Agavni Petrosyan, Ph.D.

2005 University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Auditory System, Neuroscience
"Agavni Petrosyan"
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Kourosh Saberi grad student 2005 UC Irvine
 (Stability of sensorimotor functions in life-extended Drosophila.)
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Petrosyan A, Hsieh IH, Phillips JP, et al. (2015) Enhanced tethered-flight duration and locomotor activity by overexpression of the human gene SOD1 in Drosophila motorneurons. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 38: 107-14
Petrosyan A, Gonçalves OF, Hsieh IH, et al. (2014) Improved functional abilities of the life-extended Drosophila mutant Methuselah are reversed at old age to below control levels. Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands). 36: 213-21
Petrosyan A, Gonçalves OF, Hsieh IH, et al. (2013) Enhanced optomotor efficiency by expression of the human gene superoxide dismutase primarily in Drosophila motorneurons. Journal of Neurogenetics. 27: 59-67
Hsieh IH, Petrosyan A, Gonçalves ÓF, et al. (2011) Observer weighting of interaural cues in positive and negative envelope slopes of amplitude-modulated waveforms. Hearing Research. 277: 143-51
Hsieh IH, Petrosyan A, Gonçalves OF, et al. (2010) Cross-modulation interference with lateralization of mixed-modulated waveforms. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 53: 1417-28
Petrosyan A, Hsieh IH, Saberi K. (2007) Age-dependent stability of sensorimotor functions in the life-extended Drosophila mutant methuselah. Behavior Genetics. 37: 585-94
Saberi K, Petrosyan A. (2006) Effects of interaural decorrelation and acoustic spectrum on detecting the motion of an auditory target Acoustical Physics. 52: 87-92
Saberi K, Petrosyan A. (2005) Neural cross-correlation and signal decorrelation: insights into coding of auditory space. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 235: 45-56
Saberi K, Antonio JV, Petrosyan A. (2004) A population study of the precedence effect. Hearing Research. 191: 1-13
Saberi K, Petrosyan A. (2004) A detection-theoretic model of echo inhibition. Psychological Review. 111: 52-66
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