Stanford University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Bertrand Schneider GSE: Learning Sciences & Technology Design20112016 Roy D. Pea (grad student)
Raquel Coelho GSE: Learning Sciences & Technology Design20182023 Roy D. Pea (grad student)
Aditya Jouri GSE: Learning Sciences & Technology Design20022007 Roy D. Pea (grad student)
Neema Moraveji GSE: Learning Sciences & Technology Design20072012 Roy D. Pea (grad student)
Rupshi Mitra biology, neuroscience, gene therapy, stress, enrichment environment Biological Sciences Robert M. Sapolsky (research scientist)
Jennifer AakerMarketing1995 Kevin Lane Keller (grad student)
Elio A. Abbondanzieribiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription2006 Steven M. Block (grad student)
Charles Wilbur Abbott Michael Snyder (post-doc)
Maxim Abelev2005 Ellen Markman (grad student)
Julia Abitbol Otolaryngology Alan G. Cheng (grad student)
Arman AbrahamyanVisual system, Psychophysics, Decision making, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), fMRI
Matt Borat AbramianTonic inhibition2013 John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Daniel A. AbramsAuditory system, Speech, Music
Elfar Adalsteinsson EE Albert Macovski (grad student)
Antoine Adamantidis20062010 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Va L. AdamsSocial Psychology, Black Studies2000 Teresa LaFrombuise (grad student)
Maheen AdamsonPsych/Public Mental Health & Population Sciences
Jaimie D. AdelsonExperience-dependent plasticity2009 Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Avishek Adhikari2011 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Arjun Aditham Bioengineering2015 Polly Fordyce (grad student)
Raj J. Advanimechanisms of membrane organization and transport2002 Richard Scheller (grad student)
Emily A. Aery JonesHippocampus, entorhinal cortex, spatial navigation, memory consolidation, Alzheimer's disease
Afsheen Afshar20022008 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Alok AggarwalSignal Processing2006 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Gorish Aggarwalretina, computational neuroscience Neurosurgery20182020 E. J. Chichilnisky (grad student)
Stewart Agras
Francis AguisandaStem cell biology
Jamie Ahloy-Dallaire Comparative Medicine20152018 Joseph P Garner (post-doc)
Mohiuddin Ahmad Robert C. Malenka (post-doc), Markus Missler (grad student)
Susanne E. AhmariOCD, transgenic mouse technology, serotonin, translational research19972003 Stephen J Smith (grad student)
Anthony H. Ahrenscontemplative practice, virtue, cognition and emotion Psychology Psychology1986 David L. Rosenhan (grad student), Antonette Zeiss (grad student)
Raag D. Airanfocused ultrasound, neuromodulation, drug delivery
Olusola Alade Ajilore2001 Robert M. Sapolsky (grad student)
Kurt Akeleycomputer graphics2004 Patrick M. Hanrahan (grad student)
Alexandre Alahi Computer Science20132017 Fei-Fei Li (post-doc)
Zaki Ellis M AlaouiVisual Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Consciousness
Eddy AlbarranSynaptic Plasticity | Reinforcement Learning | BMI20152021 Tirin Moore (research assistant), Jun Ding (grad student), Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Greg AlbersNeurology
Megan AlbertelliComparative Medicine
Richard W. AldrichIon channels1980 Stuart H. Thompson (grad student), Peter Getting (grad student)
Justin Michael AlesVision, Neuroimaging Anthony M. Norcia (post-doc)
Allyson Alexander John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
William E. Allenneural circuits, behavior, imaging, genetics Bioengineering Biology2014 Karl Deisseroth (grad student), Liqun Luo (grad student)
Nicola AllenGlial-neuron interactions Ben A. Barres (post-doc)
Karen L. AllendoerferNeurodegenerative Disease, protein folding19871993 Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Laura L. AlmsteadmicroRNA, HVC2007 Peter Sarnow (grad student)
Elad AlonIntegrated Circuits (INC); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Communications & Networking (COMNET); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA)2007 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Frederick W. AltDNA repair, immunology, lymphoma1977 Robert T. Schimke (grad student)
Teresa Amabile Lee Ross (grad student)
Kaoru Amano"Visual system" or "MEG"2007 Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
Cora Ames2010 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Neal D. AminmicroRNAs, RNA processing in the generation of neuronal diversity, neuropsychiatric disease, clinical psychiatry
Amir AmirkhanyElectrical Engineering, Computer science2008 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Niroshana AnandasabapathyCell Biology2004 C Garrison Fathman (grad student)
Aaron Samuel Andalmanmotor learning, operant conditioning, neuromodulation, machine learning2011 Brian P. Grone (collaborator), Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Adam Andersonemotion20002002 John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc), Dara Ghahremani (collaborator)
John Andersonmemory, cognitive modeling, ACT-R Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Christopher Todd AndersonEpilepsy, devices, sleep20062008 Robert Fisher (grad student), Kevin D. Graber (research scientist), Donald Olson (post-doc)
Michael AndersonFertilization
Matthew Anderson
Katrin AndreassonNeurology and Neurological Sciences
David AndresenVision Kalanit Grill-Spector (post-doc)
Jeffrey G. AndrewsSignal Processing2002 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Lay Teng Angpluripotent stem cells
Chris C. Angelakos Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2018 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Matthew R. Angle Nicholas A. Melosh (post-doc)
Lili Anglister U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Polina Anikeeva20082010 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Jason Aotosynaptic molecule20092016 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Alexander M. Aravanis2005 Richard W. Tsien (grad student)
Amin ArbabianElectrical Engineering
K. Carrie ArmelNeuroeconomics
Katherine M. ArmstrongVisual system, Frontal Cortex20012007 Tirin Moore (grad student)
Carrie N. ArnoldPathology2006 Eugene Butcher (grad student)
Elliot Aronsonsocial psychology, group processes1959 Leon Festinger (grad student)
Kenneth J. Arrowefficiency, information, demand
Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonasnotch signaling David S. Hogness (post-doc)
Adam Starr ArterberyEndocrinology and Behavior Arnold Starr (grad student)
John ArthurNeuromorphic engineering Kwabena Boahen (post-doc)
Saman A AryanaTransport in Permeable Media20072012 Anthony R. Kovscek (grad student)
Ali AsadollahiVisual and auditory systems, attention
Deanna S. Asakawaneuromuscular biomechanics2003 Scott Delp (grad student)
Blake M. Ashbyneuromuscular biomechanics2004 Scott Delp (grad student)
J. Wesson AshfordPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Gary Aston-Jonesneuropharmacology Stuart H. Thompson (grad student)
David J. AtencioEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education2003 Brigid J. S. Barron (grad student)
Janette Atkinson Richard C. Atkinson (grad student)
Patrick Atkinson Otolaryngology Alan G. Cheng (grad student)
Richard C. Atkinsoncognitive science, educational psychology
Lauren Y. AtlasExpectancy, Pain, Affective Neuroscience20042006 Ian H. Gotlib (research assistant), Brian Knutson (research assistant)
Dorian AurNeuroscience20102010 Paul S. Buckmaster (post-doc)
Joseph L. AusterweilCognition, Computational Modeling, Reasoning, Categorization, Judgment Psychology20132013 Noah D. Goodman (post-doc)
Avis AustinBehavioral Psychology, Oncology2000 Carl E. Thoresen (grad student)
Carlos C. AyalaEducational Psychology Education2002 Richard J. Shavelson (grad student)
Matine AzadianNeurovascular disease, Stroke
Carmen Azevedo20192021 Michelle James (research assistant)
Eiman AzimDevelopment and function of motor control circuits20032004 Ward Belfield Watt (research assistant)
Stephen BaccusRetina
Benjamin BackusVisual system19982000 David J. Heeger (post-doc)
Anna Badnerneuroinflammation Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2020 Erin M. Gibson (post-doc)
Seung-Young BaeMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology2002 Shan Xiang Wang (grad student)
Jeremy BailensonCommunication, Symbolic Systems
Sandra M. BajjaliehSynaptic Transmission, Biochemistry, Lipid signaling Richard Scheller (grad student)
Bruce S. BakerGenetics, Neuroscience
Joseph M. BakerCognitive Neuroscience
Priti Balchandaniin vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS)2008 Daniel M. Spielman (grad student)
Christopher A. Baldassano20092015 Fei-Fei Li (grad student), Diane M. Beck (grad student)
Dare Ann Baldwinlanguage development, cognitive development, intentionality, action processing Ellen Markman (grad student)
Ian C. Ballardmotivated memory Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Jacob BallonPsychiatry
Albert Bandura
Max Banko Genetics20062011 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Firas BannoutNeurology/Epilepsy
Jason S. Bant
Crista L. BarberiniValue processing, reinforcement learning19972004 William T. Newsome (grad student)
John Bargh Robert B. Zajonc (grad student)
Michael Barish Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Phil Barker19911994 Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Ben A. Barresglia
Brigid BarronEducational Psychology Education
Lawrence Barsalou1981 Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Greg S. Barshpigmentation, melanocortin system
Alison BarthPlasticity of sensory systems Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Maria Barth20072008 Susan C. Johnson (research assistant)
Heidi A. BaselerVisual system, neuroimaging19961999 Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
Michael Bastianidevelopmental neurobiology Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
Aaron P. Batista20032007 William T. Newsome (post-doc), Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc)
Rajesh K. BatraElectrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics2000 Lambertus Hesselink (grad student)
Shelley A. Battscochlear hair cells, in vivo imaging2009 Mark Schnitzer (post-doc), Gordon W. Allport (research assistant)
Diana Bautistamolecular basis of somatosensation, light touch, chronic itch, pain Richard S. Lewis (grad student)
Alex BavelasSocial psychology
K Ulrich Ulli BayerSynaptic plasticity, Down syndrome, Schizophrenia, Addiction, Stroke, Global cerebral ischemia19962002 Howard Schulman (post-doc)
Peter BayleyPsychiatry, Behavioral Sciences
Denis A. Baylorvision
Baris BayramElectrical Engnieering2006 Butrus (Pierre) Thomas Khuri-Yakub (grad student)
Elizabeth H. BeamCognitive Neuroscience Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences2017 Amit Etkin (grad student)
Daniel M. Bear Psychology2017 Daniel L K Yamins (post-doc)
Wesley C. Becker1955 C. Leland Winder (grad student)
Claire Bedbrook Genetics2018 Anne Brunet (post-doc)
Mark P. BeenhakkerNeural Circuits Neurology and Neurological Sciences John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Rebecca R. Begleychemical and systems biology2004 Daria Mochly-rosen (grad student)
Manali Begur20202021 Lay Teng Ang (research assistant)
Jonathan Sage BeierSocial cognitive development, Cognitive development, Infancy20002001 Brian A. Wandell (research assistant)
Gil BejeranoComputational Biology
Gill BejeranoDevelopmental Biology, Computer Science
Rudy BellaniBrain asymmetry, memory, stress,20042005 Robert M. Sapolsky (research assistant)
Michal Ben-Shahar Chechiklanguage,brain imaging
Oded Ben-Tal2002 Jonathan Berger (grad student)
Neil F. BenceBiology2003 Ron Kopito (grad student)
Gertraud Benke2007 James Gordon Greeno (grad student)
Erin D. Bennett Noah D. Goodman (grad student)
Suzanna M BennettCalcium signaling Molecular & Cellular Physiology20182024 Richard S. Lewis (grad student)
Frederick "Chris" Bennett Ben A. Barres (post-doc)
Richard W. BensterHomeostatic control systems, modeling & biomimetic software
Peter M. BentlerPersonality, drug abuse, psychometrics, structural equation modeling, factor analysis, reliability theory19621964 Douglas N. Jackson (grad student)
David BentleySynapses Donald M. Wilson (post-doc)
Paul Bergmolecular biology of disease
Daniel J. Berg2017 Grégory Scherrer (post-doc)
Joseph F. BerganAuditory, Olfaction20012007 Eric I. Knudsen (grad student)
Jonathan Berger
Jonah A. BergerMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology2007 Itamar Simonson (grad student)
Andrew Brian Bergermachine learning, mcmc, theoretical neuroscience
Dwight BerglesGlutamate transport, Glia Daniel V. Madison (grad student)
Jeremy Bergsman David A. McCormick (post-doc)
Jeremy Ballard Bergsman2000 Richard W. Tsien (grad student)
Jack E Berry Neurosurgery20122014 Gary K. Steinberg (research assistant)
Sarah M. BhagatCortical plasticity Psychiatry2016 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc), Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Nirav R. Bhakta2006 Richard S. Lewis (grad student)
Jamil Palacios BhanjiSocial and Affective Neuroscience Brian Knutson (research assistant)
Krishna L. BharaniHuman Aging
Anjali K. BhataraAutism spectrum disorders, cognitive neuroscience, music cognition20002004 Vinod Menon (research assistant)
Samarjit BhattacharyyaSynaptic plasticity2005 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Grace BhudhikanokHuman Development, Public Health, Cognitive Psychology2005 Abby C. King (grad student)
Wen-Jie BianSleep, Neural circuit development, neuronal morphology, neuromodulation Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2016 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Mark C. Bieda2000 M. Bruce MacIver (post-doc), Howard Schulman (grad student)
James BiggCell biology David Epel (research assistant)
Stephen R. Biggar2001 Gerald Crabtree (grad student)
Dorrit O. BillmanCognitive Psychology Keith James Holyoak (grad student), Marilyn Shatz (grad student)
Kevin R. BinningSocial Psychology Psychology Geoffrey Cohen (post-doc)
Daniel Birman20142019 Justin L. Gardner (grad student)
Sandip BiswalRadiology Radiology20052006 Sanjiv Sam Gambhir (post-doc)
Haruhiko Bito Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
George Bittner Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Robert A. Bjorkhuman learning and memory1966 Gordon H. Bower (grad student), William K. Estes (grad student), Richard C. Atkinson (grad student), James Gordon Greeno (grad student)
Jessica M. Blackdyslexia Fumiko Hoeft (post-doc)
John B. Black Psychology Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Susanna Blackshaw John G. Nicholls (post-doc)
Kristen P. BlairDAPS, LSTD2009 Dan Schwartz (grad student)
Edward B. Blanchard
William E. Blanco-BoseCell Biology2000 Helen M. Blau (grad student)
Alexandra Blaney Comparative Medicine2017 Joseph P Garner (post-doc)
Jason M. Blankfish physiology; conservation2006 Barbara A. Block (grad student)
Whitney Blankenberger Comparative Medicine20162017 Joseph P Garner (grad student)
Helen M. BlauCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Jens Blechert Psychology James Gross (post-doc)
Silvia S. Blemkerneuromuscular biomechanics2004 Scott Delp (grad student)
Nikolas Blevins
Tonya Bliss Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc)
Steven M. Blockbiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription
Gene D. BlockCircadian rhythms19751978 Donald Kennedy (post-doc), Colin Pittendrigh (post-doc)
Barbara A. Blockfish physiology; conservation
Kwabena BoahenSilicon Retinas, Neuromorphic Systems
David N. BochnerVisual system, Neural Plasticity20082014 Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Jason B. Bockmechanisms of membrane organization and transport2001 Richard Scheller (grad student)
Walter Fred Bodmerpopulation genetics, somatic cell hybrids, stem cells19611962 Joshua Lederberg (research scientist)
Cara Bohoneating disorders, reward, emotion, obesity
Paul BollykyInfectious Diseases, Immunology
Sabrina Ferreira BondBehavioral Neuroscience, Motor Control, Autism, Alzheimer's, Pain Vivianne L Tawfik (research assistant)
Patricia Bonnavion Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20082012 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Tyler Bonnen Daniel L K Yamins (grad student)
Angela N. BookerSecondary Education, Social Sciences Education2007 Shelley Goldman (grad student)
Derek B. BoothroydBiostatistics2001 Richard A. Olshen (grad student)
Nicolas Borghi Alexander R. Dunn (post-doc)
Richard T. BornVisual system William T. Newsome (post-doc)
Jeremy C. BornigerCancer Neuroscience Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences2017 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Aaron M. BornsteinDecision making; Episodic memory; Reinforcement learning20052007 Anthony D. Wagner (research assistant), Alison R. Preston (research assistant)
Lera BoroditskyRelationships between mind, world and language. How we create meaning, imagine, and use knowledge. How the languages we speak shape the ways we think19962001 Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Bernhard E. Bosercomputational biology, integrated circuits Electrical Engineering Bruce A. Wooley (grad student)
Ellen L Bouchard William Talbot (grad student)
Andre M. Boustanyfish physiology; conservation2006 Barbara A. Block (grad student)
Mark R. BowerEpilepsy20032008 Paul S. Buckmaster (post-doc)
Gordon H. Bowermemory
Gordon Bowers
Edward S. Boydenneuroengineering, systematic neuroscience, disease19992005 Richard W. Tsien (grad student), Jennifer L. Raymond (grad student)
Geoffrey BoyntonVisual system David J. Heeger (post-doc)
Yvonne Brackbill Psychology1965 Robert Richardson Sears (grad student)
Mika Braginskylanguage acquisition, cognitive modeling Psychology20142016 Michael C. Frank (research assistant)
David H. BrainardVision1989 Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Michael S. Brainardsong system, motor planning Eric I. Knudsen (grad student)
Dana BramelCognitive Dissonance, social cognition Leon Festinger (grad student)
Relly Brandman
S. A. BraselMarketing Business Administration2004 Itamar Simonson (grad student)
Janice E.A. BraunMolecular Mechanisms of Neurotransmission Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Signe Bray
Iliana Erteza BrayBrain-Computer Interfaces, Motor Cortex, Signal Processing, Electrodes, Implanted, Macaca mulatta Electrical Engineering2017 Paul Nuyujukian (grad student)
Timothy R. BrazeltonCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology2002 Helen M. Blau (grad student)
Bruno G. BreitmeyerVisual system, visual masking, attention, schizophrenia19681972 Leo Ganz (grad student)
Susan E. Brennanpsychology of language use19861990 Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Jacob S. Brenner2007 Ricardo E. Dolmetsch (grad student)
Robert Brenner Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Paul BrestLaw Teaching
Tim W. BretlAerospace information technology, systems, and control; robotics and autonomous vehicles2005 Stephen M. Rock (grad student)
Alyssa A. BrewerNeuroimaging of visual perception, visual deficits, and neurological disorders20002005 Craig Heller (research assistant), Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
James B. BrewerHuman Memory19932000 John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Bruce BridgemanVisual system, spatial orientation19671971 Karl H. Pribram (grad student)
Denise I Briggs
Rachel Brightchemical and systems biology2005 Daria Mochly-rosen (grad student)
Julia Brillepilepsy, cortex, thalamus John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Thomas Brionneneurogenesis, olfaction, neurodegeneration20022003 Tony Wyss-Coray (research assistant)
Adam S. BristolCerebellar function20032006 Jennifer L. Raymond (post-doc)
Richard H. BrittGenerators of the evoked potentials, neurosurgery Arnold Starr (grad student)
Kenneth H. BrittenVisual cortex William T. Newsome (post-doc)
Oliver Brockrobotics2000 Oussama Khatib (grad student)
Matt Brodsky5-HT6 receptors, cilia20092010 Karl Deisseroth (research assistant)
Joel A. Bronstein
Helen M. Bronte-Stewart
Teon L. Brookspsycholinguistics, word recognition, MEG methods Psychology20162017 Russell A. Poldrack (post-doc)
Thackery Ian BrownMemory, navigation, decision-making Psychology20132017 Anthony D. Wagner (post-doc)
David A. Brownneural control of locomotion, spinal reflexes Mechanical Engineering Felix E. Zajac (post-doc)
Solange P. Brown Shaul Hestrin (post-doc)
Austin L. Brown Biophysics20032008 Miriam B. Goodman (grad student)
Tom Brown Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Bonny R. BrownSocial Psychology2000 Mark R. Leppler (grad student)
Anne Brunetneural stem cells, neurogenesis, aging
Axel Brungercrystallography, synaptic neurotransmission
Alayne L. Brunner2010 Richard Morris Myers (grad student)
Cami K. BrunsBiology2006 Ron Kopito (grad student)
Zev D. BryantBioengineering, Structural Biology2007 James A. Spudich (post-doc)
Astra S. BryantThermosensation, Parasitic Nematodes, Strongyoides Biology20152016 Eric I. Knudsen (grad student), John R. Huguenard (research assistant), Russell Fernald (post-doc)
Fritz Buchthal John James Rickard MacLeod (research assistant)
Paul S. BuckmasterEpilepsy
Marion S. Buckwalterstroke, neurodegeneration Tony Wyss-Coray (post-doc)
Kim BullockPsychiatry
Daniel BullockNeural Computation & Cognitive Theory1979 Albert Bandura (grad student)
Silvia A. Bungedevelopment, plasticity19972001 John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Steven J. Burden U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Joel W. BurdickNeural Interfaces, Robotics1988 Bernard Roth (grad student)
Robert Burgess19901996 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Sabrina S. Burmeisterneuroethology, animal communication, behavioral endocrinology Russell Fernald (post-doc)
Marie E. BurnsRetina19962000 Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Loren C. Burns2003 Jonathan Berger (grad student)
Gene Burton Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Brittany Bush2023 William J. Giardino (post-doc)
Jean Marie BussatNeuromorphic engineering Kwabena Boahen (research scientist)
Brad Bussearray tomography2005 Stephen J Smith (grad student)
Eugene ButcherPathology
Jessica Buthmann Ian H. Gotlib (post-doc)
Emily A. Butleremotion, emotion regulation2004 James Gross (grad student)
Blake ByersParkinson's disease, ipsc
James S. Byers20132017 Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
John David Cahoy2007 Ben A. Barres (grad student)
Weidong Cai
Ronald L. CalabreseSmall networks, CPGs, Invertebrates, Biophysics, Computational Models Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Nicole Calakos2006 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Maureen CallananCognitive and conceptual development Ellen Markman (grad student)
Edward M. CallawayVisual cortex19831984 U. J. McMahan (research assistant)
Kenneth A. Callicott2001 Ward Belfield Watt (grad student)
M. Catalina Camachoaffect, cognitive development, depression, anxiety Psychology20122017 Ian H. Gotlib (research assistant)
David CamarilloBioengineering
Evan G. CameronNeuroscience, Molecular Biology, Ophthalmology Ophthalmology2014 Jeffrey L. Goldberg (post-doc)
Malcolm G. Campbell
Eddie Campbell Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Cynthia CampenNeurology
T Rowan CandyInfant vision19972000 Anthony M. Norcia (post-doc)
Marco CanossaNeurotrophins, synaptic plasticity Eric M. Shooter (grad student)
Yu-qing Cao Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Anton Julius CarlsonPhysiology, appetite, endocrinology, visceral sensory nervous system1902 Oliver Peebles Jenkins (grad student)
Mackenzie Carlson Bioengineering20192021 Michelle James (grad student)
Brian D. CarlstromElectrical Engineering, Computer Science2008 Oyekunle Olukotun (grad student)
Thom Carney1983 Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Patricia A. Carpenterlanguage, visuospatial cognition, cognitive modeling Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Clarence "Ray" Ray CarpenterPrimates1932 Calvin P. Stone (grad student)
Valerie A. Carrmemory20082015 Anthony D. Wagner (post-doc)
Victor CarrionPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Mary CarskadonSleep William Dement (post-doc)
