Michael T. Ullman

Georgetown University, Washington, DC 
neurolinguistics, memory systems
"Michael Ullman"
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Cross-listing: LinguisTree


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Eiling Yee research assistant
Joshua K. Hartshorne research assistant 2000-2003 Georgetown
Aaron J. Newman grad student Dalhousie University
Claudia Brovetto grad student 2002 Georgetown
Kara M. Morgan-Short grad student 2007 Georgetown
Helen S. Carpenter grad student 2008 Georgetown
Laura Babcock grad student 2007-2010 Georgetown
Sarah E. Grey grad student 2013 Georgetown
Kaitlyn M. Tagarelli grad student 2014 Georgetown
Jana Reifegerste post-doc Georgetown (LinguisTree)
Karsten Steinhauer post-doc 2000-2003 Georgetown
BETA: Related publications


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Lelonkiewicz JR, Ullman MT, Crepaldi D. (2022) Knowledge of Statistics or Statistical Learning? Readers Prioritize the Statistics of their Native Language Over the Learning of Local Regularities. Journal of Cognition. 5: 18
Reifegerste J, Meyer AS, Zwitserlood P, et al. (2021) Aging affects steaks more than knives: Evidence that the processing of words related to motor skills is relatively spared in aging. Brain and Language. 218: 104941
Earle FS, Ullman MT. (2021) Deficits of Learning in Procedural Memory and Consolidation in Declarative Memory in Adults With Developmental Language Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-11
Reifegerste J, Estabrooke IV, Russell LE, et al. (2020) Can sex influence the neurocognition of language? Evidence from Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia. 107633
Pliatsikas C, Meteyard L, Veríssimo J, et al. (2020) The effect of bilingualism on brain development from early childhood to young adulthood. Brain Structure & Function
Reifegerste J, Veríssimo J, Rugg MD, et al. (2020) Early-life education may help bolster declarative memory in old age, especially for women. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 1-35
Sengottuvel K, Vasudevamurthy A, Ullman MT, et al. (2020) Learning and Consolidation of Declarative Memory in Good and Poor Readers of English as a Second Language. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 715
Earle FS, Del Tufo SN, Evans TM, et al. (2020) Domain‐General Learning and Memory Substrates of Reading Acquisition Mind, Brain, and Education. 14: 176-186
Koch FS, Sundqvist A, Thornberg UB, et al. (2019) Procedural memory in infancy: Evidence from implicit sequence learning in an eye-tracking paradigm. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 191: 104733
Johari K, Walenski M, Reifegerste J, et al. (2019) A dissociation between syntactic and lexical processing in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurolinguistics. 51: 221-235
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