alois Engert (post-doc) |
Jessica R. Poser | Art Education, Theory and Methods | | | 2007 | Helen E. Haste (grad student) |
Leo Postman | Perception, memory | | | 1947 | Gordon W. Allport (grad student) |
Ron M. Potok | mesoscopic physics | | | 2006 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
David Potter | | | | | Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc) |
Mary C. Potter | | | | 1961 | Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student) |
Alexandros Poulopoulos | | | | | Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc) |
Lindsey J. Powell | social psychology | Psychology | | 2012 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Jennifer R. Powell | Genetics | | 2004 | 2009 | Frederick Michael Ausubel (post-doc) |
Katherine E. Powers | Social Neuroscience | | | | Leah H. Somerville (grad student) |
Elizabeth Prado | Health and cognition | School of Public health | | | Anuraj Shankar (post-doc) |
Sandeep Prasada | Developmental Pycholinguistics | | | | Steven Pinker (grad student) |
Drazen Prelec | Neuroeconomics | Psychology Psychology | | | R Duncan Luce (grad student), Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student) |
Daniel Prescott | | | 1923 | 1970 | Walter F. Dearborn (grad student) |
Richard David Present | | | | 1935 | Edwin Crawford Kemble (grad student) |
Sidney L. Pressey | educational psychology | | | 1917 | Robert Mearns Yerkes (grad student), Hugo Münsterberg (grad student) |
Jesse Preston | Mental control | | | 2005 | Daniel Wegner (grad student) |
Karl H. Pribram | Psychology, frontal lobe | | | | Karl Spencer Lashley (post-doc) |
Morton Prince | | | | 1879 | William James (grad student) |
Jacob S Prince | Cognitive neuroscience, visual system, machine learning, sensory perception | Psychology | 2018 | 2019 | Talia Konkle (research assistant) |
David A. Prober | Genetic and Neural Circuits that Regulate Sleep | Biology and Biological Engineering | | 2009 | Alexander Schier (post-doc) |
Erik Procko | Membrane Protein Structure and Function, Molecular Recognition, Neurotransmitters, Taste, G Protein-Coupled Receptors | | | 2008 | Rachelle Gaudet (grad student) |
Clifford Ladd Prosser | | | | | Hallowell Davis (post-doc) |
Tomasz Jacek Proszynski | Synaptogenesis | | | | |
Dasha Pruss | | | | | |
Brent J. Pryor | | | | 2007 | Navin Khaneja (grad student) |
Glen A. Pu | | | | 1978 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Nancy M. Puccinelli | Social Cognition | | | 2000 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Claudio Punzo | Retinal degeneration | | | | |
Michelino Puopolo | Neurobiology | | | | |
Sidharth Venkata Puram | | | | 2011 | Azad Bonni (grad student) |
Lijun Qi | neuroscience | | | | |
Lechen Selina Qian | Neuroscience | MCO MCO MCB | 2018 | 2024 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student), Naoshige Uchida (grad student), Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Haohua Qian | retina | | 1992 | 1996 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Jiang Qian | | | | 2007 | Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student) |
Menglu Qian | Neurodegenerative diseases | | 2014 | | Kevin C. Eggan (grad student) |
XiaoXi Qiao | | | | | Douglas A. Melton (post-doc) |
Yuqi Qin | Nervous system | | | | Yun Zhang (grad student) |
Giorgia Quadrato | Neurobiology, pulripotent stem cells, neural stem cells, brain organoids | SCRB | | | Paola Arlotta (post-doc) |
Kathleen B. Quast | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2013 | Takao K. Hensch (grad student) |
Arie Querido | social medicine, psychiatry | | | 1923 | Alexander Forbes (research assistant), Walter Bradford Cannon (research assistant) |
Willard Van Orman Quine | | | | | Alfred North Whitehead (grad student) |
Arnold R Rabin | Retinal Electrophysiology | Nutrition | | | Billy Rex Wooten (grad student), Kenneth C Hayes (grad student) |
Mohammed Mostafizur Rahman | Social Behavior, Sensory systems, hypothalamus, Amygdala, hippocampus, stress | | | | |
Tommi Raij | Human, TMS, MEG, EEG, fMRI, Tractography, Physiology, Neuropsychiatry, Source modeling, Instrumentation | | | | John W. Belliveau (post-doc) |
Kaveri Rajaraman | Retinal neuroscience | | 2004 | 2009 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Prashant C. Raju | | | 2020 | 2021 | Sam J. Gershman (research assistant) |
Pavan Ramdya | brain and behavioral plasticity | | 2004 | 2008 | Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
Vijaya Ramesh | Genetics, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology | | | | |
German A. Ramirez-Garcia | Higher Education | | | 2005 | Richard P. Chait (grad student) |
Ayush Vasant Ranawade | Computational Biology | | | | |
Ayush Ranawade | Computational Biology | | | | |
David G. Rand | cooperation, game theory, evolution of cooperation, dual process, intuition, deliberation | Systems Biology | 2006 | 2009 | Martin Nowak (grad student) |
Robert R. Rando | Biochemistry of Vision | | | | Konrad Bloch (post-doc) |
Antonio Rangel | Neuroeconomics | | | 1998 | Eric S. Maskin (grad student), Alberto Alesina (grad student) |
Michael Rape | Cell cycle, Ubiquitin | | | | Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc) |
Irit Rappley | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 | | | 2009 | Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student) |
Salvatore Rocco Rappoccio | Physics | Physics Physics | 2000 | 2005 | Andrew D. Foland (grad student), Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student) |
Ruwan N. Ratnayake | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2008 | Gu-yeon Wei (grad student) |
Elio Raviola | Morphology, visual system | | | | |
Joseph Rayman | Neuroendocrinology | MCB | 1998 | 2002 | Brian David Dynlacht (grad student) |
Sasha Rayshubskiy | Drosophila systems neuroscience | | | | |
Esteban A. Real | Visual system | Physics | | 2012 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Eric A. Reavis | MRI, Psychophysics, Perceptual Learning, Visual Perception in Mental Illness | | 2007 | 2008 | Arash (Seyed Reza) Afraz (research assistant) |
Robin Reed | mRNA nuclear export, splicing | | | | Tom Maniatis (grad student) |
Hannah E. Reese | | | | 2010 | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Wade G. Regehr | | | | | |
Jasmine DS Reggiani | | | | | |
Pamela Reinagel | visual system, computation & theory | | 1990 | 1994 | Markus Meister (post-doc), Mark Ptashne (grad student) |
Jon Reiskind | arachnology, systematics, evolution, ecology, biodiversity | Museum of Comparative Zoology | 1962 | 1967 | Herbert W. Levi (grad student) |
Xiangyu Ren | Neuroscience, Sensory Biology, Interoception | | 2014 | 2015 | Qiufu Ma (research assistant) |
Susan C.P. Renn | Behavioral genomics | | 2002 | 2006 | Hans A. Hofmann (post-doc) |
Jonathan Renshon | | | | | Stephen P. Rosen (grad student), Alastair Iain Johnston (grad student) |
John B. Reppas | Visual system | | | 2002 | R Clay Reid (grad student) |
Nicholas Dickon Reppucci | Children and Law | | | 1968 | Jerome Kagan (grad student) |
Tom Reuter | Vision, hearing, sensory thresholds | | 1969 | 1970 | George Wald (post-doc) |
Jean-Paul Revel | Gap junctions | Biochemistry | | 1957 | Eric Glendinning Ball (grad student) |
J. Steven Reznick | Cognitive development, working memory | | 1979 | 1987 | Jerome Kagan (grad student) |
Jessica D. Ribeiro | suicidal behavior | | | | |
Heather C. Rice | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2013 | Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student) |
Christopher T. Richards | locomotion | | | 2009 | Andrew A. Biewener (grad student) |
Jennelle Durnett Richardson | pain, neuroscience | | | | |
Jennifer A. Richeson | | | | 2000 | Nalini Ambady (grad student) |
