Nicolas H. Hudson, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Mechanical Engineering | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
Neural Interfaces, RoboticsGoogle:
"Nicolas Hudson"Mean distance: 24.96 | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Robotree
Sign in to add mentorJoel W. Burdick | grad student | 2009 | Caltech | |
(Inference in Hybrid Systems with Applications in Neural Prosthetics.) |
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Hebert P, Bajracharya M, Ma J, et al. (2015) Mobile manipulation and mobility as manipulation - Design and algorithms of RoboSimian Journal of Field Robotics. 32: 255-274 |
Ben Amor H, Saxena A, Hudson N, et al. (2014) Special issue on autonomous grasping and manipulation Autonomous Robots. 36: 1-3 |
Hudson N, Ma J, Hebert P, et al. (2014) Model-based autonomous system for performing dexterous, human-level manipulation tasks Autonomous Robots. 36: 31-49 |
Doran CV, Chase JG, Shaw GM, et al. (2005) Derivative weighted active insulin control algorithms and intensive care unit trials Control Engineering Practice. 13: 1129-1137 |
Doran CV, Hudson NH, Moorhead KT, et al. (2004) Derivative weighted active insulin control modelling and clinical trials for ICU patients. Medical Engineering & Physics. 26: 855-66 |
Chase JG, Shaw GM, Doran CV, et al. (2003) Derivative weighted active insulin control algorithms and trials Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 36: 83-88 |