University of California, San Diego

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Michael Duran Biology Kristin K. Baldwin (grad student)
Caitlin M. AamodtSpeech and Language Pediatrics Neuroscience2021 Nathan Enoch Lewis (post-doc), Eric Courchesne (post-doc)
Henry D I AbarbanelComputational modeling, dynamics
Matthew J. AbbottEye movements, Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Psychology Psychology20112016 Keith Rayner (grad student)
Cristian L. AchimNeurotrophins and immune mediators in the human brain.19871994 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Susan L. AckermanGenetics, neurodegeneration
Kirsten C. S. Adamattention, working memory John Serences (post-doc)
David Adamowicz Subhojit Roy (grad student)
Marc A. AdamsPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology, Recreation PubHlth (Health Behav)JtDocSDSU2009 Kevin Patrick (grad student)
Hillel AdesnikSynaptic transmission and plasticity Neuroscience Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Siavash AhmadiHippocampus, Memory, Neural Computation, Representation Learning Biology20132020 Jill Leutgeb (grad student)
Noorsher AhmedRNA localization
Kurt Franklin AhrensSystems Neuroscience David Kleinfeld (post-doc)
James Bradley AimoneAdult Neurogenesis, Computational Neuroscience Neurosciences2009 Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student)
Norah Al-AzzamGlycans, mitochondria. and neurobiology Neuroscience20212024 Gulcin Pekkurnaz (grad student), Gene W. Yeo (grad student)
Morana Alac2006 Edwin L. Hutchins (grad student)
William A. AlaynickCPG, spinal cord, dopamine20012006 Ronald M. Evans (grad student)
Allison AlbertsConservation19821989 Jack Winningham Bradbury (grad student)
Wendy A. AlcarazNeurogenetics, cerebellum developent, stem/progenitor cells Biomedical Sciences2011 Bruce Hamilton (grad student)
Katie AlcockLanguage development, language disorders, cognition and health19982000 Elizabeth A. Bates (post-doc)
Max AlekseyevBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry Computer Science and Engineering2007 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Andrew S. Alexander2011 Douglas Nitz (grad student), Andrea A. Chiba (research assistant)
Jamie D. Alexandre Cognitive Science2014 Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student)
Yonatan Aljadeff Claudia Clopath (post-doc)
John Alksne
Andrew E. Allen
Michael Allen Cognitive Science2018 Timothy Brady (grad student)
Cara B. AllenNeurobiology2004 Dan Feldman (grad student)
Brendan Z. Allisonneurotransmitters, behavioral states, cognition2003 Jaime Pineda (grad student)
Matthew A. AllisonPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology
Nelson G. Altamirano2000 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Pablo Alvarez-Royo19931998 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Daniela P. AmadoAlzheimer's Disease, Visual system
Susan G. AmaraNeurotransmitter transporters1983 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Kambiz Amdjadi2001 Bartholomew M. Sefton (grad student)
Nurith AmitaiNeuroscience Biology, Clinical Psychology Neurosciences2008 Athina Markou (grad student)
Dionisio A AmodeoLearning and Memory, Serotonin Psychiatry20152016 Susan B Powell (post-doc)
Mahru C. Ancholinergic system, development Biology2007 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Stephan G. AnagnostarasLearning and memory Jennifer R. Sage (collaborator)
Sonia Ancoli-IsraelClinical Psychology
Søren K. AndersenVisual Attention, EEG, SSVEP20102013 Steven Hillyard (post-doc)
Emily B. AndersonSystems physiology, behavioral state, learning and memory, decision making, neuromodulation, arousal, attention Neurosciences2011 John H. Reynolds (grad student)
Aimee E. AndersonSocial Psychology, Speech Communication, Experimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology2001 Laura Schreibman (grad student)
Norman H. AndersonUnified Theory
Bernhard M. AngeleEye movements in reading Psychology20082013 Keith Rayner (grad student)
Lisa M. Angeloni19952001 Jack Winningham Bradbury (grad student)
Anastasia AnishchenkoVisual system, retinal development and function20022003 Alessandro Treves (grad student)
Jacopo Annese
Stuart M. AnstisVisual motion perception1985 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (collaborator)
Mikio Aoi
Alfonso junior ApicellaNeurobiology20052006 Jeffry S. Isaacson (grad student)
Pierre F. ApostolidesCentral auditory neurophysiology20042005 Stephan G. Anagnostaras (research assistant)
Mark I. Appelbaumquantitative psychology,developmental psychology
Lawrence Gregory AppelbaumCognitive Neuroscience
April AralarMolecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Michael C. ArdCognitive Psychology Psychology2009 Timothy C. Rickard (grad student)
Wendy S. ArkSpatial knowledge acquisition, spatial analytic processing, pre-/peri-natal stroke, fMRI2005 Joan Stiles (grad student)
Cyrus ArmanRetinal Physiology & Visual System20002002 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (research assistant)
K. Carrie ArmelNeuroeconomics19962003 Andrea A. Chiba (grad student), Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student)
Kathleen C. ArmelLearning and Memory2003 Andrea A. Chiba (grad student)
Ezequiel M Arneodoneurotechnology, motor learning20162018 Timothy Q. Gentner (post-doc)
Eveline S. Arnold Biomedical Sciences2012 Don Cleveland (grad student)
Aimee L. ArnoldussenVisual Cognitive Neuroscience Jaime Pineda (research scientist)
Jennifer L. Aronemotion, interoception, fMRI Martin P. Paulus (grad student)
Adam R. AronCognitive Neuroscience, frontal cortex/basal-ganglia
Sage Ryan AronsonIn Vivo Imaging, Depression Neurosciences2014 Roberto Malinow (grad student)
David B. ArthurPharmacology2006 Paul A. Insel (grad student)
Prafulla AryalGIRK channels, addiction, plasticity, G proteins Biology2010 Paul A. Slesinger (grad student)
Munehiro AsallyQuantitative Biology, Bioelectricity, Bacterial Electrophysiology, Biofilms Gurol Mehmet Süel (post-doc)
Bassam V. Atallah Neurosciences20052011 Massimo Scanziani (grad student)
Richard C. Atkinsoncognitive science, educational psychology
Ann M. AtwoodCircadian Rhythms, Systems Biology Biology2011 Steve A. Kay (grad student)
Maximilian Auffhammer2003 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Isabel August Maria Carolina (Carol) Marchetto (grad student)
Alicia Avelar Psychiatry2020 Olivier George (post-doc)
Tomer Avidor-Reisscilia, cell biology19982005 Charles S. Zuker (post-doc)
Edward AwhPsychophysics, Attention Harold Pashler (post-doc), Steven Hillyard (post-doc)
Joseph AyersSystems Neurophysiology, Robotics, Synthetic Biology, Biomimetics19751978 Allen I. Selverston (post-doc)
Jacqueline F. Azize-Brewer2001 Doris Trauner (grad student)
Shai AzoulaiCognition2001 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student)
Serapio Michael BacaSystems Neuroscience19982005 William B. Kristan (grad student)
Anna W. Bacon Mooreneural substrates of memory, attention, and language Robert Heaton (grad student)
Brian J. BacskaiAlzheimer's1998 Roger Y. Tsien (post-doc)
Martha W. Bagnall Neurosciences20082010 Sascha du Lac (grad student), Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Herwig BaierNeuroscience, Behavior, Genetics19951997 William A. Harris (post-doc)
Andrew BairdGrowth Factors, Angiogenesis, Tissue Injury, Fibroblast Growth Factor
Daniel A. BajicCognitive Psychology Psychology2009 Timothy C. Rickard (grad student)
Bruce S. BakerGenetics, Neuroscience
Curtis L. BakerVisual system Walter Heiligenberg (grad student), Daniel K. Hartline (research assistant)
Michael W. Baker Roger P. Croll (grad student)
Trygve E. Bakkencomputational neuroscience, imaging genetics Neurosciences Neurosciences20072011 Charles F. Stevens (grad student), Nicholas Schork (grad student)
Vaishali P. BakshiNeuroscience Biology Mark Geyer (grad student)
Jennifer E. Baloghpsycholinguistics, neurolinguistics2003 David A. Swinney (grad student)
Emily T. Baltz Psychology20152018 Christina M. Gremel (research assistant)
Nuno F. BandeiraBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry Computer Science and Engineering2007 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Anita E. BandrowskiNeurophysiology, Epilepsy, Auditory system, Bioinformatics2009 Maryann E. Martone (collaborator), Jeffrey Sean Grethe (collaborator)
Matthew R. Banghartbehavioral reinforcement, analgesia, opioids, photochemistry
sarah j. banksneurospsychology
Nicole L. Barger Anthropology2012 Katerina Semendeferi (grad student)
William B. Barkis Neurosciences2009 Massimo Scanziani (grad student), Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Amanda Barkley-LevensonAlcohol Use Disorders, behavioral genetics Psychiatry20162022 Abraham Palmer (post-doc)
Carrolee BarlowNeuroscience Biology
Linda A. Barlowdevelopment, taste, genetics,19921997 R Glenn Northcutt (post-doc)
David A. BarnerLanguage Development, Conceptual Development
Samuel H. Barondes
Luke Barrington Electrical Engineering (Signal and Image Proc)2012 Michael Lyons (research assistant), Gert Lanckriet (grad student)
Benjamin K. Barry Economics2011 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Lawrence Barsalou George Mandler (research assistant)
Andreas Bartelsvisual system, imaging20032003 Steven Hillyard (post-doc)
Andrew Bass R Glenn Northcutt (grad student)
Elizabeth A. BatesLanguage, Aphasia, Development, Gesture, Cognition, Crosslinguistic Jeffrey L. Elman (collaborator)
Kanha BatraMachine Learning, Diagnostic MRI, Systems Neuroscience Electrical & Computer Engineering Electrical & Computer Engineering20192024 Anders M. Dale (grad student), Kay M. Tye (grad student)
Alex S. Battaglia2002 Allen Ryan (grad student)
Patricia J. Bauerdevelopment of memory Jean Matter Mandler (post-doc)
Daphne BavelierPlasticity, humans19921996 Helen Neville (post-doc)
Alissa D. Bazinet Clinical Psychology2013 Susan F. Tapert (grad student)
Anthony O. BeasCell Biology Biomedical Sciences2009 Marilyn Farquhar (grad student)
Anne L Beatty-Martínezbilingualism, codeswitching, language control
William Bechtel
Andrew E. Beck Philosophy2011 Gila Sher (grad student)
Erika D. BeckSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2001 James A. Kulik (grad student)
Mark W. BeckerVisual Attention19972000 Stuart M. Anstis (grad student), Harold Pashler (grad student)
James T. Beckeraging, Alzheimer's, neurology19801982 Nelson Butters (post-doc)
Shiloh E. BeckerleySocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2012 James A. Kulik (grad student)
Laura A. Becvar Cognitive Science2008 Edwin L. Hutchins (grad student)
Ralph Dirk BeerHuman vision, Human-machine interaction19972003 Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Yashar Behzadi2006 Thomas Liu (grad student)
Kristina BeiswengerNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology Molecular Pathology2008 Nigel A. Calcutt (grad student)
Rafael BejarMemory2001 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Erin M. BekesCancer Molecular Pathology2010 Richard L. Klemke (grad student)
Tarik S. Bel-Baharexperimental psychology, brain dynamics Scott Makeig (post-doc)
Richard BelewAdaptive knowledge representation
Heather Christine Bellcommunication, information theory, cybernetics, behavioural neuroscience, social behaviour Biological Sciences -- Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution2014 James Nieh (post-doc)
Vanessa A. BenderNeurobiology2006 Dan Feldman (grad student)
Kevin J. BenderAxon initial segment, Ca channels, plasticity20052006 Dan Feldman (post-doc), Dan Feldman (grad student)
Tasha G. BengoecheaNeuroscience Biology, Pathology2007 Kuo-Fen Lee (grad student)
Lindsay Benster Psychiatry2021 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (grad student)
Cornelia A. BentleyNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2000 Kuo-Fen Lee (grad student)
William C. Benzing19871988 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Darwin K. Bergcholinergic system, development
Benjamin K. BergenMental simulation in language understanding
John R. Berminghamperipheral myelination Michael G. Rosenfeld (post-doc)
Benedikt BerningerNeuroscience19962000 Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Nicholas J. Bevinsthe specification of connections in the developing cerebral cortex Neurosciences2011 Anirvan Ghosh (grad student)
Pushpita BhattacharyyaMultisensory perception, haptics, body schema Psychology20172019 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (research assistant)
Jeremy S. Bianeplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration Neurosciences2013 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
Reginald Bickford
Klinton BicknellBehavior Cognition Language, Computational, Electrophysiology, Learning & Memory, Motor Control, Vision Science Linguistics and Cognitive Sci2011 Roger Levy (grad student)
Stephanie L. Bielas
Bogdan Bintu
Eric Birgbauer20032006 Jerold Chun (post-doc)
John L. Bixby Nicholas C. Spitzer (post-doc)
Aaron G. Blankenship Neurosciences2009 Jeffry S. Isaacson (grad student)
Anne (Bonkowsky) Blaschke19931997 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Armin Blesch Mark Tuszynski (grad student), Mark Tuszynski (post-doc)
Pablo BlinderNeurovascular coupling20062012 David Kleinfeld (post-doc)
Nicholas P. BlockleyMR Physics20092011 Richard B. Buxton (post-doc)
Brenda L. Bloodgood
Laura D. Blumenfeld2001 Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
James P. Blumlingretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2012 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
Mathew M. Blurton-JonesAlzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, stem cells2002 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
Kelly M. Boatright2004 Mark Kamps (grad student)
Ruth A. BodnerGenetics, Animal Physiology Biology, Cell Biology2002 James W. Posakony (grad student)
Alexandra E BoehmVision20102013 Donald I. A. MacLeod (research assistant)
Matthew Boisvert Neurosciences2012 Nicola Allen (grad student)
Selene Bonnet-Zahedi Psychiatry2022 Olivier George (grad student)
Sélène Bonnet-ZahediAddiction, Biology, Neuropharmacology, Behavior Neurosciences Psychiatry2022 Olivier George (grad student)
Brent Boomhower Psychiatry2018 Olivier George (research assistant)
Catherine Borden2004 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Lera BoroditskyRelationships between mind, world and language. How we create meaning, imagine, and use knowledge. How the languages we speak shape the ways we think
Arielle Borovsky Cognitive Science Cognitive Science2008 Marta Kutas (grad student), Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student)
Dante S. BortoneDevelopmental Neuroscience 2010 Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Mia BorzelloHuman neurophysiology, In vivo electrophysiology, hippocampus, Epilepsy Cognitive Science Andrea A. Chiba (grad student)
Rain G. BosworthInfant Vision19962001 Karen Dobkins (grad student)
Olga B Botvinnikbioinformatics, genomics, transcriptomics Bioinformatics and Systems Biology20132017 Gene W. Yeo (grad student)
Brittney Lee BoublilBats, Psychology, Neuroscience Biological Sciences20122016 Stefan Leutgeb (research assistant)
Lisa M. Boulangerbrain development and plasticity; immune proteins in the brain19941998 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Eliot M. Bourk Molecular Pathology2010 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
James C. BouwerBioinformatics, Electron Microscopy, Imaging, Microscopy, Subcellular Structure2002 Mark H. Ellisman (grad student)
Christopher BowdClinical Ophthalmology, Glaucoma. Machine Learning
Timothy J. BowenOncology, Molecular Biology2005 Anthony Wynshaw-Boris (grad student)
Emma Boyd Neuroscience2023 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (grad student)
Jeremy Boyd Farrell Ackerman (grad student)
Stephanie B. BoyerGIRK channels, addiction, plasticity, G proteins Neurosciences2008 Paul A. Slesinger (grad student)
Mary ET BoyleCognitive Neuroscience, Invertebrate electrophysiology, STG, Adhesion molecules - Contactin19952000 Allen I. Selverston (grad student), Barbara Ranscht (post-doc)
Robert M. BoyntonVision Donald I. A. MacLeod (collaborator)
Linda M Bradley Susan Swaine (post-doc)
Timothy Bradyvisual cognition, learning, memory
David Braffpsychophysiology
Mark P. BrandonHippocampal Physiology Stefan Leutgeb (post-doc)
David BrangMultisensory processes, Perceptual systems, synesthesia, language, neural connectivity Psychology20072012 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student), Seana Coulson (grad student)
Daniel J. BrasierNeurobiology Neurosociences2007 Dan Feldman (grad student)
James K. BreauxMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Oncology2003 Anthony Wynshaw-Boris (grad student)
Micah Bregman Cognitive Science20082012 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student), Sarah C. Creel (grad student)
Molly Brennan Psychiatry2006 Olivier George (research assistant)
Martin Breuss
James B. BrewerHuman Memory
Kevin Briggman2005 William B. Kristan (grad student)
Farran Briggsvision2003 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
G Stefano Brigidihippocampus, circuit physiology, synapse physiology Brenda L. Bloodgood (post-doc)
Nicola J. Broadbentmemory, behavioral neuroscience, systems neuroscience Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Frederic Denis Broccardneuromorphic interfaces, neuroscience Gert Cauwenberghs (post-doc)
Suzanne A. Brodypsychopharmacology2003 Mark Geyer (grad student)
Lauren Brookman-FrazeeClinical Psychology
Joshua Brooks
Gregory G. BrownfMRI, computational modeling, schizoprhrenia
Sandra A. BrownClinical psychology, neuropsychology
Jason M. Brown2000 Richard Firtel (grad student)
Nolan J Brownneuroscience, neurosurgery, spatial transcriptomics, brain tumors, neuro-oncology, meningioma, vestibular schwannoma, acoustic neuroma, glioma, glioblastoma, skull base, cerebrovascular, aneurysm, AVM, spinal cord, spine surgery, medical device Neurological Surgery Martin H. Pham (research scientist)
Daril E. Brown IISpeech, Bird Song, Neural Prosthesis, BCIs, Motor Control, Communication BCIs, Speech BCIs Cognitive Science Electrical Engineering (Medical Devices) Psychology Bioengineering20182022 Bradley Voytek (grad student), Vikash Gilja (grad student), Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student), Todd P. Coleman (grad student)
Jocelyne Bruand Bioinformatics2012 Eduardo R. Macagno (grad student)
Laurence L. BruntonGeneral, Neuroscience Biology
Monte S. BuchsbaumSchizophrenia, PET
Susan K. BuehlerClinical Psychology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2012 Igor Grant (grad student)
Elizabeth BuffaloMemory Larry R. Squire (grad student), Stuart M. Zola (grad student)
Michael BuhlComputational modeling, dynamics2004 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Jonathan D. BuiMR, imaging, NMR
Marius Buibasretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2011 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
Giedrius T. BuracasfMRI of vision/attention
Margarette P. Burd Psychology2013 Nicholas Christenfeld (grad student)
Nancy Burns19821990 Jack Winningham Bradbury (grad student)
Daniel C. Burnston Philosophy and Cognitive Science2015 William Bechtel (grad student)
Diane M. BushmanLPA, S1P, neural aneuploidy Biomedical Sciences20082013 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Eric A. BushongBioinformatics, Electron Microscopy, Imaging, Microscopy, Subcellular Structure2003 Mark H. Ellisman (grad student)
