Melissa Duff

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
memory, language, social interaction
"Melissa Duff"
Mean distance: 14.48 (cluster 23)
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McCurdy R, Covington NV, Duff MC. (2024) Naming Ability in the Chronic Phase of Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 1-14
Morrow EL, Nelson LA, Duff MC, et al. (2024) An Ecological Momentary Assessment and Intervention Tool for Memory in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury: Development and Usability of Memory Ecological Momentary Intervention. Jmir Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. 11: e59630
Covington NV, Duff MC. (2024) Hippocampus supports long-term maintenance of language representations: Evidence of impaired collocation knowledge in amnesia. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior
Clough S, Brown-Schmidt S, Cho SJ, et al. (2024) Reduced on-line speech gesture integration during multimodal language processing in adults with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury: Evidence from eye-tracking. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 181: 26-46
Feller JJ, Duff MC, Clough S, et al. (2024) Evidence of Peripheral Vestibular Impairment Among Adults With Chronic Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. American Journal of Audiology. 1-17
Lord KM, Duff MC, Brown-Schmidt S. (2024) Temporary ambiguity and memory for the context of spoken language in adults with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury. Brain and Language. 257: 105471
Evans MJ, Clough S, Duff MC, et al. (2024) Temporal organization of narrative recall is present but attenuated in adults with hippocampal amnesia. Hippocampus. 34: 438-451
Cho SJ, Brown-Schmidt S, Clough S, et al. (2024) Comparing Functional Trend and Learning among Groups in Intensive Binary Longitudinal Eye-Tracking Data using By-Variable Smooth Functions of GAMM. Psychometrika
Morrow EL, Brown-Schmidt S, Duff MC. (2024) Memory for Conversation in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Feasibility Study and Preliminary Findings. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-10
Morrow EL, Duff MC. (2024) Sleep Disruption Persists and Relates to Memory Disability After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Cross-Sectional Study of Adults in the Chronic Phase of Injury. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
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