Harvard University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ted Abelsynaptic plasticity, memory, epigenetics, sleep, neurodevelopment disorders, mouse models19871993 Tom Maniatis (grad student)
Yoav Adam
Reg Adams Nalini Ambady (post-doc)
Ryan P. Adamspoint process models
Jason William Adaska2007 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
D Michelle AddingtonArchitecture, Neuroscience Biology, Design and Decorative Arts
Donna Rose Addishuman memory, hippocampus, fMRI2005 Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Arash (Seyed Reza) AfrazVisual System Patrick Cavanagh (grad student)
Vineeta Agarwalahuman genetic variation and its application to disease Biophysics2013 David Altshuler (grad student)
Seyed Mehdi Aghdaee Psychology2013 John A. Assad (grad student)
Mehdi Aghdaeevision Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Margaret Livingstone (grad student)
Ankur AgrawalElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering2010 Gu-yeon Wei (grad student)
Massimo De AgròVisual System, Spider, Psychophysics, Animal Cognition20202021 Paul Shamble (post-doc)
Margarida L. AgrochaoVisual system Markus Meister (grad student)
Misha B. Ahrens Florian Alois Engert (post-doc)
Alfred Ajami Biology19681972 Lynn M. Riddiford (grad student)
Scott A. AkalisExperimental Psychology2007 Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (grad student)
F. Xavier Alario Alfonso Caramazza (post-doc)
Dinu Florin AlbeanuOlfaction, Optogenetics Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student)
Marc Albert Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Katherine AlbrechtAdult and Continuing Education, Marketing Business Administration, Information Science2006 Terrence Tivnan (grad student)
Francis J. AlenghatGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology, Medical Biophysics2005 Donald E. Ingber (grad student)
Binshtok AlexanderPain, nociception, TRP channles, Na channles20062010 Clifford Woolf (post-doc)
Farhan Ali Bence P. Olveczky (grad student)
Benjamin L AllenHedgehog Signaling in Development and Disease Molecular and Cellular Biology20042009 Andrew P. McMahon (post-doc)
Joel Asaph AllenOrnithology, Mammalogy, Evolution, Natural Selection Museum of Comparative Zoology18621865 Louis Agassiz (research assistant)
Kenneth J.D. Allencognitive control; response inhibition; emotional regulation; nonsuicidal self-injury; suicide Psychology20112018 Jill Hooley (grad student)
Richard D Allen Keith R. Porter (grad student)
Graham Allison
Gordon W. AllportPersonality and social psychology1922 Herbert Langfeld (grad student), Floyd Henry Allport (collaborator), Floyd Henry Allport (research assistant), Herbert Sidney Langfield (grad student)
Floyd Henry Allportpolitical psychology, social psychology1919 Edwin Bissell Holt (grad student), Hugo Münsterberg (grad student), Herbert Langfeld (grad student)
Brenda A. Allwardt1999 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Jorge AlmeidaSemantic Memory, Dorsal/Ventral Pathways, Object recognition2007 Ken Nakayama (grad student), Alfonso Caramazza (grad student), Petra E. Pajtas (collaborator)
Thelma Alper Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
Richard Ram Das Alpert
Jessica S. Alstonhuman genetic variation and its application to disease Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 David Altshuler (grad student)
Frederick W. AltDNA repair, immunology, lymphoma
Bruce M. Altevogt2004 David L. Paul (grad student)
Pablo I. Altieri, II, M.D.Psychoanalysis, Neuroscience, Psychiatry Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
David Altshulerhuman genetic variation and its application to disease Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
George A. AlvarezVision, attention, memory20002005 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student)
Kenneth AlyassAmerican history History Elizabeth K. Hinton (grad student)
Marie Amalricmathematical cognition Psychology20202022 Elizabeth S. Spelke (post-doc)
Victor AmbrosmiRNA, C. elegans development
Seth A. Amentbehavioral & physiological genomics20012003 Hans A. Hofmann (research assistant)
Elissa AminoffHigh level vision (scene perception) & long term memory20032008 Moshe Bar (grad student), Daniel Schacter (grad student), Moshe Bar (research assistant)
Ryunosuke AmoDopamine, Reinforcement learning Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida (post-doc)
Mark Lawrence Andermannvisual system, mouse behavior2006 Christopher I. Moore (grad student)
Barton L. Andersonvision Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Uli von Andrian19921994 Eugene Butcher (post-doc)
Milena M. AndzelmNeuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2014 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Jason M. Angel Psychology2012 Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Peter A Angeli Psychology20172023 Randy L. Buckner (grad student)
Elaine L. Angelinopoint process models Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Ryan P. Adams (grad student)
James Rowland Angell1892 William James (grad student)
Douglas AngerBehavior Analysis Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student)
Sam English AnthonyFace perception, computer vision, visual system Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Rockwell R AnyohaBehavior Organismic and Evolutionary Biology2017 Hopi E. Hoekstra (grad student)
Stefano AnzellottifMRI of person identity and person knowledge, machine learning analyses and dynamical systems modelling Alfonso Caramazza (grad student), Bradford Z. Mahon (research assistant)
Coren L. Apicellaevolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior2009 Marc David Hauser (grad student)
Laura P. Appell-WarrenCultural Anthropology, General Psychology2007 Mica Pollock (grad student)
Jessica Lynn Applerauditory system, circuit assembly, development20052010 Lisa V. Goodrich (grad student)
Jacob W. AptekarVisual System, Drosophila20102014 Mark A. Frye (grad student)
Joseph Fitzgerald Arboleda-Velasquez2009 Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (grad student)
Betul Ardaspeech processing
Michael ArielVisual System, Cerebellum, Retina, Vestibular, Anoxia19811984 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Rudolf ArnheimGestalt Psychology, Art and Perception
Rosa I. Arriaga-Vempala2001 Jerome Kagan (grad student)
Hiroki Asarivisual system Markus Meister (post-doc)
Nava AshrafEconomics2005 David Laibson (grad student)
Meenakshi M AsokanNeuroscience, plasticity, hearing research
Edwin B. Astwoodendocrinology, hyperthyroidism19371939 Frederick Lee Hisaw (grad student)
Alexander B AtanasovRepresentation Learning, High Dimensional Statistics, Deep Learning, Infinite Width Limits Applied Mathematics20212024 Cengiz Pehlevan (grad student)
Pradeep P. AtluriSynaptic Plasticity, Neuropsychoanalysis19932000 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
S. Atwood Psychology Department20152019 Samuel A Mehr (research assistant)
Nadia Aubin-HorthBehavioral and evolutionary genomics, behavioral endocrinology 20022006 Hans A. Hofmann (post-doc)
Christopher P. Austindevelopment of a toolbox of reagents and technologies to translate genome sequence into functional insights Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Anita E. Autryparenting, depression, galanin, stress20112018 Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Jill AveryMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology2007 John A. Deighton (grad student)
Louis N. AwadFES, locomotion, stroke, robotics, rehabilitation engineering School of Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences20142016 Conor J. Walsh (post-doc)
Catharine AyoubDevelopmental Psychology, Social Sciences Education, Early Childhood Education, Women's Studies
Hamed AzamiBiomedical signal processing, machine learning
Hamed AzamiBiomedical signal processing, machine learning
Demba Ba
Bénédicte M Babayannavigation, decision making, reinforcement learning
Stephen BaccusRetina Markus Meister (post-doc)
Renee Baillargeoninfant cognition Elizabeth S. Spelke (post-doc)
Constance M. Bainbridge20182020 Samuel A Mehr (research assistant)
Abigail A. BairdDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience19972001 Jerome Kagan (grad student)
Allison E. BakerNeural Circuits, Physiology, Behavior
P Balram1973 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Darrick T. BaluPsychopharmacology
Dhananjay Bambah-MukkuSocial Behavior, Genetics, Neural Circuits2013 Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Mahzarin Rustum BanajiExperimental Psychology
Moshe BarHigh Level Vision, Cognitive Neuroscience, Object Recognition, Contextual Processing, first impressions, preference formation and attitudes19982000 Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Dániel Barabási MCB Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
Theodore X. Barber Clyde Kluckhohn (post-doc), William A. Caudill (post-doc)
Thomas BarbourHerpetology19081910 Edward Laurens Mark (grad student)
Philip Bard1927 Walter Bradford Cannon (grad student)
Morgan D. Barensebehavioral neuroscience, memory20002002 Mark G. Baxter (research assistant)
Florence M. Bareyre Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Tania Rinaldi BarkatAuditory system20082013 Takao K. Hensch (post-doc)
Brianne R BarkerImmunology, Virology Immunology20022009 Norman Letvin (grad student)
David L. Barker Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
Horace BarlowComputation & Theory Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
David A. BarnerLanguage Development, Conceptual Development20022006 Jesse Snedeker (grad student)
Andrew S. BaronConceptual Development2010 Susan Carey (grad student)
Peter BarrettNeurogenetics, neuropeptides, nociception19931999 Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student), Gary Ruvkun (grad student)
Hilary Barthcognitive development; numerical cognition Elizabeth S. Spelke (post-doc)
Christian Barthelmesoscopic physics2010 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Igor BascandzievDevelopmental Psychology2011 Paul Harris (grad student)
Alo C. Basustress, NMDA, psychiatric disease19972004 Edward Kravitz (grad student)
Uttiya Basu Frederick W. Alt (post-doc)
W. Mark BatesSuper-resolution fluorescence microscopy2009 Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student)
Corinna M. Bauerneuroophthalmology, cortical visual impairment, diffusion imaging, functional MRI, structural MRI, neuroimaging Lotfi Merabet (post-doc)
Sara D. Beachneuroscience, learning
Frank A. Beachbehavioral endocrinology Karl Spencer Lashley (post-doc)
Elizabeth H. BeamCognitive Neuroscience20132015 Randy L. Buckner (research assistant)
Daniel M. Bear20102016 Michael E. Greenberg (research assistant), Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student)
Jonathan P. BeauchampEconomics2011 David Laibson (grad student)
Anita J. BechtholtBehavioral Neuroscience, Psychiatric Disorders20072008 William A. Carlezon (collaborator), Bruce M. Cohen (post-doc), John Wright (research assistant)
Ori BeckPhilosophy Philosophy Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Carrie Becker Psychobiology19821984 Dale Corbett (grad student)
Esther B E BeckerCerebellum, Development, Ataxia, Autism20002005 Azad Bonni (grad student)
John Gilbert Beebe-Center1926 Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
Marjorie BeeghlyDevelopmental Science (Psychology) Psychology Dante Cicchetti (post-doc)
Jonathan Sage BeierSocial cognitive development, Cognitive development, Infancy20032008 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student), Daniel Schacter (research assistant), Susan Carey (grad student)
Mohamed-Ali Belabbas2006 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
A BelhoutS10 Supergravity, GUT's
John W. Belliveaubrain mapping
Nicholas Bellono Molecular and Cell Biology Anita L. Zimmerman (grad student)
Ursula Bellugicognitive neuroscience, deafness, music1967 Roger Brown (grad student)
Daniel J. BenjaminEconomics2006 David Laibson (grad student)
Barry L. Bentley
Leo BeranekAcoustics1940 Frederick Vinton Hunt (grad student)
James Berg2008 Gary Yellen (grad student)
Angela M. Berglocomotion2010 Andrew A. Biewener (grad student)
Joseph F. BerganAuditory, Olfaction2007 Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Daniel R. BergerVisual Perception, Electron Microscopy, Connectomics, Mammalian Cortex2014 Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Lisa H. Berghorst Psychology2012 Diego Pizzagalli (grad student)
Alice BerglundHearing Research19841990 David K. Ryugo (grad student)
Josh Berkebasal ganglia; learning/memory; motivation; addiction19941998 Steven E. Hyman (grad student)
Allan BerlindPattern generation by a rhythmic neural system Ian M. Cooke (grad student)
Alice Berners-LeeHippocampus, Memory Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology2021 Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
Regan Bernhard Psychology Psychology20172021 Joshua D. Greene (grad student), Fiery A. Cushman (post-doc)
Michael J. BerryRetina Physics1996 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Eliot BersonRetina
John L. BeshearsEconomics2009 David Laibson (grad student)
Aaron R. BestSynaptic physiology Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Vassilios J. BezzeridesTRP Channels20022004 David E. Clapham (grad student)
Jamshed Bharuchamusic cognition William K. Estes (grad student)
Cheshta Bhatiasystems and computational neuroscience organismic and evolutionary biology Bence P. Olveczky (grad student)
Martha R.C. Bhattacharyaneuroscience19962000 Douglas A. Melton (research assistant)
Rahul Bhui Sam J. Gershman (post-doc), Andrei Shleifer (post-doc)
Yanchao Bilanguage2006 Alfonso Caramazza (grad student)
Michael J. Bianchetta nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors2004 Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student)
Isaac H. BiancoZebrafish, sensorimotors, visual system, optic tectum20082013 Florian Alois Engert (post-doc)
Sudha Biddinger
Michael J. Biercukmesoscopic physics2005 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Andrew A. Biewenerlocomotion C. Richard Taylor (grad student)
Henry Jacob Bigelowsurgery18381841 Jacob Bigelow (grad student)
Jay B. BikoffNeuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse2007 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Parizad Maheyar Bilimoria2010 Azad Bonni (grad student)
Nathan A. Billings2011 Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Anne BillotNeuroplasticity, neuromodulation, stroke recovery, aphasia rehabilitation, depression Psychology2023 Randy L. Buckner (post-doc)
Dalbir BindraMotivation1948 Joseph C. R. Licklider (grad student)
David G. Birch19791982 Eliot Berson (post-doc)
Edward A. BirgeZoology18731878 Louis Agassiz (research assistant), Nathaniel Southgate Shaler (grad student), John McCrady (research assistant)
Nathaniel T. BlairNeuronal excitability, ion channels19992004 Bruce P. Bean (grad student)
Helen M. BlauCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology19691975 Fotis Kafatos (grad student)
Jared L. BleakHigher Education, Administration Education, Management Business Administration, Technology of Education2003 Richard P. Chait (grad student)
John BlenisCell biology Raymond L. Erikson (post-doc)
Konrad BlochBiological Synthesis of Cholesterol
Ned Blockphilosophy of mind Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Anne J. BloodEmotion, Dystonia, Music
Brenda L. Bloodgood20022006 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Paul BloomCognitive Development Steven Pinker (grad student)
Maria L. BloomOlfaction, Circuits20122011 Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student), Sandeep Robert Datta (research assistant)
Stewart A. Bloomfieldretina19811983 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Jeremy A. BlumenthalSocial Cognition2002 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Robert A. BoakesLearning processes Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student)
Cristian BoboilaOlfaction, Cognition, Learning20052011 Frederick W. Alt (grad student)
Davi D. BockNeural circuits, electron microscopy20042011 R Clay Reid (grad student)
Todd E. BodnerSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Personality Psychology2000 Ellen J. Langer (grad student)
Dana L. Boebingerauditory cognitive neuroscience
Luis E. Boero MCB2021 Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
Aaron Daniel BoesCognitive neuroscience, non-invasive brain stimulation Daniel Tranel (grad student), Josef Parvizi (research assistant), Alvaro Pascual-Leone (post-doc), Steven Wayne Anderson (grad student), Verne S. Caviness, Jr. (grad student), Kevin Staley (grad student)
Ryan H. Bogdan20032010 Diego Pizzagalli (grad student)
Urs Lucas Böhm Adam E. Cohen (post-doc)
James P BohnslavComputer vision, cortex, neural coding Neurobiology2016 Christopher Harvey (grad student)
Veronica M. Boix Mansilla2001 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Johann H. Bollmann Florian Alois Engert (post-doc)
Ali-reza BolooriSpatiotemporal coding, population coding, estimation, somatosensory2007 Garrett B. Stanley (grad student)
Andrew D. BoltonNMDA receptors, Superior Colliculus, Zebrafish Behavior Center for Brain Science Florian Alois Engert (post-doc)
Azad BonniDevelopment, Morphogenesis, Signal Transduction, Apoptosis
Edwin G. BoringSensation and perception
Ivelina I. Borisova2009 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Rachel A. Bortnickdrosophila neurodevelopment
Bill Bossert
Benjamin Bouck Biological Sciences Daniel P. Kiehart (grad student)
Jonathan Boulanger-WeillNeuroscience MCB2017 Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Gabriella L. BoultingStem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases2011 Kevin C. Eggan (grad student)
Pierre BourdillonIntracranial EEG
Arturo BouzasBehavior Analysis William Baum (grad student)
Henry Pickering BowditchPhysiology1868 Jeffries Wyman (grad student)
Melissa BowermanChild language acquisition, language and thought Psychology19651971 Roger Brown (grad student)
Jeffrey S Bowersmemory Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Deric Bowndsphotoreceptor transduction, rhodopsin1967 George Wald (grad student)
Richard E. Boyatzispersonality, motivation David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
Matthew B. Boylephilosophy of mind, Kant, and German Idealism
Barbara Braams
Abigail L. BrachaCell Biology2010 Donald E. Ingber (grad student)
Daniel M. Brady20072012 Takao K. Hensch (grad student)
Daniel Mahefasoa Brady Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 John HR Maunsell (grad student)
Rodrigo M BragaCognitive Neuroscience
Andrea H. BrandDrosophila nervous system development Norbert Perrimon (post-doc), Mark Ptashne (post-doc)
David H Branninnate behavior, olfaction2016 Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student)
Daniel Brantonbiophysics
Jordan B. BrayanovMotor control Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 Maurice A. Smith (grad student)
T. Berry Brazelton
Kristen J. BrennandPsychiatric genomics, human induced pluripotent stem cells, CRISPR Molecular and Cellular Biology20022007 Douglas A. Melton (grad student)
Stephan D. Brenowitzsynaptic transmission Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Trenton Bricken Systems Biology Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Perry A. Brittis2004 John Flanagan (grad student)
Iman Brivanlou19941999 Markus Meister (grad student)
Ali Brivanlouneural development Developmental Biology19911994 Douglas A. Melton (post-doc)
Amy BrockCell Biology, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics2004 Donald E. Ingber (grad student)
Susan E. Brockerhoffretina19941996 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Roger W. Brockettrobotics
Benedikt Brommer Zhigang He (post-doc)
Jeffrey W. BrownSensory neurophysiology, decision neuroethology, thalamus, computational neuroscience20062007 Aravinthan Samuel (research assistant)
Juliana R. BrownDevelopment2005 Douglas A. Melton (grad student)
Emery Brown Peter Jost Huber (grad student)
Solange P. Brown Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Roger BrownLinguistic Development
Charles Thomas Bruesentomology
Jerome Seymour BrunerPsychology1941 Gordon W. Allport (grad student)
Axel Brungercrystallography, synaptic neurotransmission19821983 Martin Karplus (post-doc), Gregory A. Petsko (post-doc)
Merle S. BrunoVisual comparative physiology19691971 George Wald (grad student)
Joshua J. Buchmanmechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning2009 Li-Huei Tsai (grad student)
Randy L. BucknerHuman memory Donna Rose Addis (collaborator)
Andrew E. BudsonEpisodic memory; Alzheimer's disease Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Yoram BurakTheoretical neuroscience
Juan Burrone Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
James K. Bursleyoffline processing, fMRI2013 Randy L. Buckner (grad student)
Serena ButcherVision Science2001 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student)
Maurice D. ButlermiRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan2008 Gary Ruvkun (grad student)
Daniel A. ButtsInformation theory, coding, estimation, vision Garrett B. Stanley (post-doc)
Dongsheng CaiNF-kB IN HYPOTHALAMIC DYSREGULATION OF ENERGY BALANCE, Aging Steven E. Shoelson (post-doc)
Mary W Calkins Psychology18901890 William James (grad student)
Jasmin Camachodevelopment, evolution
Jasmin CamachoEvolution and development
D. Joshua J. CameronRetinal degenerations, Eye Development, Genetics20072010 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Jeffrey M. Camhineurobiology and behavior1967 Ian M. Cooke (grad student)
Malcolm G. Campbell Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology Naoshige Uchida (post-doc)
Steven F. CandelaSchizophrenia2004 Brendan Maher (grad student)