Peter A. ButcherCognitive Neuroscience20002005 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (research assistant)
Nicholas J. Butko Cognitive Science2010 Virginia R. de Sa (grad student)
Nelson Butterscognitive neuropsychology
Richard B. Buxtonarterial spin labeling (ASL), fMRI
Anna Byers Psychology20092014 John Serences (grad student), Sarah Shomstein (research assistant)
Jonathan Cachat
Lisa Cadmus-BertramPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology
Xavier E. Cagigasmediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development Psychology2008 Michael Cole (grad student)
Baruch R. CahnERP, EEG, P3002007 John Polich (grad student)
B. Rael CahnEEG, meditation, ASC John Polich (grad student), Mark Geyer (grad student), Dilip Jeste (grad student)
Weidong Cai Adam R. Aron (post-doc)
Denise J. CaiNeurobiology of Learning and Memory Psychology2010 Stephan G. Anagnostaras (grad student)
Ling Cai Biology2008 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
William S. CainOlfaction
Amelia R. CaineSocial Psychology2004 James A. Kulik (grad student)
Barak CaineBehavioral Pharmacology of Stimulant Drugs and Brain Dopamine Systems Mark Geyer (grad student)
Ronald L. CalabreseSmall networks, CPGs, Invertebrates, Biophysics, Computational Models Institute for Nonlinear Science William B. Kristan (post-doc)
Nigel A. CalcuttNeuroscience Biology
Alison L.M. CaldwellAstrocyte biology Neurosciences2013 Nicola Allen (grad student)
Catherine Caldwell-HarrisLanguage processing, repetition blindness, cross-cultural Elizabeth A. Bates (grad student), Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student)
Adam J. Calhoun Tatyana Sharpee (grad student)
Michael P. CaligiuriMotor control in neuropsychiatric disorders
Cliffton W. Callaway Neuroscience19881993 Mark Geyer (grad student)
Katherine R. Calvo2001 Mark Kamps (grad student)
Chrissy C. CamblinCognitive Neuroscience: Language Marta Kutas (research assistant)
Evan G. CameronNeuroscience, Molecular Biology, Ophthalmology
Evan Campbell2015 Brenda L. Bloodgood (grad student)
Nolan R. Campbellcholinergic system, development Biology2010 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Shannon Campbell Neurosciences20102015 Robert A Rissman (grad student)
Camille Campionmediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development Communication2014 Michael Cole (grad student)
Saranya Canchi Neurosciences20162020 Robert A Rissman (post-doc)
Angelo Cangelosirobotics, computer science, psychology, cognitive science19941995 Jeffrey L. Elman (research assistant), William B. Kristan (research assistant)
Emily Caporello Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student)
Christopher D. Carello2005 Richard J. Krauzlis (grad student), William B. Kristan (grad student)
Cayenne Nikoosh Carlo Neurosciences2008 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Natasha Michelle CarlsonNeurometabolism, mitochondria, neurodegeneration Biological Sciences20222027 Gulcin Pekkurnaz (grad student)
Stephanie CarmackNeurobiology of Learning and Memory Stephan G. Anagnostaras (grad student)
Ruth A. CarperCerebellum, attention, autism2001 Eric Courchesne (grad student)
Edward G. CarrPositive Behavior Support George Reynolds (grad student)
Bob Carter
Tara D. CarterNeurophysiology of locomotion Anthropology2010 Paul S.G. Stein (grad student)
Heather N. CartwrightActin Cytoskeleton, Cell Morphogenesis2005 Laurie G. Smith (grad student)
Leslie J. CarverDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Autism, Infant Development
Michael B. CasaleVisual System, Basal Ganglia Harold Pashler (post-doc)
Laura K. Caseneural representation of body and body image, mirror neurons, sensory integration Psychology and Cognitive Science20082013 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student)
Daniela Cassataro
Anthony Scott Castanza Medicine2019 Jill P. Mesirov (research scientist)
Ken C. CataniaSomatosensory System R Glenn Northcutt (grad student)
Margaret A. CatoClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology Psychiatry Gregory G. Brown (post-doc)
Matthew S. Caudill
Valeria Cavallinerve regeneration Lawrence SB Goldstein (post-doc)
Carolyn Caveimplicit memory19891991 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Kyle R. CaveVisual Cognition & Attention19891991 Harold Pashler (post-doc)
Andrew Cawley-BennettDeclarative Memory, Retrieval Practice, Schema, iEEG, fMRI Psychology20152018 Christine N. Smith (research assistant)
Christian Armando CazaresGoal-directed decision-making
Tansu CelikelCortical plasticity, Neural circuits, Tactile decision-making Dan Feldman (post-doc)
Nicholas J. Cepedadevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, cognitive flexibility, executive function20022004 Harold Pashler (post-doc), John T. Wixted (post-doc)
Sky Chafin2007 Nicholas Christenfeld (grad student)
Guoliang Chai Neurosciences20152021 Joseph G. Gleeson (post-doc)
Tuhin S. ChakrabortyNeurobiology
Kristine Elizabeth Champion Neurosciences2011 Sascha du Lac (grad student)
Kwokleung ChanComputation & Theory2002 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Wen-Hsuan ChanHemispheric asymmetry, Word recognition, Perceptual learning, Information distribution Marta Kutas (grad student)
Angela Chan20102012 Ayse Pinar Saygin (research assistant)
Chung-Lung Chan Cory M. Root (post-doc)
Divya Chanderneuroscience2002 E. J. Chichilnisky (grad student)
Jayaram Chandrashekartaste1997 Charles S. Zuker (post-doc)
Max W. ChangAdaptive knowledge representation Bioinformatics2008 Richard Belew (grad student)
Karen Ting Chang2001 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Lucas Chang Cognitive Science20142020 Gedeon O. Deák (grad student)
Wei-li Changdopamine system, behavioral neuroscience, neuropsychiatric disease models Neurosciences20082011 Neal R. Swerdlow (grad student)
Shawn R. CharltonEAB, Operant Conditioning, DRT, Choice2006 Edmund J. Fantino (grad student)
Soumya ChatterjeeVisual cortex2004 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Yves Chauvin1988 Don Norman (grad student)
Carmine L Chavez-Martinez
Shuqi ChenDopamine, Cortex, Decision-making2020 Takaki Komiyama (grad student)
Yusi Chen Biology20182022 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Bo ChenStroke Biology20062010 Patrick D. Lyden (grad student)
Emily I. ChenMolecular Biology2002 Marilyn Farquhar (grad student)
Xiaoke Chentaste20062012 Charles S. Zuker (post-doc)
Bing Chen1986 Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Karen Chen19871987 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Troy T. Cheniersocial, emotion,psychophysiology Psychology2010 Piotr Winkielman (grad student)
Steven D. ChesslerGeneral Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology
Victoria Cheungsensorimotor integration Ophthalmology20122015 Andrew D. Huberman (research assistant)
Gary G. Chiang2000 Bartholomew M. Sefton (grad student)
Andrea A. ChibaLearning and Memory2008 Leanne Chukoskie (collaborator)
Chi-Bin ChienAxon pathfinding William A. Harris (post-doc)
Andrew D. ChisholmC. elegans
Yu-Chin ChiuVisual attention, Cognitive neurosience2013 Adam R. Aron (post-doc)
Ana ChkhaidzeCognitive Science, Cognitive Linguistics, Linguistic Relativity, Perception Cognitive Science2019 Lera Boroditsky (grad student)
Octavio S. Choiplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration2001 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
Maggie L. Chowstatistical genetics of neuropschiatric disorders Neurosciences2011 Nicholas Schork (grad student)
Nicholas Christenfeld
Christina Christianson Molecular Pathology2011 Don Cleveland (grad student)
Tony Y. Chu Biology2007 Richard Firtel (grad student)
Monica W. Chu2011 Takaki Komiyama (grad student)
Leanne Chukoskievision, eye movements, search Andrea A. Chiba (research scientist), Jeannette J. Townsend (collaborator)
Jerold ChunBrain Genomic Mosaicism and Gene Recombination; LPA, S1P, Lysophospholipid Signaling
Changuk ChungMolecular Neurobiology Neurosciences2019 Joseph G. Gleeson (post-doc)
Chaipat ChunharasNeuroscience, Psychology, Neurology Psychology Psychology Radiology Psychology Psychology20162019 John Serences (grad student), Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student), Eric Halgren (post-doc), Timothy Brady (grad student), Viola Sophie Störmer (grad student)
Patricia ChurchlandPhilosophy
Aaron Cicourel
Benjamin N. Cipollinicomputational neuroscience, human origins Cognitive Sci and Clinical Psych20082014 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Michael Claffeycognitive control, TMS2010 Stephan G. Anagnostaras (grad student)
Brenda Claibornehippocampal anatomy Biological Sciences Allen I. Selverston (grad student)
Vincent P. ClarkAttention, addiction, schizophrenia, fMRI, ERP, MEG Steven Hillyard (grad student)
Robert E. Clark
Kristen R. Clarkmediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development Commmunication2007 Michael Cole (grad student)
Gabriel O. Clay2006 David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Thomas A. ClelandNeural systems, olfaction, behavior, computation, physiology19911997 Allen I. Selverston (grad student)
Claire Dudley Clelland Neurosciences2009 Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student)
Gregory Dane Clemenson Biology2012 Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student)
Brett A. Clementz
Don Cleveland
Jeanie M. CliffordSocial Psychology2004 Gail D. Heyman (grad student)
Kenneth CliftonBehavioral Ecology, Life History Evolution19881990 Jack Winningham Bradbury (post-doc)
Annette L. CluverDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Autism, Infant Development Psychology2010 Leslie J. Carver (grad student)
Simone CodeluppiNeuroscience Biology Molecular Pathology2008 Steven L. Gonias (grad student)
Clark Coffman William A. Harris (grad student)
Jay S. CogganBiophysics, axons, synapses, metabolism Darwin K. Berg (post-doc)
Neal J. CohenMemory systems1981 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Scott R. Cole Bradley Voytek (grad student)
Michael Colemediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development
Michael A. Colicosstructural synaptic plasticity20022003 Yukiko Goda (post-doc), Marla B. Feller (post-doc)
Nansi Jo ColleyVisual System, Neurodegeneration, protein trafficking S. Jonathan Singer (post-doc)
Frank D. Collins David Epel (grad student)
Jennifer Blair Collins Cognitive Science2011 Seana Coulson (grad student)
Jordan A. Cominsauditory systems neuroscience Psychology2014 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student)
Liam J. ConaboyPsychopharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Substance Use Disorder
Matthew Conroy20032004 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Arshia Cont Music2008 Shlomo Dubnov (grad student)
James (Rocky) Contos19941999 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Anne ConwayRNA processing, neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, computational biology Biomedical Sciences2014 Gene W. Yeo (grad student)
Boaz Cookmechanosensation, drosophila genetics20002009 Charles S. Zuker (post-doc)
Shanna H. CoopVisual system, Attention, and Primate Behavior2015 Cory T. Miller (research assistant)
Kensy A. CooperriderMathematical cognition, conceptual metaphor theory Cognitive Science2011 Rafael Nunez (grad student)
Zackary A. Cope Jared W. Young (post-doc)
Christopher A. CordovaLearning and Memory2005 Andrea A. Chiba (grad student)
Jody Corey-BloomDementia, MS, Huntington Disease Leon J. Thal (post-doc)
Lauren A. CornewDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Autism, Infant Development Psychology2008 Leslie J. Carver (grad student)
Ross CorridenPharmacology Biomedical Sciences20122014 Paul A. Insel (grad student), Victor Nizet (grad student)
Jeffrey T. CorwinInner ear, hair cell regeneration Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock (grad student)
Garrison CottrellComputational Cognitive Neuroscience David E. Rumelhart (post-doc)
Nicole Gabriele Coufal Neurosciences2008 Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student)
Seana Coulson
Eric CourchesneCerebellum, attention, autism Steven Hillyard (grad student)
Emanuele Coviello Electrical Engineering (Intelsys, Robotics and Cont)2014 Gert Lanckriet (grad student)
Kiriana K. CowansageLearning and Memory Psychiatry2010 Mark R. Mayford (post-doc)
Rosemary A. Cowellvisual system, memory, computational models Garrison Cottrell (post-doc), John Serences (research scientist)
September Cowley Linguistics David A. Barner (grad student)
Sarah C. Creelpsycholinguistics, temporal perception
James F. Creggcholinergic system, development Biology2010 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Daniel R. CrevelingComputational modeling, dynamics Physics2008 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Leslie A. Crews Molecular Pathology2010 Eliezer Masliah (grad student)
Nicole CrockerClinical Psychology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2014 Sarah N. Mattson (grad student)
Michael Anthony CrognaleVision, Human factors19811982 Donald I. A. MacLeod (research assistant), Mary M. Hayhoe (research assistant)
Michaela Cullum-Doyle Neurosciences2023 Robert A Rissman (grad student)
Justine Cunningham Developmental Neurobiology19982002 Richard Jay Smeyne (post-doc)
Lauren Curley Cognitive Science Timothy T. Brown (grad student)
Thaddeus Bradley CzubaVision Science20062007 Donald I. A. MacLeod (research assistant)
Kevin Allen D'Amour2002 Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student)
Jeffrey E. Dahlen
Matthew N. DaileyComputational Cognitive Neuroscience2002 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Anders M. Dalemethods development, multimodal imaging20082010 Marty Sereno (grad student), Andrei Irimia (collaborator), Jason S. Sherfey (collaborator)
Corby L. Dalecognition, attention, neuroimaging19921993 Elizabeth A. Bates (research assistant)
Amanda S. Damaggiobiological rhythms Psychology2014 Michael R. Gorman (grad student)
Kathryn DammSocial Psychology, Mental Health Psychology2008 James A. Kulik (grad student)
Maria Damon Economics2007 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Richard Daneman
Bethanny Danskin Neuroscience Takaki Komiyama (grad student)
Marc Dantzker19952014 Jack Winningham Bradbury (grad student)
Daniel P. Darcy Neurosciences2007 Jeffry S. Isaacson (grad student)
Utpal DasNeuroscience, Cell Biology Subhojit Roy (post-doc)
Jeff Daskalakis
Samuel R. Dastrup Economics2011 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Dimitrios DavalosMicroglia, neuroimmunology, blood brain barrier
Christopher M. Davenport20072008 Dan Feldman (post-doc)
Tristan Davenportlanguage Cognitive Science2014 Seana Coulson (grad student)
Kaya de Barbarocognitive flexibility
Virginia R. de Sa Ayse Pinar Saygin (collaborator)
André F. de SousaLearning and memory
Eric S. De Vospsychosocial stress, developmental psychology, cultural psychology Psychology19761976 James L. McClelland (research assistant)
Gedeon O. Deáksocial development, executive function, language development Nicholas J. Cepeda (collaborator)
Tracy DeBoer Rigginsdevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, memory development 19992000 John Polich (research assistant)
Adam J. Dedememory2011 Larry R. Squire (grad student), John T. Wixted (grad student)
Sean DeeringAttention, Perception, Cognitive Control Psychology Neuroscience20142017 John Serences (research assistant), Sirawaj Itthipuripat (collaborator)
Patrick Delaney
Dean C. Delisclinical neuropsychology
Katherine A. DeLongCognitive Electrophysiology, Language2001 Marta Kutas (post-doc)
Katherine Ann DeLong Cognitive Science2009 Marta Kutas (grad student)
Arnaud DelormeEEG, ICA, Meditation2003 Scott Makeig (research scientist), B. Rael Cahn (collaborator)
Theresa Demaduraclinical neuropsychology
Damion V. DemeterfMRI, rs-fcMRI, Functional Network Development, Cognitive Neuroscience, Developmental Neuroscience Cognitive Science Deanna J. Greene (post-doc)
Laura Anne DeNardo Neurosciences2013 Anirvan Ghosh (grad student)
Kate DenningNeurobiology2006 Dan Feldman (grad student)
Dave Derisodata science, neuroscience, and web development, mathematical engineering
Morgan DeSantis Samara L. Reck-Peterson (post-doc)
Paula Desplats
Isabella DeStefano Psychology2018 Timothy Brady (grad student)
J. Anthony DeutschMemory
Diana Deutsch Psychology George Mandler (grad student)
Anna Devor
Nazneen Dewji
Onkar S. Dhande Neurosciences2011 Andrew D. Huberman (post-doc)
Vikas DhimanRobot vision, mapping, localization
Mauricio Diaz-MuñozCalcium homeostasis Mauricio Montal (post-doc)
Frederic K. Dick19962003 Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student), Elizabeth A. Bates (grad student)
Charles William Dickeycortical development, sensorimotor integration, sleep, memory consolidation, microelectrode recordings Neurosciences2017 Eric Halgren (grad student)
Joel E. DimsdaleGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Claire B. DiscenzaVisual system, memory Neurosciences20072011 Pamela Reinagel (grad student)
Mithun Diwakarretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2011 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
Tracy J. Dixon Salazarbrain development and plasticity; immune proteins in the brain Biology20042009 Lisa M. Boulanger (grad student)
Stevan N. DjakovicAutophagy, Ubiquitin Proteasome System, Neurodegenerative Disease, oncology Biology20102011 Laurie G. Smith (research assistant), Al La Spada (post-doc), Gentry N. Patrick (grad student)
Minh-Ha T. DoMolecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology, Neuroscience Biology Biomedical Sciences2008 Mark Lawson (grad student)
Jiun L. Dospinal cord regeneration Neurosciences2011 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
Karen Dobkinsvision19971998 Davida Teller (post-doc), Thomas D. Albright (grad student), David Henry Peterzell (collaborator)
James M. Doherty Psychiatry20022005 Mark Geyer (research assistant)
Eizaburo DoiComputation & Theory20012003 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Julio C DominguezNeural Spectral analysis, Pattern Separation Cognitive Science Cognitive Science20182019 Bradley Voytek (research assistant), Thomas Donoghue (research assistant)
Hui Dong
Thomas Donoghue Bradley Voytek (grad student)
Kevin D. Dooley Psychology2011 Diana Deutsch (grad student)
Cayce Dorrier Richard Daneman (grad student)
Steven DowHuman-computer interaction, social computing, and design. Understanding and creating tools to support creativity for individuals, groups, and crowds.
Deborah Downing Wilsonmediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development Communication2011 Michael Cole (grad student)
Kenji Doyareinforcement learning Department of Biology19911993 Allen I. Selverston (post-doc)
Patrick J. DrewCerebral blood flow Dan Feldman (post-doc), David Kleinfeld (post-doc)
Jonathan D. Driscoll Physics2011 David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Fei Du Biology2007 Richard Firtel (grad student)
Adrienne Dubin19961997 Jerold Chun (post-doc)
Shlomo DubnovMachine learning, computer music
Sarah A. DufekGeneral Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2013 Laura Schreibman (grad student)
Stephanie C. DulawaDepression, Anxiety, Serotonin, behavior2000 Mark Geyer (grad student)
Erin K. Dunnhormone, gene expression Biology2010 Ronald M. Evans (grad student)
Timothy Alan Dunn Biology2008 Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Vikas Duvvuri
Roy D’Andrade
Emily E.
