Brian Christopher O'Meara, Ph.D.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, TN, United States 
evolution, phylogenetics
"Brian O'Meara"


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Brian D. Farrell research assistant
Michael J. Sanderson grad student
Michael Turelli grad student
Philip S. Ward grad student UC Davis
Todd J. Vision post-doc
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Borstein SR, Hammer MP, O'Meara BC, et al. (2024) The macroevolutionary dynamics of pharyngognathy in fishes fail to support the key innovation hypothesis. Nature Communications. 15: 10325
O'Meara BC, Beaulieu JM. (2024) Noise leads to the perceived increase in evolutionary rates over short time scales. Plos Computational Biology. 20: e1012458
Folk RA, Gaynor ML, Engle-Wrye NJ, et al. (2023) Identifying climatic drivers of hybridization with a new ancestral niche reconstruction method. Systematic Biology
Boyko JD, O'Meara BC, Beaulieu JM. (2023) A novel method for jointly modeling the evolution of discrete and continuous traits. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Beaulieu JM, O'Meara BC. (2022) Fossils Do Not Substantially Improve, and May Even Harm, Estimates of Diversification Rate Heterogeneity. Systematic Biology
Vasconcelos T, O'Meara BC, Beaulieu JM. (2022) A flexible method for estimating tip diversification rates across a range of speciation and extinction scenarios. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Vasconcelos T, O'Meara BC, Beaulieu JM. (2022) Retiring "Cradles" and "Museums" of Biodiversity. The American Naturalist. 199: 194-205
Beaulieu JM, O'Meara BC, Gilchrist MA. (2020) A spatially-explicit model of stabilizing selection for improving phylogenetic inference. Molecular Biology and Evolution
McGee MD, Borstein SR, Meier JI, et al. (2020) The ecological and genomic basis of explosive adaptive radiation. Nature
Meireles JE, Cavender-Bares J, Townsend PA, et al. (2020) Leaf reflectance spectra capture the evolutionary history of seed plants. The New Phytologist
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