California Institute of Technology

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Girish N. Aakalu2002 Erin M. Schuman (grad student)
Pablo Abad-ManterolaNeural Interfaces, Robotics Mechanical Engineering2012 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Anna C. Abelin Biology2014 Barbara J. Wold (grad student)
Meghan S. Adamsneural crest development Biology2009 Scott E. Fraser (grad student), Paul W. Sternberg (research assistant), Kai Zinn (grad student), Marianne E. Bronner (grad student)
Ralph AdolphsEmotion & Social Behavior2008 Mark Konishi (grad student), Ueli Rutishauser (collaborator)
Matthew John Allen2004 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Karen L. AllendoerferNeurodegenerative Disease, protein folding19931997 Paul H. Patterson (post-doc)
John M. Allman
Douglas L. Altshuleranimal flight, biomechanics, motor control, visual guidance, visual neuroscience20022006 Michael H. Dickinson (post-doc)
Mohamed A. Alyvision Electrical Engineering2011 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Francesco AmaldiMolecular Biology19641967 Giuseppe M. Attardi (post-doc)
Costas A. AnastassiouLFPs, biophysics of computation, population activity Christof Koch (post-doc), György Buzsáki (post-doc)
Richard A. AndersenSystems Joseph FX DeSouza (collaborator)
David J. AndersonNeural circuits, Defensive behaviors, Inter-male aggression Seymour Benzer (collaborator)
Marco Andreettovision Electrical Engineering2011 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Cedric Anenneuroeconomics
Anelia Angelovavision Computer Science2008 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Todd E. AnthonyGenetic dissection of neural circuits that control stress-induced behavioral states Biology20062014 David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Stephen Arch Felix Strumwasser (post-doc)
Hugo ArechigaChronobiology, circadian cicles Cornelis A. G. Wiersma (post-doc)
Motofumi AriiRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas Electrical Engineering2009 David B. Rutledge (grad student)
Benjamin J. ArthurNeurobiological study of natural behavior2002 Mark Konishi (grad student)
Ben J. Arthursound localization2002 Mark Konishi (grad student)
Kenta Asahina David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Maria Marta AshaberTactile perception, synapses, neuronal network, leech nervous system Biology and Biological Engineering20162019 Daniel A. Wagenaar (post-doc)
Meredith Ashby Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2007 Eric H. Davidson (grad student)
Elena Asparouhova2004 Peter Bossaerts (grad student)
Christopher AssadBio-inspired Technologies19901997 James Bower (grad student)
Harold L. Atwoodsynaptic transmission Cornelis A. G. Wiersma (grad student)
Vineet AugustineFluid and Salt homeostasis Yuki Oka (grad student)
David S. Babcock2000 Rodney M. F. Goodman (grad student)
Alex Backer2002 Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Wyeth Bairvisual system, computation Christof Koch (grad student)
Magdalena Bak-Maier2005 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Pieter Laurens Baljon2010 Daniel A. Wagenaar (post-doc)
Utpal Banerjee Chemistry19791984 Sunney I. Chan (grad student)
Arjun K. Bansalbehavioral neurophysiology20042004 Christof Koch (research assistant)
Pinglei BaoVisual system
Mat E. Barnet Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2011 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Martin L. Baschdevelopment19982004 Marianne E. Bronner (grad student)
Christophe J. Bassetvision Electrical Engineering2007 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Aaron P. Batista Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Holly C. Beale Biology20032010 Mary B. Kennedy (grad student)
Ulrik Beierholmpsychophysics modeling, multisensory perception Steven R. Quartz (grad student)
Samuel C. Bellini-LeiteCognitive Neuropsychology Theodore von Kármán (grad student)
Masha Belyi20102011 Guangying Wu (research assistant)
John Benderneuroethology20022007 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
Thomas L. Benjamin Biological sciences Marguerite Vogt (post-doc)
Mark K Bennett1986 Mary B. Kennedy (grad student)
Seymour BenzerNeurogenetics19491951 Max Delbrück (post-doc)
Giovanni Berlucchi19641965 Roger W. Sperry (post-doc)
Abraham BetancourtSystems and Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Motor Control Biology and Biological Engineering Biology and Biological Engineering2023 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc), Jorge Arturo Gámez de León (post-doc)
Paola BetancurNeural crest development, evo-devo Biology2010 Marianne E. Bronner (grad student)
Upinder Singh BhallaOlfactory coding, computational neuroscience1993 James Bower (grad student)
Meghana BhattNeuroeconomics20022007 Colin Camerer (grad student)
Rajan BhattacharyyaMotor planning, coordinate transformations Computation and Neural Systems20012009 Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Sujata BhattacharyyaNeural crest development, evo-devo2005 Marianne E. Bronner (grad student)
Rahul Bhui Colin Camerer (grad student)
Baris Bingol2006 Erin M. Schuman (grad student)
Susan BirrenDevelopment David J. Anderson (post-doc)
John L. Bixby David C. Van Essen (grad student)
David Bjanes2019 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Axel BlauFlexible all-polymeric microelectrode arrays (polyMEAs), Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC), Manipulating neural network composition and interconnectivity by optical tweezers, laser microdissection, µ-fluidic systems, biochemically and topologically µ-textured substrate19992001 Jerome Pine (post-doc), Scott E. Fraser (post-doc)
Steven M. Blockbiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription1983 Howard C. Berg (grad student)
Kwabena BoahenSilicon Retinas, Neuromorphic Systems Carver Mead (grad student)
Joseph E. Bogen Anthonie Van Harreveld (grad student), Roger W. Sperry (collaborator)
James J. Bonaiutoaction based decision making, computational neurostimulation, MEG, computational modeling20102013 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
James Frederick Bonner1934 Herman Elisa Dolk (grad student), Frits Warmolt Went (grad student), Kenneth Vivian Thimann (grad student), Alfred Henry Sturtevant (grad student)
Erie Dell Boormanneuroimaging HSS Antonio Rangel (collaborator), Ralph Adolphs (collaborator), John P. O'Doherty (collaborator), Antonio Rangel (grad student)
Peter Bossaerts
David C. BradleyVisual neurophysiology Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Jonathan Bradley19911996 Kai Zinn (grad student)
Julia M. Braman Engineering and Applied Science2009 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Edward A. BranchaudNeural Interfaces, Robotics2006 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Jochen BraunAttention, awareness, neural computation19941998 Christof Koch (post-doc), David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
Signe Bray John P. O'Doherty (grad student)
Lindsay R. BremnerReference frames in parietal cortex20122014 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc), Viviana Gradinaru (research scientist)
Boris Breznen
Carlos D. Brody1998 John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Marianne E. BronnerCellular and molecular studies of neural crest development
Bede Michael Broome2006 Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Peter Brotchiespatial perception, navigation Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Ian BrownBiomedical Engineering19982001 James Bower (post-doc)
Ronnie E. Bryanface perception Computation and Neural Systems Computation and Neural Systems20062012 Pietro Perona (grad student), Ralph Adolphs (grad student)
Charles W. Bugg Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2011 Paul H. Patterson (grad student)
Yen K. Bui2003 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Christopher A. BuneoMotor Control, bioengineering19972005 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Joel W. BurdickNeural Interfaces, Robotics
Andreas Burkhaltervisual system circuitry David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
Eliot C. Bush2004 John M. Allman (grad student)
Benjamin Bushong Social Science2013 Antonio Rangel (grad student)
Haijiang Caineuroscience, physiology, biophysics, behavior20082015 David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Lance L. CaiNeural Interfaces, Robotics2007 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Edward M. CallawayVisual cortex19841988 David C. Van Essen (grad student)
Colin CamererEconomics, Neuroeconomics20062006 Moran Cerf (collaborator), Erik J. Schlicht (collaborator)
Michael CamposDecision making, eye movements Biology20062007 Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc), Kenji Doya (grad student), Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Christie A. Canaria Chemistry2008 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Gwyneth M CardDrosophila Neural Circuits Bioengineering Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
Holly J. CarlisleLearning and Memory Mary B. Kennedy (post-doc)