Dean Carson Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Karen J. Parker (post-doc)
Laura L. Carstensenemotion, aging
Matthew E. Carterfeeding, optogenetics20062010 Luis de Lecea (grad student)
John C. CarterAutism, neuroimaging, fragile x2011 Fumiko Hoeft (research assistant)
Daniel CasasantoLanguage and thought20052008 Herbert H. Clark (post-doc)
Javier R. Casobrain ischemia, stress-related pathologies20082008 Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc), Juan C. Leza (grad student)
Joseph M. CastellanoAging, Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's disease20122017 Tony Wyss-Coray (post-doc)
Manuel Castellano-MunozHearing2009 Anthony J. Ricci (post-doc)
Peter B. CatrysseVision2003 Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Michel Cayouette20032004 Ben A. Barres (post-doc)
Egle CekanaviciuteTGFbeta signaling, astrogliosis, after-stroke recovery Marion S. Buckwalter (grad student), Venkatesh N. Murthy (research assistant)
Simona Celebrini19921996 William T. Newsome (post-doc), Kenneth H. Britten (collaborator)
Daniel Cervone Albert Bandura (grad student)
Ali CetinNeuronal Circuitry
Randal C. CevallosmicroRNA, HVC2008 Peter Sarnow (grad student)
Helen H. Chamolecular control and evolution of skeletal patterning2004 David M. Kingsley (grad student)
Chris ChafeMusic
Christopher ChafeMusic, Speech Communication, Cognitive Psychology
Rajpreet ChahalNetwork Connectivity, Puberty, Reward, Depression, Diffusion Imaging, Resting-State Psychology2019 Ian H. Gotlib (post-doc)
Agnish ChakravartiMarketing Business Administration2003 Itamar Simonson (grad student)
Anupam Chakravarty Daniel Jarosz (post-doc)
Pierre Chambon19661967 Arthur Kornberg (research scientist)
Alexander M. ChanLanguage, Neuroprosthetics, Intracranial EEG20052006 Krishna V. Shenoy (research assistant), Liqun Luo (research assistant)
Jonah R. ChanMyelination Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Karen Chan20132016 Jens K. Nørskov (post-doc)
Keith Syson ChanPathology Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center20042009 Irving L. Weissman (post-doc)
Soham ChandaSynaptic Plasticity Molecular & Cellular Physiology20112018 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Divya Chanderneuroscience
Anand ChandrasekaranNeuroscience, Neuromorphic Engineering20072009 Kwabena Boahen (post-doc)
Chandramouli ChandrasekaranAuditory Cortex, Coherence2011 Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc)
Lalitha ChandrasekherCognitive Neuroscience Barbara Tversky (research assistant), Judy Illes (research assistant)
Aisling Chaney20172021 Michelle James (post-doc)
Angela Chang Comparative Medicine20142014 Joseph P Garner (grad student)
Kyong-Sok Changrobotics2000 Oussama Khatib (grad student)
Kay ChangOtolaryngology, Pediatrics
Kun-Che ChangStem cell, RGC development, Axon regeneration Ophthalmology20162020 Jeffrey L. Goldberg (post-doc)
Chieh Chang Marc Tessier-Lavigne (post-doc)
Kevin Tommy ChangEvolutionary Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience
Wei-li Changdopamine system, behavioral neuroscience, neuropsychiatric disease models John D.E. Gabrieli (research assistant)
Ching-Wen ChaoMusic2002 Chris Chafe (grad student)
Daniel L. Chao2008 Kang Shen (grad student)
Michael ChaplineMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology2006 Shan Xiang Wang (grad student)
Timothy W. ChapmanGlial Cell Biology, Psychedelics
Molly Claire Chapman (Chalfin)Neuroimaging, fMRI, PET, clinical brain disorders, reward systems, parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, neuroethics20082009 Brian Knutson (grad student)
Mark A. Chappellecological and evolutionary physiology19731977 Craig Heller (grad student)
William ChappleNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Susan T. CharlesGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology Laura L.Carstensen (grad student)
Catherine Chase Daniel L. Schwartz (grad student)
Ronald ChaseSnail brains, snail sex, psychiatry19611962 Karl H. Pribram (research assistant)
Vishal ChavdaIschemia Re perfusion, Injury, Stroke, Glioblastoma, Traumatic Brain Injury, Brain Cancers, Epilepsy
Gal ChechikComputational Neuroscience
Chun-Chun Chenneuroendocrinology
Lang ChenSemantic knowledge, computational modeling
James K. Chenchemical biology, developmental biology
Shan Chen
Pei-Ling Chen2007 Thomas Clandinin (grad student)
Frances S. Chen2009 Susan C. Johnson (grad student)
Yiwen Chen Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Enna Chen Psychology2022 Laura L. Carstensen (grad student)
Joseph Chen20022006 Lucy Shapiro (post-doc)
Ruishi ChenEducation Data Science
Xiaoyu ChenNeurotherapeutics Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2018 Sergiu P. Pasca (post-doc)
Xiaoke Chentaste
Kevin G. ChenPluripotent stem cells, genome stability, differentiation Division of Oncology/Medicine, Cancer Biology Program19982002 Branimir I. Sikic (grad student)
Elizabeth H. Chen1998 Bruce S. Baker (grad student)
Lulu Y Chen Molecular and Cellular Physiology20112018 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Chong ChenSynaptic transmission2018 Grégory Scherrer (post-doc)
Yiming Chen2019 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
QiLiang ChenRVM, pain David J. Clark (post-doc)
Ting Chen2003 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Leon E. Chenchemical and systems biology2002 Daria Mochly-rosen (grad student)
Janice ChenMemory, Perception20052011 Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Lu Chen
Bin ChenNeurodevelopment Susan K. McConnell (post-doc)
Michael C. ChenSleep20062012 Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Xhiguo Chen Theo D. Palmer (post-doc)
Stephanie P. Chen
Alan G. Cheng
Michelle Y. ChengBrain injury, ischemia Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc), Frances M. Leslie (research assistant), Gary K. Steinberg (post-doc)
Ching-Hsiang ChengElectrical Engnieering2005 Butrus (Pierre) Thomas Khuri-Yakub (grad student)
Anjen ChennDevelopmental Neuroscience Susan K. McConnell (grad student)
Soon Keen CheongVisual Neurophysiology, Biomeical Optics, Adaptive Optics Ophthalmology20172019 Alfredo Dubra (post-doc)
Samuel H. CheshierImmunology, Cell Biology2005 Irving L. Weissman (grad student)
Cynthia A. ChestekBrain machine interface20102012 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student), Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc), Jaimie M. Henderson (research scientist)
Kylie S. Chew Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
E. J. Chichilniskyvisual system, retina19951998 Brian A. Wandell (grad student), Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Frederick ChinRadiology
Alvin Chiu Comparative Medicine2019 Joseph P Garner (grad student)
Jung Woo ChoeMedical imaging, Ultrasound, Algorithm2008 Butrus (Pierre) Thomas Khuri-Yakub (grad student)
Dennis W. Choi
Eun Young ChoiCortical Networks, Striatum, Human Functional Connectivity, Monkey Anatomy, Neurophysiology, Clinical Trials Neurosurgery Radiology2017 Jaimie M. Henderson (post-doc), Brian Rutt (post-doc)
Sukwoo ChoiSynaptic transmission, plasticity Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Jung Yoon Choi Ilana B. Witten (grad student)
Gaurav ChopraChemical and Cellular Immunology: Neuroimmunology, Cancer Immunology, Drug Discovery, Chemical Data Science, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Systems Pharmacology Michael Levitt (grad student)
Parag ChordiaMusic2006 Chris Chafe (grad student)
Peter H. ChouSignal Processing2002 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Dawnis M. Chowolfaction, vision, drosophila20072011 Mark A. Frye (grad student)
Kao Liang ChowNeurology
Rosalind M. ChowSocial Psychology2008 Brian S. Lowery (grad student)
Amelia J. ChristensenVision, Perception, Cortex, Generative Models, Inference Biology2016 Mark Schnitzer (grad student)
Julie L. ChristensenImmunology, Molecular Biology2003 Irving L. Weissman (grad student)
Kalina Christoff2001 John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Matthew Ling Hon ChuProtein structure
Way T. Chu2009 Terence Sanger (grad student)
Yunxiang Chu20042008 David A. Prince (research assistant)
Lonny L. ChuMusic2004 Chris Chafe (grad student)
Helen Chum Comparative Medicine20122012 Joseph P Garner (post-doc)
Ka Young ChungGPCR20082011 Brian K. Kobilka (post-doc)
Mark M. ChurchlandMotor Cortex20012011 Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc)
Roland D. Ciaranello
Francesca CirulliNeurotrophic factors2000 Eric M. Shooter (grad student)
Thomas Clandinin
David L. ClapperCell biology, Biomedical engineering
Richard M. Clark2001 David M. Kingsley (grad student)
Eve V. ClarkChild language acquisition
Herbert H. ClarkPsycholinguistics, pragmatics
Stephen Elisha ClarkeNeuroscience Bioengineering2017 Paul Nuyujukian (post-doc)
Hollis Clinedevelopment, visual system Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Melissa M. Coatescellular physiology, ion channels, Ca imaging, neurostem cells2005 Stuart H. Thompson (grad student)
Jennifer Rachel CochranBioengineering
Christopher L. Coepsychoneuroimmunology, stress, intestinal microflora Seymour Levine (post-doc)
Jonathan D. Cohenattention, computation & theory
Yale E. Cohenauditory system, prefrontal cortex Eric I. Knudsen (post-doc)
Marlene R. Cohen2007 William T. Newsome (grad student)
Gal Cohen Daniel V. Madison (grad student)
Mark S. CohenRapid Methods of MR Imaging, Fusion of Electrophysiology and fMRI, Advanced approaches to MR data analysis, Mental Imagery19811982 Richard H. Britt (research assistant), James H. Dewson (research assistant)
Damien Colassleep
Bryan J. ColeFertilization David Epel (grad student)
Pamela F. Colosimomolecular control and evolution of skeletal patterning2005 David M. Kingsley (grad student)
E. A. Connor U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Barry W. Connors19801982 David A. Prince (post-doc), Michael J. Gutnick (collaborator), Stephen G. Waxman (post-doc)
Melanie R. ConroyFrench & Italian, Comparative Literature, English French and Italian2012 Joshua Landy (grad student)
Thomas Cook Communication Research Nathan Maccoby (grad student)
Sam CoolerVisual System, Retina2021 E. J. Chichilnisky (post-doc)
Rebecca Cooney2007 Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Jeffrey C. CooperAffective neuroscience, decision making2009 Brian Knutson (grad student)
Sara J. Cooper2006 Richard Morris Myers (grad student)
Madeline Cooper Neurosurgery2019 J. Bradley Zuchero (grad student)
Lynn A Cooperhuman cognition and perception, cognitive neuroscience and human intelligence and problem solving1972 Roger Newland Shepard (grad student)
Emily A. CooperVisual system20132014 Anthony M. Norcia (post-doc)
Gregory Corder Grégory Scherrer (post-doc), Mark Schnitzer (post-doc)
Stanley CorenPerception Leon Festinger (grad student)
Linda C. Cork
Roger CornwallCell biology David Epel (research assistant)
Greg S. Corrado William T. Newsome (grad student)
Carlos G Correa Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20162018 Leanne Williams (research assistant)
Emma K. Costa Neurology2020 Tony Wyss-Coray (grad student)
Gina L. CostaImmunology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2000 C Garrison Fathman (grad student)
Lauren A. Costello Ian H. Gotlib (research assistant)
Douglas A. CoulterEpilepsy Research David A. Prince (post-doc)
Andrea L CourtneySocial Neuroscience, Social Cognition, Reward, Self-regulation Psychology Jamil Zaki (post-doc)
Elizabeth D. Covington2009 Richard S. Lewis (grad student)
Jason P. CovyTransynaptic Signaling, Transmembrane Proteins, Neuordegeneration, Neuropharmaclogy, Neuroscience, Synaptic Plasticity2011 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Charles L. CoxFunctional organization of thalamocortical circuits19931996 David A. Prince (post-doc), John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Brian M. CoxOpioid pharmacology Avram Goldstein (post-doc)
Catharine Cox Milesintelligence Lewis Madison Terman (grad student)
Gerald CrabtreeDevelopment, Signal Transduction, Molecular Neurobiology
Ankur M. CrawfordMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology2004 Shan Xiang Wang (grad student)
Graham CreaseyNeurosurgery
Sara M. CronenwettCondensed Matter Physics2002 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Haley Cropper20142019 Michelle James (research assistant)
Edward J Crothers
Juan G. Cueva Molecular and Cellular Physiology Miriam B. Goodman (post-doc)
Bianxiao CuiChemistry Physics Steven Chu (post-doc)
Shuguang ( CuiElectrical Engineering2005 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
Xu Cui
John Patrick CunninghamComputation and Theory, Theoretical Neuroscience, Cognitive/Systems Neuroscience, statistical Machine Learning, Motor Systems20092009 Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc), Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Tyler Cutforth Kang Shen (post-doc)
Charles CzeislerNeurobiology of the Human Circadian Pacemaker1978 William Dement (grad student)
Eva CzirrNeurodegeneration, Alzheimer's disease2008 Tony Wyss-Coray (post-doc)
Jeremy DahlPediatric Radiology
Michael E. DaileyDevelopment, Synaptogeneis, Glia19911996 Stephen J Smith (post-doc)
Amy L. DaitchVIsual attention, ECoG, neural oscillations2014 Josef Parvizi (post-doc)
Ravindra V. Dalalbiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription2006 Steven M. Block (grad student)
Ioana M. Dalcapsychology20102011 Lera Boroditsky (research scientist)
John W. Dalyamphibian-derived alkaloids1958 Richard Hallenbeck Eastman (grad student)
Julie Dalziel Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Richard Daneman2008 Ben A. Barres (grad student)
Robert Danziger David Epel (research scientist)
Drew Dara-Abramsspatial cognition, navigation, environmental modeling Barbara Tversky (research assistant)
Zahra Dargaei Molecular and Cellular Physiology2018 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Corinna Jane Darian-Smithsensorimotor system, plasticity, spinal injury, nonhuman primates
Beth DarnallAnesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
Subhamoy DasEnteric Nervous System Neurosurgery Julia A. Kaltschmidt (post-doc)
Subhamoy DasEnteric Nervous System
Alakananda Das Molecular and Cellular Physiology Miriam B. Goodman (post-doc)
Anup DasComputational cognitive neuroscience, human intracranial electroencephalography, signal processing
Judy L. Dauberman2004 James Gordon Greeno (grad student)
Aaron Daugherty Genetics20132017 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Nicolas DavidenkoFace perception20062006 Kalanit Grill-Spector (post-doc), Joshua Tenenbaum (grad student), Gordon H. Bower (grad student), Michael Ramscar (grad student)
Thomas J. DavidsonHippocampus, optogenetics, EMG20092015 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Julian M. Davidson
Todd DaviesSymbolic Systems Program
Jonathan DavilaMicroRNAs, Neurogenesis
William J. DavisNeurophysiology & Behavior Donald Kennedy (post-doc)
Gerald C. DavisonClinical Psychology1965 John M. Neale (grad student)
Patricio de la CuadraMusic2006 Chris Chafe (grad student)
Luis de LeceaSleep, hypocretin, hypothalamus, addiction
Vincent De Sapiorobotics, human motor control20022007 Scott Delp (grad student), Oussama Khatib (grad student)
Saskia de Vries
Sanford Dean
Greg DeAngelisMT, stereopsis William T. Newsome (post-doc)
William M. DeBello Eric I. Knudsen (post-doc)
R. Christopher deCharmsfMRI, Training, Plasticity, Pain20012003 John D.E. Gabrieli (research scientist)
Johannes Hugo DeckerCognitive Neuroscience, Decision-making
Thomas DeeGraduate School of Education
Louise Defresne-DubeCell biology David Epel (research scientist)
Judith DegenLanguage Processing, Eye-Movements Noah D. Goodman (post-doc)
Vadim E. Degtyarpresynaptic mechanisms, SNAREs, calcium signaling19961998 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Karl Deisserothoptogenetics, neural stem cell circuit engineering 2007 Richard W. Tsien (grad student), Robert C. Malenka (post-doc), Luis de Lecea (collaborator), Krishna V. Shenoy (collaborator)
Meriah L. DeJoseph Phillip Fisher (post-doc)
Scott Delpneuromuscular biomechanics1990 Felix E. Zajac (grad student)
Jonathan DembRetina1997 David J. Heeger (grad student)
Christopher Dembia Mechanical Engineering20142020 Scott Delp (grad student)
William DementSleep
Utkan DemirciRadiology2005 Butrus (Pierre) Thomas Khuri-Yakub (grad student), Krishna C. Saraswat (grad student)
Laura Anne DeNardo Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Darrel R. DeoBrain-computer interfaces, motor system, computational neuroscience Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering20162019 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student), Allison Okamura (grad student)
Dave Derisodata science, neuroscience, and web development, mathematical engineering
Maya K. DesaiAlzheimer, myelin, oligodendrocytes
John E. Desmond John D.E. Gabrieli (research scientist)
Danielle D. DeSouzaPain, MRI Karen D. Davis (grad student)
Jason J. DeVossNeurology and Neurological Sciences2003 Lawrence Steinman (grad student)
Steven H. DeVriesRetinal synapses Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
James H. DewsonSpeech sound discrimination1961 Hayes A. Newby (grad student)
Firdaus DhabharPsychiatry, Immunology Inst, Cancer Inst.
Onkar S. Dhande
Jeffrey M. DiCarloVision2003 Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Jasmine R. DickinsonPain2014 Grégory Scherrer (grad student), Elizabeth I. Sypek (collaborator)
Rich DiddayVisual system19671970 Michael A. Arbib (grad student)
Ilka Diestercognition, prefrontal cortex, somatosensory and motor systems, neural circuits20082011 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc), Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc)
Ralph J. DiLeonemolecular basis of ingestive and addictive behavior19921998 David M. Kingsley (grad student)
Katia Dilkina James L. McClelland (grad student)
Fatih DincNeuroscience Applied Physics2019 Mark Schnitzer (grad student)
Xuehao Ding
Li Dinggenomics Biochemistry Suzanne R. Pfeffer (post-doc)
Rohan DixitCognitive/Systems neuroscience
Scott DixonBiology
Maja Djurisic Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Ju-Yong DoSignal Processing2008 Teresa Meng (grad student)
August H. DoermannT4 bacteriophage genetics1946 George Wells Beadle (grad student)
Gul DolenSocial behaviors autism Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Ricardo E. Dolmetsch Molecular and Cellular Physiology19911997 Richard S. Lewis (grad student)
Chunyang Dong Psychiatry2023 Sergiu P. Pasca (post-doc)
Les DorfmanNeurology and Neurological Sciences
Yanniv Dorone
Daniel M. Dorsaestrogen neuroprotection19781979 Julian M. Davidson (post-doc)
James DotyNeurosurgery
Robert F. Doughertyvisual neuroscience, reading development, DTI methods Brian A. Wandell (research scientist)
Tammy DoukasmicroRNA, HVC2009 Peter Sarnow (grad student)
J. Anthony Downs Economics1956 Kenneth J. Arrow (grad student)
Van A. DozeAdrenergic Modulation, Epilepsy Daniel V. Madison (grad student), M. Bruce MacIver (post-doc)
Emily M. Drabantemotion, emotion regulation2011 James Gross (grad student)
Peter Drain Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Christine E. Draperneuromuscular biomechanics2008 Scott Delp (grad student)
Antonia DrinnenbergNeuronal circuits, Mammalian visual system
Ron Dror
Sascha du LacOculomotor1989 Eric I. Knudsen (grad student), Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
Adrienne Dubin Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Sarah DuBrow20072010 Anthony D. Wagner (research assistant)
John C. Duchi
Barna DudokNeuroscience, Interneurons, Endocannabinoids Neurosurgery Ivan Soltesz (post-doc)
Chris Duffield
Willis E. Dugan Psychology Charles Gilbert Wrenn (grad student)
Ben Dulken Genetics20142018 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Chris DullaEpilepsy, Adenosine and ATP2005 John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Charles Dumontet Medicine19931995 Branimir I. Sikic (post-doc)
Serge O. DumoulinPerception, Cognition, Neuroscience, Vision, Neuroimaging20052008 Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
John A. Duncan
Lea Duncker Neuroscience Neuroscience2022 Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc), Scott W Linderman (post-doc)
Carolyn E Dundesstem cell biology; neurobiology; development
Alexander R. DunnDept. of Chemical Engineering
Vikas Duvvuri2001 Howard Schulman (grad student)
Carol S. DweckDevelopmental Psychology
Melody Dye Department of Psychology20072010 Michael Ramscar (research assistant)
John D. E. GabrieliCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Kristen Earle
Arthur M. EdelmanProtein Kinases1978 Jack Barchas (grad student)
Kareem Edouard GSE: Learning Sciences & Technology Design20122017 Roy D. Pea (grad student)
Donald H. Edwardsneuroethology, computational neuroscience19761979 Donald Kennedy (post-doc)
Walter Crosby Eells
Thomas EffertzAuditory System, Mechanotransduction2011 Anthony J. Ricci (post-doc)
Jimmy T. EfirdHealth Research & Policy2003 Lorene Nelson (grad student)
Anne O. Eisbach2001 John Flavell (grad student)
Lameese Eldesouky James Gross (post-doc)
Alex van Elgort Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Laura Allyn Elias
William F. EllersickElectrical Engineering, Computer science2001 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Helmy EltoukhyElectrical Engineering2006 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Nazli EmadiSystem Neuroscience William T. Newsome (post-doc)
Azita Emami-NeyestanakElectrical Engineering, Computer science2004 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Michelle R. EmondSynaptic development, synaptic physiology, synaptic plasticity2005 Daniel V. Madison (grad student)
Lawrence Eng
Stephen A. EngelVisual cortex, color Brian A. Wandell (post-doc), David E. Rumelhart (grad student)
Tatiana Engel Bioengineering Kwabena Boahen (post-doc)
Anita M. EnghMolecular & Cellular Physiology2006 Merritt Maduke (grad student)
Randi A. Engle2000 James Gordon Greeno (grad student)
Edgar EnglemanPathology and Medicine
Tammy L. English Laura L. Carstensen (post-doc)
A. Zeynep EnkaviDecision making, Neuroeconomics Psychology Psychology20152019 Samuel M. McClure (grad student), Russell A. Poldrack (grad student)
David Epel
Ali O. ErcanElectrical Engineering2007 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Charles Eriksen1950 Maud Amanda Merrill (grad student)
Cagla ErogluAstrocytes, synaptogenesis Ben A. Barres (post-doc)
Mary S. Erskine Seymour Levine (research assistant)
Hal Ersner-Hershfieldemotion, aging Psychology20042009 Laura L. Carstensen (grad student), Brian Knutson (grad student)
Neir EshelSystems and cognitive neuroscience, electrophysiology, optogenetics, fMRI, TMS, dopamine, computation
J Sebastian Espinosa20022009 Liqun Luo (grad student)
William K. EstesLearning & memory
Amit Etkin Alan Schatzberg (post-doc), Fumiko Hoeft (collaborator)
Audrey J. EttingerRetinal development, animal behavior, cichlids19992002 Russell Fernald (post-doc)
Nancy A. Eufemia David Epel (grad student)
Fanny Eugene2007 Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Christopher J. Evans Jack Barchas (post-doc)
Kathryn E Evans Lief E Fenno (research assistant)
Andrew K. EvansNeural Circuits, fear, anxiety, tryptophan, monoamine, kynurenine, toxoplasma2009 Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc)
Konstanze Fabel Theo D. Palmer (grad student)
Afik FaermanNeuropsychology, Sleep, Hypnosis, Consciousness Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences20172021 David Spiegel (grad student), Jamie Zeitzer (grad student)
Margaret Fahnestock Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Justin R. Fallon U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Ryann Fame
Joline Fan20092011 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Victoria H. Fanvision, neuroscience Neurosurgery20142020 E. J. Chichilnisky (research assistant)
Wicia M Fangwell-being, social connection, social status Psychology Jamil Zaki (research assistant)
Jordan S FarrellHippocampus, Epilepsy, Endocannabinoids
Faraz Farzinvisual development2010 Anthony M. Norcia (post-doc)
Nathanael J. FastManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology2009 Deborah H. Gruenfeld (grad student)