Julius Benjamin Richmond | | | | | Margaret Wilson Gerard (grad student) |
Lynn M. Riddiford | development, entomology | | | | John Tileston Edsall (post-doc), Carroll M. Williams (post-doc) |
Giulia Righi | Ventral Cortex, Object and Face Recognition | | | | |
Jason M. Rihel | Olfaction | | | 2004 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Christov K. Roberson | Ion channels and calcium signaling | | | 2005 | David E. Clapham (grad student) |
Xavier Roberts-Gaal | morality, social cognition, decision-making, uncertainty | Psychology | 2022 | | Fiery A. Cushman (grad student) |
Donald J. Robinaugh | | | | | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Robert Alexander Robinson | electron microscopy, bone strucutre, anterior decompression and cervical spine fusion, total joint replacement, medical maggots | | | | |
Drew Robson | imaging, behavior | | | | Florian Alois Engert (grad student), Alexander Schier (grad student) |
Joshua S. Rodefer | Behavioral Pharmacology | | | | |
Alexandra Rodman | | Psychology Psychology | 2018 | 2018 | Leah H. Somerville (grad student), Katie A. McLaughlin (post-doc) |
Etienne B. Roesch | Attention, Emotion, Modeling | | 2004 | 2004 | Diego Pizzagalli (research assistant) |
Christina Rogers Flattery | comparative neuroscience, evolutionary neuroscience, biological anthropology | | | | |
Dan Rokni | Olfaction | | | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc) |
Lorna Role | nicotine, cholinergic circuits | Physiology | 1976 | 1981 | Gerald Fischbach (post-doc), Robert L. Perlman (grad student) |
Rachel Romeo | | | 2020 | 2021 | Katie A. McLaughlin (post-doc) |
Sandra Romero Pinto | neuroscience, neuroengineering, reinforcement learning | Molecular and Cellular Biology | | | Naoshige Uchida (grad student) |
David Ron | | | | | Joel F. Habener (post-doc) |
Sean E. Rooney | DNA repair, immunology, lymphoma | | | 2003 | Frederick W. Alt (grad student) |
Theodore Roosevelt | | | | | William James (research assistant) |
Ivo Ros | locomotion | Biology, Organismic and Evolutionary | | 2013 | Andrew A. Biewener (grad student) |
Erico N. Rosa | Architecture | | | 2006 | D Michelle Addington (grad student) |
Stephen P. Rosen | | | | | Samuel Huntington (grad student) |
Allison R. Rosen | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2013 | Beth Stevens (grad student) |
Rebecca D. Rosenberg | Developmental Psychology | | 2002 | 2008 | Susan Carey (grad student) |
Seth A. Rosenthal | | | | 2005 | Jill Hooley (grad student) |
Mark Rosenzweig | Learning and memory | Psychology | | | Edwin G. Boring (grad student) |
Botond M. Roska | Visual system, Retina | | 2002 | 2005 | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Caroline Rouaux | | | | | Paola Arlotta (post-doc) |
David Leon Rousso | Neurogenesis, synapse formation | | 2011 | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Carl M. Rovainen | Neuroscience, Lamprey | | 1962 | 1967 | Stephen W. Kuffler (grad student) |
Sheldon S. Rowan | development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness | | | 2003 | Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
David H. Rowitch | oligodendrocyte, glioblastoma, stem cells | | | | Andrew P. McMahon (post-doc) |
Guoxiang Ruan | retina and circadian rhythms | | | | |
David C. Rubin | Cognitive | | | | Roger Brown (grad student), E.B. Newman (grad student) |
Lee Rubin | | | | | |
Nava Rubin | Mid-Level Vision | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Douglas Ruff | decision | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | 2008 | 2011 | Richard T. Born (grad student) |
Philip J. Rulon | | | | | Melvin E. Haggarty (grad student) |
Brian E. Russ | | | 2008 | 2010 | Marc David Hauser (post-doc) |
Sascha E. Russel | miRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan | | | 2011 | Gary Ruvkun (grad student) |
Dorothy S. Russell | | | | | Frank B. Mallory (grad student) |
Gary Ruvkun | miRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan | | 1977 | 1982 | Walter Gilbert (post-doc), Frederick Michael Ausubel (grad student) |
Roxanne R. Ruzic | | | | 2002 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Bernard Sachs | Neurology | Medical College | 1874 | 1878 | William James (grad student) |
Rona Sadja | | | | | |
James Peter Saenz | Membrane and lipid biology, synthetic biology, origin of life, geochemistry | Earth and Planetary Sciences | 2000 | 2001 | Paul Hoffman (research assistant) |
Patrick K. Safo | | | | 2006 | Wade G. Regehr (grad student) |
Alex P. Sah | | | | | |
Nedim ( Sahin | Language | | | 2007 | Steven Pinker (grad student) |
Ned T. Sahin | Autism, Language, Intracranial EEG, fMRI | | 2003 | 2007 | Steven Pinker (grad student) |
A. L. Saks | Administration Education | | | 2005 | Terrence Tivnan (grad student) |
John Salogiannis | | Biology: Medical Sciences | 2005 | 2013 | Thomas L. Schwarz (research assistant), Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Steven Salzberg | | Computer Science | | 1989 | William Woods (grad student) |
Brian M. Salzberg | Optical recording, fluorescence, functional imaging | Physics | | | Karl Strauch (grad student) |
Aravinthan Samuel | C. elgans, behavior, drosophila | | 2012 | 2002 | Howard C. Berg (grad student), Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc), Daniel R. Berger (collaborator) |
Melanie A. Samuel | synaptic maintenance and aging, visual system | | 2007 | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Benjamin Adam Samuels | Mouse Models of Depression | | 2001 | 2006 | Li-Huei Tsai (grad student) |
Richard Carl Sanborn | | | | 1950 | Carroll M. Williams (grad student) |
Honi Sanders | Hippocampus | Psychology | 2016 | | Sam J. Gershman (post-doc) |
Sarah Laurie Sanderson | | | | 1987 | Karel Frederik Liem (grad student) |
Jackson L. Sandoe | Stem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2014 | Kevin C. Eggan (grad student) |
Gisela M. Sandoval | miRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan | | | 2004 | Gary Ruvkun (grad student) |
Joshua R. Sanes | | | | 1975 | Jeff W. Lichtman (collaborator), John G. Hildebrand (grad student) |
Vijay G. Sankaran | Genetics | | | 2009 | Stuart H. Orkin (grad student) |
Samara L Santiago | Learning and Memory | Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology | 2019 | 2021 | Lee Rubin (research assistant), Sean M. Buchanan (research assistant) |
Miguel R. Santos | Development | | | 2002 | Douglas A. Melton (grad student) |
Laurie Santos | Neuroeconomics | | | 2003 | Marc David Hauser (grad student) |
Clifford B. Saper | neuroanatomy | | | | |
Simon Saradzhyan | political science | | 2001 | 2022 | Graham Allison (post-doc) |
Sumeet Sarin | Visual System | | 2010 | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Tomokazu Sato | information processing by neural circuits | | | 2010 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student) |
Alexis F. Sauer-Budge | biophysics | | | 2002 | Daniel Branton (grad student) |
Adena M. Schachner | Social cognition, music cognition, development, evolution of cognition | Psychology | 2009 | 2012 | Erin E. Hannon (grad student), Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student), Susan Carey (grad student) |
Daniel Schacter | Memory | | | | Moshe Bar (collaborator) |
Chris B. Schaffer | Cerebral blood flow, neurodegeneration, optical imaging, nonlinear microscopy | Physics | | | Eric Mazur (grad student) |
Aaron Schain | | | | | |
Bertram Scharf | Psychoacoustics, Psychophysics | | | 1958 | Edwin G. Boring (grad student) |
Walter J. Scheirer | Vision | | 2012 | 2015 | David Cox (post-doc) |
Harold Abraham Scheraga | structures of proteins | | 1946 | 1947 | John Tileston Edsall (post-doc) |
Alexander Schier | Development, Sleep | | | | Walter Gehring (grad student) |