Catherine Emily CarrAuditory Brainstem Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Robert Arnulfo Carrillo20102016 Kai Zinn (post-doc)
John M. Carson Mechanical Engineering2008 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Ronald McKell Carterdecision making, computation & theory Christof Koch (grad student)
Andrea Censi Control and Dynamical Systems2013 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Moran CerfBehavior Cognition, Computational, Electrophysiology, Learning & Memory, Vision Science20052008 Christof Koch (grad student)
Sridhara ChakravarthyNeuroscience, Sleep
Collin ChallisNeural circuits, neurodegeneration2015 Viviana Gradinaru (post-doc)
Rosemary C. ChallisSensory systems, olfaction Biology and Biological Engineering2016 Viviana Gradinaru (post-doc)
Grace C. Chang2003 Christof Koch (grad student)
Chieh Chang2001 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Le Chang20132017 Doris Y. Tsao (post-doc)
Chieh Chang Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Barbara ChapmanVisual development Scott E. Fraser (post-doc)
Pierre Charnet19881990 Henry A. Lester (post-doc)
Christine W. Chee-RuiterBiomedical Devices19952000 James Bower (grad student)
Wen J. Chen2000 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Xinhong Chen Biology and Biological Engineering2018 Viviana Gradinaru (grad student)
Zhou-Feng Chen David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Ching-Kang J. Chenphotoreceptor, G proteins, retina, visual system Melvin I. Simon (post-doc)
Chun-Tung CheungRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas2003 David B. Rutledge (grad student)
Vikram S. ChibMotor, Decision Making20082014 Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc), John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Cindy Chiu2015 Gilles Laurent (grad student), David McLean (post-doc)
Hui Chiu Biology and Biological Engineering Chieh Chang (grad student)
Yun Chiu2023 David A. Prober (grad student)
Ryan ChoDopamine, Optical imaging, Decision making20132019 Viviana Gradinaru (grad student)
Gloria B. Choiautism, neuroimmunology, cortex, proprioception, neurodevelopmental disorders2005 David J. Anderson (grad student)
Gang Chow Bioengineering2008 Jerome Pine (grad student)
G. Bjorn ChristiansonNeurobiological study of natural behavior2006 Mark Konishi (grad student)
Vassilios N. Christopoulos"Visuomotor Control, non-human primates fMRI"
Chiou-Fen ChuangDevelopmental Neurobiology, Brain Asymmetry2000 Elliot M Meyerowitz (grad student)
Jin Hyung (Alex) ChungAAV, spiny mice, songbird, development
Javier Cienfuegos2010 Daniel A. Wagenaar (research assistant)
Thomas Clandinin Biology and Biological Engineering Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Matthew Q. ClarkNeural circuitry BBE2017 Michael H. Dickinson (post-doc)
James A CoffmanNeuroendocrine system, glucocorticoid receptor, HPA axis biology19902000 Eric H. Davidson (post-doc)
Yale E. Cohenauditory system, prefrontal cortex Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Susana Cohen-CoryNervous system development; visual system; synapse formation; in vivo imaging Scott E. Fraser (post-doc)
Jaron Colas John P. O'Doherty (grad student)
Sven Collettecognitive Neuroscience, decision-making20122016 John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
David P. CoreyIon channels, hair cells1980 A. James Hudspeth (grad student)
Brian D. CorneilOculomotor neurophysiology20012003 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Dawn DW CornelisonSignaling and activity of skeletal muscle satellite cells1998 Barbara J. Wold (grad student)
Karina S. Cramerdevelopment and plasticity of neural circuitry David C. Van Essen (grad student)
Trinity B. CrapseVisual system, cognition Doris Y. Tsao (post-doc)
Lars B. Cremean2006 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
David Philip Crewtherneurophysiology1978 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Sheila Gillard Crewthervisual pathways19751978 Roger W. Sperry (grad student), John D. Pettigrew (grad student)
Alice Cronin-GolombNeuropsychology19791984 Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
Mike CrossGeneral Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology
Marie E. Csete2000 Barbara J. Wold (grad student)
He Cuineurophysiology Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Jelena Culic-Viskota Chemical Engineering2012 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Nadine L. Dabby Computation and Neural Systems2013 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Jerry D. DanielsNeural networks, genetic algorithms, visual physiology, eye movements, development of the nervous system, bio-instrumentation. John D. Pettigrew (post-doc)
Daniel P. Darcy Scott E. Fraser (research assistant)
Charles N. David Max Delbrück (grad student)
Hanan Davidowitz Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Norman Davidsonchemistry, ion channels19832002 Henry A. Lester (collaborator)
Eric H. DavidsonGene regulatory networks, Sea urchins
Ronald L. Davislearning and memory19801982 Norman Davidson (post-doc)
Erik De Schuttercerebellum, computational neuroscience James Bower (grad student)
Alysha de Souza
Heather L. Dean19982000 Gilles Laurent (research assistant)
Blythe C. DeckmanRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas2000 David B. Rutledge (grad student)
Tobi Delbruck Carver Mead (grad student)
William P. Dempsey Bioengineering20072012 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Benjamin Deneen David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Thomas DesautelsNeural Interfaces, Robotics Mechanical Engineering2014 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Stephen P. DeWeerthNeuroengineering19851991 Carver Mead (grad student)
Edgar A. DeYoeVisual cortex, neuroimaging methods David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
Kamran DibaNeural Circuits, Memory, and Sleep20032004 Christof Koch (post-doc), Henry A. Lester (post-doc)
Michael H. Dickinsonneurobiology, biomechanics
Adler R. Dillman Biology2013 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Xiaozhe Dingbioengineering Bioengineering Bioengineering20162013 Michael Z. Lin (research assistant), Viviana Gradinaru (grad student)
Xinzhong Dong David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Xinzhong Dong David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Allison DoupeBirdsong Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Ryan M. Drenannicotinic receptors, dopamine, neuroscience20062011 Henry A. Lester (post-doc)
Noel E. Du ToitNeural Interfaces, Robotics Mechanical Engineering2010 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Julien Dubois Computation and Neural Systems2013 Christof Koch (grad student)
David J. DubowitzSystems2002 Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Yadin DudaiLearning and Memory Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Joseph A. Duimstra2006 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Renato Dulbecco Max Delbrück (post-doc)
William B. Dunbar2004 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Alexander R. DunnDept. of Chemical Engineering2003 Harry Barkus Gray (grad student)
Omer DurakMolecular and Cellular Neuroscience Biology and Biological Engineering20062009 Paul W. Sternberg (research assistant)
Robert S. Edgargenetics and self-assembly of viruses, genetics of the nematode Caenorhabditis Max Delbrück (post-doc)
Robert G. Edwardsreproductive medicine, in-vitro fertilisation19571958 Albert Tyler (post-doc)
S.E. Roian Egnor2000 Mark Konishi (grad student)
Wolfgang EinhauserVisual System, Psychophysics, Attention, Comuptational Neuroscience, Machine Vision20052007 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Mark Eisenberg Yadin Dudai (grad student)
David Eisenbergprotein interactions19661969 Richard E. Dickerson (post-doc)
Ellen J. Elliott Michael Raftery (grad student)
Michael J. Elzinganeurobiology, biomechanics Mechanical Engineering2013 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
A. Zeynep EnkaviDecision making, Neuroeconomics Humanities and Social Sciences2019 Antonio Rangel (post-doc)
Michael S. Epstein Mechanical Engineering2008 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Richard H. Epsteinbacterial genetics Max Delbrück (post-doc)
Jessica R. EscobedoEmotion & Social Behavior Biology2009 Ralph Adolphs (grad student)
Brenden Eumattention, simple choice, value-based decisions
Andrew Josef Ewald2003 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Nathan FaivreConsciousness2012 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Douglas Fambroughcell biology of neurons and muscle1968 James Frederick Bonner (grad student)
Ming-Ji Fann Paul H. Patterson (grad student)
Claudio Fantivision Engineering and Applied Science2008 Pietro Perona (grad student)
S. Sarah Farivar2005 Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Joseph A. Fax2002 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Amir FayyazuddinNeuroscience19921997 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
Li Fei-FeiNatural Scene Perception, Object Recognition20002005 Christof Koch (grad student), Pietro Perona (grad student)