C Garrison FathmanImmunology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Caitlin M. FauseyLanguage and thought20042010 Lera Boroditsky (grad student), Dedre Gentner (research assistant)
Rudolf Peter Faustdopamine; reward; addiction20042005 John R. Huguenard (research assistant)
Vincenzo Favaloro2010 Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Serra E. Favila20112013 Anthony D. Wagner (research assistant)
Sylvia Fechner Molecular and Cellular Physiology Miriam B. Goodman (post-doc)
Faisal FectoGenetics, Neurodegeneration, ALS, Dementia, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Systems Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Disease2020 Manish Saggar (research scientist)
Barbara Fedecka-Bruner David Epel (post-doc)
Michale S. Feebird song19881992 Steven Chu (grad student)
Holger Fehlauer Molecular and Cellular Physiology Miriam B. Goodman (post-doc)
Adrian N. Fehrbiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription2008 Steven M. Block (grad student)
George Alexander Feigenacute immune response
Douglas E. FeldmanBiology and of Genetics2004 Judith Frydman (grad student)
Dan FeldmanNeurobiology Eric I. Knudsen (grad student)
Liang Feng
Lief E Fenno Neuroscience20082014 Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
Deveroux FergusonEpigenetics, Stress, Addiction, Transcription Robert M. Sapolsky (grad student)
Anne Fernaldlanguage acquisition
Russell FernaldEndocrinology
Fabian Fernandez2008 Craig C. Garner (grad student)
Chris D. Ferris
Frank Albert Fetter
Robert Fettiplacemechanotransduction, hair cells, auditory system Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Howard L. Fieldsopioid regulation of motivated behaviors, synaptic and circuit mechanisms, pain, addiction Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Keith G. FifeElectrical Engineering2009 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Matthew Figleyneurodegeneration Genetics20122015 Aaron D. Gitler (grad student)
Michael Finleyhigh throughput screening, ion channels19992002 Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Christopher Fiorillo William T. Newsome (post-doc)
Amin FiroozshahianElectrical Engineering, Computer science2009 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Adina S. FischerPsychiatry and Neuroscience Alan Schatzberg (post-doc)
Eva Kristin Fischer20152020 Lauren A. O'Connell (post-doc)
Yvette E. FisherCircuit computation, sensory processing Neurobiology20102016 Thomas Clandinin (grad student)
Robert S. Fisher
Jamie K. Fitzgerald Tirin Moore (research assistant)
John Flavell
Kara FlavinOrthopaedic Surgery, Neurology & Neurological Sciences
Robert J. FleckMusic2000 Chris Chafe (grad student)
Brendan Fleig-Goldstein Todd Davies (grad student)
Aaron E. Floresadaptive signal processing, adaptive control systems, adaptive neural networks, human memory2006 Bernard Widrow (grad student)
Benjamin A. Flusbergin vivo imaging2008 Mark Schnitzer (grad student)
Anthony Fodor Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
P. Michelle Fogerson John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Joshua A. FolkCondensed Matter Physics2003 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Lynde Folsomcognitive neuroscience, psychopathology, systems neuroscience, decision making Psychology2021 Russell A. Poldrack (grad student)
Shelley J. Force Aldred2005 Richard Morris Myers (grad student)
Daniel J. FordStatistics, BioX2006 Susan Holmes (grad student)
Polly Fordycebiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription2007 Steven M. Block (grad student)
Lysia K. S. Forno
Brett L. FosterCognitive neurophysiology, neuroimaging, neuromodulation Neurology & Neurological Sciences Psychology20142016 Josef Parvizi (post-doc), Anthony D. Wagner (post-doc)
Justin Foster2007 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Kieran C.R. Foxmeditation, mind-wandering, dreaming, default network Neurology and Neurological Sciences2017 Josef Parvizi (post-doc)
Jean E. Fox Treepsycholinguistics Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Wendy S. FrancisBilingualism, memory19971999 John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc)
Joy A. Franco Mechanical Engineering2021 Miriam B. Goodman (grad student)
Amaury FrancoisPain, calcium channel, opioid receptor, endogenous opioid Anesthesia 2014 Elizabeth I. Sypek (collaborator)
Eric Frank U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Marcos G. FrankVisual system plasticity Craig Heller (grad student)
Michael C. FrankLanguage acquisition, number, language and thought Michael Ramscar (research assistant), Lera Boroditsky (research assistant)
Paul Franken Craig Heller (research scientist)
Paul W FrazelMolecular neuroscience, Autism, Genetics, CRISPR, Developmental Disorders Biology20152017 Marc Tessier-Lavigne (research assistant)
Megan E. FredericksonBiology2006 Deborah M. Gordon (grad student)
Barbara L. Fredricksonpositive emotions19861990 Laura L. Carstensen (grad student)
Rebecca Freilich20182019 Daniel Jarosz (post-doc)
Jennifer J. FreydTrauma and Dissociation1983 Roger Newland Shepard (grad student)
Daniel Ari FriedmanEntomology, Genomics, Cognitive Security, Active Inference, Free Energy Principle Biology20142019 Deborah M. Gordon (grad student)
David FrielCalcium Regulation1994 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
John S. Fry2002 Stanley Peters (grad student)
Judith FrydmanBiology and of Genetics
Paul A. FuchsIon channels, auditory neuroscience19791981 Peter Getting (grad student), Donald Kennedy (grad student), John G. Nicholls (post-doc)
Takako FujiokaDepartment of Music
Chiaki Fukuharacircadian rhythms19961998 Thomas S. Kilduff (post-doc)
Robert S. Fullerproprotein processing and protein localization in yeast Arthur Kornberg (grad student)
Helene H. Fungemotion, aging2000 Laura L. Carstensen (grad student)
Lawrence K. FungAutism, Fragile X Syndrome, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Neuroimaging2010 Allan Reiss (post-doc)
Daniella Furman Karen F. Berman (research assistant), Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Ansgar FurstPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Neurology & Neurological Sciences
Ray Futia Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Paul S. G. SteinNeuroscience Biology, Rehabilitation and Therapy Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Virginie Gabel2016 Jamie Zeitzer (post-doc)
Maxwell B GagnonVisual System, Computational Neuroscience, Multiomics Neurobiology20172020 Jennifer L. Raymond (research assistant)
Stephanie A. Gagnonmemory, decision-making Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Julie Gainsburg2003 James Gordon Greeno (grad student)
David GalDecision Neuroscience2007 Baba Shiv (grad student)
Lawrence F. Gall Biology19771978 Paul R. Ehrlich (research assistant)
Lawrence P. Gallagher2001 James Gordon Greeno (grad student)
Lorenzo GallicchioDevelopmental Biology
Elena M. GalloImmunology2008 Gerald Crabtree (grad student)
Manuel J. Galvan Psychology20172019 Greg Walton (research assistant)
Joana M GalvaoNeurodegenerative Diseases
Abbas El GamalElectrical Engineering1978 Thomas M. Cover (grad student)
Sara GandyPsychiatry
Bruce Ganemsynthetic organic chemistry1974 William Summer Johnson (post-doc)
Subhashree GanesanDrosophila Glutamate Receptors2011 Lu Chen (post-doc)
Leo GanzVisual perception, plasticity, development; motion perception Lorrin Riggs (post-doc)
Grace X. GaoSignal Processing2008 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Yan Gao2019 Teresa Nicolson (post-doc)
Shan Gaocognitive science; concept, reasoning, structure Psychology2020 Alexandra B. Carstensen (research assistant)
David M. Garcia20132018 Daniel Jarosz (post-doc)
Miguel A. Garcia Neurosurgery2018 J. Bradley Zuchero (post-doc)
Justin L. GardnerMRI vision attention decision motion inference selection
Craig C. Garner2007 Daniel V. Madison (collaborator), Norman F. (Bud) Ruby (collaborator)
Joseph P GarnerEthology, Animal Welfare, Psychiatry, Reproducibility, Statistics, Metascience
Amy GarrettPsychiatry
Nanibaa' A. Garrisonpigmentation, melanocortin system2010 Greg S. Barsh (grad student)
David GateAlzheimer's disease, Aging, Neuroimmunology Neurology20152020 Tony Wyss-Coray (post-doc)
Sandra GattasLanguage, vision, learning, electrophysiology, neuroimaging2013 Josef Parvizi (research assistant)
Stephanie E. Gaussleep, neurological disease
Xuecai GeNeural development, Cell signaling, neuro-endocrinology20112015 Marc Tessier-Lavigne (post-doc), Matthew P. Scott (post-doc)
Hunter GehlbachEducational Psychology Education, Social Sciences Education2004 Robert W. Roeser (grad student)
Ron GellerBiology and of Genetics2008 Judith Frydman (grad student)
Susan A. Gelmanconceptual development, language development Ellen Markman (grad student)
Alexander GenevskyAffective Neuroscience2010 Brian Knutson (grad student)
Anna Geraghty Michelle Monje (post-doc)
Jerome GeronimoAnimal Welfare Comparative Medicine20152017 Joseph P Garner (grad student)
Richard Gerrig Department of Psychology Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Anda Gershon2006 Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Peter GettingSynapses A. O. Dennis Willows (post-doc)
Dara GhahremaniMemory Systems2005 John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Anirvan Ghoshthe specification of connections in the developing cerebral cortex19851991 Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
William J. GiardinoNeuroscience, Sleep & Wake, Addiction, Stress, Neuroanatomy, Neuropeptides, Behavior, Genetics, Pharmacology20132018 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Sasha E. GibbsExecutive control John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc)
Erin M. GibsonNeuroendocrinology Michelle Monje (post-doc)
Arthur C. GieseBiology1932 Charles V. Taylor (grad student), Philip Albert Leighton (grad student)
Rona GiffardAnesthesia Biology James A. Spudich (grad student)
Vikash Gilja20102010 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student), Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc), Jaimie M. Henderson (research scientist)
Thomas Gilovich Psychology1981 Mark Lepper (grad student), Lee Ross (grad student)
Jonathan Gilthorpe2004 Stephen J Smith (post-doc)
Aaron D. GitlerGenetics
David L. GlanzmanLearning and Memory19761980 Kao Liang Chow (grad student)
Arnold L. GlassMemory, Learning, Language, Computational Modeling Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Jeremy Glick James L. McClelland (grad student)
Gary H. GloverRadiology, Electrical Engineering, Psychology
Mark Gluck Gordon H. Bower (grad student), Richard F. Thompson (post-doc)
C Alex GoddardAttention, cholinergic innervation in the CNS2006 Eric I. Knudsen (post-doc), John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Carson Alexis Goddard John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
David Godden Donald M. Wilson (post-doc), Donald Kennedy (post-doc)
Earl Godfrey U. J. McMahan (post-doc), Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Stephen GoffMolecular biology of retrovirus replication; tyrosine kinases and signal transduction pathways1978 Paul Berg (grad student)
Ozgun GokceNeuroscience Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Golijeh Golarai Kalanit Grill-Spector (post-doc), Dara Ghahremani (collaborator), John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc)
Joshua Gold Eric I. Knudsen (grad student)
Garry GoldRadiology, Bioengineering, Orthopaedic Surgery
Saryn R. Goldbergneuromuscular biomechanics2004 Scott Delp (grad student)
Jeffrey L. GoldbergDevelopment, Regeneration2003 Ben A. Barres (grad student)
Richard GoldenStatistical Machine Learning, Quantitative Models in Cognition, Text Comprehension David E. Rumelhart (post-doc)
Philippe GoldinfMRI, social anxiety disorder, emotion2002 James Gross (post-doc)
Shelley GoldmanEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Technology of Education
Andrea GoldsmithElectrical Engineering
Avram Goldsteinopioid pharmacology
Matthew D. GolubMachine learning for neuroscience; motor control, learning, decision making, brain-machine interfaces.20172022 Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc), William T. Newsome (post-doc), David Sussillo (post-doc)
Jesse GomezHigh-Level Vision, fMRI, DWI20122017 Kalanit Grill-Spector (grad student)
Julieta Gomez-Frittelli
Natalia Gomez-Ospina Medicine20022008 Ricardo E. Dolmetsch (grad student)
Tingyu GongStem Cell Research
Brian D. Gonsalvesmemory, fmri, erp Anthony D. Wagner (post-doc)
Allison C. Gontang2009 Thomas Clandinin (grad student)
Alex GonzalezMemory Psychology Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Richard Gonzalezdecision making19861990 Amos Tversky (grad student)
Oscar C. GonzalezComputational Neuroscience, Epilepsy, Sleep, Resting State Networks, Brain State Dynamics Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2021 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Werapong Goo2009 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Florence Goodenough1924 Lewis Madison Terman (grad student)
Noah D. Goodman
Miriam B. GoodmanSensory transduction, mechanotransduction Mechanical Engineering Beth L. Pruitt (collaborator)
Nisha GopalSynaptic Vesicle Fusion Structural Biology2017 Axel Brunger (grad student)
Alan Gordonepisodic memory, decision-making, fMRI2008 Jesse Rissman (collaborator), Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Deborah M. GordonBiology
Bryan B. Gore2008 Marc Tessier-Lavigne (grad student)
Krzysztof Jacek Gorgolewskineuroinformatics
Christopher J. Gorininucleus ambiguus, cardiac Bioengineering20132016 Scott Delp (post-doc)
Sidney M. Gospechild neurology, neurotoxicology, neurogenetics19741975 Craig Heller (grad student)
Debanjan GoswamiLearning and Memory, Synaptic Plasticity, APMA receptor trafficking20092014 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Ian H. Gotlib
Kevin D. GraberEpilepsy, pathophysiology20072008 David A. Prince (post-doc), Christopher Todd Anderson (collaborator)
Viviana GradinaruControl of Brain Function and Behavior Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
Isabella A. GraefDevelopmental Neuroscience
Dennis A. Grahnmammalian physiology Craig Heller (research scientist)
David A. GrantExperimental psychology1941 Ernest (Jack) Hilgard (grad student)
Gerald GrantNeurosurgery
Hank GreelyGenetics
Michelle R. GreeneVision Science Fei-Fei Li (post-doc)
William J. Greenleafbiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription2008 Steven M. Block (grad student)
James Gordon Greeno
Anna K. Greenwood19972003 Russell Fernald (grad student)
Stephanie Morgan GreerEmotion, Decision Making2007 Brian Knutson (research assistant)
Eric L. GreerGenetics, Molecular Biology20052010 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Michael D. Greicius
Melissa S. Gresalfi2004 James Gordon Greeno (grad student)
Benjamin Grewe2011 Mark Schnitzer (post-doc)
Leslie C. Griffith Howard Schulman (grad student)
Thomas L. Griffithscomputation2005 Joshua Tenenbaum (grad student)
Brian B. GriffithsNeuroscience
Melina Grigorianneural development Joseph Lipsick (post-doc)
Brock GrillMolecular mechanisms of axon termination and synapse formation Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20072009 Craig C. Garner (post-doc)
Kalanit Grill-SpectorVisual cortex
Nicolas GrilletMolecular Genetics of the inner ear
Clifford Grobstein
Paul GrobsteinNeuroscience Biology, Experimental Psychology Kao Liang Chow (grad student)
Jennifer M. GrohSensory systems, vision, hearing, multisensory19941997 William T. Newsome (post-doc)
Brian P. GroneNeuroendocrinology, Behavior, Zebrafish20102013 Russell Fernald (grad student), Philippe Mourrain (post-doc)
Lauren E. GrosbergCognitive/Systems Neuroscience, Brain Imaging, Systems and Circuits E. J. Chichilnisky (grad student)
Logan Grosenickcircuit neuroscience, computational imaging, artificial intelligence Bioengineering Statistics20102015 Patrick Suppes (grad student), Russell Fernald (research assistant), Karl Deisseroth (grad student), Brian Knutson (collaborator), Brian P. Grone (collaborator), Jonathan E. Taylor (grad student)
James Grossemotion, emotion regulation2008 David Marc Fresco (collaborator), June Gruber (collaborator)
Rachel D. Groth2006 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Mareike Grotheer Dept. Psychol Gyula Kovács (grad student), Kalanit Grill-Spector (post-doc)
Shuchi Grover Roy D. Pea (grad student)
June GruberPositive Emotions and Psychopathology20012003 Ian H. Gotlib (research assistant)
Deborah H. GruenfeldManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Brad A. GrueterSynaptic physiology2006 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Neil E. GrunbergNicotine, Stress, Leadership Joshua Lederberg (research assistant)
Feng GuNeuroscience Neurology & Neurological Sciences2013 David A. Prince (post-doc)
Charles GuanBrain-machine interfaces Electrical Engineering20142016 John Pauly (research assistant)
Michelle GumbrechtPsycholinguistics, pragmatics2008 Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Brigitta B. GundersenDepression, Neurogenesis, Stress, Epigenetics20032003 Emanuel Mignot (research assistant), Craig Heller (research assistant)
Andrew GundranNIRS, perception, driving, fMRI, working memory
Cong C. GuoMotor learning2005 Jennifer L. Raymond (grad student)
Michael D. Gurevich2006 Jonathan Berger (grad student)
Kyle A. Gurleymolecular control and evolution of skeletal patterning2006 David M. Kingsley (grad student)
Kapil Gururanganclinical neurology, epilepsy Neurology Neurology20142018 Josef Parvizi (research assistant), Babak Razavi (research assistant)
Yoram GutfreundAuditory Pathway, Multi sensory integration Eric I. Knudsen (post-doc)
Michael J. GutnickNeocortex, Cellular Physiology, Sodium Channels19681972 David A. Prince (grad student)
Nicholas R. Guydoshbiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription2009 Steven M. Block (grad student)
Eberhard Gwinner Colin Pittendrigh (post-doc)
Anett Gyurakemotion regulation, executive control2010 Amit Etkin (post-doc), James Gross (post-doc)
Jiyeong Ha
Huong Ha John R. Huguenard (grad student)
Ursula Haditsch Theo D. Palmer (post-doc)
Henry Haeberle
Avis Brennan Hains2009 Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc)
Ilana S. Hairstonsleep19982004 Robert M. Sapolsky (grad student), Craig Heller (grad student)
Nicole HakimCognitive neuroscience Psychology Anthony D. Wagner (post-doc)
Shabnam Hakimilearning, decision making, behavior change, self regulation, motivation, habit, individual differences, computational cognitive neuroscience, AI Philippe Goldin (research assistant), James Gross (research assistant)
Jane Haley Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Joachim HallmayerDepartment of Psychiatry
Casey HalpernNeurosurgery, Neurology, Psychiatry
Andrea Halpern Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Sven Halstenbergangiogenesis20022004 Russell Fernald (post-doc)
Paul P. Hamilton Ian H. Gotlib (post-doc)
Rubi HammerVisual Cognition; Learning; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience20092011 Kalanit Grill-Spector (post-doc)
Lance S. HammondElectrical Engineering, Computer Science2002 Oyekunle Olukotun (grad student)
Ryan Hamnettcircadian, enteric, ENS Department of Neurosurgery2018 Julia A. Kaltschmidt (post-doc)
Shu-Jen HanMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology2007 Shan Xiang Wang (grad student)
May Htwe HanNeurology, Neuroimmunology, Multiple sclerosis, Phospholipases, Phospholipid
Xizhi Han Physics Biao Wu (grad student)
Shuo Han Genetics20102017 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Xue Han Tirin Moore (post-doc), Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Philip C. HanawaltDNA repair
John Hanbery
Jeffrey T. Hancock
Victoria M. Hand2003 James Gordon Greeno (grad student)
Craig HaneySocial Psychology, Latin American Studies Psychology Philip G. Zimbardo (grad student)
Mikkel B. Hansen2004 Ellen Markman (grad student)
Sean T. HansenElectrical Engnieering2004 Butrus (Pierre) Thomas Khuri-Yakub (grad student)
Phillis Hanson Howard Schulman (grad student)
Jesse E. HansonSynaptic Physiology, Fragile X, Parkinsons Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Antonio HardanPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Kiah HardcastleNeuroscience2013 Lisa M. Giocomo (grad student)
Mark HarlowSynaptic Transmission U. J. McMahan (grad student)
Andrew L. Harrisconnexin channels19821984 Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Ronald M. Harris-Warrick Neurobiology19761978 Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Marc B. Harrison Psychology2017 Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Catherine Hartley John D.E. Gabrieli (research assistant), Noam Sobel (research assistant)
Byron H. Hartmandevelopmental neurobiology2017 Stefan Heller (post-doc)
Zach Harvey20152019 Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Trevor HastieStatistics and Biostatistics (HRP)
Albert Hastorf1949 Hadley Cantril (grad student)
Robert D. HawkinsSocial Interaction20142019 Noah D. Goodman (grad student)
Daniel J. Hawthorne Noah D. Goodman (grad student)
Osamu HayaishiBiochemistry1952 Arthur Kornberg (post-doc)
Angela M. HaydelEducational Psychology Education, Sciences Education, Tests and Measurements Education2002 Robert W. Roeser (grad student)
Melanie HaydenNeurosurgery
Barbara Hayes-RothDevelopmental Psychology, Curriculum and Instruction Education
Monica Hayhurst2006 Susan K. McConnell (grad student)
Sherod HaynesStress, Depression
Scott J. HaytonPatch-Clamp Electrophysiology
Eliot HazeltineMotor control, executive control, dual-task19992000 John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc)
Chip HeathMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
Jean Hébert Susan K. McConnell (post-doc)
Katja Hebestreit Genetics20142016 Anne Brunet (post-doc)
Jeffrey HeerHuman-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence
Garrett C. HeffnerCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology2008 Irving L. Weissman (grad student)
Boris D. Heifetssynaptic transmission, electrophysiology2013 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Sarah HeilshornMaterials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering
Steve F. HeinemannNeurotransmitter Receptors19671970 David S. Hogness (post-doc), Armin Dale Kaiser (post-doc)
Sven P. HeinrichVision, event-related potentials, psychophysics Kalanit Grill-Spector (post-doc)
Julie L. Heiser2004 Barbara Tversky (grad student)
E Kevin Heist Howard Schulman (grad student)
Evan Heitreasoning, memory, categorization Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Stephen L. HelfandAging Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Stefan HellerAuditory system, TRP channels19952000 A. James Hudspeth (post-doc), Hermann Rohrer (grad student)
Nicole E. HellerBiology2005 Deborah M. Gordon (grad student)
Craig HellerExercise physiology, circadian rhythms Harold T. Hammel (grad student), Thomas Poulson (grad student)
Andrew B. Hellmansynapse formation2004 Kang Shen (grad student)
Jessica J. HellmannExercise physiology, circadian rhythms2000 Craig Heller (grad student)
Kathryn HemelaCell biology David Epel (research assistant)
Deborah J. HendersenPsycholinguistics, pragmatics2008 Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Victor W. HendersonCognitive aging
Jaimie M. HendersonDeep Brain Stimulation, Brain-Machine Interfaces, Neural Prosthetics
Rachel G. HendersonEndocrinology2006 Russell Fernald (grad student)
Leslie Hendersonsteroid regulation of ion channels1982 John G. Nicholls (grad student)
Victor W. Hendersonmemory, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, aphasia, estrogen
Kelly HenniganTop-down modulation, visual system, aging Psychology2015 Brian Knutson (post-doc)
Kristina M. Herbertbiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription2008 Steven M. Block (grad student)
Dora Hermes Jonathan Winawer (post-doc)
Nicholas HerreraSocial psychology2000 Philip G. Zimbardo (grad student), Hazel Markus (grad student), Robert B. Zajonc (grad student)
Maie Kaarsoo Herrick
Karl Herrup Eric M. Shooter (grad student)
Lee Herzenberg
Len Herzenberg
Lambertus Hesselinknano-photonics, ultra high density optical data storage, nonlinear optics, optical super-resolution, materials science, three-dimensional image processing and graphics, and Internet technologies.