Erik J. Schlicht | Behavioral decision theory | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Harold Schlosberg | | | | | Edwin Bissell Holt (grad student) |
Karl Schmidt | | | | | |
Dietmar Schmucker | Neuroscience Biology | | | | |
Tatiana T. Schnur | language | | | 2003 | Alfonso Caramazza (grad student) |
Kelly J. Schoeffel | Mental control | | | 2002 | Daniel Wegner (grad student) |
Brian J. Scholl | Psychophysics | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Carl Edward Schoonover | | | 2004 | 2006 | Joshua R. Sanes (research assistant) |
David Schoppik | Vestibular, Oculomotor | | 2010 | 2014 | Alexander Schier (post-doc), Florian Alois Engert (post-doc), Robert Baker (collaborator) |
Nina F. Schor | Neuroscience Biology, Oncology, Medicine and Surgery | Molecular Biochemistry and Pharmacology | 1985 | 1986 | Manfred Karnovsky (post-doc) |
Martin Schrimpf | computational neuroscience, vision, deep learning, artificial neural networks | | | | |
Teresa M. Schubert | reading, cognitive neuropsychology, spelling | Psychology | 2018 | | Alfonso Caramazza (post-doc) |
Dorothea Schulte | Neurogenesis | | 1996 | 1999 | Constance L. Cepko (post-doc) |
Oliver C. Schultheiss | motivation, behavioral endocrinology | | 1997 | 1997 | David Clarence McClelland (post-doc) |
Tom Schultheiss | Cell fate determination | | | | |
Deborah A. Schutte | | | | 2002 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Jessica Schwab | | | 2013 | 2018 | Casey Lew-Williams (post-doc) |
Gary E. Schwartz | | | | | |
Thomas L. Schwarz | Drosophila Neurobiology | | | | Edward Kravitz (grad student) |
Dan E Schweitzer-Tong | Visual System | | | | Charles Gross (grad student) |
Thomas Seeley | | | 1974 | 1978 | Edward Osborne Wilson (grad student), Bert Hölldobler (grad student) |
Larry J. Seidman | Clinical Psychology | | | | |
Adriane E. Seiffert | motion perception, attention to motion | | 1995 | 2000 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student) |
Changwoo Seo | | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2021 | | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Philip Servos | somatosensation, visual perception, multisensory processing | | 1993 | 1994 | Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc) |
H Sebastian Seung | | | | | David Robert Nelson (grad student) |
Kristen E. Severi | | | 2006 | 2012 | Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
William F. Sewell | auditory pharmacology | | | | Paul S. Guth (grad student), Nelson YS Kiang (post-doc) |
David Shakow | | | | 1927 | Helge Lundholm (research assistant) |
Aryaman K. Shalizi | Development, Signal Transduction, Molecular Neurobiology | | 2000 | 2006 | Azad Bonni (grad student) |
Shane Shang | | Neuroscience | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Anuraj Shankar | | | | | |
Ganesh Mani Shankar | | | | 2008 | Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student) |
Yu Raymond Shao | cortex; sensory processing; plasticity | | | 2007 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Kevin A. Shapiro | cognitive neuropsychology | | 1996 | 2008 | Alfonso Caramazza (grad student) |
Frances L. Shavers | Higher Education, Administration Education, Recreation | | | 2004 | Richard P. Chait (grad student) |
Adam J. Shaywitz | Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse | | | 2002 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Jun Shen | Genes involved in the development and function of the cerebral cortex | | | 2005 | Chris A. Walsh (grad student) |
Hongying Shen | | | | | Vamsi Mootha (post-doc) |
Amitai Shenhav | Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Control, Decision Making | Psychology | | 2012 | Joshua D. Greene (grad student), Randy L. Buckner (grad student) |
Roger Newland Shepard | | | | | George A. Miller (post-doc) |
Amy Shepherd | | | | | |
Gila Sher | | Philosophy | | | Charles Parsons (grad student) |
Kimberly M. Sheridan | | | | 2006 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Jamin L. Sheriff | | Engineering and Applied Sciences Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2013 | Navin Khaneja (grad student), Vahid Tarokh (grad student) |
Maheen Shermohammed | | Psychology | | | Leah H. Somerville (grad student) |
Richard I. Sherwood | Development | | | 2009 | Douglas A. Melton (grad student) |
Ashwin S. Shetty | developmental neurobiology | | | | Paola Arlotta (post-doc) |
Shu-Hsien Sheu | | | | 2010 | Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student) |
shuhsien sheu | developmental neurobiology, synaptic competition | | 2005 | | Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student) |
Zhen Shi | miRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan | Biological Sciences in Dental Medicine | | 2013 | Gary Ruvkun (grad student) |
Margaret J. Shih | | | | 2000 | Nalini Ambady (grad student) |
Won Mok Shim | | | | 2005 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student) |
Won Mok Shim | Vision, Attention, Working memory, Cognitive neuroscience | | 2005 | 2007 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Yuhong Jiang (post-doc) |
Joon W. Shim | neuroscience, neurosurgery, hydrocephalus | | | | |
Ki Soon Shin | | | | | Gary Yellen (grad student) |
Prasad R. Shirvalkar | Chronic Pain, Neuromodulation, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Deep Brain stimulation, Neurophysiology, Neurology, Learning and Memory | | 2001 | 2001 | Marc David Hauser (research assistant) |
John Shlien | | | | | |
Sara Shnider | | | | | |
Steven E. Shoelson | insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Structural biology of diabetes and insulin resistance. | | | | |
Heidi N. Short | Higher Education, Gender Studies | | | 2006 | Richard P. Chait (grad student) |
Brikha R. Shrestha | auditory system, development | | | | |
Elizabeth Shtrahman | | | | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc) |
Andrew E. Shtulman | Conceptual Development | | | 2006 | Susan Carey (grad student) |
Lisa L. Shu | Social Cognition | Business Studies (Organizational Behavior) | | 2012 | Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student) |
Miles Morgan Shuman | | | | 2007 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Anna Shusterman | conceptual development | | 2001 | 2007 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Kristen Beth Shutts | | | | 2006 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Richard A. Shweder | cultural anthropology | | | 1972 | John W. M. Whiting (grad student) |
Guangwei Si | Olfaction | | | | |
Michelle C. Siao | Neurodegeneration, neuronal-glial interactions, RNA processing | | 2005 | 2010 | Tom Maniatis (research assistant) |
James Sidanius | | | | | |
Boris Sidis | | | | | William James (grad student) |
Michael E. Silverman | | | 2000 | 2002 | Daniel J. Simons (post-doc) |
Marianne Simmel | Neuropsychology | | | | Eugenia Hanfmann (grad student) |
David Jason Simon | | | | 2008 | Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student) |
Jon S. Simons | Cognitive neuroscience, human memory | | | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Dean Keith Simonton | genius, creativity, leadership | Psychology and Social Relations | | | David Clarence McClelland (grad student) |
Erin M. Simpson | International Relations, Military Studies | | | 2010 | Stephen P. Rosen (grad student) |
Gary C. Sing | Motor control | | | 2011 | Maurice A. Smith (grad student) |
Sara J. Singer | Health Care Management, Occupational Health and Safety | | | 2007 | Amy C. Edmondson (grad student) |
Satpreet Singh | Artificial Intelligence, NeuroAI, Neural Data Science | | 2023 | 2025 | Kanaka Rajan (post-doc) |
Kevin Sitek | | | | | |
Burrhus Frederic Skinner | Behaviorism | Department of Psychology | 1937 | 1940 | William John Crozier (grad student), Fred Simmons Keller (collaborator), Edwin G. Boring (grad student), Walter S. Hunter (grad student), Jacob Robert Kantor (collaborator) |