George Alexander Feigenacute immune response1948 Dan Hampton Campbell (grad student), Linus Carl Pauling (grad student)
Lauren E. FeilerEconomics, Neuroeconomics Humanities2007 Colin Camerer (grad student)
Gary Felsenfeldchromatin structure and gene expression in eukaryotes1955 Linus Carl Pauling (grad student)
Derek H. Fender
Xiaolin Feng2002 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Jolene S. Fernandes Biology2007 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Ila R. FieteComputation, theory, coding, dynamics Christof Koch (post-doc)
Eva FifkovaFocused on synaptic plasticity in the fine structure of nervous tissue with respect to learning and memory, aging and alcoholism; actin, calcium, hippocampal dendritic spines, electron microscopy Medicine Biology19681974 James Olds (collaborator), Anthonie Van Harreveld (collaborator), Anthonie Van Harreveld (post-doc), James Olds (post-doc)
Richard Firtel Biological Sciences1972 James Frederick Bonner (grad student)
Brian J. FischerComputational neuroscience, sound localization20052008 Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Melvin E. Flores Engineering and Applied Science2008 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Ernst Florey Cornelis A. G. Wiersma (post-doc)
Ebraheem I. FontaineNeural Interfaces, Robotics Mechanical Engineering2008 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Alfredo Fontanini James Bower (grad student)
Kenneth W. FosterPhotoreceptors Max Delbrück (grad student)
Charless C. Fowlkesvision19972000 Pietro Perona (research assistant)
Edward Paxon FradyComputation20062008 Christof Koch (research assistant)
Scott E. Fraserbiophysics, embryonic development, imaging R Andrew Cameron (collaborator)
Shawnalea J. Frazier Biology2012 Henry A. Lester (grad student)
Rainer FriedrichOlfaction Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Cary D. FrydmanNeuroeconomics Social Science2012 Antonio Rangel (grad student)
Mark A. Fryeneurobiology, behavior, neurogenetics, drosophila, vision, olfaction, flight20002004 Michael H. Dickinson (post-doc)
Karl J. FryxellMolecular psychiatry, genetics1983 Jeremy P. Brockes (grad student)
Zhongzheng (Brooks) FuCognitive neuroscience Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences20132018 Ralph Adolphs (grad student)
Ichiro Fujitacognitive visual neurosci19871989 Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Kazuo FunabikiAuditory system, Vestibular system Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Jimmy Fung2005 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Edwin Furshpan1955 Cornelis A. G. Wiersma (grad student)
Fabrizio Gabbiani Christof Koch (post-doc), Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Alexander Gail20032006 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
D. Carleton GajdusekPrion1950 Linus Carl Pauling (post-doc), John Gamble Kirkwood (post-doc), Max Delbrück (post-doc)
Martha A. Gallivan2003 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Jorge Arturo Gámez de León BBE2019 Tyson Aflalo (post-doc)
Shashank GandhiNeural crest, Developmental Biology Biology and Biological Engineering20152021 Marianne E. Bronner (grad student)
Barry GanetzkyDrosophila Genetics and Neurobiology Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Paul A. GarrityMolecular Genetics of Behavior Barbara J. Wold (grad student)
Narasimhan GautamG-proteins Melvin I. Simon (post-doc)
Michael Gazzaniganeuropsychology Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
Hagar Gelbard-SagivVisual awareness, Memory2010 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Alma GharibAutism, Visual Behavior, Cognitive Neuroscience Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Sharareh Gholamin2016 James Richard Heath (grad student)
Alain Ghysen Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Alfred GiererMolecular Biology19581959 Max Delbrück (research scientist)
Raymon M. GlantzCrayfish Cornelis A. G. Wiersma (post-doc)
Jan Glascher John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Donald A. GlaserVisual system1950 Carl D. Anderson (grad student)
Mitchell GlicksteinCerebellum Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
Hilary Gliddensystems neuroscience, motor planning, brain-machine interfaces Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
James W. GnadtCognitive and motor physiology, Visual System, Neurotechnology Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Michael Goard20012004 Erin M. Schuman (research assistant)
Alan L. GoldinSodium channels, epilepsy Henry A. Lester (post-doc)
Ryan G. Gomesvision Computation and Neural Systems2011 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Marcella M. Gomez Mechanical Engineering2015 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Christopher M. GomezNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology Leroy Hood (post-doc)
Luis Goncalves2000 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Ying Gong Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2004 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Rodney M. F. Goodman
Anita Gould2001 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
David M. Goulet Applied and Computational Mathematics2006 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Noah M. Gourlie20032005 Erin M. Schuman (grad student)
Viviana GradinaruControl of Brain Function and Behavior2020 Paul H. Patterson (research assistant), Erin M. Schuman (research assistant), Jonathan T. Ting (collaborator)
Arnulf B.A. Graf Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Amy L. Greenwood2000 David J. Anderson (grad student)
Kenneth L. GrieveVisual system Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Greg Griffinvision Computation and Neural Systems2013 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Virgil GriffithComputation Computation and Neural Systems2014 Christof Koch (grad student)
Whitney S. GriggsVisual system, decision-making, value-systems, brain-machine interfaces Biology and Biological Engineering2019 Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Piercesare GrimaldiIntegrative Neuroscience Biology Doris Y. Tsao (post-doc)
Cooper D. Grossman2021 John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Andy Grovesear development, developmental neurobiology, cochlea19971999 David J. Anderson (post-doc), Marianne E. Bronner (post-doc)
Ming GuNumerical linear algebra, Scientific computing
Charles GuanBrain-machine interfaces Biology and Biological Engineering2018 Richard A. Andersen (grad student), Tyson Aflalo (grad student)
Serena S. Guarnaschelli2003 Peter Bossaerts (grad student)
Hongsun GuoUltrasound neuromodulation BBE20192021 Doris Y. Tsao (post-doc)
Bhagwati Gupta Biology Paul W. Sternberg (post-doc)
John B. Gurdon Robert S. Edgar (post-doc)
Mark E. Gurney Mark Konishi (grad student)
Shabnam Hakimilearning, decision making, behavior change, self regulation, motivation, habit, individual differences, computational cognitive neuroscience, AI Ralph Adolphs (grad student), Antonio Rangel (grad student)
Neil S. Halelamien Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Jeffrey C. Hall19711974 Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Charles Hamilton19591964 Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
Bruce HamiltonNeurogenetics, cerebellum developent, stem/progenitor cells19901993 Kai Zinn (grad student), Elliot M Meyerowitz (grad student)
Fred HamkerVision, Attention Christof Koch (post-doc)
Alan N. Hamptondecision, reward Computation and Neural Systems2007 John P. O'Doherty (grad student)
Shuo Han Electrical Engineering2014 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Philip C. HanawaltDNA repair19601961 Robert L. Sinsheimer (post-doc)
Jonathan Harelvision, face processing Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering2012 Christof Koch (grad student), Ralph Adolphs (grad student)
Cynthia HarleyNeuroethology20092012 Daniel A. Wagenaar (post-doc)
William A. Harrisneural development19721976 Seymour Benzer (grad student)
John G HarrisSignals and Systems1991 Christof Koch (grad student)
Reid R. HarrisonComputation2000 Christof Koch (grad student)
Christopher E. Hart2005 Barbara J. Wold (grad student)
Mitra J. HartmannSomatosensory systems2000 James Bower (grad student)
Andrea R. Hasenstaub19971999 John M. Allman (research assistant)
Michael E. HasselmoMemory, acetylcholine, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus19881991 James Bower (post-doc)
Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Adam T. Hayes2002 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Peng He2019 Barbara J. Wold (grad student)
Paul HebertNeural Interfaces, Robotics Mechanical Engineering2013 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Sarah HeilshornMaterials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering2004 David A. Tirrell (grad student)
Martin HeisenbergNeurogenetics of Drosophila Max Delbrück (post-doc)
Houman D. HemmatiNeural crest development, evo-devo2006 Marianne E. Bronner (grad student)
