Mariama Dione

2019- LNSC CNRS - Aix-Marseille University 
"Mariama Dione"
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Samain-Aupic L, Dione M, Ribot-Ciscar E, et al. (2024) Relations between tactile sensitivity of the finger, arm, and cheek skin over the lifespan showing decline only on the finger. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 16: 1387136
Dione M, Watkins RH, Aimonetti JM, et al. (2024) Author Correction: Effects of skin moisturization on various aspects of touch showing differences with age and skin site. Scientific Reports. 14: 9332
Dione M, Watkins RH, Aimonetti JM, et al. (2023) Effects of skin moisturization on various aspects of touch showing differences with age and skin site. Scientific Reports. 13: 17977
Dione M, Watkins RH, Vezzoli E, et al. (2021) Human low-threshold mechanoafferent responses to pure changes in friction controlled using an ultrasonic haptic device. Scientific Reports. 11: 11227
Watkins RH, Dione M, Ackerley R, et al. (2020) Evidence for sparse C-tactile afferent innervation of glabrous human hand skin. Journal of Neurophysiology
Mastinu E, Engels LF, Clemente F, et al. (2020) Neural feedback strategies to improve grasping coordination in neuromusculoskeletal prostheses. Scientific Reports. 10: 11793
Dione M, Wessberg J. (2019) Human 8- to 10-Hz pulsatile motor output during active exploration of textured surfaces reflects the textures' frictional properties. Journal of Neurophysiology. 122: 922-932
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