Clarke R. Slater | neuromuscular junction | | 1959 | 1962 | Donald R. Griffin (research assistant) |
Dan I. Slobin | Crosslinguistic language acquisition, language and thought | | 1960 | 1964 | Roger Brown (grad student), Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student), George A. Miller (grad student) |
Scott D. Slotnick | Visual Memory | Psychology | 2002 | 2005 | Daniel Schacter (post-doc), Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc) |
Stelios M. Smirnakis | Visual system | | 1993 | 1997 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Maurice A. Smith | Motor control | | | | |
Robert J. Smith | | Endocrinology | | 1970 | Gordon Williams (grad student) |
Joe T. Smith | robotics | | 1992 | 1993 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Alexandra Smolyanskaya | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | 2007 | 2012 | Richard T. Born (grad student) |
Jesse Snedeker | Language development, language comprehension | | 2008 | 2008 | Amanda Pogue (collaborator) |
George Davis Snell | mouse genetics, transplant immunology | | | 1930 | William Ernest Castle (grad student) |
Gaye Soley | social psychology, music | Psychology | | 2012 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Crisellyson S. Soliman | Alzheimer's Disease, biomarkers | | | | |
Leah H. Somerville | Affective, Social, Personality Neuroscience | | | | |
Jae W. Song | | | | | |
Yuechun Song | | | | 2001 | Sam Kunes (grad student) |
Heseung A. Song | Developmental Psychology, Secondary Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies | | | 2006 | Terrence Tivnan (grad student) |
Joo-Hyun Song | | | 2001 | 2006 | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Yuyu Song | Neuroscience, neurodegeneration, cell biology, biochemistry, translational research, therapeutics | | | | Timothy J. Mitchison (post-doc) |
Debra A. Sorensen | | | | 2005 | Jerome Kagan (grad student) |
Larry B. Sorensen | Brain Physics | Physics and Engineering and Applied Sciences | | | Peter S. Pershan (post-doc) |
Pitirim Sorokin | | | | | |
Michael J. Soskis | Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Edward Soucy | Vision, Olfaction | | 1993 | 1998 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Christopher D. Spaulding | | | | 2001 | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Roger D. Spealman | | | | | |
Colenso M. Speer | visual system, development | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | 2016 | Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc) |
Elizabeth S. Spelke | Development of Numerical Cognition | | | | Jerome Kagan (research assistant) |
Sarah J. Spence | | Psychobiology | 1980 | 1984 | Dale Corbett (research assistant) |
Reisa Sperling | | | | | Dennis J. Selkoe (research scientist) |
George Sperling | Cognitive Psychology | | | 1959 | Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student) |
Roger W. Sperry | Cerebral lateralization | | | | Karl Spencer Lashley (post-doc) |
Jared Sprague | pain, neuroplasticity | Biological Sciences in Dental Medicine | | 2014 | Clifford Woolf (grad student) |
R. Nathan Spreng | Cognitive Neuroscience | | 2008 | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Timothy A. Springer | Immunology | | | 1976 | Jack L. Strominger (grad student) |
Mahesh Srinivasan | Language and Cognitive Development | | 2005 | 2011 | Susan Carey (grad student), Jesse Snedeker (grad student) |
Sarah A. St. Germain | | | | 2011 | Jill Hooley (grad student) |
John E R Staddon | Behaviorism | | | | Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student) |
Mark Alan Stalnaker | | | | 2004 | Nicholas Epley (grad student) |
Garrett Stanely | Neuroscience Biology | | | | |
Joanna Stanicka | | | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Richard Stanley | | | | | Gian-Carlo Rota (grad student) |
Elizabeth A. Stanley-Mitchell | General, International Law and Relations | | | 2002 | Stephen P. Rosen (grad student) |
Jon R. Star | Educational Psychology | | | | |
Erin N. Star | information processing by neural circuits | | | 2004 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student) |
Clara K Starkweather | Reinforcement learning, dopamine, electrophysiology | Neurobiology | 2015 | 2018 | Naoshige Uchida (grad student) |
James V. Staros | protein structure & function, signal transduction | | 1974 | 1977 | Jeremy R. Knowles (post-doc) |
Robert S. Steele | motivation, behavioral endocrinology | | | | David Clarence McClelland (grad student) |
Jennifer R. Steele | | | | 2003 | Nalini Ambady (grad student) |
Dionisis Stefanatos | | | | 2005 | Navin Khaneja (grad student) |
Scott Steffensen | Addiction | Psychology | | | Stephen A. Raymond (post-doc) |
Gertrude Stein | | | | | William James (research assistant) |
Joan A. Steitz | RNA, Splicing | | | 1967 | James D. Watson (grad student) |
Zouhair Stephan | | | 1976 | 1983 | Kenneth C Hayes (grad student) |
Jenna R Sternberg | | | | | Alexander Schier (post-doc) |
Heather Sternshein | electrophysiology, vision | | 2009 | | Margaret Livingstone (post-doc) |
Scott M. Sternson | | | | 2001 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Raymond H. Stetson | speech movements and phonetics | | | | Hugo Münsterberg (grad student) |
Stanley Smith Stevens | Psychophysics | | | | Edwin G. Boring (grad student), Hallowell Davis (post-doc) |
Joseph C. Stevens | Psychophysics | | | 1957 | Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student) |
Jeffrey R. Stevens | Comparative cognition, decision making | | | | Marc David Hauser (post-doc) |
W. Dale Stevens | Memory, Cognition, Perception, Neurocognitive Aging | | 2005 | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Lauren F. Stevenson | Cancer Biology | | | 2001 | Ed Harlow (grad student) |
Abigail J. Stewart | identity | | | | David Clarence McClelland (grad student) |
Dan Stinchcomb | | | | | |
Ella Striem-Amit | Sensory deprivation, Plasticity, Blindness, Dysmelia, Deafness | | | | |
David E. Strochlic | appetite regulation | | 2009 | | Stephen D. Liberles (grad student) |
Charles Stromeyer | Vision | | | | Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student) |
Lubert Stryer | Vision, G proteins, signal transduction | | 1961 | 1962 | Elkan Rogers Blout (post-doc), Edward Mills Purcell (post-doc) |
Joseph M. Stujenske | | | 2007 | 2010 | John E. Dowling (research assistant) |
James Fitzhugh Sturgill | | | | 2010 | Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student) |
Claire Stylianopoulos | | | | | |
Jordan William Suchow | perception, visual cognition | Psychology | 2009 | 2014 | George A. Alvarez (grad student) |
Nobuo Suga | Auditory system, echolocation | | 1963 | 1965 | Donald R. Griffin (post-doc) |
Frank J. Sulloway | Evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, history of science | Museum of Comparative Zoology Department of Psychology Department of History of Science | 1970 | 2021 | Ernst Mayr (grad student), Jerome Kagan (grad student), I. Bernard Cohen (grad student) |
Frank J. Sulloway | Personality development and family dynamics | Museum of Comparative Zoology Department of Psychology Department of History of Science | 1970 | 2021 | Ernst Mayr (grad student), Jerome Kagan (grad student), I. Bernard Cohen (grad student) |
Marissa Sumathipala | | | | | Andras Lakatos (grad student) |
Garrett S. Summers | | | | 2008 | David Ron (grad student) |
Fang Sun | | | | | |
Edna E. Sun | | | | 2004 | John Flanagan (grad student) |
Tao Sun | | | 2002 | 2005 | Chris A. Walsh (post-doc) |
Gahyun Callie Sung | | Education | 2018 | 2024 | Bertrand Schneider (grad student) |
Roderick A. Suthers | Vocal Production | | 1960 | 1964 | Donald R. Griffin (grad student) |