Shaul HestrinNeocortex, Cortical Circuits
Alexandria Hicks-Nelson Comparative Medicine2017 Joseph P Garner (post-doc)
Jill Higginsonneuromuscular biomechanics20002005 Felix E. Zajac (grad student), Scott Delp (grad student)
Ernest (Jack) Hilgard
Winfred Hill1954 Douglas H. Lawrence (grad student)
Anthony D. Hillcortical development2002 Susan K. McConnell (grad student)
Austin T. Hilliard Russell Fernald (post-doc)
James V. Hinrichs Psychology Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Simon HippenmeyerNeural Development Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Hideo HiroseData Science, Statistical Computation, Reliability, Risk Analysis, e-Learning Statistics Tze L. Lai (research scientist)
Jonathan Hirschalzheimer's disease, amyloid beta protein, tau
Helmut V.B. HirschActivity-dependent development of brain and behavior Charles Hamilton (grad student)
Dora Y. HoInfectious Disease Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc)
Andrew Manlap Ho2001 David M. Kingsley (grad student)
John Ho Ada Poon (grad student)
Ronald HoElectrical Engineering, Computer science2003 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Tiffany Cheing Hocognitive neuroscience, adolescence, attention, depression, mood disorders Psychology2016 Ian H. Gotlib (post-doc)
Ivy Hoang Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2024 William J. Giardino (post-doc)
Jason HodinSea urchin biologist
Fumiko Hoeftdyslexia, fMRI, TMS, real-time fMRI Allan Reiss (research scientist), John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc), Shinsuke Shimojo (research scientist), Alvaro Pascual-Leone (grad student)
Benjamin D. HoehnIschemia and recovery2006 Gary K. Steinberg (grad student)
Paul HoerbeltNeuropharmacology, Molecular Biology, Reward Pathways2015 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Ricardo Hoffmann BionDevelopmental Psychology Anne Fernald (grad student)
Hans A. HofmannBehavioral and evolutionary genomics, behavioral endocrinology, neuroethology19972001 Russell Fernald (post-doc)
Kim Lisa Hokehearing, evolution2002 Russell Fernald (grad student)
Nick Garber HollonAffective neuroscience, reward & decision making20062007 John D.E. Gabrieli (research assistant), James Gross (research assistant), Brian Knutson (research assistant)
Robert A. Holmbergrobotics2000 Oussama Khatib (grad student)
Kevin J. Holmescognitive science, language and thought, concepts20022005 Michael Ramscar (research assistant)
Susan HolmesStatistics, BioX
Keith James Holyoakhuman reasoning, thinking19721976 Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
David HongPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Weizhe HongNeuroscience20072012 Liqun Luo (grad student)
Guosong Hong
Lawrence Honig U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Cayce Hook
Eric D. Hoopfer Liqun Luo (grad student)
Hiroshi HoriguchiVision Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
Dikran S. Horoupian
Leonard M. Horowitz
Norman H. Horowitzgenetics (Neurospora, yeast)
Mark HorowitzElectrical Engineering, Computer science1983 Robert W. Dutton (grad student)
Frank T. Horriganbiophysics Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Gregory D. HorwitzVisual Cortex19931999 William T. Newsome (grad student)
Hadi HosseiniPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Margaret Houk
Jane Howard U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Alexis R. Howertonneuroimmunology, stress, sex differences2014 Marion S. Buckwalter (post-doc)
Christopher L. HowertonBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology Comparative Medicine20132014 Joseph P Garner (post-doc)
Ronald R. HoyAuditory system Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Jeff Y. HsiehSignal Processing2002 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Zhenchao Hu
Yanle HuRadiology, Electrical Engineering, Psychology2007 Gary H. Glover (grad student)
Jason HuElectrical Engineering2008 Boris Murmann (grad student)
Wei HuMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology2009 Shan Xiang Wang (grad student)
Yang Hu Zhigang He (post-doc)
Kee Wui Huang20102013 Robert C. Malenka (research assistant)
Wei-Hsiang HuangNeurodevelopmental Disorders Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Ting-ting HuangNeurology and Neurological Sciences
Andrew D. HubermanNeural Development, Visual Circuits, Regeneration Ben A. Barres (post-doc)
Sarah Ingalls HudsonAdolescent Psychology; Neuroeconomics Psychology20172019 Brian Knutson (research assistant)
Brent L. Hughes2012 Nalini Ambady (post-doc)
Simon M. Hughesmuscle, developmental biology, cell biology, evolution, molecular genetics, stem cells19881991 Helen M. Blau (post-doc)
John R. Huguenardsynaptic transmission David A. Prince (post-doc), Russell Fernald (collaborator)
Alex C. Hukvisual motion perception, perceptual decision making19972001 David J. Heeger (grad student)
David M Huland Radiology2015 Sanjiv Sam Gambhir (post-doc)
Richard I. Humesynaptic mechanisms, neurotransmitter receptors19751979 Peter Getting (grad student)
Lloyd Humphreys Ernest (Jack) Hilgard (grad student)
Kathryn L. HumphreysClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2015 Ian H. Gotlib (post-doc)
Keith HumphreysPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Mike HumphreysHuman memory, memory model Richard C. Atkinson (grad student)
Lin W. HungAddiction, Neurodegeneration, social reward Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2013 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Molly M. Huntsmaninhibitory neurotransmission, Fragile X Syndrome, Epilepsy19972002 John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Eun M. HurNeurology and Neurological Sciences2006 Lawrence Steinman (grad student)
James Bryant HurleyStructural membrane biology Lubert Stryer (post-doc)
Cendri Hutchersonemotion, emotion regulation2008 James Gross (grad student)
J. Benjamin HutchinsonCognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Attention Psychology Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Ernie HwaunHippocampus; learning and memory
Peter Sutherland Hyde2001 Eric I. Knudsen (grad student)
Minsuk Hyun20102013 Karl Deisseroth (research assistant), Lief E Fenno (research assistant)
Giovanna Diletta Ielacquaneuroimaging, fMRI, fUS, pain
Andrés Iglesias-Thomé Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Mike Ignatius Eric M. Shooter (grad student), Pate Skene (grad student)
Elizabeth Jiwon ImVision, Development, Cognition Psychology2024 Kalanit Grill-Spector (grad student)
Omer Inan Department of Electrical Engineering2009 Gregory T. A. Kovacs (grad student)
Margaret E. InesiManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Organizational2007 Deborah H. Gruenfeld (grad student)
Echere IroagaElectrical Engineering2007 Boris Murmann (grad student)
Abraham K. Ishihara2008 Terence Sanger (grad student)
Saiful Islam Lars M. Steinmetz (post-doc)
Sarah L. IsraelMedial Temporal Lobe and Memory20032005 Emanuel Mignot (research assistant)
Alan Itakura Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Manasi Iyer Neurosurgery2017 J. Bradley Zuchero (grad student)
Chizuko Izawa19601965 William K. Estes (grad student), Gordon Bowers (grad student)
Robert JacklerOtolaryngology -Head & Neck Surgery
Isaac Jackson20182021 Michelle James (grad student)
Kimberle M. JacobsEpilepsy2001 David A. Prince (post-doc)
Philipp A. JaegerAlzheimer, Down Syndrome, Autophagy, Aging2006 Tony Wyss-Coray (grad student)
T. Florian Jaegerpsycholinguistics, speech perception, computational cognitive science Linguistics Linguistics Linguistics Linguistics20022006 Thomas Wasow (grad student), Dan Jurafsky (grad student), Edward Gibson (grad student), David Beaver (grad student), Edward Flemming (grad student), Ivan A. Sag (grad student), Joan W. Bresnan (grad student)
Emma Jaeger Ian H. Gotlib (research assistant)
Syed A. JafarElectrical Engineering2003 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
Anna Jaffe Bioengineering20132017 Karl Deisseroth (research assistant)
Jean-Pierre Jaffrezou Oncology/Medicine19921995 Branimir I. Sikic (post-doc)
Akshay V Jagadeeshvision, attention, neural computation, neural networks Psychology Justin L. Gardner (grad student)
Poorva Jain20182020 Michelle James (research assistant)
Christopher Jakobson Daniel Jarosz (post-doc)
Michelle JamesRadiology and Neurology & Neurological Sciences Radiology20082013 Sanjiv Sam Gambhir (post-doc)
Maud Merrill James
Taha Jan Otolaryngology Alan G. Cheng (grad student)
Dong Cheol Jang
Beata Jarosiewicz Jaimie M. Henderson (research scientist)
Daniel JaroszChemical & Systems Biology Operations
Vikram K. Jaswal2003 Ellen Markman (grad student)
Manasi Jayakumar20162018 Anthony D. Wagner (research assistant)
Hooria JazaieriReputation, Team Chemistry, Emotion, Emotion Regulation, Compassion Affective Science20082013 James Gross (research assistant)
Gregory S X E JefferisOlfactory System, Drosophila19992003 Liqun Luo (grad student)
Tim Jegla Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Oliver Peebles Jenkins
Kimberly J. JenningsBehavioral Neuroendocrinology Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20172023 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Henry H JerngPotassium Channels
Okunola B. JeyifousSynaptic Plasticity, Synaptogenesis20052008 Craig C. Garner (post-doc)
Aditi Jha2024 Scott W Linderman (post-doc)
Xianglian JiaNeuroscience, optogenetics
Man Jiangsynapse, microcircuit
Jing Jiangsocial and affective neuroscience Psychiatry2017 Amit Etkin (post-doc)
Jiefeng JiangCognitive control, memory, learning, high-level vision
Xiaoming JinMechanisms of epilepsy David A. Prince (post-doc)
Nihar JindalElectrical Engineering2004 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
YoungJu Jo2018 Karl Deisseroth (grad student), David Sussillo (grad student)
Julian Joachimsthaler Ian H. Gotlib (research assistant)
C. Richard Johnson1977 Edison Tack-Shuen Tse (grad student), Bernard Widrow (grad student)
Carl Hirschie JohnsonBiological clocks David Epel (grad student)
Brandon E. JohnsonImmunology20042010 Miriam B. Goodman (grad student), Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Mark Edward JohnsonLanguage Sciences1987 Stanley Peters (grad student)
Jon W. Johnson Peter Getting (grad student)
Rachel S. Johnson2000 John Flavell (grad student)
Tessa Johung
Tiina Jokela
Jeff Jonescircadian output circuitry20152016 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Graham Jones Neurosurgery2019 J. Bradley Zuchero (post-doc)
Ilse JonkersBiomechanics, Gait, Modeling bioengineering Scott Delp (post-doc)
William Jinsoo JooNeural circuit assembly Liqun Luo (grad student)
David Starr JordanIcthyology, Evolution
Sonal JosanRadiology, Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering2009 Kim Butts Pauly (grad student)
Amit U JoshiMitochondria, Neurodegeneration, Cardiac dysfunction
Pushkar Joshi
Ana Jovicicneurodegeneration, stem cells Genetics20122016 Aaron D. Gitler (post-doc)
Daniel Joyce2016 Jamie Zeitzer (post-doc)
Nurit K. Jugend2005 Jonathan Berger (grad student)
Wonil Edward Jung2002 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Heekyung Jung Neurobiology2016 Andrew D. Huberman (post-doc)
Scott A. Juntti Biology20102017 Russell Fernald (post-doc)
Sandra Jurado Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Jason C. JuryMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology2007 Shan Xiang Wang (grad student)
Marcel A. JustPsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, autism1972 Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Cigall KadochMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology Cancer Biology2012 Gerald Crabtree (grad student)
Christopher B. Kaelinpigmentation, melanocortin system2005 Greg S. Barsh (grad student)
Pascal S. Kaeser20032011 Thomas C. Sudhof (research scientist)
Daniel KaganovichBiology and of Genetics2007 Judith Frydman (grad student)
Konstantin Kaganovsky Neuroscience2015 Thomas C. Sudhof (grad student)
Hossein KakavandElectrical Engineering2007 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Paul Kalanithi2010 Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc)
Rachel S. Kalmarmotor system, retina20052010 William T. Newsome (grad student), Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Julia A. Kaltschmidtneural circuitry
Max Kamenetskyadaptive signal processing, adaptive control systems, adaptive neural networks, human memory2005 Bernard Widrow (grad student)
Michael KamilTechnology of Education, Educational Psychology Education
Pentti KanervaVector Symbolic Architectures, Sparse Distributed Memory Patrick Suppes (grad student)
Max Kanevsky Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Eunjoo KangNeuroimaging and cognition, Neurophysiology of Learning, hippocampus and behavior19961998 John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc)
Husniye Kantarci Neurosurgery2017 J. Bradley Zuchero (post-doc)
Mimi H. Kao Russell Fernald (research assistant)
Yun-Ching KaoMemory Neuroscience20012006 John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student), Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Jonathan Kao2010 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Hema A. KapadiaElectrical Engineering, Computer science2000 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Katherine Ann Kaplan20132016 Jamie Zeitzer (post-doc)
Miriam Rachel Kaplan2000 Ben A. Barres (grad student)
Henry S. KaplanRadiotherapy, Cancer
Uma R. KarmarkarLearning, Memory, Timing, Decision-Making Brian Knutson (post-doc)
Robert S. Kass1982 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
David B. Kastner20062013 Stephen Baccus (grad student)
Akira Katoh20022011 Jennifer L. Raymond (post-doc)
Hideki Katoh
Peter D. KatsikisHIV, CD8 T cell Lee Herzenberg (post-doc), Len Herzenberg (post-doc)
Alex Katsov Neurobiology2008 Thomas Clandinin (grad student)
Samata Katta Neuroscience20112018 Miriam B. Goodman (grad student)
Julie Kauer
Matthew T. KaufmanDecision making, motor control, dynamical systems, interneurons20112012 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student), Mark M. Churchland (collaborator), John R. Huguenard (research assistant), Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc)
Stefan H. Kaufmann2002 Stanley Peters (grad student), Cleo A. Condoravdi (grad student), Peter Sells (grad student), David Beaver (grad student)
Ege T. KavalaliSynaptic Transmission Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Sam KavusiElectrical Engineering2007 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Kendrick Norris Kayvisual system, fMRI, computational methods, neural network models20092013 Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
Yuxi KeNeuroscience,Biophysics
Justus M Kebschulltool development, circuit evolution, connectomics
Frank C. Keil Daniel N. Osherson (grad student)
Arielle S KellerCognition, Attention, Perception, Depression, Anxiety Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20162021 Leanne Williams (grad student)
Damian Keller2004 Jonathan Berger (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Kelley
Colleen M. Kelleymemory Psychology1983 Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Don KellyVision Research
Regis B. Kellyneuro-signaling and long-term memory1969 Arthur Kornberg (post-doc)
Dacher Keltneremotion, social interaction, individual differences, conflict and negotiation, culture Lee Ross (grad student)
Caleb KemereNeural Signal Processing, Memory, Motor control20012006 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student), Teresa Meng (grad student)
Joan Kendig Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Meghan Q. Kennedyemotion, aging2002 Laura L. Carstensen (grad student)
Donald KennedySynapses
Michael B. Keoughneuroplasticity, stroke rehabilitation, remyelination, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, glioma
Iason KeramidisAlzheimer’s disease, neurodegeneration, memory
Geoffrey A. KerchnerNeurology and Neurological Sciences
Julie A. Kernspigmentation, melanocortin system2003 Greg S. Barsh (grad student)
Angela M. KessellPsycholinguistics, pragmatics2008 Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Seymour Kessler
Ben Kessler-Reynoldsdual representation, cognition, development
Alison M. Kevan"Psychology, visual development, dyslexia, DTI, tractography"
Rasool KhademRadiology, Electrical Engineering, Psychology2000 Gary H. Glover (grad student)
Themasap A. Khan
Rehan Khan Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Oussama Khatibrobotics
Anna M. KhazenzonMemory2014 Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Viktoria Kheifetschemical and systems biology2006 Daria Mochly-rosen (grad student)
Butrus (Pierre) Thomas Khuri-YakubElectrical Engnieering Electrical Engineering1975 Gordon S. Kino (grad student)
Mathew V Kiangepidemiology
Sanghoek KimThe Applications of Electromagnetics Electrical Engineering20072013 Ada Poon (grad student)
Grace S. Kim Otolaryngology Alan G. Cheng (grad student)
Garam Kim
Nam KimComputer Science
Donghyun Kimin vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS)2003 Daniel M. Spielman (grad student)
Sung-Yon Kimhomeostasis, innate behavior, body-brain communication, integrative physiology, motivation2009 Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
Jae-Ick KimNeurodegenerative disease, Parkinson's disease, Ageing, Dopamine system, Diffuse Modulatory system, Basal ganglia Jun Ding (post-doc)
Yoon Seok KimNeuroscience20152014 Thomas C. Sudhof (grad student), Brian K. Kobilka (grad student), Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
Jaeha KimElectrical Engineering, Computer science2003 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Deborah Y. KimEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Technology of Education2004 Shelley Goldman (grad student)
Daniel L. KimmelDecision making20102013 William T. Newsome (grad student), Tirin Moore (grad student), Josef Parvizi (collaborator)
Rhea R. Kimpo Jennifer L. Raymond (post-doc)
Ronald Kinchla Richard C. Atkinson (grad student)
Angela G. King2005 Irving L. Weissman (grad student)
Abby C. KingHuman Development, Public Health, Cognitive Psychology
David M. Kingsleymolecular control and evolution of skeletal patterning Neal G. Copeland (post-doc), Nancy A. Jenkins (post-doc), Monty Krieger (grad student)
Elizabeth Kirby2012 Tony Wyss-Coray (post-doc)
Matthew P. Kirschen2005 John E. Desmond (grad student)
Jaclyn S KirshenbaumAdolescent suicide, sleep, puberty, resting-state functional connectivity, EMA Psychology20162021 Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Lacey KitchComputational neuroscience, optical imaging20112015 Mark Schnitzer (grad student)
Ran KivetzMarketing Business Administration2000 Itamar Simonson (grad student)
Matthew P. KlassenHomeostasis, Cardiac Physiology, Aging, Biological Oscillators, Interoception20032009 Kang Shen (grad student), Kang Shen (grad student)
Roberta Lou Klatzkyhaptic perception, spatial cognition, perception/action19681972 Richard C. Atkinson (grad student)
Max Kleiman-Weiner20052009 John R. Huguenard (research assistant)
Stanley A. KleinVision Leo Ganz (post-doc)
Uwe KleinGPCR, Drug Discovery, Molecular Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Peptides, Chemistry19951998 Brian K. Kobilka (post-doc)
Stuart A. KleinfelderElectrical Engineering2002 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Jan Kmenta Kenneth J. Arrow (research assistant)
Joseph R Knoedlermolecular biology, neuroendocrinology, development, chromatin biology and epigenetics Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2016 Nirao M. Shah (post-doc)
Barbara J. KnowltonBasal Ganglia Neuroscience19841990 Richard F. Thompson (grad student)
Eric I. KnudsenAuditory Brainstem
Brian KnutsonAffective neuroscience, decision making1993 Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (grad student)
Jaewon Kosynapse biology2007 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Jaewon Koneuroscience
Brian K. KobilkaAdrenergic receptors
Peter Jes Kohlervisual neuroscience; perceptual organization2013 Anthony M. Norcia (post-doc)
Pavlos KolliasLanguage Modeling, Cognitive Control, Working Memory, Decision Making Symbolic Systems20102012 James L. McClelland (grad student)
Takaki Komiyama2006 Liqun Luo (grad student)
Ron KopitoBiology
Laurence Jay Korn David Epel (research assistant)
Michal Kosinskisocial and personality psychology, artificial intelligence
Stephen Kosslyn Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Ozge H. KoymenSignal Processing2004 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Dinko KranjacPsychoneuroimmunology Psychiatry20142015 Edith V. Sullivan (post-doc)
Anatol C. KreitzerSynaptic plasticity2003 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Jocelyn Kreyhair cells Ricardo E. Dolmetsch (grad student)
KaRin T. KricorianMarketing Business Administration, Mass Communications, Social Psychology2000 Sonya A. Grier (grad student)
Michael Krieg Molecular and Cellular Physiology Miriam B. Goodman (post-doc)
Ranjay Krishna CS CS20162021 Fei-Fei Li (grad student), Michael Bernstein (grad student)
William B. Kristan Donald Kennedy (post-doc)
Rebecca M. KrockVisual system, Oculomotor system2006 Tirin Moore (grad student)
Daniel Kroeger
Stephan Kröger U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Aaron Kucyi Neurology20162014 Karen D. Davis (grad student), Josef Parvizi (post-doc)
Damien P. Kufflernerve regeneration U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Nicole Maria Kuhl2007 Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Brice Alan KuhlCognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Attention, Cognitive Control Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Ellen KuhlMechanical Engineering, Bioengineering
Kenneth M. KuhnmicroRNA, HVC2001 Peter Sarnow (grad student)
Sahana N. Kukkechildhood movement disorders, neurophysiology, rehabilitation20032009 Terence Sanger (grad student)
Kevin K. KumarNeurosurgery, Stem Cells, High Throughput Drug Screening Neurosurgery Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine2019 Casey Halpern (post-doc), Marius Wernig (post-doc)
Sanjay S. Kumarsynaptic physiology20022006 John R. Huguenard (post-doc), Paul S. Buckmaster (research scientist)
Anshul KundageGenetics
Noelia J. KunzevitzkyCNS Regeneration, CNS Development, Bioinformatics, Cornea Regeneration, Cell Therapy
Calvin KuoMedicine -Hematology
Janice Kuo Psychology James Gross (post-doc)
Austin KuoVision, perception, fMRI, computational modeling Psychology20192025 Justin L. Gardner (grad student)
Eline R. KupersVisual perception, neuroimaging20202023 Kalanit Grill-Spector (post-doc)
Irving Kupfermann Kao Liang Chow (grad student)
Kenneth J Kurtz David E. Rumelhart (grad student)
Clete KushidaPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences/Sleep Medicine
John Y. KuwadaNeuroscience1986 Corey S. Goodman (post-doc), Jeffrey J. Wine (grad student)
Sung E. KwonCortical Circuits20122012 Kang Shen (post-doc)
Laura L.Carstensen
Mark A. LaBargeCell Biology2004 Helen M. Blau (grad student)
David Lee LaBergeApical dendrites of pyramidal neurons, attention Psychology1955 Douglas H. Lawrence (grad student)
Francois LabonteElectrical Engineering, Computer science2008 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Cathy P. Lachapelle2004 James Gordon Greeno (grad student)
Teresa D. LaFromboisePersonality Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Teresa LaFrombuiseSocial Psychology, Black Studies
Kristin H. LagattutaDevelopmental Psychology Psychology19911993 John Flavell (research assistant)
Diana J. LairdDevelopmental and Reproductive Biology Biological Sciences2003 Irving L. Weissman (grad student)
Edmund Y. Lamimaging2000 Joseph W. Goodman (grad student)
Mable Lam Neurosurgery2020 J. Bradley Zuchero (post-doc)
Carson Lam
Cindy K. Lamcognitive neuroscience, education, development Education Bruce D. Mccandliss (grad student)
Trevor D. LambVisual system Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Marcelo M. Lamegoadaptive signal processing, adaptive control systems, adaptive neural networks, human memory2000 Bernard Widrow (grad student)
Stephan LammelDopamine System20092014 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Alissa M. LancastermicroRNA, HVC2005 Peter Sarnow (grad student)
Micah Landeengineering education, design research, making Mechanical Engineering20052012 Larry Leifer (grad student)
