Lawrence P. Gallagher, Ph.D.

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Lawrence Gallagher"
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James Gordon Greeno grad student 2001 Stanford
 (Adolescent ways of knowing: Profiles of interdependence in epistemic beliefs, contexts, and practices.)
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Maul A, Penuel WR, Dadey N, et al. (2016) Measuring experiences of interest-related pursuits in connected learning Educational Technology Research and Development. 1-28
Harris CJ, Penuel WR, D'Angelo CM, et al. (2015) Impact of project-based curriculum materials on student learning in science: Results of a randomized controlled trial Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 52: 1362-1385
Penuel WR, Bates L, Gallagher LP, et al. (2012) Supplementing literacy instruction with a media-rich intervention: Results of a randomized controlled trial Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 27: 115-127
Penuel WR, Gallagher LP, Moorthy S. (2011) Preparing teachers to design sequences of instruction in earth systems science: A comparison of three professional development programs American Educational Research Journal. 48: 996-1025
Roschelle J, Shechtman N, Tatar D, et al. (2010) Integration of technology, curriculum, and professional development for advancing middle school mathematics: Three large-scale studies American Educational Research Journal. 47: 833-878
Penuel WR, Gallagher LP. (2009) Preparing teachers to design instruction for deep understanding in middle school Earth science Journal of the Learning Sciences. 18: 461-508
Penuel W, Fishman BJ, Gallagher LP, et al. (2009) Is alignment enough? Investigating the effects of state policies and professional development on science curriculum implementation Science Education. 93: 656-677
Penuel WR, Fishman BJ, Yamaguchi R, et al. (2007) What makes professional development effective? Strategies that foster curriculum implementation American Educational Research Journal. 44: 921-958
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