Boryana M. EastmanMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Oncology Biomedical Sciences2012 Steven L. Gonias (grad student)
Elizabeth A Eckenwiler Neurosciences20162019 Thomas S. Hnasko (research assistant)
Megan A. Eckles Biology2012 James Nieh (grad student)
Miren EdelsteinMusic cognition, synesthesia, auditory perception2011 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student), Diana Deutsch (grad student)
Steven Edland
Nicholas Edwards Neurosciences2016 Jeffry S. Isaacson (post-doc)
Simone EggertAlzheimer's disease, APP as a synaptic adhesion molecule, APP dimerization, APP processing, APP family members APLP1 and APLP220052011 Edward H. Koo (post-doc)
Daren M. Eiri20092011 James Nieh (grad student)
Rana El-DanafLGN, Visual System, Retina, Retinal Ganglion Cells, Glaucoma
Eric ElenkoCell Biology2001 Marilyn Farquhar (grad student)
Ronald Ellis
Mark H. EllismanBioinformatics, Electron Microscopy, Imaging, Microscopy, Subcellular Structure
Maya Ellisman Neurosciences20172023 Robert A Rissman (grad student)
Jeffrey L. Elmancognitive science, neural networks, language processing, development, computational models
Justin B. Elstrottretina Neurosciences20032009 Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Sujata R. EmaniCell-penetrating Peptides, endocytosis, fluorescent probes Chemistry20052012 Roger Y. Tsien (grad student)
Emi K. Emblerhormone, gene expression Biology2012 Ronald M. Evans (grad student)
Miro EnevComputational Neuroscience, Motor Control20062008 Emanuel Todorov (grad student)
Sara A. EppersonPharmacology2007 Laurence L. Brunton (grad student)
Laura R. ErkerGenetics, Molecular Biology, Oncology2004 Anthony Wynshaw-Boris (grad student)
Daniel Eskenazi5-HT6 receptors, habit, striatum Charles S. Zuker (research assistant)
Rhea T. Eskewvision, color science19831986 Robert M. Boynton (post-doc)
Edward F. EsterVisual Attention, Visual Working Memory2012 John Serences (post-doc)
Hannah van Etten Psychology Leslie J. Carver (grad student)
Lynn M. EvansNeuroscience Biology, Genetics, Psychobiology Psychology2004 John R. Kelsoe (grad student)
Jennifer A. EvansBehavioral Neuroscience, Chronobiology20012007 David K. Welsh (post-doc), Michael R. Gorman (grad student)
Sean Evans
Lisa T. EylerSchizophrenia, fMRI, learning and memory Gregory G. Brown (post-doc)
Lauren Faget Neurosciences2013 Thomas S. Hnasko (post-doc)
Summer R Fair2022 Mark E Hester (grad student)
Michael FalconbridgeVisual Psychophysics and computational modelling
Ronnie H. FangCircuitry in Sensory Systems NanoEngineering2014 Li I. Zhang (grad student)
Zheng FangStatistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics Physics20162021 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Edmund J. FantinoEAB, Operant Conditioning, DRT, Choice
Ilya FarberPhilosophy2000 Patricia Churchland (grad student)
Marilyn Farquhar
Reza FarsianComputational modeling, dynamics Physics2013 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Ian R. FaselNeural Computation2006 Jochen Triesch (grad student)
Gilles FauconnierLanguage and cognition, semantic theory, pragmatics and meaning construction
Kara D. Federmeierelectrophysiology, language, memory, hemispheric differences Cognitive Science20002002 Marta Kutas (grad student), Marta Kutas (post-doc), Elizabeth A. Bates (grad student)
Roman Feiman Department of Psychology20162018 David A. Barner (post-doc)
Jean-Marc Fellous Terrence J. Sejnowski (post-doc)
Wenfeng FengCross Modal Interaction, Attention2009 Steven Hillyard (post-doc)
Gen-Sheng FengSignal Transduction
Feng Feng LiuGene regulation, histone modification, cis-regulatory elements Paul Mischel (post-doc)
Christine Fennema-NotestineCognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging19901995 Nelson Butters (grad student), Elizabeth A. Bates (grad student)
Ali G. Fenstermakerdevelopmental neuroscience Neurosciences20042010 Yimin Zou (grad student)
Beth Ferholtmediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development Communication2009 Michael Cole (grad student)
Susana Ferreira2004 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Victor S. FerreiraLanguage production, discourse
Antonio Ferrer-Montiel Mauricio Montal (post-doc)
Jerel Adam Fieldsneuroscience
Kathryn H. Fife Neurosciences2014 Thomas S. Hnasko (grad student)
Flavia FilimonComputational Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Science2008 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Flavia FilimonVision Marty Sereno (grad student), Garrison Cottrell (collaborator)
J Vincent FiloteoClinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Ione Finevisual system2003 Karen Dobkins (post-doc), Donald I. A. MacLeod (post-doc)
Kristin M. FinkleaGeneral Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Psychology2008 Craig R. M. McKenzie (grad student)
Ian M. Finn
Eva M. FinneyVisual development Karen Dobkins (post-doc)
Lavinia FiorentinoClinical Psychology Psychology2008 Sonia Ancoli-Israel (grad student)
Bonnie L. FiresteinCellular and molecular neuroscience, synaptogenesis and dendrite patterning19911995 Paul A. Insel (grad student)
Richard Firtel
Audrey Fischer Biology2008 Mauricio Montal (grad student)
Jeffrey D. Fitzgerald Physics Physics2011 Herbert Levine (grad student), Tatyana Sharpee (grad student)
Elizabeth I. FlandreauStress Neurobiology Psychiatry20122014 Victoria Risbrough (post-doc)
Erik D. Flister20042011 Pamela Reinagel (grad student)
Maria Florendo Ayse Pinar Saygin (research assistant)
Joseph R. FontanaGeneral Biology Biology2010 James W. Posakony (grad student)
Gregory A. FonzoSocial Anxiety, Treatment, Neurobiology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2013 Murray Stein (grad student)
Stephen L. Footenorepinephrine, EEG, locus coeruleus Jaime Pineda (grad student)
Deborah Forster Cognitive Science2012 Edwin L. Hutchins (grad student)
Lawrence Fourgeaud20052009 Lisa M. Boulanger (post-doc)
Edward Paxon FradyComputation Neurosciences20092014 William B. Kristan (grad student)
Mary Frambach1988 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
David W. FrankNeuroimaging, Affective Neuroscience Michael R. Gorman (research assistant)
Ari M. FrankBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry Computer Science and Engineering2008 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Kevin FranksSmall neural circuits20032005 Jeffry S. Isaacson (post-doc), Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Volker H. Franz Jeff O. Miller (research assistant)
Eric S. Frechetteretinal neurophysiology2005 E. J. Chichilnisky (grad student)
Bertil B. FredholmAdenosine receptors Steven E. Mayer (post-doc)
Scott FreemanCognitive Neuroscience, PFC-Basal Ganglia2011 Adam R. Aron (grad student)
Robert S. FreemanDevelopmental Cell Ceath in the Nervous System Chemistry & Biochemistry19881992 Daniel J. Donoghue (grad student)
Kathleen A. French
Jason D. FreshwaterPathology, Pharmacology2004 Nigel A. Calcutt (grad student)
Beth Friedman19992001 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Wolfgang Otto FriesenNeuroethology, sensory motor integration19701974 Daniel K. Hartline (grad student)
Jennifer B. FrihaufNeurotransmitters, Proteomics Neurosciences2014 Vivian Hook (grad student)
Courtney E. FroehligAutism20122013 David Henry Peterzell (research assistant)
Flavio Frohlich Biol/Specializ Comput Neurobio2007 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Maylin L. FuLearning and Memory2015 Stefan Leutgeb (research assistant)
Stephen R. FuhsPharmacology Biomedical Sciences2010 Paul A. Insel (grad student)
Nobuyuki Fukushima19972001 Jerold Chun (post-doc)
Frank FurnariPTEN/PI3K, EGFR
Paolo Gabriel2019 Vikash Gilja (grad student)
Fred H. (Rusty) GagePlasticity
Robert Galambos
Douglas R. GalaskoDementia Leon J. Thal (post-doc)
Kimberly L. GallagherActin Cytoskeleton, Cell Morphogenesis2000 Laurie G. Smith (grad student)
Benjamin W. GallardaSpinal Cord Development Biology20062010 Samuel L. Pfaff (grad student)
Marco GallioCell Biology, Electrophysiology, Imaging & Microscopy, Molecular Neuroscience, Sensory Systems, Signal Transduction2004 Charles S. Zuker (post-doc)
Charles Randy GallistelCognition, Learning, Memory J. Anthony Deutsch (research assistant)
Sunil P. Gandhi19992003 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Archan GangulyNeuroscience, Cell Biology Subhojit Roy (post-doc)
Karunesh GangulyNeurology2002 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student), David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Giorgio GanisVisual cognition, Cognitive control, Deception Marta Kutas (grad student)
Richard Gao Bradley Voytek (grad student)
Javier Omar Garciavision, multimodal imaging, perception, decision making, attention2011 John Serences (research scientist)
Anupam K Gargcolor vision, electrophysiology20152019 Eran A. Mukamel (grad student)
Aleena R. GarnerNeuroscience Biology Neurosciences2012 Mark R. Mayford (grad student)
Emma Jane Garrencellular and molecular neuroscience, genetics2009 Yishi Jin (grad student)
Marina Garrettvisual system Neurosciences20082014 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Kate S GaudryComputational Neuroscience, Vision; Intellectual property, patent law20032006 Pamela Reinagel (grad student)
Jeffrey Lee Gauthier Neurosciences2008 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
William W. Gaver Cognitive Science and Psychology1988 Don Norman (grad student)
Caroline L. GeeExperimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2009 Gail D. Heyman (grad student)
Emma H. Gellerlearning and instruction, explanation, multimedia learning
Wei Geng2004 William R. Schafer (grad student)
Dedre Gentnerlearning, analogy, similarity language Acquisition Psychology1974 Don Norman (grad student), David E. Rumelhart (grad student)
Timothy Q. Gentnerauditory systems neuroscience
Amy L. Geoffroy1984 Don Norman (grad student)
Olivier GeorgeAddiction, Animal Models, Neuronal Ensembles, Prefrontal, Amygdala, Medication Development,
Merril J. Gersten Bioinformatics2011 Gabriel Haddad (grad student)
Mark Geyerpsychopharmacology Arnold J. Mandell (grad student)
Taha GholipourEpilepsy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, EEG, Machine Learning2023 Carrie M. McDonald (research scientist)
Anirvan Ghoshthe specification of connections in the developing cerebral cortex
Gourisankar Ghoshtranscription, signaling, pre-mRNA splicing, mRNA transport, protein-protein, protein-DNA and protein-RNA interactions
Anindya Ghosh RoyNeuroscience
Leif GibbComputational modeling, basal ganglia, birdsong Neurosciences20062009 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student), Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Raymond W. GibbsPsycholinguistics David E. Rumelhart (grad student)
Robert Gibson19821985 Jack Winningham Bradbury (post-doc)
Matthew R. Gielow20052009 Andrea A. Chiba (research assistant)
Wesley D. GiffordNeurodevelopment Neurosciences20092013 Samuel L. Pfaff (grad student)
Jessica W. GilesDevelopmental Psychology2004 Gail D. Heyman (grad student)
Vikash Gilja
J. Christian Gillin William Dement (grad student)
Sarah I. GimbelHuman Memory Neurosciences2010 James B. Brewer (grad student)
Beatrice Gini Paul Mischel (post-doc)
Aryn Gittisbasal ganglia, Parkinson's disease Neurosciences2008 Sascha du Lac (grad student)
Marjory L. Givens2004 Pamela Mellon (grad student)
Enida Gjoni
Candace L. GladsonTumor biology19891990 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Leila Glass20112016 Sarah N. Mattson (grad student)
Sheryl M. GlasserNeurobiology, neuroanatomy1976 Allen I. Selverston (grad student)
Stephen J. GlattPsychiatric Genetic Epidemiology Ming T. Tsuang (post-doc)
Joseph G. Gleeson
Lindsey L. Glickfeldvisual cortex Neurosciences2007 Massimo Scanziani (grad student)
Gena L. Glickmanbiological rhythms Psychology2013 Michael R. Gorman (grad student)
Joel C. GloverDevelopmental neuroscience, Vestibular system, Brain stem development, Spinal cord development, Stem cell biology19801984 William B. Kristan (grad student)
Swetha K GodavarthiNeurodevelopment, autism spectrum disorders, neuromuscular junction Neurobiology Neurobiology20192019 Nicholas C. Spitzer (post-doc), Nicholas C. Spitzer (research scientist)
Didem Gokcayaffective neuroscience, fMRI, fNIRS, computational neuroanatomy, Artificial Intelligence
David A. GoldNeurogenetics, cerebellum developent, stem/progenitor cells2005 Bruce Hamilton (grad student)
Jeffrey J. Gold2006 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Jeffrey L. GoldbergDevelopment, Regeneration
Ryan M GoldenComputational Neuroscience, Sleep, Memory Consolidation, Reinforcement Learning2017 Maxim Bazhenov (grad student)
Jay GoldschmidtBehavior Analysis EAB
Lawrence SB Goldsteinaxonal transport
Matthew R. Golish20082010 David Henry Peterzell (research assistant)
Timothy GomezMolecular mechanisms that regulate growth cone motility and guidance Biology19952001 Nicholas C. Spitzer (post-doc)
Steven L. GoniasNeuroscience Biology
Marybel Robledo Gonzalez Cognitive Science Cognitive Science Gedeon O. Deák (research assistant), Timothy T. Brown (grad student)
Araceli GonzalezDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health, Individual and Family Studies Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2012 V Robin Weersing (grad student)
Oscar C. GonzalezComputational Neuroscience, Epilepsy, Sleep, Resting State Networks, Brain State Dynamics Neuroscience Graduate Program School of Medicine20192021 Maxim Bazhenov (grad student), Maxim Bazhenov (post-doc)
Raul GonzalezNeuropsychology, Drug Addiction, HIV19982004 Igor Grant (grad student)
Rodolfo Gonzalez2008 Mark Kamps (grad student)
Corey S. Goodman Nicholas C. Spitzer (post-doc)
Yuliya V. Gorbunova2001 Nicholas C. Spitzer (grad student)
Michael R. Gormanbiological rhythms
Radhika GosaviMultisensory Processing, Synesthesia, Educational Neuroscience Jaime Pineda (research assistant), Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (research assistant)
Arthur C. GraesserPsycholinguistics George Mandler (grad student)
Peter Graf George Mandler (post-doc)
Marjorie Grafe Perinatal and Adult Ischemic Brain Injury19911993 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Klaus GramannSpatial Orientation, EEG, Visual Attention
Vinicio Granados-Soto Tony Yaksh (grad student)
David Marvin GreenSignal Detection Theory, Auditory psychophysics
Lloyd Greeneneuronal death, neural development Silvio Varon (grad student)
Jennifer A. Greenhallaxonal transport Neurosciences2008 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Ian Greenhousecognitive control Psychology2012 Wesley C. Clapp (collaborator), Adam R. Aron (grad student)
Tiffany A. GreenwoodGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2002 John R. Kelsoe (grad student)
Joshua A. GregoryNeuroscience Biology Molecular Pathology2008 Nigel A. Calcutt (grad student)
Jodi E. GresackMemory
Jeffrey Sean Gretheneuroinformatics2002 Maryann E. Martone (collaborator), Mark H. Ellisman (research scientist)
Valerie E. Griffeth arterial spin labeling (ASL), fMRI Bioengineering2013 Richard B. Buxton (grad student)
Brock GrillMolecular mechanisms of axon termination and synapse formation20042007 Yishi Jin (post-doc)
David Groppe Cognitive Science2007 Marta Kutas (grad student)
Philip M. GrovesBasal Ganglia Richard F. Thompson (grad student)
Aran Groves20102016 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Jonathan Grudin Psychology1981 Don Norman (grad student)
Daniel M. Gruen1996 Don Norman (grad student)
Xiaonan Guneurodevelopment and regeneration Nicholas C. Spitzer (post-doc)
Xiang Q. Gu
Karen L. Gunthercolor vision2002 Karen Dobkins (grad student)
Xing GuoSomatosensory Jack E. Dixon (post-doc)
Nitin Guptaolfaction, sensory coding, computational neuroscience Bioinformatics20092010 Adam R. Aron (post-doc), Vivian Hook (collaborator), Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Asa B. GustafssonPharmacology2001 Laurence L. Brunton (grad student)
Arnold Gutierrez
Vivian Y. H. HookMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Julie S. HaasSynaptic plasticity, dynamics
Richard Haas
Mace Hack19881994 Jack Winningham Bradbury (grad student)
Steven A. HackleyPhysiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Neuroscience Steven Hillyard (post-doc)
Gabriel Haddad
Marjan Haghniaaxonal transport2003 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Donald J. Haglervision, attention, working memory20082010 Marty Sereno (post-doc), Eric Halgren (research scientist), Anders M. Dale (research scientist), Andrei Irimia (collaborator), Yukiko Goda (grad student)
Frank Haistdevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, perception1992 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Adam L. HalberstadtNeuranatomy, Vestibular Neurophysiology Psychiatry20072012 Mark Geyer (post-doc)
Jena B. HalesHuman Memory Neurosciences2011 James B. Brewer (grad student)
Andrew W. Halffcholinergic system, development Biology2012 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Eric Halgren2008 Jason S. Sherfey (collaborator)
Marta Halina Philosophy (Science Studies) Philosophy2013 William Bechtel (grad student), Nancy Cartwright (grad student)
Matthew L. HallLanguage production, discourse Psychology2012 Victor S. Ferreira (grad student)
Benjamin HallSynaptic Development Anirvan Ghosh (post-doc)
Shelley Halpainneuronal development, cytoskeleton
Kamil Hamaoui2006 Diana Deutsch (grad student)
Bruce HamiltonNeurogenetics, cerebellum developent, stem/progenitor cells
Harold T. Hammel
Paul S. Hammon Electrical Engineering (Intelsys, Robotics and Cont) Electrical Engineering (Intelsys, Robotics and Cont)2009 Virginia R. de Sa (grad student), Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado (grad student)
Julia HamstraMedial Temporal Lobe20042006 James B. Brewer (grad student)
Edward Han2004 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Ingunn HansdottirClinical Psychology2003 Vanessa Malcarne (grad student)
Donna E. Hanselgenitourinary pathology
Lawrence A. Hansen
Kari L. Hanson Katerina Semendeferi (grad student)
Mary Jo (MJ) Harbert
Valerie Gray HardcastlePhilosophy of cognitive neuroscience1994 Patricia Churchland (grad student)
Mary Hare Cognitive Science & Linguistics Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student)
Deborah Harrington
Elizabeth M. Harrisonbiological rhythms Psychology2014 Michael R. Gorman (grad student)
Volker Hartensteinneural development William A. Harris (post-doc)
Peter H. Hartlineinfrared sense Neuroscience1969 Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock (grad student)
Andrea L. Hartzellhippocampus, electrophysiology, immediate-early genes, learning and memory, aging20132017 Brenda L. Bloodgood (grad student)
Masaki Hayashibateriophage
Marito Hayashi20052006 Jing W. Wang (research assistant)
Mary M. Hayhoeeye movements, visuo-motor coordination, visual perception, natural tasks1979 Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student), Robert M. Boynton (grad student)
Patricia L. HaynesPhantom Limb Pain, Cognitive Therapy2003 John R. McQuaid (grad student)
Michael B. Hayward2003 Edwin L. Hutchins (grad student)
Sheng Hepsychophysics, neuroimaging Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Brian P. HeadPharmacology2005 Paul A. Insel (grad student)
Robert HeatonNeuropsychology, HIV
Steffen Heber Computer Science20012003 Pavel A. Pevzner (post-doc)
Jonathan H. Hechtneocortical development, child neurology19931996 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Nathan Gray HedrickSynaptic plasticity, dendrites, learning
Walter Heiligenbergbehavioral physiology19721973 Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock (post-doc)
William C. Heindelmemory, attention, ERP, Alzheimer's disease Nelson Butters (grad student)
Andreas Heinen2004 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Daniel A HeinzHippocampus, Interneurons, NPAS4 Biology2018 Brenda L. Bloodgood (grad student)
Joan Heller-BrownNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Thomas Hemmen
Margaret M. HendersonVision, Object Perception, Natural Image Statistics, Attention Neurosciences Graduate Program20152021 John Serences (grad student)
Leslie Hendersonsteroid regulation of ion channels19821985 Nicholas C. Spitzer (post-doc)
Brook L. HenryNeuroscience Biology2006 Wylie Vale (grad student)
David S. Hermanpain, plasticity, opioids2006 Linda Sorkin (post-doc)
Marc HernaizSpinal Cord Injury
Arturo E. HernandezCognitive Neuroscience of Language19961997 Elizabeth A. Bates (grad student), Marta Kutas (post-doc)
Christopher D. Herold2000 Mark Kamps (grad student)
Nicholas HerreraSocial psychology Psychology Psychology Edmund J. Fantino (research assistant), Laura Schreibman (research assistant), Shirley McGuire (research assistant)
Julia E. Herrmannspinal cord injury
Mitchell A. Herschbach Philosophy and Cognitive Science2010 William Bechtel (grad student)
Harvey R. Herschman Biology Donald Helinski (post-doc)
Volker Herzog Cellular and Molecular Medicine Marilyn Farquhar (post-doc)
John Hesselink
Jon Heston Neurosciences2016 Thomas S. Hnasko (post-doc)