Joshua LandyFrench & Italian, Comparative Literature, English
Matthew J. Lang Steven M. Block (post-doc)
Annette Langer-GouldHealth Research & Policy2007 Lorene Nelson (grad student)
James L. Larimer1968 Donald Kennedy (post-doc)
Jennie Larkinsystems biology19901996 Craig Heller (grad student)
Karen F. LaRocque20102010 Anthony D. Wagner (grad student), Mieke Verfaellie (research assistant)
Shun LauEducational Psychology Education, Sciences Education2003 Robert W. Roeser (grad student)
Jane LaucknerNeurodegeneration
Douglas H. Lawrencediscrimination learning
Jane M. Lawrence-Dewar (Lawrence)functional magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion tensor imaging20062007 Sean C. Mackey (post-doc)
Scheherazade LeNeurology
Kendra Lechtenberg Neurology20142019 Marion S. Buckwalter (grad student)
Maria T. LechtreckPsychology Psychology20142016 Bulent Turan (grad student)
Jerome LecoqCortex Mark Schnitzer (post-doc)
Jennifer Ledwell Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Minyoung Lee2016 Justin L. Gardner (grad student)
Christine Lee John R. Huguenard (grad student)
Tzumin LeeDrosophila Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Star W. Lee2008 Theo D. Palmer (grad student)
Sung-Jin LeeSynapse formation Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Jennifer LeeMedicine, Health Research & Policy
Jin Hyung LeeNeurology, Bioenigneering, Neurosurgery, Electrical Engineering
Won LeeNeurosurgery
Hae-Chang LeeElectrical Engineering, Computer science2007 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Hye-Ryeon Lee Theo D. Palmer (post-doc)
Elissa LeeMass Communications, General Language, Social Psychology2001 Laura L. Leets (grad student)
Hanmi LeeNeuroscience, visual system, synaptic plasticity
Horng-wen LeeSignal Processing2004 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Angela Lee Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc)
I-Ping Lee Houhui Hugh Xia (grad student)
Heow Pueh LEEAcoustics and vibration, computational methods, mechanics in medicine, composites Mechanical Engineering19861991 Thomas R. Kane (grad student)
Dongsoo Lee Stephen Baccus (grad student)
Sungmoo Lee
Yoonji Lee Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Dena Leeman Genetics20082015 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Laura L. LeetsMass Communications, General Language, Social Psychology
Andrew M. LeiferC. elegans, Neural dynamics, Behavior, Optogenetics
Simon Leipold20202022 Vinod Menon (post-doc)
Randal J. Leistikow2006 Jonathan Berger (grad student)
David LentinkMechanical Engineering
Josiah Leong Psychology20152020 Brian Knutson (grad student)
Mark R. LepplerSocial Psychology
Talia N. Lernerstriatum, substantia nigra, dopamine, synaptic plasticity2012 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Jure LeskovecComputer Science
Sara Leslie
Louis LeungZebrafish, Neuroscience2011 Philippe Mourrain (post-doc)
Iddo Lev2007 Stanley Peters (grad student)
Simon LeVay
Sara Levensemotion and executive processing
Margaret LeviCASBS, Political Science
Craig LevinRadiology, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Bioengineering
Netta Levin psychology Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
Yakir Levinin vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS)2008 Daniel M. Spielman (grad student)
Michael Victor Levine1965 Patrick Suppes (grad student)
Douglas LevinsonPsychiatry
Daniel J. Levitinauditory perception and cognition19901992 Roger Newland Shepard (research assistant)
Roger Levymachine learning, language2005 Christopher Manning (grad student)
Benjamin J. LevyMemory and attention20082012 Mary E. Smith (collaborator), Anthony D. Wagner (post-doc)
Sasha F. Levy Genetics20112013 Gavin James Sherlock (post-doc)
Calvin Lewin vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS)2007 Daniel M. Spielman (grad student)
Casey Lew-Williams Anne Fernald (grad student), Eve V. Clark (grad student)
David Lewinsohn19811986 Eugene Butcher (grad student)
Molly Lewis2016 Michael C. Frank (grad student)
Richard S. Lewis Michael D. Cahalan (post-doc)
Edwin R. Lewisauditory/vestibular neuroscience1962 Robert Michael Scarlett (grad student)
John Tianci LiChemistry, Materials Science, Nanotechnology, NanoEngineering Materials Science and Engineering2021 Yi Cui (grad student), Zhenan Bao (grad student)
Jiefu Lineurobiology, immunology Biology20142020 Liqun Luo (grad student)
Qin LiRNA editing, Genomics, Computational Biology
Tristan Qingyun LiNeuron-glia interaction, microglia, brain development aging and disease Neurobiology Neurology20172019 Ben A. Barres (post-doc), Tony Wyss-Coray (post-doc)
Tongchao Li Department of Biology Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Min-Yin Li Sergiu P. Pasca (post-doc)
Shi-Bin LiSleep Psychiatry Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Yulong Lineurotransmitter release, fluorescent indicators20062012 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Guanxiong LiMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology2005 Shan Xiang Wang (grad student)
Liangliang LiMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology2007 Shan Xiang Wang (grad student)
Huinan (Marcus) Liglia, stem cell, organoids Neurosurgery20162017 Lu Chen (post-doc)
Ping Liang
Percy Shuo Liangmachine learning
Liang LiangVisual System20072013 Liqun Luo (grad student)
Jin LiangZebrafish, Neuroscience2011 Philippe Mourrain (post-doc)
Yaping Joyce LiaoOphthalmology
Alina LibermanVisual perception, fMRI20082011 Kalanit Grill-Spector (research assistant)
Shane Antony Liddelowglia, astrocytes, reactive astrocytes, blood-brain barrier, development2012 Norman Saunders (grad student), Ben A. Barres (post-doc)
David J. LieElectrical Engineering, Computer science2004 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
David N. Lieberman2000 Howard Schulman (grad student)
Anthony D. Lien20062008 Shaul Hestrin (research assistant)
Leah L. Lightaging, memory1969 Douglas H. Lawrence (grad student), Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Angeline Lillard John Flavell (grad student)
Byungkook LimReward circuit Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Jana Limaging20112017 Anne Brunet (grad student), Miriam B. Goodman (grad student)
Suk H. LimElectrical Engineering2003 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Michael LinPediatrics and Bioengineering
Shih-Chun (David) LinNeuro-glial synapses, optogenetics, neurosurgery2008 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Michael Z. LinProtein engineering applied to visualizing and controlling signal transduction
Christian LinderCivil and Environmental Engineering
Michael D. LindermanSignal Processing2009 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Scott W Linderman
Robb LindgrenDAPS, LSTD2009 Dan Schwartz (grad student), Roy D. Pea (grad student)
Neil LineberryImmunology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2006 C Garrison Fathman (grad student)
Alissa Ling Electrical Engineering2018 Paul Nuyujukian (grad student)
Brie Ann Linkenhoker2003 Eric I. Knudsen (grad student)
Susan LintonMarketing2003 Jennifer Aaker (grad student)
William K. Linvill
Diane LipscombeVoltage-gated calcium channels Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Conor ListonStress, prefrontal cortex Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Justin Litchfield Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Alan Michael LitkeParticle physics, Neuroscience Biology
Abninder LittDecision Neuroscience2012 Baba Shiv (grad student)
Xinqiao LiuElectrical Engineering2002 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Xiangheng LiuElectrical Engineering2005 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
Alice Y. LiuElectrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics2000 Lambertus Hesselink (grad student)
Dean LiuElectrical Engineering, Computer science2004 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Chunlei LiuRadiology2005 Michael Moseley (grad student)
Cindy D Liu Biology20162018 Liqun Luo (research assistant)
Nelson F. Liunatural language processing, machine learning, computer science
Junjie LiuVision20002006 Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Guosong Liu Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Kevin J LiuCancer Biology, Stem Cell Biology20192021 Lay Teng Ang (research assistant)
Jin LiuAutism Psychiatry and Behavioral department Vinod Menon (post-doc)
Wendy Wing-Heng Liu Ophthalmology Michael Tri H. Do (post-doc)
Michael E. Llewellynneuromuscular biomechanics2009 Scott Delp (grad student)
James LockPsychiatry
Lawrence F. Locke John Nixon (grad student)
Corinna E. Loeckenhoffemotion, aging2004 Laura L. Carstensen (grad student)
Curtis M. LoerC. elegans neurodevelopment19791981 Corey S. Goodman (research assistant), Donald Kennedy (research assistant)
Elizabeth F. LoftusMemory, Psychology & Law1970 Patrick Suppes (grad student)
Hua Long2005 Marc Tessier-Lavigne (grad student)
Frank Longo
Jaime LopezNeurology and Neurological Sciences
Joseph J. LoTurco1992 Arnold R. Kriegstein (grad student)
Jasmine L LovelandNeurobiology20082014 Russell Fernald (grad student)
Matthew Lovett-Barron2014 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Sarah Ashley LowPain Anesthesia20132015 Grégory Scherrer (grad student)
Brian S. LowerySocial Psychology
Thomas Lozanoski Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Di LuNeural Plasticity Neurosurgery20192024 Jun Ding (post-doc)
Bingwei LuPathology
Qihong Lu20152016 James L. McClelland (research assistant)
Molly V Lucas
Tawaun Lucas Neurology and Neurological Sciences Marion S. Buckwalter (grad student)
Katherine Lucot Pathology20182020 Michelle James (post-doc)
Charlotte E LuffNeuroscience, Biophyics, Neurotechnology Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2023 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Riina M. Luik2007 Richard S. Lewis (grad student)
Ronald J. Lukas Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Heath Lukatch M. Bruce MacIver (grad student)
Liqun Luo
John LymanMath, Neurodevelopment, Episodic Memory, Attention, Humor detection, Humor appreciation, Neurocinematics
David Lyons
Iris Ma
Huan Maactivity dependent gene expression, synaptic plasticity Molecular cell physiology20092012 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Yihe Ma Psychiatry2021 William J. Giardino (post-doc)
Nathan Maccoby
Ellen Sutin Macdonaldsleep, circadian rhythms, neuroanatomy19891992 Thomas S. Kilduff (post-doc)
Matthew G. MacDougallBrain Implants, Functional Neurosurgery, Marmoset, Optogenetics
Timothy A MachadoMotor control, population dynamics, neural coding2017 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Heather Machado
Brownwyn L. MacInnis Molecular and Cellular Physiology Miriam B. Goodman (post-doc)
M. Bruce MacIverAnesthesia, Neuropharmacology Joan Kendig (post-doc), Darrell Tanelian (post-doc)
Ricardo Mack Cell/Molecular Biology Barry J Margulies (research assistant)
Sean C. Mackey
Albert MacovskiElectrical Eng. and Radiology1968 Joseph W. Goodman (grad student)
Kristin A. Maczko2008 Eric I. Knudsen (grad student)
Romain MadelaineZebrafish, Neuroscience2011 Philippe Mourrain (post-doc)
Daniel V. MadisonNeuroscience, Synaptic Physiology, Synaptic Plasticity
Jesus E. MadridDevelopmental Psychobiology, Behavioral Neuroscience Pstchiatry & Behavioral Sciences Comparative Medicine Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences20132018 Karen J. Parker (grad student), Joseph P Garner (collaborator), David Lyons (research assistant)
Merritt MadukeMolecular & Cellular Physiology
Joe C. MageeManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2004 Deborah H. Gruenfeld (grad student)
Eran Magenemotion, emotion regulation2008 James Gross (grad student)
Niru MaheswaranathanComputational Neuroscience & Machine Learning Neurosciences Neurosciences20112017 Surya Ganguli (grad student), Stephen Baccus (grad student)
Salah Mahmoudi Genetics2012 Anne Brunet (post-doc)
Ken MaiElectrical Engineering, Computer science2005 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Michal MaimaranMarketing Business Administration, Experimental Psychology2008 Itamar Simonson (grad student)
Keith Main Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
Clint L. Makinophotoreceptors Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Christopher D Makinson
Karen Malaconmyelin plasticisty, early life immune activation Neurology2020 Michelle Monje (grad student)
Heidy Maldonado GSE: Learning Sciences & Technology Design20022016 Roy D. Pea (grad student)
Robert C. MalenkaNeurobiology19781983 Stephen G. Waxman (grad student), Man Jiang (collaborator)
Antonio Malgaroli Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Sanjay MalhotraRadiation Oncology
Jitendra Malikvision1985 Thomas Binford (grad student)
Heather MalinArt Education, Elementary Education2009 Shelley Goldman (grad student), William Damon (research scientist)
Laurence T. MaloneyMath models, statitical models, perception, movement planning, decision making19801985 Brian A. Wandell (grad student), Amos Tversky (grad student)
Barbara MaltPsychobiology Psychology Psychology Psychology19781982 Edward E. Smith (grad student), Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
James MammenElectrical Engineering2006 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Rachel ManberPsychitary
Tali ManberNeuroimaging, Anxiety, Emotion Regulation20062009 Philippe Goldin (grad student)
Elena Mancini Genetics20102015 Anne Brunet (post-doc)
Gail MandelNeuronal cell identity, REST William Wickner (post-doc)
Jess MankewitzDevelopmental science, cognitive science20202022 Michael C. Frank (research assistant)
Nate Manley Robert M. Sapolsky (grad student)
Kevin MannDrosophila, Taste, behavior, vision2014 Thomas Clandinin (post-doc)
Richard S. MannDrosophila development, Hox genes, appendages
Claire Manning
Devanand S. Manolisex2007 Bruce S. Baker (grad student)
Chaiyasit ManovitElectrical Engineering, Computer Science2006 Oyekunle Olukotun (grad student)
Valerio Mantevisual system William T. Newsome (post-doc)
Mihai ManuRetina Stephen Baccus (post-doc)
Rong Mao2010 Ricardo E. Dolmetsch (research scientist)
Francisco E MaravillaCognitive Psychology, Linguistics, Analogical Reasoning, Computer Science Psychology20082012 Lera Boroditsky (research assistant)
Virginia A Marchmanlanguage development
David J. Marcinekfish physiology; conservation2000 Barbara A. Block (grad student)
Charles Masamed Marcusmesoscopic physics
Jonathan Mares Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Elizabeth C. Marindevelopmental neurobiology of Drosophila20002005 Liqun Luo (grad student)
Ellen Markman
Melissa E. Marksmolecular control and evolution of skeletal patterning2006 David M. Kingsley (grad student)
Donald George Marquis19281930 Lewis Madison Terman (grad student)
Elizabeth J. Marshmemory, knowledge neglect, metacognition, knowledge acquisition, false memories Psychology19941999 Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Richard L. Marsh1993 Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Payton Marshall2015 Paul Bollyky (grad student)
James H. MarshelVisual system, in vivo imaging, neural circuits, optogenetics2012 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Bridgette A. Martin2006 Barbara Tversky (grad student)
H. Taylor Martin Daniel L. Schwartz (grad student)
Helen T. MartinDAPS, LSTD2003 Dan Schwartz (grad student)
David Martinelli Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Gilbert MartinezMolecular & Cellular Physiology2008 Merritt Maduke (grad student)
Eugenio Martinez-UriegasVision Research Don Kelly (grad student)
Katherine T. MartucciPain Anesthesiology20122018 Sean C. Mackey (post-doc)
Karen P. Maruskafish neurobiology and behavior Biology20082012 Russell Fernald (grad student)
Piotr Masiakowski neurotrophic factors, tyrosine kinase receptors Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
William A. MasonComparative psychology Harry F. Harlow (collaborator), Calvin P. Stone (grad student)
Tarik MassoudRadiology Radiology20012003 Sanjiv Sam Gambhir (post-doc)
Joshua D. Mastvisual system, evolution of behavior20012007 Thomas Clandinin (grad student)
Yoichiro Masuda Psychology Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Mara Mathermemory, emotion, aging John D.E. Gabrieli (research assistant), Laura L. Carstensen (post-doc)
Teenie Matlockcognitive linguistics, semantics, metaphor20012003 Herbert H. Clark (post-doc), Kevin J. Holmes (collaborator)
Andrew Mattarella-Micke
Joseph A. MatteoElectrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics2005 Lambertus Hesselink (grad student)
Nathaniel I. MatterElectrical Eng. and Radiology2006 Albert Macovski (grad student)
Gary Matthews19781981 Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Michael Dean MaukLearning & Memory / Cerebellum19851987 Richard F. Thompson (grad student), Jeffery D. Kocsis (post-doc)
Travis Maures
Iris B. MaussEmotion and emotion regulation; psychological health; psychophysiology; sociocultural norms and beliefs; aging and emotion regulation Psychology James Gross (grad student)
Stephan Maxeiner Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
John D. Mayer Gordon H. Bower (post-doc)
Stephen McAdams Earl Schubert (grad student)
Amanda L. McBeanSleep and Circadian Rhythms20142016 Jamie Zeitzer (post-doc)
Michael K. McBeathPerception and Action19851990 Roger Newland Shepard (grad student)
Bruce D. MccandlissEducation
James L. McClellandCognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience
Samuel M. McClureNeuroeconomics
George W. McConkieCognition, Eye Movement Control During Reading1966 Leonard M. Horowitz (grad student)
Susan K. McConnell
David A. McCormickcortical circuits Richard F. Thompson (grad student), David A. Prince (post-doc), John R. Huguenard (collaborator)
Rose McDermott Philip G. Zimbardo (grad student)
Dot McElhoneEducation2009 Deborah Stipek (grad student)
Vincent B. McGintyCortical, limbic and striatal circuits; reward and addiction; electrophysiology2010 William T. Newsome (post-doc)
Kelly M. McGonigalemotion, emotion regulation2004 James Gross (grad student)
Kelly A. McGowanpigmentation, melanocortin system2008 Greg S. Barsh (grad student)
Andrew McKay Biology2014 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Stan McKnightgenetics, PKA Robert T. Schimke (grad student)
Helen M. McLendonAuditory processing20052006 Thomas Clandinin (research assistant)
Jennifer McnabRadiology
Rory McQuistonModulation of inhibitory interneurons19951998 Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Carlos Medina2015 Paul Bollyky (grad student)
Lisa R. MedoffClinical Psychology, Native American Studies2006 Teresa D. LaFromboise (grad student)
Mollie K. Meffert19901997 Howard Schulman (grad student)
Tim Meier Robert M. Sapolsky (grad student)
Ana Meireles William Talbot (post-doc)
Markus MeisterRetina1991 Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
DeForest Jr. MellonOlfactory system, near field receptors19611963 Donald Kennedy (post-doc)
Nicholas A. Meloshmolecular electronics and plasmonics, diamondoids, dynamic self-assembly of biomolecules and lipid bilayers as nano-bio interfaces
Leslie A. MeltzerAdult neurogenesis
Pooneh Memar ArdestaniMolecular Neuroscience, Alzheimer's disease, aging, Neurodegeneration
Monique S Mendesmicroglia, visual cortex, two-photon microscopy, Biology Mark Schnitzer (post-doc)
Sally P. Mendoza19741978 Seymour Levine (grad student)
Teresa MengSignal Processing
Samir MenonBasal Ganglia, Motor Control, Humanoid Robotics2007 Kwabena Boahen (grad student)
Vinod MenonCognitive neuroscience, Brain Imaging, Systems Neuroscience
Emma M. MercierEducational Psychology Education2008 Brigid Barron (grad student)
Andrea MeredithIon channels Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Paul G. Mermelstein Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Paul MerollaNeuromorphic engineering Kwabena Boahen (post-doc)
Maud Amanda MerrillPsychometrics1923 Lewis Madison Terman (grad student)
Anne S. MeyerBiology and of Genetics2005 Judith Frydman (grad student)
Craig H. MeyerElectrical Eng. and Radiology2001 Albert Macovski (grad student)
Martin Patrick MeyerVisual System, Zebrafish Stephen J Smith (post-doc)
Lee Meyerson Ernest (Jack) Hilgard (grad student)
Aviv Mezer Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
Huaiyu Mi19951999 Ben A. Barres (post-doc), Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
John Kenneth Mich Biochemistry2010 James K. Chen (grad student)
Jonathan A. MichaelsNeuroscience, Motor Systems
Tom R. Middendorf Denis A. Baylor (post-doc), Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
John C. MiddlebrooksAuditory system19821985 Eric I. Knudsen (post-doc)
Emmanuel J. MignotNeuroscience Biology19841990 William Dement (grad student)
Emanuel MignotHypocretin, Narcolepsy, Zebrafish
Walter Richard MilesPsychology
Sarah B. MilesEducation2007 Deborah Stipek (grad student)
Geoffrey F. MillerEvolutionary Psychology Roger Newland Shepard (grad student)
Eric M. MillerDecision Making2010 Samuel M. McClure (grad student)
Neal E. MillerBehavior, motivation1932 Lewis Madison Terman (grad student)
Greg L. Miller Eric I. Knudsen (grad student)
Alan Miller Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
A. Dusty MillerVirology, Gene Therapy, Cell Biology Pharmacology19791982 James P. Whitlock, Jr. (grad student)
Gregory Lloyd Miller2000 Eric I. Knudsen (grad student)
Brian MilliganGlioma, Cancer invasion Ben A. Barres (research assistant)
Colleen E. Mills-Finnertycognitive neuroscience, TMS, decision making, graph theory
Kelly L. MinorSchizophrenia, Women' health, olfaction
Mortimer MishkinSystems19491951 Karl H. Pribram (grad student)
Tom Michael Mitchellmachine learning Computer Science1978 Bruce Gardner Buchanan (grad student)
Nataša Mitić20012003 Edward I. Solomon (post-doc)
Subhasish MitraElectrical Engineering, Computer Science
Rupshi Mitrastress, neuroscience, enriched environment, amygdala, neural plastiicty
Rupshi Mitra
Ananya MitraSynaptic Platicitiy, Down Syndrome, Homeostasis, single channels20052008 Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Yuki Miura Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2017 Sergiu P. Pasca (post-doc)
Kazunari Miyamichimosaic analysis with double markers
Daria Mochly-rosenchemical and systems biology
Cassie MogilnerMarketing2009 Jennifer Aaker (grad student)
Murtaza Mogrioptogenetics20062011 Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
Manuel Alexander Mohr2019 Xiaoke Chen (post-doc)
Cynthia S Moncada-Reidauditory neuroscience, molecular neurobiology Developmental Biology20162018 Gerald Crabtree (research assistant)
Michelle Monje2004 Theo D. Palmer (grad student)
Kelly R. MonkNeuron glial interactions, Glial cell biology, Schwann cells, Oligodendrocytes Developmental Biology20062010 William Talbot (post-doc)
Denise J. MontellCell migration, Drosophila genetics and cell biology19841988 Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
Johanna Michelle MontgomerySynaptic development, synaptic physiology, synaptic plasticity20022004 Daniel V. Madison (post-doc), Craig C. Garner (post-doc)
Hannah Monyergenetics, oscillatory networks19871989 Barry Tharp (post-doc), Dennis W. Choi (post-doc)
Richard D. Mooneybirdsong, development Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Tirin Moore
Fabian Morales-PolancoBiochemistry Cell Biolody
Jorge E Morga-RodriguezNeuroscience, Sleep Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2023 Oscar C. Gonzalez (research assistant)
Antony B. MorlandVision Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
Allison Morningstar Psychiatry2022 William J. Giardino (grad student)
Martha (Marty) J. MorrellEpilepsy, Women's issues, Devices
Julie B. Morrison2000 Barbara Tversky (grad student)
Sean J. MorrisonStem cells Immunology Irving L. Weissman (grad student)
Leili Mortazavi Psychology2019 Brian Knutson (grad student)
Tim MoscaNuclear Import and Drosophila Synapse Development2010 Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Michael MoseleyRadiology
Louis J. MosesTheory of mind, Executive function, Prospective memory, moral development, quantitative psychology Psychology19851991 John Flavell (grad student)
Christopher W Mount Michelle Monje (grad student)
Philippe MourrainZebrafish, Neuroscience
Karen Mrukzebrafish models, CNS injury, optogenetics, gene expresssion20122018 James K. Chen (post-doc)
