Frances R. Putkey, Ph.D.

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
"Frances Putkey"
Mean distance: 18.43 (cluster 11)


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Don Cleveland grad student 2001 UCSD
 (Identifying mechanisms of centromere-dependent chromosome movement and centromere identity.)
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Weaver BA, Bonday ZQ, Putkey FR, et al. (2003) Centromere-associated protein-E is essential for the mammalian mitotic checkpoint to prevent aneuploidy due to single chromosome loss. The Journal of Cell Biology. 162: 551-63
Putkey FR, Cramer T, Morphew MK, et al. (2002) Unstable kinetochore-microtubule capture and chromosomal instability following deletion of CENP-E. Developmental Cell. 3: 351-65
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