Tia Hexom Neurosciences20112016 Robert A Rissman (post-doc)
Gail D. HeymanExperimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Holden R. Higginbotham
Susan M. HighnoteVision2003 Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Dan N. HillVibrissa System2003 David Kleinfeld (grad student), Arthur Konnerth (post-doc)
Dieter HillertLanguage
Massimo A HilliardNeurobiology, Genetics. Biology William R. Schafer (post-doc)
Steven HillyardPsychophysics, ERP2010 Robert Galambos (grad student), Markus Plank (collaborator)
Clayton J. HilmertSocial Psychology2003 James A. Kulik (grad student)
Samuel Andrew HiresTouch, cortex, optogenetics, genetically encoded optical sensors. Neurosciences2007 Roger Y. Tsien (grad student)
Tsuyoshi HirotaCircadian Rhythms Steve A. Kay (post-doc)
Tom Hnasko
Thomas S. Hnaskoneurotransmitters, dopamine, glutamate, vesicular transporters, synaptic physiology, addiction
Tiffany Cheing Hocognitive neuroscience, adolescence, attention, depression, mood disorders Psychology20072012 John Serences (grad student)
Lara Hochstein Linguistics David A. Barner (grad student)
John R. Hodges Nelson Butters (post-doc)
Thilo Hoelscher
Jason A. Hoffman2003 Marilyn Farquhar (grad student)
Alexander O. Holcombevisual perception, attention20012003 Donald I. A. MacLeod (post-doc)
Jim HollanCognitive ethnography, distributed and embodied cognition, human-computer interaction, multimodal interaction
Edmund R. Hollisplasticity, regeneration Neurosciences2008 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
Preston Howes Holmes2001 R Glenn Northcutt (grad student)
Anna E. Holtcognitive flexibility Cognitive Science2011 Gedeon O. Deák (grad student)
Sebastian Holt Department of Psychology David A. Barner (grad student)
Christine E. HoltAxon growth and guidance19811985 William A. Harris (post-doc)
Ryan G. Holzerimmunology Biomedical Sciences2010 Michael Karin (grad student)
Olivia Hon Biological Sciences-Neurobiology20142017 Brittney Lee Boublil (collaborator), Jill Leutgeb (research assistant)
Kristin L. HoodMemory2001 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Vivian HookNeurotransmitters, Proteomics
Carl D. HopkinsElectrosensory Systems, Electric Fish19721973 Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock (post-doc)
Yousuke T. HorikawaPharmacology Biomedical Sciences2009 Paul A. Insel (grad student)
Laura L. Horky2003 Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student)
Alexandra C. Horowitz2002 Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student), Shirley C. Strum (grad student)
Zsolt Horvath19901992 György Buzsáki (post-doc)
Md Nadim HossainNeurosciences
Jilei HouNeurophysiology of locomotion2003 Paul S.G. Stein (grad student)
David R.C. Housebarrel cortex Neurosciences20042010 Dan Feldman (grad student), Massimo Scanziani (grad student)
Megan K. Houseweart2000 Don Cleveland (grad student)
Arthur R. HouwelingSensory systems19962003 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
James R. Howe VILearning and Memory
Kristin K. Howellmemory, addiction
Bo Hu Physics2011 Herbert Levine (grad student)
Hong-Ye HuQuantum Information, and Computation Physics20182022 Yi-Zhuang You (grad student)
Te Chiang HuCombinatorial Algorithms, Mathematical Programming, Networks and Graphs,VLSI Circuit Layout
Che-Ming J. HuCircuitry in Sensory Systems Bioengineering2011 Li I. Zhang (grad student)
Liqiang Huang2005 Harold Pashler (grad student)
Youtong Huang Biology2022 Greg E. Lemke (grad student)
Angela L. Huang Biol/Specializ Comput Neurobio20032007 Charles S. Zuker (grad student)
Kenneth Huang2017 Asa B. Gustafsson (research assistant)
He Crane HuangComputational Neuroscience2009 Angela J. Yu (grad student), Howard Poizner (grad student)
Christine S. Huangprotein crystallography; protein chemistry20042006 Alexander Hoffmann (research assistant)
Edward M. HubbardEducational Cognitive Neuroscience, Numerical Cognition, Multisensory Integration, Synesthesia20002005 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student), Geoffrey Boynton (grad student), Peter A. Butcher (collaborator)
Amy L. HubbardSecond language acquisition, gesture20092010 Karen Emmorey (post-doc)
David E. HuberPerception and memory2009 Piotr Winkielman (collaborator), Nitin Gupta (collaborator)
Andrew D. HubermanNeural Development, Visual Circuits, Regeneration
Dongsung HuhMotor System, Neural Network Physics20052012 Emanuel Todorov (grad student), Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Court HullNeural Circuits, Cerebellum Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Edwin L. Hutchinscognitive neuroscience Roy D'Andrade (grad student)
Kasey R. Hutt Bioinformatics2009 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Lucas IllingComputational modeling, dynamics2002 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student), Henry D I Abarbanel (post-doc)
Brooke R. IngersollDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Special Education2003 Laura Schreibman (grad student)
Paul A. InselPharmacology
Vicente J. Iragui-Madoz
Andrei Irimiabrain aging, neurodegeneration, connectomics, neurotrauma20082010 Eric Halgren (post-doc)
Jeffry S. Isaacsonneural circuits, olfactory system
Isao Ishii19982001 Jerold Chun (post-doc)
Sarah L. IsraelMedial Temporal Lobe and Memory2005 James B. Brewer (grad student)
Sirawaj ItthipuripatAttention, Perception, Decision making, Reward, and Cognitive Control20142012 John Serences (grad student), Marty G. Woldorff (research assistant), Adam R. Aron (grad student), Cory T. Miller (grad student), Takaki Komiyama (grad student)
Denise JacksonBehavioral Neuroscience Philip M. Groves (post-doc)
Suzanne B. Jacobs2002 Pamela Mellon (grad student)
Sharon Jacobshormone, gene expression2004 Ronald M. Evans (grad student)
Kenneth A. JacobsonGPCRs, adenosine, P2 receptors1981 Murray Goodman (grad student)
Joanna Jacobus Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2011 Susan F. Tapert (grad student)
Shantanu P. JadhavLearning and Memory, Sensory Coding, Somatosensory cortex, Biol/Specializ Comput Neurobio20032008 Dan Feldman (grad student)
Shantanu P. JadhavComputation & Theory Biol/Specializ Comput Neurobio2008 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Philipp A. JaegerAlzheimer, Down Syndrome, Autophagy, Aging
T. Florian Jaegerpsycholinguistics, speech perception, computational cognitive science Psychology2006 Victor S. Ferreira (post-doc)
Jennifer A. Jahn-SamiloLanguage, Aphasia, Development, Gesture, Cognition, Crosslinguistic2003 Elizabeth A. Bates (grad student)
Kimberly A. JamesonExperimental Psychology
Rahul Jandialpain, pharmacology Biomedical Sciences2008 Tony Yaksh (grad student)
Jeri S. JanowskyCognitive neuroscience of aging19861988 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Hector JassoComputational Cognitive Neuroscience Computer Science and Engineering2007 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
James M. Jeanne Neurosciences20072012 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student), Tatyana Sharpee (grad student)
John Jellies William B. Kristan (post-doc)
Annette JenesonAnatomy, organization, and function of memory Psychology Psychology20072012 Larry R. Squire (grad student), John T. Wixted (grad student)
Ignatius Kresnathan Sjahnir JenieSpatial Transcriptomics Cellular Molecular Medicine2023 Bogdan Bintu (research assistant)
Kyowon JeongBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry Electrical Engineering (Communication Theory and Systems)2013 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Diana Jeong Physics2013 David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Kristen L. Jepsen2000 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Lauren H. Jepsonretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2012 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student), E. J. Chichilnisky (grad student)
Terry L. JerniganDevelopment Timothy T. Brown (collaborator), Adolf Pfefferbaum (post-doc)
Dilip JesteGeriatric Psychiatry
Danique JeurissenVisual perception, decision making20102010 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student)
Don L. JewettAuditory Evoked Potentials Robert Galambos (post-doc)
Nan Jiang Neurosciences20172019 Joseph G. Gleeson (post-doc)
Yishi JinC. elegans Andrew D. Chisholm (collaborator)
Martin L. Jiroutstatistical genetics of neuropschiatric disorders Molecular Pathology2007 Nicholas Schork (grad student)
Allison B. JobinDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2012 Laura Schreibman (grad student)
Jamie Ann JohansenNeurodegenerative disease/Behavioral neuroendocrinology20082010 Al La Spada (post-doc)
Danielle JohnNicotinic receptors, dentate gyrus, adult neurogenesis20102015 Darwin K. Berg (post-doc)
Carol P. JohnsMolecular Biology, Immunology2000 Cornelius Murre (grad student)
Brad N. JohnsonOlfaction William S. Cain (research assistant)
Nicholas D. JohnsonSchizophrenia, RNA-Seq, methylation, computational modeling20092011 Eliezer Masliah (research assistant)
Teryn Johnson Cognitive Science Lara Maria Rangel (grad student)
William J. Joiner
Neil C. JonesBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry Computer Science and Engineering2007 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Karra A JonesBrain tumors, Gliomas, Neuromuscular Disease, Muscular Dystrophy20122014 Lawrence A. Hansen (post-doc), Subhojit Roy (post-doc), Scott R. Vandenberg (post-doc)
Matthew Jacob JonesUndergraduate Cognitive Neuroscience Major
Michael I. Jordanmachine learning, statistics1985 Don Norman (grad student), David E. Rumelhart (grad student)
Victory T. Josephdrug discovery, mood disorders Neurosciences Neurosciences20102013 Jonathan H Lin (grad student), Peter Balsam (research assistant), Paul A. Slesinger (grad student), David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Carrie A. Joyceface recognition2000 Marta Kutas (grad student)
Alexander H. Joynerstatistical genetics of neuropschiatric disorders Biomedical Sciences2011 Nicholas Schork (grad student)
Ashley L. JuavinettMouse visual cortex and thalamus
Lewis Judd Martin P. Paulus (collaborator)
Tzyy-Ping Jung
Akila Kadambi
Melanie Maya KaelbererOlfaction, pain20062008 David Henry Peterzell (research assistant)
Gwendolyn Kaeser20132017 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Boyko KakaradovRNA processing, neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, computational biology Bioinformatics2014 Gene W. Yeo (grad student)
Michael W. Kalichman neurosciences with a focus on neuropharmacology, neurophysiology, and neuropathology
Mark Kamps David Baltimore (post-doc), Bartholomew M. Sefton (grad student)
Christopher KananDeep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Cognitive Science Computer Science and Engineering20072013 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Amy E. KaneNeuropsychology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2009 David P. Salmon (grad student)
Inna G. KanevskyEAB, Operant Conditioning, DRT, Choice2006 Edmund J. Fantino (grad student)
Suk R. KangC. elegans Electrical Engineering2014 Andrew D. Chisholm (grad student)
Sean Kang Harold Pashler (post-doc)
David E. KangAlzheimer's disease, amyloid, presenilin, tau, TDP-43, catenin, LRP, CHCHD10, mitochondria, synapse Neurosciences Neurosciences Neurosciences Neurosciences19992004 Edward H. Koo (grad student), Edward H. Koo (post-doc), Tsunao Saitoh (grad student), Robert Katzman (grad student)
Leena Kansal
Navaz Karanjia
Michael Karinimmunology
Uma R. KarmarkarLearning, Memory, Timing, Decision-Making
Jeremy B. KarnowskiComputational Cognitive Neuroscience2010 Angela J. Yu (grad student), Edwin L. Hutchins (grad student)
Christina M. Karnsemotion and social neuroscience, multisensory integration, neuroplasticity19992001 Eric Courchesne (research assistant), Jaime Pineda (research assistant)
Harvey KartenNeuroanatomy
Priyantha P. KarunaratneNeurophysiology of locomotion Anthropology2010 Paul S.G. Stein (grad student)
Brian K. KasparSpinal Muscular Atrophy, ALS, CNS Gene Delivery, Gene Therapy Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student)
Brian Kevin Kaspar2004 Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student)
Hiroyuki K Kato Jeffry S. Isaacson (post-doc)
Takeo KatsukiDevelopment, Behavior Ralph Greenspan (post-doc)
Robert KatzmanAlzheimer's Disease
Alexander (Sasha) KauffmanNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive Neuroscience, Biological Rhythms
Marcus KaulNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Allison R. KaupSchizophrenia, fMRI, learning and memory Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2012 Lisa T. Eyler (grad student)
Dhruv KaushalLPA, S1P, neural aneuploidy19992004 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Hideki Kawai Biology19982021 Darwin K. Berg (post-doc)
Masashi Kawasakineuroethology19861990 Walter Heiligenberg (post-doc)
Alfred Kaye Computational Neuroscience2013 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Walter H. KayeNeuroscience Biology
HAKAN KAYIRneuroscience, addiction, nicotine, schizophrenia, alcohol Psychiatry20082009 Athina Markou (post-doc)
Yuehai KeStem Cells Gen-Sheng Feng (post-doc)
Jonathan M. Keefe Psychology Psychology20202022 Viola Sophie Störmer (grad student), Timothy Brady (grad student)
Brian L. KeeleyPhilosophy of Neuroscience Philosophy Philosophy19901997 Patricia Churchland (grad student), Sandra D. Mitchell (grad student)
Jeffrey M. KeilUbiquitin Proteasome System, Neurodegenerative Disease Biology2011 Gentry N. Patrick (grad student)
Jonathan A. kelberCancer and Regenerative biology, receptor and non-receptor kinases Chemistry Pharmacology20102012 Wylie Vale (grad student), Richard L. Klemke (post-doc), Laurence L. Brunton (post-doc)
Daniel X. Keller Neurosciences20022008 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Bernhard U. Keller Mauricio Montal (grad student)
Carolyn G. Kelley2000 Pamela Mellon (grad student)
Benjamin P KellmanBioinformatics, Glycobiology
John R. KelsoeClinical Psychology
Laura Kemmerlanguage Cognitive Science2009 Marta Kutas (grad student)
Daniel P. Kennedysocial neuroscience, autism spectrum disorder, social perception, eye tracking, brain connectivity Neurosciences2007 Eric Courchesne (grad student)
Matthew B Kennel Physics19891995 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Rex A. Kerr2002 William R. Schafer (grad student)
Santosh Kesari
Nan I. Ketpura
Alexander Khalessi
Asma Khan Psychiatry20122015 Susan B Powell (post-doc)
Azim R. KhanNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive Neuroscience, Biological Rhythms2009 Michael R. Gorman (grad student), Alexander (Sasha) Kauffman (grad student)
Bahram Kheradmandlearning in honey bees
Wayne W. Khoe Steven Hillyard (post-doc)
Michael Wai Kiang Cognitive Science2007 Marta Kutas (grad student)
Justin Tyler KigginsPopulation coding, Behavior, Operant Conditioning, Audition, Vision, Perception Neurosciences20102016 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student)
Rhiannon L. Killianaxonal transport Biomedical Sciences2011 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Sangtae KimBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry Computer Science and Engineering2012 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Yumi Kim Biology2009 Don Cleveland (grad student)
Jinah Kim2002 William R. Schafer (grad student)
Jean J KimiPS cells, Neuroscience, Genome editing Anirvan Ghosh (post-doc)
Jeesun Jina KimNeurobiology of Learning and Memory Stephan G. Anagnostaras (grad student)
Soyun KimLearning and Memory2010 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
B.J. Byungji KimNanotechnology, Drug Delivery, Immunology, Gene therapy, Biomaterials20162019 Michael J. Sailor (grad student), Stephen B. Howell (collaborator)
Hugo Jae Mun KimNeuroscience, Single cell sequencing, Spinal cord injury Neuroscience2018 Binhai Zheng (post-doc)
Sonia Nan KimNeurodegeneration, genomics, genetics, cerebral cortex, neurodevelopment Biology2013 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Kyung Won KimAxon regeneration, neurodegeneration, Parkinson's disease, ALS, C. elegans Biological Sciences20102018 Yishi Jin (post-doc)
Yuka KimuraLPA, S1P, neural aneuploidy19972001 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Katie Kindthair cells, zebrafish, calcium imaging20002006 William R. Schafer (grad student)
David G. Kinginvertebrate neurobiology, evolution, histology19711975 Allen I. Selverston (grad student)
Jonathan W. Kinglanguage, electrophysiology Marta Kutas (post-doc)
Paul Kingston
Revere (Rip) Kinkel
Justin Kinney Bioengineering20032009 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Christopher KintnerMolecular Biology, Cell Biology
Tod KippinNeurobiology of behavior, stem cells Psychological and Brain Sciences19962001 James G Pfaus (grad student)
Tabitha Kirklandemotion, happiness, positive neuroscience20062007 Piotr Winkielman (research assistant), Nicholas Christenfeld (research assistant)
David KirshDesign, cognitive ethnography, distributed and embodied cognition, thinking with things, e-learning
C. Brock KirwanHuman Memory, Amnesia20062009 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Alexander A. Kislukhinchemical biology, proteomics, in vitro diagnostics, imaging, immunology, oncology Radiology20132015 Roger Y. Tsien (post-doc), Eric T. Ahrens (post-doc)
Mark A. Kittisopikulimage analysis, lamins, systems biology, bacillus subtilis, biofilms
Landon Klein Adam L. Halberstadt (grad student)
David Kleinfeld20071984 George Feher (grad student), Dejan Vucinic (collaborator)
Daniel G. KleinmanLanguage production, discourse Psychology and Cognitive Science2013 Victor S. Ferreira (grad student)
Richard L. KlemkeCancer
Scott KlemmerHuman-computer interaction and design. Empowering more people to design, program, learn, and create: example and data-driven design tools
Alexander Kleschevnikov
Robert T. KnightPFC19781979 Steven Hillyard (post-doc), Helen Neville (post-doc)
Barbara J. KnowltonBasal Ganglia Psychiatry19911995 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Christopher J. KnowltonComputational modeling, dynamics Physics2014 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Eric I. KnudsenAuditory Brainstem19731976 Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock (grad student)
Daniel Knudsen Neurosciences2013 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student)
Per Magne KnutsenBehavioral Neuroscience20082016 David Kleinfeld (research scientist)
Kang I. KoOlfactory system, Neuropeptides
Matthew N. KoesterCognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Psychiatry Psychiatry2018 Christine N. Smith (research assistant), Zimu Li (collaborator)
Julia K. KolodziejczykPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology, Nutrition PubHlth (Health Behav)JtDocSDSU2014 Kevin Patrick (grad student)
Takaki Komiyama
Vaibhav Ramanath Konanur20102012 Kathleen A. French (research assistant)
Edward H. Koo Subhojit Roy (collaborator)
Sonya J. KooDevelopment2005 Samuel L. Pfaff (grad student)
Marjolein KorvorstNumerical Cognition, Speech Production Marta Kutas (research assistant), Kara D. Federmeier (research assistant)
Mark KostukComputational modeling, dynamics Physics2012 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Amelia KottePhantom Limb Pain, Cognitive Therapy Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2011 John R. McQuaid (grad student)
Beatrix KrauseNumerical cognition, Plasticity, Perception, Brain Imaging Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (research scientist)
Richard J. Krauzlisvisual neuroscience
Thomas KreuzComputational Neuroscience, Signal Processing, Spike train synchrony20072009 Henry D I Abarbanel (post-doc)
William B. Kristan Garrison Cottrell (collaborator)
Mark Kritchevksy
Ronald Kuczenski
Ron KuczenskiDrugs of addiction
Kenneth D. Kuhn
Holly KularPerception, Visual Memory Psychology2021 John Serences (grad student)
James A. KulikSocial Psychology, Mental Health
Anita Kulukian Biology2008 Don Cleveland (grad student)
Vivek KumarAddiction, Forward Genetics, Mouse Genetics19982003 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Markus P. KummerNeurodegeneration Neuroscience20032006 Edward H. Koo (post-doc)
Ichiro Kurikicolor vision, psychophysics, imaging Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Lisa M. Kurtz Neurosciences2010 Nicholas C. Spitzer (grad student)
Marta KutasElectrophysiology, cognition, neuropsychology
Nicole W La
Nicole La Grange Cognitive Science2017 Andrea A. Chiba (grad student)
Al La SpadaPolyglutamine disease mechanisms
Pedro Labarca19801984 Mauricio Montal (post-doc)
Thomas LachmannCognitive psychology, Developmental psychology, Dyslexia, Cognitive neuroscience Psychology Center for Human Information Processing19971997 Jeff O. Miller (research assistant), Harold Pashler (grad student)
Kelsey C. Ladt Subhojit Roy (grad student)
Clotilde Lagier-Tourenne
Cindy K. Lamcognitive neuroscience, education, development Neuroscience Timothy T. Brown (research assistant)