Andrew V. Muchmore David Epel (research assistant)
Douglas B. MuchmoreCell biology David Epel (research assistant)
Kristin L. Muench Theo D. Palmer (grad student)
Eran A. MukamelComputational neuroscience, epigenomics20042007 Mark Schnitzer (grad student)
Kushin MukherjeeVisual Perception, Computational modeling, Visual Communication Psychology20182019 Judith E. Fan (research assistant)
Jim MullerVisual Cortex William T. Newsome (post-doc)
Yuko Munakatadevelopmental cognitive neuroscience19901991 David E. Rumelhart (research assistant), Gordon H. Bower (research assistant)
Alexandra Munch Neurosurgery2018 J. Bradley Zuchero (research assistant)
Boris MurmannElectrical Engineering
Keith Murphy Psychiatry20192024 Ken Dawson-Scully (grad student), Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Greg Murphy Edward E. Smith (grad student), Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Emily R. MurphyBehavioral neuroscience, neuroethics
Wendy MurrayBiomedical Engineering, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Scott Delp (grad student)
Christopher L. Murrielchemical and systems biology2005 Daria Mochly-rosen (grad student)
Mala Murthyneuroscience, drosophila, perception, electrophysiology, olfaction, audition, acoustic communication19972003 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Mirna MustaphaOtolaryngology
Jeannie Myer
Heather J. Myersemotion, emotion regulation2004 James Gross (grad student)
Thanyaphong Na NakornPathology, Immunology, Oncology2003 Irving L. Weissman (grad student)
Andrea G. NackleyPain Neurobiology and Genetics19982000 Karl H. Pribram (grad student)
David E. NadellVision2006 Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Surya Nagaraja Michelle Monje (grad student)
Aditya NairNeural dynamics; Machine learning2024 Scott W Linderman (post-doc)
Raymond P. NajjarVisual Neurosciences, Melanopsin, Pupillometry, Myopia, Light, Artificial Intelligence20122015 Jamie Zeitzer (post-doc)
Charles Nakamuralearning, motivation Edward Kellog Strong (grad student)
Unjung Nam2004 Jonathan Berger (grad student)
John Robert NambuDrosophila Apoptosis, Richard Scheller (grad student)
Devika Narain20072007 James L. McClelland (research assistant)
Manjari NarayanGraphical Models, Statistical Network Science, Statistical Neuroscience, Computational Psychiatry2016 Amit Etkin (post-doc)
Ravi Nath Genetics2018 Anne Brunet (post-doc)
Vaidehi S. NatuFace perception2013 Kalanit Grill-Spector (post-doc)
Aran NayebiNeuroAI Neurobiology20162022 Daniel L K Yamins (grad student), Surya Ganguli (grad student), Stephen Baccus (research assistant)
Joel R. NeilsonImmunology2004 Gerald Crabtree (grad student)
Adam L. Nekimken Mechanical Engineering Miriam B. Goodman (grad student)
Amy J. NelsonDecision-Making in Political Science20002001 David J. Heeger (research assistant)
Thomas O. Nelson1971 Gordon H. Bower (post-doc)
Lorene NelsonHealth Research & Policy
Peter Neri David J. Heeger (post-doc)
Peter Neumann Yan Dong (grad student)
Natalie NevárezNeuroscience, Biopsychology, Behavioral Neuroscience Psychiatry2017 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
William T. NewsomeVision, Decision
Chris T. NgElectrical Engineering2007 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
Linh P. Nguyen Aida Habtezion (research scientist)
T.D. Barbara Nguyen- Vucerebellum, synaptic plasticity, VOR2006 Jennifer L. Raymond (grad student)
Jonathan Nicholas20152017 Vinod Menon (research assistant)
Elizabeth Anne Nichols2007 Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Teresa NicolsonAuditory, Zebrafish
Nicholas J. NidziekoPlasticity, Visual System, Zebrafish, Imaging, Synapse2009 Stephen J Smith (grad student)
Thomas NielandRadiology
Cristopher M. Niell19982004 Stephen J Smith (grad student)
Pawel NiewiadomskiSignal transduction
Parastoo NikaeenElectrical Engineering2008 Boris Murmann (grad student)
Karoly Nikolich Armin Schneider (collaborator)
Axel NimmerjahnCerebellum, neocortex, astrocytes, microglia20052010 Mark Schnitzer (post-doc), Ben A. Barres (post-doc)
Koichi Nishikawa M. Bruce MacIver (grad student)
Ilana Niskymotor control, teleoperation2011 Allison Okamura (post-doc)
Mamiko Niwaauditory system, attention Otolaryngology Otolaryngology Anthony J. Ricci (post-doc), Alan G. Cheng (post-doc)
John Nixon
Ritwik K. Niyogidecision-making, neural synchronization20072007 James L. McClelland (research assistant)
Erik Christopher NookEmotion, Clinical Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Development Psychology20122014 Jamil Zaki (research assistant)
James P. Noonan2004 Richard Morris Myers (grad student)
Anthony M. NorciaVision, infant vision Psychology19821984 Leo Ganz (grad student), Christopher W. Tyler (grad student)
Kenneth A. NormanHuman memory & learning19911993 John D.E. Gabrieli (research assistant)
Lucia Notterpek19941999 Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Behrad NoudoostNeural Bases of Visual Cognition2006 Tirin Moore (post-doc)
Rafael NunezMathematical cognition, conceptual metaphor theory19941995 Terry Winograd (post-doc)
Marc R. Nuwerclinical neurophysiology19691975 Karl H. Pribram (grad student)
Paul Nuyujukian2006 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student), Jaimie M. Henderson (post-doc)
Regina L. NuzzoStatistics2003 Richard A. Olshen (grad student)
Nils NybergNeuroscience Department of Psychology Anthony D. Wagner (research assistant)
Stephen O'DriscollSignal Processing2009 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Maura S. O'ModhrainMusic2001 Chris Chafe (grad student)
Daniela O'NeillDevelopmental Psychology Psychology19891993 John Flavell (grad student)
Daniel J. O'SheaMotor system, Optogenetics, Neural control of movement20102009 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student), Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
Mary O'Sullivan Otolaryngology Alan G. Cheng (grad student)
Desmond J. OathesEmotion, Anxiety, Depression John D.E. Gabrieli (research assistant), Russell A. Poldrack (research assistant), Amit Etkin (post-doc)
Jon Oberdorf
Karl Obrietan1996 Craig Heller (grad student)
Kevin Nicholas OchsnerSocial Cognition, Emotion, fMRI John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc), James Gross (post-doc)
Paola Odriozola Lucina Q. Uddin (grad student)
Seiji Ogawafunctional MRI1967 Harden M. McConnell (grad student)
John OghalaiOtolaryngology, pediatrics
Eva Ogielska Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Hamilton Se-Hwee Ohaging, neurodegeneration2024 Tony Wyss-Coray (grad student)
Yangjin OhElectrical Engineering2007 Boris Murmann (grad student)
Sandra Y. OkitaDAPS, LSTD2008 Dan Schwartz (grad student)
Lisa OliverPersonality Psychology, Clinical Psychology2002 Teresa D. LaFromboise (grad student)
Rosanna K. OlsenMemory, fMRI20042009 Anthony D. Wagner (grad student), Nicolas Davidenko (collaborator)
Richard A. OlshenBiostatistics
Gary Monroe Olson1970 Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Donald Olson
Oyekunle OlukotunElectrical Engineering, Computer Science
Lynn A. Olzakvisual psychophysics, spatial vision Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
Desmond C. Ong Noah D. Goodman (grad student)
Kwadwo A. Opoku-Nsiahprotein homeostasis, chemical biology, proteasome activation, TRiC assembly Biology2021 Judith Frydman (post-doc)
Brandi Kirshane Ormerodadult neurogenesis, stem cell biology Theo D. Palmer (post-doc)
Adrienne OrrSynaptic Plasticity, Alzheimers2005 Daniel V. Madison (grad student)
Thomas Stephen Otis Istvan Mody (grad student)
Long Ouyangsemantic cognition20102015 Lera Boroditsky (grad student), Noah D. Goodman (grad student)
David Ouyang
Scott F. Owen2020 Jonathan T. Ting (collaborator)
Clare R. OzawaNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2002 Helen M. Blau (grad student)
Ozge OztanNeuroscience Biology, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology, Genetics Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Karen J. Parker (post-doc)
Cholawat PacharinsakComparative Medicine
Timothy S. PaekPsycholinguistics, pragmatics2001 Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Charles PageNeurobiology19681970 Donald M. Wilson (post-doc)
Kostandin PajciniCell Biology2009 Helen M. Blau (grad student)
Samuel PalermoElectrical Engineering, Computer science2007 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Adam T. PalermoCell Biology2007 Helen M. Blau (grad student)
Theo D. PalmerNeural Stem Cells
Richard DeForest Palmiterneuropeptide signaling, receptor biology1968 Norman K. Wessells (grad student), Robert T. Schimke (post-doc)
Chethan Pandarinathneural prosthetics, neural engineering, brain-machine interfaces, motor systems, visual system, retina, neural circuitry, adaptation Neurosurgery Electrical Engineering20152017 David Sussillo (collaborator), Vikash Gilja (collaborator), Paul Nuyujukian (collaborator), Jaimie M. Henderson (post-doc), Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc)
S. H. PangReading Education2004 Michael Kamil (grad student)
Susanne Pangratz-FuehrerNeuronal Networks, Epilepsy, GABA(A) R
Jaspreet Pannubrain stimulation Psychiatry Nolan R. Williams (grad student)
Luiz C. Pantalena Filhomolecular control and evolution of skeletal patterning2006 David M. Kingsley (grad student)
Loukas ParaschisElectrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics2000 Lambertus Hesselink (grad student)
Karen D. ParfittMolecular Mechanisms of Neurotransmitter Release, Synaptic Physiology and Plasticity, Neurobiology of Aging Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Mikyoung Park2006 Kang Shen (post-doc)
Mee Y. ParkStatistics and Biostatistics (HRP)2006 Trevor Hastie (grad student)
Jae Mo Park Radiology20092012 Daniel M. Spielman (grad student)
Jaeheung Parkrobotics2006 Oussama Khatib (grad student)
Karen J. ParkerBiopsychology, Endocrinology Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences David Lyons (post-doc)
Clyde Alvin Parker Charles Gilbert Wrenn (grad student)
Jones G. ParkerDopamine, Striatum, Neuropharmacology, Calcium imaging, Brain Disease20112019 Mark Schnitzer (post-doc)
Kendall Parks Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Rodney L. Parsons1965 George Alexander Feigen (grad student)
Josef ParviziCognitive neuroscience/ Clinical Neurology
Sergiu P. Pasca Danko Nikolic (research scientist)
Magdalini PaschaliComputer Science, Informatics, Medical Imaging, Machine Learning, Computer Vision
Monisha PasupathiGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies19921996 Laura L. Carstensen (grad student)
Satyadev R. PatelCondensed Matter Physics2002 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Dinesh PatilElectrical Engineering, Computer science2008 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Kristin J. Paukerintergroup relations, development of stereotyping and prejudice, social perception, multiracial Psychology Psychology20092012 Jennifer Eberhardt (post-doc), Carol S. Dweck (post-doc)
Kim Butts PaulyRadiology, Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering
John PaulyElectrical Engineering1990 Albert Macovski (grad student)
Paul PavlidisBioinformatics Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Hannah L. Payne Neuroscience20112018 Jennifer L. Raymond (grad student)
Jeanne T PazNeuroscience Bioengineering Neurology Karl Deisseroth (post-doc), John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Roy D. Pealearning sciences and technologies
John S. Pearsemarine ecology1964 Arthur C. Giese (grad student)
Daniel T Pederick Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Diogo Peixoto Neurobiology20162020 William T. Newsome (post-doc)
Nicole Pek20182020 Lay Teng Ang (research assistant)
Anthony W. PengHearing, mechanotransduction20082009 Stefan Heller (grad student), Anthony J. Ricci (post-doc)
J. Regino Perez-PoloNeurotrophins,19701973 Eric M. Shooter (grad student), Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Brian Perone20122017 Roy D. Pea (grad student)
Lee Michael PerryVisual System, Diffusion Imaging, fMRI, Quantitative Neuroimaging, ECoG Brian A. Wandell (research scientist)
Eric A. Person2001 Leonard M. Horowitz (grad student)
Franco PestilliDiffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Tractography, functional MRI, Neuroscience, Visual attention, Decision making, Reward, Reading, Connectomics20112014 Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
John Jacob PetersSynapse Formation and Function Molecular and Cellular Physiology20152016 Axel Brunger (grad student)
Stanley Peters Noam Chomsky (grad student)
Donald L. PetersEarly childhood education; special education1968 Pauline Sears (grad student)
Todd C. PetersonTraumatic Brain Injury20132018 Marion S. Buckwalter (post-doc)
Warren Woodrich PettineComputational Psychiatry Neurobiology20152016 Tirin Moore (grad student)
Bryan Petzold Mechanical Engineering Miriam B. Goodman (grad student)
Christelle Peyronsleep, neuroanatomy19961999 Thomas S. Kilduff (post-doc)
Lukas PezawasComputational Neuroanatomy, fMRI, Imaging Genetics, Psychiatry2015 Alan Schatzberg (research scientist)
Marina R. PicciottoMolecular Neurobiology, Molecular basis of behavior19821985 Richard Scheller (research scientist)
Herve G. PicheritFrench & Italian, Comparative Literature, English2008 Joshua Landy (grad student)
Steven PinkerLanguage Joan W. Bresnan (post-doc)
Rebecca A. PiskorowskiIon channels2005 Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Gregory Michael PitnerTransistor, Semiconductor, Carbon Nanotube, Digital Electronics, Monolithic 3D Electrical Engineering20122019 H.-S. Philip Wong (grad student)
Colin Pittendrighcircadian rhythms
Giles PlantNeurosurgery
Hilke PlassmannNeuroeconomics20052008 Baba Shiv (post-doc)
Edward Douglas PloweyPathology Charleen T. Chu (post-doc), Charleen T. Chu (post-doc)
Mark R. Plummer Jeffrey J. Wine (grad student)
Allen B. Poirsonvision Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Russell A. PoldrackPsychology19951999 John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc)
Jai santosh PolepalliAmygdala, interneurons, LTP Robert C. Malenka (post-doc), Man Jiang (collaborator)
Alexander A. Pollenbrain evolution & genetics20052006 David M. Kingsley (grad student), Zoltan Molnar (grad student)
Alexander PolonskyVision2001 David J. Heeger (grad student)
Sonia Poltoratskivisual system, cognitive neuroscience20182020 Kalanit Grill-Spector (post-doc)
Matt B Pomrenze Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2019 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Nicholas P. Pooloscellular neurophysiology, epilepsy1991 Jeffery D. Kocsis (grad student)
Ada PoonElectrical Engineering
Rita A. PopatHealth Research & Policy2003 Lorene Nelson (grad student)
Gerald PopelkaOtolaryngology
Darrell Michael Porcello2003 John R. Huguenard (grad student)
Brenda PorterNeurology
Kathleen PostonNeurology and Neurological sciences, Neurosurgery
Christopher J. Potterdrosophila neuroscience, olfaction, cancer20022010 Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Vivek PrabhakaranfMRI, Stroke2001 John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Manohar K. PrabhuElectrical Engineering, Computer Science2006 Oyekunle Olukotun (grad student)
Saurabh Prakash2009 Thomas Clandinin (grad student)
Murali Prakriyacalcium signaling Richard S. Lewis (post-doc)
Gopal PramanikNeuroscience, auditory neuroscience
Michael J. Preinermolecular electronics and plasmonics, diamondoids, dynamic self-assembly of biomolecules and lipid bilayers as nano-bio interfaces2009 Nicholas A. Melosh (grad student)
Alison R. Preston2004 Anthony D. Wagner (post-doc), John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Karl H. PribramPsychology, frontal lobe
Robin Owen Price2009 Theo D. Palmer (grad student)
David A. PrinceEpilepsy
Valerie Purdie-VaughnsSocial Psychology, Black Studies, African American Studies Psychology2004 Claude Steele (grad student)
Elizabeth PurdomStatistics, BioX2006 Susan Holmes (grad student)
Sunil PuriaMechanical Engineering
Dale Purves U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Jason Lee Pyle2005 Richard W. Tsien (grad student)
Sonja J. PyottIon channels2006 Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Lei Stanley QiBioengineering, Chemical and Systems Biology
Xiaoli QinmicroRNA, HVC2003 Peter Sarnow (grad student)
Elizabeth Qin Michelle Monje (grad student)
Gisell QuihuisEducational Psychology Education, Sciences Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2002 Robert W. Roeser (grad student)
Markus Quirin Psychology James Gross (research scientist)
Elizabeth Anne Race2009 Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Amy N. RadermacherCell Biology, Microbiology Biology, Molecular Biology2009 Gerald Crabtree (grad student)
Victoria Rafalskineural stem cells20062013 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Aram J. RaissiNeuroscience Biology Biology2017 Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Rahul S. RajanBiology2003 Ron Kopito (grad student)
Martin R. RalphCircadian Rhythms19721976 Colin Pittendrigh (research assistant)
Deepa L. Ramamurthy20102012 Eric I. Knudsen (research assistant)
Ary S. Ramoa Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Daniel Ramot Neuroscience20032008 Miriam B. Goodman (grad student)
Michael Ramscar
Chen RanInternal sensory system20122017 Xiaoke Chen (grad student), Liqun Luo (grad student)
Thomas RandoNeurology and Neurological Sciences Helen M. Blau (post-doc)
Oliver Joaquin Rando2002 Gerald Crabtree (grad student)
Vinitha N. RangarajanCognitive Neuroscience Josef Parvizi (research assistant)
Antonio RangelNeuroeconomics B. Douglas Bernheim (grad student)
Natalie RasgonPsychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Andreas M. RauscheckerfMRI, DTI, visual system, reading2007 Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Harold Lester Raush Psychology1950 Maud Amanda Merrill (grad student), Ernest (Jack) Hilgard (grad student), Donald W. Taylor (grad student)
Rebecca D. Rayemotion, emotion regulation2007 James Gross (grad student)
Jennifer L. RaymondMotor Brainstem
Lawrence RechtNeurology & Clinical Neurosciences
Siva Reddy Computer Science2017 Christopher Manning (post-doc)
Crystal L.C. ReeckCognitive Neuroscience20062008 Anthony D. Wagner (research assistant), James Gross (research assistant)
G. Adam Reeves Genetics2017 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Louis F. ReichardtNeuronal development19651972 Armin Dale Kaiser (grad student)
Heinrich Reichert Genetics of Brain Development in Drosophila Jeffrey J. Wine (post-doc)
Fritz Reichert
Wisam ReidComputational Neuroscience, Auditory Neuroscience, Biological Intelligence, Machine Learning, Spatial Audio Music20152017 Takako Fujioka (grad student)
Richard J. ReimerNeurotransmitters, Lysosomal storage disorders
Noreen Reist19901992 U. J. McMahan (grad student), Stephen J Smith (post-doc)
Ethan R. Remmel2003 John Flavell (grad student)
David A. RemusVision20042010 Kalanit Grill-Spector (grad student), Nicolas Davidenko (collaborator)
Jun RenElectrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics2005 Lambertus Hesselink (grad student)
Pei-Hsien RenBiology2007 Ron Kopito (grad student)
Jing RenSerotonin, Neuromodulatory system, co-transmission2013 Liqun Luo (post-doc)
David RessVisual cortex David J. Heeger (research scientist), U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Frank J. Restle1953 Douglas H. Lawrence (grad student)
Samantha Reyes20202021 Michelle James (research assistant)
Brandon Reynante GSE: Learning Sciences & Technology Design20182023 Roy D. Pea (grad student)
Elaine Reynoldsfly model19881989 Richard Scheller (post-doc)
Justin S. Rhodesgenes, behavior19911995 Russell Fernald (research assistant)
Gillian RhodesFace perception Psychology1986 Roger Newland Shepard (grad student)
Anthony J. Riccivertebrate hair cells Shelley A. Batts (collaborator)
Jane M. Richardsemotion, emotion regulation2000 James Gross (grad student)
Ethan B Richman Biology Bioengineering2016 Liqun Luo (grad student), Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
Charles J. RiegerMobile Advertising Roger C. Schank (grad student)
Frederick M. RiekeRetina Denis A. Baylor (post-doc), E. J. Chichilnisky (collaborator)
Mendell RimerNeuromuscular Junction19931997 U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Jacob M. RinaldiSystems/Computational Neuroscience
Jaime Ali Holguin RiosCognitive Control, Cognitive Neuroscience, Meta Science, Cognitive Flexibility Psychology20212024 Russell A. Poldrack (research assistant)
Lance J. RipsDeductive and inductive reasoning, Concepts of individual objects and their histories, Causal cognition, Mathematical thinking, Autobiographical memory Edward E. Smith (grad student)
Chris A RishelNeuroanesthesia, Perioperative medicine
Michelle B. RisslingClinical Psychology, Oncology, Behavioral Psychology20122013 Jamie Zeitzer (post-doc)
Jesse RissmanMemory, Attention, Cognitive Control, fMRI Psychology20072011 Anthony D. Wagner (post-doc)
Ray J. RiveraIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration, Continuing Education2010 Behnam Tabrizl (grad student)
Zuley Rivera-Alvidrez20052011 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Jonathan RivnayMaterials, Bioelectronics, Neuroengineering Alberto Salleo (grad student)
Steven O. RobertsPsychology
Laura RobertsPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Beatriz G RobinnsonEnteric Nervous System Neursurgery2017 Julia A. Kaltschmidt (grad student)
Rex R. RobisonNeuro librarian19942000 Russell Fernald (grad student)
Volkan RodopluComputer Engineering / Communications & Signal Processing2003 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Sarina M. Rodrigues Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc)
Christian A. RodriguezDecision Neuroscience Samuel M. McClure (grad student)
José Aguilar Rodríguez Daniel Jarosz (post-doc)
Robert W. RoeserEducational Psychology Education, Sciences Education, Guidance and Counseling Education
Ethan Rogers2023 William J. Giardino (research scientist)
Madolyn Bowman Rogers2007 Ben A. Barres (grad student)
Ariel RokemMRI, Vision, Data Science2011 Brian A. Wandell (post-doc)
Asya Rollsneuroimmunology20092012 Luis de Lecea (post-doc), Craig Heller (grad student)
Alan Rorie William T. Newsome (grad student)
Jessica Rose
Allyson RosenPsychiatry VA Research
David A. RosenbaumCognition and Action1977 Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Miriam Rosenberg-Leemath cognition Vinod Menon (post-doc)
Douglas Rosene Psychology Charles Hamilton (research scientist)
David L. RosenhanClinical psychology, forensic psychology, (Anti)Psychiatry
Anders V. RosenquistSciences Education, Technology of Education2002 Richard J. Shavelson (grad student)
Ted L. Rosenthal Psychology1976 Albert Bandura (grad student)
Brian H. Rossconcepts and categories, problem solving, learning, memory Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Lee RossSocial psychology
Saharon RossetStatistics and Biostatistics (HRP)2003 Trevor Hastie (grad student)
Theodore L. Roth
Julien George RothStem cell biology, neurodevelopment, tissue engineering
Bryan L. RothPsychopharmacology, 5-HT2A receptors, hallucinogens Roland D. Ciaranello (research scientist)
Mary K. RothbartDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology1966 Eleanor Maccoby (grad student)
Patrick E. RothwellAddiction, Autism, Striatum, Synaptic plasticity2010 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc), Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Jonathan A. Rottenberg2003 Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Ryan B. Rountreemolecular control and evolution of skeletal patterning2003 David M. Kingsley (grad student)
Madhuri Roy2002 Robert M. Sapolsky (grad student)
Mani/Madhuri RoyBiological psychiatry Robert M. Sapolsky (grad student)
Peter C. RubenSodium channels19811985 Stuart H. Thompson (post-doc)
John L. R. Rubensteinbrain development19801982 Harden M. McConnell (grad student), James E. Rothman (grad student)
Erika Rubesovaradiology
Lee Rubin U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Norman F. (Bud) Rubycircadian rhythms, hibernation, learning, memory1991 Craig Heller (research scientist), Brian P. Grone (collaborator)
Markus A. Rüegg U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
David E. RumelhartNeural nets1967 William K. Estes (grad student)