Brandon J. HendersonNicotinic Receptors, Ion Channels, Dopamine Neurons, Drug Discovery, Nicotine Addiction Biology and Biological Engineering20122017 Henry A. Lester (post-doc)
Anne C. Hergarden Biology2011 David J. Anderson (grad student)
Ulrich Hergetzebrafish, hypothalamus, stress, sleep, neuromorphology, imaging Biology and Biological Engineering2016 David A. Prober (post-doc)
Andreas V. HerzAudition19901993 John J. Hopfield (post-doc)
Janis Karan HesseSystems neuroscience CNS2014 Doris Y. Tsao (grad student)
Lambertus Hesselinknano-photonics, ultra high density optical data storage, nonlinear optics, optical super-resolution, materials science, three-dimensional image processing and graphics, and Internet technologies.1977 Hans Wolfgang Liepmann (grad student), Bradford Sturtevant (grad student)
Charles M. HigginsNeuromorphic engineering, biomimetics, brain-machine interfacing, visual navigation, neuroscience, sleep Electrical Engineering Division of Biology19961999 Rodney M. F. Goodman (grad student), Christof Koch (post-doc)
Flora I. Hinz Biology2012 Erin M. Schuman (grad student)
Ching E. HoPsychophysics2000 Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Nathan O. Hodas Physics2011 Scott E. Fraser (grad student), Rudolph A. Marcus (grad student)
Jennifer J. Hodas Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2010 Erin M. Schuman (grad student)
Ulrich G. HofmannNeuroengineering, Chronic multisite recordings19971999 James Bower (post-doc)
Kristina H. HolmbergNeuroanatony, Pharmacoanatomy20012004 Paul H. Patterson (post-doc)
Elizabeth J. HongSynaptic and circuit mechanisms of olfaction
Weizhe HongNeuroscience20122015 David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Eric D. Hoopfer David J. Anderson (post-doc)
John J. HopfieldModelling
Timothy K. HoriuchiSensory systems1997 Christof Koch (grad student)
Matanya B. HorowitzNeural Interfaces, Robotics Control and Dynamical Systems2014 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Norman H. Horowitzgenetics (Neurospora, yeast)19361939 Albert Tyler (grad student)
Xiaodi HouComputation Computation and Neural Systems2014 Christof Koch (grad student)
Elaine Y. Hsiao Biology20132014 Paul H. Patterson (grad student), Rustem F. Ismagilov (post-doc)
Linda C. Hsieh-Wilsonmolecular basis of fundamental brain processes
Ming Hsudecision making, risk, social behavior, game theory, neurogenetics of choice Social Science2006 Meghana Bhatt (collaborator), Colin Camerer (grad student)
Linda Huang Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Michael HuckaSystems Biology19982001 James Bower (post-doc)
Ainul HudaDrosophila melanogaster, fruit fly, thermoreceptor Biology and Biological Engineering20152020 Michael H. Dickinson (research assistant)
Nicolas H. HudsonNeural Interfaces, Robotics Mechanical Engineering2009 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
George Morgan Hughesmotor systems19581959 Cornelis A. G. Wiersma (post-doc)
Chou P. Hungvisual neurophysiology19921996 Erin M. Schuman (research assistant)
Shao-Min Hung Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc)
Amy M. Hurwitzspinal cord development, stem cell differentiation20082008 Henry A. Lester (research assistant)
Stephen Huston Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Erica J. Hutchinsneural development, RNA binding proteins Biology and Biological Engineering2014 Marianne E. Bronner (post-doc)
Alexander G. HuthfMRI, vision, semantic representation, language20062008 Christof Koch (research assistant)
Eun Jung J. Hwang Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
David R. HydeDrosophila, zebrafish, visual system, retinal degeneration, neuronal regeneration19851988 Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Katsuo Ikedasynaptic transmission19621962 Cornelis A. G. Wiersma (post-doc)
Hidehiko K. Inagaki Biology20082014 David J. Anderson (grad student)
Giacomo IndiveriNeuromorphic Engineering Division of Biology Christof Koch (post-doc)
Hiroshi T. Ito20032009 Erin M. Schuman (grad student)
Laurent IttiVisual system19972000 Jochen Braun (grad student), Christof Koch (grad student)
Asha Iyermonkey fMRI, motor planning, reward modulation Richard A. Andersen (grad student), Igor Kagan (collaborator)
William Ja20052009 Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Dieter Jaegercerebellum, basal ganglia, motor control, computational neuroscience James Bower (post-doc)
Lily Y. JanChannel Physiology19741977 Max Delbrück (grad student), Jean-Paul Revel (grad student), Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Yuh Nung JanDendrite development, Potassium channel19741977 Max Delbrück (grad student), Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Min Jee JangNeuroinformatics2016 Viviana Gradinaru (post-doc)
Joanna L. JankowskyAlzheimer's disease, learning and memory20032008 Paul H. Patterson (grad student), Laure Verret (collaborator), Henry A. Lester (research scientist)
Vanessa JanowskiNeuroeconomics Social Science2012 Antonio Rangel (grad student)
Vivek Jayaraman Computation and Neural Systems20012007 Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Sanggeun JeonRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas2006 David B. Rutledge (grad student), Ali Hajimiri (post-doc)
Danique JeurissenVisual perception, decision making Computation and Neural Systems2015 Doris Y. Tsao (post-doc)
Hao JiangNeural Interfaces, Robotics Mechanical Engineering2008 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Zhipu Jin2007 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Jane E. Johnson19881992 David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Ron A. JortnerInsect olfaction20002007 Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Prashant Joshi Christof Koch (post-doc)
Nikhil J. JoshiNeuroscience20112013 Christof Koch (post-doc), Giulio Tononi (collaborator)
Benjamin JudkewitzBiophotonics
Yonil JungBehavioral neuroscience
Igor KaganSystem Neuroscience Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
David Alexander KahnSocial Neuroscience, Visual Perception, Autism Spectrum Disorders2019 Ralph Adolphs (post-doc)
Yukiyasu KamitaniComputational/cognitive2001 Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Ryota KanaiNeuroscience20012005 Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student), Jan Brascamp (collaborator)
Christopher KananDeep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Cognitive Science
Min J. KangEconomics, Neuroeconomics Social Science2010 Colin Camerer (grad student)
Jess Kanwal Division of Biology and Biological Engineering2020 Joseph Parker (post-doc)
Tomomi Karigo David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Jason C. Kastner2003 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Lawrence C. KatzSensory systems1984 Mark Konishi (grad student)
Risa Kawai20072007 Gilles Laurent (research assistant)
Leslie M. KayOlfaction Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Yutaka Kayaba Social Science2013 Peter Bossaerts (grad student)
Sanza T. KazadiComputation EE2000 Christof Koch (grad student), Rodney M. F. Goodman (grad student)
Scott D. KeeRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas2002 David B. Rutledge (grad student)
Spencer KellisNeural Engineering
Regis B. Kellyneuro-signaling and long-term memory1967 Robert L. Sinsheimer (grad student)
Daniel P. Kennedysocial neuroscience, autism spectrum disorder, social perception, eye tracking, brain connectivity Ralph Adolphs (post-doc)
Ann Kennedy Biology and biological engineering2014 David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Mary B. KennedyMolecular structure and function of central nervous system synapses
Jonathan D. KennyAnesthesiology, Neuroscience Computation & Neural Systems2016 Athanassios G. Siapas (grad student)
Laura Kerosuo Biology and Bioengineering2018 Marianne E. Bronner (post-doc)
Baljit S. KhakhGeneral Biophysics, Neurobiology Biology, Cell Biology Henry A. Lester (post-doc)
Eugenia M. Khorosheva
John A. KigerSignal transduction in Drosophila and roles of cyclic AMP in development and behavior.1968 Robert L. Sinsheimer (grad student)
Hyun Jung Kimhuman organs-on-chips, microbiology, microfluidics, tissue engineering Rustem F. Ismagilov (post-doc)
Hyong Kyu KimSynaptic plasticity, local protein synthesis20022003 Erin M. Schuman (post-doc)
Hackjin Kim John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Dong-Wook KimAggressive and sexual behavior2012 David J. Anderson (grad student)
Tamara L. Kinzer-UrsemMolecular Neurobiology20102012 Mary B. Kennedy (post-doc), David A. Tirrell (collaborator)
Martha Kirouac2003 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Stanley A. KleinVision Derek H. Fender (research scientist)
Arno KleinAutomated labeling of brain image data 19971998 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Eric I. KnudsenAuditory Brainstem19761979 Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Tamara A. KnutsenComputation and Neural Systems2009 Richard A. Andersen (grad student), Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Christof KochComputation20042004 Ulf Knoblich (collaborator)
F Christopher Kolb19931995 Jochen Braun (grad student)