Rosa Cao Philosophy Peter Godfrey-Smith (grad student)
Mario R. Capecchi1967 James D. Watson (grad student)
Alfonso CaramazzaLanguage
Djuradj CaranovicBehavioral Science
Mary N. CaravellaMarketing Business Administration2007 John A. Deighton (grad student)
Megan R. Carey Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Susan CareyConceptual Development Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student), Roger Brown (grad student)
Willaim A. CarlezonNeuroscience Biology
William A. Carlezon
Thomas A. CarlsonCognitive Neuroscience20042008 Frans AJ Verstraten (post-doc)
Leonard CarmichaelNeuroethology, child psychology Walter F. Dearborn (grad student)
Rachel N. CarmodyAnthropology Human Evolutionary Biology2012 Richard Wrangham (grad student), Peter J. Turnbaugh (post-doc)
Dana Carney Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (post-doc)
Amy Carolus20202023 Rachel Romeo (research assistant)
Frederic W. Carpenter1904 Edward Laurens Mark (grad student)
Shelley H. Carson2001 Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Adam G. Carter19972002 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Olivia L. Cartervision and attention Ken Nakayama (post-doc), John D. Pettigrew (grad student)
Ashley R. CarterDrosophila sensory behavior, Optical Tweezers, DNA folding, Cellular Microrheology2009 Aravinthan Samuel (post-doc)
Alexandre Carter
Eugene M. CarusoSocial Cognition2007 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Alessio Carusochemistry, biochemistry, enzymology, structural biology Chemistry and Chemical Biology2021 Daniel E. Kahne (post-doc)
Stephen Casper CS Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Maja C. Cassidymesoscopic physics Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Jorge M. Castelo Branco de Albuquerque AlmeidaVision2010 Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Lisa A. Catapano19972003 Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
Marco Catipovic
William A. Caudill
Patrick CavanaghPerception, attention, art Weilun Chou (collaborator)
Courtney B. Cazden Roger Brown (grad student)
Constance L. Cepkodevelopment of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness Richard Mulligan (post-doc)
Sandra E. ChaManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology2004 Amy C. Edmondson (grad student)
Christine Cha Matthew K. Nock (grad student)
Teresa Hongmi Chae2004 Chris A. Walsh (grad student)
Richard P. ChaitHigher Education, Administration Education, Social Psychology
Ramakrishna ChakravarthiVisual Attention20022007 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student)
Martin ChalfieC. elegans19681977 Robert L. Perlman (grad student), Klaus K. Weber (research assistant)
Chester Chamberlainsonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system2007 Andrew P. McMahon (grad student)
Anna Chambers
Alexander M. ChanLanguage, Neuroprosthetics, Intracranial EEG Engineering and Applied Sciences20072012 Sydney S. Cash (grad student)
Celene H. Chang Biological Sciences in Public Health2013 Ju Lu (grad student)
Ernie C. ChangOlfaction2002 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Bernard P Chang
Amelia Chang
Hannah H. ChangGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology2008 Donald E. Ingber (grad student)
Aaron N. ChangGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2002 Stuart H. Orkin (grad student)
Alex ChaparroHuman Factors, visual perception, visual attention, color vision, aging, human computer interaction Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Patrick Charnay Tom Maniatis (post-doc)
Elena Chartoff
Cynthia Chataway Psychology Herbert C. Kelman (grad student)
Garga ChatterjeeVisual perception , visual cognition , Face processing , Visual phantoms20062011 Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Xiuye Chen Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
James K. Chenchemical biology, developmental biology19911998 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student), George M. Whitesides (research assistant)
Chinfei Chensynaptic physiology, visual system development
Yue Chen Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Christopher H. Chen Neurobiology2016 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Joseph Chen11952001 Jonathan R. Beckwith (grad student)
Xudong Chen Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Hsiuchen Chen2000 Philip Leder (grad student)
Yao Chen2009 John Flanagan (grad student)
Emy L. Chen2005 Sam Kunes (grad student)
Allen C. Chenhttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 2009 Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student)
Yi-Chia ChenVision Psychology20172020 George A. Alvarez (post-doc)
Bo Chen Zhigang He (post-doc)
Timothy J. CherryRetinal Development20022009 Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Eunice Lap Cheung2003 David P. Corey (grad student)
Joan Y. Chiaocultural neuroscience; social/affective neuroscience2006 Nalini Ambady (grad student), Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Athar ChishtiPharmacology, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology Biology Daniel Branton (post-doc)
Chung-Yiu P. ChiuClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Isaac ChiuPain, Neuro-immune interactions Molecular and Cell Biology19982002 Jack L. Strominger (research assistant)
Dmitri "Mitya" ChklovskiiTheoretical Neuroscience, Connectomics19941997 Bertrand I. Halperin (post-doc)
Yeang H. ChngVisual system, visual cortex20012007 R Clay Reid (grad student)
Edwin Chng Education20182024 Bertrand Schneider (grad student)
Jae Chun ChoeBehavioral Ecology, Evolutionary Biology1990 Edward Osborne Wilson (grad student)
Susan Choi Nalini Ambady (grad student)
Ja Young Choi Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology20162022 Tyler K. Perrachione (grad student)
James J. ChoiEconomics2005 David Laibson (grad student)
Yoojin J. ChoiRetrograde signaling, cerebellar development, cancer biology 2006 Rosalind A. Segal (grad student)
Philip S. ChoiOlfaction2007 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Eun Young ChoiCortical Networks, Striatum, Human Functional Connectivity, Monkey Anatomy, Neurophysiology, Clinical Trials Neurobiology2013 Randy L. Buckner (grad student)
Kao Liang ChowNeurology Karl Spencer Lashley (grad student)
Adam Paul Christensen2009 David P. Corey (grad student)
Fotini Christia Roger Petersen (grad student)
Monica W. Chu20072010 Joshua R. Sanes (research assistant)
Charleen T. ChuNeuropathology, Parkinson's disease, mitochondria, autophagy Karel Frederik Liem (research assistant)
Yunxiang Chu Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of20092014 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Judy Y. ChuDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2000 Carol Gilligan (grad student)
Katrin F. ChuamRNA nuclear export, splicing2001 Robin Reed (grad student)
Elizabeth F. Chuamemory, metamemory20032008 Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Marvin M. Chunvision Patrick Cavanagh (post-doc)
Denise K. ChunCell Biology of the Neuron2008 Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student)
Julia E. ChungStem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases Biology, Molecular and Cellular2013 Kevin C. Eggan (grad student)
Eunju ChungDrosophila Kinesins and Synaptogenesis20082008 Lee Rubin (post-doc), Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Hayun C. ChungElectronics and Electrical Engineering2009 Gu-yeon Wei (grad student)
SueYeon ChungComputation & Theory Applied Physics, Center for Brain Science20102017 Haim Sompolinsky (grad student)
Sooyoung Chung R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Russell M. ChurchAnimal behavior Richard Lester Solomon (grad student)
Hugh O. Churchillmesoscopic physics Physics2012 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Jay H. Chyunghttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 2004 Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student)
Mina Cikara
Aylin Cimenser
Susan A. Clancy2001 Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Damon A. Clark20032007 Aravinthan Samuel (grad student)
Joanne ClarkNeurodegeneration, Aging, Parkinson's Disease, Oxidative Stress2006 David Keith Simon (post-doc)
Kelsey Clausing20192018 Mazen A. Kheirbek (research assistant), Lauren Orefice (grad student)
Vicki L. CoffinAdenosine, dopamine, dopamine D1 receptors, NK1 antagonist, muscarinic M2 antagonist, caffeine, adenosine antagonist 19831986 Roger D. Spealman (post-doc)
Sonia CohenNeuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse2011 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
David Harris Cohen1960 Frederick Mosteller (research assistant)
I. Bernard Cohen
Jeremiah Y. CohenNeurophysiology, behavior, reward Naoshige Uchida (post-doc)
Jonathan B. Cohen nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors1972 Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Bruce M. Cohen
Michael A. Cohenvisual cognition, visual awareness, attention Psychology Psychology20092014 Jeremy M. Wolfe (research assistant), Ken Nakayama (grad student), George A. Alvarez (grad student)
Bertram CohlerDevelopmental Psychology, General Religion, Cultural Anthropology, General Social Relations1967 Beatrice Blyth Whiting (grad student)
Mariana ColacelliEconomics2005 David Laibson (grad student)
Matthew F Colliesomatosensation, motor cpgs
Kenneth J. Colodner2008 Mel B. Feany (grad student)
Kirsten CondryInfant cognition and perception
Richard Allen Conephotoreceptors, mucosal antibodies George Wald (research assistant), John E. Dowling (research assistant)
Lauren M. Conoscenti2007 Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Juan Manuel Contreras Psychology Psychology2013 Jason Mitchell (grad student), Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (grad student)
Bevil R. ConwayVision20012007 David Hubel (post-doc), Margaret Livingstone (grad student)
Erik P. CookNeurophysiology, visual perception Markus Meister (post-doc)
Ian M. CookeNeurosecretion John H. Welsh, Jr. (grad student)
Ellis Cooperneuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors Edwin Furshpan (post-doc), David Potter (post-doc)
Walter R. CooperGeneral, Military Studies, Military History Government2013 Stephen P. Rosen (grad student)
Dale CorbettStroke, Stroke Recovery, Stroke Rehabilitation, Neuroplasticity
Claire Cordella Speech and Hearing Bioscience & Technology2014 Jordan R. Green (grad student)
Leda CosmidesEvolutionary psychology Irven DeVore (research assistant), Robert L. Trivers (research assistant), Richard J. Herrnstein (research assistant), Steven Pinker (grad student)
Paul T. Costapersonality David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
Albert Costalanguage, bilingualism Alfonso Caramazza (post-doc)
Darce M. CostelloDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2004 Terrence Tivnan (grad student)
Michael E. Coulterneurobiology
Stephanie L. CourchesneRetrograde signaling, cerebellar development, cancer biology 2009 Rosalind A. Segal (grad student)
Erika Marie Cowman SchetterReward processing, dopamine Diego Pizzagalli (research assistant), Petra E. Pajtas (collaborator)
Daniel CrevierProgramming19931997 Markus Meister (grad student)
William John CrozierPhysiology1915 Jacques Loeb (grad student)
Jody C. CulhamVisual system, brain imaging, perception and action19951997 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Nancy Kanwisher (grad student)
Katherine B. Curhan2009 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Tim Curranerp, memory19931995 Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Sophie Christine Currier2004 Chris A. Walsh (grad student)
Kevin M. Cury Molecular and Cellular Biology20062011 Naoshige Uchida (grad student)
Fiery A. CushmanConceptual Development2008 Susan Carey (grad student)
Luciano Custo GreigDevelopment20092013 Mollie Woodworth (collaborator)
Monica A. Daleylocomotion, biomechanics, muscle physiology, neuromechanics2006 Andrew A. Biewener (grad student)
Joseph R. Daniele Biology, Molecular and Cellular2012 Sam Kunes (grad student)
Helene R. Dassulesonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system2000 Andrew P. McMahon (grad student)
Mohammad Dastjerdiauditory system
Sandeep Robert Dattacircuits, innate responses, olfaction19952004 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Akash DatwaniCNS development, plasticity & degeneration
Stephen V. Davidauditory system, attention19941996 Roger W. Brockett (research assistant)
Juliet Y. Davidowlearning, memory, hippocampus, basal ganglia, midbrain, development Leah H. Somerville (grad student)
Thomas J. DavidsonHippocampus, optogenetics, EMG19992000 Margaret Livingstone (research assistant)
Richard J. Davidson David Clarence McClelland (post-doc)
Hallowell Davis
Katharine E. Davis2011 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Nigel W. Dawvisual system, development, David Hubel (post-doc), Torsten Wiesel (post-doc)
Adrian Daw2000 Peter L. Smith (grad student)
Elizabeth Dawes Duraisingh Educational Policy, Leadership and Instructional Practice2012 Howard Gardner (grad student)
William E. Dawson1968 Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Michelle Day2000 Steven E. Hyman (grad student)
Benjamin L. de Bivort2007 Sam Kunes (grad student)
Irina De la Huerta Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Joshua R. Sanes (grad student)
Eve De RosaBasal forebrain, acetylcholine, memory19982000 Mark G. Baxter (grad student), Michael E. Hasselmo (grad student)
Saskia de Vries20012006 Markus Meister (grad student)
Terrence W. DeaconBrain evolution, language, emergence Irven DeVore (grad student)
Michael R. Deansretina, development2002 David L. Paul (grad student)
Walter F. Dearborn
Pratik Deb Garga Chatterjee (research assistant)
Stephanie N. DeCrossClinical affective neuroscience; Clinical psychology; Threat mechanisms Katie A. McLaughlin (grad student)
John A. DeightonMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
John Paul Dekker2006 Gary Yellen (grad student)
Gaelle Desbordes20062009 Garrett B. Stanley (post-doc), Jose-Manuel Alonso (post-doc)
Vincent G. DethierInsect chemoreception1939 Charles Thomas Brues (grad student)
Thomas Andrew Deuel2004 Chris A. Walsh (grad student)
Christen M. Deveney2008 Diego Pizzagalli (grad student)
Arturo DezaVision Science, Computer Vision, Robotics Department of Psychology2019 Talia Konkle (post-doc)
Rani Dhavanmechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning2002 Li-Huei Tsai (grad student)
Ashesh K. DhawaleMotor Systems, Learning OEB20122021 Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc)
Leonardo Di Carlomesoscopic physics2008 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Adele Diamond Jerome Kagan (grad student)
Dion K. DickmanSynaptic homeostasis2005 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Erin E DielAuditory system Molecular and Cellular Biology20122018 Takao K. Hensch (grad student)
Shelby B. Dietzinformation processing by neural circuits2005 Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student)
Daniel G. DillonEmotion Regulation
Moira R. Dillon Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Ming-Chieh Dingsystems2008 Garrett B. Stanley (grad student)
Jeremy Samuel DittmanMolecules of Synaptic Transmission2000 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Laura Dittmann1967 Jacob Goering (grad student)
Michael Tri H. Dovision, neurophysiology19982004 Bruce P. Bean (grad student)
Ian Dobbinsmemory, neuroscience, prefrontal cortex Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Jane Dodd Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
David Dodell-FederfMRI, Schizophrenia, Psychosis-Risk
Chad Dodson Psychology Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Fiona DoetschAdult stem cells20012003 Catherine Dulac (research scientist)
Leah J. DombAnthropology2000 Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Julie M. Donohueself-fulfilling prophecy; nonverbal communication; interpresonal expectation2004 Robert Rosenthal (grad student)
Hayley M. Dorfman
Fenil DoshiVisual System, Mid-level vision, Spatial organization in the visual cortex, Intuitive physics Psychology Psychology Psychology20212021 George A. Alvarez (research assistant), George A. Alvarez (grad student), Talia Konkle (grad student)
Allison DoupeBirdsong Paul H. Patterson (grad student)
Antonia L. Dow William A. Carlezon (post-doc)
John E. Dowling19931961 George Wald (grad student), Alan R. Adolph (collaborator)
Adele Doyle Sharad Ramanathan (post-doc)
Ryan Draft20052010 Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student)
Hubert Dreyfus Dagfinn Føllesdal (grad student)
Gideon DreyfussSpinal Muscular Atrophy, RNA binding proteins, Splicing, High-Throughput Screening1978 Elkan Rogers Blout (grad student)
Erin E. Driver-LinnSocial Cognition2001 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Bo DuanDevelopment and function of sensory circuitry2010 Qiufu Ma (post-doc)
Brian M. DuBoffIn our laboratory we have created fruit fly models of human neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and a number of less common disorders Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Mel B. Feany (grad student)
Ronald R. DubreuilCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology Daniel Branton (post-doc), Lawrence SB Goldstein (post-doc), James Marrs (collaborator)
Brad C. Duchaine Ken Nakayama (post-doc), Garga Chatterjee (collaborator)
Darryll D. DudleyDNA repair, immunology, lymphoma2003 Frederick W. Alt (grad student)
Kevin DuffyVisual System20012003 David Hubel (post-doc)
Kobina N. DufumRNA nuclear export, splicing2010 Robin Reed (grad student)
Suzanne E. DukeDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2007 Paul Harris (grad student)
Catherine DulacOlfaction
Acheson Duncan Frank Dunstone Graham (grad student)
Karen M. Dunham-SootheranTechnology of Education, Instructional Design Education, Higher Education2014 Terrence Tivnan (grad student)
Knight Dunlap Hugo Münsterberg (grad student)
Tim Dunn Florian Alois Engert (post-doc)
Marc Duque Ramirezlarval zebrafish, astrocytes, behavior PiN2020 Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
Omer DurakMolecular and Cellular Neuroscience Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology2016 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Sunny DutraMood Disorders, Reward Processing20082010 Diego Pizzagalli (research assistant)
Raaz DwivediStatistical Machine Learning, Monte Carlo Methods CS2021 Susan A. Murphy (post-doc)
Robert H. Dworkin
Ruth Anne Eatocksensory neurobiology, auditory, vestibular
Julia T. EbertBioinspired Robotics, Motor Learning Computer Science2016 Radhika Nagpal (grad student)
Cesar Echavarriavisual neuroscience Neurobiology2015 David Cox (grad student)
Jay A. EdelmanEye movements19992002 Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Uri T. Eden2005 Emery Brown (grad student)
Amy C. EdmondsonManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology J. Richard Hackman (grad student)
John Tileston EdsallProtein Physical Chemistry19261927 Edwin Joseph Cohn (grad student), Alfred Clarence Redfield (research assistant)
Eleanore B. Edson2006 Chinfei Chen (grad student)
Ward EdwardsDecision-making1952 Frederick Mosteller (grad student), John Gilbert Beebe-Center (grad student)
James P. Egan Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Kevin C. EgganStem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases20032004 Douglas A. Melton (research scientist)
S.E. Roian Egnor Anthony Leonardo (collaborator), Marc David Hauser (post-doc)
David Eisenbergprotein interactions John Tileston Edsall (research assistant)
Thomas Eisnerchemical ecology1956 William Louis Brown, Jr. (grad student)
Hillary A. Elfenbein2001 Nalini Ambady (grad student)
David R. Elmaleh
Ilan Elson-SchwabIn our laboratory we have created fruit fly models of human neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and a number of less common disorders2007 Mel B. Feany (grad student)
Carolyn Elyabehavioral parasitology OEB2018 Benjamin L. de Bivort (post-doc)
Mark M. EmersonDevelopment, axon guidance, synaptogenesis2005 David Van Vactor (grad student)
Ansgar Endress20072009 Marc David Hauser (post-doc)
Lewis Libman EngelSteroid Hormones
Florian Alois Engertzebrafish, optic tectum, behavior, vision, imaging
Michaela M EnnisComputational Psychiatry Psychiatry20172022 Justin T. Baker (grad student)
Russell EpsteinCognitive Neuroscience19911996 Alan Yuille (grad student)
Keith M. EricsonEconomics2011 David Laibson (grad student)
Erik EriksonPsychoanalysis Stanley Cobb (post-doc)
Rhea T. Eskewvision, color science19861990 Charles Stromeyer (research scientist)
William K. EstesLearning & memory
Michael Donald Evanspsychology, cognition Psychology Elizabeth A. Phelps (research scientist)
Gilad David Evrony Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2013 Chris A. Walsh (grad student)
James M. Fadoolretinal development19941997 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Margie Fain Biology19701975 Lynn M. Riddiford (grad student)
John L. FalkIngestive behavior Jean Mayer (post-doc)
Ryann Fame
Haoxue FanDecision-making, Emotion, Anxiety
Antoniu L. FantanaMotor systems, language, bird song20072006 Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc), Bert Sakmann (research assistant), Markus Meister (grad student)
Martha J. Farah1983 R Duncan Luce (grad student), Stephen Kosslyn (grad student)
David H. FarbMolecular physiology of benzodiazepines and other ion channel modulators; GABA(A) receptor structure-function; NMDA receptor structure and function; neuroactive steroids19751979 Gerald Fischbach (post-doc)
Claire T. FarleyLocomotion19871991 Thomas A. McMahon (grad student), C. Richard Taylor (grad student)
John Farrar1803 Samuel Webber (grad student)
Deirdre Farrell