Erin E LaMontagnestem cell, tissue engineering, vasculature, disease modeling
Peter Wilhelm Lampert
Madeline A. Lancaster
Gert Lanckriet
Lee K. Landeenretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia2007 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student), Wayne R. Giles (grad student)
Kelly M. LandyNeuropsychology
Vanessa Langness20132019 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Jacob S. LaRiviere Economics2010 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Serge LarochelleExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology1981 Don Norman (grad student), Lynn A Cooper (grad student)
Britta A. Larsen Psychology2011 Nicholas Christenfeld (grad student)
DeLaine D. Larsen2005 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Stephen D. Larsonneuroinformatics, neuroanatomy Neurosciences2012 Maryann E. Martone (grad student)
Robert M. Lavinsky2000 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Mark LawsonMolecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Helen T. Le-Niculescuimmunology2000 Michael Karin (grad student)
Jonathan D. Leavitt Psychology2013 Nicholas Christenfeld (grad student)
Robert A. Lecusaymediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development Communication and Cognitive Science2013 Michael Cole (grad student)
Dai-Jen Lee Biology2010 Richard Firtel (grad student)
Sohie M. Leecomputational neuroscience David Zipser (grad student)
Eminy HY LeeLearning and memory Mark Geyer (grad student)
Sung Joong J. LeeNeuroimmunology Michael Karin (post-doc)
Jody S. LeeDiagnostic Radiology1982 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Ricky Lee20102011 Jeffrey H. Gertsch (post-doc)
Sun Kyung Lee Biology20052006 William R. Schafer (post-doc)
Kuo-Fen LeeNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Christopher R Lee
Cristine H. Legareconceptual development, language development Human Development Program Gedeon O. Deák (research assistant)
Andre Leito Neurosciences2021 Robert A Rissman (post-doc)
David S. Lelandneurotransmitters, behavioral states, cognition2004 Jaime Pineda (grad student)
Greg E. LemkeDevelopment
Ann E. LeonardDevelopment2003 Samuel L. Pfaff (grad student)
Matthew K. Leonardspeech, cortex Cognitive Science Cognitive Science2011 Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student), Eric Halgren (grad student)
Eric LeonardisSystems Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Computational Ethology Cognitive Science20152022 Ayse Pinar Saygin (grad student), Andrea A. Chiba (grad student)
Robert Leshner
Stephanie Lessig
Andrea M. LetamendiSocial Anxiety, Treatment, Neurobiology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2011 Murray Stein (grad student)
Stefan Leutgebplace cells, memory
Jill Leutgebmemory, electrophysiology, encoding
Varda Lev-Ramelectrophysiological imaging, cerebellar learning and memory
Leah Levi
Herbert Levinedynamics of biological systems
Irwin LevitanNeuronal excitability19741977 Samuel H. Barondes (post-doc)
Daniel A. Levymemory, consciousness20022004 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Roger Levymachine learning, language
Joshua M. Lewis Cognitive Science2011 Virginia R. de Sa (grad student)
William Lewis
Lindsay B. Lewis Psychology2009 Karen Dobkins (grad student)
John D. Lewis Cognitive Science2008 Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student)
Lu Lisomatosensory system, synaptic plasticity, neural circuitry Dan Feldman (post-doc)
Lisa Li19901992 György Buzsáki (post-doc)
Zhen Li2005 Eliezer Masliah (grad student)
Weiwei LiNeural control of movement2006 Emanuel Todorov (grad student)
Zhen LiNeurodevelopment Neurosciences20182020 Joseph G. Gleeson (post-doc)
Zimu LiMCI Department of Psychiatry2019 Christine N. Smith (research assistant)
Wankun Li Takaki Komiyama (grad student)
Song-mao Liao2013 David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Joy Liauretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2008 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
Camilo Libedinsky Harvey Karten (research assistant)
Elinor M. Lichtenberg Biology2011 James Nieh (grad student)
David N. Lieberman
Amy Lieberman Rachel Mayberry (grad student)
Robert A. LiebscherAdaptive knowledge representation2005 Richard Belew (grad student)
Anthony D. Lien Neurosciences20082013 Massimo Scanziani (grad student)
Michael J. LierschCognitive Psychology, Physical Education, Social Psychology2007 Craig R. M. McKenzie (grad student)
Gregory A. Lightschizophrenia, MMN, PPI, P5020012003 David Braff (post-doc)
Byungkook LimReward circuit
Jung-Hwan Albert LimCNS Regeneration Biological Sciences20112016 Andrew D. Huberman (grad student)
Pei-Ann LinLearning and Memory; Sensory Circuits Neurosciences20172016 Brenda L. Bloodgood (grad student), Jeffry S. Isaacson (grad student)
Richard Jirui Lin2000 Ronald M. Evans (grad student)
Michael Z. LinProtein engineering applied to visualizing and controlling signal transduction20042009 Roger Y. Tsien (post-doc)
John Y. LinElectrophysiology, technique development2006 Roger Y. Tsien (post-doc)
Mu-En LinLPA, S1P, neural aneuploidy Biomedical Sciences20062013 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Jonathan H LinOphthalmology
Jürgen Lindemeier Charles S. Zuker (post-doc)
Jon M. Lindstrom1971 Edwin S. Lennox (grad student), S. Jonathan Singer (grad student)
Sarah E. LinkeClinical Psychology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2011 Thomas Rutledge (grad student)
Elwood LinneyMolecular Genetics and Microbiology19691973 Masaki Hayashi (grad student)
Adam LinstedtMembrane Trafficking Vivek Malhotra (post-doc)
Stuart A. LiptonNeurodegenerative Disease
Krista L. Lisdahl MedinaNeuropsychology, Imaging Genetics, Drug Effects, Gender Differences, Adolescent Neurodevelopment20052007 Susan F. Tapert (post-doc)
Dorion Liston2005 Richard J. Krauzlis (grad student)
Alan J. LitrownikClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology
Emily E. Little Psychology Leslie J. Carver (grad student)
Irene Litvan
Antung A. Liu Economics2012 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Baohua LiuVisual system2011 Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Baohua LiuVisual system Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Quan LiuAlzheimer's disease, Glaucoma, Aging, Oxidative stress
Thomas Liu
Carolyn V. Livsey TaylorNeurotransmitters, Proteomics2001 Vivian Hook (grad student)
Charles Gee LoDevelopmental Neuroscience
Liam Lochhead
Curtis M. LoerC. elegans neurodevelopment19811988 William B. Kristan (grad student)
Cheryl A. Loganbirdsong19701974 Edmund J. Fantino (grad student)
Barbara Lomdevelopmental neurobiology Christine E. Holt (post-doc)
Camilo Jubino Londonoaxon regeneration, spinal cord injury
Frank Longo Biology Mark H. Ellisman (grad student), Silvio Varon (grad student)
Paul M. LoriauxBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry Bioinformatics2013 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Xiaojing LouCell Biology, Molecular Biology2002 Marilyn Farquhar (grad student)
Carrie Louie
Michael LovciGenomics
Lee P. Lovejoy Neurosciences2010 Richard J. Krauzlis (grad student)
Kate Lovero20042005 Andrea A. Chiba (research assistant)
Matthew Lovett-Barron
Philip Steven LowComputational Neuroscience, Sleep Biol/Specializ Comput Neurobio2007 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Laura Lowerycell migration, cytoskeleton, axon guidance19992001 William R. Schafer (research assistant)
David LuPharmacology Molecular Pathology2013 Paul A. Insel (grad student)
Daniel C. Lu Edward H. Koo (grad student)
Zhongmin Lu
Steven J. LuckPsychophysics, ERP, attention, working memory, schizophrenia Steven Hillyard (grad student)
Vincent G. LuczakLearning and memory, synaptic plasticity, cAMP/PKA signaling, PKA anchoring
Peter R. LuijtenFunctional medical imaging1982 Robert L. Vold (research assistant), Regitze R. Vold (research assistant)
Jamie R. Lukosbehavioral neuroscience, reaching and grasping2010 Howard Poizner (post-doc)
En-Ching Luo Department of Bioengineering2014 Gene W. Yeo (grad student)
Yuhui Sunny Luo Biology Biology20202023 Cory M. Root (grad student), Elina I. Zuniga (grad student)
Peter Ly20132019 Don Cleveland (post-doc)
Patrick D. Lyden
Haley Lynch Neurosciences20212021 Robert A Rissman (post-doc)
Craig R. M. McKenzieGeneral Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Dennis D. M. O'LearyNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Human Development
Rui MaVisual system, Oculomotor control, Neural Code2011 Todd P. Coleman (post-doc)
Eduardo R. Macagno
Matthew G. MacDougallBrain Implants, Functional Neurosurgery, Marmoset, Optogenetics Psychology20132015 Cory T. Miller (research scientist)
Darrel J. MaceyHuman memory2001 John T. Wixted (grad student)
Dean F. MacKinnonbipolar, mood disorders1987 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Carol L. MacLeodMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology, Pathology
Donald I. A. MacLeodVision
Jeanne E. MaglioneOncology, Molecular Biology2003 Carol L. MacLeod (grad student)
Greg MaguireStem cell therapeutics, visual system therapeutics
Shaun Patrick Mahaffy Neurosciences2010 Richard J. Krauzlis (grad student)
Omar M. Mahmoodcognitive neuropsychology, spatial navigation, neuroimaging, brain maturation2008 Susan F. Tapert (post-doc)
Zachary F. MainenOlfaction19911995 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
DS Adnan Majid Adam R. Aron (grad student), Vinod Menon (grad student)
Dewan-Syed A. MajidCognitive Neuroscience, frontal cortex/basal-ganglia Neurosciences2013 Adam R. Aron (grad student)
Daniel Major Harvey Karten (grad student)
Scott MakeigSystems Robert Galambos (grad student)
Carolina Makowskipsychosis, genetics, neuroimaging, MRI, eating disorders
Vicente Luis MalaveEEG, ERP, fMRI, machine learning, vision, learning, object recognition Virginia R. de Sa (grad student), Marta Kutas (grad student)
Vanessa MalcarneClinical Psychology, Health Care Management
Roberto Malinow
Gail MandelNeuronal cell identity, REST Melvin I. Simon (post-doc)
Ross Mandeville
George MandlerGeneral psychology
Jean Matter Mandler
George R. MangunCognitive Neuroscience Steven Hillyard (grad student)
Ravi Manjithaya Suresh Subramani (post-doc)
Cathyryne K. MannerMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology, Pathology2003 Carol L. MacLeod (grad student)
Joseph R. Mannsneuroscience, animal behavior2002 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Sanjay G. ManoharCognition, Decision making20022002 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (research assistant)
Marston Manthorpe Silvio Varon (post-doc)
Roger Marchand
Elisabeth Marchand Department of Psychology David A. Barner (grad student)
Maria Carolina (Carol) MarchettoInduced pluripotent stem cell, iPSC, human neuronal development, disease modeling, evolution, primate, neurogenesis, autism
Virginia A Marchmanlanguage development Cognitive Science19861991 Elizabeth A. Bates (post-doc)
Zeve J. Marcuscognitive neuroscience, vision, perception, imagery, consciousness Psychology2018 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student)
Eve Mardermotor system, network dynamics19691974 Allen I. Selverston (grad student)
Kurt W. Marek Nicholas C. Spitzer (post-doc)
Tyler Marghetiscognitive science,numerical cognition,mathematical cognition,distributed cognition,cognitive ecology,embodiment,culture and cognition,time,space Cognitive Science Cognitive Science20092015 Rafael Nunez (grad student), Benjamin K. Bergen (grad student)
Francesco MariniCognitive control, Attention, Inhibition, Visual perception Adam R. Aron (post-doc)
Roberta Marongiu Neuropathology Eliezer Masliah (grad student)
Lawrence Marshall
James H. MarshelVisual system, in vivo imaging, neural circuits, optogenetics Neurosciences20052011 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
F. MartinNeurodegeneration in vitro19911993 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
Eric C. Martin Philosophy (Science Studies)2010 William Bechtel (grad student)
Antigona Martinez2001 Marty Sereno (post-doc), Steven Hillyard (grad student)
Tobias Francis Marton Neurosciences2008 Jing W. Wang (grad student)
Maryann E. Martoneneuroinformatics, neuroanatomy Mark H. Ellisman (post-doc), Philip M. Groves (grad student)
Kelly Martyniuk2012 Brenda L. Bloodgood (research assistant)
Eliezer Masliah Subhojit Roy (collaborator)
Adrian Mason Biological Sciences19821984 William B. Kristan (post-doc)
Dominic W. Massarospeech, reading, language learning19681970 Norman H. Anderson (post-doc)
Kerri A. Masseycholinergic system, development Neurosciences2008 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Kenta Masui Paul Mischel (post-doc)
William G. MatchinLanguage, Aphasia Linguistics20162018 Rachel Mayberry (post-doc)
Emily Anne Mathews Neurosciences2008 Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student)
Tomoo Matsutani Paul Mischel (post-doc)
Marcelo Gomes MattarComputational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Reinforcement Learning
Dave Matthewscomputation and systems; somatosensory processing20062012 Harvey Karten (grad student), David Kleinfeld (grad student)
David W. Matthews Neurosciences2012 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Gary Matthews J. Anthony Deutsch (research assistant)
Sarah N. MattsonClinical Psychology
Lisa Maturin Psychiatry2016 Olivier George (research assistant)
Kristin N. MauldinCategory learning20082009 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Deborah A May Psychology20142016 Michael R. Gorman (research assistant)
Steven E. MayerCatecholamines´, Signaling
Mark R. MayfordMemory
Larry McClure Psychology1997 Mark I. Appelbaum (post-doc)
Michael J. McConnellsomatic mosaicism, neuro-immuno development19992004 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Gary McCracken19761978 Jack Winningham Bradbury (post-doc)
Stephen H. McCulloughVisual system, Language processing Cognitive Science2010 Karen Emmorey (grad student)
Carrie M. McDonaldepilepsy
Marin A. McDonald Neurosciences20062010 Lisa M. Boulanger (grad student)
Laraine McDonoughCognitive and Language Development Jean Matter Mandler (grad student)
Susan McDuffmemory2010 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Lauren E. McElvain Neurosciences Physics20152011 Sascha du Lac (grad student), David Kleinfeld (post-doc)
Linda K. McEvoy
Sarah McFarlaneNeural Development Christine E. Holt (post-doc)
Brian McFee Computer Science and Engineering2012 Gert Lanckriet (grad student)
Christine McGiffertLPA, S1P, neural aneuploidy19992003 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Shauna M. McGillivray20062009 Pamela Mellon (grad student), Victor Nizet (post-doc)
Richard D. McKeeClinical Psychology1992 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Benjamin S. McKennafMRI, computational modeling, schizoprhrenia Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2011 Gregory G. Brown (grad student)
Michael McKeown Richard Firtel (grad student)
Todd Robert McLaughlin2001 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Matt J. McMahonvision2000 Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Lauren McNoltyCognitive Neuroscience Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student)
Malinda J. McPhersonAuditory Neuroscience, Auditory Psychophysics, Creativity Psychology20222024 Timothy Brady (post-doc)
Tim McQueenyNeuropsychology, Neuroimaging, Addiction, Brain Development Susan F. Tapert (research assistant)
Marguerite McQuire Lang2012 Seana Coulson (grad student)
Tonya R. Meadplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration Neurosciences2008 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
Kathryn E. MeddersNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology Molecular Pathology2010 Marcus Kaul (grad student)
Sara C. Mednicksleep memory learning Psychiatry20032008 Sean P. A. Drummond (post-doc)
Samar B. Mehta2006 David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Philip M. MeierComputational Neuroscience, Vision Neurosciences20052011 Pamela Reinagel (grad student)
Adam Philip Mekrutcognitive flexibility
Mariana Melcon
Pamela Mellon
Michelle C. Mendoza2005 Richard Firtel (grad student)
David A. MerrillPlasticity, Learning and Memory, Aging2002 Andrea A. Chiba (grad student)
Erin L. MerzClinical Psychology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2014 Vanessa Malcarne (grad student)
Irina Y. MerzlyakLearning, Memory, Affect, Addiction2006 Andrea A. Chiba (grad student)
Adam C. Messingervisual neurophysiology2002 Thomas D. Albright (grad student)
Ross Metusalem Cognitive Science Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student)
Brett Meyer
Dawn Meyer
Laura B. MickesHuman memory Psychology and Cognitive Science2010 John T. Wixted (grad student)
Brea J. Midthune Molecular Pathology2012 Edward H. Koo (grad student)
Benjamin MiglioriFocal Occlusion, Two Photon Microscopy, Optics, Strokes, Blood Flow2005 David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Lauralyn E. MilesClinical Psychology, Black Studies, Physiological Psychology2002 Igor Grant (grad student)
Nichol L. Miller Biomedical Sciences2008 Pamela Mellon (grad student)
John P. MillerSystems1980 Allen I. Selverston (grad student)
Luke Miller20102015 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (research assistant), David Kemmerrer (research assistant), Ayse Pinar Saygin (grad student)
Arnold Miller
Cory T. Millerprimate auditory system, neurobiology and behavior
Jami Milton19962001 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Victor MincesLearning and Memory Biol/Specializ Comput Neurobio2010 Andrea A. Chiba (grad student)
Guo-Li Ming2002 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Siavash MirarabPhylogenetics
Paul MischelEGFR/PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling network
Jyoti Mishraattention, multisensory, plasticity, cognitive training Biol/Specializ Comput Neurobio20032009 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student), Steven Hillyard (grad student)
Akinori Mitani2012 Takaki Komiyama (grad student)
Jude F. Mitchellvisual system, attention2002 David Zipser (grad student)
Barbara E. MitchellClinical Psychology, Public Health, Public and Social Welfare2002 Alan J. Litrownik (grad student)
Vladimir MitsnerComputation & Theory Biology2007 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Satoru K. Miura Neurosciences2014 Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Naomi Miyake Cognitive Science Laboratory1982 Don Norman (grad student)
Yoshio Miyake Psychology1982 Don Norman (grad student)
Makoto MiyakoshiEEG signal processing2011 Scott Makeig (post-doc)
Yoshiro Miyata Institute for Cognitive Science1988 Don Norman (grad student)
William C. Mobleyneurodegneration, Down syndrome
Royya Modir
David L. MolfeseMemory, Histones, Behavior19992001 Marta Kutas (grad student)
Juan L. Molina
Bradley R. MonkMolecular Neurobiology & Computational Modeling Stephan G. Anagnostaras (grad student), Roberto Malinow (grad student)
Teresa K. MonrealClinical psychology, neuropsychology Psychology2012 Sandra A. Brown (grad student)
Mauricio Montal
Sarah Elizabeth Montgomery Cognitive Science- Neuroscience20122013 Douglas Nitz (research assistant)
Melissa Lee Monty Psychology1990 Don Norman (grad student)
Jason J. MooreHippocampus, Dendritic Computation, Modeling20082009 Garrison Cottrell (research assistant), Harold Pashler (research assistant)
Jeffrey D. Moore Neurosciences Neurosciences20082013 David Kleinfeld (grad student), David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Eric Mooshagianvisuomotor integration, spatial representation, eye-hand coordination, bimanual coordination laterality, hemispheric specilaization
Dawn A. Moralescognitive neuroscience, attention19962003 Harold Pashler (grad student)
J Toby MordkoffAttention19911993 Jeff Miller (post-doc)
Mitchel MoreyCNP, murine reterviral encephalitis19871989 Clayton Alexander Wiley (post-doc)
William C. Morris Linguistics1998 Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student)
A Leslie MorrowAlcohol, GABA, neurosteroids Neuroscience19801985 Ian Creese (grad student)
Merrie MosedalePhysiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Biomedical Sciences2012 Steven D. Chessler (grad student)
Pamela MosesHuman neuroanatomy and development Eric Courchesne (grad student)
Niema MoshiriBioinformatics Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Bioinformatics and Systems Biology20152019 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student), Siavash Mirarab (grad student)
Alycia N. Mosleydevelopmental neurobiology Neurosciences20082010 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Coleman A. Mosleystatistical genetics of neuropschiatric disorders2006 Nicholas Schork (grad student)
Kenneth L. Mueller2004 Charles S. Zuker (grad student)
Stina H. Mui2002 Nicholas C. Spitzer (grad student)
Eran A. MukamelComputational neuroscience, epigenomics
Tim R. MullenComputational Neuroscience
Timothy R. Mullen Cognitive Science2014 Virginia R. de Sa (grad student)
Ralph-Axel MüllerNeuroimaging19982001 Eric Courchesne (research scientist)
