Rochelle Ackerley, BSc PhD

2017- LNSC CNRS - Aix-Marseille University 
Sensorimotor control
"Rochelle Ackerley"

I am a permanent researcher with the CNRS and I work on the role of skin afferents in sensorimotor processes at the Laboratoire de Neurosciences Sensorielles et Cognitives (LNSC, UMR7260) in Marseille, France. We use single-unit microneurography to record from peripheral nerves in humans and relate this to central neural processes and behaviour. My current work is funded by an ERC Consolidator grant from 2019-2023 (ARTTOUCH). I have previously worked on touch using microneurography, neuroimaging, and psychophysical approaches with Prof.'s Johan Wessberg and Håkan Olausson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden), as well as prediction in sensorimotor control with Prof Graham R. Barnes (University of Manchester, UK). I completed my PhD in 2006 on sensorimotor inputs to the cerebellum with Prof Richard Apps at the University of Bristol, UK. For more information, please see :

Mean distance: 16.57 (cluster 32)


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Richard Apps grad student University of Bristol
Johan Wessberg post-doc 2010-2017 (Robotree)


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Davide Filingeri collaborator 2012- (Physiology Academic Tree)
Uta Sailer collaborator 2012-
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Samain-Aupic L, Dione M, Ribot-Ciscar E, et al. (2024) Relations between tactile sensitivity of the finger, arm, and cheek skin over the lifespan showing decline only on the finger. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 16: 1387136
Dione M, Watkins RH, Aimonetti JM, et al. (2024) Author Correction: Effects of skin moisturization on various aspects of touch showing differences with age and skin site. Scientific Reports. 14: 9332
Dione M, Watkins RH, Aimonetti JM, et al. (2023) Effects of skin moisturization on various aspects of touch showing differences with age and skin site. Scientific Reports. 13: 17977
Samain-Aupic L, Gilbert L, André N, et al. (2023) Applying cosmetic oil with added aromatic compounds improves tactile sensitivity and skin properties. Scientific Reports. 13: 10550
Watkins RH, Durao de Carvalho Amante M, Backlund Wasling H, et al. (2022) Slowly-adapting type II afferents contribute to conscious touch sensation in humans: Evidence from single unit intraneural microstimulation. The Journal of Physiology. 600: 2939-2952
Ackerley R, Samain-Aupic L, Ribot-Ciscar E. (2022) Passive proprioceptive training alters the sensitivity of muscle spindles to imposed movements. Eneuro
Watkins RH, Dione M, Ackerley R, et al. (2020) Evidence for sparse C-tactile afferent innervation of glabrous human hand skin. Journal of Neurophysiology
Croy I, Bierling A, Sailer U, et al. (2020) Individual Variability of Pleasantness Ratings to Stroking Touch Over Different Velocities. Neuroscience
Ackerley R, Sverrisdόttir YB, Birklein F, et al. (2020) Cutaneous warmth, but not touch, increases muscle sympathetic nerve activity during a muscle fatigue hand-grip task. Experimental Brain Research
Eriksson Hagberg E, Ackerley R, Lundqvist D, et al. (2019) Spatio-temporal profile of brain activity during gentle touch investigated with magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage. 116024
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