Jeffrey A Farrelldevelopmental biology, zebrafish Molecular & Cellular Biology20132019 Alexander Schier (post-doc)
Faisal FectoGenetics, Neurodegeneration, ALS, Dementia, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Systems Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Disease20022002 Daniel Hoch (research assistant)
Lydia Federico Psychology Donald J. Robinaugh (research assistant)
Wallace O. FennMuscle physiology1919 Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (grad student)
Lief E Fenno20052007 Douglas A. Melton (research assistant)
David M. FerreroOlfactory system Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of20072012 Stephen D. Liberles (grad student)
Stephen Ferrigno Psychology Susan Carey (post-doc)
David FersterVisual system19751980 Torsten Wiesel (grad student), David Hubel (grad student), Simon LeVay (grad student)
Charles B. FersterBehavior Burrhus Frederic Skinner (post-doc)
Ila R. FieteComputation, theory, coding, dynamics2004 Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Matthew S. Finkbeinerlexical access, masked priming, bilingual speech production Alfonso Caramazza (post-doc)
Zachary O. FirstHigher Education, Administration Education, Social Psychology2007 Richard P. Chait (grad student)
Kenneth H. Fischbeck U. J. McMahan (research assistant)
Mehmet Fisek Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2014 Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Jamie K. Fitzgerald2011 John A. Assad (grad student)
Steven W. FlavellNeural Circuits & Behavior20022009 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Norman A Fleck Bernard Budiansky (post-doc)
John C. FlournoyDevelopmental Cognitive Neurosicence Psychology Psychology2020 Katie A. McLaughlin (research scientist), Leah H. Somerville (research scientist)
Alexander Forbes19041905 George H. Parker (research assistant)
Kenneth W. FosterPhotoreceptors Howard C. Berg (post-doc)
Kelly A. Foster19992004 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Haleh Fotowat Molecular and Cellular Biology2016 Florian Alois Engert (post-doc)
Don FowlesPsychophysiology1967 Norman F. Watt (grad student), Brendan Maher (grad student)
Michael A. FoxSynaptic targeting and formation20042007 Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Nathan A. FoxTemperament; Development of emotion and emotion regulation; Developmental psychophysiology, infant cognitive/social development. Jerome Kagan (grad student)
Steven L. Franconeri2004 Daniel J. Simons (grad student)
Christopher L. Frankmechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning2008 Li-Huei Tsai (grad student)
Loren FrankLearning, Memory, Hippocampus, Decision making Emery Brown (post-doc)
Steven Frankland Psychology2009 Joshua D. Greene (grad student)
Nicholas T FranklinLearning, Decision Making
Peter J. Franzclinical psychology, emotion, self-injury Psychology2015 Matthew K. Nock (grad student)
Eleanor J. FraserSexually dimorphic behaviors, lymphoma, multiple myeloma20042005 Hans A. Hofmann (research assistant)
Frederick M. FreundlichOrganizational, Industrial Psychology, Industrial Education2009 Terrence Tivnan (grad student)
Avi FriedlichAlzheimer disease
Stacia Friedman-HillVisual attention Jeremy M. Wolfe (research assistant)
Carl Fulwiler1994 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Edwin Furshpan Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
Andreas M. FusterEconomics2011 David Laibson (grad student)
Harrison W. GabelmiRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan2008 Gary Ruvkun (grad student)
John D.E. GabrieliCognitive neuroscience Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc)
Brendan Gaesserimagination, memory, future thinking, social decision-making, morality Psychology2014 Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Joanna Gainski
D. Carleton GajdusekPrion1946 John Tileston Edsall (grad student)
Robert Galambos Hallowell Davis (grad student), Donald R. Griffin (collaborator)
Maria J. Galazo2007 Francisco Clascá Cabré (grad student), Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Catherine Gallorineurobiology
Kanchana K. GamageDevelopmental Neuroscience Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology2017 Kevin C. Eggan (post-doc)
Vijay S. Ganesh Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Chris A. Walsh (grad student)
Giorgio GanisVisual cognition, Cognitive control, Deception Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc)
Jesus Adrian Garcia2001 David P. Corey (grad student)
Howard Gardner Norman Geschwind (post-doc), Erik Erikson (research assistant), Roger Brown (grad student), Nelson Goodman (post-doc)
Howard GarnerCognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Experimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Artificial Intelligence
Lucia Garrido2010 Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Quentin Gaudryneuroscience Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc)
Steven J.C. GaulinIntegrative Anthropological Sciences, evolutionary psychology, cognitive adaptations, the human voice, sexual selection, evolution of sex differences, lipid metabolism, brain evolution Irven DeVore (grad student)
Susan S. GaylorHigher Education, Administration Education2003 Richard P. Chait (grad student)
Hui GeGenetics2004 Marc Vidal (grad student)
Xuecai GeNeural development, Cell signaling, neuro-endocrinology2009 Li-Huei Tsai (grad student)
Maria Neimark Geffensensory systems20012006 Christopher I. Moore (grad student), Markus Meister (grad student)
Masha V. Gelfand Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of20062012 Chenghua Gu (grad student)
Amy C. GeojoLinguistic and conceptual development2007 Susan Carey (grad student), Jesse Snedeker (grad student)
Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Economics19341936 Joseph Schumpeter (post-doc)
Megan Gerber Public Health Laura Ann McCloskey (post-doc)
Joy C. GerenLanguage development, language comprehension2010 Jesse Snedeker (grad student)
Sherif Gerges
Katrin Daniela Gerlach Psychology2013 Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Rebecca Germanphysiology, neuroscience, biomechanics, mechanics of swallowing1983 Stephen J. Gould (grad student)
Laura T. Germinesocial perception, psychopathology, web-based experiments Psychology2012 Ken Nakayama (grad student), Brad C. Duchaine (research assistant), Robert T. Knight (research assistant), Christine I. Hooker (grad student)
John Hiram Gerouldheredity, adaptation and physiology of insects1895 Charles Benedict Davenport (grad student)
Sam J. GershmanCognitive & computational neuroscience Psychology20092013 Yael Niv (grad student)
Marc H. Gershow20082013 Aravinthan Samuel (post-doc), Jene A. Golovchenko (grad student)
Nader Ghasemlouchronic & inflammatory pain, spinal cord Injury, neuroimmunology, circadian rhythms Clifford Woolf (post-doc)
Debraj Ghosecell biology, systems biology, biomathematics, computational biology
Avniel Singh GhumanMEG, connectivity, face perception, autism20012007 Bruce Rosen (grad student), Moshe Bar (grad student)
Richard Giadonestem cell biology; neurodegeneration; aging
James Jerome GibsonEcological Psychology Herbert Sidney Langfield (grad student)
Laura A. GibsonVision2006 Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Andrew J. Giesselsynaptic physiology, neuromodulation20112010 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student), Sandeep Robert Datta (post-doc)
Casey GiffordGeneral Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2013 Alexander Meissner (grad student)
Ricardo Gil-da-CostaCognitive Neurosciences (Evolution of Conceptual Representation and Vocal Communication/Language) Marc David Hauser (grad student)
Daniel T. GilbertSocial Cognition
Joan Gildemeister1972 Laura Dittmann (grad student)
Emma Giles Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Grace Gillmolecular mechanisms that regulate transcription19831989 Mark Ptashne (grad student)
Carol GilliganSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology1964 Walter Mischel (grad student)
Winthrop F GillisBehavior, Learning, Action Sequencing, Internal State, Olfaction Neurobiology Biology20172016 Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student), Timothy J. Gardner (research assistant)
Jacinthe Gingras2004 Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Edward Giniger Mark Ptashne (grad student)
Kelly S. Giovanello2005 Daniel Schacter (post-doc), Donna Rose Addis (collaborator)
Darren GitelmanAging, Neurodegeneration, AD, Aphasia, Attention, Neuroimaging Psychology19931994 Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc)
Paola Giustimechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning2011 Li-Huei Tsai (grad student)
Aaron N. GlassenbergOrganizational Business Studies (Organizational Behavior)2012 Amy C. Edmondson (grad student)
Elizabeth GlaterDrosophila Mitochondria20012006 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Joseph G. Gleeson Neurology Joseph J. Volpe (research scientist)
Randolph D. Glickman19771979 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Mark Gluck Stephen Kosslyn (research assistant), William K. Estes (research assistant)
Sharon M.H. Gobesbirdsong, memory20092011 Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc)
Carson Alexis Goddard2006 Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
C Alex GoddardAttention, cholinergic innervation in the CNS20002006 Carla J. Shatz (grad student), Kristen M. Harris (research assistant)
Jacob Goering1959 Daniel Prescott (grad student)
Nadine GogollaNeurobiology Pico Caroni (grad student), Takao K. Hensch (post-doc)
Geoffrey H. Goldolfaction and retina1977 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Mark S. Goldmancomputation & theory2000 Larry F. Abbott (grad student), Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Timothy H. GoldsmithVision1958 George Wald (grad student)
Ann GoldsteinDrosophila Kinesins20052012 Thomas L. Schwarz (post-doc)
Ehab A. Goldsteinsystems2003 Garrett B. Stanley (grad student)
Raymond L. GoldsworthyAuditory Perception Donald K. Eddington (grad student)
Daniel Goleman David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
Tim GollischRetina20042007 Markus Meister (post-doc)
Lewis R. Gollub Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student)
Sarit A. Golub2004 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Heinrich S. GompfSleep, circadian Clifford B. Saper (post-doc)
Luis N. Gonzalez CastroMotor control Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Maurice A. Smith (grad student)
Melody S. GoodmanPublic Health, Biostatistics Biology2006 Yi Li (grad student)
Lisa V. Goodrichauditory system John E. Dowling (research assistant)
Nicolas A. Gort Freitassystems biology
June Gotocortical development, TSC, hydrocephalus
J. Eric Gouauxmolecular mechanisms for the function of receptors and transporters at chemical synapses1989 William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
Martin Goulet Bertha Madras (post-doc)
Nathan W. Gouwens2009 Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Franziska GrafNanotechnology, General Biophysics, Biochemistry, Cell Biology Biological Sciences in Public Health2012 Donald E. Ingber (grad student)
Abhinav S. GramaVisual System, Zebrafish, Rats Molecular and Cellular Biology20162015 Florian Alois Engert (grad student), David Cox (post-doc)
Tadzia J. GrandPre Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
George B. GrantRetina Bioinformatics Genotyping Genetics19921995 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Yvette GravelineCognitive-Neuroscience, Memory, Mental Imagery, Dreams, Mind-Wandering Psychology20132014 Robert Stickgold (research assistant)
Heather M. Gray2006 Nalini Ambady (grad student)
Kurt J. GrayMental control2010 Daniel Wegner (grad student)
Micheal R. Green1984 Tom Maniatis (post-doc)
David Marvin GreenSignal Detection Theory, Auditory psychophysics
Michael J. Greenbergmolluscan physiology1958 John H. Welsh, Jr. (grad student)
Joshua D. GreeneMoral judgment/decision-making, cognitive neuroscience
Daniel A GreenfieldBiomedical photonics, machine learning, quantitative biology
Anthony Greenwald1963 Gordon W. Allport (grad student)
Amy L. Greenwood Douglas A. Melton (post-doc)
Joel S. F. GreenwoodNeurotechnology
Isaac Greenwood
Roy O. GreepAnatomy / Endocrinology
Paul L. GreerNeurobiology20022008 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Diane B. GregorioSocial Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Organizational2009 Amy C. Edmondson (grad student)
Anna GrekaIon channels and calcium signaling2004 David E. Clapham (grad student)
Amy L. GresserOlfaction2006 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Robert S. Griffin2006 Clifford Woolf (grad student)
Donald R. GriffinEcholocation Karl Spencer Lashley (grad student), Stanley Smith Stevens (post-doc), George Wald (post-doc)
Richard Griffin Howard Gardner (grad student), Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Alan D. Grinnell Donald R. Griffin (grad student)
Jeffrey M. Grosseye development20022005 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Joshua B. Grossevolution, development
John J. Guinan, Jr.
Kathleen Guinee2007 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Fabia Gumbau-BrisaEconomics2004 David Laibson (grad student)
Chong GuoSystems Neuroscience20102012 Bence P. Olveczky (research assistant), Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Amitabh Guptamechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning2004 Li-Huei Tsai (grad student)
Gerald S. GuralnikTheoretical Particle Physics Physics1964 Walter Gilbert (grad student)
Meron GurkiewiczVisual System Development, Cellular Neurophysiology, Sodium Channels, Kinetic Models20112011 Chinfei Chen (post-doc)
Norman Guttmanbehavior Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student)
Sarah Gutz Speech and Hearing Biosciences and Technology Program2017 Jordan R. Green (grad student)
Julie S. HaasSynaptic plasticity, dynamics Carole E. Landisman (post-doc)
Jason M. Habermanvision, ensembles, summary statistics2010 George A. Alvarez (post-doc)
Rafi HaddadOlfaction20102014 Naoshige Uchida (post-doc)
Sara A HaddadSystems Neuroscience, Retina, Retinal Physiology, Vision Research Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular and Cell Biology Joshua R. Sanes (research assistant), Jeff W. Lichtman (research assistant)
Alkis M. HadjiosifMotor learning
Daniel Haehnbiomedical imaging, machine perception, connectomics, scientific visualization
Sebastian Haesler Naoshige Uchida (post-doc)
Brian P. Hafleroligodendrocyte, glioblastoma2007 David H. Rowitch (grad student)
Mohammad Haft-JavaherianBiomedical Image Analysis2019 Brett E. Bouma (post-doc)
Melvin E. Haggarty Robert Mearns Yerkes (grad student)
Stephen J. Haggartyneuroplasticity, chromatin, neural stem cells2003 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Melvin E. HaggertyEducation1909 Robert Mearns Yerkes (grad student)
Jack P. Hailmanethology, animal behavior1959 Edward Osborne Wilson (research assistant)
Richard HakimSystems Neuroscience Neuroscience2017 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Granville Stanley HallEducational psychology1878 William James (grad student), Henry Pickering Bowditch (grad student)
Zach W. Hall Edward Kravitz (grad student)
Gao Xiang HamClaustrum, Circuits, Synchrony, Development, Social, Parent-offspring, Critical periods2024 Takao K. Hensch (post-doc)
Dean H. Hamerbehavioral genetics, HIV1977 Charles A. Thomas (grad student)
Matthias Hammerschmidt19941995 Andrew P. McMahon (post-doc)
Juliette M. Han Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Beth Stevens (grad student)
Douglas HanahanGenetics, Cell Biology, Oncology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19781983 Paul Mead Doty (grad student), Matthew S. Meselson (research assistant)
Kenneth E. Hancockauditory system, dorsal cochlear nucleus
Melissa L. Hancocktranslation in axons
Eugenia Hanfmann
Yuqi Hangpsychology of arts; educational neuroscience; neuroscience of speech and language
Saad HannanTrafficking, Confocal Microscopy, electrophysiology
Michael J. Hansen2003 John Flanagan (grad student)
Jin Hao2017 Kevin C. Eggan (grad student)
Jin HaoNeurodegeneration Department of Stem Cells and Regenerative Biology20172022 Kevin C. Eggan (grad student)
Judith M. HarackiewiczSocial Psychology, Achievement Goals, Intrinsic Motivation1980 John F. Kihlstrom (grad student)
Brian Harebiological anthropology, comparative psychology Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Alexandros HaridisArchitecture, Computer Science, Computational Design, Machine Learning, Shape Grammars
Ed HarlowCancer Biology
Sanjiv Harpavatdevelopment of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness2005 Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Dana B. HarrarNeuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse2007 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Alison M. Harrisface perception, MEG20002005 Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Gareth Harris Yun Zhang (post-doc)
William A. Harrisneural development19761980 David Hubel (post-doc)
Daniel K. Hartline Ian M. Cooke (post-doc), John H. Welsh, Jr. (grad student)
Kenichi N. Hartmansynaptic plasticity20002006 Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student)
Catherine HartmannBuddhist Studies, Tibetan Buddhism Committee on the Study of Religion Committee on the Study of Religion Committee on the Study of Religion South Asian Studies Janet Gyatso (grad student), Charles Hallisey (grad student), Anne E. Monius (grad student), Leonard W. J. van (grad student)
Joshua K. Hartshornepsycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, social cognition Psychology20082012 Yuhong Jiang (research assistant), Amanda Pogue (collaborator), Jesse Snedeker (grad student)
Erika Hartwieg Jeff W. Lichtman (research scientist)
Erika A. Hartwiegelectronmicroscopy
Willliam R. HarveyMembrane Physiology1957 Carroll M. Williams (grad student)
Helen E. HasteHuman Development, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Gender Studies, Women's Studies
John (Woody) Woodland Hastingscircadian clock controls
Mary E. Hattencerebellar development Richard L. Sidman (post-doc)
Oliver P. Hauser David G. Rand (grad student)
Jessica Lauren HauserMolecular Neuroscience Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of20102014 Chinfei Chen (grad student)
Marc David Hauserevolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior
Johannes A. Haushofervision, reward20032008 Nancy Kanwisher (grad student), Margaret Livingstone (grad student)
Edward HawrotMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, General Biophysics Biological Chemistry Eugene Patrick Kennedy (grad student)
Kenneth C Hayes
Patrick J. Hayes2000 Margaret A. Baron (grad student)
Gabriel D. HayesmiRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan2006 Gary Ruvkun (grad student)
H'Sien HaywardClinical Psychology Psychology2013 George E. Vaillant (grad student)
Eliot HazeltineMotor control, executive control, dual-task19891990 Stephen Kosslyn (grad student)
Zijiang J. Hevisual system19901993 Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Zhigang HeAxon regeneration Marc Tessier-Lavigne (post-doc)
Bin Z HeGene regulatory evolution, stress response, pathogenic fungi
Miao He2017 Zhigang He (post-doc)
Xuelian He2017 Zhigang He (post-doc)
Jiping HeBioengineering Thomas A. McMahon (post-doc)
James Heaton Steven Brauth (grad student)
Donald Olding Hebblearning & memory, systems1936 Karl Spencer Lashley (grad student)
Andrea S. Heberleinsocial neuroscience20062011 Daniel Wegner (post-doc), Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (post-doc)
Selig HechtSensory biophysics1917 George H. Parker (grad student)
Erin E. Hechtevolution of social cognition2019 Yannick Becker (collaborator)
Willard L. Hedden1975 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Matthias Hediger
Tyson L. Hedricklocomotion2004 Andrew A. Biewener (grad student)
Alexandre HeerenAnxiety; Executive Control; Experimental Psychopathology; Attentional bias; Network analysis Department of Psychology20152017 Richard J. McNally (post-doc)
Heather M. HeerssenRetrograde signaling, cerebellar development, cancer biology 2004 Rosalind A. Segal (grad student)
Shane Hegarty Zhigang He (post-doc)
Steve F. HeinemannNeurotransmitter Receptors19621967 Matthew S. Meselson (grad student)
Larisa A. Heiphetzdevelopment, cognition Psychology2013 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Richard M. HeldVisual perception Psychology Psychology Georg von Bekesy (grad student), Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Harry Helsonperception1924 Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
Matthew L. Hemminghttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 2007 Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student)
Michael Hendricks20082013 Yun Zhang (post-doc)
Jay A. Hennigcomputational neuroscience20212024 Samuel Gershman (post-doc)
Takao K. Henschcritical period, visual cortex, GABA, sleep
Allison M. Hermanncognitive psychology Psychology19861987 Stephen Kosslyn (research assistant)
Susan F. Hermes2007 Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Kristian Herreraneural correlates of memory Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
Todd HerringtonParietal cortex, Attention20022007 John A. Assad (grad student)
Dustin HerrmannNeuroscience, Visual system, Optics, Holography, Imaging, All-optical, Feedback, Retina, BCI Molecular and Cellular Biology20162017 Joshua R. Sanes (research scientist)
Richard J. Herrnstein Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student)
Natalie Hershlag2003 Stephen Kosslyn (research assistant)
Lois Hetland2000 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Gregory S HickokLanguage, Aphasia Steven Pinker (post-doc)
