David L. Meichenbaum, Ph.D.

State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
"David Meichenbaum"
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William Pelham grad student 2006 SUNY Buffalo
 (Stimulant medication use in childhood and adolescence and its impact on later life outcomes.)
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Pelham WE, Meichenbaum DL, Smith BH, et al. (2013) Acute Effects of MPH on the Parent-Teen Interactions of Adolescents With ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders
Pelham WE, Waxmonsky JG, Schentag J, et al. (2011) Efficacy of a methylphenidate transdermal system versus t.i.d. methylphenidate in a laboratory setting. Journal of Attention Disorders. 15: 28-35
Pelham WE, Meichenbaum D, Fabiano GA. (2005) Treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant disorder in the primary care setting Behavioral Integrative Care: Treatments That Work in the Primary Care Setting. 177-199
Fabiano GA, Pelham WE, Manos MJ, et al. (2004) An evaluation of three time-out procedures for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Behavior Therapy. 35: 449-469
Pelham WE, Gnagy EM, Burrows-Maclean L, et al. (2001) Once-a-day Concerta methylphenidate versus three-times-daily methylphenidate in laboratory and natural settings. Pediatrics. 107: E105
Pelham WE, Gnagy EM, Chronis AM, et al. (1999) A comparison of morning-only and morning/late afternoon Adderall to morning-only, twice-daily, and three times-daily methylphenidate in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatrics. 104: 1300-11
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