Mark KonishiAuditory system Guangying Wu (collaborator)
Simon Kornblith20092011 Christof Koch (research assistant), Doris Y. Tsao (research assistant)
Mayuresh V. KothareProcess Control1997 Manfred Morari (grad student)
Ian KrajbichNeuroeconomics Behavioral and Social Neuroscience2011 Antonio Rangel (grad student)
Gabriel KreimanComputational Neuroscience, Visual Object Recognition, Visual Cortex, Artificial Intelligence2002 Mark Konishi (grad student), Christof Koch (grad student)
Doris KretzschmarDrosophila neurodegeneration Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Kristopher L. KriechbaumNeural Interfaces, Robotics2006 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Rajan P. Kulkarni2006 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Steven G. Kuntz Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2011 Barbara J. Wold (grad student)
Richard I. KuoAuditory system20092011 Guangying Wu (research assistant)
Javad Lavaei Control and Dynamical Systems2011 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Elias Lazarides
Kevin Juneos Mei LeNeuroscience Computation and Neural Systems2020 Ueli Rutishauser (grad student), Pietro Perona (grad student)
Michel Le MoalNeuroscience James Olds (post-doc)
Tim J. Lebestky David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Dale K Lee19971999 Jochen Braun (grad student)
Sang Wan LeeComputational neuroscience, brain-inspired AI20112015 John P. O'Doherty (post-doc), Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc)
Daniel A LeeNeuroscience, Sleep, Hypothalamus Biology and Biological Engineering2012 David A. Prober (post-doc)
Brian Lee2006 Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Anthony Leonardoneuroscience2002 Mark Konishi (grad student)
Henry A. LesterMolecular and functional aspects of ion channels, receptors, and transporters2007 Ueli Rutishauser (collaborator), Daniel A. Wagenaar (collaborator)
Arnold Levinep53 tumor suppressor gene1968 Robert L. Sinsheimer (post-doc)
Joe LevineSystems Biology
Jerre LevyNeuropsychology of cortical asymmetry19661970 Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
Michael S. LewickiComputation & Theory Mark Konishi (grad student)
Richard S. Lewis A. James Hudspeth (grad student)
Lifang LiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
Hongyi Richard Li Biology and Biological Engineering Biology and Biological Engineering Biology and Biological Engineering Mikhail G. Shapiro (grad student), Doris Y. Tsao (grad student), Henry A. Lester (grad student)
Ya-tang LiVisual circuits in mouse20142021 Markus Meister (post-doc)
John Cunningham LillyNeurophysiology, Sensory Isolation, Electrophysiology Recording & Restimulation, Interspecies Physics Physics19851988 Robert A. Millikan (research assistant), Richard P. Feynman (collaborator)
Seung Lark Limaffective and cognitive neuroscience, neuroeconomics, fMRI2009 Antonio Rangel (post-doc), John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Rod S. Lim2010 David J. Anderson (grad student)
Dayu LinSocial behaviors2006 David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Jeff LinBehavioral neuroscience2011 Guangying Wu (research assistant)
Alice LinNeuroeconomics Computation and Neural Systems20072012 Antonio Rangel (grad student), Ralph Adolphs (grad student)
John Lindal2001 Rodney M. F. Goodman (grad student)
Jennifer F. LindenAuditory cortex Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Axel Lindneraction perception, action planning, pointing, eye movements, cerebellum, parietal cortex Division of Biology20042007 Igor Kagan (collaborator), Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Cambrian Y. Liuolfaction, enteric nervous system Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics20092012 Scott E. Fraser (grad student), Henry A. Lester (grad student)
Mengyu Liuneuroscience Neurobiology2019 David J. Anderson (grad student)
Bingchuan LiuNeural engineering, Neuroscience BBE2023 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Carlos LoisAssembly of brain circuits and the cellular mechanisms of behavior
Graeme LoweOlfaction1987 Howard C. Berg (grad student)
Carole Chih-Chen Lu2007 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Dai LuRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas2004 David B. Rutledge (grad student)
Jialiang LuVision, Learning and Memory2018 Doris Y. Tsao (grad student)
Michael Lyons John J. Hopfield (post-doc)
Wei Ji Maperception, decision-making, cognition20022004 Christof Koch (post-doc), Patrick Wilken (collaborator), Ulrik Beierholm (collaborator)
Qiufu MaDevelopment and function of sensory circuitry David J. Anderson (post-doc)
David J.C. MackayBayesian inference, Machine learning1991 John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Katrina M. MacLeodAuditory Brainstem Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Gaby Maimon20052010 Michael H. Dickinson (post-doc)
Richard Mains Paul H. Patterson (grad student)
Jonathan M. Malmaud20092010 Antonio Rangel (research assistant), Shinsuke Shimojo (research assistant), Mark Konishi (research assistant), Christof Koch (research assistant)
Akira MamiyaNeurobiology
Paul B. ManisAuditory System, Ion channels, synaptic transmission, cochlear nucleus, auditory cortex19751976 John M. Allman (research assistant)
Amit ManwaniComputation2000 Christof Koch (grad student)
Frank E. Marble1948 Theodore von Kármán (grad student), Hans Wolfgang Liepmann (grad student)
Edoardo MarcoraHuntington's disease, neurodegeneration, synaptic transmission, neuronal transcription20032009 Mary B. Kennedy (post-doc)
Daniel Margoliashbirdsong, behavior1984 Mark Konishi (grad student)
Francisco Martinez-HernandezEnvironmental Viruses,Microbiology, Bioinformatic Victoria J. Orphan (research scientist)
Richard J. MasonNeural Interfaces, Robotics2003 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Stefan C. Materna Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2012 Eric H. Davidson (grad student)
Matthew S. Mattson Chemical Engineering20092011 Sally A. McFadden (grad student)
John HR MaunsellVision David C. Van Essen (grad student)
James A. Mazervisual system Mark Konishi (grad student)
Ofer Mazor2005 Gilles Laurent (grad student)
James S. McCasland
Andrew P. McMahonsonic hedgehog, patterning, nervous system Eric H. Davidson (post-doc)
Daniel McNamee Computation and Neural Systems2015 John P. O'Doherty (grad student)
Carver Mead1960 R. David Middlebrook (grad student), Robert V. Langmuir (grad student)
Andrew G.A. Medina-Marino Biology2009 Mary B. Kennedy (grad student)
Mollie K. Meffert19982004 David Baltimore (post-doc)
Neelesh B. MehtaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
Markus MeisterRetina1987 Howard C. Berg (grad student)
Bartlett W. Mel Christof Koch (post-doc)
Nicholas A. Meloshmolecular electronics and plasmonics, diamondoids, dynamic self-assembly of biomolecules and lipid bilayers as nano-bio interfaces20012003 James Richard Heath (post-doc)
Debrah Meloso Social Science2007 Peter Bossaerts (grad student)
Daniel K. MeulemansNeural crest development, evo-devo2004 Marianne E. Bronner (grad student)
Ronald L. MeyerRegulation of axonal growth, development of nerve connections, nerve injury and regeneration1974 Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
Stefan Mihalascomputational neuroscience2006 Mary B. Kennedy (grad student)
Mark B. Milam2003 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Richard G. MilnerExperimental Nuclear Physics1985 Robert D. McKeown (grad student)
Joshua N. MilsteinBiophysics20062008 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Kyung-Tai Mincellular and molecular neuroscience19931998 Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Paul J. Minor Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2014 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Juri MinxhaMemory retrieval CNS Computation and Neural Systems Ueli Rutishauser (grad student), Ralph Adolphs (grad student)
Ania MitrosComputation2006 Christof Koch (grad student)
Julie M. MiwaNeuroscience, nicotinic receptors, learning and memory Henry A. Lester (research scientist)
Chunhui MoComputation2003 Christof Koch (grad student)
Baback MoghaddamComputer Vision, Machine Learning, Statistics
Jacques Lucien MonodCell Genetics1936 Thomas Hunt Morgan (post-doc)
Jennifer P. Montgomery Biology2007 Paul H. Patterson (grad student)
Randall MoonWnt signaling Elias Lazarides (post-doc)
Richard D. Mooneybirdsong, development Mark Konishi (grad student)
Ashley Moore Control and Dynamical Systems2011 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Hsiao-Ping H. MooreCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology Chemistry1980 Michael Raftery (grad student)
Tanya M. MorenoNeural crest development, evo-devo2002 Marianne E. Bronner (grad student)
Josee MorissetteBiomedical devices19891995 James Bower (grad student)
Sean J. MorrisonStem cells David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Eric Ardon Mosser Erin M. Schuman (grad student)