Fabio Rupp Richard Scheller (post-doc)
Diego C. Ruspinirobotics2003 Oussama Khatib (grad student)
Olga Russakovsky Computer Science2015 Fei-Fei Li (grad student)
Brian RuttRadiology
Francis J. Ryan19411942 Douglas Merritt Whitaker (post-doc)
Timothy A. Ryansynaptic vesicle cycle, endocytosis, exocytosis19911997 Stephen J Smith (post-doc)
Sadie Jane RyanMedical Geography, Ecology, Conservation Biology, Disease Ecology, Wildlife Biology, Spatial Ecology, Primatology Anthropology20072009 James Holland Jones (post-doc)
Bart Rypma John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc), Vivek Prabhakaran (collaborator)
Stephen I. Ryu20042004 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student), Krishna V. Shenoy (collaborator)
Brigid J. S. BarronEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education
Shady Saad
Shasta L. Sabo A. Kimberly McAllister (post-doc), Kang Shen (research scientist)
Jon Sacksingle channels Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Sepideh SadaghianifMRI, functional connectivity, intrinsic activity, alertness, perceptual awareness2015 Michael D. Greicius (post-doc)
Edward Sadalla Albert Hastorf (grad student)
Debra SaferPsychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Manish SaggarComputational Modeling, EEG, fMRI
Khaled SalamaElectrical Engineering2005 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Lindsey Diane Salay Neurobiology Andrew D. Huberman (grad student)
Alberto SalleoMaterials Science and Engineering
Irene Yun Salteraddiction, accumbens, science education, curriculum development19941997 Russell Fernald (research assistant)
C Daniel Salzman19901996 William T. Newsome (grad student), Kenneth H. Britten (collaborator)
Julia SalzmanBiochemistry
Gregory Russell Samanez Larkinaging, motivation, reward, learning, decision making20072010 Brian Knutson (grad student), Laura L. Carstensen (grad student), Nick Garber Hollon (collaborator)
Ryan SamarakoonComputational Neuroscience & Developmental/Stem Cell Biology
Alapakkam P. Sampathretina Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Joshua R. Sanes U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Terence Sanger
Gopal Santhanam20012007 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Parthiban Santhanam Electrical Engineering Shanhui Fan (post-doc)
Robert M. SapolskyNeuron death, stress, gene therapy20072007 Kevin S. Kinney (collaborator)
Richard Whitten Sapp20112016 Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Haniyyah Sardar Psychiatry2021 William J. Giardino (research scientist)
Peter B. Sargent U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Peter SarnowmicroRNA, HVC
Hajime Sasaki David Epel (post-doc)
William A. SatherVoltage-gated Ca2+ channels19911994 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Katherine Saulneuromuscular biomechanics20002005 Scott Delp (grad student)
Rory SayresVision, fMRI2007 Kalanit Grill-Spector (grad student)
Zahra N. Sayyid Otolaryngology Alan G. Cheng (grad student)
Laura Rose Schaevitz2007 Susan K. McConnell (grad student)
Robert John SchaferAttention, vision, oculomotor functions20042009 Tirin Moore (grad student)
Jana Schaich-Borg20072012 William T. Newsome (grad student), Luis de Lecea (grad student)
Alan Schatzberg
Gabriele Scheler Computer Science20082010 David L. Dill (research scientist)
Grégory ScherrerPain, opioid system
Robert T. Schimkeprotein turnover and gene amplification1958 Avram Goldstein (research assistant)
Julie L. Schnapf Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Lauren SchneiderPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Mark Schnitzerin vivo imaging
Pamela K. Schraedley2002 Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Diane I. Schroeder2008 Richard Morris Myers (grad student)
Oren SchuldinerMolecular mechanisms of neuronal redmodeling20032008 Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Howard Schulmancalcium signaling
Erin M. Schuman Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Robert A. Schumervision, ophthalmology Psychology19841986 Christopher W. Tyler (grad student)
Tina Schwabe Neurobiology Thomas Clandinin (post-doc)
Daniel L. Schwartz
Dan SchwartzDAPS, LSTD
Neil Schwartzvisual system, development, dendrite2010 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Shawn T. Schwartzepisodic memory, attention, aging, retrieval mechanisms, learning Psychology2021 Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Jerome S. SchwartzbaumLimbic system, Gustatory pathways1958 Karl H. Pribram (grad student)
Phillip A. SchwartzkroinEpilepsy1978 Kao Liang Chow (grad student), David A. Prince (post-doc)
Armin SchwartzmanStatistics, Neuroimaging2006 Jonathan E. Taylor (grad student)
Lindsay A. Schwarzneural circuit tracing, norepinephrine, technology development Biology2010 Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Felix E. Schweizersynaptic transmission, ribbon synapses, protein degradation, neurodegeneration19901994 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Ethan K. Scott2002 Liqun Luo (grad student)
Tania A. SeabrookVisual System Development
Robert Richardson Sears
Pauline Sears
Carol A. SegerCognitive Neuroscience, Human Learning19941998 John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc)
Rodrigo Segnini SequeraMusic2006 Chris Chafe (grad student)
Paolo Segre20082015 Douglas L. Altshuler (grad student)
Eyal Seidemann1998 William T. Newsome (grad student)
Lewis Stanford SeidenPsychopharmacology Keith Fenton Killam (post-doc)
Joel C. Selcher Robert C. Malenka (post-doc), Daniel V. Madison (post-doc)
Gregory K. Sellsignal processing, acoustics Music2010 Jonathan Berger (grad student)
Allen I. SelverstonInvertebrates Donald Kennedy (post-doc)
Debasish Senion channels in lymphocytes20142016 Adam de la Zerda (post-doc)
George L. SenMolecular Biology2006 Helen M. Blau (grad student)
Luis Sentisrobotics2007 Oussama Khatib (grad student)
Chang-Yun Seongadaptive signal processing, adaptive control systems, adaptive neural networks, human memory2000 Bernard Widrow (grad student)
Emma Seppalaemotion, emotion regulation2009 James Gross (grad student)
Elba E. SerranoBiophysics, Sensory Systems, Glia, Tissue Engineering, Ion Channels, Neuroethics, Research Education Peter Getting (grad student), Robert T. Schimke (post-doc)
Philip Servossomatosensation, visual perception, multisensory processing19941996 David E. Rumelhart (post-doc)
Stephen H. Settlemolecular control and evolution of skeletal patterning2001 David M. Kingsley (grad student)
Michael N. ShadlenDecision & reward19881996 William T. Newsome (post-doc), Kenneth H. Britten (collaborator)
Joshua W. Shaevitzbiophysics19992004 Steven M. Block (grad student)
Eldar Shafirdecision making Amos Tversky (post-doc)
Sahil H. ShahVisual System, Regeneration, Proteomics Ophthalmology Ophthalmology20222019 Jeffrey L. Goldberg (grad student), Sui Wang (post-doc)
Nishal P. ShahRetina; Motor cortex; Computational Neuroscience; Neuroengineering Electrical Engineering E. J. Chichilnisky (grad student)
Ali Shahmoradi Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Adam S. ShaiSingle Neuron Computation2016 Mark Schnitzer (post-doc)
Aryaman K. ShaliziDevelopment, Signal Transduction, Molecular Neurobiology2006 Gerald Crabtree (post-doc)
Kiarash ShamardaniCancer Neuroscience Neurology2019 Michelle Monje (grad student)
Mehrdad ShamlooNeurosurgery
Shihab A. ShammaAuditory Cortex1981 Robert Lee White (grad student)
Natela M ShanidzeVestibular System, Eye movements
Shanti ShankerMemory, Cognitive Control20062008 Anthony D. Wagner (research assistant)
Lauren J. ShapiroPsycholinguistics, pragmatics2002 Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Manish SharmaMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology2000 Shan Xiang Wang (grad student)
Dahlia Sharon James L. McClelland (research scientist)
Carla J. ShatzDevelopment, visual system
Richard J. ShavelsonPsychometrics Psychology
Gordon L. ShawElementary particle physics, brain theory / computational neuroscience
Alex ShcheglovitovSynaptic transmission, Calcium channels, Neuropsychiatric Disorders, iPSCs20092014 Ricardo E. Dolmetsch (post-doc)
Richard She20132017 Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Nicole Shechtman2002 Leonard M. Horowitz (grad student)
Kang Shen
Mengjun ShengNeural Plasticity
Krishna V. ShenoyMotor control / prostheses
Roger Newland Shepard
Anthony SherbondyVision2008 Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Alex C. Sherriffs Psychology1946 Maud Amanda Merrill (grad student)
Richard I. SherwoodDevelopment20012004 Irving L. Weissman (research assistant)
Donna Shestowsky2003 Leonard M. Horowitz (grad student)
Xiaolei ShiElectrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics2003 Lambertus Hesselink (grad student)
Maggie Shiffrarvisual perception, biological motion Roger Newland Shepard (grad student)
Richard M. ShiffrinMemory and perception1968 Richard C. Atkinson (grad student)
Yu ShikanoLearning and memory; electrophysiology; behavioral neuroscience
George L. ShillingerBiology20022009 Donald Kennedy (grad student), Barbara A. Block (grad student), George N. Somero (grad student)
Tyler C. Shimko Genetics20152020 Polly Fordyce (grad student)
Dong-Woon ShinMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology2006 Shan Xiang Wang (grad student)
James Mac ShineCognitive Neuroscience Psychology20142016 Russell A. Poldrack (post-doc), Josef Parvizi (collaborator)
Anna Shipman2018 Teresa Nicolson (post-doc)
Baba ShivDecision Neuroscience
Daphna ShohamyLearning, memory, decision-making Anthony D. Wagner (post-doc)
Eric M. ShooterNeurotrophic factors
Jessica W. Shors2009 Ward Belfield Watt (grad student)
Karen A. Sigvardt Jeffrey J. Wine (post-doc)
Marion A. Silies Neurobiology20092014 Thomas Clandinin (post-doc)
Lauren S. Silva19851991 Barry W. Connors (grad student)
Michael A. SilverVisual cortex, attention David J. Heeger (post-doc)
Gerald Silverberg
Michael Silvernagel Electrical Engineering2019 Paul Nuyujukian (grad student)
Thomas Silvers Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Danielle A. Simmonsneuroinflammation, BDNF, Huntington's Disease2008 Frank Longo (research scientist)
Itamar SimonsonMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
Param Priya Singh Genetics2014 Anne Brunet (post-doc)
Sheela Singla2007 Robert C. Malenka (grad student)
Robert Anthony Sistonneuromuscular biomechanics20002005 Scott Delp (grad student)
Kamakshi SivaramakrishnanElectrical Engineering2008 Tsachy Weissman (grad student)
Heidi A. Sivers2002 Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Stefan Siwkochemical and systems biology2005 Daria Mochly-rosen (grad student)
Malcolm Slaneysignal processing, auditory system
George M. SlavichLife stress, depression19972001 Ian H. Gotlib (research assistant)
Mara Slawskycardiology Peter Getting (grad student)
Steven Sloan
Eliot T. Smith20162021 Teresa Nicolson (post-doc)
Alvy Ray SmithCellular Automata Computer Science1970 Michael A. Arbib (grad student)
Stephen J SmithPlasticity, Visual System, Zebrafish, Imaging, Synapse19722006 Stuart H. Thompson (collaborator), Daniel V. Madison (collaborator)
Dean Smith19721967 Donald M. Wilson (grad student)
Martin Smith U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Stephen Mark SmithCalcium, GABA, NMDA channels19962000 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Mary E. Smith20102011 Anthony D. Wagner (research assistant)
Craig Smithemotion, appraisal theory Phoebe Ellsworth (grad student)
Evan SmithComputation & Theory
Monique L. SmithAddiction, Pain, Social behavior2016 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Asha H. Smith2009 Michael Ramscar (grad student)
Cathy Smith-Maxwell
Cathy Smith-Maxwell Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Noam SobelOlfaction John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Raymond A. SobelCellular and molecular mechanisms of immune responses in the central nervous system; multiple sclerosis.
Vanessa Villamia Sochatneuroinformatics Psychology2014 Russell A. Poldrack (grad student)
Vikaas Singh Sohalschizophrenia, autism, cortical microcircuits2005 John R. Huguenard (grad student), Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Peter Sokol-Hessnerrole of emotion in decision-making, neuroeconomics20042005 Yun-Ching Kao (research assistant), John D.E. Gabrieli (research assistant)
Charles Solc Neurobioology Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Gilberto Jose Soler-llavinaSynaptic physiology, calcium imaging, plasticity, consumption of fine whiskey2007 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Alexandre SolomatnikovElectrical Engineering, Computer science2009 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Jeffrey M. SolomonElectrical Engineering, Computer science2003 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Natalie Solomon2016 Jamie Zeitzer (grad student)
Ivan SolteszHippocampus, synaptic transmission, interneurons, epilepsy19921993 Istvan Mody (post-doc)
Kiran K. Somaneuroscience, endocrinology19931994 Russell Fernald (research assistant)
Ji-Won SonElectrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics2005 Lambertus Hesselink (grad student)
Jun Ho Song
Chunzhu Songdevelopmental neurobiology
Piya SorcarHealth Education, Information Science, Public Health2009 Shelley Goldman (grad student)
Jordan Sorokin John R. Huguenard (grad student)
Shawn Sorrells2011 Robert M. Sapolsky (grad student)
Wayne S. SossinSynaptic plasticity19841989 Richard Scheller (grad student)
Peter D. Spear Kao Liang Chow (post-doc)
Christian G. Spechtsynuclein, inhibitory synapses, GABA receptors, single molecule localisation microscopy (SMLM), quantitative neurobiology20052007 Craig C. Garner (post-doc)
Alexander M. SpenceNeurooncology19711974 Lucien J. Rubinstein (post-doc)
Daniel M. Spielmanin vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS)
Manuel SpitschanColor vision, non-image-forming vision, melanopsin Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20162017 Jamie Zeitzer (post-doc)
Nicholas C. SpitzerNeurotransmitter switching, Neuroplasticity U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Nripun Sredar Alfredo Dubra (post-doc)
Hilary K. Sreremolecular biology19951998 Thomas S. Kilduff (post-doc)
Mahesh SrinivasanLanguage and Cognitive Development20032005 Herbert H. Clark (research assistant)
Tara Srirangarajan Psychology2020 Brian Knutson (grad student)
Sanjay SrivastavaPersonality, social20032004 James Gross (post-doc)
Robyn M St. LaurentDopamine, GABA, plasticity, behavior Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences2022 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Mirre Stallen Psychology20172019 Brian Knutson (post-doc)
Jeannie A. Stamberger2006 Ward Belfield Watt (grad student)
Samuel StandardClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2004 Carl E. Thoresen (grad student)
Kryn StankunasMolecular Biology, Genetics2003 Gerald Crabtree (grad student)
Tracy L. StatonPathology2006 Eugene Butcher (grad student)
Sergey Stavisky2011 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student), Jaimie M. Henderson (post-doc)
Trace L. StayCerebellum, vestibular processing Neurobiology2019 Jennifer L. Raymond (post-doc)
Linda Ste. Marieneuroendocrinology, neuropeptide signaling
Elizabeth G. Stebbinschemical and systems biology2001 Daria Mochly-rosen (grad student)
Jeffrey T. SteedleTests and Measurements Education, Sciences Education2008 Richard J. Shavelson (grad student)
Marcia StefanickMedicine (SPRC), Obstetrics & Gynecology
Paul S.G. SteinNeurophysiology of locomotion Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Gary K. SteinbergIschemia and recovery
Idan SteinbergBiophotonics, Ultrasound, Raman imaging, Photoacoustics, Molecular imaging
Gary Steinberg
Elizabeth E. Steinberg Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Jonah V. SteinbuckPlasticity, Visual System, Zebrafish, Imaging, Synapse2009 Stephen J Smith (grad student)
Lawrence SteinmanNeurology and Neurological Sciences
Joseph E. SteinmetzLearning & memory Richard F. Thompson (post-doc)
Nicholas A. Steinmetzsystems and computation, vision and attention20082014 Tirin Moore (grad student), Kwabena Boahen (grad student)
DeArmond J. Stephenprions, neuropathology, Neurodegeration Lawrence Eng (post-doc)
Christopher M. Sternthalamic physiology2011 John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Robert J. SternbergCognition Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Daniel A. Sternberg20062011 James L. McClelland (grad student)
Beth Stevens Ben A. Barres (post-doc)
Matthew Stevens Chemistry Chemical & Systems Biology20172017 Paul A. Wender (grad student), Daria Mochly-rosen (post-doc)
Marc Stevens20172020 Michelle James (post-doc)
Harold W. Stevensonchildren's learning Psychology1951 Calvin P. Stone (grad student), Ernest (Jack) Hilgard (grad student)
Charlotte StevensonCell biology
Bryan A. Stewartsynaptic transmission19961998 Thomas L. Schwarz (post-doc)
Robert Stickgold psychiatry Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Heather L. StickneyGenetics, Molecular Biology2007 William Talbot (grad student)
Nikola StikovElectrical Engineering2009 John Pauly (grad student)
Deborah StipekEducation
Frank Edward StockdaleDevelopmental Biology, myogenesis, mammary gland development
Vladimir StojanovicIntegrated Circuits (INC); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Physical Electronics (PHY); Communications & Networking (COMNET); Integrated Photonics, Circuit design with Emerging-Technologies2005 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Calvin P. StonePhysiological Psychology
Anne N. Strehlow2006 Richard Morris Myers (grad student)
Karen R. StrobelEducational Psychology Education, Secondary Education2002 Robert W. Roeser (grad student)
Charles StromeyerVision Leo Ganz (grad student)
Lubert StryerVision, G proteins, signal transduction
Wei SuGlial factors in regulation of neuronal synaptic pruning during development and neurodegeneration Molecular and Cellular Physiology2023 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Thomas C. SudhofSynapse2009 Jai santosh Polepalli (collaborator)
Leo Sugrue2009 William T. Newsome (grad student)
Hyejean SuhVision2008 Kalanit Grill-Spector (grad student)
Sooyeon Suhclinical psychology, behavioral sleep medicine
Preeti Arun Sukerkar
Uygar SumbulElectrical Engineering2009 John Pauly (grad student)
Hailing SunPathology2001 Eugene Butcher (grad student)
Liying SunElectrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics2005 Lambertus Hesselink (grad student)
Michael SunSomatotopy, Pain, Pain Regulation, Emotion Regulation, Emotion Recognition, Culture, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Suicide Psychology James Gross (research assistant)
Peng Sun
Wenfei Sun
Xiaochen SunMemory, Neural Ensembles, Activity-dependent Plasticity Mark Schnitzer (post-doc)
Qian-Quan Sun David A. Prince (post-doc)
Lynn W. SunOphthalmology, Visual Neuroscience
Hokyung Sung Computer Science20202022 Daniel L K Yamins (research assistant)
Sevan SuniBiology2009 Deborah M. Gordon (grad student)
Kate Raley Susman Biological Sciences Ron Kopito (post-doc)
David Sussillo2010 Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc)
Benjamin A. SuterCortical circuits, Epilepsy, Hippocampal circuits20082008 Paul S. Buckmaster (research assistant)
Ueli Suterdevelopment, regeneration, oligodendrocytes, Multiple Sclerosis, Schwann cells, Peripheral Neuropathies19901993 Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Erich E. SutterVision Karl H. Pribram (post-doc)
Aparna SuvrathanLearning, memory, cerebellum, autism Neurobiology20102017 Jennifer L. Raymond (post-doc)
Jonathan V. Sweedleranalytical neurochemistry19891991 Richard N. Zare (post-doc), Richard Scheller (post-doc)
Lora B. Sweeneyneuroscience, developmental biology, cell biology, genetics Biology Liqun Luo (grad student)
Johanna M. Sweere Immunology20132018 Paul Bollyky (grad student)
Daniel Swingleylanguage acquisition, speech perception, perceptual categorization, phonetics19921997 Anne Fernald (grad student)
Michael SwitkesCondensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Charles Masamed Marcus (grad student)
Emily L. Sylwestraksynapse formation, gene expression, neural circuits of motivated behavior Bioengineering2014 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Elizabeth I. SypekPain, glia, opioids
Holly K. Tabor2002 Richard Morris Myers (grad student)
Behnam TabrizlIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration, Continuing Education
Michael R. Tadross2009 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Mehdi TaftiSleep Emanuel Mignot (post-doc)
Maral TajerianNeurophysiology, cognition, chronic pain, brain plasticity, epigenetics Anesthesiology20132018 David J. Clark (post-doc), Tony Wyss-Coray (collaborator)
D. Koji Takahashineuroscience, epilepsy, glia
Masakazu TakahataInvertebrate behavior, neurophysiology Jeffrey J. Wine (post-doc)
Yuzuru TakashimaElectrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics2007 Lambertus Hesselink (grad student)
Hiromasa TakemuraVisual system20122015 Brian A. Wandell (post-doc), Kevin S. Weiner (collaborator), Brian A. Wandell (collaborator)
Koji Takeo Neurosurgery20182020 J. Bradley Zuchero (research scientist)
Lori Takeuchi GSE: Learning Sciences & Technology Design20032008 Roy D. Pea (grad student)
William Talbot Developmental Biology1993 David S. Hogness (grad student)
Sabera TalukderLearning & Memory, Visual System Neurobiology Thomas Clandinin (grad student)
Gargi TalukderIon channels2001 Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Aaron Tze Kai Tan Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine2020 Garry P. Nolan (grad student), Hiromitsu Nakauchi (grad student)
Longzhi TanSingle-cell genomics, epigenomics, neurodevelopment Bioengineering20192022 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Grace S TangNeuroeconomics Psychology20092014 Samuel M. McClure (grad student)
Jing TangElectrochemistry, Biosensing, Human-Machine Intelligence, Neuroscience, Biomaterials, Bioelectronics, Sustainability Materials Science and Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering20172023 Yi Cui (post-doc), Zhenan Bao (collaborator)
Yong Tang
Hiroaki TaniSynaptic transmission, Epilepsy20062012 John R. Huguenard (post-doc), Richard J. Reimer (post-doc)
Kereshmeh Taravosh-LahnStroke, Aggression, Stress, Behavior Marion S. Buckwalter (post-doc)
Bosiljka Tasic Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Peter TassNeuroscience
Vivianne L Tawfikpain, glia
Joy TaylorPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Jonathan E. TaylorStatistics, Neuroimaging Logan Grosenick (collaborator)
W Rowland Taylor Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Holly A. Taylor Barbara Tversky (grad student)
Charles V. TaylorBiology
Elise Templedevelopmental cognitive neuroscience19972001 John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Joshua TenenbaumComputation & Theory19911991 Roger Newland Shepard (research assistant)
Steven L. Teofish physiology; conservation2006 Barbara A. Block (grad student)
David TermanCell biology David Epel (research scientist)
Lewis Madison Terman
Marc Tessier-Lavigne
Michael Henry Tessler Noah D. Goodman (grad student)
Cathy Thaler David Epel (research scientist)
Te Thamrongrattanaritreinforcement learning, decision-making Samuel M. McClure (research assistant), Brian Knutson (research assistant)
Barry Tharp
Jacob Theil Comparative Medicine20172019 Joseph P Garner (post-doc)
Emma Theisen Neurobiology Thomas Clandinin (grad student)
Tara C. ThiagarajanNeural Network, Criticality, Complex Systems2004 Richard W. Tsien (grad student)
Imran Thobanineural networks; philosophy of neuroscience Philosophy Psychology Rosa Cao (grad student), Daniel L K Yamins (grad student)
Evelyn B. Thoman Seymour Levine (grad student)
Mark J. ThomasAddiction, neural circuits, synaptic plasticity Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Ayodele ThomasElectrical Engineering, Computer Science2005 Oyekunle Olukotun (grad student)
Moriah Elizabeth Thomason2006 John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Kimberly R. Thompson
Scott M. ThompsonDepression and antidepressants, Synaptic plasticity1986 David A. Prince (grad student)
Stuart H. Thompsoncellular physiology, ion channels, Ca imaging, neurostem cells Peter Getting (post-doc)
