Yu-Min Ku, Ph.D.

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Reading and reasoning in children
"Yu-Min Ku"
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Richard C. Anderson grad student 2001 UIUC
 (Development of morphological awareness in Chinese and English.)
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Koh PW, Ku Y, Chen X. (2019) Examining Chinese vocabulary knowledge in Taiwanese first- and second graders using confirmatory factor analysis Reading and Writing. 33: 293-312
Kuo L, Ku Y, Chen Z, et al. (2018) The relationship between input and literacy and metalinguistic development: A study with Chinese–English bilinguals International Journal of Bilingualism. 24: 26-45
Chen J, Lin T, Ku Y, et al. (2018) Reader, Word, and Character Attributes Contributing to Chinese Children’s Concept of Word Scientific Studies of Reading. 22: 209-224
Kim TJ, Kuo LJ, Ramírez G, et al. (2015) The relationship between bilingual experience and the development of morphological and morpho-syntactic awareness: a cross-linguistic study of classroom discourse Language Awareness. 24: 332-354
Chang WC, Ku YM. (2015) The effects of note-taking skills instruction on elementary students reading Journal of Educational Research. 108: 278-291
Anderson RC, Ku YM, Li W, et al. (2013) Learning to See the Patterns in Chinese Characters Scientific Studies of Reading. 17: 41-56
Hsieh W, Ku Y, Chen Y. (2013) Young children's metacognition in the context of telling a written story Early Child Development and Care. 183: 1796-1810
Chen X, Ramirez G, Luo YC, et al. (2012) Comparing vocabulary development in Spanish- and Chinese-speaking ELLs: The effects of metalinguistic and sociocultural factors Reading and Writing. 25: 1991-2020
Lin TJ, Anderson RC, Ku YM, et al. (2011) Chinese childrens concept of word Writing Systems Research. 3: 41-57
Chen X, Ku YM, Koyama E, et al. (2008) Development of phonological awareness in bilingual chinese children. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 37: 405-18
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