Karel Svoboda | neocortical circuits | | 1990 | 1994 | Steven M. Block (grad student), Howard C. Berg (grad student) |
Eugene Switkes | applications of basic quantum mechanical theory to problems in organic chemistry and biochemistry, and information processing by the visual system | | | 1970 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student) |
Francis Szele | Fundamental features of subventricular zone biology and therapeutic potential | | | | Constance L. Cepko (post-doc) |
Michael R. Szpir | Hearing Research | | 1985 | 1990 | David K. Ryugo (grad student) |
Karl K. Szpunar | Memory | | 2010 | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Toban A. Szuts | Visual system | | | 2010 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Anna Szybowski | | | | 2005 | Sam Kunes (grad student) |
Aravinthan D. T. Samuel | General Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology | | | | |
Inna Tabansky | Stem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases | | | 2011 | Kevin C. Eggan (grad student) |
Masao Tachibana | Retina, Visual information processing, Synaptic transmission | | 1979 | 1981 | Torsten Wiesel (research scientist) |
Abraha Taddese | ion channels | | | 2003 | Bruce P. Bean (grad student) |
Adriana Tajonar | Development | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Douglas A. Melton (grad student) |
Kevin T. Takasaki | | Biophysics | | 2013 | Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student) |
Mari A. Takasu | Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse | | | 2002 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Shuichi Takayama | | | | 2000 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Mustafa Talay | Tool development | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2018 | | Catherine Dulac (post-doc) |
Diana I. Tamir | Cognitive Neuroscience | | | | Jason Mitchell (grad student) |
Taralyn M. Tan | Olfaction, Innate Behavior, Circuits | | 2011 | | Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student) |
Longzhi Tan | Single-cell genomics, epigenomics, neurodevelopment | Chemistry and Chemical Biology Chemistry and Chemical Biology Organismic and Evolutionary Biology | 2018 | 2019 | X. Sunney Xie (grad student), X. Sunney Xie (post-doc), Pardis Sabeti (research assistant) |
Han-Yuan Tan | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2007 | Gu-yeon Wei (grad student) |
Jing Tang | Electrochemistry, Biosensing, Human-Machine Intelligence, Neuroscience, Biomaterials, Bioelectronics, Sustainability | Boston Children's Hospital | 2016 | 2017 | Daniel S. Kohane (post-doc) |
Hanlin Tang | | | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Geoffrey Richard Tanner | | | | 2009 | Gary Yellen (grad student) |
Juan Carlos Tapia | synaptic development | | | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Nathan Tardiff | cognitive neuroscience, learning and decision-making, cognitive control | Psychology | 2011 | 2014 | Susan Carey (research assistant) |
Leyla Tarhan | | Psychology | 2015 | | Talia Konkle (grad student) |
Bosiljka Tasic | | | | 2004 | Tom Maniatis (grad student) |
Geoffrey A. Tate | Economics | | | 2003 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Dmitry Taubinsky | Economics | Business Economics | | 2014 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Sohail Tavazoie | | | | 2003 | R Clay Reid (grad student) |
C. Richard Taylor | locomotion | | 1960 | 1963 | Charles P. Lyman (grad student) |
D. Lansing Taylor | | | | | |
Peter Taylor | | | | 1969 | Andrew Mattei Gleason (grad student) |
Engeat Teh | | | | | |
Alan P. Tenney | | | | 2005 | John Flanagan (grad student) |
Rita Teodoro | Drosophila Exocyst Neuronal Growth and Plasticity | | 2002 | | Thomas L. Schwarz (post-doc) |
Suprawee Tepsuporn | DNA repair, immunology, lymphoma | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2013 | Frederick W. Alt (grad student) |
Herbert S. Terrace | Primate Cognition | | | | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student) |
Guilherme Testa-Silva | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2018 | | Adam E. Cohen (research scientist) |
Paul C. Tetlock | Economics | | | 2004 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Sergei Tevosian | | | | | Stuart H. Orkin (grad student) |
Preston P. Thakral | Memory | Psychology | 2015 | 2012 | Daniel Schacter (post-doc), Scott D. Slotnick (grad student) |
Monica S. Thanawala | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2014 | Wade G. Regehr (grad student) |
Ashley J Thomas | social development, cognitive development | Psychology | 2018 | | Elizabeth S. Spelke (post-doc) |
Garth Thomas | | | | | Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student) |
Lewis Thomas | Immunology, Mycoplasma, Rheumatic Fever | | | | Maxwell Finland (grad student) |
Melissa E. Thompson | Anthropology | | | 2005 | Richard Wrangham (grad student) |
Cheryl L. Thompson | Development, axon guidance, synaptogenesis | | | 2009 | David Van Vactor (grad student) |
Katherine L. Thompson-Peer | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | 2006 | 2012 | Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student) |
Lotte Thomsen | Political Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology | Psychology | | | James Sidanius (grad student) |
Edward L. Thorndike | educational psychology | | | 1894 | William James (grad student) |
Jeremy Thorner | Transmembrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways in yeast | Biochemistry | | 1972 | Henry Paulus (grad student) |
Malathi Thothathiri | Language processing & acquisition | | | 2008 | Jesse Snedeker (grad student) |
JU TIAN | learning, reward, dopamine, decision making, neural circuits | | 2010 | | Naoshige Uchida (grad student), Yi Zhong (research assistant) |
Feng Tian | | | 2017 | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
David V. Tiedeman | | | | | |
Ian W. Tietjen | Olfaction | | | 2003 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Ruth J. Tincoff | Early language development, word comprehension | | 2001 | 2004 | Marc David Hauser (post-doc) |
Terrence Tivnan | Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education | | | | |
Jeremy B. Tobacman | Economics | | | 2007 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Edward Chace Tolman | Memory | | | 1915 | Hugo Münsterberg (grad student), Edwin Bissell Holt (grad student) |
Gordon Mayer Tomkins | embryonal carcinoma stem cells | | | | George W. Thorn (post-doc) |
Silvan Solomon Tomkins | | | | | Willard Van Orman Quine (grad student) |
Frank Tong | Visual cortex, attention, object vision | | | | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
John Tooby | evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology; social psychology, economics, hominid-behavioral evolution, behavioral ecology, evolutionary genetics | | | | Irven DeVore (grad student) |
La Topola | visual systems | | | | |
A. T. Torello | Olfaction | | | 2003 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Theodore Willet Torrey | | | | 1932 | George H. Parker (grad student) |
Mona Tousian | Neuroimaging | Clinical Psychology | 2011 | 2013 | Richard J. McNally (research scientist) |
Brian C. Trainor | behavioral neuroendocrinology | | 2003 | 2004 | Hans A. Hofmann (post-doc) |
Thao P. Tran | Economics | | | 2010 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Hien Thanh Tran | | | | 2004 | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Nicholas M Tran | | MCB | 2014 | 2021 | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Natalie L. Trent | | | | | |
Jonathan C. Trinidad | nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors | | | 2003 | Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student) |