Jeffrey B. Mulliganmotion perception, eye movements, visual attention19801986 Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Brian Mulloneypattern generation, locomotion, computational neuroscience19701974 Allen I. Selverston (post-doc)
Michaelanne B. MunozGIRK channels, addiction, plasticity, G proteins Biology2013 Paul A. Slesinger (grad student)
Alysson Muotri
Elizabeth A. MurphyHuman Memory Neurosciences2013 James B. Brewer (grad student)
Gabe J. Murphy2004 Jeffry S. Isaacson (grad student)
James Alan Murrayneuroethology19951998 William B. Kristan (post-doc)
Jason H. Murray Economics2007 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Kathryn MurrayVisual Neuroscience
Cornelius MurreNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Gail Musenpsychology19891992 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Manpreet S. MutnejaGIRK channels, addiction, plasticity, G proteins2003 Paul A. Slesinger (grad student)
Robert R. Myers
Samia N. Naccache2006 Eduardo R. Macagno (grad student)
Suhita NadkarniComputational Neuroscience, Synapses Physics Herbert Levine (post-doc)
R. NagraMurine retroviral encephalitis19871993 Clayton Alexander Wiley (grad student)
Fatta B. NahabNeuroimaging, Movement Disorders, Tremors
Walter Nahm Jeffrey L. Noebels (grad student)
Yoshio Nakamurapain, mind-body medicine George Mandler (grad student)
Jeanean B. Naqvi
Gayathri NarasimhamDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Early Childhood Education Gedeon O. Deák (grad student)
Jonathan (JoJo) J. NassiVisual system, functional anatomy, optogenetics20022007 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Jonathan J. NassiNeuroanatomy2007 Harvey Karten (grad student)
Rounak NassirpourGIRK channels, addiction, plasticity, G proteins Biology2008 Paul A. Slesinger (grad student)
Jason Lawrence Nathanson Bioengineering2008 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Daniel A. NationCognition, Alzheimer's Disease, Vascular Cognitive Impairment, Stress and Vascular Disease, Oxytocin
Anton D. NavarroEAB, Operant Conditioning, DRT, Choice Psychology2007 Edmund J. Fantino (grad student)
Jakob Nebekerretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2012 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
Robert A. NeffnAChRs, GluRs20042009 Darwin K. Berg (post-doc)
Alejandra NegroPharmacology2006 Paul A. Insel (grad student)
Ariel B. NeikrugMental Health, Clinical Psychology
John C. Neillauditory discrimination, epilepsy, behavior analysis psychology19751977 Ben A. Williams (research scientist)
Greg Nelson20002005 Charles S. Zuker (grad student)
Alexandra B. NelsonBasal ganglia, neurophysiology20002004 Sascha du Lac (grad student)
Mark Nespeca
Jeffrey Neul
UCSD NeuroTree
Helen Nevilleneuroplasticity, development Robert Galambos (post-doc)
John Gerard NewAquatic Sensory Biology Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock (post-doc), R Glenn Northcutt (post-doc)
Minna NgfMRI - face adaptation Psychology2007 Stuart M. Anstis (grad student)
Julio NgBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry Bioinformatics2011 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
John T. Ngo Roger Y. Tsien (post-doc)
Kathryn A. NguyenMolecular Biology2007 Mark Lawson (grad student)
Edward Nguyen20102014 Ayse Pinar Saygin (research assistant)
Jacques Duc Huy NguyenSubstance Abuse20192022 Michael A. Taffe (post-doc), Michael A. Taffe (post-doc)
Louis N. NguyenSynaptic Physiology, Alzheimer's Disease
Andrew Do Nguyen2001 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Hoang L. Nhan Neurosciences20042010 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Xavier NicolDevelopmental Neuroscience, Visual system, axon guidance Nicholas C. Spitzer (post-doc)
Emily A. Niederstaxonal transport Biomedical Sciences2011 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
James Nieh
Cristina Nigro2010 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Rae Nishidevelopment Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Nozomi Nishimurablood flow, neurodegenerative disease20002006 David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Krystal W. Nizarretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Neurosciences2010 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
William Stafford Noblemodeling biological processes at the molecular level1998 Charles Elkan (grad student)
Honorine D. Noconmediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development2000 Michael Cole (grad student)
Dave NoelleComputational cognitive neuroscience Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Russell R. Nofsingerhormone, gene expression2004 Ronald M. Evans (grad student)
Eunho Noh Electrical Engineering (Elec Circ and Sys) and Cog Sci2014 Virginia R. de Sa (grad student)
Kate B. NoonerClinical Psychology2007 Alan J. Litrownik (grad student)
Sonya B. NormanClinical Psychology
Gregory J. NormanPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology, Recreation
Don Normancognitive science, computer science, design
Richard Northcutt
R Glenn Northcutt
Kevin M. Novan Economics2012 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Samuel Uno Nummela Neurosciences2010 Richard J. Krauzlis (grad student)
Rafael NunezMathematical cognition, conceptual metaphor theory
Paul L. NunezEEG, dynamics, nonlinear systems Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Sciences (AMES)19711981 Sinai Rand (grad student), Reginald Bickford (post-doc)
Esperanza Nunez Biomedical Sciences2012 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Michael P. NusbaumNeural Circuits William B. Kristan (grad student)
Matthew O'DalyEAB, Operant Conditioning, DRT, Choice2005 Edmund J. Fantino (grad student)
David D. O'Keefe Neuroscience19942000 John B. Thomas (grad student)
Dennis DM O'Learydevelopmental neuroanatomy
Keelin Marie O'Neilneuroscience, oncology Takaki Komiyama (research assistant)
Matthew Liam O'Sullivan Neurosciences2011 Yishi Jin (grad student)
Lindsay M. Oberman (Shenk)Empathy, Mirror Neurons, TMS, plasticity20012006 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student)
Nicholas W. OeschSynaptic Physiology, Dendritic Physiology, Retinal Physiology, Sensory biology
Lauren A. Oeycomputational cognitive science Psychology2018 Ed Vul (grad student)
Tyler A. Ofstadneurobiology Neurosciences20052011 Charles S. Zuker (grad student)
Soohwan OhCell Biology Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Rosanna K. OlsenMemory, fMRI20002001 Lisa T. Eyler (research assistant)
Shawn R. OlsenVisual system, Cortical circuits2009 Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Jake OlsonComputational Neuroscience Angela J. Yu (grad student)
Jacob M OlsonSystems Neuroscience Cognitive Science Cognitive Science20132017 Douglas Nitz (grad student), Angela J. Yu (grad student)
Peter Olsonhormone, gene expression2004 Ronald M. Evans (grad student)
Lorin E. Olson2004 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Scott Olson
Mats J. OlssonOlfaction William S. Cain (post-doc)
Julie OntonCognitive neuroscience
Jessica A. OsterhoutNeural basis of immune-driven behaviors20112015 Andrew D. Huberman (grad student)
Lauren M. Ostrowskineural dynamics, brain-computer interfaces, speech and language2022 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student), Vikash Gilja (grad student)
Stephani Lyn Otte Neurosciences2011 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Stephani L. Otte Neurosciences2011 William B. Kristan (grad student)
Amy Pace JDP:Language & Communication Disorders Leslie J. Carver (grad student)
Grace M Padillaneuroethology
Claudia Beatriz PadulaAddiction, Affective Processing, fMRI20062008 Susan F. Tapert (research assistant), Martin P. Paulus (research assistant)
Tejaswy PaillaBrain computer interfaces, machine learning, computational neuroscience, deep learning
Winnie PakNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2004 Dennis DM O'Leary (grad student)
Ken A. PallerMemory19821990 Larry R. Squire (grad student), Steven Hillyard (grad student), Marta Kutas (grad student)
Pamela M. PallettFace Perception Psychology20092009 Karen Dobkins (post-doc), Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Stephen E. PalmerVision Science, Psychophysics, Visual Organization19701974 Don Norman (grad student), David E. Rumelhart (grad student)
Chris R. PalmerNeural Systems and Behavior2009 William B. Kristan (post-doc)
Barton W. PalmerClinical Psychology
Abraham Palmerbehavioral genetics19931999 Morton P. Printz (grad student)
Yijia Pan
Amy Panczakiewicz Health Services Research Center20082010 Rebecca J. Houston (research assistant)
Sandip PanickerGIRK channels, addiction, plasticity, G proteins2004 Paul A. Slesinger (grad student)
Madeline M. PantoniPsychology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology Psychology20152020 Stephan G. Anagnostaras (grad student)
Gerald M PaoSystems Neuroscience, Developmental neuroscience Biology Joseph Kraut (research assistant), Milton H. Saier (research assistant)
Silvia PaparelloSpatial knowledge acquisition, spatial analytic processing, pre-/peri-natal stroke, fMRI Cognitive Science2007 Joan Stiles (grad student)
Natalie Paredes
Neelroop Parikshaktranscriptomics, human genetics, neurological diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders Neurobiology20202021 Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Samuel S. ParkMERFISH, RNA, Optics, Neuroscience Gene W. Yeo (research assistant)
Kristine E. ParkLPA, S1P, neural aneuploidy Biology20082013 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Yonghahk A. Parkmachine learning, language Computer Science and Engineering2013 Roger Levy (grad student)
Jong Hwi Park
Liseth M. Parra Biology2009 Yimin Zou (grad student)
Leonardo A Parra-RivasNeuroscience, Synaptic Transmission Pathology20192023 Subhojit Roy (post-doc)
Julian L. Parrisquantitative psychology,developmental psychology Psychology2012 Mark I. Appelbaum (grad student)
Sarah L. ParylakNeuroscience Biology Neurosciences2012 Walter H. Kaye (grad student)
John P. PascualVision Psychology2009 Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Harold Pashler
Smita Pathakretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2008 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
Gentry N. PatrickUbiquitin Proteasome System, Neurodegenerative Disease
Kevin PatrickPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology, Recreation
Karalyn E. PattersonNeuropsychology George Mandler (grad student)
Roy PattersonAuditory perception David Marvin Green (grad student)
Martin P. Paulus2010 Arnold J. Mandell (post-doc), Mark Geyer (research scientist), Omar M. Mahmood (collaborator)
Leonid Pechenik2000 Herbert Levine (grad student)
Matthew Y. PecotMolecular mechanisms underlying the assembly of neural circuits2006 Vivek Malhotra (grad student)
Elizabeth Peekdistress, vagal nerve
Gulcin Pekkurnaz
Melissa T. Pelaez MerrickClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2008 Alan J. Litrownik (grad student)
Araceli S. Penafuerte Philosophy2008 Gila Sher (grad student)
Qian PengBioinformatics, Genetics, Addiction Computer Science and Engineering2012 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Alexander J. Perezretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering Bioengineering2014 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student), Mark H. Ellisman (grad student)
Alex J. PerezElectron microscopy, nuclear architecture, circadian rhythms2008 Mark H. Ellisman (grad student)
Valentina Perissi2004 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Krista Eva Perks2009 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student)
Michael J. Pesaventoneocortical circuitry, somatosensory20102011 David Kleinfeld (post-doc)
Andrew J. PetersSystems20102016 Takaki Komiyama (grad student)
Daniel Peterson Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (post-doc)
Erik J. Peterson Cognitive Science20122013 Mark E. Wheeler (post-doc), Bradley Voytek (post-doc)
Laura-Ann PetittoLanguage & Development Elizabeth A. Bates (post-doc)
Kenneth Petrenevolutionary biology, adaptive radiation Ted J. Case (grad student)
Agustin PetroniCognitive Neuroscience20142014 Steven Hillyard (post-doc), Steven Hillyard (post-doc)
Pavel A. PevznerBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry
Samuel L. PfaffDevelopment
Angela Pham Ayse Pinar Saygin (research assistant)
Martin H. Pham
Kim S. PhamBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry Computer Science and Engineering2013 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Verónica PiattiAdult neurogenesis Neurosciences2009 Jill Leutgeb (post-doc)
David E. PiccioniSpoken word recognition
Terry W. PictonNeuroscience Biology, Audiology Neuroscience1973 Robert Galambos (grad student)
Karen Pierce
Jamie A. PinedaNeurobiology of social cognition, attention, face perception, addiction, monoamines, brain-computer interfaces
Jaime Pinedaneurotransmitters, behavioral states, cognition1987 Helen Neville (grad student), Stephen L. Foote (grad student)
Markus Plankvirtual reality, human-robot interaction, EEG and fMRI, motion capture, eye movements, spatial cognition, movement uncertainty
Sonja Plasil Psychiatry2023 Olivier George (post-doc)
Jimcy Platholi Shelley Halpain (post-doc)
Jason A. Platt Physics2022 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Patrick Plummerpsycholinguistics, word recognition, eye movement control Department of Psychology20102015 Keith Rayner (grad student)
Martin PoenieTransmembrane signalling Roger Y. Tsien (post-doc)
John PolichERP, EEG, P30019821983 Helen Neville (post-doc)
Valerie E. PolicharVisual science, cell phones19871993 Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Lara Polse
Maria Pompeiano19972001 Jerold Chun (post-doc)
Pagkapol Yhew Pongsawakul Steve A. Kay (grad student)
Cindy Pooolfaction Neurosciences2011 Jeffry S. Isaacson (grad student)
Mohsen Poorganji Psychiatry2023 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (post-doc)
Dissaya PornpattananangkulCircuitry in Sensory Systems Bioengineering2012 Li I. Zhang (grad student)
Frederic PouilleSynaptic Physiology Massimo Scanziani (grad student)
Henry C. Powell
Susan B Powellneurodevelopmental models, schizophrenia, autism, repetitive behavior, hallucinogens, sensorimotor gating Psychiatry20002003 Mark Geyer (post-doc)
Tamara J. Powellmediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development Communication2013 Michael Cole (grad student)
Dipti PrasadNeuroscience Biology2006 Greg E. Lemke (grad student)
Brendan Prendergastauditory neurophysiology, spatial perception Psychology2018 Cory T. Miller (grad student)
Jeff PressingCognition, music, neuroscience, theoretical physical chemistry1972 Joseph E. Mayer (grad student)
Michael W Preston Cognitive Science2019 Bradley Voytek (grad student)
Diana L. PriceNeuropsychopharmacology
John W. Prineas Robert D. Terry (grad student)
Caterina Profaciblood-brain barrier, multiple sclerosis, neurodegeneration Richard Daneman (grad student)
Stephen Glen Pruett-Jones19851988 Jack Winningham Bradbury (post-doc)
Phyllis C. PughNeurobiology, Behavior, Neuropeptides, Nicotinic receptors19891994 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Robert Pulido Richard Daneman (grad student)
Frances R. Putkey2001 Don Cleveland (grad student)
Orla PutnamAutism Spectrum Disorder Neuroscience20162018 Karen Pierce (research assistant)
Cai QiCortical Development and Diseases Neurobiology Yishi Jin (post-doc)
Hao QianInteraction between neurons and oligodendrocytes
Fish Kunxun Qian Biology20162017 Nicholas C. Spitzer (research assistant)
Lu Qingxian Neuroscience Greg Maguire (post-doc)
Zilong QiuActivity-dependent neural development20032008 Anirvan Ghosh (post-doc)
Clark Nives Quinn Psychology1989 Don Norman (grad student)
Laleh K Quinn
Clare QuirkLearning and Memory Neurobiology2015 Stefan Leutgeb (grad student)
Anna L. Rack-Gomerretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2011 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
Rosanne L. Rademakervisual system, visual working memory, visual imagery, visual fading, tool integration
Katherine A. RaderCell Biology, Molecular Biology2000 Marilyn Farquhar (grad student)
Michael S. RafiiNeurodegenerative Diseases20062008 Anders M. Dale (collaborator), Leon J. Thal (post-doc)
Evan E. Raiewskibiological rhythms Psychology2013 Michael R. Gorman (grad student)
Ritik RainaComputer Vision, NeuroAI Cognitive Science Cognitive Science20212023 Virginia R. de Sa (research assistant), Vijay Veerabadran (collaborator)
Cedric Stuart Raineneuroimmunology of multiple sclerosis Robert D. Terry (grad student)
Sandeep RajkumarBrain organoids, Assembloids, Synapses, Neurodevelopment, Neurodegeneration, Neuropsychiatric disorders Psychiatry2024 Lilia M Iakoucheva (post-doc)
Rebecca J. Ralphpsychopharmacology2001 Mark Geyer (grad student)
Vilayanur S. RamachandranNeurology Piotr Winkielman (collaborator)
Rema Raman
Dhakshin Ramanathanplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration Neurosciences2007 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
Khara M. RamosNeuroscience Biology2007 Nigel A. Calcutt (grad student)
Seth J. Ramusneurobiology of learning and memory, neuropsychology, comparative cognition Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Lara Maria RangelAdult Neurogenesis, In vivo electrophysiology, Learning and Memory, Hippocampus Neurosciences Neurosciences20062012 Douglas Nitz (collaborator), Robert M. Sapolsky (research assistant), Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student), Andrea A. Chiba (grad student)
Linnea Ransomneurodegeneration, exosomes2019 Jerold Chun (grad student)
David H. RapaportVision, developmental neurobiology
Joaquín RapelaVisual system20102012 Scott Makeig (post-doc), Jeanne Townsend (collaborator)
Jonathan RaperAxon guidance Daniel K. Hartline (grad student)
Sabine Raphael Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
John RavitsAmyotrophic Lateral sclerosis
Keith RaynerEye Movements, Reading, Visual Cognition, Language Processing
Narathip Reamaroon
Emilie T. ReasMemory Radiology Neurosciences20142014 Linda K. McEvoy (post-doc), James B. Brewer (grad student)
Paul J. ReberCognitive Neuroscience of Memory Psychiatry19931998 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Elizabeth G. Redcaydevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, social cognition, autism Psychology and Cognitive Science20022008 Eric Courchesne (grad student)
Maureen ReedVisual perception Stuart M. Anstis (grad student)
Jonathan M. Reed Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Sarah R Reedautism Psychology Laura Schreibman (grad student)
Nick L. ReevesGenetics, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology2006 James W. Posakony (grad student)
Benjamin M. RegnerComputation & Theory Engineering Sciences w/ Spec Multi-Scale Bio.2014 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Erik D. ReichleReading, eyetracking1997 Keith Rayner (grad student)
Pamela Reinagelvisual system, computation & theory
Kimberly Reinhold Massimo Scanziani (grad student)
Gerald F. Reisaxonal transport Neurosciences2008 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Xiangyu RenNeuroscience, Sensory Biology, Interoception
Nancy O. Renner Cognitive Science2013 Edwin L. Hutchins (grad student)
Sylvie RetauxNeuro Evo-Devo William A. Harris (post-doc)
Marcelo Bussotti ReyesInterval timing Institute for Nonlinear Science Allen I. Selverston (post-doc)
Anny Reyes Psychiatry20162022 Carrie M. McDonald (grad student)
George Reynolds
Amira Amy RezecVisual Motion Processing19982004 Karen Dobkins (grad student)
Micah RichertVision Biol/Specializ Comput Neurobio2008 Thomas D. Albright (grad student)
Alisha Richman
Timothy C. RickardCognitive Psychology
Jessica L. Rickertplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration Neurosciences2009 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
John Peter Rickgauer Physics Douglas E Smith (research assistant)
Cory A. RiethPerception and memory Psychology and Cognitive Science2012 David E. Huber (grad student)
Beth A. Ripleythe specification of connections in the developing cerebral cortex Neurosciences2008 Anirvan Ghosh (grad student)
Victoria Risbroughpsychopharmacology2004 Mark Geyer (grad student)
Michelle B. RisslingClinical Psychology, Oncology, Behavioral Psychology Clinical Psychology2012 Sonia Ancoli-Israel (grad student)
Robert A Rissman
Laura P. RivardNeuroscience Biology2001 James W. Posakony (grad student)
Monica Rivera MindtNeuropsychology Robert Heaton (post-doc)
Pamela Rivière Cognitive Science Lara Maria Rangel (grad student)
William M. Robertshair cells Daniel K. Hartline (grad student)
Alan e. RobinsonBrightness, color, depth perception Virginia R. de Sa (grad student), Donald I. A. MacLeod (post-doc)
Maria Robinson Psychology2019 Timothy Brady (post-doc)
Anne-Catherine Roch-Levecqmediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development2000 Michael Cole (grad student)
Marie L. RochaClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Speech Communication Psychology2011 Laura Schreibman (grad student)