Misao HigashiDrosophila Synaptogenesis2002 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
misao higashi kovtundrosophila nmj
Daniel Michael Higgins2009 Jordan Peterson (grad student)
David Grant Colburn Hildebrand Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology20102015 Florian Alois Engert (grad student), Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student), R Clay Reid (collaborator), Alexander Schier (collaborator)
John G. Hildebrandneurobiology, neurophysiology, olfaction, insect neuroethology19621964 John H. Law (research assistant)
Sarah James Hill Biology: Medical Sciences2014 David M. Livingston (grad student)
Philip N. Hineline Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student)
Hajime Hirasawa
Frederick Lee Hisawendocrinology, relaxin
Henry Thadeus Hiz Willard Van Orman Quine (grad student)
Arnold K. Ho2011 James Sidanius (grad student)
New Fei Ho
Kathryn Virginia Hobbs Psychology2014 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Daniel Hoch
Jean-Remy HochmannLanguage Acquisition, Conceptual Development2011 Susan Carey (post-doc)
Bart G. HoebelMotivation, Reward Burrhus Frederic Skinner (research assistant)
Flip (Philippus) J. Hoedemaeker19681969 Don Wayne Fawcett (post-doc)
Jerry A. Hogan ethology1961 E.B. Newman (grad student)
Hinze HogendoornCognitive Neuroscience2006 Thomas A. Carlson (grad student)
James HoggleNeuroscience Biology
Alexander O. Holcombevisual perception, attention19952000 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Nancy Kanwisher (grad student)
Avram J. Holmes20092012 Randy L. Buckner (post-doc), Diego Pizzagalli (grad student)
Frederic L. HolmesHistory of Physiology Everett Mendelsohn (grad student)
Edwin Bissell Holt19011905 William James (grad student), Hugo Münsterberg (post-doc)
Jeffrey R. Holtsensory hair cells
Stephen L. Holtz Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Timothy E. HolyChemical senses, optics and microscopy19972001 Markus Meister (post-doc)
Sabrina HomCell Biology of the Neuron2011 Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student)
Kyle Honeggerolfaction, individual variation, evolution of behavior
Soyon Y. Honghttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student)
Filbert H. Hong nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors2004 Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student)
Youn-Young K. Hong2010 Joshua R. Sanes (grad student)
Elizabeth J. HongSynaptic and circuit mechanisms of olfaction2009 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Y. Kate HongSynaptic specificity and development20042010 Joshua R. Sanes (grad student)
Christine I. Hooker
Bryan M. Hookssynaptic physiology, visual system development20022007 Chinfei Chen (grad student)
Jill Hooley
Jill M. Hooley,
Michael C. Horowitz2007 Stephen P. Rosen (grad student), Alastair Iain Johnston (grad student)
Lisa F. HorowitzOlfaction2000 Linda B. Buck (grad student)
Jonathan HortonVisual System19781983 David Hubel (grad student), Torsten Wiesel (grad student)
H. Robert HorvitzALS1974 James D. Watson (grad student), Walter Gilbert (grad student)
Jeremy G. Hosking
Toshihiko HosoyaRetina20012004 Markus Meister (post-doc)
Helen Xun Hou Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Andrew A. HouckApplied Physics,Photonics,Quantum Information2005 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student), Isaac L. Chuang (grad student)
Rhea M. Howard Psychology Max M. Krasnow (grad student)
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy Irven DeVore (grad student)
Sinisa HrvatinDevelopment Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2013 Douglas A. Melton (grad student)
Shi-Tong T. Hsiehlocomotion2005 Andrew A. Biewener (grad student)
Jeanne L. HsumRNA nuclear export, splicing2008 Robin Reed (grad student)
Caroline K. Hu Biology, Organismic and Evolutionary2015 Hopi E. Hoekstra (post-doc)
Hong-Ye HuQuantum Information, and Computation Physics Physics2022 Susanne F. Yelin (post-doc), Mikhail D. Lukin (post-doc)
Yi-Chieh Huangmicrocircuit, memory, learning
Kuo-Hua Huang Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
David HubelVision Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
A. James HudspethAudition19671974 David Hubel (grad student), Torsten Wiesel (grad student)
Dongsung HuhMotor System, Neural Network20062008 Haim Sompolinsky (grad student)
Yin Pun Hung Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Gary Yellen (grad student)
William A. Hunt19311986 Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
John Nicholas HunterVision2009 Richard T. Born (grad student)
Lindsay E. Hunter Samuel Gershman (research assistant)
Dong Hur Neuroscience20182020 Venkatesh N. Murthy (research assistant)
Leo Hurvich Psychology1914 Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
Karen M. HussarEarly Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology, Nutrition2007 Paul Harris (grad student)
Mai Anh Huynh2010 Azad Bonni (grad student)
Daniel C. HydeDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience20052011 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Steven E. Hyman
Yessenia M. IbarraIon channels and calcium signaling Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2013 David E. Clapham (grad student)
Amanda Y. IeMental control Psychology2014 Daniel Wegner (grad student)
Catherine Inseldevelopment, affect, motivation, fMRI20132018 Leah H. Somerville (grad student)
James Matthew IntriligatorVisual system19901997 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Rizwana Islam2011 Sam Kunes (grad student)
Kazbek Ismailov
Leslie Iversen Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
Allen Ivey David V. Tiedeman (grad student)
Hirohide Iwasakineural circuit formation2007 Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Veronique IzardNumerical Cognition2005 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Orville Jackson2003 Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Alexander C. JacksonNeuroscience, neurophysiology20012006 Bruce P. Bean (grad student)
Anne Jacobi2017 Zhigang He (post-doc)
Ashutosh P. Jadhavdevelopment of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness2005 Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Arezu Jahani AslNeurobiology Azad Bonni (post-doc)
Roman Osipovich JakobsonLinguistics
Matthew E. JakubikSomatic pairing of chromatids, epigenetics
William JamesPsychology Louis Agassiz (post-doc), Jeffries Wyman (grad student)
Lily Y. JanChannel Physiology19771979 Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
Yuh Nung JanDendrite development, Potassium channel19771979 Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
Daniel Janini Psychology2017 Talia Konkle (grad student)
Irene B. Janis2011 Matthew K. Nock (grad student)
Paul A.J. JanssenPsychiatry, neurology, GI, anti-infectives, anti-virals Chemistry1948 Edwin Joseph Cohn (research assistant)
Niels Janssen2005 Alfonso Caramazza (grad student)
Murray JarvikSmoking and addiction19511952 Karl Spencer Lashley (post-doc)
Maya JaySystems Neuroscience
Siddharth JayakumarOlfaction, Nutrient sensing
Robert L. JeanneZoology Biology, General Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Biology1971 Edward Osborne Wilson (grad student)
John B. Jemmott IIIAIDS prevention David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
William P. JencksCatalysis, Enzyme Mechanisms19561957 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc), George Wald (research assistant)
Adrianna C. Jenkinssocial cognition, cognitive neuroscience Psychology Psychology2012 Daniel Wegner (grad student), Jason Mitchell (grad student)
Jane E. JenkinsSocial Cognition2000 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Robert A. Jenkssystems2007 Garrett B. Stanley (grad student)
Herbert Spencer Jennings1896 Edward Laurens Mark (grad student)
Juhee Jeongsonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system2004 Andrew P. McMahon (grad student)
Su Keun JeongVisual cognition Psychology20092014 Yaoda Xu (grad student)
Walt JesteadtAuditory perception, Psychoacoustics, psychophysics David Marvin Green (post-doc)
Thomas C. JhouRMTg, motivated behavior, dopamine Clifford B. Saper (grad student)
Yuhong Jiangattention, visual system
Nick JikomesNeuroethology, sensory processing, motivated behavior2012 Mark Lawrence Andermann (grad student)
Matthew Bonser Johnsoncortical development2010 Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
David C. Johnson20082010 Jason Mitchell (research assistant)
Matthew D. JohnsonBasal ganglia electrophysiology Garrett B. Stanley (research assistant)
Wilsaan M. Joineroculomotor, vestibular, dynamical models School of Engineering and Applied Sciences & Center for Brain Science Maurice A. Smith (post-doc)
Pierre Jolicoeur Stephen Kosslyn (grad student)
Eshin Jollycognitive neuroscience, social cognition Jason Mitchell (research assistant), Joe M. Moran (collaborator)
Zachariah Jonasson2003 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student)
Edward E. Jones1953 Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student)
David Starr JordanIcthyology, Evolution18731873 Louis Agassiz (research assistant)
Thomas A. Jordan1998 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Mehdi JorfiNeurobiological Engineering, Alzheimer's disease
Emilie Josephs Psychology2015 Talia Konkle (grad student)
David H. JungDNA repair, immunology, lymphoma2006 Frederick W. Alt (grad student)
Jan Stefan KaczmarekTRP channels2011 David E. Clapham (grad student)
Jerome Kagan
Jerome Kagan
Konstantinos KagiasNeuroscience OEB2014 Yun Zhang (post-doc)
Michael Jacob KahanaCognitive neuroscience, human memory William K. Estes (post-doc)
Sonya M. KahlenbergAnthropology2006 Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Itamar KahnBrain Systems Organization in Health and Disease2005 Randy L. Buckner (post-doc)
Ursula B. KaiserNeuroendocrine, reproduction William W Chin (post-doc)
Radha KalluriInner Ear Biophysics, Otoacoustic Emissions Christopher A Shera (grad student)
Emir KamenicaEconomics2006 David Laibson (grad student)
Leon J. Kamin1954 Richard Lester Solomon (grad student)
Adam Raymond Kampff2008 Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc), Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
Eric R. KandelLearning and Memory19601962 Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. Kanenavigational strategies of drosophila larva Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Aravinthan Samuel (grad student)
Hyuno Kang2004 Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Sona KangType II diabetes Evan D. Rosen (post-doc)
Elisabeth F. KannerSocial Sciences Education, Secondary Education2005 Mica Pollock (grad student)
Jess Kanwal Neuroscience2013 Aravinthan Samuel (grad student)
Yun-Ching KaoMemory Neuroscience2007 Randy L. Buckner (post-doc)
Robert M. Kaosonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system Biology, Molecular and Cellular2012 Andrew P. McMahon (grad student)
Vikrant Kapoor Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
Harry J. KaravolasNeurosteroids1968 Lewis Libman Engel (post-doc)
Rolf O. KarlstromDevelopment19961999 Alexander Schier (post-doc)
Manfred Karnofsky
Manfred Karnovsky
Jamie KassCell Biology of the Neuron2000 Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student)
Karim S. Kassam20042010 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Bobby KasthuriDevelopment synapse elimination2009 Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc), Juan Carlos Tapia (collaborator), Daniel R. Berger (collaborator)
Curren Katzfunctional imaging, connectivity, cerebellum, numerical cognition, panic, suicide, depression, face viewing, attachment Elizabeth S. Spelke (research assistant)
Charles Kore Kaufman20082016 Leonard I. Zon (post-doc)
Nancy KaufmannDevelopment, axon guidance, synaptogenesis2001 David Van Vactor (grad student)
Risa Kawai20092008 Bence P. Olveczky (grad student), Aravinthan Samuel (research assistant)
Jeremy N. Kay Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Justin Keat19952000 Markus Meister (grad student)
Clyde E. KeelerGenetics, Vision1923 Samuel R. Detwiler (grad student)
Mia O. Keinanen2003 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Fred Simmons Keller1931 Edwin G. Boring (grad student), Walter S. Hunter (grad student)
Jonathan Patrick Kelleystatistics,behavior,bioacoustics19982001 Donald R. Griffin (research assistant)
Stephen P. Kelnermotivation, personality David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
Alexandre Kempfsensory system Brain science20142014 Bence P. Olveczky (grad student)
Donald KennedySynapses1956 Donald R. Griffin (grad student)
Mary B. KennedyMolecular structure and function of central nervous system synapses19751978 Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
Elizabeth Kensingercognitive neuroscience Daniel Schacter (post-doc), Donna Rose Addis (collaborator)
Karla S. Kent John G. Hildebrand (grad student)
Grace Helen Kent Hugo Münsterberg (grad student)
Aaron M. Kerlin20042011 R Clay Reid (grad student)
Judd B. KesslerEconomics2011 David Laibson (grad student)
Manizeh Khanpsycholinguistics Psychology20072013 Jesse Snedeker (grad student)
Navin Khaneja2000 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Vikram KhuranaNeurodegeneration (Drosophila, Yeast, Stem Cell)2006 Mel B. Feany (grad student)
Brett Kia-KeatingDevelopmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Public Health2006 Terrence Tivnan (grad student)
Nico H. KienzlArchitecture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy2002 D Michelle Addington (grad student)
Antonina K. Kiliancognitive neuroscience, neural networks, brain mapping, neurodegeneration, developmental Psychology20242026 Randy L. Buckner (research assistant)
Peter R. KilleenExperimental Psychology19661968 Howard Rachlin (grad student)
Steve M. Kim20002003 Mark G. Baxter (research assistant)
Sonia Nan KimNeurodegeneration, genomics, genetics, cerebral cortex, neurodevelopment
Jungsoo Kim Drew Robson (research assistant), Jennifer Li (research assistant)
John J. Kim Steven Pinker (grad student)
Natalie Kim Lee Rubin (grad student)
HyungGoo R. KimVision, Reward2014 Naoshige Uchida (post-doc)
Daniel J. KimTesting New NMDA channels
William T. Kimberlyhttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 2004 Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student)
Tali KimchiVNO Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Katherine D. Kinzler2008 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Yevgeniy KirpichevskyInternational Law and Relations2009 Stephen P. Rosen (grad student)
Evangelos KiskinisCell Biology, Molecular Neuroscience, Motor Control, Neurobiology of Disease2014 Kevin C. Eggan (post-doc)
Tanya Kisler
Evan M. KleimanPsychology Psychology20142019 Matthew K. Nock (post-doc)
Mason KleinDrosophila Larvae, optogenetics, C. elegans20092009 Aravinthan Samuel (post-doc), Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student)
Joshua P. Kleinneuroscience Martin A. Samuels (post-doc), Allan H. Ropper (post-doc)
Jochen Kleinschmidt1974 John E. Dowling (grad student)
John A. KlingensmithDevelopmental Biology, Craniofacial, Neurobiology, Mouse, Zebrafish19861993 Norbert Perrimon (grad student)
Mark D. KnobelLanguage2009 Alfonso Caramazza (grad student)
Ernst KnobilNeuroendocrinology19511953 Roy O. Greep (post-doc)
Allison Knoll
Raymond Ko2010 Bence P. Olveczky (grad student)
Jane C. Komechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning2004 Li-Huei Tsai (grad student)
Richard Koestnermotivation David Clarence McClelland (post-doc)
Charles A. Kofoidparsitology18911894 Edward Laurens Mark (grad student)
Johannes Kohl Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Daisuke KojimaVision20012004 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Talia Konkle
Melvin KonnerBiological Anthropology Irven DeVore (grad student)
Genevieve Konopkalanguage, evolution, autism20002004 Azad Bonni (grad student)
Eirene KontopoulosIn our laboratory we have created fruit fly models of human neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and a number of less common disorders2007 Mel B. Feany (grad student)
Wouter KoolCognitive control and decision making Psychology Psychology20152019 Fiery A. Cushman (post-doc), Sam J. Gershman (post-doc)
Vuk KoprivicaAxon regeneration2006 Zhigang He (grad student)
Sheldon J. Korchinclinical psychology1946 Gordon W. Allport (grad student)
Christopher A. KoreyPalmitoylation, Neurodegenerative disease2001 David Van Vactor (grad student)
Van D. Koroleva Applied Mathematics2013 Navin Khaneja (grad student)
Heather L Kosakowskidevelopmental cognitive neuroscience LDS Psychology20222015 Elizabeth S. Spelke (research assistant), Randy L. Buckner (post-doc)
Stephen Kosslyn Scott D. Slotnick (collaborator), Laura-Ann Petitto (collaborator)
Dimitar KostadinovNeuroscience Joshua R. Sanes (grad student)
Pallav KosuriMolecular biophysics Chemistry and Chemical Biology2013 Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc)
Zoe Kourtzivisual cognitive neuroscience19982000 Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Mounir Ahmad KoussaTBD
Wilma KoutstaalCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, General Psychology1996 Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Misao E. KovtunDrosophila Neurobiology2009 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Megan N. KozakMental control2005 Daniel Wegner (grad student)
Adrian R. KrainermRNA splicing Tom Maniatis (grad student)
Jerald D. Kralikneuroethologist Marc David Hauser (grad student), Michael E. Hasselmo (grad student), Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student)
Max M. Krasnow
Raul KraussMyelination, Axo-glial communication, Axonal protection Neurobiology Gerald Fischbach (grad student)
Anatol C. KreitzerSynaptic plasticity19982002 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Brenna KriegerVisual system2009 Markus Meister (grad student)
Fenna KrienenfMRI, human connectome, connectivity, cerebellum, prefrontal cortex2007 Randy L. Buckner (grad student), Chet C. Sherwood (post-doc)
P. S. KrishnaprasadControl theory, robotics1977 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Arjun Krishnaswamyretinal circuit development Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Arni KristjanssonVision19972002 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Richard Kuang Otolaryngology David H. Jung (research assistant)
Jennifer T. KubotaSocial Neuroscience 2010 Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (post-doc)
Kishore V. Kuchibhotla20032009 Brian J. Bacskai (grad student)
Edwin Kuh Economics Economics1955 Guy Orcutt (grad student), James Stemble Duesenberry (grad student)
Manuel Kuhnaffective processes and disorders, defensive responding, fear, anxiety, stress Department of Psychiatry2020 Diego Pizzagalli (post-doc)
Scott R. KuindersmaReinforcement Learning
Sharon G. Kujawahearing loss, aging
M Ganesh KumarComputational neuroscience, Reinforcement learning School of Engineering and Applied Sciences School of Engineering and Applied Sciences2023 Cengiz Pehlevan (post-doc), Demba Ba (post-doc)
Maya E. KumarDevelopment2003 Douglas A. Melton (grad student)
Samuel KunesMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Sam Kunes Hermann Steller (post-doc)
Benedek KurdiSocial cognition2014 Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (grad student)
Peri KurshanDrosophila Synaptogenesis and Ion Channels2005 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Kelvin Y. KwanNeuroscience, Stem Cells, Auditory System2002 James C. Wang (grad student)
Adrian S. KwekPhilosophy, Philosophy of Science Philosophy2012 Matthew B. Boyle (grad student)
Kenneth K. Kwongfunctional MRI
Kristen A. La MontDevelopment of Numerical Cognition2008 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Debbie La Plante Nalini Ambady (grad student)
Bruno Laengpsychology, neuroscience Psychology Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc)
Sara M. LafkasHuman Development, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Gender Studies, Women's Studies Human Development and Psychology2012 Helen E. Haste (grad student)
Lucy Laicognitive and computational neuroscience
David LaibsonEconomics
Edward A. Lairdmesoscopic physics2010 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Alice D. Lam
Aaron M Lambert Molecular and Cellular Biology Florian Alois Engert (post-doc)
Carole E. Landisman19972004 Barry W. Connors (post-doc)
Harlan LaneAudiology, Speech Science Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student)
Jacob Willem Langelaanphysiology1901 Henry Pickering Bowditch (post-doc)
Ellen R. Langer
Ellen J. Langer
Herbert Sidney Langfield Floyd Henry Allport (grad student)
Peter T. Lansbury, Jr.http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=781985 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Sylvain Lapan
Ariya D. Lapanmyogenesis Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Andrew Lassar (grad student)
Debi A. LaPlantethin slices, nonverbal communication, dialect theory2001 Nalini Ambady (grad student)
Eric M. Lasaterretina19801985 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Elizabeth Lasater-GuttmannPhilosophy of Neuroscience, Mind, Medicine Philosophy Alison Simmons (grad student)
Karl Spencer LashleyLearning and memory
Andrew Lassarmyogenesis
Tatiana Lau
C. Geoffrey G. LauSynaptic plasticity, inhibitory/GABAergic transmission, olfaction2008 Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
George Varick Lauder1979 Karel Frederik Liem (grad student)
Gibilisco Laurenmotor systems Antoniu L. Fantana (grad student)
Henry Laurens1911 Edward Laurens Mark (grad student)
Benjamin Simon Leader Genetics2003 Philip Leder (grad student)
Sang Ah Lee2009 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Irwin Hubert Lee2003 John A. Assad (grad student)