Vaibhav Tripathi | Neuroimaging, Cognitive Neuroscience | Psychology | | | Randy L. Buckner (post-doc) |
Robert L. Trivers | Evolutionary Biology | | 1968 | 1972 | Ernst Mayr (grad student), Ernest E. Williams (grad student) |
Edward Z. Tronick | | | 1968 | 1971 | Jerome Seymour Bruner (post-doc), T. Berry Brazelton (post-doc) |
Davide Trotti | Neuroscience Biology | Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine | | | Matthias Hediger (post-doc) |
James W. Truman | | Biology | 1967 | 1970 | Lynn M. Riddiford (grad student) |
Danielle R. Truxaw | | | | | |
Daniel Y. Ts'o | | | | 1987 | Charles D. Gilbert (grad student) |
Li-Huei Tsai | mechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning | | | | Ed Harlow (post-doc) |
Doris Y. Tsao | Face perception, single neuron recordings | | | 2002 | Margaret Livingstone (grad student) |
Peter Ulric Tse | Vision, Attention, NCC, Form, Motion, fMRI, DTI | | 1994 | 1998 | Ken Nakayama (grad student), Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), James Matthew Intriligator (collaborator) |
Charisios D. Tsiairis | sonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system | | | 2008 | Andrew P. McMahon (grad student) |
Li-Huei Tsou | Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology | | | | |
Yoshiaki Tsushima | | | | | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Arin S. Tuerk | Conceptual Development | Psychology | | 2014 | Susan Carey (grad student) |
Endel Tulving | Memory | | | | Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student) |
David Turner | Neural development | | | | Constance L. Cepko (grad student) |
Stephen Turney | synapse elimination | | | | Jeff W. Lichtman (research scientist) |
Dylan Tweed | | Psychology Psychology | 2018 | | Steven Pinker (grad student), Fiery A. Cushman (grad student) |
William James Tyler | | | 2003 | 2006 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc) |
Naoshige Uchida | Olfaction | | | | |
Benjamin D Umans | sensory neuroscience | | | | |
Hisashi Umemori | Synapse formation | | | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Vivek K. Unni | Parkinson's Disease, 2-photon imaging | | 2007 | | Bradley T. Hyman (post-doc) |
David V. Vactor | Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology | | | | |
George E. Vaillant | Clinical Psychology | | | | |
Gregorio Valdez | | | | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
Patricia Valencia | mRNA nuclear export, splicing | | | 2008 | Robin Reed (grad student) |
Melissa A. Valentine | Organizational, Organization Theory, Management Business Administration | Health Policy | | 2013 | Amy C. Edmondson (grad student) |
Megan T. Valentine | condensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology | | | 2003 | David A. Weitz (grad student) |
David v. Valton | Neuroscience Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology | | | | |
Koene R.A. Van Dijk | | | 2007 | | Randy L. Buckner (post-doc) |
David C. Van Essen | Visual system | | | 1972 | John G. Nicholls (grad student) |
Ashlee Victoria Van't Veer | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2013 | Takao K. Hensch (grad student) |
Ashlee Van't Veer | | | | | |
Manuela Alexandra Vasconcelos | | | | 2003 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Amy B. Vashlishan | Cell Biology of the Neuron | | | 2008 | Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student) |
Miguel Vaz Afonso | | | | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Maryam Vaziri Pashkam | Visual Perception | | 2006 | 2011 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student) |
Heather B. Veague | | | | 2004 | Jill Hooley (grad student) |
Madhusudhan Venkadesan | Biomechanics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Motor control, Evolution | | 2008 | 2010 | Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (post-doc), Daniel E. Lieberman (post-doc) |
Anne Venner | | | | | |
Preeti Verghese | | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Ben Vermaercke | Visual neuroscience, rodent extrastriate cortex, 2-photon, population coding | | | | |
Frans AJ Verstraten | Cognitive Neuroscience | | 1995 | 1996 | Patrick Cavanagh (post-doc) |
Kristin E. Vickers | | | | 2003 | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Timothy J. Vickery | | | 2003 | 2008 | Yuhong Jiang (grad student) |
Ross G. Vickery | Drug Discovery | | 1990 | 1996 | Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student) |
George Vidal | | | 2007 | 2009 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (research assistant) |
Sujith Vijayan | | | | 2007 | Emery Brown (grad student) |
Pablo Villar | | | | | |
Justin L. Vincent | Cognitive Neuroscience | Psychology | 2006 | 2013 | Randy L. Buckner (grad student) |
Kasper Vinken | | | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Rebecca L. Vislay-Meltzer | | | | 2006 | Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
Joseph A Vitriol | | Psychology | | | Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (post-doc) |
Katrin Vogt | Neurobiology, Genetics | | | | Aravinthan Samuel (post-doc) |
Paula E. Voinescu | | | | 2009 | Joshua R. Sanes (grad student) |
Georg von Bekesy | Hearing | | | | |
Mai-Anh T. Vu | motivation, learning, memory, dopamine, fiber photometry, fMRI, in vivo rodent electrophysiology | | 2007 | 2007 | Donna Rose Addis (research assistant) |
Lillemor Wachtmeister | retina | | 1976 | 1977 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Anthony D. Wagner | Memory | | | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc) |
Daniel Wagner | | | | | |
George Wald | identified vitamin A in the retina, biochemistry of vision | | | | |
Albertha J. Walhout | | | | | Marc Vidal (post-doc) |
Melissa A. Walker | Synapses and Circuits, Axon Pathfinding and Synaptogenesis, Biophysics/Ion Channels, Cellular/Molecular/Developmental Neuroscience | | | | Vamsi Mootha (post-doc) |
Bruce G. Wallace | Synapses | | | 1974 | Edward Kravitz (grad student) |
Jenelle Liane Wallace | Optogenetics | | 2013 | | Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student) |
Pascal Wallisch | Visual Neuroscience | | 2001 | 2001 | Stephen Kosslyn (research assistant) |
Chris A. Walsh | Genes involved in the development and function of the cerebral cortex | | | | Constance L. Cepko (post-doc), Anthony LaMantia (collaborator) |
Christopher T. Walsh | Enzymes | | | | Edward Osborne Wilson (research assistant) |
Zemin Wang | electrical synapse plasticity | | 2007 | | Carole E. Landisman (post-doc) |
Claude Wang | | | | | |
Chih-Chieh Wang | Synaptic Physiology | | | | |
Xinnan Wang | Neurosurgery | | 2007 | | Thomas L. Schwarz (post-doc) |
Xueying Wang | CPG, Respiration, Imaging, Alzheimer's disease | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2016 | | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Xuhua Wang | | | | | |
Jing Wang | | | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Qianbin Wang | | | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Guiping Wang | image-based highly-multiplexed transcriptome profiling, super resolution imaging | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2013 | | Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student) |
Tian Wang | Bioinformatics | | 2019 | | John Quackenbush (research assistant), Qi Song (collaborator) |
Jerry Wang | | | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Qi Wang | Neuroscience, Neuroengineering, Sensory Processing, Neuromodulation | | | | |
Binxu Wang | Visual system, Computational modeling, Generative model, Geometry | | | | |
Kevin C. Wang | Axon regeneration | | | | |
Duo Wang | miRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan | | | 2005 | Gary Ruvkun (grad student) |
Edward C. Warburton | | | | 2000 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Adrian F. Ward | Mental control | Psychology | | 2013 | Daniel Wegner (grad student) |