J Cooper Roddey Anders M. Dale (post-doc)
Tenaya M. Rodewald2003 Jeffry S. Isaacson (grad student)
Elizabeth M. Rodriguesaxonal transport Neurosciences2010 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
James Rodriguez Psychology2001 Mark I. Appelbaum (post-doc)
Paul F. Rodriguez1999 Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student)
Katherine V. RoeLanguage, Aphasia, Development, Gesture, Cognition, Crosslinguistic2002 Elizabeth A. Bates (grad student)
Suzanne Rohrback20142018 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Paul J. RomanowichEAB, Operant Conditioning, DRT, Choice Psychology2007 Edmund J. Fantino (grad student)
Daniel Romaus-Sanjurjo Neuroscience Binhai Zheng (post-doc)
Cory M. RootNeural circuits and behavior Biology20062010 Nicholas C. Spitzer (research assistant), Jing W. Wang (grad student)
Nick Root Psychology20142019 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student)
Burke Q. Rosen Neurosciences20152022 Eric Halgren (grad student)
Michael G. RosenfeldCancer Biology, Molecular Biology
Ephron S. Rosenzweighippocampus, memory, & aging Mark Tuszynski (post-doc)
Federico RossanoSocial Cognition, Communication, Comparative Psychology, Conversation Analysis
Federico RossanoThe development of social cognition in ontogeny and phylogeny
Leigh-Ana Rossitto
Melvin L. Rouse, Jr.Neuroendocrinology20142016 Alexander (Sasha) Kauffman (post-doc)
Subhojit Roy
Michelle S. RozenmanClinical Psychology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2013 V Robin Weersing (grad student)
Doug RubinoTheoretical Neuroscience
Katherine M. Ruby Biomedical Sciences2011 Binhai Zheng (grad student)
John S. Rudge Silvio Varon (post-doc)
Sarah RuedigerHippocampus
Nikolai RulkovComputational Neuroscience
Nuttida Rungratsameetaweemana Psychology Psychology Larry R. Squire (grad student), John Serences (grad student)
Arnold E RuohoMolecular mechanisms which underlie neurotransmitter release and receptor activation19711974 S. Jonathan Singer (post-doc)
Jessica M. Rusertaxonal transport Biology2012 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Shelley RussekNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Pharmacy Donald I. A. MacLeod (research assistant)
Eric Ruthruff Harold Pashler (grad student)
Thomas RutledgeClinical Psychology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology
Paul L. RuvoloComputational Cognitive Neuroscience Computer Science and Engineering2012 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Allen Ryan
Lawrence J. Ryan19821990 Philip M. Groves (post-doc)
Nicholas J. S. ChristenfeldSocial Psychology, General Literature
Helen G. Saad Khouryretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2013 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
Sepideh SadaghianifMRI, functional connectivity, intrinsic activity, alertness, perceptual awareness20032003 Marty Sereno (research assistant)
Melissa T. Saenzvision Geoffrey Boynton (grad student)
Yana Safonovabioinformatics Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
Jennifer R. SageNeurobiology of Learning and Memory Abe Amsel (grad student)
Michelle Sahagian
Ned T. SahinAutism, Language, Intracranial EEG, fMRI2008 Eric Halgren (post-doc)
William M. Saidel Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock (post-doc)
Tim Sainburgneuroethology Psychology20152021 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student)
Tsunao Saitoh
Donald SakaguchiRetinal degenerative diseases, Regenerative medicine, nerve regeneration William A. Harris (post-doc)
Jeffrey L. SalisburyCentrosome biology, Cancer biology
David P. SalmonNeuropsychology
John Salogiannis Samara L. Reck-Peterson (post-doc)
Ramsey F. SamaraLocomotion, Spinal Cord, Central Pattern Generators, Regeneration Mark Tuszynski (post-doc)
Pamela A. SampleOphthalmology
Hugo B. Sanchez2003 Pamela Mellon (grad student)
Joshua Joe Sanchez
Laura Sancho2013 Brenda L. Bloodgood (grad student)
Sharon Bree SannDevelopment, Calcium signaling Neurosciences20022007 Nicholas C. Spitzer (grad student)
Jose Silva SantosNeurobiology - Kv, Cav Channels Mauricio Montal (post-doc), Eduardo Perozo (post-doc)
David M. Santucci20002001 Andrea A. Chiba (research assistant)
Maya Sapiurkamemory, spatial memory Psychiatry20112016 Robert E. Clark (grad student)
Sameer Saproofmri, attention, vision, bayesian modeling, machine learning Psychology20082012 John Serences (grad student)
Devapratim SarmaSomatosensory Integration, Motor Control, Sensory Cognition and Processing, Brain Machine Interfaces, Brain Computer Interfaces, Neuroprosthetics Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience20082011 Scott Makeig (research assistant)
Gordon H. Sato
Shifteh Sattar
Gauri N. SavlaClinical Psychology
Alex SavtchenkoDrug Discovery, Voltage-gated Calcium channels
Paul E. Sawchenko
Ayse Pinar SayginCognitive neuroscience, perception, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, robotics20102005 Marty Sereno (grad student), Donald J. Hagler (collaborator), Elizabeth A. Bates (grad student), Markus Plank (collaborator)
Massimo Scanziani
Chris B. SchafferCerebral blood flow, neurodegeneration, optical imaging, nonlinear microscopy20022005 David Kleinfeld (post-doc)
Matt Schallescognition, auditory perception, motor response selection Cognitive Science2014 Jaime Pineda (grad student)
Haline E. Schendanvision, learning, memory, meaning, knowledge Marta Kutas (grad student)
Natalie Marie Schenker-Ahmed Anthropology20142013 Anders M. Dale (post-doc), Jacopo Annese (research scientist), Katerina Semendeferi (grad student)
Hayden Schill Psychology2018 Timothy Brady (grad student)
Magdalene I. Schlesigerplace cells, memory Stefan Leutgeb (grad student)
Heike Schmolck19982000 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Rose Schneider Department of Psychology David A. Barner (grad student)
Nicholas Schorkstatistical genetics of neuropschiatric disorders
Elizabeth R. SchotterEye Movements, Cognition, Language Psychology Psychology20072013 Victor S. Ferreira (grad student), Keith Rayner (grad student)
Laura SchreibmanDevelopmental Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology
Drew C SchreinerBehavioral Neuroscience, Decision-making, Birdsong, Experience, Addiction, Alcohol,
Lee F. Schroeder Neurosciences2009 David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Marc A. Schuckitgenetics of alcoholism, co-morbidity between substance use disorders and psychiatric conditions Martin P. Paulus (collaborator)
Rina Schul
Gerry SchulteisNeurobiology Matthew B. WEinger (post-doc)
Cyndi SchumannAutism, Neuroanatomy Eric Courchesne (post-doc)
Mark W. SchurginVisual Cognition and Memory Psychology20172019 Timothy Brady (post-doc)
Lindsay A. Schwarzneural circuit tracing, norepinephrine, technology development Biology20052010 Steven S. Carlson (research assistant), Gentry N. Patrick (grad student)
Alecia D. SchweinsburgClinical psychology, neuropsychology2006 Sandra A. Brown (grad student)
Miranda R. Scolarivisual attention, working memory, perception Psychology20072012 John Serences (grad student)
Thomas R. Scottgustatory coding, ingestive behavior
David Scott Subhojit Roy (research assistant)
J. Cobb Scott
Samantha L. ScudderUbiquitin, Synaptic plasticity20122016 Gentry N. Patrick (grad student)
Tania A. SeabrookVisual System Development William Guido (grad student), Andrew D. Huberman (post-doc)
David S. SegalNeuropharmacology Arnold J. Mandell (grad student)
Tyler SeibertMagnetoencephalography20052006 James B. Brewer (research assistant)
Tyler M. SeibertHuman Memory Bioengineering2011 James B. Brewer (grad student)
Colleen SeifertCognitive Science Cognitive Science19861988 David E. Rumelhart (post-doc), Edwin L. Hutchins (post-doc)
Terrence J. SejnowskiComputation & Theory Patricia Churchland (collaborator)
Christian Sekirnjak2003 Sascha du Lac (grad student)
Abigail Jane Sellen1990 Don Norman (grad student)
Allen I. SelverstonInvertebrates
Katerina Semendeferi
Julia L. SemmelhackVisual system Biology20042009 Jing W. Wang (grad student)
John SerencesAttention, Memory, Perception, Decision Making, 2010 Markus Plank (collaborator)
Kerri Sevenbergen19961998 Jack Winningham Bradbury (grad student)
Caroline E. SferrazzaNeurodegeneration, iPSC Models Neurosciences2015 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Steven J. ShabelAmygdala Roberto Malinow (post-doc)
Jeong D. Shafer Biology2010 Yimin Zou (grad student)
Anna Shafer-SkeltonVision, Working Memory Psychology Psychology20162022 Timothy Brady (grad student), John Serences (grad student)
Sahil H. ShahVisual System, Regeneration, Proteomics
Sameer B. Shahaxonal transport, neuromechanics20022006 Lawrence SB Goldstein (post-doc)
Honghao ShanComputational Cognitive Neuroscience Computer Science and Engineering2010 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Natalie F. Shanks Terunaga Nakagawa (grad student)
James C. ShanteauCognitive Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health Norman H. Anderson (grad student)
G. Diane Shelton
Pradeep Shenoydecision making, computation Angela J. Yu (post-doc)
Gila Sher
Benjamin Sheredos Philosophy2017 William Bechtel (grad student)
Michelle R. ShererBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology2002 Laura Schreibman (grad student)
Sandra A. Sherman Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2008 Vanessa Malcarne (grad student)
Andy Y. ShihVascular system20062012 David Kleinfeld (post-doc)
Hyejin ShimPsychometrics2022 Martin P. Paulus (post-doc)
Art Shimamuramemory19831988 Larry R. Squire (post-doc), Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Lauren Shipp
Gregory D. Shirley2006 Gila Sher (grad student)
Richard Douglas Shoop2000 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Yael ShragerCognitive Neuroscience, Learning and Memory Neurosciences2008 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Tristan ShumanEpilepsy, Memory, Addiction Psychology2012 Stephan G. Anagnostaras (grad student)
Stanley I. Shyn2003 William R. Schafer (grad student)
David R. SibleyDopamine19781982 Ian Creese (grad student)
Siddharth SiddharthComputational Neuroscience, Bio-sensing, Affective Computing
Robert Signer
Alain D. Silk Biomedical Sciences2008 Don Cleveland (grad student)
Gabriel A. Silvaretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia
Alan N. Simmonsneuroimaging, post traummatic stress disorder Martin P. Paulus (post-doc)
Melody Simnegar20092011 David Henry Peterzell (research assistant), David Henry Peterzell (grad student)
Aaron B. Simonretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2014 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
Charles A. SimpkinsNeural control of movement Engineering Sciences (Mechanical Engineering)2009 Emanuel Todorov (grad student)
Greg V. Simpsonattention, multi-modal imaging Steven Hillyard (research assistant)
Joshua H. SingerRetina, Amacrine Cells19982000 Marla B. Feller (post-doc)
Balvindar Singh
Digvijay SinghBiophysics, optics, single-molecule, fluorescence, Electron microscopy, Electron tomography, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, CRISPR2018 Elizabeth Villa (grad student)
Dorota Skowronska-Krawczyk DbHLH, transcription, cell identity, retina
Bernard J. SlaterAuditory system, top down projections Neuroscience20162020 Jeffry S. Isaacson (post-doc)
Timothy SlatteryReading2007 Keith Rayner (post-doc)
Paul Slesiger
Paul A. SlesingerGIRK channels, addiction, plasticity, G proteins
L. Robert R. Slevcpsycholinguistics, music cognition2007 Victor S. Ferreira (grad student)
Nathaniel J. Smith Cognitive Science Cognitive Science2011 Marta Kutas (grad student), Roger Levy (grad student)
Christine N. SmithNeuroscience20032007 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Mary E. Smith2011 John Serences (grad student)
Chrstine N. Smith
Alexis S Smith-Flores Psychology2020 Lindsey J. Powell (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Sneddonsex differences, motivation, reward, addiction, stress Psychiatry2022 Olivier George (post-doc)
Alex SobkoSUMOylation, Ubiquitination, SUMO-targeted Ubiquitin Ligase, cell migration, MAP kinase signaling, tyrosine phosphorylation, protein kinase-associated proteins Cell and Developmental Biology19992003 Richard Firtel (post-doc)
Zhuang Songhuman memory20092003 Larry R. Squire (post-doc), Leif H. Finkel (grad student), Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Hongjun SongAdult Neurogenesis Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
David Song
V. SoontornniyomikijHIV infection of the brain
Salvador SorianoAlzheimer's disease; Niemann-Pick; vascular dementia Neuroscience19972001 Edward H. Koo (post-doc)
Linda Sorkinpain, anesthesiology Tony Yaksh (collaborator)
Gina Sosinsky
Bethany N. Sotak Biomedical Sciences2012 Joseph G. Gleeson (grad student)
Elizabeth R. SowellDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroimaging Terry L. Jernigan (grad student)
Andrea D. Spadonifunctional neuroimaging, neuropsychology, alcohol use disorders, post traummatic stress disorder, adolescent brain development Susan F. Tapert (grad student), Alan N. Simmons (post-doc), Edith V. Sullivan (research assistant), Adolf Pfefferbaum (research assistant)
Stephen Spector
John E. Spiro Walter Heiligenberg (grad student)
Nicholas C. SpitzerNeurotransmitter switching, Neuroplasticity Ricardo Miledi (post-doc)
Nick SpitzerNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Human Development
Nicolas SpitzerNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Thomas C. SpragueCognitive vision, visual working memory, attention, computational neuroimaging20102015 John Serences (grad student)
Lindsay M. Squeglia Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2012 Susan F. Tapert (grad student)
Larry R. SquireMemory20041971 James B. Brewer (collaborator), Samuel H. Barondes (post-doc)
Sunandha Srikanth Division of Biological Sciences2015 Stefan Leutgeb (grad student)
Mahesh SrinivasanLanguage and Cognitive Development20112013 David A. Barner (post-doc)
Ramesh SrinivasanCognitive neuroscience, brain development, consciousness, perception, EEG, brain dynamics Gerald Maurice Edelman (post-doc)
Bharath Kumar Sriperumbudur Vangeepuram Electrical Engineering (Signal and Image Proc)2010 Gert Lanckriet (grad student)
Balaji Sriramvision, physiology, behavior, computation Biology20072012 Pamela Reinagel (grad student)
Jenny Staab Lang2007 Marta Kutas (grad student)
Nicole A. StadnickClinical Psychology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2014 Lauren Brookman-Frazee (grad student)
Kristina Staley19941996 Jerold Chun (post-doc)
Lauren Stanwicks2021 Vikash Gilja (grad student)
Craig E. L. StarkMemory, medial temporal lobes19972001 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Mark J. Starremotion,substance abuse,externalizing disorders,psychophysiology20052008 Larry R. Squire (research assistant), Piotr Winkielman (research assistant)
Michael A. StaupPsychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Developmental Psychology20092013 Robert A Rissman (post-doc)
Katherine K. StavropoulosDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Autism, Infant Development Psychology2014 Leslie J. Carver (grad student)
Tamara M. StawickiMolecular Neuroscience, Genetics Neurosciences20082011 Darwin K. Berg (grad student), Yishi Jin (grad student)
G Christopher SteckerSpatial Hearing, Auditory cortex19931994 Marty Sereno (research assistant)
John W. Steeleneurobiology
Murray SteinSocial Anxiety, Treatment, Neurobiology Martin P. Paulus (collaborator)
Paul S.G. SteinNeurophysiology of locomotion Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock (post-doc)
Thomas Steinkellner2014 Thomas S. Hnasko (post-doc)
Renna J. Stevens Neurosciences2011 Nicholas C. Spitzer (grad student)
Joan StilesSpatial knowledge acquisition, spatial analytic processing, pre-/peri-natal stroke, fMRI
Andrew Stockmanvision, color science Donald I. A. MacLeod (post-doc)
Diederick Stoffersclinical neuroscience, neuroimaging, neurodegeneration, biomarker development, high performance computing20082009 Adam R. Aron (post-doc)
Caleb C. Stokes Neurosciences2011 Jeffry S. Isaacson (grad student)
Jennifer A. Stokespain, pharmacology Biomedical Sciences2013 Tony Yaksh (grad student)
Gorazd B. Stokinaxonal transport2003 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Shula Stokolsplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration2005 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
Louise A StolzClinical neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, imaging Psychiatry2021 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (grad student)
Lisa StowersPheromones
Georg F. Striedter R Glenn Northcutt (grad student)
Henry B. Strub Cognitive Science1992 Don Norman (grad student)
Suresh Subramani
Arthur T. SuckowGeneral Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology Biomedical Sciences2010 Steven D. Chessler (grad student)
Gurol Mehmet Süelbacillus subtilis, stochasticity, biofilms
Christopher L. SuhlerPhilosophy Philosophy2014 Patricia Churchland (grad student)
Jessica B. SuhrheinrichExperimental Psychology, Teacher Training Education Psychology2010 Laura Schreibman (grad student)
Sonal Sukreet2021 Robert A Rissman (post-doc)
Jessica Sullivan Department of Psychology David A. Barner (grad student)
Michelle T. SullivanExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology2002 Laura Schreibman (grad student)
Thomas J. Sullivan2006 Virginia R. de Sa (grad student)
Xin Sun Pediatrics19972002 Gail Martin (post-doc)
Kristy A. SundbergVisual system Neurosciences20012007 John H. Reynolds (grad student)
Wendy SuzukiHippocampus David G. Amaral (grad student)
Camilla I. Svenssonpain, pharmacology2005 Tony Yaksh (grad student)
Susan Swaine
James S. SwaneyPharmacology2005 Paul A. Insel (grad student)
Nicole C. Swann2006 Adam R. Aron (grad student)
Monica A. Sweetquantitative psychology,developmental psychology2003 Mark I. Appelbaum (grad student)
Neal R. Swerdlowneuropsychiatry
Diane Swickexecutive control, language Marta Kutas (post-doc), Stephen L. Foote (grad student)
Margaret M. SwinglerDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Autism, Infant Development Psychology2008 Leslie J. Carver (grad student)
David A. Swinneypsycholinguistics, neurolinguistics
David B. Sykes2002 Mark Kamps (grad student)
Emily L. Sylwestraksynapse formation, gene expression, neural circuits of motivated behavior Neurosciences2011 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Aladar A. SzalayMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
Lukasz J. Szpankowskiaxonal transport Bioinformatics2011 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
A. T. Tafari2002 Don Cleveland (grad student)
Michael A. TaffeSubstance Abuse, Cognition, MDMA, synthetic cathinones, marijuana19951996 Gordon C. Baylis (grad student), Stephen L. Foote (post-doc)
Omer Tal Bioengineering2014 Thomas Liu (grad student)
Jessica A. Talamas Biomedical Sciences2010 Don Cleveland (grad student)
Sachin S. TalathiComputational modeling, dynamics2006 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Catherine W Tallman Psychiatry Psychology2019 Christine N. Smith (grad student), John T. Wixted (grad student)
Tobey M. Tam2000 William R. Schafer (grad student)
Elaine May Tan2006 Edward M. Callaway (grad student), Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Arianne TangClinical Psychology20092009 David Henry Peterzell (grad student)
Yong Tang Subhojit Roy (research scientist)
Tingdong TangCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry Molecular Pathology2009 Marilyn Farquhar (grad student)
John Tanner Chemistry J. Andrew McCammon (grad student)
Huizhong W. TaoVisual system2000 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Susan F. Tapert Sandra A. Brown (grad student)
Zoe Tauxe Psychology20172018 Kevin T Jones (research assistant)
Laura A. Taylorplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration Biology2007 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
Barbara TaylorNeurogenetics William A. Harris (grad student)
Adam L. TaylorStomatogastric ganglion19972002 William B. Kristan (grad student), Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Evelyn Tecoma
Corinne M. TeeterComputational Neuroscience Neurosciences2010 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Katharine Teffer Anthropology2014 Katerina Semendeferi (grad student)
Leon Tejwani20112016 Alysson Muotri (research assistant)
Siew T. TeoLPA, S1P, neural aneuploidy Biomedical Sciences20072011 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Robert D. TerryAlzheimer's disease
Ryan S. Tewheystatistical genetics of neuropschiatric disorders Biology2012 Nicholas Schork (grad student)
Leon J. Thal
Joshua P. ThalerDevelopment2001 Samuel L. Pfaff (grad student)
Bradley H Theilman Neurosciences Graduate Program20142021 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student)
Thomas Thesenneuroimaging, multisensory integration Eric Halgren (post-doc)
Ronald Thomas