Tai Sing LeeVisual system David Mumford (grad student)
Wei-Chung Allen LeeNeuroscience2007 R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Jaeeon LeeAction selection, topography, circuit MCB2022 Naoshige Uchida (post-doc)
GaYoung Lee
Ming-Sum LeeNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2002 Li-Huei Tsou (grad student)
Daniel J. Leeauditory system, prosthetics
James J. Lee2011 Steven Pinker (grad student)
Geunwook LeeGeneral, International Law and Relations, European History2002 Stephen P. Rosen (grad student)
Julie L. Lefebvre Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Joseph LefflerVisual System, Retina, LGN20122014 Chinfei Chen (research assistant)
Brendan Peltonen Lehnert Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Maria Kristiina Lehtinen2006 Azad Bonni (grad student)
Michelle D. LeichtmanDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Andrew M. LeiferC. elegans, Neural dynamics, Behavior, Optogenetics20092011 Aravinthan Samuel (grad student)
Mark F. LenzenwegerClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Anthony Leonardoneuroscience Markus Meister (post-doc)
Nicholas A. Lesica Adaptation, estimation, detection, natural scenes, vision Garrett B. Stanley (grad student), Garrett B. Stanley (post-doc)
Yuk Fai LeungVisual system John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Ronald LevantPsychometrics Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology Clinical Psychology and Public Practice19701973 John Shlien (grad student)
Jeremy R LevineSociology Sociology2016 William Julius Wilson (grad student)
Sara Lewis Bill Bossert (grad student)
Linyu LiIon channels and calcium signaling2010 David E. Clapham (grad student)
Yi Li Zhigang He (post-doc)
Meng LiBrain Deocding
Chenguang Li Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Jennifer Li Florian Alois Engert (grad student), Alexander Schier (grad student)
Hongyu Li Yoshito Kishi (post-doc)
Shun LiLearning, synaptic plasticity, BMI, motor systems Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Hongyi Li2004 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Jr-Shin Li2006 Navin Khaneja (grad student)
Qian LiOlfactory system2010 Stephen D. Liberles (post-doc)
Ying LiPheromone system20132012 Jiulin Du (grad student), Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Xiaodong Licircadian rhythm Clifford B. Saper (post-doc)
Jianxue Li
Lei Liretina and olfaction19951999 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Yong LiNeuronal circuitry2007 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Zhengzheng Sophia LiangGenomics and Behavior Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology Chemistry and Chemical Biology2017 Catherine Dulac (post-doc), Xiaowei Zhuang (collaborator)
James (Jimmy) Chienan Liaolocomotion, lateral line19992004 George Varick Lauder (grad student)
Camilo Libedinsky2009 Margaret Livingstone (grad student)
Stephen D. LiberlesOlfaction and pheromone signaling, Vagus nerve1999 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Deborah M. Licht2001 Jill Hooley (grad student)
Erika Lichter Public Health19992003 Laura Ann McCloskey (grad student)
Jeff W. Lichtman
Joseph C. R. LickliderPsychoacoustics, information processing Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Matthew Dylan Liebermansocial cognitive neuroscience19931999 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Brendan N. LilleyNeural development
Michael Z. LinProtein engineering applied to visualizing and controlling signal transduction19962002 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Jerry Wynie Lin2002 Morgan Sheng (grad student)
James J. Lin2010 Navin Khaneja (grad student)
Donald Benjamin Lindsleyneurophysiology, cortex, thalamus19331935 Hallowell Davis (post-doc), Alexander Forbes (post-doc)
Gardner Lindzey Gordon W. Allport (grad student)
Brian A. Linkretinal development19982001 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Christiane LinsterOlfaction19941997 Michael E. Hasselmo (post-doc)
Jean Lipman-BlumenManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology Social Relations Social Relations1970 Talcott Parsons (grad student), Florence Kluckhohn (grad student)
Stuart A. LiptonNeurodegenerative Disease1977 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Jennifer Suzanne Liptondevelopment, cognition2005 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Adriana Lira-OliverArchitecture, Neuroscience Biology, Design and Decorative Arts2006 D Michelle Addington (grad student)
John Lismanhippocampus, neurophysiology19721974 George Wald (post-doc)
James A. Lister Margaret A. Baron (grad student)
Alan Michael LitkeParticle physics, Neuroscience Biology1970 Richard Wilson (grad student)
Nadia Kathryn LittermanCerebellar granule neuron development20052011 Azad Bonni (grad student)
Wendy Wing-Heng Liu Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2014 Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Xiao Ping LiuAuditory System Jeffrey R. Holt (post-doc)
Judy Shih-Hwa Liuneuronal differentiation, doublecortin, polarity, epilepsy, circadian rhythms20042009 Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Jinyue Liu Joshua R. Sanes (grad student), William A. Harris (research assistant)
Cambrian Y. Liuolfaction, enteric nervous system20022005 Venkatesh N. Murthy (research assistant)
Sophia Liu Harvard Biophysics2018 Fei Chen (grad student)
Jia Liu
Jian LiuVisual neuroscience, GABA receptors20092010 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
He Liu Yun Zhang (post-doc)
Ding Liusocial behaviors
Shari Liucognitive development; infants; social cognition Psychology2014 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Jean Livet Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Margaret LivingstoneVision David Hubel (post-doc), Edward Kravitz (grad student)
Jennifer A. LocontoOlfaction2002 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Simona Lodato Paola Arlotta (post-doc)
Kyle Loh Harvard Stem Cell Institute Harvard Stem Cell Institute20082009 Douglas A. Melton (research assistant), Kevin C. Eggan (research assistant)
Kelly M. LohrVMAT2, dopamine, Parkinson's disease
Eric O. Loken2001 Jerome Kagan (grad student)
Tania LombrozoConcepts, causation20022006 Susan Carey (grad student)
Bria L. Longvisual cognition, development, language and thought Talia Konkle (grad student)
Bill Lotter Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Karl O. LovbladMagnetic resonance Imaging19961997 Steven Warach (research scientist)
Chris J. Lowe Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc)
Adam S Lowetreinforcement learning, decision-making Molecular and Cellular Biology20182024 Naoshige Uchida (grad student)
Carlos Manuel LoyaNeurobiology, microRNA, synapses, actin20062011 David Van Vactor (grad student)
Cindy Chi-wen LuDevelopmental biology, neurobiology
Ju Lu20042008 Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student)
R Duncan Lucemathematics, psychology
Gigi Luk
Helge Lundholm
Thomas Zhihao Luo Department of Neurobiology20122016 John HR Maunsell (grad student)
Linjiao LuoC. elgans, behavior, drosophila2009 Aravinthan Samuel (grad student)
Olesya Luraschi
Alice Ly
Krissy A. LyonNeuroscience, serotonin
Peijun MaInfectious Diseases2015 Deborah T. Hung (post-doc)
Qiufu MaDevelopment and function of sensory circuitry
Donald Wallace MacKinnon Henry A. Murray (grad student)
Paul Ryan MacNeilageVisual-vestibular interaction19941996 Marc David Hauser (research assistant)
Lucy H. MacPhailHealth Care Management, Organizational2010 Amy C. Edmondson (grad student)
Spandan MadanVision
Kevin P. MadoreMemory, imagination, specificity induction, goals2011 Daniel Schacter (grad student), Stephanie A. Gagnon (collaborator)
Pascal J. MaenhoutEconomics2000 David Laibson (grad student), John Y. Campbell (grad student)
Laura M. Magnotti nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors2010 Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student)
Caterina MagriObject perception, Conceptual knowledge2013 Alfonso Caramazza (grad student), Talia Konkle (grad student)
Brendan MaherSchizophrenia
Bradford Z. Mahoncognitive neuropsychology2009 Alfonso Caramazza (grad student)
Kate Mahoney20042006 Jeff W. Lichtman (research assistant)
David Maillet
Gaby Maimon19992005 John A. Assad (grad student)
James Malcolm Robert L. Trivers (grad student)
Amy MalickDevelopment, visual system2000 Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Athar N. MalikNeural Circuits, Neuronal Transcription, Genomics, Neurosurgery Molecular and Cellular Biology20182020 Naoshige Uchida (post-doc)
Vera Maljkovic19901994 Ken Nakayama (grad student)
William T. MallonHigher Education, Administration Education2000 Richard P. Chait (grad student)
Frank B. Mallory
Bettina MalnicOlfaction Linda B. Buck (post-doc)
Ryan T. MaloneyVision Organismic and Evolutionary Biology2020 Benjamin L. de Bivort (post-doc)
Nitasha ManchandaGenetics, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology2005 Vijaya Ramesh (grad student)
Jean Matter Mandler Department of Social Relations1956 Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student)
Stuart C. Mangelretina19811984 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Tom ManiatisRegulation of RNA Transcription and Splicing, The Role of Neuroinflammation in ALS, Neurobiology of Disease, Synapses and Circuits, Stem Cell Biology, ALS Disease Mechanisms, Genetic Basis of Neurological Diseases Mark Ptashne (post-doc)
Andrew Maniotis
David V MankusElectron Microscopy, neuroscience, cell biology, nanomaterials Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology2016 Joshua R. Sanes (research scientist), Jeff W. Lichtman (research scientist)
Dara S. ManoachSchizophrenia Psychology Psychology Brendan Maher (grad student), Philip S. Holzman (grad student)
Abdol-Reza Mansouri2004 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Joseph A. MarcusAnthropology2003 Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Charles Masamed Marcusmesoscopic physics1990 Robert M. Westervelt (grad student)
Alan R. Mardinly Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of20072013 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Tim Y. Marianoneuromodulation, tDCS, neural engineering, prefrontal cortical function, neural engineering, functional electrical stimulation (FES)20012003 Garrett B. Stanley (research assistant)
Anat Maril2003 Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Timothy MarkmanNeuromodulation Antoniu L. Fantana (research assistant), Bence P. Olveczky (research assistant)
Jeffrey E. MarkowitzBasal ganglia, biosensors, motor control, machine learning Cognitive & Neural Systems GRS2014 Timothy J. Gardner (grad student)
Lawrence Eduard MarksMultisensory Integration19621965 George A. Miller (grad student)
James Marrs
Abigail A. Marsh2004 Nalini Ambady (grad student)
Nicholas Marsh-Armstrong1994 John E. Dowling (grad student)
David W. Marshakretina19821984 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Jesse D. MarshallMotor Systems, Striatum, Technology Development Organismic and Evolutionary Biology2016 Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc)
Christine Marshall-WalkerGuided research, bioethics Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Chad J. Marsolek19901992 Stephen Kosslyn (grad student), Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Paolo MartiniVision19982006 Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Javier Alejandro MasisCognition Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology20142020 David Cox (grad student), David Cox (grad student)
Francis Kei Masuda20122015 Sandeep Robert Datta (research assistant)
Alexander Mathis
Mackenzie Weygandt Mathis20132017 Naoshige Uchida (grad student)
Sara MatiasSystems Neuroscience, Learning, Behavior, Serotonin, Dopamine Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology Naoshige Uchida (post-doc)
Jonathan I. MatsuiVisual system, auditory system, zebrafish20032006 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Humberto MaturanaVisual System, Cybernetics1959 George B. Chapman (grad student)
Ernst MayrEvolutionary Biology
Camille MazoOlfaction, Visual Cortex
Ofer Mazor Markus Meister (post-doc)
Soumyajit MazumderPolitical Science Government Government Government Economics Government20152020 Daniel Carpenter (grad student), Ryan Enos (grad student), Jennifer Hochschild (grad student), Nathan Nunn (grad student), Matthew L. Blackwell (grad student)
James E. Mazur Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student)
Dan P. McAdamsidentity, personality David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
Robert B. McCallClinical Psychology, Women's Studies Jerome Kagan (post-doc)
Hannah G. McCalmonolfaction, chemical senses, perception
Corey M. McCannSynaptic stability Joshua R. Sanes (grad student)
Martha K. McClintockOlfaction, endocrinology, cancer1971 Edward Osborne Wilson (research assistant)
Douglas T. McCluremesoscopic physics Physics2012 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Susan K. McConnell1987 Simon LeVay (grad student)
Meghan C. McCord
Dana C. McCoyBehavioral Psychology, Public and Social Welfare, Developmental Psychology Sociology2013 Patrick T. Sharkey (grad student)
William McDougallpsychology
Michael Brian McElroy2005 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Deborah L. McEwan2010 Sam Kunes (grad student)
Jason Marcus McEwen2007 Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student)
Matthew Robert McGillAudition, Hearing Loss
Craig P. McGowanlocomotion2006 Andrew A. Biewener (grad student)
Claire Elizabeth McKellar2006 Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Ian McLachlan20112016 Maxwell Heiman (grad student)
Andrew P. McMahonsonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system
Douglas G. McMahonretina and circadian rhythms19851990 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Ryan McMillanbiophysics
Richard J. McNally
Robert Forbes McNaughton, Jr.1951 Willard Van Orman Quine (grad student)
David McNeillGesture, language Roger Brown (grad student)
Robert M. McPeek19921997 Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Malinda J. McPhersonAuditory Neuroscience, Auditory Psychophysics, Creativity
James R. Medfordmesoscopic physics Physics2013 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Sara C. Mednicksleep memory learning2003 Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Sean G. Megasonsonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system2001 Andrew P. McMahon (grad student)
Jacques Mehler19621964 George A. Miller (grad student)
Samuel A Mehrcognitive science, music
Yaron MeirovitchMotor System, Connectomics Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Steven Lee MeislerCognitive Neuroscience, fMRI, DWI, Development, Reading, Dyslexia
Alexander MeissnerGenetics, Neuroscience Biology
Luis Antonio Mejia Neurobiology2013 Azad Bonni (grad student)
Shila MekhoubadStem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases2011 Kevin C. Eggan (grad student)
Nancy K. Mellodrug addiction Burrhus Frederic Skinner (post-doc)
Craig Cameron MelloRegulation of gene expression1990 Dan Stinchcomb (grad student), Victor Ambros (grad student)
Edward G. Meloni William A. Carlezon (research scientist)
Douglas A. MeltonDevelopment
William S. MenegasDecision Making2013 Naoshige Uchida (grad student)
Jeff Mentch
Robert K. MertonSocial theory, deviance, sociology of science Sociology Sociology History Sociology19311938 Talcott Parsons (grad student), Pitirim Sorokin (research assistant), George Sarton (grad student), Lawrence Joseph Henderson (grad student)
Marsel Mesulam Norman Geschwind (post-doc)
Barbara J. MeyerGenetics1979 Mark Ptashne (grad student)
Michaela MeyerNeuroethology, Audition, Mechanosensory systems
Cynthia A. Meyersburg2010 Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Imtisaal Miansleep disorders, immune based therapies
Mimi D. Michaelson2002 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Stanley Milgram
Gregory Ross MillerDiabetes
Cory T. Millerprimate auditory system, neurobiology and behavior19992003 Marc David Hauser (grad student)
Daniel J. MillmanComputation, Olfactory Circuits2011 Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student)
Alex Millner
Charles D. Mills
A.W. Mills Psychology Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Matthias Minderer
Michele Miozzo2000 Alfonso Caramazza (grad student)
Alfred E. MirskyMolecular biology Lawrence Joseph Henderson (grad student)
Thomas Misgeld20002006 Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Pranav Misra Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Jason Mitchell2003 Daniel Schacter (grad student), Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (post-doc)
Partha Pratim Mitra Physics1993 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Stephen R. Mitroff2002 Daniel J. Simons (grad student)
Karolina Mizerackadevelopment of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Kevin Mizesbiophysics, neuroscience of behavior
Haruo MizutaniNeural circuits, Synaptic connectivity, 3D imaging Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Sebastian Moguilner
Siddharth MohandasInternational Relations Government2012 Stephen P. Rosen (grad student)
Johanna B. MollerstromEconomics Economics2013 David Laibson (grad student)
Bradley J. Molyneaux20112006 Paola Arlotta (post-doc), Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
Sadie C. Monaghan Psychology2014 Jill Hooley (grad student)
Aboozar MonavarfeshaniVisual system Center for Brain science2018 Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Dileep D. MonieSystems Immunology, Regenerative Bioengineering, Neuro-Oncology Biomedical Engineering Wyss Institute Sujata K. Bhatia (research assistant), Peng Yin (research assistant)
Robert Jon Monroe2001 Philip Leder (grad student)
Tessa G MontagueThe neural basis of cuttlefish camouflage Molecular and Cellular Biology20112018 Alexander Schier (grad student)
Jean-Pierre MontmayeurTaste Linda B. Buck (post-doc)
Wilbert E. Moore Sociology1940 Talcott Parsons (grad student)
Jeffrey D. Moore20152022 Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Magdalene M. Moran2003 David E. Clapham (grad student)
Stewart T. MoranImmunology2005 Shiv Pillai (grad student)
Seana Moran2006 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Joe M. Morancognitive neuroscience, social cognition, autism, mentalizing
Ari S. MorcosDeep Learning, Decision Making, Systems Neuroscience, Neural Circuitry
J. Ryan MoreheadMotor Learning, Motor Control, Decision-Making, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences20152019 Maurice A. Smith (post-doc)
Kirsten Morehouse
Carlos A. Morenolocomotion2010 Andrew A. Biewener (grad student)
Carey K. MorewedgeSocial Cognition2006 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Joshua L. Morgan2009 Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Richard I. Morimoto19781982 Matthew S. Meselson (post-doc)
James Gunnar Morin1970 Ian M. Cooke (grad student), John (Woody) Woodland Hastings (grad student)
István A. Móroczneuroimaging Balázs Gulyás (grad student)
Charles Morris Psychology George H. Mead (grad student)
Frederick James Morrison1971 Marshall Myron Haith (grad student)
Camille Morvandecision making, eye movements20102012 Patrick Cavanagh (post-doc)
Tim MoscaNuclear Import and Drosophila Synapse Development20042009 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Timothy James Mosca2009 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Cody J. Moser Psychology20182022 Samuel A Mehr (grad student)
Steven B. MostAttention, perception, emotion, individual differences19972002 Daniel J. Simons (grad student)
Mohammed A Mostajo-RadjiDevelopmental neuroscience Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Paola Arlotta (grad student)
Samuel Taylor Moulton2008 Stephen Kosslyn (grad student)
Navid Mousavi Neurology2023 Michael Tri H. Do (grad student)
Martin H. MoynihanAnimal Behavior, Ethology, Systematics, Gulls (Laridae), Cephalopods,19551957 Ernst Mayr (post-doc)
Sahil MozaLearning and Memory, systems neuroscience, computational neuroscience Organismal and Evolutionary Biology2022 Yun Zhang (post-doc)
Paul J. MuentenerConceptual Development2009 Susan Carey (grad student)
Joshua W. Mugfordsonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system2008 Andrew P. McMahon (grad student)
Fanuel Muindi Molecular and Cellular Biology20082013 Craig Heller (grad student)
Cora Mukerji2013 Charles A. Nelson (grad student)
Eric M. Mulhall
David MumfordComputer vision1961 Oscar A. Zariski (grad student)
Hugo MünsterbergPsychology
Ikuya Murakami Patrick Cavanagh (post-doc)
Alexander J. Murphycortical development
Emily R. MurphyBehavioral neuroscience, neuroethics20012003 Mark G. Baxter (research assistant)
Henry A. MurrayMotivation, TAT, psychoanalysis1923 Carl Gustav Jung (post-doc), Alfred North Whitehead (post-doc)
Lewis C. Murtaughmyogenesis2000 Andrew Lassar (grad student)
Venkatesh N. Murthyinformation processing by neural circuits
Rajamanickam Murugan20072008 Gabriel Kreiman (post-doc)
Richard Morris Myers19821985 Tom Maniatis (post-doc)
Michael H. MyogaNeurophysiology2011 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Jacob Nachmias Psychology1955 William John Crozier (grad student)
Mireya F. Nadal-VicensNeuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse2003 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Katherine I. Nagel20082014 Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc)
Scott Raymon Naisbitt2001 Morgan Sheng (grad student)
Sadia NajmiMental control2008 Daniel Wegner (grad student)
Ken NakayamaVision
Peter E. Nathan1962 Saul Rosenzweig (grad student)
Saul S. Navavisual ecolgy, behavioral ecology, evolution, visual system John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Martha Raluca Neagubrain tumors
Jason Bennett Neal2010 Chris A. Walsh (grad student)