Henry Augustus Ward | | | | | William Morton Wheeler (collaborator) |
Patrick S. Ward | | | | | Vamsi Mootha (post-doc) |
Marcus L. Ware | nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors | | | 2000 | Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student) |
David K. Warland | Retina | | 1991 | 1996 | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Felix Warneken | | | | | |
Amy R. Warren | Tests and Measurements Education, Special Education, Teacher Training Education | | | 2006 | Terrence Tivnan (grad student) |
Takafumi Wataya | Neuroscience | | | | |
Roxanna M. Webber | Cortical coding, thalamocortical transformations, somatosensory, adaptation | | | 2006 | Garrett B. Stanley (grad student) |
Samuel Webber | | | | 1787 | Samuel Williams (grad student) |
Daniel Weber | | | | | David Marvin Green (grad student) |
Elke Weber | Decision | | 1980 | 1984 | R Duncan Luce (grad student) |
Sarah Webster | Neuropeptide Release and Vesicle Biophysics | | 2005 | 2004 | Thomas L. Schwarz (post-doc), Gary Yellen (grad student) |
Jamie O. Webster | Genetics, Neuroscience Biology | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2014 | Alexander Meissner (grad student) |
Van J. Wedeen | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | | | | |
Michelle M. Wedig | | | | 2011 | Matthew K. Nock (grad student) |
Caroline Lei Wee | Neuroscience, Neuromodulation, Zebrafish | | | | Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
Daniel L. Weeks | | | | | Douglas A. Melton (post-doc) |
Daniel Wegner | Mental control | | | | |
Gu-yeon Wei | Electrical Engineering, Computer science | | | | |
Crispin B Weinberg | Anatomical Engineering, 3D Printing, 3D Modeling, Medical Imaging | Neurobiology | 1973 | 1980 | Zach W. Hall (grad student) |
Stephen E. Weinberg | Economics | | | 2007 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Henry Weinberg | Personality | | | | Gordon W. Allport (grad student) |
Joel Weinberger | psychotherapy | | | | David Clarence McClelland (post-doc) |
Edward Jay Weinstein | | | | 2000 | Philip Leder (grad student) |
David G Weisman | Developmental cognitive neuroscience | Psychology | | | Katie A. McLaughlin (post-doc) |
Daniel J. Weiss | Comparative Psychology | | 1994 | 2000 | Marc David Hauser (grad student) |
Tamily A. Weissman | Neural connectivity | | 2004 | 2010 | Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc) |
Naomi Weisstein | Feminist Psychology, Vision, Neuroscience | Psychology | 1961 | 1964 | Brendan Maher (grad student) |
John Weisz | | | | | |
John H. Welsh, Jr. | diurnal rhythmicity, the biology of neurosecretion, comparative neuropharmacology | | | 1929 | George H. Parker (grad student) |
Quan Wen | Systems Neuroscience | | | | Aravinthan Samuel (post-doc) |
Galen Wenger | Behavioral pharmacology | | 1974 | 1978 | Peter Dews (post-doc) |
Ernest Glen Wever | Hearing | | | 1926 | Edwin G. Boring (grad student) |
Brian M. Whalen | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 | | | 2005 | Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student) |
Kathryn A. Wheeler | Educational Psychology Education, Sciences Education, Developmental Psychology | | | 2000 | Carol Gilligan (grad student) |
Robert W. White | Hypnosis, personality, abnormal | | | 1937 | Henry A. Murray (grad student) |
Jessica Whited | | | | | |
Alfred North Whitehead | | | | | |
Veronica Whitford | Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience; Psycholinguistics | Education | | | Gigi Luk (post-doc) |
Beatrice Blyth Whiting | child development, adolescence, social control | | | | |
Dean K. Whitla | Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies | | | | |
Irene Whitney | | | | | Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc) |
David Whitney | Vision and Perception | | | 2001 | Patrick Cavanagh (grad student) |
Patricia Whitten | behavioral neuroendocrinology, reproduction, primates | | | 1978 | Irven DeVore (grad student) |
Tess Whitwam | | Neurobiology | 2018 | | Michael E. Greenberg (grad student) |
Norbert Wiener | | Philosophy | | 1913 | Karl Schmidt (grad student), Josiah Royce (grad student) |
Craig C. Wier | psychoacoustics, auditory psychophysics, clinical expert systems, evoked potentials | | 1973 | 1976 | David Marvin Green (post-doc) |
Torsten Wiesel | Visual system | | | | Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc), David Hubel (collaborator) |
Kristina Wietasch | | Neurobiology | | | Gerald Fischbach (grad student) |
Gagan S. Wig | | | | | Daniel Schacter (post-doc), Randy L. Buckner (post-doc) |
Sabine Wilhelm | | | | | Richard J. McNally (grad student) |
Frank H. Wilhelm | Anxiety Disorders, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Psychophysiology, Affective Neuroscience, Experimental Psychopathology | School of Public Health | | | Paul Grossman (post-doc) |
Philip Willaims | | | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Ben A. Williams | Experimental analysis of behavior | Psychology | | | Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student) |
Corrine Williams | | Public Health | | | Laura Ann McCloskey (grad student) |
Samuel Williams | | | | 1761 | John Winthrop (grad student) |
Gordon Williams | | | | 1935 | George W. Thorn (grad student) |
Erika Williams | | | 2011 | | Stephen D. Liberles (grad student) |
Guy A. Williams, Jr. | linguistics | | | | |
Daniel T. Willingham | Cognitive Neuroscience | | 1986 | 1990 | William K. Estes (grad student), Stephen Kosslyn (grad student) |
Zachary P. Wills | Neuroscience Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology | | | 2000 | David v. Valton (grad student) |
Jeremy B. Wilmer | Vision | | 2001 | 2006 | Ken Nakayama (grad student) |
Alexandria M. Wilson | Guidance and Counseling Education, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Native American Studies, Gender Studies | | | 2007 | Helen E. Haste (grad student) |
Michael L. Wilson | primate behavior and ecology, aggression, warfare, chimpanzees, baboons | | 1994 | 2001 | Richard Wrangham (grad student), Marc David Hauser (grad student) |
Jenna M Wilson | Autobiographical memory, episodic simulation, future thinking | Psychology | | | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Alex B. Wiltschko | | | | | Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student) |
Nivanthika K. Wimalasena | | Neurobiology | 2015 | 2021 | Clifford Woolf (grad student) |
Wendy M. Winckler | human genetic variation and its application to disease | | | 2005 | David Altshuler (grad student) |
Nathan Winkler-Rhoades | | | | 2011 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Ann B. Winslow | Management Business Administration | | | 2007 | Amy C. Edmondson (grad student) |
Charles Paine Winsor | | Psychology | | 1935 | William John Crozier (grad student) |
Carla Carol Winter | Regeneration; Brainstem; Single-cell | | | | |
David G. Winter | motivation, political psychology | | | | David Clarence McClelland (grad student) |
John Winthrop | | | | 1732 | Isaac Greenwood (grad student) |
Amy Lyn Wiseman | | | | 2006 | Daniel Schacter (grad student) |
Carey Witkov | nonlinear dynamics | | | | |
Rochelle M. Witt | Shh-proteoglycan Interactions | | | 2010 | Rosalind A. Segal (grad student) |
Eve Wittenberg | | Public Health | | | Laura Ann McCloskey (post-doc) |
Victoria E. Wobber | Anthropology | Human Evolutionary Biology | | 2012 | Richard Wrangham (grad student) |
Andrea C. Wojnicki | Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology | | | 2005 | John A. Deighton (grad student) |
Maryanne Wolf | Dyslexia, reading development | | | | Harold Goodglass (grad student) |
Nicola Wolfe | Psychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology | Psychobiology | 1981 | 1984 | Dale Corbett (grad student) |