GEORGE MOUNTOUFARISinternal states, emotions, Social behaviors BBE2017 David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Julien Muffatstem cells, neurodegeneration, inflammation, pathological aging, microglia, neuro-immune20022007 Seymour Benzer (grad student), Henry A. Lester (grad student), David J. Anderson (grad student)
Yosuke MukoyamaNeuro-angiogenesis David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Grant H. MullikenVisuomotor System20002006 Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Mario E. Munich2000 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Sachiko Murase Erin M. Schuman (post-doc)
Todd D. Murpheycomputational methods in dynamics and control2002 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Richard M. Murray
Teresa A. MurrayTraumatic brain injury, epilepsy, multiphoton microscopy, GRIN lens, biosensors, nanoparticles, neurons, glia, microglia, in vivo recording, brain slice model Biology Biology20082012 Henry A. Lester (research assistant), Henry A. Lester (collaborator)
Mala Murthyneuroscience, drosophila, perception, electrophysiology, olfaction, audition, acoustic communication20042009 Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Sam MusallamBrain-machine interfaces, Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Anand Kumar Muthusamybiosensors, dyes, diagnostics
Shreesh P. MysoreNeural circuits for attention and decision making Control and Dynamical Systems Control and Dynamical Systems2007 Erin M. Schuman (grad student), Steven R. Quartz (grad student)
Marnix Naber Wolfgang Einhauser (grad student)
John M. Nagarah2009 Daniel A. Wagenaar (post-doc)
Aditya NairParkinson's Disease; Neuronal Reconstruction; Computer Vision Computation and Neural Systems Computation and Neural Systems20192020 Viviana Gradinaru (grad student), David J. Anderson (grad student)
Miki NakajimaPlanetary Science, Geophysics, Geosciences20102016 David J. Stevenson (grad student)
Yashwanth Kumar NakkaControl Theory, Robotics, Space Engineering Soon-Jo Chung (grad student)
Ho NamkungNeural Circuits for Emotion Biology and Biological Engineering2023 David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Anusha Narayan Computation and Neural Systems Computation and Neural Systems2010 Gilles Laurent (grad student), Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Vidhya Navalpakkamvisual perception Christof Koch (post-doc)
Janna Nawroth
Marcos Felipe Nazareth GalloSocial Neuroscience, Discrimination HSS20192023 Colin Camerer (grad student)
Robert D. Nebes Biology Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
Patricia A. NeilPsychophysics Computation and Neural Systems2006 Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Mark NelsonSensory Physiology19861991 James Bower (post-doc)
Matthew J. NelsonNeurolinguistics, Biophysics and Electrophysiology Computation and Neural Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Dirk Neumann
William T. NewsomeVision, Decision1980 John M. Allman (grad student), David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
Keven Ngsystems neuroscience
Thomas S. Ngdevelopment Biology2012 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
John NgaiOlfaction Elias Lazarides (grad student)
John T. Ngo David A. Tirrell (grad student)
Weston A. Nichols Biology Biology and Biological Engineering20122014 Henry A. Lester (grad student), Brandon J. Henderson (grad student)
Bruce J Nicholson1983 Jean-Paul Revel (grad student)
Teresa A. Nickelectrophysiology, plasticity, development, excitability19992003 Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Ernst NieburComputation & Theory Christof Koch (post-doc)
Dylan NiemanPsychophysics Biology2007 Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Romi Nijhawan Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc)
Sumner L Normanbrain machine interface, bmi, brain computer interface, bci, rehabilitation, stroke, neuroscience, robotics, mechanical engineering, engineering, neuroengineering, control theory, neural networks2017 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Elnaz NouriComputational NeuroScience Christof Koch (grad student)
Edward NovitskiDrosophila genetics, chromosome mechanics1942 Alfred Henry Sturtevant (grad student)
John P. O'Doherty20052008 Hilke Plassmann (collaborator)
Shay OhayonPrimate Visual System Biology20092014 Doris Y. Tsao (grad student)
Yuki OkaFluid and Salt Homeostasis
Jaime Olavarriavisual system David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
James OldsBrain self-stimulation
Baldomero M. Oliveracharacterization of venom components in venomous marine snails, in particular, those belonging to the genus Conus, and the identification of their molecular targets, and exploration of potential biomedical applications1966 Norman Davidson (grad student)
Bruno A. OlshausenComputation & Theory David C. Van Essen (grad student)
Lance M. OpticanNeural Systems Modeling19681972 Derek H. Fender (research assistant)
Melinda T. Owens20022004 Erin M. Schuman (research assistant)
Maria Papadopoulou Biology2010 Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Alice J. Paquette2000 David J. Anderson (grad student)
Junghyun Park2004 Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc)
Ardem Patapoutian1996 Barbara J. Wold (grad student)
Gentry N. PatrickUbiquitin Proteasome System, Neurodegenerative Disease19992003 Erin M. Schuman (post-doc)
Paul H. Patterson
Lynn K. Paulsocial cognitive neuroscience, corpus callosum dysgenesis, corpus callosum agenesis, hemispherectomy, developmental neuroscience Ralph Adolphs (research scientist), John P. O'Doherty (collaborator), Julian Michael Tyszka (collaborator)
Jose Luis Pena Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Jiahui Peng2020 Carlos Lois (grad student)
Rachel E. Penton20092013 Henry A. Lester (post-doc)
Javier Perez-Orive2004 Gilles Laurent (grad student)
David PerkelSynaptic Physiology, Vocal learning, Songbird19921995 Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Pietro Peronavision20002002 Rufin VanRullen (collaborator), David J. Anderson (collaborator)
Bijan Pesaran20022005 Partha Pratim Mitra (grad student), Richard A. Andersen (post-doc), John S. Pezaris (collaborator)
Robert J. PetersComputation2004 Christof Koch (grad student)
Steven E. Petersen John M. Allman (grad student)
John S. PezarisVisual Prosthesis, Functional Microcircuitry2000 Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Samuel T. PfisterNeural Interfaces, Robotics2006 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
M. Ian PhillipsNeurophysiology, Stem Cells James Olds (post-doc)
Michael L. PiacentinoDevelopmental Biology, Neural Crest, Cell Migration Biology and Biological Engineering2016 Marianne E. Bronner (post-doc)
Jerome Pineelectrophysiology of neurons in culture
Randall Pittman Paul H. Patterson (grad student)
Hilke PlassmannNeuroeconomics20052008 Antonio Rangel (post-doc)
Daniel Pollak20142019 Luke R. Remage-Healey (research assistant)
AnnMarie Polsenberg ThomasNeural Interfaces, Robotics2007 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Steve M. PotterNeural Engineering, Neural Interfacing, Neural Cell Culture, Artificial Intelligence19942000 Scott E. Fraser (post-doc), Jerome Pine (post-doc)
David Presti Max Delbrück (grad student)
Kerstin PreuschoffDecision Neuroscience, Neuroeconomics, Neurofinance Computation and Neural Systems20012007 Peter Bossaerts (grad student), Steven R. Quartz (grad student)
David A. ProberGenetic and Neural Circuits that Regulate Sleep
Larry Proctor1995 Mark Konishi (grad student)
Song QiFear and Anxiety Dean Mobbs (grad student)
Steven R. Quartz Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences1993 Patricia Churchland (grad student)
Rodrigo Quian QuirogaNeuroscience, Signal Processing Christof Koch (post-doc), Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Michael W. QuickGABA transporter, nicotinic receptor19921995 Henry A. Lester (post-doc)
Carlo J. Quinonez2003 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
James E. RadfordNeural Interfaces, Robotics2003 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Vilayanur S. RamachandranNeurology19791981 John D. Pettigrew (post-doc)
Pavan Ramdyabrain and behavioral plasticity Division of Biology and Bioengineering20152016 Michael H. Dickinson (post-doc)
Antonio RangelNeuroeconomics
Mahendra S. RaoStem cells Paul H. Patterson (grad student), David J. Anderson (research scientist)
Donald Readydevelopment Seymour Benzer (grad student)
Geraint Reesconsciousness, visual perception, MRI, machine learning, stroke, neurodegeneration Christof Koch (post-doc)
Wade G. Regehr1988 Jerome Pine (grad student), David B. Rutledge (grad student)
Werner ReichardtVisual System, Motion Detection1955 Max Delbrück (post-doc)
Pamela Reinagelvisual system, computation & theory19951997 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Michael ReiserNeuroethology, Cybernetics20022007 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
Ryan Remediosin vivo neurophysiology & optophysiology David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Boris RevechkisNeural Prosthetics, Learning & Memory2010 Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Jean-Paul RevelGap junctions
