David C. Burr

University of Florence, Firenze, Toscana, Italy 
Visual system, psychophysics
"David Burr"

1952 Born Zimbawe
1958 Moved to Perth Australia
1975 BSc (Psych major) University of Western Australia. Supervisor John Ross
1979 PhD (Physiology) Cambridge University, supervisor Fergus Campbell
1980-81 Post-doc Pisa, Italy, supervisor Lamberto Maffei
1982-87 Research Scientist University of Western AUstralia
1987-1991 Research scientist, Istituto di Neuroscienze, Pisa
1991-1997 Full professor of physiological psychology, University of Rome
1997-present Full professor of physiological psychology, University of Florence

Mean distance: 14.31 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: PsychTree

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Alais D, Burr D, Carlson TA. (2024) Positive serial dependence in ratings of food images for appeal and calories. Current Biology : Cb
Gori M, Burr D, Campus C. (2024) Disambiguating vision with sound. Current Biology : Cb. 34: R235-R236
Caponi C, Castaldi E, Burr DC, et al. (2024) Adaptation to numerosity affects the pupillary light response. Scientific Reports. 14: 6097
Ambrosi P, Burr DC, Morrone MC. (2024) Investigating cross-orientation inhibition with continuous tracking. Journal of Vision. 24: 2
Burr DC, Morrone MC. (2023) The role of neural oscillations in visuo-motor communication at the time of saccades. Neuropsychologia. 190: 108682
Xie XY, Morrone MC, Burr DC. (2023) Serial dependence in orientation judgments at the time of saccades. Journal of Vision. 23: 7
Burr D, Morrone MC. (2022) Vision: Neuronal mechanisms enabling stable perception. Current Biology : Cb. 32: R1338-R1340
Ranieri G, Benedetto A, Ho HT, et al. (2022) Evidence of Serial Dependence from Decoding of Visual Evoked Potentials. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Cicchini GM, D'Errico G, Burr DC. (2022) Crowding results from optimal integration of visual targets with contextual information. Nature Communications. 13: 5741
Galluzzi F, Benedetto A, Cicchini GM, et al. (2022) Visual priming and serial dependence are mediated by separate mechanisms. Journal of Vision. 22: 1
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