Sharon L. Thompson-Schill John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Tristan C. ThomtePsycholinguistics, pragmatics2009 Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Carl E. ThoresenHealth Education, Behavioral Psychology
Kirsten Thorpelanguage acquisition2007 Anne Fernald (grad student)
Moqian Tian20102015 Kalanit Grill-Spector (grad student)
Hui TianElectrical Engineering2000 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Larissa Z. TiedensManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology
Suzannah Bliss Tiemandevelopment of connections, visual system Charles Hamilton (grad student)
Harry Joel Tilylanguage, psycholinguistics, cognitive modelling Thomas Wasow (grad student)
Peter Martin Todd1992 David E. Rumelhart (grad student)
Ariane Tommaterials science, polymer chemistry, organic electronics, neurotechnology, bioengineering Chemical Engineering Bioengineering Zhenan Bao (grad student), Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
Anthony Slavko TomasicDatabases Computer Science19931998 Hector Garcia-Molina (grad student)
Miki K. TomitaSciences Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Tests and Measurements Education2009 Richard J. Shavelson (grad student)
Johanna E TomorskyNeurobiology Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Lester Tong Psychology20152021 Brian Knutson (grad student)
Elizabeth ToomarianEducational neuroscience2018 Bruce D. Mccandliss (post-doc)
Barbara Toomey David Epel (research scientist)
Kathryn W. Tosney1980 Norman K. Wessells (grad student)
Stavros ToumpisElectrical Engineering2003 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
Joseph D. TowlesBiomechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience2003 Felix E. Zajac (grad student)
Jennifer D. TownsendfMRI, emotion, mood disorders, layer fMRI, neuropsychiatry
James Townsend Richard C. Atkinson (grad student), William K. Estes (grad student)
Saskia K. Traill2002 Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Ephraim F. Trakhtenbergaxon regeneration, neural stem cells
Tammy T. Tranmemory, fmri, hippocampus, aging, Alzheimer's
Eric M. TrautmannMotor Control, Optimal Feedback Control, Dynamical Systems2012 Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
David Traver2000 Irving L. Weissman (grad student)
Alexandra Trelle
Nathan D. Trinklein2004 Richard Morris Myers (grad student)
Lizzy TrowerGeobiology, Sedimentology, geochemistry
James TrudellAnesthesia
Jeffrey J. Tsaiepilepsy20082010 Anthony M. Norcia (post-doc)
Andy P TsaiAlzheimer's disease2022 Tony Wyss-Coray (post-doc)
Jessica Tsai Neurobiology20092015 Thomas Clandinin (grad student)
Hsing-Chen Tsai20062010 Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
Connie TsaiVertebrate cochlea2012 Anthony J. Ricci (grad student)
Theodoros TsetsenisNeuroscience20082014 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Richard W. Tsiencalcium channel physiology and function in heart and neurons
Karl W. K. TsimAChE, neuromuscular junctions U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Jennifer TsuiVisual system, development, plasticity, LTD20002005 Robert C. Malenka (grad student), Howard Schulman (grad student)
Jason Tucciarone Psychiatry Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Bulent Turan2009 Leonard M. Horowitz (grad student)
Katherine Carolyn Turner2001 John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student)
Max H TurnerVisual system, Drosophila20182023 Thomas Clandinin (post-doc)
Amos TverskyDecision-making
Kay M. TyeAmygdala, Reward, Anxiety, Plasticity, Social Homeostasis20092010 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc), Stephan Lammel (collaborator), Michelle M. Sidor (collaborator)
Susan M. Tyree20162019 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Thanos Tzounopoulos Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Lucina Q. Uddinfunctional connectivity, cognitive neuroscience
Erik M. Ullian Ben A. Barres (post-doc)
Leonard Paul Ullmann C. Leland Winder (grad student), Sanford Dean (grad student)
Daniel UlrichNeural circuits in neocortex and thalamus John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Melina R. UncapherEpisodic memory, Attention2007 Anthony D. Wagner (post-doc)
Bill Underwood Psychology David L. Rosenhan (grad student)
Leslie UngerleiderVision, cognition Karl H. Pribram (post-doc)
Sharon E. UngersmaElectrical Eng. and Radiology2006 Albert Macovski (grad student)
Jeffrey S. UrbachNeuroscience Biology1993 Aharon Kapitulnik (grad student)
Alexander E. UrbanPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Genetics
Irene L. UrbanekImmunology2002 C Garrison Fathman (grad student)
Paul J. Utz Gerald Crabtree (grad student)
Jessica Uy2022 Ian H. Gotlib (post-doc)
E. T. Uy2005 Patrick Suppes (grad student)
Victor VacquierFertilization David Epel (post-doc)
Rajesh Roy Vaid
Chandan J. VaidyaExecutive function, Autism, ADHD, pediatric neuroimaging, dopamine, functional networks19932000 John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc)
Ricardo ValenzuelaSynaptic Placticity2003 Daniel V. Madison (grad student)
Mija M. Van Der Wegediscourse2000 Herbert H. Clark (grad student)
Scott A. Van DuyneMusic2007 Chris Chafe (grad student)
Russell Van GelderCircadian Photoreception19891993 Mark Krasnow (grad student)
Leigh VanHandelMusic2005 Chris Chafe (grad student)
Gil VantommeThalamocortical circuit, electrophysiology
Supraja Varadarajan Neurobiology Andrew D. Huberman (post-doc)
Sashank Varma School of Education20062008 Daniel L. Schwartz (post-doc)
Cecilia Velar
Mariel M. VelezVisual system,behavior, Drosophila
Humsa Venkatesh Michelle Monje (grad student)
Ross D. VenookElectrical Eng. and Radiology2006 Albert Macovski (grad student)
Jessica R Verhein20162023 William T. Newsome (grad student)
Tony S. VermaSignal Processing2000 Teresa Meng (grad student)
Sam Vesunaoptogenetics, consciousness, psychiatry
George Vidal2009 Susan K. McConnell (grad student)
Logi VidarssonElectrical Engineering2006 John Pauly (grad student)
Saul A. Villedaneuroscience, aging, stem cell, cognition, neuroimmunology20052007 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Joakim VinbergVision Kalanit Grill-Spector (grad student)
Sriram VishwanathElectrical Engineering2004 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
Aditya Vishwanath Graduate School of Education, Learning Sciences & Technology Design20182023 Roy D. Pea (grad student)
Jayashri Viswanathan
Douglas VollrathGenetics
Christina G. von der Ohesensorimotor system, plasticity, spinal injury, nonhuman primates2006 Corinna Jane Darian-Smith (grad student)
Pascal VrtickaSocial Cognitive Affective Neuroscience2012 Allan Reiss (post-doc)
Dejan Vucinicimaging, olfaction
Ajai Vyas Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc)
Monica WadhwaDecision Neuroscience2009 Baba Shiv (grad student)
Anthony D. WagnerMemory John D.E. Gabrieli (grad student), Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Manjula WaldronConsulting Professor
Edward L. Walkermotivation and learning Frank Walter Weymouth (grad student)
Nicholas R. Wall2013 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Jenelle Liane WallaceOptogenetics20102013 Karl Deisseroth (research assistant), Carol Ann Barnes (research assistant)
Bruce G. WallaceSynapses19741977 John G. Nicholls (post-doc), U. J. McMahan (research scientist)
Jessica Jillian WalshDepression, Autism, Dopamine, Serotonin, Social Behavior Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Richard H. Walters1958 Albert Bandura (grad student)
Brian A. WandellVision
Xinnan WangNeurosurgery
Hsiao-Ting WangMedicine -Hematology2007 Calvin Kuo (grad student)
Yuqi (Cosmos) Wang Neuroscience2016 Thomas C. Sudhof (grad student)
Kevin C. WangAxon regeneration Howard Y. Chang (post-doc)
Shan Xiang WangMaterials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology
Huiliang WangNeuroengineering, biomaterials, bioelectronics Chemical Engineering Bioengineering20152020 Zhenan Bao (grad student), Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Yandan Wang
Yandan WangNeuroscience
Sui Wang
Dong Wang Molecular and Cellular Physiology Miriam B. Goodman (post-doc)
Lingxin Wang Molecular and Cellular Physiology Miriam B. Goodman (post-doc)
Ying Wang
Xin Wang Biology20102013 Bing Ye (grad student)
Shao-Fang Wangmemory
Irving Wang Neurobiology20142017 Thomas Clandinin (post-doc)
Gordon Xiang WangSynapse, Sleep, Aging, Neurodegeneration, Axon Guidance, Imaging MCP Stephen J Smith (post-doc)
David Cheng-Hao WangNeurobiology Biology Liqun Luo (grad student)
Shuai WangBiochemistry, Membrane protein biogenesis, synapse
Samuel S.-H. Wangcerebellum; brain evolution19861993 Stuart H. Thompson (grad student)
Fan WangSomatosensory Marc Tessier-Lavigne (post-doc)
Gillian WardStatistics and Biostatistics (HRP)2007 Trevor Hastie (grad student)
Melissa R. Wardenoptogenetics, neurophysiology, imaging, reward, motivation, cognition, emotion, neuromodulation20072013 William T. Newsome (research assistant), Karl Deisseroth (post-doc), Michelle M. Sidor (collaborator)
Jill D. Waringmemory, aging, cognitive neuroscience Psychiatry20112015 Amit Etkin (post-doc), Ruth O'Hara (post-doc)
Abigail R. WarkNeuroethology, Behavioral Genetics20002002 Russell Fernald (research assistant)
Richard A. WarnockPathology2002 Eugene Butcher (grad student)
Michael L. WaskomCognitive control, Memory20112016 Anthony D. Wagner (grad student)
Thomas Wasowlanguage, psycholinguistics, syntax
junryo watanabeglia Ben A. Barres (post-doc)
Muffie W. Waterman2005 James Gordon Greeno (grad student)
Trent Alan Watkins2007 Ben A. Barres (grad student)
Ward Belfield Watt
Ryan Jefferson WattsNeurodegeneration, Blood-brian barrier2004 Liqun Luo (grad student)
Christian E. Waughresilience, emotion
Janelle WeaverVision2006 Kalanit Grill-Spector (grad student)
James A. WeaverElectrical Engineering, Computer science2008 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Elin Weber Comparative Medicine20152017 Joseph P Garner (post-doc)
Tanya Weerakkody John R. Huguenard (post-doc)
Karen A. WehnerRNA2002 Peter Sarnow (post-doc)
Thomas S. WehrmanMolecular Biology2004 Helen M. Blau (grad student)
Gu-yeon WeiElectrical Engineering, Computer science2001 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Xing WeiVisual system
Wei WeiMolecular Neuroscience
Chun-Shu WeiComputational Neuroscience, Cognitive Engineering, Brain-Computer Interface
Nicholas C. WeilerNeural circuitry, cortex, cerebellum, freely-moving in vivo microscopy
Kevin S. WeinerVision2006 Kalanit Grill-Spector (grad student), Nicolas Davidenko (collaborator)
Daniel K. WeinladerElectrical Engineering, Computer science2002 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Adriana Weislederlanguage development, bilingualism Anne Fernald (grad student)
Tsachy WeissmanElectrical Engineering
Charles WeitzMolecular Biology of Mammalian Circadian Clocks Pharmacology19841988 Avram Goldstein (grad student)
Susan K. Welchmolecular biology19921994 Thomas S. Kilduff (post-doc)
Andrew A. WelcherNeurotrophins, tyrosine kinase receptors, myelin proteins, peripheral neuropathy Eric M. Shooter (post-doc)
Kevin C. Wengfish physiology; conservation2007 Barbara A. Block (grad student)
Aaron M. WengerComputational Biology2012 Gil Bejerano (grad student)
Michael Werle U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Mathias Wernet Neurobiology Thomas Clandinin (post-doc)
David Wesselmusic William K. Estes (grad student)
Norman K. WessellsDevelopment Biology19601962 Clifford Grobstein (post-doc)
Daniel Z. Wetmorein vivo functional imaging, mouse behavior20032009 Mark Schnitzer (grad student)
Gordon WetzsteinElectrical Engineering
Eric Wexlerneural stem cells, psychopharmacology2004 Theo D. Palmer (post-doc), Alan Schatzberg (grad student)
Ken Wexler Patrick Suppes (grad student)
Frank Walter Weymouthperception and psychophysics1910 Oliver Peebles Jenkins (grad student), Charles Henry Gilbert (grad student)
Christopher W. Wheat2001 Ward Belfield Watt (grad student)
Damian G. WheelerSignaling-Genomics-Plasticity-Drug Discovery20022009 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Brian J. WhippSkeletal Muscle Bioenergetics, Respiratory Physiology, Pulmonary Gas Exchange1968 Karlman Wasserman (grad student)
Stephanie A. Whitesocial influences on the brain, birdsong Russell Fernald (grad student)
Adam K. White Bioengineering Polly Fordyce (post-doc)
Robert Lee Whitephysics, neuromorphic engineering
James P. Whitlock, Jr.
Marvin Wickens1978 Robert T. Schimke (grad student)
Bernard Widrowadaptive signal processing, adaptive control systems, adaptive neural networks, human memory
Giovanni Corrado WiederholdComputer medical databases
Sophia WienbarRetina Neuroscience20112013 Ben A. Barres (research assistant)
Bennett WilburnElectrical Engineering, Computer science2005 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Christina Wilkins Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Alex Henry WilliamsComputational Neurobiology
Leanne WilliamsPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Nolan R. Williamsbrain stimulation Psychiatry Psychiatry Psychiatry2014 Alan Schatzberg (research scientist), Michael D. Greicius (research scientist), David Spiegel (research scientist)
Rhiannan Williams
Rebecca A. Williamson2005 Ellen Markman (grad student)
Lindsay C WillmoreModulation, social behavior Neuroscience Lisa M. Giocomo (research assistant)
Matthew S. Willseybrain-computer interfaces, neuromodulation
Edward Nesbitt WilsonAlzheimer's disease,
Donald M. Wilsonmotor control, neuroethology
James F. WilsonNeurospora genetics
Sandra Lauren Wilson2008 Susan K. McConnell (grad student)
Jessica K. Wilsonlong-term memory, dopaminergic system2008 Anthony D. Wagner (research assistant)
G. Elliott WimmerDecision making, learning, and memory20042007 Brian Knutson (research assistant)
Jonathan Winawer20012007 Brian A. Wandell (post-doc), Jennifer Marie Davie Yoon (collaborator), Lera Boroditsky (grad student)
C. Leland Winder
Jeffrey J. Winecystic fibrosis Donald Kennedy (post-doc)
Daniel Winkowskiauditory system Eric I. Knudsen (post-doc)
Monte M. WinslowGenetics2006 Gerald Crabtree (grad student)
Olivia C. Winter
Max WintermarkRadiology
Ilana B. WittenCircuit-level analysis of reward and motivation20082012 Eric I. Knudsen (grad student), Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Nathan WitthoftVision and learning2005 Kalanit Grill-Spector (post-doc), Lera Boroditsky (grad student), Sonia Poltoratski (collaborator)
George L. Wolfordmemory, decision making, statistics William K. Estes (grad student)
Robert KS Wong David A. Prince (post-doc)
Jim Y. Wongcell cycle, mitosis, mitotic spindle, axon guidance, oncology, immuno-oncology Biological Sciences20012006 Guowei Fang (grad student)
Andrew WongManagement Science & Engineering
Vicky W. WongElectrical Engineering, Computer science2007 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Dik K. Wong2004 Patrick Suppes (grad student)
Diana S. Woodruff-PakPsychology, Eyeblink conditioning, Learning, Memory, Alzheimer Richard F. Thompson (research scientist)
Ian G. WoodsGenetics, Neuroscience Biology2006 William Talbot (grad student)
Amanda L. WoodwardCognitive development1992 Ellen Markman (grad student)
Mollie WoodworthDevelopment Ophthalmology20192023 Jeffrey L. Goldberg (post-doc)
Charles Gilbert Wrenn Edward Kellog Strong (grad student), Walter Crosby Eells (grad student)
Douglas E. Wright2001 Irving L. Weissman (grad student)
Kathryn Wu Neurosurgery2018 J. Bradley Zuchero (grad student)
Gangyi Wu Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Charlene Wu Matthew Dylan Lieberman (research assistant), Brian Knutson (grad student)
Dick Wusynapses, ion channels2010 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc), Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Ye Emily Wusynapse formation, axonal transport Kang Shen (grad student)
Yunming Wu Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Wei WuComputational psychiatry Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20142019 Amit Etkin (research scientist)
Hsi-yang WuUrology
Courtney WusthoffNeurology
Tony Wyss-Corayneurodegeneration, TGF-beta, neuroinflammation
Xin XiaVisual system20142017 Jeffrey L. Goldberg (post-doc)
Feng XiaoVision2006 Brian A. Wandell (grad student)
Jing Lin Lucy XieDrug resistance, fungal pathogenesis, stress response Chemical and Systems Biology2017 Daniel Jarosz (post-doc)
Chuanyun Xu Biology2017 Liqun Luo (grad student)
Lucy Xu Biology2016 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Jingyan Xuadaptive signal processing, adaptive control systems, adaptive neural networks, human memory2003 Bernard Widrow (grad student)
Qianru Xuemotional processing, somatosensory processing, pain perception, depression
Weifeng XuNeural Plasticity2002 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Allison Wanting Xumolecular genetics, mechanisms of insulin and leptin signaling19992005 Greg S. Barsh (post-doc)
Kevin YackleRespiration Mark Krasnow (grad student)
Abraam Yakoubneuroscience
Belgin Yalcinmyelin plasticity, reward circuitry Neurology2017 Michelle Monje (post-doc)
Alice Y. YamBiology and of Genetics2005 Judith Frydman (grad student)
Lisa Yamada Electrical Engineering2019 Paul Nuyujukian (grad student)
Hiroshi Yamaguchi20152019 Luis de Lecea (post-doc)
Daniel L K Yaminscomputational neuroscience, artificial intelligence, psychology, vision, audition
Ryan Yan Psychology2022 Brian Knutson (grad student)
Qianru YangNeural engineering, BMI, DBS, neuroinflammation, PD Neurosurgery2023 Jun Ding (post-doc)
Yanmin YangNeurology
Yunzhi YangOrthopedic Surgery, Materials Sci & Eng, Bioengineering
Yufeng YangPathology2009 Bingwei Lu (grad student)
Jian YangChannel Physiology Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Helen Yang Neurobiology20112017 Thomas Clandinin (grad student)
King-Wai Yauvision, olfaction19761979 Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Li Ye Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
Mark Yeager Nigel Unwin (post-doc)
Nick YeeCommunication, Symbolic Systems2007 Jeremy Bailenson (grad student)
Alexander Yeh Ada Poon (grad student)
Robin Yeo Genetics2014 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Woon S. Yeo2008 Jonathan Berger (grad student)
David C. YeomansPain
Jiwon YeonCognitive neuroscience, Perception, Decision making, Confidence Psychology2021 Justin L. Gardner (post-doc)
Evelina F. YeungElectrical Engineering, Computer science2002 Mark Horowitz (grad student)
Fei YiStem cell, Disease modeling, Human neuron differentiation2012 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Jennifer Yihemotion, appraisal theory, emotion regulation Neurology and Neurological Sciences Psychology2016 Josef Parvizi (post-doc), James Gross (post-doc)
Sifei Yin Daniel Jarosz (grad student)
Yue YinCurriculum and Instruction Education, Sciences Education2005 Richard J. Shavelson (grad student)
Paul YockCardiovascular Medicine
Tohei YokogawaNeuroscience Biology2008 Emmanuel J. Mignot (grad student)
Taesang YooElectrical Engineering2007 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
Yongjin YooNeural stem cells, Microglia, Reprogramming Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine20182024 Marius Wernig (post-doc)
Jennifer Marie Davie YoonHuman Evolution, Vision, Development, Neuroscience, Social cognition20102012 Kalanit Grill-Spector (grad student), Susan C. Johnson (research assistant), Robert F. Dougherty (grad student), Nathan Witthoft (collaborator), Ellen Markman (grad student)
Jong YoonPsychiatry
Song-Oh YoonMarketing Business Administration2005 Itamar Simonson (grad student)
Kate E. YoungClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2000 Carl E. Thoresen (grad student)
Maia J. YoungIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration2004 Larissa Z. Tiedens (grad student)
Michael W. Young19751978 David S. Hogness (post-doc)
Richard A. Younggene control Ronald W. Davis (post-doc)
Jarred W. Youngerpain neuroimaging
xiaomeng yuMushroom body
Byron M. YuNeural population activity, statistical analysis of neural data, brain-computer interfaces20072009 Krishna V. Shenoy (post-doc), Krishna V. Shenoy (grad student)
Kevin C. YuElectrical Engineering2004 Andrea Goldsmith (grad student)
Peng YuanAlzheimer's disease, microscopy
Justin Yuan Ian H. Gotlib (grad student)
Daniel YurovskyStatistical Learning, Language Acquisition, Cognitive Development Psychology20122016 Michael C. Frank (post-doc)
Brian A. ZabelPathology2004 Eugene Butcher (grad student)
Rebecca Zabinsky Daniel Jarosz (post-doc)
Jeffrey M. Zacksevent perception, spatial reasoning, memory19941995 Barbara Tversky (grad student)
William N. Zagottaion channels Richard W. Aldrich (grad student), Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc), Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Greg ZaharchukRadiology
Sina ZahediElectrical Engineering2005 Abbas El Gamal (grad student)
Natalie ZahrNeuroimaging
Felix E. ZajacBiomechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience1968 Gene F. Franklin (grad student), James C. Bliss (grad student)
Robert B. ZajoncSocial psychology, emotion
Jamil Zakisocial Cognition, Emotion, fMRI
Kelly Anne ZalocuskyDecision Making, Dopamine, Risk Preference, Foraging20092015 Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
Amir R ZamirComputer Vision, Machine Learning2019 Silvio Savarese (post-doc)
Laraine ZappertPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Joshua Jacob Zaritsky2001 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student)
Paul C. ZeiElectrophysiology Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Michael M. ZeinehRadiology
Jamie ZeitzerPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20012006 Emmanuel J. Mignot (post-doc)
Michelle Zeman20142015 Daniel Jarosz (post-doc)
Boris V. ZemelmanThe role of hippocampal microcircuits in memory formation and recall1997 I. Robert Lehman (grad student)
Rachel Zeng Comparative Medicine2019 Joseph P Garner (grad student)
Barbara Zenger-LandoltVisual attention David J. Heeger (post-doc)
Qi ZhangVesicle Recycling2004 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Mengsen ZhangComputational Neuroscience, Complex Systems, Synchronization Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20192021 Manish Saggar (post-doc)
Ruohan ZhangMachine Learning;Reinforcement Learning;Computational Neuroscience; Attention Fei-Fei Li (post-doc)
Feng Zhang2009 Karl Deisseroth (grad student)
JiFang Zhang Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Niushen Zhang
Angela L. ZhangPathology and Medicine2008 Edgar Engleman (grad student)
Bo Zhangauditory system Thomas C. Sudhof (grad student)
Qui Zhangsynaptic vesicles
Zhenjie ZhangSynaptic transmission plasticity. Autism.
Roger S. ZhangSynaptic adhesion molecules Molecular and Cellular Physiology2015 Thomas C. Sudhof (grad student)
Wei Zhang2005 Paul S. Buckmaster (post-doc)
Sheng Zhao20032006 Russell Fernald (post-doc)
Xiaoai Zhao Genetics2015 Anne Brunet (post-doc)
Grace Q. ZhaoMotor learning2004 Jennifer L. Raymond (post-doc)
Mu Zhou2014 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Qiangjun ZhouMolecular Neuroscience, Structural biology Department of Molecular and Cellular ?Physiology2013 Axel Brunger (post-doc)
Mu ZhuStatistics and Biostatistics (HRP)2001 Trevor Hastie (grad student)
Xingjun ZhuMaterials Science Materials Science and Engeineering2018 Guosong Hong (post-doc)
Yuke Zhu
Yifeng Zhurobot learning Computer Science20202025 Yuke Zhu (grad student)
Xuefeng ZhuangElectrical Engnieering2008 Butrus (Pierre) Thomas Khuri-Yakub (grad student)
Xiaowei Zhuangsingle-molecule approaches to examine protein-RNA complexes Steven Chu (post-doc)
Min ZhuoPain19951996 Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Philip G. ZimbardoSocial psychology
Anita L. Zimmerman Denis A. Baylor (post-doc)
Marc Zirnsak Tirin Moore (post-doc)
Inbal Ziv-Uziel20132016 Daniel Jarosz (post-doc)
Ehud ZoharyVisual system William T. Newsome (post-doc)
David Zoltowski2022 Scott W Linderman (post-doc)
Hui ZongGlioma Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Hui ZouStatistics and Biostatistics (HRP)2005 Trevor Hastie (grad student)
Wei ZouNeurodevelopment, Neurodegeneration20142017 Kang Shen (post-doc)
J. Bradley Zucheroglia
Robert S. Zuckersynaptic transmission1971 Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Ilana Zucker-Scharff2019 Thomas Clandinin (grad student)