David J. Lanzotti, Ph.D.

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
Cell cycle
"David Lanzotti"
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Robert J. Duronio grad student 2003 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Cell cycle regulation of histone mRNA synthesis and the role of Drosophila stem -loop binding protein (SLBP) in histone pre -mRNA processing.)
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Lanzotti DJ, Kupsco JM, Marzluff WF, et al. (2004) string(cdc25) and cyclin E are required for patterned histone expression at different stages of Drosophila embryonic development. Developmental Biology. 274: 82-93
Lanzotti DJ, Kupsco JM, Yang XC, et al. (2004) Drosophila stem-loop binding protein intracellular localization is mediated by phosphorylation and is required for cell cycle-regulated histone mRNA expression. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 15: 1112-23
Lanzotti DJ, Kaygun H, Yang X, et al. (2002) Developmental control of histone mRNA and dSLBP synthesis during Drosophila embryogenesis and the role of dSLBP in histone mRNA 3' end processing in vivo. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 22: 2267-82
Sullivan E, Santiago C, Parker ED, et al. (2001) Drosophila stem loop binding protein coordinates accumulation of mature histone mRNA with cell cycle progression. Genes & Development. 15: 173-87
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