Arjen van Ooyen

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
"Arjen van Ooyen"
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Olde Scheper TV, Meredith RM, Mansvelder HD, et al. (2017) Dynamic Hebbian Cross-Correlation Learning Resolves the Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity Conundrum. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 11: 119
Butz M, Steenbuck ID, van Ooyen A. (2014) Homeostatic structural plasticity can account for topology changes following deafferentation and focal stroke. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 8: 115
van Pelt J, van Ooyen A, Uylings HB. (2014) Axonal and dendritic density field estimation from incomplete single-slice neuronal reconstructions. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 8: 54
Groen MR, Paulsen O, Pérez-Garci E, et al. (2014) Development of dendritic tonic GABAergic inhibition regulates excitability and plasticity in CA1 pyramidal neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 112: 287-99
Hjorth JJ, van Pelt J, Mansvelder HD, et al. (2014) Competitive dynamics during resource-driven neurite outgrowth. Plos One. 9: e86741
McAssey MP, Bijma F, Tarigan B, et al. (2014) A morpho-density approach to estimating neural connectivity. Plos One. 9: e86526
van Ooyen A, Carnell A, de Ridder S, et al. (2014) Independently outgrowing neurons and geometry-based synapse formation produce networks with realistic synaptic connectivity. Plos One. 9: e85858
van Pelt J, van Ooyen A. (2013) Estimating neuronal connectivity from axonal and dendritic density fields. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7: 160
Butz M, van Ooyen A. (2013) A simple rule for dendritic spine and axonal bouton formation can account for cortical reorganization after focal retinal lesions. Plos Computational Biology. 9: e1003259
Olde Scheper TV, Mansvelder HD, van Ooyen A. (2012) Short term depression unmasks the ghost frequency. Plos One. 7: e50189
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