Leigh A. Needlemansynapse development and plasticity2011 Catherine Dulac (research scientist)
Ulric Neisserretired1956 Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student), George A. Miller (research assistant)
Peter T. Nelsonneurodegenerative disease, neuropathology Clifford B. Saper (grad student)
Ingrid M. NembhardHealth Care Management, Management Business Administration2007 Amy C. Edmondson (grad student)
Jason Nemirow Psychology Psychology Psychology20182022 Steven Pinker (grad student), Max M. Krasnow (collaborator), Fiery A. Cushman (collaborator)
Nicole L. NeubarthSomatosensory system, mechanosensation, spinal cord physiology20132013 David D. Ginty (grad student), Ruth Anne Eatock (grad student)
Allen NeuringerAnimal Behavior, Variability, Randomness19621967 Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student)
Nora S. NewcombeSpatial Cognition, Cognitive Development19721976 Jerome Kagan (grad student), Giorgio Ganis (collaborator)
Brandi J. NewellSocial, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, fMRI20102015 Jason Mitchell (grad student), Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (grad student)
E.B. Newman Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
A. Jamila Newtonsynaptic plasticity20032007 Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student)
Amy M. NiPerception Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 John HR Maunsell (grad student)
John G. NichollsRegeneration, synaptic physiology Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
T Richard Nichols James C. Houk (grad student)
Harry S. NickTraumatic Injury,Gene Regulation, Inflammatory Response, Free Radicals, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19821985 Walter Gilbert (post-doc)
Muriel NiederleBEHAVIORAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS2002 David Laibson (grad student)
Jared A. Nielsenfunctional connectivity2014 Randy L. Buckner (post-doc)
Laura Niemi Psychology Steven Pinker (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. NighNeuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse2003 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Mary McAllister Nijhout Biology19701975 Lynn M. Riddiford (grad student)
Yuliya NikolovaEmotion processing, Genetics20062009 Diego Pizzagalli (research assistant)
Sheila NirenbergRetina19931998 Markus Meister (post-doc), Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Gladwyn Kingsley Noble19161918 Thomas Barbour (research assistant)
Matthew K. Nock
Erik Christopher NookEmotion, Clinical Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Development Psychology Psychology20152015 Christine I. Hooker (grad student), Leah H. Somerville (grad student)
Kenneth A. NormanHuman memory & learning Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Valentin André NormandNeuroscience Neuroscience Bence P. Olveczky (research assistant)
Brian J. Norris Ronald L. Calabrese (grad student)
Michael Norsworthy20122017 Zhigang He (grad student)
Rebecca J. NorwickSocial Cognition2005 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Alvin Novick Donald R. Griffin (post-doc)
Bennett Novitchneural development, spinal cord, cortex, neurogenesis, organoids, neural stem cell, circuit formation, neurodevelopmental disorders, disease modeling Andrew Lassar (grad student)
Richard S. Nowakowski Pasko Rakic (grad student)
Dan W. Nowakowski2010 John Flanagan (grad student)
Colin A. Nursecarotid body, hypoxia Edwin Furshpan (grad student)
Lauren A. O'ConnellBehavioral neuroendocrinology
Alan C. O'Connor2011 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Timothy J. O'DonnellLanguage development, language comprehension2011 Jesse Snedeker (grad student)
Kevin Nicholas OchsnerSocial Cognition, Emotion, fMRI Daniel Schacter (grad student), Stephen Kosslyn (grad student), Daniel T. Gilbert (post-doc)
Isaac Oderberg
Judith Mosinger Ogilvieretinal development and degeneration1983 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Yoko OkadoFalse memory
Ian A. OldenburgNeuroscience Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of20092014 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
James OldsBrain self-stimulation19471952 Richard Lester Solomon (grad student)
Shawn R. OlsenVisual system, Cortical circuits20042009 Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Bence P. Olveczkyvocal learning in the songbird, Motor sequence learning in rodents 2003 Markus Meister (grad student)
Adam Omarybrain development, puberty, hormones2022 Leah H. Somerville (grad student)
Alexei OnatskiEconomics2001 David Laibson (grad student)
Sara Onvanibrain tumor molecular biology, neural circuitry20112011 Sandeep Robert Datta (research scientist)
Dalila G. Ordonezsynaptic plasticity, neurodegeneration
Lauren Orefice20082013 Baoji Xu (grad student)
Michael B. Orger Florian Alois Engert (post-doc)
Stuart H. OrkinGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Lianna R. Orlandometabotropic glutamate receptors2001 Anne B. Young (grad student)
Jonathan Garst Orozco2009 Bence P. Olveczky (grad student)
Marlene Oscar-Berman19681970 Charles Gross (post-doc)
Miriam E. Osterfield2006 John Flanagan (grad student)
Jessica A. OsterhoutNeural basis of immune-driven behaviors2016 Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Timothy Otchy20082011 Bence P. Olveczky (research scientist)
Megan K. OthusStatistics2009 Yi Li (grad student)
Long Ouyangsemantic cognition20092010 Yuhong Jiang (research assistant), Susan Carey (research assistant), Ken Nakayama (research assistant), Steven Pinker (research assistant)
Philip D. Owrutsky Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Navin Khaneja (grad student)
Betül Özçimen Department of Psychology20162017 Ellen J. Langer (research assistant)
Kadir OzkanRegenerative Neuroscience, Induced Neurogenesis
Hari PadmanabhanDevelopmental Neurobiology
Jessica Page Zhigang He (post-doc)
Tracie Paine William A. Carlezon (post-doc)
Michio Wendell Painter Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2014 Larry I. Benowitz (grad student)
Petra E. PajtasLanguage processing, Verbs, Reward Processing, Social Stress20072008 Diego Pizzagalli (research assistant), Alfonso Caramazza (research assistant)
Sumon K. Pal Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
German Palafox PalafoxVisual cognition Psychology19891994 Ken Nakayama (grad student), Philip S. Holzman (grad student)
Alberto R. Palleroni
Richard DeForest Palmiterneuropeptide signaling, receptor biology Fotis Kafatos (post-doc)
Yuchin Albert PanStress, development, imaging, brain mapping2006 Alexander Schier (post-doc)
Alexia PanayiotouSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology2001 Carol Gilligan (grad student)
Greta C. PanovaAlgebraic and enumerative combinatorics, aspects of and applications to algebra, representation theory, probability and statistical mechanics, biology2011 Richard Stanley (grad student)
Erica L. PantagesOlfaction2002 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Christos Papadelis
Fabio PapesOlfactory system20012003 Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Natasha ParikhEmotion Psychology Leah H. Somerville (post-doc)
Sungwoo ParkExoskeleton, Locomotor adaptation, Neurorehabilitation, Motor Learning
Sohee ParkMemory, Schizophrenia, Self Disorders, Creativity, Social Neuroscience19851991 Philip S. Holzman (grad student), Stephen Kosslyn (grad student)
Kevin Park
Jeongho Park Psychology2018 Talia Konkle (post-doc)
Holly A. Parker2004 Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Yvonne Parsons OEB2000 Kerry L Shaw (post-doc)
Marco D. PasermanEconomics2000 David Laibson (grad student)
Stan Pashkovskicircuits, olfaction, imaging, innate responses2010 Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student), Leslie C. Griffith (research assistant)
Jeremiah Paskusglia
Elisabeth S. PasquiniDevelopmental Psychology2006 Paul Harris (grad student)
Leonard Magruder Passano, III1948 John H. Welsh, Jr. (research assistant)
Paola Patella
Gentry N. PatrickUbiquitin Proteasome System, Neurodegenerative Disease2000 Li-Huei Tsai (grad student)
Edward H. Patzeltcomputational psychiatry, reinforcement learning
Bruna S. PaulsenPluripotent Stem Cells HSCI2017 Paola Arlotta (post-doc)
Nathan A. PaxtonGeneral, International Relations2010 Stephen P. Rosen (grad student)
Joseph M. PaxtonMoral judgment/decision-making, cognitive neuroscience Psychology2014 Joshua D. Greene (grad student)
Hannah L. Payne20092010 Chinfei Chen (research assistant)
Jessica Payne Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Andrew Preston Peabody18261833 John Farrar (grad student)
Jonah E Pearl Neurobiology20202026 Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student)
Alan L. Pearlmanvisual system, development, David Hubel (post-doc), Torsten Wiesel (post-doc)
Marius V. PeelenPerception, Attention, Vision, Emotion, fMRI, Social Neuroscience2009 Alfonso Caramazza (post-doc)
Cengiz Pehlevan20112013 Haim Sompolinsky (post-doc)
Benjamin R. Peirce2006 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Yi-Rong PengNeuroscience2012 Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Irene M. PepperbergLearning and cognition in birds1976 William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
David R. Pepperberg19731976 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Ross V. PerakOlfaction2006 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Ernest G. PeraltaNeuroscience Biology
Ana Isabel PereiraFear, Auditory Neuroscience, RNAi, AAV vectors OEB20152019 Yun Zhang (post-doc)
Brian D. Perkinsretinal development20002004 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Norbert Perrimon
Raniero L. Peru Sam Kunes (post-doc)
Andrew J. PetersSystems20082008 Daniel C. Hyde (research assistant)
Maureen A. Petersdevelopment of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness2002 Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Dennis G. Peters Chemistry19591962 James J. Lingane (grad student)
Phillip E. Peterson2004 Jerome Kagan (grad student)
Laura-Ann PetittoLanguage & Development Roger Brown (grad student)
Creola Petrescu
Carol R. Philips2000 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Ariel I. A. Phillips
Naree PhinyawatanaArchitecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Civil Engineering2006 D Michelle Addington (grad student)
Gerald PhoSystems Neuroscience Organismic & Evolutionary Biology2017 Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc)
Valerie I. Photos2010 Matthew K. Nock (grad student)
Shiv PillaiImmunology
Steven PinkerLanguage19761979 Stephen Kosslyn (grad student), Laura-Ann Petitto (collaborator), Roger Brown (grad student)
Xaq Pitkow2006 Markus Meister (grad student)
Diego Pizzagalli
Dillon Plunkettcognitive neuroscience, high-level reasoning, conscious cognition Psychology2015 Joshua D. Greene (grad student)
Rajesh Poddar2009 Bence P. Olveczky (grad student)
Amanda PogueDevelopmental Psychology, Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition, Cognitive Development, Conceptual Development20082008 Jesse Snedeker (research assistant)
Karen R. PolenskeInput-output economics19611966 Wassily Wassilyovitch Leontief (grad student)
Seth David Pollakearly experience, emotion Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19901992 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Alexander A. Pollenbrain evolution & genetics20032005 Hans A. Hofmann (research assistant)
Mica PollockEducational Psychology Education, Public and Social Welfare
Thomas Anthony Pologrutocortical circuits2005 Karel Svoboda (post-doc)
Sonia Poltoratskivisual system, cognitive neuroscience20092011 Yaoda Xu (research scientist)
Jeffrey PolzerIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration
Carlos Ramon PonceVisual system, motion processing20032009 Richard T. Born (grad student)
Lorena Pont-LezicaVNO20012008 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Franchino S. PorciunculaMotor control, motor learning, robotics, stroke, movement disorders, Huntington's disease, vestibular disorders2017 Conor J. Walsh (post-doc)
Elena B. Porromechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning2000 Li-Huei Tsai (grad student)
Keith R. PorterEM, organelles1938 Leigh Hoadley (grad student)
Katie PorterVision
Ruben Portugues20062014 Florian Alois Engert (post-doc)
Jessica R. PoserArt Education, Theory and Methods2007 Helen E. Haste (grad student)
Leo PostmanPerception, memory1947 Gordon W. Allport (grad student)
Ron M. Potokmesoscopic physics2006 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
David Potter Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
Mary C. Potter1961 Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student)
Alexandros Poulopoulos Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Lindsey J. Powellsocial psychology Psychology2012 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Jennifer R. PowellGenetics20042009 Frederick Michael Ausubel (post-doc)
Katherine E. PowersSocial Neuroscience Leah H. Somerville (grad student)
Elizabeth PradoHealth and cognition School of Public health Anuraj Shankar (post-doc)
Sandeep Prasada Developmental Pycholinguistics Steven Pinker (grad student)
Drazen PrelecNeuroeconomics Psychology Psychology R Duncan Luce (grad student), Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student)
Daniel Prescott19231970 Walter F. Dearborn (grad student)
Richard David Present1935 Edwin Crawford Kemble (grad student)
Sidney L. Presseyeducational psychology1917 Robert Mearns Yerkes (grad student), Hugo Münsterberg (grad student)
Jesse PrestonMental control2005 Daniel Wegner (grad student)
Karl H. PribramPsychology, frontal lobe Karl Spencer Lashley (post-doc)
Morton Prince1879 William James (grad student)
Jacob S PrinceCognitive neuroscience, visual system, machine learning, sensory perception Psychology20182019 Talia Konkle (research assistant)
David A. ProberGenetic and Neural Circuits that Regulate Sleep Biology and Biological Engineering2009 Alexander Schier (post-doc)
Erik ProckoMembrane Protein Structure and Function, Molecular Recognition, Neurotransmitters, Taste, G Protein-Coupled Receptors2008 Rachelle Gaudet (grad student)
Clifford Ladd Prosser Hallowell Davis (post-doc)
Tomasz Jacek ProszynskiSynaptogenesis
Dasha Pruss
Brent J. Pryor2007 Navin Khaneja (grad student)
Glen A. Pu1978 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Nancy M. PuccinelliSocial Cognition2000 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Claudio PunzoRetinal degeneration
Michelino PuopoloNeurobiology
Sidharth Venkata Puram2011 Azad Bonni (grad student)
Lijun Qineuroscience
Lechen Selina QianNeuroscience MCO MCO MCB20182024 Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student), Naoshige Uchida (grad student), Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Haohua Qianretina19921996 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Jiang Qian2007 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Menglu QianNeurodegenerative diseases2014 Kevin C. Eggan (grad student)
XiaoXi Qiao Douglas A. Melton (post-doc)
Yuqi QinNervous system Yun Zhang (grad student)
Giorgia QuadratoNeurobiology, pulripotent stem cells, neural stem cells, brain organoids SCRB Paola Arlotta (post-doc)
Kathleen B. Quast Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2013 Takao K. Hensch (grad student)
Arie Queridosocial medicine, psychiatry1923 Alexander Forbes (research assistant), Walter Bradford Cannon (research assistant)
Willard Van Orman Quine Alfred North Whitehead (grad student)
Arnold R RabinRetinal Electrophysiology Nutrition Billy Rex Wooten (grad student), Kenneth C Hayes (grad student)
Mohammed Mostafizur RahmanSocial Behavior, Sensory systems, hypothalamus, Amygdala, hippocampus, stress
Tommi RaijHuman, TMS, MEG, EEG, fMRI, Tractography, Physiology, Neuropsychiatry, Source modeling, Instrumentation John W. Belliveau (post-doc)
Kaveri RajaramanRetinal neuroscience20042009 Markus Meister (grad student)
Prashant C. Raju20202021 Sam J. Gershman (research assistant)
Pavan Ramdyabrain and behavioral plasticity20042008 Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
Vijaya RameshGenetics, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology
German A. Ramirez-GarciaHigher Education2005 Richard P. Chait (grad student)
Ayush Vasant RanawadeComputational Biology
Ayush RanawadeComputational Biology
David G. Randcooperation, game theory, evolution of cooperation, dual process, intuition, deliberation Systems Biology20062009 Martin Nowak (grad student)
Robert R. RandoBiochemistry of Vision Konrad Bloch (post-doc)
Antonio RangelNeuroeconomics1998 Eric S. Maskin (grad student), Alberto Alesina (grad student)
Michael RapeCell cycle, Ubiquitin Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc)
Irit Rappleyhttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 2009 Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student)
Salvatore Rocco RappoccioPhysics Physics Physics20002005 Andrew D. Foland (grad student), Melissa Bronwen Franklin (grad student)
Ruwan N. RatnayakeElectronics and Electrical Engineering2008 Gu-yeon Wei (grad student)
Elio RaviolaMorphology, visual system
Joseph RaymanNeuroendocrinology MCB19982002 Brian David Dynlacht (grad student)
Sasha RayshubskiyDrosophila systems neuroscience
Esteban A. RealVisual system Physics2012 Markus Meister (grad student)
Eric A. ReavisMRI, Psychophysics, Perceptual Learning, Visual Perception in Mental Illness20072008 Arash (Seyed Reza) Afraz (research assistant)
Robin ReedmRNA nuclear export, splicing Tom Maniatis (grad student)
Hannah E. Reese2010 Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Wade G. Regehr
Jasmine DS Reggiani
Pamela Reinagelvisual system, computation & theory19901994 Markus Meister (post-doc), Mark Ptashne (grad student)
Jon Reiskindarachnology, systematics, evolution, ecology, biodiversity Museum of Comparative Zoology19621967 Herbert W. Levi (grad student)
Xiangyu RenNeuroscience, Sensory Biology, Interoception20142015 Qiufu Ma (research assistant)
Susan C.P. RennBehavioral genomics20022006 Hans A. Hofmann (post-doc)
Jonathan Renshon Stephen P. Rosen (grad student), Alastair Iain Johnston (grad student)
John B. ReppasVisual system2002 R Clay Reid (grad student)
Nicholas Dickon ReppucciChildren and Law1968 Jerome Kagan (grad student)
Tom ReuterVision, hearing, sensory thresholds19691970 George Wald (post-doc)
Jean-Paul RevelGap junctions Biochemistry1957 Eric Glendinning Ball (grad student)
J. Steven ReznickCognitive development, working memory19791987 Jerome Kagan (grad student)
Jessica D. Ribeirosuicidal behavior
Heather C. Ricehttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2013 Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student)
Christopher T. Richardslocomotion2009 Andrew A. Biewener (grad student)
Jennelle Durnett Richardsonpain, neuroscience
Jennifer A. Richeson2000 Nalini Ambady (grad student)
Julius Benjamin Richmond Margaret Wilson Gerard (grad student)
Lynn M. Riddiforddevelopment, entomology John Tileston Edsall (post-doc), Carroll M. Williams (post-doc)
Giulia RighiVentral Cortex, Object and Face Recognition
Jason M. RihelOlfaction2004 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Christov K. RobersonIon channels and calcium signaling2005 David E. Clapham (grad student)
Xavier Roberts-Gaalmorality, social cognition, decision-making, uncertainty Psychology2022 Fiery A. Cushman (grad student)
Donald J. Robinaugh Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Robert Alexander Robinsonelectron microscopy, bone strucutre, anterior decompression and cervical spine fusion, total joint replacement, medical maggots
Drew Robsonimaging, behavior Florian Alois Engert (grad student), Alexander Schier (grad student)
Joshua S. RodeferBehavioral Pharmacology
Alexandra Rodman Psychology Psychology20182018 Leah H. Somerville (grad student), Katie A. McLaughlin (post-doc)
Etienne B. RoeschAttention, Emotion, Modeling20042004 Diego Pizzagalli (research assistant)
Christina Rogers Flatterycomparative neuroscience, evolutionary neuroscience, biological anthropology
Dan RokniOlfaction Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
Lorna Rolenicotine, cholinergic circuits Physiology19761981 Gerald Fischbach (post-doc), Robert L. Perlman (grad student)
Rachel Romeo20202021 Katie A. McLaughlin (post-doc)
Sandra Romero Pintoneuroscience, neuroengineering, reinforcement learning Molecular and Cellular Biology Naoshige Uchida (grad student)
David Ron Joel F. Habener (post-doc)
Sean E. RooneyDNA repair, immunology, lymphoma2003 Frederick W. Alt (grad student)
Theodore Roosevelt William James (research assistant)
Ivo Roslocomotion Biology, Organismic and Evolutionary2013 Andrew A. Biewener (grad student)
Erico N. RosaArchitecture2006 D Michelle Addington (grad student)
Stephen P. Rosen Samuel Huntington (grad student)
Allison R. Rosen Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2013 Beth Stevens (grad student)
Rebecca D. RosenbergDevelopmental Psychology20022008 Susan Carey (grad student)
Seth A. Rosenthal2005 Jill Hooley (grad student)
Mark RosenzweigLearning and memory Psychology Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
Botond M. RoskaVisual system, Retina20022005 Markus Meister (post-doc)
Caroline Rouaux Paola Arlotta (post-doc)
David Leon RoussoNeurogenesis, synapse formation2011 Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Carl M. RovainenNeuroscience, Lamprey19621967 Stephen W. Kuffler (grad student)
Sheldon S. Rowandevelopment of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness2003 Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
David H. Rowitcholigodendrocyte, glioblastoma, stem cells Andrew P. McMahon (post-doc)
Guoxiang Ruanretina and circadian rhythms
David C. RubinCognitive Roger Brown (grad student), E.B. Newman (grad student)
Lee Rubin