Roger Revilla-i-Domingo Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2007 Eric H. Davidson (grad student)
Ingmar Riedel-Kruse Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Alice A. Robieneurobiology, biomechanics Biology2010 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
J. Elliott RobinsonBehavioral pharmacology, autism, alcohol Biology & Biological Engineering2016 Viviana Gradinaru (post-doc)
Damien C. RodgerNeural Interfaces, Robotics Bioengineering2008 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Crystal D. RogersMolecular and Developmental Biology Biology and Bioengineering20102015 Marianne E. Bronner (post-doc)
Jason T. Rolfevision Computation and Neural Systems2012 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Michael RosbashMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior1965 Norman Davidson (research assistant)
David Rosenbluth2002 John M. Allman (grad student)
Isabelle A. Rosenthalmachine learning, neuroscience CNS Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Sam T. RoweisMachine learning1999 John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Anthony M. RoyNeural Interfaces, Robotics Mechanical Engineering2010 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Benjamin D. Rubin20022008 Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Ueli Rutishauserplasticity, computation, memory20052008 Erin M. Schuman (grad student), Christof Koch (grad student), Wolfgang Einhauser (collaborator)
David B. RutledgeRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas
Kourosh SaberiAuditory System, Neuroscience19971999 Mark Konishi (research scientist)
Philip N. SabesSensorimotor Control Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Melissa T. Saenzvision Christof Koch (post-doc)
Maneesh SahaniComputation & Theory1999 Richard A. Andersen (grad student), John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Fidel SantamariaComputational Neuroscience19952000 James Bower (grad student)
Thomas D. Sargent James Frederick Bonner (grad student)
Gordon H. Sato19511955 Max Delbrück (grad student)
Oren N. Schaedel Biology2011 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Richard Schellermechanisms of membrane organization and transport1980 Eric H. Davidson (grad student)
Hansjörg Scherbergermotor system, BMI Biology19982004 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Erik J. SchlichtBehavioral decision theory Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc)
Marc F. Schmidtneuroethology19931999 Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Erik W. SchomburgBiophysics of extracellular potentials, Hippocampus2008 Christof Koch (grad student)
Tom SchonbergCognitive neuroscience20042009 John P. O'Doherty (grad student)
Jonathan S. SchorDBS, PD, Movement Disorders Biology20102014 David J. Anderson (research assistant)
Erin M. Schuman
John Henry J. Scottelectron microscopy, microanalysis, data science
Marty Serenovisual cortex John M. Allman (post-doc)
Nirao M. Shah David J. Anderson (grad student)
Adam S. ShaiSingle Neuron Computation2010 Christof Koch (grad student)
Ladan Shamsvisual and multisensory perception Wei Ji Ma (collaborator), Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc), Ulrik Beierholm (collaborator)
Kevin Qing ShanHippocampus2013 Athanassios G. Siapas (grad student)
Rangoli SharanNeural Interfaces, Robotics Control and Dynamical Systems2014 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Anna ShemorryProtein degradation, ubiquitin Biology2013 Alexander Varshavsky (grad student)
Kai Shen2002 Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Krishna V. ShenoyMotor control / prostheses19952001 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Stephen V. Shepherdsocial neuroethology20002002 John M. Allman (research assistant)
David Sherwood2005 Paul W. Sternberg (post-doc)
Bhavin ShethVisual Perception,Multisensory Integration, Functions of Sleep, Autism and Related Developmental Disorders, Neural Basis of Insight Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc)
Wenmei ShiIon Channel Physiology Henry A. Lester (post-doc)
Ying ShiNeuprosthetics2011 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Ling Shi Control and Dynamical Systems2009 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Shinsuke ShimojoPsychophysics
Donghun Shin2005 David J. Anderson (grad student)
Amol V ShivangeProtein engineering, biosensors, enzyme engineering
Robert G. ShulmanBiophysics1950 Don Merlin Lee Yost (post-doc)
Caroly ShumwayNeuro-ethology, ecology19921996 James Bower (post-doc)
Christian Garcia SiagianVisual Systems20102011 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Athanassios G. SiapasHippocampus
Thanos SiapasNetwork mechanisms of learning and memory
Obaid SiddiqiOlfaction, Drosophila, Neurogenetocs Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Claudiu SimionPsychophysics2005 Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Anne F. SimonSocial Behavior, Drosophila, Aging
W. Bryan Smith2004 Erin M. Schuman (grad student)
Stephen EP Smithautism Paul H. Patterson (grad student)
Terrance P. Snutchcalcium channels19841989 Henry A. Lester (post-doc), Norman Davidson (post-doc)
Noam SobelOlfaction20012001 James Bower (post-doc)
Jill A. Soha Mark Konishi (research assistant)
Alireza SoltaniComputational Neuroscience; Cognitive Neuroscience 20072009 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Ekin Sonmezneurobiology, Drosophila20162016 Kai Zinn (research scientist)
Amber L. SouthwellHuntington disease, experimental therapeutics, transgenic mice, behavior, stem cells Biology2009 Paul H. Patterson (grad student)
Merrielle Spainvision Computation and Neural Systems2011 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Demetri P. Spanos2006 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Roger W. SperryCerebral lateralization1935 Raymond H. Stetson (research assistant)
Rahul Srinivasan2007 Henry A. Lester (post-doc)
Damian Alexander StanleyDecision Making, Social Neuroscience, Vision20122012 Antonio Rangel (post-doc), Ralph Adolphs (post-doc), John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Andrew D. Steele Susan L. Lindquist (grad student)
Elliot A. SteinAddiction, Neuroimaging James Olds (post-doc)
Peter N. SteinmetzComputation & Theory Christof Koch (post-doc)
Martin B. StemmlerComputational Neuroscience Christof Koch (grad student)
Gunther S. StentEmbryonic development; history/philosophy of science Max Delbrück (post-doc)
Paul W. Sternberg
Chess StetsonTime Estimation20072012 Richard A. Andersen (grad student)
Noelle R. B. Stiles Biology Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Josef Stoll Wolfgang Einhauser (grad student)
Mark A. Stopfer Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Michael H. B. StowellStructure and Mechanism at the Chemical Synapse1997 Douglas C. Rees (grad student), Sunney I. Chan (grad student)
Andrew D. Strawneurobiology, visual system20042010 Michael H. Dickinson (post-doc)
Georg F. Striedter Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Felix Strumwasser
Alfred Henry SturtevantDrosophila genetics
Gurol Mehmet Süelbacillus subtilis, stochasticity, biofilms Michael B. Elowitz (post-doc)
Greg S. Suh David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Xin Suirisk-averse reinforcement learning, exploration, decision making, computational psychiatry Social Decision Neuroscience20182020 Dean Mobbs (research assistant)
Nicolette (Nikki) J. SullivanNeuroeconomics2010 Antonio Rangel (grad student)
Fahad Sultan19941996 James Bower (post-doc)
Qi Sun2000 Kai Zinn (grad student)
B. Dennis SustareFrog visual system
Michael SuttonHomeostatic Plasticity, Local Protein Synthesis Erin M. Schuman (post-doc)
Marie P. Suverneurobiology, biomechanics Computation and Neural Systems2014 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
Shinsuke Suzuki"Social neuroscience" John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Jerzy Olgierd Szablowskigene delivery, focused ultrasound, neuroengineering, molecular engineering, directed evolution Bioengineering Chemical Engineering Bioengineering20152019 Peter B. Dervan (grad student), Mikhail G. Shapiro (post-doc), Frances H. Arnold (research assistant)
Aladar A. SzalayMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology19731975 Robert L. Sinsheimer (post-doc)
Hwan-Ching Bruce TaiAging Chemistry2010 Erin M. Schuman (grad student)
Chin-Yin Tai Division of Biology Erin M. Schuman (post-doc)
Terry TakahashiAuditory processing in the barn owl Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Saori TanakaReinforcement learning, fMRI John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Kea-Tiong Tang2001 Rodney M. F. Goodman (grad student)
Timothy Tayler David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Anne Marion Taylormicrosystems, mRNA localization, synaptogenesis, synaptic plasticity, local translation, microfluidics20062010 Erin M. Schuman (post-doc), Carl W. Cotman (grad student)
Tracy K. Teal Computation and Neural Systems2007 Barbara J. Wold (grad student)
Herman TeitelbaumHippocampus, opiates Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