Jason V. ThompsonSensory Systems Neurosciences2010 Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student)
Alison Lauren Thompson
Eric E. ThomsonSensory Coding.20002004 William B. Kristan (grad student)
Benjamin Throeschneuronal diversity, connectivity, development
Shixiong Tian Neurosciences2023 Joseph G. Gleeson (post-doc)
Adam T. Tierneypsycholinguistics, temporal perception Cognitive Science2010 Sarah C. Creel (grad student)
Lani Tieu Psychiatry2019 Olivier George (research assistant)
Katharine A Tillmanvisual perception, reading, language and conceptual development2011 David A. Barner (grad student)
Camille R. ToarminoCortical systems, vocal communication2011 Cory T. Miller (grad student)
Peter Todd19921994 David S. Segal (research assistant)
Krista L. ToddNeuroethology Biology2009 William B. Kristan (grad student)
Emanuel TodorovNeural control of movement
Emo TodorovNeuroscience Biology
Jessica TollkuhnTranscriptional Regulation, Nuclear Receptors, Social Behavior20012007 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Lianne M. TomfohrGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Psychology2013 Joel E. Dimsdale (grad student)
Kristin L. TomlinsonClinical psychology, neuropsychology Psychology2011 Sandra A. Brown (grad student)
Susumu TonegawaLearning and Memory1968 Masaki Hayashi (grad student)
Karen J. Tonsfeldt
Christine L. TorborgVisual System, hippocampus, interneurons20002004 Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Ali Torkamanistatistical genetics of neuropschiatric disorders Biomedical Sciences2008 Nicholas Schork (grad student)
Elizabeth Torresbehavioral neurophysiology; computational neuroscience19962001 David Zipser (grad student)
Pablo M. Tostado Bioengineering Electrical & Computing Engineering Timothy Q. Gentner (grad student), Vikash Gilja (grad student)
Bryan A. TothComputational modeling, dynamics Physics2011 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Jeanne Townsendautism, attention, EEG Eric Courchesne (grad student)
Tam T. Tran
Tammy Tran Bradley Voytek (grad student)
Dimitri Tranknertaste2004 Charles S. Zuker (post-doc)
Doris Trauner Timothy T. Brown (collaborator)
Katherine E. (Katie) TravisLanguage Development, Neuromorphology Neurosciences Neurosciences20052011 Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student), Eric Halgren (grad student)
Leonard J. Trejophysiological models of mental states, human brain electrophysiology, machine learning19781982 Carol Cicerone (grad student)
Gallen B. Triana-Baltzer Biology2007 Darwin K. Berg (grad student)
Jochen TrieschNeural Computation Dana H. Ballard (post-doc)
Melissa Troyersentence processing, memory, psycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience2012 Marta Kutas (grad student)
Gloriana Victoria Trujillo Biology2010 Yishi Jin (grad student)
Jennifer L. Trujillobiological rhythms Psychology2009 Michael R. Gorman (grad student)
Philbert S. Tsai2004 David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Philbert S. TsaiImaging David Kleinfeld (research scientist)
Robert Tschirgi
Philip TsengPerception, visual memory, consciousness, deception Psychology Psychology20042005 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (research assistant), Diana Deutsch (research assistant), John T. Wixted (research assistant)
Ming T. Tsuang
Ben Tsuda2022 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Susan TsunodaDrosophila phototransduction, genetics Charles S. Zuker (post-doc)
Zhuowen TuComputer vision, machine learning, deep learning, neural computation, neuro imaging
August TuanfMRI linear systems / MEG20012006 Geoffrey Boynton (grad student)
Hannah M. Tuller Psychology2014 Nicholas Christenfeld (grad student)
Lisa M. TullyDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Autism, Infant Development Psychology2012 Leslie J. Carver (grad student)
Evren C. TumerComputational modeling, dynamics2004 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Melanie A Tumlinpsycholinguistics20072009 Sarah C. Creel (grad student), Marta Kutas (grad student)
Douglas Ross Turnbull Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering2008 Charles Elkan (grad student), Gert Lanckriet (grad student)
Mitch Turner20192019 Michael A. Taffe (research assistant)
Gina G. Turrigiano1990 Allen I. Selverston (grad student)
Mark Tuszynskiplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration2013 Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student), Daniel Gibbs (collaborator)
Elizabeth TwamleyClinical Psychology, Public Health Mary C. Davis (grad student)
Kamil UludagBiomedical Imaging, Data Science and Computational Biology, Neuroscience20032004 Richard B. Buxton (post-doc)
Burcu Aysen UrgenVisual and cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging20122015 Marta Kutas (grad student), Piotr Winkielman (collaborator), Markus Plank (collaborator), Donald J. Hagler (collaborator), Piotr Winkielman (collaborator), Ayse Pinar Saygin (grad student)
Zhisen J. Urgolitesmemory2013 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Valerie J. UzzellRetina2005 E. J. Chichilnisky (grad student), Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Jyotsna VaidBilingualism - cognitive and neuropsychological aspects, Writing systems, Word recognition, Creativity, Cerebral laterality 19831986 Elizabeth A. Bates (post-doc)
Brittani D. VaillancourtExperimental Psychology
Glenn R. Valdezbiological rhythms2003 Michael R. Gorman (grad student)
Cyma Van Pettencognitive neuroscience Marta Kutas (grad student)
Emily J. Van Udeneducation, software2000 Eliezer Masliah (grad student)
Scott R. Vandenberg
Kimberly E. VanderbiltDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2013 Gail D. Heyman (grad student)
Kathryn L. Vannmediational theories of mind, methodological problems in the study of communication, Using New communication technologies to create university-community collaborations, the role of culture in human development2001 Michael Cole (grad student)
Harper C. VanSteenhouseaxon guidance, adhesion molecules, contactin, T-Cadherin2007 Barbara Ranscht (grad student)
Silvio Varon Rita Levi-Montalcini (post-doc), Eric M. Shooter (research scientist)
Vyacheslav V. Vasilyev2001 Pamela Mellon (grad student)
Linnea VaurioClinical Psychology Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2011 Sarah N. Mattson (grad student)
Vijay VeerabadranComputer vision, neuroscience, deep learning, low-level vision Cognitive Science20182023 Virginia R. de Sa (grad student)
Isaac Veinbergs 2000 Eliezer Masliah (grad student)
Norma Velazquez Ulloa Neurosciences2009 Binhai Zheng (grad student)
Lea VellaClinical Psychology, Public Health Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU)2014 Elizabeth Twamley (grad student)
Priya Velu20082009 Larry R. Squire (grad student), Virginia R. de Sa (grad student)
Neal F. ViemeisterAuditory system, psychophysics David Marvin Green (post-doc)
Eric ViireOtolaryngology, Neurology
Erik Viirre
Sukumar VijayaraghavanCholinergic signaling, hippocampus, olfactory bulb Darwin K. Berg (post-doc)
Miguel VillodasClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2011 Alan J. Litrownik (grad student)
Pierre VincentSecond messengers, biosensor imaging19941997 Roger Y. Tsien (post-doc)
Heinrich A. Vischer Walter Heiligenberg (grad student)
DeeAnn W. Visk Biology2011 Gabriel Haddad (grad student)
Vy A. Vovision, attention2013 John Serences (grad student)
Edward K. Vogelelectrophysiology, working memory, attention Steven Hillyard (research scientist)
Mary von dem Busscheplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration Neurosciences2007 Mark Tuszynski (grad student)
Justin C. Voogaxonal transport Biomedical Sciences2009 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Bradley Voytektop-down processing, neuronal oscillations, attention, working memory, ecog, automated science
Ed VulVisual system20032005 Donald I. A. MacLeod (research assistant), Piotr Winkielman (collaborator)
Daniel A. WagenaarMultisensory integration in the medicinal leech20052008 William B. Kristan (post-doc)
Laura Waggoner Biology19961999 William R. Schafer (grad student)
Katherine G. WagnerLanguage Development, Conceptual Development Psychology2013 David A. Barner (grad student)
Steven Wagner
Peter E. WaisTop-down modulation, visual system, aging Psychology2008 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Dustin R. WakemanGeneral, Neuroscience Biology Biomedical Sciences2010 Laurence L. Brunton (grad student)
Arvin Raj WaliCerebrovascular Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury, Health Economics
Shane C. WalkerComputational modeling, dynamics2005 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Nicholas R. Wall Neurosciences20062012 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Jijun Wan2000 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Vivien Ya-Fan Wang20062012 Gourisankar Ghosh (grad student)
Panqu WangCognitive Modeling, Machine Learning20112016 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Danica WangNeuroscience
Lina Wang
Tian Wangsensory system
Hsi-Ping WangComputation & Theory Biol/Specializ Comput Neurobio2011 Terrence J. Sejnowski (grad student)
Chih-Tien WangExocytosis, Retinal waves Biolology20042006 Marla B. Feller (post-doc)
Shenshen Wang Physics (Biophysics)2012 Herbert Levine (grad student)
Jianxun Wang2006 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Xiangting Wang2007 Michael G. Rosenfeld (grad student)
Sonya Wang
Lu Wang Neurosciences2017 Joseph G. Gleeson (post-doc)
Le WangGenetics, Neuroscience, Molecular Biology
Xulong WangNicotinic signaling Darwin K. Berg (post-doc)
Yu-Te Wangbrain-computer interface, steady-state visual evoked potential Computer Science SCCN20112015 Chung-Kuan Cheng (grad student), Tzyy-Ping Jung (grad student)
Jing W. WangOlfaction
Haoming WangNeuroscience Neuroscience20172018 Gulcin Pekkurnaz (grad student)
Rebekah A. WanicSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2011 James A. Kulik (grad student)
Rinda Ann Wardle2003 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Liane C. Wardlow LaneLanguage production, discourse2007 Victor S. Ferreira (grad student)
Mark Warshaw2005 Gila Sher (grad student)
Nada Wasi2005 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Shelly S. WatkinsHuman memory2000 John T. Wixted (grad student)
Beth A. Weaver2003 Don Cleveland (grad student)
Sandra Weber Douglas Nitz (grad student)
Michael A. WebsterVisual system Donald I. A. MacLeod (research assistant)
Janis Weeks William B. Kristan (grad student)
V Robin WeersingDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health, Individual and Family Studies
Sascha WeggenNeurodegeneration19992004 Edward H. Koo (post-doc)
Xing WeiVisual system2015 Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Chun-Shu WeiComputational Neuroscience, Cognitive Engineering, Brain-Computer Interface
Joshua A. WeinerDevelopmental neurobiology, cell adhesion, synapse formation19931999 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Robert N. Weinreb
David J. Weiss Norman H. Anderson (grad student)
April M. Weissmillerneurodegneration, Down syndrome Neurosciences2013 William C. Mobley (grad student)
Jarrod R. Welch Economics2011 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Leslie WelchVisual System, Psychophysics Donald I. A. MacLeod (post-doc)
David K. WelshCircadian Rhythms Steve A. Kay (post-doc)
Janna W. Wennbergvisual information processing, visual memory Psychology Psychology2019 John Serences (grad student), Viola Sophie Störmer (grad student)
Jan R. WesselNeural mechanisms for flexible behavior and cognition. Adam R. Aron (post-doc)
Ralf Wessel19931996 William B. Kristan (post-doc), David Kleinfeld (post-doc)
Anthony L. Westerling2000 Richard E. Carson (grad student)
Jurjen W. WestraLPA, S1P, neural aneuploidy Biomedical Sciences20042008 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Christine Paczkowski Westra20032007 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Douglas Wetzel19771979 Larry R. Squire (post-doc)
Christina M. WhalenBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2001 Laura Schreibman (grad student)
William G. WhartenbyComputational modeling, dynamics Physics2012 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Nathan S. White Cognitive Science2010 Marta Kutas (grad student)
Jacob R. WhitehillComputational Cognitive Neuroscience Computer Science and Engineering2012 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Kyla WhitelockBehavioral Neuroscience, Pharmacology Stephan G. Anagnostaras (grad student)
Ezra M. WiaterCell Biology, Molecular Biology2003 Wylie Vale (grad student)
Nicole Y. Y. WichaLanguage, Electrophysiology, Bilingualism, Arithmetic Cognitive Science19952002 Elizabeth A. Bates (grad student), Marta Kutas (grad student)
Ian R. Wickersham19992006 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Nellie C. Wieland Philosophy2007 Gila Sher (grad student)
Eric W. WiewioraComputational Cognitive Neuroscience Computer Science and Engineering2007 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Clayton Alexander WileyViral encephalitis and neurodegeneratioin Peter Wilhelm Lampert (post-doc), Mark H. Ellisman (grad student)
Scott A. WilkeTranscription, synaptogenesis, hippocampal development, patterning of connectivity Neurosciences20052010 Al La Spada (research assistant), Anirvan Ghosh (grad student)
Kendall C. WilkinsClinical Psychology Clin Psychology2013 Sonya B. Norman (grad student)
Katie WilkinsonRespiratory Control
Gerald S. Wilkinsonevolution of social behavior19791984 Jack Winningham Bradbury (grad student)
Craig Alexander Will Cognitive Science Laboratory1984 Don Norman (grad student)
Andrew R. Willhoite2004 Fred H. (Rusty) Gage (grad student)
James H. Williams2000 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
David R. Williams1979 Donald I. A. MacLeod (grad student)
Lisa E. WilliamsClinical Neuropsychiatry Psychology Psychology20052009 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (grad student), Gregory A. Light (grad student)
Megan E. WilliamsSynapse Development Anirvan Ghosh (post-doc)
Robert Frederick Williams2004 Gilles Fauconnier (grad student)
Ben A. WilliamsExperimental analysis of behavior
Jamal Williams Psychology2018 Timothy Brady (grad student)
Aarron T. Willingham19962002 Charles S. Zuker (grad student)
Aimee M. WilsonNeurobiology of Learning and Memory Stephan G. Anagnostaras (grad student)
Piotr Winkielmansocial, emotion,psychophysiology
Mary E. WinnRNA processing, neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, computational biology Biomedical Sciences2011 Gene W. Yeo (grad student)
Charisse Winston Neurosciences20092023 Robert A Rissman (post-doc)
Jamie M. WinterSocial Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Adult and Continuing Education2005 Laura Schreibman (grad student)
Jennifer L. WinwardClinical psychology, neuropsychology Psychology2014 Sandra A. Brown (grad student)
Paul M. WiseOlfaction, trigeminal William S. Cain (grad student)
Tyler James WishardVisual system, Xenopus laevis, Fragile X, FMRP
Joris de Wit20062010 Anirvan Ghosh (post-doc)
Emily A. Witham Biomedical Sciences2012 Pamela Mellon (grad student)
George F. WittenbergRehabilitation, Motor Cortex19861991 William B. Kristan (grad student), Garrison Cottrell (collaborator)
Marc WittmannTime perception20072015 Martin P. Paulus (post-doc), Bud Craig (collaborator)
John T. WixtedHuman memory
Marty G. WoldorffCognitive Neuroscience Steven Hillyard (grad student)
Jason H. WolfeComputational modeling, dynamics Physics2007 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Sarah Woller Anesthesiology20132017 Tony Yaksh (post-doc)
Alvin K. WongCircuitry in Sensory Systems Literature2012 Li I. Zhang (grad student)
Suzanne C. WoodNeurobiology of Learning and Memory Psychology and Cognitive Science2010 Stephan G. Anagnostaras (grad student)
Kevin B. WoodComputational modeling, dynamics Chemistry2007 Henry D I Abarbanel (grad student)
Matthew J. WorleyClinical psychology, neuropsychology Clin Psychology2013 Sandra A. Brown (grad student)
Cory Wrightexplanation, mechanism, truth, philosophy of science, cognitive science, philosophy of psychology Philosophy and Cognitive Science Philosophy and Cognitive Science Linguistics William Bechtel (grad student), Gila Sher (grad student), Ronald W. Langacker (grad student)
Timothy Wright19901996 Jack Winningham Bradbury (grad student)
Shiuan-Tze WuSensory Neurobiology20172022 Chih-Ying Su (grad student)
Ying Wu Scott Makeig (post-doc)
Chengbiao Wu
Anthony Wynshaw-BorisNeuroscience Biology
Chun-hong Xiaaxonal transport2000 Lawrence SB Goldstein (grad student)
Junyu Xiao Jack E. Dixon (post-doc)
Danke Xie Cognitive Science2009 Jeffrey L. Elman (grad student)
Pei Sabrina Xu2014 Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Shudi Xu Department of Neurobiology and Neurosciences20202021 Takaki Komiyama (research assistant)
Le XuLung biology Pediatrics20192024 Xin Sun (post-doc)
Sangyu XuNeurogenetics20052007 Charles S. Zuker (research assistant)
Mingshan Xue20092014 Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Tony Yakshpain, pharmacology
Dong Yanneuroscience2007 Yishi Jin (post-doc)
Amy H. YangLPA, S1P, neural aneuploidy19992004 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Xiaoxu Yangmosaicism in development and its role in neurological disorders
Pan-tong YaoSystem Neuroscience Physics Department2019 David Kleinfeld (grad student)
David A. Yarmolinskytaste
Haleh Yazdi Department of Psychology David A. Barner (grad student)
Gene W. YeoRNA processing, neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, computational biology
Agnes S. Yin ChanClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology Nelson Butters (grad student)
Jessica M. YinglingCell Biology, Genetics2006 Anthony Wynshaw-Boris (grad student)
Ji Hoon Yoo Neurosciences20122017 Thomas S. Hnasko (post-doc)
Jared W. YoungSchizophrenia and related disorders Mark Geyer (post-doc)
Mark Yu2010 Victory T. Joseph (research assistant)
Haiyang YuNeurodegeneration Cellular and Molecular Medicine20152021 Don Cleveland (post-doc)
Dehua YuOncology Gen-Sheng Feng (grad student)
Angela J. YuComputational neuroscience
Hsin-Hao Yuvisual cortex Cognitive Science2007 Virginia R. de Sa (grad student)
Diana X. Yuretina, systems neuroscience, neural networks, glia Bioengineering2008 Gabriel A. Silva (grad student)
Shauna Yuan
Yun C. YungLPA, S1P, neural aneuploidy Biomedical Sciences20032010 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Faisal N. ZaidiNeurosciences
Alexander C. ZambonPharmacology2000 Paul A. Insel (grad student)
Matthew A. Zapalastatistical genetics of neuropschiatric disorders2007 Nicholas Schork (grad student)
Gregory J. ZarowHuman memory2000 John T. Wixted (grad student)
Amir Zarrinpar2006 Edward M. Callaway (grad student)
Andrew C. Zelhof20012007 Charles S. Zuker (post-doc)
Vivien Zell Neurosciences2014 Thomas S. Hnasko (post-doc)
Cristina D. Zepeda Psychology Gail D. Heyman (research assistant)
Martin Zetterstencognitive development, language, language development, word learning, imitation, social cognition
Gang Zhang Pediatrics20142019 Stephen Spector (post-doc)
Shan ZhangCognitive neuroscience, visual perception, attention, biological motion Cognitive Science2017 Ayse Pinar Saygin (grad student)
Cheng Zhang Neurosciences20122015 Robert A Rissman (post-doc)
Wendy ZhangEEG/ERPs, schizophrenia, auditory processing, cognition Gregory A. Light (grad student)
Sheng Zhang Biology2008 Richard Firtel (grad student)
Guangfa Zhang19972000 Jerold Chun (post-doc)
Gang ZhangHIV, Neurodegeneration
Eric E. ZhangCircadian Rhythms20002004 Steve A. Kay (post-doc), Gen-Sheng Feng (grad student)
Kang ZhangRetinal genetics
Lingyun Zhang Computer Science and Engineering2007 Garrison Cottrell (grad student)
Sha ZhangSignal Transduction Molecular Pathology2008 Gen-Sheng Feng (grad student)
Li I. Zhangcircuits, sensory systems2000 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Yifeng Zhangretina19972004 Charles S. Zuker (grad student)
Zhilin ZhangERP/EEG, Machine Learning,Computational Vision Scott Makeig (grad student)
Erquan E. Zhang2004 Mark Kamps (grad student)
Grace Q. ZhaoMotor learning19972005 Charles S. Zuker (grad student)
Binhai Zheng
Youcun ZhengSpeech and language, Speech decoding Institute for Neural Computation Tzyy-Ping Jung (research assistant)
Bin ZhengCell Biology2002 Marilyn Farquhar (grad student)
Degui ZhiBioinformatics, proteomics, mass spectrometry2006 Pavel A. Pevzner (grad student)
He ZhuSignal Transduction Molecular Pathology2011 Gen-Sheng Feng (grad student)
Michael Zimbric
Marla ZinniCognitive Neurosciences (Visual Perception, Neuroergonomics) Steven Hillyard (grad student)
David Zipsermotor control, parkinson's disease
Justin Zivin
Amanda Zora20092011 David Henry Peterzell (research assistant)
Eric Zorilla
Eric P. Zorrilla
Yimin Zou
Günther Karl-Heinz ZupancNeurobiology1990 Walter Heiligenberg (grad student)
Edgar ZurifNeuropsychology
Ipshita ZutshiLearning and Memory, Spatial Navigation Biological Sciences20132019 Stefan Leutgeb (grad student)