Nava RubinMid-Level Vision Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Douglas Ruffdecision Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of20082011 Richard T. Born (grad student)
Philip J. Rulon Melvin E. Haggarty (grad student)
Brian E. Russ20082010 Marc David Hauser (post-doc)
Sascha E. RusselmiRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan2011 Gary Ruvkun (grad student)
Dorothy S. Russell Frank B. Mallory (grad student)
Gary RuvkunmiRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan19771982 Walter Gilbert (post-doc), Frederick Michael Ausubel (grad student)
Roxanne R. Ruzic2002 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Bernard SachsNeurology Medical College18741878 William James (grad student)
Rona Sadja
James Peter SaenzMembrane and lipid biology, synthetic biology, origin of life, geochemistry Earth and Planetary Sciences20002001 Paul Hoffman (research assistant)
Patrick K. Safo2006 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Alex P. Sah
Nedim ( SahinLanguage2007 Steven Pinker (grad student)
Ned T. SahinAutism, Language, Intracranial EEG, fMRI20032007 Steven Pinker (grad student)
A. L. SaksAdministration Education2005 Terrence Tivnan (grad student)
John Salogiannis Biology: Medical Sciences20052013 Thomas L. Schwarz (research assistant), Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Steven Salzberg Computer Science1989 William Woods (grad student)
Brian M. SalzbergOptical recording, fluorescence, functional imaging Physics Karl Strauch (grad student)
Aravinthan SamuelC. elgans, behavior, drosophila20122002 Howard C. Berg (grad student), Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc), Daniel R. Berger (collaborator)
Melanie A. Samuelsynaptic maintenance and aging, visual system2007 Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Benjamin Adam SamuelsMouse Models of Depression20012006 Li-Huei Tsai (grad student)
Richard Carl Sanborn1950 Carroll M. Williams (grad student)
Honi SandersHippocampus Psychology2016 Sam J. Gershman (post-doc)
Sarah Laurie Sanderson1987 Karel Frederik Liem (grad student)
Jackson L. SandoeStem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases Biology, Molecular and Cellular2014 Kevin C. Eggan (grad student)
Gisela M. SandovalmiRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan2004 Gary Ruvkun (grad student)
Joshua R. Sanes1975 Jeff W. Lichtman (collaborator), John G. Hildebrand (grad student)
Vijay G. SankaranGenetics2009 Stuart H. Orkin (grad student)
Samara L SantiagoLearning and Memory Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology20192021 Lee Rubin (research assistant), Sean M. Buchanan (research assistant)
Miguel R. SantosDevelopment2002 Douglas A. Melton (grad student)
Laurie SantosNeuroeconomics2003 Marc David Hauser (grad student)
Clifford B. Saperneuroanatomy
Simon Saradzhyanpolitical science20012022 Graham Allison (post-doc)
Sumeet SarinVisual System2010 Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Tomokazu Satoinformation processing by neural circuits2010 Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student)
Alexis F. Sauer-Budgebiophysics2002 Daniel Branton (grad student)
Adena M. SchachnerSocial cognition, music cognition, development, evolution of cognition Psychology20092012 Erin E. Hannon (grad student), Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student), Susan Carey (grad student)
Daniel SchacterMemory Moshe Bar (collaborator)
Chris B. SchafferCerebral blood flow, neurodegeneration, optical imaging, nonlinear microscopy Physics Eric Mazur (grad student)
Aaron Schain
Bertram ScharfPsychoacoustics, Psychophysics1958 Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
Walter J. ScheirerVision20122015 David Cox (post-doc)
Harold Abraham Scheragastructures of proteins19461947 John Tileston Edsall (post-doc)
Alexander SchierDevelopment, Sleep Walter Gehring (grad student)
Erik J. SchlichtBehavioral decision theory Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Harold Schlosberg Edwin Bissell Holt (grad student)
Karl Schmidt
Dietmar SchmuckerNeuroscience Biology
Tatiana T. Schnurlanguage2003 Alfonso Caramazza (grad student)
Kelly J. SchoeffelMental control2002 Daniel Wegner (grad student)
Brian J. SchollPsychophysics Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Carl Edward Schoonover20042006 Joshua R. Sanes (research assistant)
David SchoppikVestibular, Oculomotor20102014 Alexander Schier (post-doc), Florian Alois Engert (post-doc), Robert Baker (collaborator)
Nina F. SchorNeuroscience Biology, Oncology, Medicine and Surgery Molecular Biochemistry and Pharmacology19851986 Manfred Karnovsky (post-doc)
Martin Schrimpfcomputational neuroscience, vision, deep learning, artificial neural networks
Teresa M. Schubertreading, cognitive neuropsychology, spelling Psychology2018 Alfonso Caramazza (post-doc)
Dorothea SchulteNeurogenesis19961999 Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Oliver C. Schultheissmotivation, behavioral endocrinology19971997 David Clarence McClelland (post-doc)
Tom SchultheissCell fate determination
Deborah A. Schutte2002 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Jessica Schwab20132018 Casey Lew-Williams (post-doc)
Gary E. Schwartz
Thomas L. SchwarzDrosophila Neurobiology Edward Kravitz (grad student)
Dan E Schweitzer-TongVisual System Charles Gross (grad student)
Thomas Seeley19741978 Edward Osborne Wilson (grad student), Bert Hölldobler (grad student)
Larry J. SeidmanClinical Psychology
Adriane E. Seiffertmotion perception, attention to motion19952000 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student)
Changwoo Seo Molecular and Cellular Biology2021 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Philip Servossomatosensation, visual perception, multisensory processing19931994 Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc)
H Sebastian Seung David Robert Nelson (grad student)
Kristen E. Severi20062012 Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
William F. Sewellauditory pharmacology Paul S. Guth (grad student), Nelson YS Kiang (post-doc)
David Shakow1927 Helge Lundholm (research assistant)
Aryaman K. ShaliziDevelopment, Signal Transduction, Molecular Neurobiology20002006 Azad Bonni (grad student)
Shane Shang Neuroscience Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Anuraj Shankar
Ganesh Mani Shankar2008 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Yu Raymond Shaocortex; sensory processing; plasticity2007 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Kevin A. Shapirocognitive neuropsychology19962008 Alfonso Caramazza (grad student)
Frances L. ShaversHigher Education, Administration Education, Recreation2004 Richard P. Chait (grad student)
Adam J. ShaywitzNeuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse2002 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Jun ShenGenes involved in the development and function of the cerebral cortex2005 Chris A. Walsh (grad student)
Hongying Shen Vamsi Mootha (post-doc)
Amitai ShenhavCognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Control, Decision Making Psychology2012 Joshua D. Greene (grad student), Randy L. Buckner (grad student)
Roger Newland Shepard George A. Miller (post-doc)
Amy Shepherd
Gila Sher Philosophy Charles Parsons (grad student)
Kimberly M. Sheridan2006 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Jamin L. Sheriff Engineering and Applied Sciences Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 Navin Khaneja (grad student), Vahid Tarokh (grad student)
Maheen Shermohammed Psychology Leah H. Somerville (grad student)
Richard I. SherwoodDevelopment2009 Douglas A. Melton (grad student)
Ashwin S. Shettydevelopmental neurobiology Paola Arlotta (post-doc)
Shu-Hsien Sheu2010 Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student)
shuhsien sheudevelopmental neurobiology, synaptic competition2005 Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student)
Zhen ShimiRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan Biological Sciences in Dental Medicine2013 Gary Ruvkun (grad student)
Margaret J. Shih2000 Nalini Ambady (grad student)
Won Mok Shim2005 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student)
Won Mok ShimVision, Attention, Working memory, Cognitive neuroscience20052007 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), Yuhong Jiang (post-doc)
Joon W. Shimneuroscience, neurosurgery, hydrocephalus
Ki Soon Shin Gary Yellen (grad student)
Prasad R. ShirvalkarChronic Pain, Neuromodulation, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Deep Brain stimulation, Neurophysiology, Neurology, Learning and Memory20012001 Marc David Hauser (research assistant)
John Shlien
Sara Shnider
Steven E. Shoelson insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Structural biology of diabetes and insulin resistance.
Heidi N. ShortHigher Education, Gender Studies2006 Richard P. Chait (grad student)
Brikha R. Shresthaauditory system, development
Elizabeth Shtrahman Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
Andrew E. ShtulmanConceptual Development2006 Susan Carey (grad student)
Lisa L. ShuSocial Cognition Business Studies (Organizational Behavior)2012 Daniel T. Gilbert (grad student)
Miles Morgan Shuman2007 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Anna Shustermanconceptual development20012007 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Kristen Beth Shutts2006 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Richard A. Shwedercultural anthropology1972 John W. M. Whiting (grad student)
Guangwei SiOlfaction
Michelle C. SiaoNeurodegeneration, neuronal-glial interactions, RNA processing20052010 Tom Maniatis (research assistant)
James Sidanius
Boris Sidis William James (grad student)
Michael E. Silverman20002002 Daniel J. Simons (post-doc)
Marianne SimmelNeuropsychology Eugenia Hanfmann (grad student)
David Jason Simon2008 Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student)
Jon S. SimonsCognitive neuroscience, human memory Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Dean Keith Simontongenius, creativity, leadership Psychology and Social Relations David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
Erin M. SimpsonInternational Relations, Military Studies2010 Stephen P. Rosen (grad student)
Gary C. SingMotor control2011 Maurice A. Smith (grad student)
Sara J. SingerHealth Care Management, Occupational Health and Safety2007 Amy C. Edmondson (grad student)
Satpreet SinghArtificial Intelligence, NeuroAI, Neural Data Science20232025 Kanaka Rajan (post-doc)
Kevin Sitek
Burrhus Frederic SkinnerBehaviorism Department of Psychology19371940 William John Crozier (grad student), Fred Simmons Keller (collaborator), Edwin G. Boring (grad student), Walter S. Hunter (grad student), Jacob Robert Kantor (collaborator)
Clarke R. Slaterneuromuscular junction19591962 Donald R. Griffin (research assistant)
Dan I. SlobinCrosslinguistic language acquisition, language and thought19601964 Roger Brown (grad student), Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student), George A. Miller (grad student)
Scott D. SlotnickVisual Memory Psychology20022005 Daniel Schacter (post-doc), Stephen Kosslyn (post-doc)
Stelios M. SmirnakisVisual system19931997 Markus Meister (grad student)
Maurice A. SmithMotor control
Robert J. Smith Endocrinology1970 Gordon Williams (grad student)
Joe T. Smithrobotics19921993 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Alexandra Smolyanskaya Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of20072012 Richard T. Born (grad student)
Jesse SnedekerLanguage development, language comprehension20082008 Amanda Pogue (collaborator)
George Davis Snellmouse genetics, transplant immunology1930 William Ernest Castle (grad student)
Gaye Soleysocial psychology, music Psychology2012 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Crisellyson S. SolimanAlzheimer's Disease, biomarkers
Leah H. SomervilleAffective, Social, Personality Neuroscience
Jae W. Song
Yuechun Song2001 Sam Kunes (grad student)
Heseung A. SongDevelopmental Psychology, Secondary Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2006 Terrence Tivnan (grad student)
Joo-Hyun Song20012006 Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Yuyu SongNeuroscience, neurodegeneration, cell biology, biochemistry, translational research, therapeutics Timothy J. Mitchison (post-doc)
Debra A. Sorensen2005 Jerome Kagan (grad student)
Larry B. SorensenBrain Physics Physics and Engineering and Applied Sciences Peter S. Pershan (post-doc)
Pitirim Sorokin
Michael J. SoskisNeuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Edward SoucyVision, Olfaction19931998 Markus Meister (grad student)
Christopher D. Spaulding2001 Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Roger D. Spealman
Colenso M. Speervisual system, development Chemistry and Chemical Biology2016 Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc)
Elizabeth S. SpelkeDevelopment of Numerical Cognition Jerome Kagan (research assistant)
Sarah J. Spence Psychobiology19801984 Dale Corbett (research assistant)
Reisa Sperling Dennis J. Selkoe (research scientist)
George SperlingCognitive Psychology1959 Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Roger W. SperryCerebral lateralization Karl Spencer Lashley (post-doc)
Jared Spraguepain, neuroplasticity Biological Sciences in Dental Medicine2014 Clifford Woolf (grad student)
R. Nathan SprengCognitive Neuroscience2008 Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Timothy A. SpringerImmunology1976 Jack L. Strominger (grad student)
Mahesh SrinivasanLanguage and Cognitive Development20052011 Susan Carey (grad student), Jesse Snedeker (grad student)
Sarah A. St. Germain2011 Jill Hooley (grad student)
John E R StaddonBehaviorism Richard J. Herrnstein (grad student)
Mark Alan Stalnaker2004 Nicholas Epley (grad student)
Garrett StanelyNeuroscience Biology
Joanna Stanicka Zhigang He (post-doc)
Richard Stanley Gian-Carlo Rota (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Stanley-MitchellGeneral, International Law and Relations2002 Stephen P. Rosen (grad student)
Jon R. StarEducational Psychology
Erin N. Starinformation processing by neural circuits2004 Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student)
Clara K StarkweatherReinforcement learning, dopamine, electrophysiology Neurobiology20152018 Naoshige Uchida (grad student)
James V. Starosprotein structure & function, signal transduction19741977 Jeremy R. Knowles (post-doc)
Robert S. Steelemotivation, behavioral endocrinology David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
Jennifer R. Steele2003 Nalini Ambady (grad student)
Dionisis Stefanatos2005 Navin Khaneja (grad student)
Scott SteffensenAddiction Psychology Stephen A. Raymond (post-doc)
Gertrude Stein William James (research assistant)
Joan A. SteitzRNA, Splicing1967 James D. Watson (grad student)
Zouhair Stephan19761983 Kenneth C Hayes (grad student)
Jenna R Sternberg Alexander Schier (post-doc)
Heather Sternsheinelectrophysiology, vision2009 Margaret Livingstone (post-doc)
Scott M. Sternson2001 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Raymond H. Stetsonspeech movements and phonetics Hugo Münsterberg (grad student)
Stanley Smith StevensPsychophysics Edwin G. Boring (grad student), Hallowell Davis (post-doc)
Joseph C. StevensPsychophysics1957 Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Jeffrey R. StevensComparative cognition, decision making Marc David Hauser (post-doc)
W. Dale StevensMemory, Cognition, Perception, Neurocognitive Aging2005 Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Lauren F. StevensonCancer Biology2001 Ed Harlow (grad student)
Abigail J. Stewartidentity David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
Dan Stinchcomb
Ella Striem-AmitSensory deprivation, Plasticity, Blindness, Dysmelia, Deafness
David E. Strochlicappetite regulation2009 Stephen D. Liberles (grad student)
Charles StromeyerVision Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Lubert StryerVision, G proteins, signal transduction19611962 Elkan Rogers Blout (post-doc), Edward Mills Purcell (post-doc)
Joseph M. Stujenske20072010 John E. Dowling (research assistant)
James Fitzhugh Sturgill2010 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Claire Stylianopoulos
Jordan William Suchowperception, visual cognition Psychology20092014 George A. Alvarez (grad student)
Nobuo SugaAuditory system, echolocation19631965 Donald R. Griffin (post-doc)
Frank J. SullowayEvolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, history of science Museum of Comparative Zoology Department of Psychology Department of History of Science19702021 Ernst Mayr (grad student), Jerome Kagan (grad student), I. Bernard Cohen (grad student)
Frank J. SullowayPersonality development and family dynamics Museum of Comparative Zoology Department of Psychology Department of History of Science19702021 Ernst Mayr (grad student), Jerome Kagan (grad student), I. Bernard Cohen (grad student)
Marissa Sumathipala Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Garrett S. Summers2008 David Ron (grad student)
Fang Sun
Edna E. Sun2004 John Flanagan (grad student)
Tao Sun20022005 Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Gahyun Callie Sung Education20182024 Bertrand Schneider (grad student)
Roderick A. SuthersVocal Production19601964 Donald R. Griffin (grad student)
Karel Svobodaneocortical circuits19901994 Steven M. Block (grad student), Howard C. Berg (grad student)
Eugene Switkesapplications of basic quantum mechanical theory to problems in organic chemistry and biochemistry, and information processing by the visual system1970 William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
Francis SzeleFundamental features of subventricular zone biology and therapeutic potential Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Michael R. SzpirHearing Research19851990 David K. Ryugo (grad student)
Karl K. SzpunarMemory2010 Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Toban A. SzutsVisual system2010 Markus Meister (grad student)
Anna Szybowski2005 Sam Kunes (grad student)
Aravinthan D. T. SamuelGeneral Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology
Inna TabanskyStem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases2011 Kevin C. Eggan (grad student)
Masao TachibanaRetina, Visual information processing, Synaptic transmission19791981 Torsten Wiesel (research scientist)
Abraha Taddeseion channels2003 Bruce P. Bean (grad student)
Adriana TajonarDevelopment Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Douglas A. Melton (grad student)
Kevin T. Takasaki Biophysics2013 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Mari A. TakasuNeuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse2002 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Shuichi Takayama2000 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Mustafa TalayTool development Molecular and Cellular Biology2018 Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Diana I. TamirCognitive Neuroscience Jason Mitchell (grad student)
Taralyn M. TanOlfaction, Innate Behavior, Circuits2011 Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student)
Longzhi TanSingle-cell genomics, epigenomics, neurodevelopment Chemistry and Chemical Biology Chemistry and Chemical Biology Organismic and Evolutionary Biology20182019 X. Sunney Xie (grad student), X. Sunney Xie (post-doc), Pardis Sabeti (research assistant)
Han-Yuan TanElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Gu-yeon Wei (grad student)
Jing TangElectrochemistry, Biosensing, Human-Machine Intelligence, Neuroscience, Biomaterials, Bioelectronics, Sustainability Boston Children's Hospital20162017 Daniel S. Kohane (post-doc)
Hanlin Tang Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Geoffrey Richard Tanner2009 Gary Yellen (grad student)
Juan Carlos Tapiasynaptic development Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Nathan Tardiffcognitive neuroscience, learning and decision-making, cognitive control Psychology20112014 Susan Carey (research assistant)
Leyla Tarhan Psychology2015 Talia Konkle (grad student)
Bosiljka Tasic2004 Tom Maniatis (grad student)
Geoffrey A. TateEconomics2003 David Laibson (grad student)
Dmitry TaubinskyEconomics Business Economics2014 David Laibson (grad student)
Sohail Tavazoie2003 R Clay Reid (grad student)
C. Richard Taylorlocomotion19601963 Charles P. Lyman (grad student)
D. Lansing Taylor
Peter Taylor1969 Andrew Mattei Gleason (grad student)
Engeat Teh
Alan P. Tenney2005 John Flanagan (grad student)
Rita TeodoroDrosophila Exocyst Neuronal Growth and Plasticity2002 Thomas L. Schwarz (post-doc)
Suprawee TepsupornDNA repair, immunology, lymphoma Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2013 Frederick W. Alt (grad student)
Herbert S. TerracePrimate Cognition Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student)
Guilherme Testa-Silva Chemistry and Chemical Biology2018 Adam E. Cohen (research scientist)
Paul C. TetlockEconomics2004 David Laibson (grad student)
Sergei Tevosian Stuart H. Orkin (grad student)
Preston P. ThakralMemory Psychology20152012 Daniel Schacter (post-doc), Scott D. Slotnick (grad student)
Monica S. Thanawala Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2014 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Ashley J Thomassocial development, cognitive development Psychology2018 Elizabeth S. Spelke (post-doc)
Garth Thomas Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Lewis ThomasImmunology, Mycoplasma, Rheumatic Fever Maxwell Finland (grad student)
Melissa E. ThompsonAnthropology2005 Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Cheryl L. ThompsonDevelopment, axon guidance, synaptogenesis2009 David Van Vactor (grad student)
Katherine L. Thompson-Peer Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of20062012 Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student)