John H. ThompsonAuditory development James Bower (grad student)
Abhishek Tiwari Electrical Engineering2007 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Shubha ToleDevelopmental Neuroscience19881994 Paul H. Patterson (grad student)
Yusuke TominaNeuroethology, Neurophysiology, Optical imaging, Invertebrates
Angela Colleen Tooker Electrical Engineering2007 Jerome Pine (grad student)
Sina Tootoonian Computation and Neural Systems2013 Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Elizabeth Torresbehavioral neurophysiology; computational neuroscience2001 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Regan Blythe TowalSensorimotor Integration2010 Christof Koch (post-doc)
W Dan Tracey19992004 Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Peter Trautman Control and Dynamical Systems2013 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Colwyn Trevarthen Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
Elizabeth Tricomi20062008 John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Xoana G. Troncosovisual system, perception, eye movements, decision making20092012 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Lizzy TrowerGeobiology, Sedimentology, geochemistry
Paul O. P. Ts'obiophysics1956 Jerome R. Vinograd (grad student), James Frederick Bonner (grad student)
Doris Y. TsaoFace perception, single neuron recordings
Naotsugu TsuchiyaVisual awareness, consciousness, attention, intracranial recording, decoding, category theory20002005 Ralph Adolphs (post-doc), Jeroen J.A. Van Boxtel (collaborator), Christof Koch (grad student)
Glenn Turner Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Albert TylerReproduction Thomas Hunt Morgan (grad student)
Rosa A. UribeRetinal differentiation, neural crest, zebrafish, neuron Biology2012 Marianne E. Bronner (post-doc)
Mikko Vahasoyrinkivisual system, olfaction, insects, ion channels Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Vivian Valentin John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Jeroen J.A. Van BoxtelVisual psyschophysics, attention, consciousness, biological motion20082010 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Floris van Breugelneurobiology, biomechanics Control and Dynamical Systems2014 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
David C. Van EssenVisual system
Anthonie Van Harreveldneurophysiology
Stephen D. Van HooserVisual system, development19961998 James Bower (research assistant)
Virginie van Wassenhovetime, cognition, multisensory, perception, auditory-visual speech20062008 Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc), Fumiko Hoeft (collaborator)
David J. VandenberghGenetics of Complex Traits, Neuroscience of Addiction19871990 David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Cornelius H. VanderwolfControl of movement/EEG19621963 Roger W. Sperry (post-doc)
Michael C. VanierComputer Science19922001 James Bower (grad student)
Rufin VanRullen20002002 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Alexander VarshavskyProtein degradation, ubiquitin
Luis E. Vazquez2004 Mary B. Kennedy (grad student)
Patricio A. Vela control theory and computer vision2003 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Ophelia S. Venturelli Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2013 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Marguerite VogtVirology Biological sciences Max Delbrück (grad student)
Eric T. VuNeuroethology19911996 Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Daniel A. WagenaarMultisensory integration in the medicinal leech19992005 Steve M. Potter (grad student), Jerome Pine (grad student)
Hermann WagnerNeurophysiology Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Nicholas R. Wall20022004 Erin M. Schuman (research assistant)
Dirk B. WaltherAttention, Modeling, fMRI decoding20002006 Christof Koch (grad student)
Xuan WAN
Feiyu WangRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas2006 David B. Rutledge (grad student)
Bo Wang Division of Biology2015 Carlos Lois (post-doc)
Minqin Wang2000 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Shuo Wang Computation and Neural Systems20142016 Ralph Adolphs (grad student), Ralph Adolphs (post-doc)
Shuai WangBiochemistry, Membrane protein biogenesis, synapse Chemistry20132019 Shu-ou Shan (grad student)
Liming Wang David J. Anderson (grad student)
Dai WatanabeMolecular neurobiology, Songbird Mark Konishi (post-doc)
Katsumi WatanabeCognitive Science (Perception, Crossmodal interaction, Sensorimotor learning, Development, Attention, Eye movement, Social cognition, Decision Making); Neuroscience(Motivation, Reward, Basal ganglia, Brain Imaging) 2001 Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Karli K. WatsonCingulate Cortex Biology2006 John M. Allman (grad student)
Stephen WaydoComputation Control and Dynamical Systems2008 Christof Koch (grad student)
Markus Weber2000 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Michael WehrAuditory Cortex Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Robert M Weikle IIElectrical Engineering, Physics Electrical Engineering1992 David B. Rutledge (grad student)
Joseph B. WekselblattVisual System Doris Y. Tsao (post-doc)
Peter Welindervision Computation and Neural Systems2012 Pietro Perona (grad student)
Jiajun WenComputation2000 Christof Koch (grad student)
Patricia M. WhiteCochlea Regeneration, Noise Damage, Hearing, Development, Neurobiology Biology19932000 Ellen V. Rothenberg (research assistant), David J. Anderson (grad student)
Michael M. Whiteligand gated ion channels19831985 Henry A. Lester (post-doc), Norman Davidson (post-doc)
Cornelis A. G. Wiersma
Casimir Wierzynskilearning and memory, autonomous systems Athanassios G. Siapas (grad student)
Melanie Wilke2008 Igor Kagan (collaborator), Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Patrick Wilkenconsciousness, vision, visual short term memory20012003 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Matthew A. WilsonHippocampus19891997 James Bower (grad student)
Rachel I. Wilson Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Barbara J. Wold Eric H. Davidson (grad student)
Eric M. Wolff Control and Dynamical Systems2014 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn Mechanical Engineering2010 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Florentin WörgötterComputational Neuroscience, Reinforcement Learning, Robotics19881990 Christof Koch (post-doc)
Ashley P. Wright Biology2010 Kai Zinn (grad student)
James Joseph Wright Roger W. Sperry (research scientist)
David Dah-wei Wu Bioengineering2010 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Daw-An WuPschophysics, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Vision20052007 Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc), Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student)
Shih-Wei Wudecision making, neuroeconomics, fMRI, computational neuroscience20082010 Antonio Rangel (post-doc), Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc), John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Klaus Wunderlich Computation and Neural Systems2010 John P. O'Doherty (grad student), Antonio Rangel (grad student), Ray J. Dolan (post-doc)
Xian-Zhong Xu Paul W. Sternberg (post-doc)
Huan Xu Mechanical Engineering2013 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Shuwa Xu Kai Zinn (post-doc)
Tetsuo Yamane1960 Norman Davidson (grad student)
Sophia Yang Ralph Adolphs (research assistant)
Lingling Yeseismology, earthquake seismological laboratory20152018 Hiroo Kanamori (post-doc)
Enoch Yeung Department of Control and Dynamical Systems2016 Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Carol Yin
Young Dae YoonPlasma Physics
Ryan A. YorkFrontotemporal Dementia, Birdsong, Neural Plasticity, Evolution of the Brain, Culture John M. Allman (research assistant)
Jonathan Young Gilles Laurent (grad student)
Hui Yu2005 Paul W. Sternberg (grad student)
Kyongsik Yunimplicit social interaction, EEG, tDCS Shinsuke Shimojo (post-doc), Colin Camerer (post-doc)
Pascal YVONmaterials under irradiation Applied Physics19851993 William L Johnson (grad student)
Francisco A. Zabalaneurobiology, biomechanics20092013 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
Eran ZaidelHemispheric specialization and interaction19711973 Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
Moriel ZelikowskyFear Conditioning Biology and Biological Engineering20122018 David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Barbara Zenger-LandoltVisual attention19971999 Christof Koch (post-doc), Jochen Braun (post-doc)
Li Zhaopingvision, olfaction, motor, etc.19841989 John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Yang Zheng BBE2019 Elizabeth J. Hong (post-doc)
Qiao Zhou David J. Anderson (grad student)
Kathryn ZimmermanDevelopment David J. Anderson (post-doc)
Kai ZinnDevelopmental neuroscience
Konrad E. ZinsmaierNeuroscience, Genetics19901995 Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
S. Lawrence Zipurskyneural development Seymour Benzer (post-doc)
Mariela Zirlinger2002 David J. Anderson (grad student)
Mark J. ZylkaPain20002005 David J. Anderson (post-doc)