Nikki Wolfe | | Psychology Psychology Psychology | 1981 | 1986 | Jerome Kagan (grad student), Brendan Maher (grad student), James R. Stellar (grad student) |
Steffen Wolff | | | | | Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc) |
Harry Wolfson | | | | | |
Kwoon Y. Wong | retina | | 1999 | 2003 | John E. Dowling (grad student), Alan R. Adolph (collaborator) |
Alana T. Wong | | | 2005 | 2007 | Daniel Schacter (research assistant) |
Rachel Wong | | | | | Carla J. Shatz (post-doc) |
Brandon M. Woo | | | | | |
Stuart Wood | | Economics | | 1875 | Charles Franklin Dunbar (grad student) |
Kristen A. Woodberry | Clinical Psychology | | | 2009 | Larry J. Seidman (grad student) |
William Woods | | | | 1968 | Susumu Kuno (grad student) |
Ian G. Woods | Genetics, Neuroscience Biology | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2006 | 2011 | Alexander Schier (post-doc) |
Sue A. Woodward | | | | 2002 | Jerome Kagan (grad student) |
Robert Sessions Woodworth | psychology of learning | | 1895 | 1897 | William James (research assistant), Josiah Royce (research assistant) |
Mollie Woodworth | Development | | 2007 | 2013 | Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student) |
William Alan Worstell | | | | 1980 | Carlo Rubbia (grad student) |
Richard Wrangham | Anthropology | | | | |
Sewall Wright | Genetics | | | 1915 | William Ernest Castle (grad student) |
Taihong Wu | | | 2016 | | Yun Zhang (post-doc) |
Howard G. Wu | Motor control | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2012 | Maurice A. Smith (grad student) |
Min Wu | Neuroscience, Genomics, Evolution | | | | Yun Zhang (post-doc) |
Herbert Zheng Wu | | Neuroscience | | | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Samuel M. Wu | retina | | | 1979 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Elwin Wu | Social Work | | 1992 | 1998 | Markus Meister (grad student) |
Daw-An Wu | Pschophysics, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Vision | | 2007 | | Patrick Cavanagh (post-doc), Garga Chatterjee (collaborator) |
Jane Ying Wu | Alternative splicing, Neurodegeneration, Neuronal Guidance, Cancer | | 1992 | 1997 | Tom Maniatis (post-doc) |
Kai W. Wucherpfennig | T Cell Biology and Cancer Immunology | | | | Jack L. Strominger (post-doc) |
Bradley Paul Wyble | | | | 2003 | Michael E. Hasselmo (grad student) |
Jeffries Wyman | Comparative anatomy | | | | |
Zongqi Xia | | | | | |
Wu Xiao | | | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Yuchen Xiao | | | | | Gabriel Kreiman (grad student) |
Xiaohui Xie | genomics, bioinformatics, computational neuroscience | | | | |
Yaoda Xu | | | | | Ken Nakayama (post-doc) |
Shudi Xu | | Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2021 | 2023 | Naoshige Uchida (research assistant), Malcolm G. Campbell (research assistant), Sara Matias (research assistant) |
Masahito Yamagata | synapse formation | | | | |
Rachel Yan | | | | | |
Stephanie Yang | | School of Education | 2020 | 2025 | Bertrand Schneider (grad student) |
Sophia Yang | | | | | Jonathan I. Matsui (research assistant) |
Xianjie Yang | Development of the vertebrate eye and retina | | 1988 | 1989 | Victor Ambros (post-doc) |
Yue Yang | | | | 2010 | Azad Bonni (grad student) |
Xiao Yang | Electrophysiology, imaging | | | | |
Xiong-li Yang | Neuroscience, retina, electrophysiology, histology | | | | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Bruce Yanker | Neuroscience Biology | | | | |
Leeat Yariv | Economics | | | 2001 | David Laibson (grad student) |
Frank Yates | Scid, pluripotent cells, hematopoiesis | Children's hospital | 2004 | 2007 | George Q. Daley (post-doc) |
King-Wai Yau | vision, olfaction | | | 1975 | John G. Nicholls (grad student) |
Arash Yazdanbakhsh | Visual system | | | | Margaret Livingstone (post-doc) |
Stephen Yazulla | Retina, Neurocircuitry | | 1972 | 1974 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Robert Mearns Yerkes | Primatology | | 1897 | 1902 | Hugo Münsterberg (grad student) |
Son Esther Yesde | | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2012 | Florian Alois Engert (grad student) |
Constantine Yiannoutsos | | | | | |
Muhammed A. Yildirim | General Biophysics | | | 2009 | Marc Vidal (grad student) |
Glenn C. Yiu | Axon regeneration | | | | |
Hayan Yoon | Olfaction | | | 2006 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Lucy H. Young | | | | 1984 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Jonathan Young | | | | | Florian Alois Engert (research assistant) |
Channing Yu | Genetics, Molecular Biology | | | 2003 | Stuart H. Orkin (grad student) |
Haidong Yuan | | | | 2006 | Navin Khaneja (grad student) |
Liu Yuanyuan | neural development, regeneration, visual system | Neurology | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Deborah Yurgelun-Todd | Neuroimaging, Neuropsych, Mood, Psychopathology, Addiciton, Anterior Cingulate | | | | |
Joseph D. Zak | Olfaction | | 2015 | 2021 | Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc) |
Lisa Zakhary | Olfaction | | | 2005 | Catherine Dulac (grad student) |
Jamil Zaki | social Cognition, Emotion, fMRI | | | | Jason Mitchell (post-doc) |
Mauro Dylan Zappaterra | | | | 2008 | Chris A. Walsh (grad student) |
Michael X. Zarrow | neuroendocrinology, reproduction | | | 1947 | Frederick Lee Hisaw (grad student) |
Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth | Theoretical neuroscience | Physics | 2019 | 2024 | Cengiz Pehlevan (grad student) |
Jennifer L. Zeuli | Language and Literature Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education | | | 2011 | Helen E. Haste (grad student) |
Chunyang Zhang | | | | | Zhigang He (post-doc) |
Xi-Han Zhang | Neuroscience, Genetics, Affective and Neural dynamics | Psychology | 2018 | 2019 | Talia Konkle (research assistant) |
Jiakai ZHANG | Chemical Biology, Neurology | Department of Neurology, BIDMC, Harvard Medical School | 2024 | 2025 | Feng Tian (research assistant) |
Chi Zhang | | Biological Sciences in Dental Medicine | | 2013 | Azad Bonni (post-doc) |
Yiming Zhang | mesoscopic physics | | | 2009 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Xiaoxiao Zhang | sonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2013 | Andrew P. McMahon (grad student) |
Yun Zhang | | | | | |
Xiaodong Zhang | | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2012 | Yun Zhang (grad student) |
Yifeng Zhang | retina | | | | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Sihai D. Zhao | Biostatistics Biology, Oncology, Genetics | Biostatistics | | 2012 | Yi Li (grad student) |
Qiao Zheng | Computational Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Analysis | | | | |
Yu-Dong Zhou | Synaptic physiology, epilepsy, adult neurogenesis | | 2006 | 2010 | Matthew Peter Anderson (post-doc) |
Qiao Zhou | | | | | Douglas A. Melton (post-doc) |
Xiaowei Zhuang | single-molecule approaches to examine protein-RNA complexes | | | | |
Jayden Ziegler | language acquisition, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics | Psychology | | | Jesse Snedeker (grad student) |
Elena Zinchenko | | | | 2008 | Howard Gardner (grad student) |
Talee Ziv | | Psychology | | 2012 | Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student) |
Jian Zou | robotics | | | 2004 | Roger W. Brockett (grad student) |
Zhihua Zou | Olfaction | | | | Linda B. Buck (grad student) |
Elena V. Zoubina | | | | | |
Charles L. Zucker | retina | | 1984 | 1987 | John E. Dowling (post-doc) |
Miron Zuckerman | Personality Psychology | | | | Robert Rosenthal (grad student) |
Dominik M. Zumbuhl | mesoscopic physics | | | 2004 | Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student) |
Hanna Zwaka | | | | | |
Laurence J. Zwiebel | Mosquito Olfaction | CDB | 1992 | 1997 | Fotis Kafatos (post-doc) |