Kensy A. Cooperrider, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Cognitive Science | University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA |
Mathematical cognition, conceptual metaphor theoryGoogle:
"Kensy Cooperrider"Mean distance: 53433
Sign in to add mentorRafael Nunez | grad student | 2011 | UCSD | |
(Reference in action: Links between pointing and language.) |
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Marghetis T, McComsey M, Cooperrider K. (2020) Space in Hand and Mind: Gesture and Spatial Frames of Reference in Bilingual Mexico. Cognitive Science. 44: e12920 |
Fenlon J, Cooperrider K, Keane J, et al. (2019) Comparing sign language and gesture: Insights from pointing Glossa: a Journal of General Linguistics. 4: 2 |
Cooperrider K, Slotta J, Núñez R. (2018) The Preference for Pointing With the Hand Is Not Universal. Cognitive Science |
Cooperrider K, Abner N, Goldin-Meadow S. (2018) The Palm-Up Puzzle: Meanings and Origins of a Widespread Form in Gesture and Sign Frontiers in Communication. 3 |
Cooperrider K, Goldin-Meadow S. (2017) When Gesture Becomes Analogy. Topics in Cognitive Science |
Cooperrider K. (2017) Making the rounds. Science (New York, N.Y.). 356: 914 |
Cooperrider K, Marghetis T, Núñez R. (2017) Where Does the Ordered Line Come From? Evidence From a Culture of Papua New Guinea. Psychological Science. 28: 599-608 |
Cooperrider K. (2017) Foreground gesture, background gesture Gesture. 16: 176-202 |
Cooperrider K, Gentner D, Goldin-Meadow S. (2016) Spatial analogies pervade complex relational reasoning: Evidence from spontaneous gestures. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 1: 28 |
Cooperrider K, Slotta J, Núñez R. (2016) Uphill and Downhill in a Flat World: The Conceptual Topography of the Yupno House. Cognitive Science |