Steve W C Chang, Ph.D.

2014- Psychology, Neuroscience, Kavli Institute for Neuroscience Yale University, New Haven, CT 
social interaction, decision-making, coordinate transformation
"Steve Chang"
Mean distance: 13.76 (cluster 29)


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Richard A. Abrams research assistant 2000-2003 Washington University
Lawrence H. Snyder grad student 2002-2008 Washington University
Lawrence H. Snyder grad student 2003-2009 Washington University
 (Sensorimotor transformation in the macaque parietal reach region.)
Michael L. Platt post-doc 2009- Duke


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Marios Tringides research assistant 2014-2017 Yale
Olivia C Meisner grad student
Hannah Weinberg-Wolf grad student 2015- Yale
Siqi Fan grad student 2017- Yale
Megha Chawla grad student 2019- Yale
Prabaha Gangopadhyay grad student 2019- Yale
Yoonseo Zoh grad student 2020- Yale
Courtney Turrin grad student 2015-2017 Yale
Jessica Joiner grad student 2014-2019 Yale
Matthew Piva grad student 2014-2019 Yale
Chengchi Chu post-doc 2018- Yale
Philip Putnam post-doc 2019- Yale
Weston David Pack post-doc 2015-2016 Yale
Olga Dal Monte post-doc 2015-2019 Yale
Amrita C. Nair research scientist 2014- Yale


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Ifat Levy collaborator 2016- Yale
Anirvan S. Nandy collaborator 2018- Yale
Steven P. Wise collaborator 2004-2009 NIH/NIMH
 (External committee member)
R Becket Ebitz collaborator 2011-2013 Duke
BETA: Related publications


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Piva M, Velnoskey K, Jia R, et al. (2019) The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex computes task-invariant relative subjective value for self and other. Elife. 8
Dal Monte O, Piva M, Morris JA, et al. (2016) Live Interaction Distinctively Shapes Social Gaze Dynamics in Rhesus Macaques. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00442.2016
Apps MA, Rushworth MF, Chang SW. (2016) The Anterior Cingulate Gyrus and Social Cognition: Tracking the Motivation of Others. Neuron. 90: 692-707
Chang SW, Fagan NA, Toda K, et al. (2015) Neural mechanisms of social decision-making in the primate amygdala. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Chang SW, Calton JL, Lawrence BM, et al. (2015) Region-Specific Summation Patterns Inform the Role of Cortical Areas in Selecting Motor Plans. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Du E, Chang SW. (2015) Neural components of altruistic punishment. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 9: 26
Chang SW, Platt ML. (2014) Amygdala: eyes wide open. Current Biology : Cb. 24: R1000-2
Chang SW, Isoda M. (2014) Toward a better understanding of social learning, social deciding, and other-regarding preferences. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 8: 362
Pedersen CA, Chang SW, Williams CL. (2014) Evolutionary perspectives on the role of oxytocin in human social behavior, social cognition and psychopathology. Brain Research. 1580: 1-7
Brent LJ, Chang SW, Gariépy JF, et al. (2014) The neuroethology of friendship. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1316: 1-17
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