Lotte ThomsenPolitical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology James Sidanius (grad student)
Edward L. Thorndikeeducational psychology1894 William James (grad student)
Jeremy ThornerTransmembrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways in yeast Biochemistry1972 Henry Paulus (grad student)
Malathi ThothathiriLanguage processing & acquisition2008 Jesse Snedeker (grad student)
JU TIANlearning, reward, dopamine, decision making, neural circuits2010 Naoshige Uchida (grad student), Yi Zhong (research assistant)
Feng Tian2017 Zhigang He (post-doc)
David V. Tiedeman
Ian W. TietjenOlfaction2003 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Ruth J. TincoffEarly language development, word comprehension20012004 Marc David Hauser (post-doc)
Terrence TivnanDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Jeremy B. TobacmanEconomics2007 David Laibson (grad student)
Edward Chace TolmanMemory1915 Hugo Münsterberg (grad student), Edwin Bissell Holt (grad student)
Gordon Mayer Tomkinsembryonal carcinoma stem cells George W. Thorn (post-doc)
Silvan Solomon Tomkins Willard Van Orman Quine (grad student)
Frank TongVisual cortex, attention, object vision Ken Nakayama (grad student)
John Toobyevolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology; social psychology, economics, hominid-behavioral evolution, behavioral ecology, evolutionary genetics Irven DeVore (grad student)
La Topolavisual systems
A. T. TorelloOlfaction2003 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Theodore Willet Torrey1932 George H. Parker (grad student)
Mona TousianNeuroimaging Clinical Psychology20112013 Richard J. McNally (research scientist)
Brian C. Trainorbehavioral neuroendocrinology20032004 Hans A. Hofmann (post-doc)
Thao P. TranEconomics2010 David Laibson (grad student)
Hien Thanh Tran2004 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Nicholas M Tran MCB20142021 Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Natalie L. Trent
Jonathan C. Trinidad nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors2003 Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student)
Vaibhav TripathiNeuroimaging, Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology Randy L. Buckner (post-doc)
Robert L. TriversEvolutionary Biology19681972 Ernst Mayr (grad student), Ernest E. Williams (grad student)
Edward Z. Tronick19681971 Jerome Seymour Bruner (post-doc), T. Berry Brazelton (post-doc)
Davide TrottiNeuroscience Biology Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Matthias Hediger (post-doc)
James W. Truman Biology19671970 Lynn M. Riddiford (grad student)
Danielle R. Truxaw
Daniel Y. Ts'o1987 Charles D. Gilbert (grad student)
Li-Huei Tsaimechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning Ed Harlow (post-doc)
Doris Y. TsaoFace perception, single neuron recordings2002 Margaret Livingstone (grad student)
Peter Ulric TseVision, Attention, NCC, Form, Motion, fMRI, DTI19941998 Ken Nakayama (grad student), Patrick Cavanagh (grad student), James Matthew Intriligator (collaborator)
Charisios D. Tsiairissonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system2008 Andrew P. McMahon (grad student)
Li-Huei TsouNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Yoshiaki Tsushima Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Arin S. TuerkConceptual Development Psychology2014 Susan Carey (grad student)
Endel TulvingMemory Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
David TurnerNeural development Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Stephen Turneysynapse elimination Jeff W. Lichtman (research scientist)
Dylan Tweed Psychology Psychology2018 Steven Pinker (grad student), Fiery A. Cushman (grad student)
William James Tyler20032006 Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
Naoshige UchidaOlfaction
Benjamin D Umanssensory neuroscience
Hisashi UmemoriSynapse formation Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Vivek K. UnniParkinson's Disease, 2-photon imaging2007 Bradley T. Hyman (post-doc)
David V. VactorCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
George E. VaillantClinical Psychology
Gregorio Valdez Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Patricia ValenciamRNA nuclear export, splicing2008 Robin Reed (grad student)
Melissa A. ValentineOrganizational, Organization Theory, Management Business Administration Health Policy2013 Amy C. Edmondson (grad student)
Megan T. Valentinecondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology2003 David A. Weitz (grad student)
David v. ValtonNeuroscience Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology
Koene R.A. Van Dijk2007 Randy L. Buckner (post-doc)
David C. Van EssenVisual system1972 John G. Nicholls (grad student)
Ashlee Victoria Van't Veer Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2013 Takao K. Hensch (grad student)
Ashlee Van't Veer
Manuela Alexandra Vasconcelos2003 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Amy B. VashlishanCell Biology of the Neuron2008 Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student)
Miguel Vaz Afonso Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Maryam Vaziri PashkamVisual Perception20062011 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student)
Heather B. Veague2004 Jill Hooley (grad student)
Madhusudhan VenkadesanBiomechanics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Motor control, Evolution20082010 Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (post-doc), Daniel E. Lieberman (post-doc)
Anne Venner
Preeti Verghese Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Ben VermaerckeVisual neuroscience, rodent extrastriate cortex, 2-photon, population coding
Frans AJ VerstratenCognitive Neuroscience19951996 Patrick Cavanagh (post-doc)
Kristin E. Vickers2003 Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Timothy J. Vickery20032008 Yuhong Jiang (grad student)
Ross G. VickeryDrug Discovery19901996 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
George Vidal20072009 Venkatesh N. Murthy (research assistant)
Sujith Vijayan2007 Emery Brown (grad student)
Pablo Villar
Justin L. VincentCognitive Neuroscience Psychology20062013 Randy L. Buckner (grad student)
Kasper Vinken Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Rebecca L. Vislay-Meltzer2006 Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
Joseph A Vitriol Psychology Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (post-doc)
Katrin VogtNeurobiology, Genetics Aravinthan Samuel (post-doc)
Paula E. Voinescu2009 Joshua R. Sanes (grad student)
Georg von BekesyHearing
Mai-Anh T. Vumotivation, learning, memory, dopamine, fiber photometry, fMRI, in vivo rodent electrophysiology20072007 Donna Rose Addis (research assistant)
Lillemor Wachtmeisterretina19761977 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Anthony D. WagnerMemory Daniel Schacter (post-doc)
Daniel Wagner
George Waldidentified vitamin A in the retina, biochemistry of vision
Albertha J. Walhout Marc Vidal (post-doc)
Melissa A. WalkerSynapses and Circuits, Axon Pathfinding and Synaptogenesis, Biophysics/Ion Channels, Cellular/Molecular/Developmental Neuroscience Vamsi Mootha (post-doc)
Bruce G. WallaceSynapses1974 Edward Kravitz (grad student)
Jenelle Liane WallaceOptogenetics2013 Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student)
Pascal WallischVisual Neuroscience20012001 Stephen Kosslyn (research assistant)
Chris A. WalshGenes involved in the development and function of the cerebral cortex Constance L. Cepko (post-doc), Anthony LaMantia (collaborator)
Christopher T. WalshEnzymes Edward Osborne Wilson (research assistant)
Zemin Wangelectrical synapse plasticity2007 Carole E. Landisman (post-doc)
Claude Wang
Chih-Chieh WangSynaptic Physiology
Xinnan WangNeurosurgery2007 Thomas L. Schwarz (post-doc)
Xueying WangCPG, Respiration, Imaging, Alzheimer's disease Molecular and Cellular Biology2016 Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Xuhua Wang
Jing Wang Zhigang He (post-doc)
Qianbin Wang Zhigang He (post-doc)
Guiping Wangimage-based highly-multiplexed transcriptome profiling, super resolution imaging Chemistry and Chemical Biology2013 Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student)
Tian WangBioinformatics2019 John Quackenbush (research assistant), Qi Song (collaborator)
Jerry Wang Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Qi WangNeuroscience, Neuroengineering, Sensory Processing, Neuromodulation
Binxu WangVisual system, Computational modeling, Generative model, Geometry
Kevin C. WangAxon regeneration
Duo WangmiRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan2005 Gary Ruvkun (grad student)
Edward C. Warburton2000 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Adrian F. WardMental control Psychology2013 Daniel Wegner (grad student)
Henry Augustus Ward William Morton Wheeler (collaborator)
Patrick S. Ward Vamsi Mootha (post-doc)
Marcus L. Ware nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors2000 Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student)
David K. WarlandRetina19911996 Markus Meister (post-doc)
Felix Warneken
Amy R. WarrenTests and Measurements Education, Special Education, Teacher Training Education2006 Terrence Tivnan (grad student)
Takafumi WatayaNeuroscience
Roxanna M. WebberCortical coding, thalamocortical transformations, somatosensory, adaptation2006 Garrett B. Stanley (grad student)
Samuel Webber1787 Samuel Williams (grad student)
Daniel Weber David Marvin Green (grad student)
Elke WeberDecision19801984 R Duncan Luce (grad student)
Sarah WebsterNeuropeptide Release and Vesicle Biophysics20052004 Thomas L. Schwarz (post-doc), Gary Yellen (grad student)
Jamie O. WebsterGenetics, Neuroscience Biology Biology, Molecular and Cellular2014 Alexander Meissner (grad student)
Van J. WedeenMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Michelle M. Wedig2011 Matthew K. Nock (grad student)
Caroline Lei WeeNeuroscience, Neuromodulation, Zebrafish Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
Daniel L. Weeks Douglas A. Melton (post-doc)
Daniel WegnerMental control
Gu-yeon WeiElectrical Engineering, Computer science
Crispin B WeinbergAnatomical Engineering, 3D Printing, 3D Modeling, Medical Imaging Neurobiology19731980 Zach W. Hall (grad student)
Stephen E. WeinbergEconomics2007 David Laibson (grad student)
Henry WeinbergPersonality Gordon W. Allport (grad student)
Joel Weinbergerpsychotherapy David Clarence McClelland (post-doc)
Edward Jay Weinstein2000 Philip Leder (grad student)
David G WeismanDevelopmental cognitive neuroscience Psychology Katie A. McLaughlin (post-doc)
Daniel J. WeissComparative Psychology19942000 Marc David Hauser (grad student)
Tamily A. WeissmanNeural connectivity20042010 Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Naomi WeissteinFeminist Psychology, Vision, Neuroscience Psychology19611964 Brendan Maher (grad student)
John Weisz
John H. Welsh, Jr.diurnal rhythmicity, the biology of neurosecretion, comparative neuropharmacology1929 George H. Parker (grad student)
Quan WenSystems Neuroscience Aravinthan Samuel (post-doc)
Galen WengerBehavioral pharmacology19741978 Peter Dews (post-doc)
Ernest Glen WeverHearing1926 Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
Brian M. Whalenhttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 2005 Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student)
Kathryn A. WheelerEducational Psychology Education, Sciences Education, Developmental Psychology2000 Carol Gilligan (grad student)
Robert W. WhiteHypnosis, personality, abnormal1937 Henry A. Murray (grad student)
Jessica Whited
Alfred North Whitehead
Veronica WhitfordDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience; Psycholinguistics Education Gigi Luk (post-doc)
Beatrice Blyth Whitingchild development, adolescence, social control
Dean K. WhitlaClinical Psychology, Women's Studies
Irene Whitney Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
David WhitneyVision and Perception2001 Patrick Cavanagh (grad student)
Patricia Whittenbehavioral neuroendocrinology, reproduction, primates1978 Irven DeVore (grad student)
Tess Whitwam Neurobiology2018 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Norbert Wiener Philosophy1913 Karl Schmidt (grad student), Josiah Royce (grad student)
Craig C. Wierpsychoacoustics, auditory psychophysics, clinical expert systems, evoked potentials19731976 David Marvin Green (post-doc)
Torsten WieselVisual system Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc), David Hubel (collaborator)
Kristina Wietasch Neurobiology Gerald Fischbach (grad student)
Gagan S. Wig Daniel Schacter (post-doc), Randy L. Buckner (post-doc)
Sabine Wilhelm Richard J. McNally (grad student)
Frank H. WilhelmAnxiety Disorders, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Psychophysiology, Affective Neuroscience, Experimental Psychopathology School of Public Health Paul Grossman (post-doc)
Philip Willaims Zhigang He (post-doc)
Ben A. WilliamsExperimental analysis of behavior Psychology Burrhus Frederic Skinner (grad student)
Corrine Williams Public Health Laura Ann McCloskey (grad student)
Samuel Williams1761 John Winthrop (grad student)
Gordon Williams1935 George W. Thorn (grad student)
Erika Williams2011 Stephen D. Liberles (grad student)
Guy A. Williams, Jr.linguistics
Daniel T. WillinghamCognitive Neuroscience19861990 William K. Estes (grad student), Stephen Kosslyn (grad student)
Zachary P. WillsNeuroscience Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology2000 David v. Valton (grad student)
Jeremy B. WilmerVision20012006 Ken Nakayama (grad student)
Alexandria M. WilsonGuidance and Counseling Education, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Native American Studies, Gender Studies2007 Helen E. Haste (grad student)
Michael L. Wilsonprimate behavior and ecology, aggression, warfare, chimpanzees, baboons19942001 Richard Wrangham (grad student), Marc David Hauser (grad student)
Jenna M WilsonAutobiographical memory, episodic simulation, future thinking Psychology Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Alex B. Wiltschko Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student)
Nivanthika K. Wimalasena Neurobiology20152021 Clifford Woolf (grad student)
Wendy M. Wincklerhuman genetic variation and its application to disease2005 David Altshuler (grad student)
Nathan Winkler-Rhoades2011 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Ann B. WinslowManagement Business Administration2007 Amy C. Edmondson (grad student)
Charles Paine Winsor Psychology1935 William John Crozier (grad student)
Carla Carol WinterRegeneration; Brainstem; Single-cell
David G. Wintermotivation, political psychology David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
John Winthrop1732 Isaac Greenwood (grad student)
Amy Lyn Wiseman2006 Daniel Schacter (grad student)
Carey Witkovnonlinear dynamics
Rochelle M. WittShh-proteoglycan Interactions2010 Rosalind A. Segal (grad student)
Eve Wittenberg Public Health Laura Ann McCloskey (post-doc)
Victoria E. WobberAnthropology Human Evolutionary Biology2012 Richard Wrangham (grad student)
Andrea C. WojnickiMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2005 John A. Deighton (grad student)
Maryanne WolfDyslexia, reading development Harold Goodglass (grad student)
Nicola WolfePsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychobiology19811984 Dale Corbett (grad student)
Nikki Wolfe Psychology Psychology Psychology19811986 Jerome Kagan (grad student), Brendan Maher (grad student), James R. Stellar (grad student)
Steffen Wolff Bence P. Olveczky (post-doc)
Harry Wolfson
Kwoon Y. Wongretina19992003 John E. Dowling (grad student), Alan R. Adolph (collaborator)
Alana T. Wong20052007 Daniel Schacter (research assistant)
Rachel Wong Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Brandon M. Woo
Stuart Wood Economics1875 Charles Franklin Dunbar (grad student)
Kristen A. WoodberryClinical Psychology2009 Larry J. Seidman (grad student)
William Woods1968 Susumu Kuno (grad student)
Ian G. WoodsGenetics, Neuroscience Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology20062011 Alexander Schier (post-doc)
Sue A. Woodward2002 Jerome Kagan (grad student)
Robert Sessions Woodworthpsychology of learning18951897 William James (research assistant), Josiah Royce (research assistant)
Mollie WoodworthDevelopment20072013 Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
William Alan Worstell1980 Carlo Rubbia (grad student)
Richard WranghamAnthropology
Sewall WrightGenetics1915 William Ernest Castle (grad student)
Taihong Wu2016 Yun Zhang (post-doc)
Howard G. WuMotor control Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Maurice A. Smith (grad student)
Min WuNeuroscience, Genomics, Evolution Yun Zhang (post-doc)
Herbert Zheng Wu Neuroscience Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Samuel M. Wuretina1979 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Elwin WuSocial Work19921998 Markus Meister (grad student)
Daw-An WuPschophysics, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Vision2007 Patrick Cavanagh (post-doc), Garga Chatterjee (collaborator)
Jane Ying WuAlternative splicing, Neurodegeneration, Neuronal Guidance, Cancer19921997 Tom Maniatis (post-doc)
Kai W. WucherpfennigT Cell Biology and Cancer Immunology Jack L. Strominger (post-doc)
Bradley Paul Wyble2003 Michael E. Hasselmo (grad student)
Jeffries WymanComparative anatomy
Zongqi Xia
Wu Xiao Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Yuchen Xiao Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Xiaohui Xiegenomics, bioinformatics, computational neuroscience
Yaoda Xu Ken Nakayama (post-doc)
Shudi Xu Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology20212023 Naoshige Uchida (research assistant), Malcolm G. Campbell (research assistant), Sara Matias (research assistant)
Masahito Yamagatasynapse formation
Rachel Yan
Stephanie Yang School of Education20202025 Bertrand Schneider (grad student)
Sophia Yang Jonathan I. Matsui (research assistant)
Xianjie YangDevelopment of the vertebrate eye and retina19881989 Victor Ambros (post-doc)
Yue Yang2010 Azad Bonni (grad student)
Xiao YangElectrophysiology, imaging
Xiong-li YangNeuroscience, retina, electrophysiology, histology John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Bruce YankerNeuroscience Biology
Leeat YarivEconomics2001 David Laibson (grad student)
Frank YatesScid, pluripotent cells, hematopoiesis Children's hospital20042007 George Q. Daley (post-doc)
King-Wai Yauvision, olfaction1975 John G. Nicholls (grad student)
Arash YazdanbakhshVisual system Margaret Livingstone (post-doc)
Stephen YazullaRetina, Neurocircuitry19721974 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Robert Mearns YerkesPrimatology18971902 Hugo Münsterberg (grad student)
Son Esther Yesde Biology, Molecular and Cellular2012 Florian Alois Engert (grad student)
Constantine Yiannoutsos
Muhammed A. YildirimGeneral Biophysics2009 Marc Vidal (grad student)
Glenn C. YiuAxon regeneration
Hayan YoonOlfaction2006 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Lucy H. Young1984 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Jonathan Young Florian Alois Engert (research assistant)
Channing YuGenetics, Molecular Biology2003 Stuart H. Orkin (grad student)
Haidong Yuan2006 Navin Khaneja (grad student)
Liu Yuanyuanneural development, regeneration, visual system Neurology Zhigang He (post-doc)
Deborah Yurgelun-ToddNeuroimaging, Neuropsych, Mood, Psychopathology, Addiciton, Anterior Cingulate
Joseph D. ZakOlfaction20152021 Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
Lisa ZakharyOlfaction2005 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Jamil Zakisocial Cognition, Emotion, fMRI Jason Mitchell (post-doc)
Mauro Dylan Zappaterra2008 Chris A. Walsh (grad student)
Michael X. Zarrowneuroendocrinology, reproduction1947 Frederick Lee Hisaw (grad student)
Jacob A. Zavatone-VethTheoretical neuroscience Physics20192024 Cengiz Pehlevan (grad student)
Jennifer L. ZeuliLanguage and Literature Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2011 Helen E. Haste (grad student)
Chunyang Zhang Zhigang He (post-doc)
Xi-Han ZhangNeuroscience, Genetics, Affective and Neural dynamics Psychology20182019 Talia Konkle (research assistant)
Jiakai ZHANGChemical Biology, Neurology Department of Neurology, BIDMC, Harvard Medical School20242025 Feng Tian (research assistant)
Chi Zhang Biological Sciences in Dental Medicine2013 Azad Bonni (post-doc)
Yiming Zhangmesoscopic physics2009 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Xiaoxiao Zhangsonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system Biology, Molecular and Cellular2013 Andrew P. McMahon (grad student)
Yun Zhang
Xiaodong Zhang Biology, Molecular and Cellular2012 Yun Zhang (grad student)
Yifeng Zhangretina Markus Meister (post-doc)
Sihai D. ZhaoBiostatistics Biology, Oncology, Genetics Biostatistics2012 Yi Li (grad student)
Qiao ZhengComputational Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Analysis
Yu-Dong ZhouSynaptic physiology, epilepsy, adult neurogenesis20062010 Matthew Peter Anderson (post-doc)
Qiao Zhou Douglas A. Melton (post-doc)
Xiaowei Zhuangsingle-molecule approaches to examine protein-RNA complexes
Jayden Zieglerlanguage acquisition, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics Psychology Jesse Snedeker (grad student)
Elena Zinchenko2008 Howard Gardner (grad student)
Talee Ziv Psychology2012 Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Jian Zourobotics2004 Roger W. Brockett (grad student)
Zhihua ZouOlfaction Linda B. Buck (grad student)
Elena V. Zoubina
Charles L. Zuckerretina19841987 John E. Dowling (post-doc)
Miron ZuckermanPersonality Psychology Robert Rosenthal (grad student)
Dominik M. Zumbuhlmesoscopic physics2004 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Hanna Zwaka
Laurence J. ZwiebelMosquito Olfaction CDB19921997 Fotis Kafatos (post-doc)